The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2011 - 2025
3  by Mark de Wever <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #define GETTEXT_DOMAIN "wesnoth-lib"
20 namespace gui2::iteration
21 {
22 } // namespace gui2::iteration
24 /**
25  * @page gui2_iterator GUI2 Iterator.
26  *
27  * The iterator class allows the user to iterate over a group of widgets.
28  * The idea is to add a visitor class later as well, where the two classes
29  * can be combined.
30  *
31  * This page describes how the iterator class works. The iterator is build
32  * from several parts:
33  * - level, the part and subparts of the widget to visit.
34  * - walker, iterates over a single widget at several levels.
35  * - visit policy, whether a level should be visited or not.
36  * - order policy, the order in which the several levels are traversed.
37  * - iterator, the user interface for iteration.
38  *
39  *
40  * @section gui2_iterator_level Level
41  *
42  * The levels are defined in @ref gui2::iteration::walker_base::level. The
43  * level allows the user to only visit a part of the widget tree.
44  *
45  * @note At the moment when gui2::iteration::walker_base::widget is skipped the
46  * child class also skips its children. This behavior might change.
47  *
48  *
49  * @section gui2_iterator_walker Walker
50  *
51  * The is a group of classes inheriting from @ref gui2::iteration::walker_base
52  * the objects are created from @ref gui2::widget::create_walker. The
53  * walker allows to visit the several levels of the widget. This means
54  * several widgets need to override the function in a subclass. For example
55  * most @em simple widgets don't have a grid or children so they can use the
56  * walker created from @ref gui2::styled_widget. But containers need to create a
57  * different walker.
58  *
59  *
60  * @section gui2_iterator_visit_policy Visit policy
61  *
62  * This policy simply defines whether or not to visit the widgets at a
63  * certain level. There are two visit policies:
64  * - @ref gui2::iteration::policy::visit::visit_level visits the widget at the level.
65  * - @ref gui2::iteration::policy::visit::skip_level skips the widget at the level.
66  *
67  * There are no more visit policies expected for the future. These policies
68  * are normally not used directly, but set from the @ref
69  * gui2_iterator_order_policy.
70  *
71  *
72  * @section gui2_iterator_order_policy Order policy
73  *
74  * This policy determines in which order the widgets are traversed, children
75  * first, this level before diving down etc. @ref tests/gui/iterator.cpp
76  * shows more information.
77  * The following policies have been defined:
78  * - @ref gui2::iteration::policy::order::top_down
79  * - @ref gui2::iteration::policy::order::bottom_up
80  *
81  * The next sections describe in which order the widgets are visited. In the
82  * description we use the following widget tree.
83  *
84  * [0] @n
85  * \ @n
86  * [1|2|3|4] @n
87  * \ @n
88  * [5|6|7|8] @n
89  *
90  * The types are:
91  * - grid 0, 1
92  * - styled_widget 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
93  *
94  * The examples assume all levels will be visited.
95  *
96  *
97  * @subsection gui2_iterator_visit_policy_top_down Top down
98  *
99  * The widgets visited first is the initial widget. After that it tries to go
100  * down to a child widget and will continue down. Once that fails it will visit
101  * the siblings at that level before going up again.
102  *
103  * @todo Write the entire visiting algorithm.
104  *
105  * The visiting order in our example is:
106  * 0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4
107  *
108  *
109  * @subsection gui2_iterator_visit_policy_bottom_up Bottom up
110  *
111  * When the iterator is created the iterator tries to go down all the child
112  * widgets to get at the bottom level. That widget will be visited first. Then
113  * it will first visit all siblings before going up the the next layer.
114  *
115  * @todo Write the entire visiting algorithm.
116  *
117  * The visiting order in our example is:
118  * 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0
119  *
120  *
121  * @section gui2_iterator_iterator Iterator
122  *
123  * The iterator is the class the users should care about. The user creates the
124  * iterator with the selected policy and the root widget. Then the user can
125  * visit the widgets.
126  *
127  * When during the iteration a widget is added to or removed from the
128  * widget-tree being walked the iterator becomes invalid. Using the iterator
129  * when it is invalid results in Undefined Behavior.
130  *
131  * When it's certain there's at least one widget to visit a simple do while loop
132  * can be used. It the policy visits the widget, it's certain there is at least
133  * one widget to visit. Below some sample code:
134 @code
135 iterator<policy> itor(root);
136 assert(!itor.at_end());
137 do {
138  ...
139  ...
140 } while(;
141 @endcode
142  *
143  * When there might be no widget to visit a simple for loop can be used:
144 @code
145 for(iterator<policy> itor(root); !itor.at_end(); ++itor) {
146  ...
147  ...
148 }
149 @endcode
150  *
151  *
152  * @subsection gui2_iterator_iterator_design Design
153  *
154  * As seen in the examples above the iterator doesn't look like a iterator in
155  * the C++ standard library. The iterator is more designed after the iterator
156  * design of the Gang of Four [GoF]. The reason for the different design is that
157  * GoF design fits better to the classes as a normal C++ iterator. The rest of
158  * this section explains some of the reasons why this design is chosen. The main
159  * reason is simple; the iteration of the widgets feels better suited for the
160  * GoF-style iteration as the C++-style iteration.
161  *
162  * The iterator is not lightweight like most C++ iterators, therefore the class
163  * in non-copyable. (This is for example also the reason why a std::list has no
164  * operator[].) Since operator++(int) should return a copy of the original
165  * object it's also omitted.
166  *
167  * The design makes it hard to back-track the iteration (or costs more memory),
168  * so the iterator is forward only. The order policy is added to allow the
169  * wanted walking direction, but one-way only.
170  *
171  * The iterator has a begin, but it's not easy to go back to it and the
172  * operation involves rewinding the state, which might be costly. Therefore no
173  * begin() function.
174  *
175  * The end is known at the moment it's reached, but not upfront. That combined
176  * with the forward only, makes implementing an end() hard and therefore it is
177  * omitted.
178  *
179  *
180  * [GoF]
181  */
Contains the base iterator class for the gui2 widgets.