Various functions related to moving units.
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
void set_action_bonus_count(const int count)
int action_bonus_count() const
game_events::pump_result_t get_village(const map_location &loc, int side, bool *action_timebonus, bool fire_event)
Makes it so the village at the given location is owned by the given side.
play_controller * controller
route_t route
The hexes occupied by the affected unit during this action.
void return_village()
Change village owner on undo.
int original_village_owner
The number of the side that preivously owned the village that the unit stepped on Note,...
void take_village()
Change village owner on redo.
bool take_village_timebonus
Whether this actions got a timebonus because it took a village.
Encapsulates the map of the game.