The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2025
3  by Mark de Wever <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #pragma once
18 #include <vector>
19 #include <map>
20 #include <cstdint>
21 #include <boost/bimap.hpp>
22 #include <boost/bimap/set_of.hpp>
23 #include <boost/bimap/multiset_of.hpp>
25 #include "exceptions.hpp"
26 #include "map/location.hpp"
28 #include <string_view>
30 namespace t_translation {
32  /**
33  * Return the maximum allowed map size (in either dimension),
34  * the maximum map area is, therefore, this value squared.
35  */
36  int max_map_size();
38  typedef uint32_t ter_layer;
39  const ter_layer WILDCARD = 0x2A000000;
40  const ter_layer NO_LAYER = 0xFFFFFFFF;
42  // The definitions for a terrain
43  /**
44  * A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers
45  * the layers are separated by a caret and each group consists of 2 to 4 characters
46  * if no second layer is defined it is stored as 0xFFFFFFFF, if the second layer
47  * is empty (needed for matching) the layer has the value 0.
48  */
49  struct terrain_code {
50  terrain_code(const std::string& b, const std::string& o);
51  explicit terrain_code(const std::string& b, ter_layer o = NO_LAYER);
57  };
60  inline bool operator<(const terrain_code& a, const terrain_code& b)
61  { return std::tie(a.base, a.overlay) < std::tie(b.base, b.overlay); };
63  inline bool operator==(const terrain_code& a, const terrain_code& b)
64  { return a.base == b.base && a.overlay == b.overlay; }
66  inline bool operator!=(const terrain_code& a, const terrain_code& b)
67  { return a.base != b.base || a.overlay != b.overlay; }
70  { return terrain_code(a.base & b.base, a.overlay & b.overlay); }
73  { return terrain_code(a.base | b.base, a.overlay | b.overlay); }
75  // operator<< is defined later
77  typedef std::vector<terrain_code> ter_list;
78  struct ter_map {
80  ter_map() = default;
81  ter_map(const ter_map&) = default;
82  ter_map(ter_map&&) = default;
84  ter_map(int w, int h, terrain_code fill = terrain_code()) : data(static_cast<size_t>(w) * h, fill), w(w), h(h) {}
86  ter_map & operator= (const ter_map &) = default;
87  ter_map & operator= (ter_map &&) = default;
89  terrain_code& get(int x, int y) { std::size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(x) * h + y; return; }
90  const terrain_code& get(int x, int y) const { std::size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(x) * h + y; return; }
92  std::vector<terrain_code> data;
93  int w;
94  int h;
95  std::vector<terrain_code>::iterator operator[](int x) { return data.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(h) * x; }
96  std::vector<terrain_code>::const_iterator operator[](int x) const { return data.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(h) * x; }
97  };
99  /**
100  * This structure can be used for matching terrain strings.
101  * It optimized for strings that need to be matched often,
102  * and caches the wildcard info required for matching.
103  */
104  struct ter_match{
105  ter_match();
106  ter_match(std::string_view str, const ter_layer filler = NO_LAYER);
107  ter_match(const terrain_code& tcode);
113  bool is_empty;
114  };
116  /** Contains an x and y coordinate used for starting positions in maps. */
119  // Exception thrown if there's an error with the terrain.
120  // Note: atm most thrown result in a crash, but I like
121  // an uncatched exception better than an assert.
122  struct error : public game::error {
123  error(const std::string& message) : game::error(message) {}
124  };
126  // Some types of terrain which must be known, and can't just
127  // be loaded in dynamically because they're special.
128  // It's asserted that there will be corresponding entries for
129  // these types of terrain in the terrain configuration file.
130  extern const terrain_code VOID_TERRAIN;
131  extern const terrain_code FOGGED;
133  // On the map the user can use this type to make odd shaped maps look good.
134  extern const terrain_code OFF_MAP_USER;
136  extern const terrain_code HUMAN_CASTLE;
137  extern const terrain_code HUMAN_KEEP;
138  extern const terrain_code SHALLOW_WATER;
139  extern const terrain_code DEEP_WATER;
140  extern const terrain_code GRASS_LAND;
141  extern const terrain_code FOREST;
142  extern const terrain_code MOUNTAIN;
143  extern const terrain_code HILL;
145  extern const terrain_code CAVE_WALL;
146  extern const terrain_code CAVE;
147  extern const terrain_code UNDERGROUND_VILLAGE;
148  extern const terrain_code DWARVEN_CASTLE;
149  extern const terrain_code DWARVEN_KEEP;
151  extern const terrain_code PLUS; // +
152  extern const terrain_code MINUS; // -
153  extern const terrain_code NOT; // !
