This is the complete list of members for display, including all inherited members.
__NUM_DEBUG_FLAGS enum value | display | |
action_buttons_ | display | protected |
action_pressed() | display | |
add_arrow(arrow &) | display | |
add_exclusive_draw(const map_location &loc, const unit &unit) | display | |
add_overlay(const map_location &loc, overlay &&ov) | display | |
add_redraw_observer(const std::function< void(display &)> &f) | display | |
adjust_color_overlay(int r, int g, int b) | display | |
animate_map_ | display | protected |
animate_water_ | display | protected |
announce(const std::string &msg, const color_t &color=font::GOOD_COLOR, const announce_options &options=announce_options()) | display | |
arrows_map_ | display | private |
back_ | display | private |
BACKGROUND enum value | display | protected |
blindfold(bool flag) | display | |
blindfold_ctr_ | display | private |
bounds_check_position() | display | |
bounds_check_position(int &xpos, int &ypos) const | display | |
builder_ | display | protected |
change_display_context(const display_context *dc) | display | |
clear_exclusive_draws() | display | inline |
clear_fps_label() | display | |
clear_redraw_observers() | display | |
color_adjust_ | display | private |
context() const | display | inline |
create_buttons() | display | |
current_frame_sample_ | display | protected |
dc_ | display | protected |
DEBUG_BENCHMARK enum value | display | |
DEBUG_COORDINATES enum value | display | |
DEBUG_FLAG enum name | display | |
debug_flag_set(DEBUG_FLAG flag) const | display | inline |
debug_flags_ | display | private |
DEBUG_FOREGROUND enum value | display | |
DEBUG_NUM_BITMAPS enum value | display | |
DEBUG_TERRAIN_CODES enum value | display | |
diagnostic_label_ | display | protected |
display(const display_context *dc, std::weak_ptr< wb::manager > wb, reports &reports_object, const std::string &theme_id, const config &level) | display | |
displayed_unit_hex() const | display | inlinevirtual |
dont_show_all_ | display | protected |
draw() | display | private |
draw_all_panels(const rect ®ion) | display | protected |
draw_buttons() | display | |
draw_hex(const map_location &loc) | display | protectedvirtual |
draw_invalidated() | display | protectedvirtual |
draw_label(const theme::label &label) | display | private |
draw_minimap() | display | private |
draw_minimap_units() | display | |
draw_overlays_at(const map_location &loc) | display | protected |
draw_panel(const theme::panel &panel) | display | private |
draw_report(const std::string &report_name, bool test_run=false) | display | |
draw_reports(const rect ®ion) | display | |
draw_text_in_hex(const map_location &loc, const drawing_layer layer, const std::string &text, std::size_t font_size, color_t color, double x_in_hex=0.5, double y_in_hex=0.5) | display | |
drawing_buffer_ | display | protected |
drawing_buffer_add(const drawing_layer layer, const map_location &loc, decltype(draw_helper::do_draw) draw_func) | display | |
drawing_buffer_commit() | display | protected |
drawn_hexes_ | display | private |
exclusive_unit_draw_requests_ | display | protected |
exclusive_unit_draw_requests_t typedef | display | protected |
expose(const rect ®ion) override | display | virtual |
fade_color_ | display | private |
fade_to(const color_t &color, const std::chrono::milliseconds &duration) | display | |
fade_tod_mask(const std::string &old, const std::string &new_) | display | |
fake_unit_man_ | display | protected |
fill_images_list(const std::string &prefix, std::vector< std::string > &images) | display | protectedstatic |
find_action_button(const std::string &id) | display | |
find_menu_button(const std::string &id) | display | |
flags_ | display | private |
fog_images_ | display | protected |
fogged(const map_location &loc) const | display | |
FOREGROUND enum value | display | protected |
fps_actual_ | display | protected |
fps_counter_ | display | protected |
fps_handle_ | display | private |
fps_history_ | display | private |
fps_start_ | display | protected |
frametimes_ | display | protected |
front_ | display | private |
get_builder() | display | inline |
get_clip_rect() const | display | protectedvirtual |
get_color_overlay() const | display | inline |
