Calendar for handling and comparing dates using the common epoches of the storyline.
unsigned int get_year() const
static irdya_date read_date(const std::string &date)
wesnoth_epoch::type epoch
std::string to_string() const
irdya_date(wesnoth_epoch::type epoch, unsigned year)
wesnoth_epoch::type get_epoch() const
bool operator!=(const irdya_date &a, const irdya_date &b)
bool operator<=(const irdya_date &a, const irdya_date &b)
bool operator>(const irdya_date &a, const irdya_date &b)
bool operator==(const irdya_date &a, const irdya_date &b)
bool operator>=(const irdya_date &a, const irdya_date &b)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const irdya_date &d)
bool operator<(const irdya_date &a, const irdya_date &b)
static map_location::DIRECTION s