The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2014 - 2025
3  by Chris Beck <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * This namespace makes the possibility to push not just C style functions,
18  * but CPP style functions to lua, if they are cast as a std::function.
19  * Using this, for example, C++ method functions may be std::bind'ed and
20  * then pushed into the lua environment and called like usual.
21  *
22  * They are represented as user data with a call operator, which uses a
23  * dispatcher implemented as a C-style function to retrieve the boost
24  * function and execute it. Thus effectively all that we have to provide
25  * is a "value type" user data (full userdata, not light userdata) in lua
26  * which wraps the std::function type and implements a garbage collector.
27  *
28  *
29  * -- Why? --
30  *
31  * There are a few basic approaches to connect lua and C++, with various
32  * degrees of power. Lua, being a C library, has no concept of C++ specific
33  * types, even when compiled as C++. Lua has only two functions which
34  * introduce C functions to the scripting environment:
35  * lua_pushcfunction, and lua_pushcclosure. (The helper library only provides
36  * functions which use these.) These functions can only accept C-style function
37  * pointers of type int (lua_State*). Boost bind cannot be used to make a match
38  * to this type signature, nor can C++ method functions be used.
39  *
40  * In many cases C-style functions are sufficient, but if one ever wants to
41  * refer to an instance of a class or a member variable (which one does as most
42  * of our project is written in C++ object oriented style), it's not enough.
43  *
44  * The basic lua-provided approach to this is to pass objects as "userdata".
45  * Userdata comes in two flavors, "regular" and "light", for representing
46  * value and reference types respectively. Lightuserdata is meant to hold a
47  * pointer to an object -- full userdata is meant to hold an instance of an
48  * object which is either copied with memcpy or constructed using placement new.
49  * Proper memory management may require using lua's __gc metamethod to call a
50  * destructor. In the normal idiom, every class which is passed to lua this
51  * way should have C-function shim provided for each method which may be called
52  * by lua -- the object's "this" is retrieved from the userdata type on the
53  * stack, and used to call the appopriate method. A metatable is defined, which
54  * may be the same as the "lua module" placed in the global namespace which may
55  * also provide access to a constructor.
56  *
57  * This approach is often quite good for small objects. Wesnoth uses full userdata
58  * to represent "rng" objects used in lua random map generation, to represent lua
59  * "private units", to represent vconfigs and translatable strings. Wesnoth uses
60  * lightuserdata for many AI related objects.
61  *
62  * However it is not ideal for "large" objects like the game engine itself or its
63  * helpers. In this case full translation to userdata is out of the question --
64  * in case of lightuserdata, it is problematic because the lua api is not actually
65  * trying to directly represent a wesnoth engine object (which doesn't exist!)
66  * the wesnoth table in lua instead has a medley of callbacks implemented variously
67  * by grabbing from the gamemap, the unit map, the game_config namespace, etc. etc.
68  * for instance even the wesnoth.game_config table is not backed up by any one object,
69  * instead its callbacks may variously alter game_config namespace or the current tod
70  * manager object etc. etc.
71  *
72  * Circa 2012, the solution was to implement every callback function in the wesnoth
73  * table simply as a C function, which grabs whatever engine features it needs from
74  * a collection of pointers with external linkage in resources.hpp. The pointers
75  * must be reset by the play controller object whenever it is created or destroyed...
76  * or reset (replay controller), and always in a particular order because eventually
77  * all of the objects themselves are also grabbing these pointers, leading to segfaults
78  * if they are initialized in the wrong order, or left with danging pointers...
79  * in short it was very messy. While the organization of everything as pure C functions
80  * allows us to flexibly organize the wesnoth table using subtables holding functions
81  * as we like, (which wouldn't be possible if it were based on a lightuserdata), the
82  * requirement to base it all on externally-linked pointer variables comes at great cost.
83  * Further it means that we can never hope to have a correct deep-copy constructor of the
84  * gamestate, meaning that features like "replay moves since my last turn" or "AI based
85  * on exploratory simulations" are much more difficult to produce if not impossible.
86  *
87  * The lua cpp functions code permits us to refactor this by (1) passing all the engine
88  * resources needed by the lua environment, to the "lua kernel" at construction time,
89  * which holds them as private variables (2) declaring all callbacks which need these
90  * as private member functions (3) using boost bind to bind them to the lua kernel and
91  * this code to push the result into the scripting environment, at construction time
92  * of the lua kernel. Now there is no longer any question about dangling pointers in lua,
93  * or issues about making deep copies, since a lua state may be copied and the pointers
94  * in the kernel rebound, and the pointers in lua all die when the kernel is destroyed.
95  *
96  * More generally, this code makes it easy to assemble "mixins" for lua using the member
97  * functions of several different classes, if this is desired.