get_flag(const map_location &loc) | display | private |
get_fog_shroud_images(const map_location &loc, image::TYPE image_type) | display | protected |
get_halo_manager() | display | inline |
get_location(const map_location &loc) const | display | |
get_location_rect(const map_location &loc) const | display | |
get_middle_location() const | display | protected |
get_overlays()=0 | display | protectedpure virtual |
get_prevent_draw() | display | |
get_singleton() | display | inlinestatic |
get_submerge_data(const rect &dest, double submerge, const point &size, uint8_t alpha, bool hreverse, bool vreverse) | display | static |
get_terrain_images(const map_location &loc, const std::string &timeid, TERRAIN_TYPE terrain_type) | display | protected |
get_theme() | display | inline |
get_time_of_day(const map_location &loc=map_location::null_location()) const =0 | display | pure virtual |
get_visible_hexes() const | display | inline |
get_zoom_factor() | display | inlinestatic |
halo_man_ | display | protected |
has_time_area() const | display | inlinevirtual |
hex_clicked_on(int x, int y) const | display | |
hex_size() | display | inlinestatic |
hex_width() | display | inlinestatic |
hexes_under_rect(const rect &r) const | display | |
hide_buttons() | display | |
highlight_hex(map_location hex) | display | virtual |
in_editor() const | display | inlinevirtual |
in_game() const | display | inlinevirtual |
init_flags() | display | |
invalidate(const map_location &loc) | display | |
invalidate(const std::set< map_location > &locs) | display | |
invalidate_all() | display | |
invalidate_animations() | display | |
invalidate_animations_location(const map_location &loc) | display | |
invalidate_game_status() | display | inline |
invalidate_locations_in_rect(const SDL_Rect &rect) | display | |
invalidate_visible_locations_in_rect(const SDL_Rect &rect) | display | |
invalidateAll_ | display | protected |
invalidated_ | display | protected |
invalidated_hexes_ | display | private |
invalidateGameStatus_ | display | protected |
is_blindfolded() const | display | |
keys_ | display | protected |
labels() | display | |
labels() const | display | |
last_frame_finished_ | display | protected |
last_zoom_ | display | protectedstatic |
layout() override | display | virtual |
layout_buttons() | display | |
map_area() const | display | |
map_labels_ | display | protected |
map_outside_area() const | display | |
map_screenshot_ | display | protected |
max_map_area() const | display | |
menu_buttons_ | display | protected |
menu_pressed() | display | |
minimap_area() const | display | |
minimap_location_ | display | protected |
minimap_location_on(int x, int y) | display | |
minimap_renderer_ | display | protected |
mouseover_hex() const | display | inline |
mouseoverHex_ | display | protected |
observers() const | display | inlinevirtual |
ONSCREEN enum value | display | |
ONSCREEN_WARP enum value | display | |
operator=(const top_level_drawable &) | gui2::top_level_drawable | protected |
operator=(top_level_drawable &&) | gui2::top_level_drawable | protected |
outside_area(const SDL_Rect &area, const int x, const int y) | display | static |
overlay_map typedef | display | protected |
palette_area() const | display | |
pixel_position_to_hex(int x, int y) const | display | |
playing_team() const | display | |
playing_team_index() const | display | inline |
playing_team_index_ | display | protected |
prevent_draw_ | display | private |
process_reachmap_changes() | display | protected |
propagate_invalidation(const std::set< map_location > &locs) | display | |
queue_repaint() | display | |
queue_rerender() | display | |
reach_map typedef | display | protected |
reach_map_ | display | protected |
reach_map_changed_ | display | protected |
reach_map_old_ | display | protected |
read(const config &cfg) | display | private |
rebuild_all() | display | |
recalculate_minimap() | display | |
redraw_background_ | display | protected |
redraw_minimap() | display | |
redraw_observers_ | display | private |
refresh_report(const std::string &report_name, const config *new_cfg=nullptr) | display | |
reinit_flags_for_team(const team &) | display | |
reload_map() | display | |
remove_arrow(arrow &) | display | |
remove_exclusive_draw(const map_location &loc) | display | |
