This is the complete list of members for actions::shroud_clearer, including all inherited members.
cache_units(const team *new_team=nullptr) | actions::shroud_clearer | inline |
calculate_jamming(const team *new_team) | actions::shroud_clearer | private |
clear_dest(const map_location &dest, const unit &viewer) | actions::shroud_clearer | |
clear_loc(team &tm, const map_location &loc, const map_location &view_loc, const map_location &event_non_loc, std::size_t viewer_id, bool check_units, std::size_t &enemy_count, std::size_t &friend_count, move_unit_spectator *spectator=nullptr) | actions::shroud_clearer | private |
clear_unit(const map_location &view_loc, team &view_team, std::size_t viewer_id, int sight_range, bool slowed, const movetype::terrain_costs &costs, const map_location &real_loc, const std::set< map_location > *known_units=nullptr, std::size_t *enemy_count=nullptr, std::size_t *friend_count=nullptr, move_unit_spectator *spectator=nullptr, bool instant=true) | actions::shroud_clearer | |
clear_unit(const map_location &view_loc, const unit &viewer, team &view_team, const std::set< map_location > *known_units=nullptr, std::size_t *enemy_count=nullptr, std::size_t *friend_count=nullptr, move_unit_spectator *spectator=nullptr, bool instant=true) | actions::shroud_clearer | |
clear_unit(const map_location &view_loc, const unit &viewer, team &view_team, bool instant) | actions::shroud_clearer | inline |
clear_unit(const map_location &view_loc, team &view_team, const clearer_info &viewer, bool instant) | actions::shroud_clearer | |
clear_unit(const map_location &view_loc, const unit &viewer, bool can_delay=false, bool invalidate=true, bool instant=true) | actions::shroud_clearer | |
drop_events() | actions::shroud_clearer | |
fire_events() | actions::shroud_clearer | |
invalidate_after_clear() | actions::shroud_clearer | |
jamming_ | actions::shroud_clearer | private |
operator=(const shroud_clearer &)=delete | actions::shroud_clearer | |
record_sighting(const unit &seen, const map_location &seen_loc, std::size_t sighter_id, const map_location &sighter_loc) | actions::shroud_clearer | inlineprivate |
shroud_clearer(const shroud_clearer &)=delete | actions::shroud_clearer | |
shroud_clearer() | actions::shroud_clearer | |
sightings_ | actions::shroud_clearer | private |
view_team_ | actions::shroud_clearer | private |
~shroud_clearer() | actions::shroud_clearer |