The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Layout algorithm


This page describes how the layout engine for the dialogs works. First a global overview of some terms used in this document.

  • Widget; Any item which can be used in the widget toolkit. Not all widgets are visible. In general widgets cannot be sized directly, but this is controlled by a window. A widget has an internal size cache and if the value in the cache is not equal to 0,0 that value is its best size. This value gets set when the widget can honor a resize request. It will be set with the value which honors the request.
  • Grid; A grid is an invisible container which holds one or more widgets. Several widgets have a grid in them to hold multiple widgets eg panels and windows.
  • Grid cell; Every widget which is in a grid is put in a grid cell. These cells also hold the information about the gaps between widgets the behavior on growing etc. All grid cells must have a widget inside them.
  • Window; A window is a top level item which has a grid with its children. The window handles the sizing of the window and makes sure everything fits.
  • Shared size group; A shared size group is a number of widgets which share width and or height. These widgets are handled separately in the layout algorithm. All grid cells width such a widget will get the same height and or width and these widgets won't be resized when there's not enough size. To be sure that these widgets don't cause trouble for the layout algorithm, they must be in a container with scrollbars so there will always be a way to properly layout them. The engine must enforce this restriction so the shared layout property must be set by the engine after validation.
  • All visible grid cells; A grid cell is visible when the widget inside of it doesn't have the state visibility::invisible. Widgets which have the state visibility::hidden are sized properly since when they become visibility::visible the layout shouldn't be invalidated. A grid cell that's invisible has size 0,0.
  • All resizable grid cells; A grid cell is resizable under the following conditions:
    • The widget is visibility::visible.
    • The widget is not in a shared size group.

There are two layout algorithms with a different purpose.

  • The Window algorithm; this algorithm's goal is it to make sure all grid cells fit in the window. Sizing the grid cells depends on the widget size as well, but this algorithm only sizes the grid cells and doesn't handle the widgets inside them.
  • The Grid algorithm; after the Window algorithm made sure that all grid cells fit this algorithm makes sure the widgets are put in the optimal state in their grid cell.


Here is the algorithm used to layout the window:

  • Perform a full initialization (gui2::widget::layout_initialize (full_initialization = true)):
    • Clear the internal best size cache for all widgets.
    • For widgets with scrollbars hide them unless the scrollbar_mode is ALWAYS_VISIBLE or AUTO_VISIBLE.
  • Handle shared sizes:
    • Height and width:
      • Get the best size for all widgets that share height and width.
      • Set the maximum of width and height as best size for all these widgets.
    • Width only:
      • Get the best width for all widgets which share their width.
      • Set the maximum width for all widgets, but keep their own height.
    • Height only:
      • Get the best height for all widgets which share their height.
      • Set the maximum height for all widgets, but keep their own width.
  • Start layout loop:
    • Get best size.
    • If width <= maximum_width && height <= maximum_height we're done.
    • If width > maximum_width, optimize the width:
      • For every grid cell in a grid row there will be a resize request (gui2::grid::reduce_width):
        • Sort the widgets in the row on the resize priority.
          • Loop through this priority queue until the row fits
            • If priority != 0 try to share the extra width else all widgets are tried to reduce the full size.
            • Try to shrink the widgets by either wrapping or using a scrollbar (gui2::widget::request_reduce_width).
            • If the row fits in the wanted width this row is done.
            • Else try the next priority.
          • All priorities done and the width still doesn't fit.
          • Loop through this priority queue until the row fits.
            • If priority != 0:
              • try to share the extra width -Else:
              • All widgets are tried to reduce the full size.
            • Try to shrink the widgets by sizing them smaller as really wanted (gui2::widget::demand_reduce_width). For labels, buttons etc. they get ellipsized.
            • If the row fits in the wanted width this row is done.
            • Else try the next priority.
          • All priorities done and the width still doesn't fit.
          • Throw a layout width doesn't fit exception.
    • If height > maximum_height, optimize the height (gui2::grid::reduce_height):
      • For every grid cell in a grid column there will be a resize request:
        • Sort the widgets in the column on the resize priority.
          • Loop through this priority queue until the column fits:
            • If priority != 0 try to share the extra height else all widgets are tried to reduce the full size.
            • Try to shrink the widgets by using a scrollbar (gui2::widget::request_reduce_height).
              • If succeeded for a widget the width is influenced and the width might be invalid.
              • Throw a width modified exception.
            • If the column fits in the wanted height this column is done.
            • Else try the next priority.
          • All priorities done and the height still doesn't fit.
          • Loop through this priority queue until the column fits.
            • If priority != 0 try to share the extra height else all widgets are tried to reduce the full size.
            • Try to shrink the widgets by sizing them smaller as really wanted (gui2::widget::demand_reduce_width). For labels, buttons etc. they get ellipsized .
            • If the column fits in the wanted height this column is done.
            • Else try the next priority.
          • All priorities done and the height still doesn't fit.
          • Throw a layout height doesn't fit exception.
  • End layout loop.
  • Catch width modified:
    • Goto relayout.
  • Catch width resize failed:
    • If the window has a horizontal scrollbar which isn't shown but can be shown.
      • Show the scrollbar.
      • goto relayout.
    • Else show a layout failure message.
  • Catch height resize failed:
    • If the window has a vertical scrollbar which isn't shown but can be shown:
      • Show the scrollbar.
      • goto relayout.
    • Else:
      • show a layout failure message.
  • Relayout:
    • Initialize all widgets (gui2::widget::layout_initialize (full_initialization = false))
    • Handle shared sizes, since the reinitialization resets that state.
    • Goto start layout loop.


This section will be documented later.