The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2025
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #include "serialization/base64.hpp"
18 #include <string>
20 namespace {
21 const std::string base64_itoa_map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
22 const std::string crypt64_itoa_map = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
24 void fill_atoi_map(std::vector<int>& atoi, const std::string& itoa)
25 {
26  for(int i=0; i<64; ++i) {
27  atoi[itoa[i]] = i;
28  }
29 }
31 const std::vector<int>& base64_atoi_map()
32 {
33  static std::vector<int> atoi64(256, -1);
34  if(atoi64['A'] == -1) {
35  fill_atoi_map(atoi64, base64_itoa_map);
36  }
37  return atoi64;
38 }
39 const std::vector<int>& crypt64_atoi_map()
40 {
41  static std::vector<int> atoi64(256, -1);
42  if(atoi64['A'] == -1) {
43  fill_atoi_map(atoi64, crypt64_itoa_map);
44  }
45  return atoi64;
46 }
47 char itoa(unsigned value, const std::string& map)
48 {
49  return map[value & 0x3f];
50 }
52 std::vector<uint8_t> generic_decode_be(std::string_view in, const std::vector<int>& atoi_map)
53 {
54  const std::size_t last_char = in.find_last_not_of("=");
55  if(last_char == std::string::npos) {
56  return {};
57  }
58  const std::size_t num_chars = last_char + 1;
59  const std::size_t length = num_chars * 6 / 8;
61  std::vector<uint8_t> out;
62  out.reserve(length);
64  int val = 0, bits = -8;
65  for(unsigned char c: in) {
66  if(atoi_map[c] == -1) {
67  // Non-base64 character encountered. Should be =
68  if(c != '='){
69  // If it's not a valid char, return an empty result
70  return {};
71  }
72  break;
73  }
74  val = (val<<6) + atoi_map[c];
75  bits += 6;
76  if(bits >= 0) {
77  out.push_back(static_cast<char>((val >> bits) & 0xFF));
78  bits -= 8;
79  val &= 0xFFFF; // Prevent shifting bits off the left end, which is UB
80  }
81  }
82  if(out.size() != length) {
83  return {};
84  }
86  return out;
87 }
89 std::vector<uint8_t> generic_decode_le(std::string_view in, const std::vector<int>& atoi_map)
90 {
91  const std::size_t last_char = in.find_last_not_of("=");
92  if(last_char == std::string::npos) {
93  return {};
94  }
95  const std::size_t length = last_char * 6 / 8;
97  std::vector<uint8_t> out;
98  out.reserve(length);
100  for(std::size_t i = 0; i <= last_char; i += 4) {
101  //add first char (always)
102  unsigned value = atoi_map[in[i]];
104  const bool second_char = i + 1 <= last_char;
105  if(!second_char) {
106  break;
107  }
108  //add second char (if present)
109  value |= atoi_map[in[i+1]] << 6;
111  //output first byte (if second char)
112  out.push_back(value & 0xFF);
114  const bool third_char = i + 2 <= last_char;
115  if(!third_char) {
116  break;
117  }
118  //add third char (if present)
119  value |= atoi_map[in[i+2]] << 12;
121  //output second byte (if third char)
122  out.push_back((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
124  const bool fourth_char = i + 3 <= last_char;
125  if(!fourth_char) {
126  break;
127  }
128  //add fourth char (if present)
129  value |= atoi_map[in[i+3]] << 18;
131  //output third byte (if fourth char)
132  out.push_back((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
133  }
135  return out;
136 }
138 std::string generic_encode_be(utils::byte_string_view in, const std::string& itoa_map, bool pad)
139 {
140  const int in_len = in.length();
141  const int groups = (in_len + 2) / 3;
142  const int out_len = groups * 4;
144  std::string out;
146  int i = 0;
147  out.reserve(out_len);
148  unsigned value = 0;
149  unsigned bits = 0;
150  while(i < in_len) {
151  value <<= 8;
152  value |= in[i++];
153  bits += 8;
154  do {
155  bits -= 6;
156  out.push_back(itoa(value >> bits, itoa_map));
157  } while(bits >= 6);
158  }
159  if(bits > 0) {
160  out.push_back(itoa(value << (6 - bits), itoa_map));
161  }
163  if(pad) {
164  // If not round, append = chars
165  out.resize(out_len, '=');
166  }
168  return out;
170 }
171 std::string generic_encode_le(utils::byte_string_view in, const std::string& itoa_map, bool pad)
172 {
173  const int in_len = in.length();
174  const int groups = (in_len + 2) / 3;
175  const int out_len = groups * 4;
177  std::string out;
179  int i = 0;
180  out.reserve(out_len);
181  while(i < in_len) {
182  //add first byte (always)
183  unsigned value = in[i];
184  //output first char (always)
185  out.push_back(itoa(value, itoa_map));
186  //add second byte (if present)
187  const bool second_byte = ++i < in_len;
188  if(second_byte) {
189  value |= static_cast<int>(in[i]) << 8;
190  }
191  //output second char (always, contains 2 bits from first byte)
192  out.push_back(itoa(value >> 6, itoa_map));
193  if(!second_byte) {
194  break;
195  }
196  //add third byte (if present)
197  const bool third_byte = ++i < in_len;
198  if(third_byte) {
199  value |= static_cast<int>(in[i]) << 16;
200  }
201  //output third char (if second byte)
202  out.push_back(itoa(value >> 12, itoa_map));
203  //output fourth char (if third byte)
204  if(third_byte) {
205  out.push_back(itoa(value >> 18, itoa_map));
206  ++i;
207  }
208  }
210  if(pad) {
211  // If not round, append = chars
212  out.resize(out_len, '=');
213  }
215  return out;
217 }
218 }
220 namespace base64 {
221 std::vector<uint8_t> decode(std::string_view in)
222 {
223  return generic_decode_be(in, base64_atoi_map());
224 }
225 std::string encode(utils::byte_string_view bytes)
226 {
227  return generic_encode_be(bytes, base64_itoa_map, true);
228 }
229 }
230 namespace crypt64{
231 std::vector<uint8_t> decode(std::string_view in)
232 {
233  return generic_decode_le(in, crypt64_atoi_map());
234 }
235 std::string encode(utils::byte_string_view bytes)
236 {
237  return generic_encode_le(bytes, crypt64_itoa_map, false);
238 }
239 int decode(char encoded_char)
240 {
241  std::size_t pos = crypt64_itoa_map.find(encoded_char);
242  return pos == std::string::npos ? -1 : pos;
243 }
244 char encode(int value)
245 {
246  return itoa(value, crypt64_itoa_map);
247 }
248 }
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
unsigned in
If equal to search_counter, the node is off the list.
std::string encode(utils::byte_string_view bytes)
Definition: base64.cpp:225
std::vector< uint8_t > decode(std::string_view in)
Definition: base64.cpp:221
std::string encode(utils::byte_string_view bytes)
Definition: base64.cpp:235
std::vector< uint8_t > decode(std::string_view in)
Definition: base64.cpp:231
std::basic_string_view< uint8_t > byte_string_view
Definition: base64.hpp:25
mock_char c