remove_overlay(const map_location &loc) | display | |
remove_single_overlay(const map_location &loc, const std::string &toDelete) | display | |
render() override | display | virtual |
render_map_outside_area() | display | private |
reportLocations_ | display | protected |
reports_ | display | protected |
reports_object_ | display | protected |
reportSurfaces_ | display | protected |
reset_reports(reports &reports_object) | display | inline |
reset_standing_animations() | display | |
scaled_to_zoom(const SDL_Rect &r) | display | inlinestatic |
scaled_to_zoom(const point &p) | display | inlinestatic |
screen_location() override | display | virtual |
screenshot(bool map_screenshot=false) | display | |
SCROLL enum value | display | |
scroll(const point &amount, bool force=false) | display | |
scroll_event() const | display | inline |
scroll_event_ | display | mutableprotected |
scroll_to_tile(const map_location &loc, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, bool force=true) | display | |
scroll_to_tiles(map_location loc1, map_location loc2, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, double add_spacing=0.0, bool force=true) | display | |
scroll_to_tiles(const std::vector< map_location > &locs, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, bool only_if_possible=false, double add_spacing=0.0, bool force=true) | display | |
scroll_to_xy(const point &screen_coordinates, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type, bool force=true) | display | protected |
SCROLL_TYPE enum name | display | |
select_hex(map_location hex) | display | virtual |
selected_hex() const | display | inline |
selectedHex_ | display | protected |
set_debug_flag(DEBUG_FLAG flag, bool value) | display | inline |
set_diagnostic(const std::string &msg) | display | |
set_fade(const color_t &color) | display | |
set_playing_team_index(std::size_t team) | display | |
set_prevent_draw(bool pd=true) | display | |
set_theme(const std::string &new_theme) | display | |
set_view_locked(bool value) | display | inline |
set_viewing_team_index(std::size_t team, bool observe=false) | display | |
set_zoom(bool increase) | display | |
set_zoom(unsigned int amount, const bool validate_value_and_set_index=true) | display | |
show_everything() const | display | inline |
shroud_images_ | display | protected |
shrouded(const map_location &loc) const | display | |
singleton_ | display | protectedstatic |
terrain_image_vector_ | display | private |
TERRAIN_TYPE enum name | display | protected |
theme_ | display | protected |
tile_fully_on_screen(const map_location &loc) const | display | |
tile_nearly_on_screen(const map_location &loc) const | display | |
tod_hex_alpha1 | display | protected |
tod_hex_alpha2 | display | protected |
tod_hex_mask1 | display | protected |
tod_hex_mask2 | display | protected |
toggle_debug_flag(DEBUG_FLAG flag) | display | inline |
toggle_default_zoom() | display | |
top_level_drawable() | gui2::top_level_drawable | protected |
top_level_drawable(const top_level_drawable &) | gui2::top_level_drawable | protected |
top_level_drawable(top_level_drawable &&) | gui2::top_level_drawable | protected |
turbo_speed() const | display | |
unhide_buttons() | display | |
unit_can_draw_here(const map_location &loc, const unit &unit) const | display | |
unit_image_area() const | display | |
update() override | display | virtual |
update_arrow(arrow &a) | display | |
update_fps_count() | display | |
update_fps_label() | display | |
update_render_textures() | display | private |
update_tod(const time_of_day *tod_override=nullptr) | display | |
view_locked() const | display | inline |
view_locked_ | display | protected |
viewing_team() const | display | |
viewing_team_index() const | display | inline |
viewing_team_index_ | display | protected |
viewing_team_is_playing() const | display | inline |
viewport_origin_ | display | protected |
WARP enum value | display | |
wb_ | display | protected |
write(config &cfg) const | display | |
zoom_ | display | protectedstatic |
zoom_at_max() | display | static |
zoom_at_min() | display | static |
zoom_index_ | display | protected |
~display() | display | virtual |
~top_level_drawable() | gui2::top_level_drawable | protectedvirtual |