98  *
99  * The implementation details are also extremely simple -- whereas there are many popular
100  * lua -> C++ binding utilities like LuaPlus, luabind, etc. many of these only truly
101  * support automatic generation of bindings for *all* of the methods of an object, rely
102  * on the userdata approach, and require substantial template metaprogramming which will
103  * turn up in any associated stacktraces. This technique used here essentially delegates
104  * all of the templating work to boost, and is implemented in only a few hundred lines.
105  *
106  *
107  * -- Caveats: --
108  *
109  * Essentially, we provide C++ versions of the lua library calls 'lua_pushcfunction',
110  * 'lua_setfuncs', 'lua_pushcclosure'.
111  *
112  * - They are "C++" versions in that they take std::function<int (lua_State*)> rather
113  * than int(lua_State*).
114  * - While for lua, "lua_pushcfunction(L, f)" is essentially the same as
115  * "lua_pushcclosure(L, f, 0)", for the functions below that is not the case.
116  * lua_cpp::push_function generates a userdata "helper" object with a _call operator,
117  * not technically a function. lua_cpp::push_closure generates a true lua closure.
118  * Therefore push_closure is the most general and most compatible form -- push_function
119  * is slightly simpler and more efficient though.
120  * - Similarly lua_cpp::set_functions(L, l) differs from lua_cpp::set_functions(L,l,nups).
121  * - Closures created by lua_cpp::push_closure are not *exactly* the same as lua closures,
122  * in that the first upvalue is used by the implementation. A closure created with two
123  * upvalues will find them at upvalue indices 2 and 3, and should not touch upvalue 1.
124  */
126 #pragma once
128 #include <functional>
130 #include <vector>
132 struct lua_State;
134 namespace lua_cpp {
136 typedef std::function<int(lua_State*)> lua_function;
138 typedef struct {
139  const char * name;
141 } Reg;
143 void register_metatable ( lua_State* L );
145 /**
146  * Pushes a std::function wrapper object onto the stack. It does
147  * not support up-values. If you need that use push_closure (a little slower).
148  *
149  * NOTE: This object has type userdata, not function. Its metatable has a call operator.
150  * If this is not sufficient for your needs then use push_closure.
151  */
152 void push_function( lua_State* L, const lua_function & f );
154 /**
155  * Analogous to lua_setfuncs, it registers a collection of function wrapper
156  * objects into a table, using push_function.
157  *
158  * The note above applies.
159  */
160 void set_functions( lua_State* L, const std::vector<lua_cpp::Reg>& functions);
162 /**
163  * Analogous to lua_setfuncs, it registers a collection of function wrapper
164  * objects into a table, using push_function.
165  *
166  * The note above applies.
167  */
168 template<int N>
169 void set_functions( lua_State* L, const lua_cpp::Reg(& functions)[N])
170 {
171  std::vector<lua_cpp::Reg> l;
172  l.reserve(N);
173  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
174  l.push_back(functions[i]);
175  }
176  set_functions(L, l);
177 }
179 /**
180  * Pushes a closure which retains a std::function object as its first up-value.
181  * Note that this is *NOT* strictly compatible with the lua c function push_closure --
182  * if you request additional upvalues they will be indexed starting at 2 rather than 1.
183  *
184  * Note that unlike push_function above this results in a function and not userdata
185  * being pushed on the stack.
186  */
187 void push_closure( lua_State* L, const lua_function & f, int nup);
189 /**
190  * Analogous to lua_setfuncs and set_functions above, but pushes closures.
191  *
192  * NOTE: set_functions(L, l, 0) is NOT the same as set_functions(L, l), as
193  * the latter produces userdata and the former doesn't.
194  */
195 void set_functions( lua_State* L, const std::vector<lua_cpp::Reg>& functions, int nup);
197 /**
198  * Analogous to lua_setfuncs and set_functions above, but pushes closures.
199  *
200  * NOTE: set_functions(L, l, 0) is NOT the same as set_functions(L, l), as
201  * the latter produces userdata and the former doesn't.
202  */
203 template<int N>
204 void set_functions( lua_State* L, const lua_cpp::Reg(& functions)[N], int nup)
205 {
206  std::vector<lua_cpp::Reg> l;
207  l.reserve(N);
208  for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
209  l.push_back(functions[i]);
210  }
211  set_functions(L, l, nup);
212 }
214 } // end namespace lua_cpp_func
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
void register_metatable(lua_State *L)
void push_function(lua_State *L, const lua_function &f)
Pushes a std::function wrapper object onto the stack.
void set_functions(lua_State *L, const std::vector< lua_cpp::Reg > &functions)
Analogous to lua_setfuncs, it registers a collection of function wrapper objects into a table,...
std::function< int(lua_State *)> lua_function
void push_closure(lua_State *L, const lua_function &f, int nup)
Pushes a closure which retains a std::function object as its first up-value.
lua_function func
const char * name
#define f