154  extern const terrain_code STAR; // *
155  extern const terrain_code BASE; // references the base terrain in movement/defense aliases
157  extern const ter_match ALL_OFF_MAP;
158  extern const ter_match ALL_FORESTS;
159  extern const ter_match ALL_HILLS;
160  extern const ter_match ALL_MOUNTAINS; //excluding impassable mountains
161  extern const ter_match ALL_SWAMPS;
163  /**
164  * Reads a single terrain from a string.
165  *
166  * @param str The string which should contain 1 terrain code;
167  * the format of a terrain code
168  * is 2 to 4 characters in the set
169  *@verbatim
170  * [a-zA-Z/|\_]
171  *@endverbatim
172  * The underscore is intended for internal use.
173  * Other characters are reserved for future use.
174  * The * is used as wildcard in some cases.
175  * The terrain code can be two groups separated by a caret,
176  * the first group is the base terrain,
177  * the second the overlay terrain.
178  *
179  * @param filler if there's no layer this value will be used as the second layer
180  *
181  * @return A single terrain code
182  */
183  terrain_code read_terrain_code(std::string_view str, const ter_layer filler = NO_LAYER);
185  /**
186  * Writes a single terrain code to a string.
187  * The writers only support the new format.
188  *
189  * @param tcode The terrain code to convert to a string
190  *
191  * @return A string containing the terrain code
192  */
193  std::string write_terrain_code(const terrain_code& tcode);
194  inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const terrain_code &a)
195  { s << write_terrain_code(a); return s; }
197  /**
198  * Reads a list of terrains from a string, when reading the
199  *
200  * @param str A string with one or more terrain codes (see read_terrain_code)
201  * @param filler If there's no layer, this value will be used as the second layer
202  *
203  * @returns A vector which contains the terrain codes found in the string
204  */
205  ter_list read_list(std::string_view str, const ter_layer filler = NO_LAYER);
207  /**
208  * Writes a list of terrains to a string, only writes the new format.
209  *
210  * @param list A vector with one or more terrain codes
211  *
212  * @returns A string with the terrain codes, comma separated
213  * and a space behind the commas. Not padded.
214  */
215  std::string write_list(const ter_list& list);
217  using starting_positions = boost::bimaps::bimap<boost::bimaps::set_of<std::string>, boost::bimaps::multiset_of<coordinate>>;
218  /**
219  * Reads a gamemap string into a 2D vector
220  *
221  * @param str A string containing the gamemap, the following rules
222  * are stated for a gamemap:
223  * * The map is square
224  * * The map can be prefixed with one or more empty lines,
225  * these lines are ignored
226  * * The map can be postfixed with one or more empty lines,
227  * these lines are ignored
228  * * Every end of line can be followed by one or more empty
229  * lines, these lines are ignored.
230  * @deprecated NOTE it's deprecated to use this feature.
231  * * Terrain strings are separated by comma's or an end of line
232  * symbol, for the last terrain string in the row. For
233  * readability it's allowed to pad strings with either spaces
234  * or tab, however the tab is deprecated.
235  * * A terrain string contains either a terrain or a terrain and
236  * starting location. The following format is used
237  * [S ]T
238  * S = starting location a positive non-zero number
239  * T = terrain code (see read_terrain_code)
240  * @param positions This parameter will be filled with the starting
241  * locations found. Starting locations can only occur once
242  * if multiple definitions occur of the same position only
243  * the last is stored. The returned value is a map:
244  * * first the starting locations
245  * * second a coordinate structure where the location was found
246  * @param border_offset
247  *
248  * @returns A 2D vector with the terrains found the vector data is stored
249  * like result[x][y] where x the column number is and y the row number.
250  */
251  ter_map read_game_map(std::string_view str, starting_positions& positions, coordinate border_offset = coordinate{ 0, 0 });
253  /**
254  * Write a gamemap in to a vector string.
255  *
256  * @param map A terrain vector, as returned from read_game_map
257  * @param positions A starting positions map, as returned from read_game_map
258  * @param border_offset
259  *
260  * @returns A terrain string which can be read with read_game_map.
261  * For readability the map is padded to groups of 12 chars,
262  * followed by a comma and space.
263  */
264  std::string write_game_map(const ter_map& map, const starting_positions& positions = starting_positions(), coordinate border_offset = coordinate{ 0, 0 });
266  /**
267  * Tests whether a specific terrain matches a list of expressions.
268  * The list can use wildcard matching with *.
269  * It also has an inversion function.
270  * When a ! is found the result of the match is inverted.
271  * The matching stops at the first match (regardless of the ! found)
272  * the data is match from start to end.
273  *
274  * Example:
275  * Ww, W* does match and returns true
276  * Ww, {!, W*} does match and returns false (due to the !)
277  * WW, Ww doesn't match and return false
278  *
279  * Multilayer rules:
280  * If a terrain has multiple layers, each layer will be matched separately,
281  * returning true only if both layers match.
282  *
283  * Example:
284  * A*^* matches Abcd but also Abcd^Abcd
285  * A*^ matches Abcd but *not* Abcd^Abcd
286  * A*^Abcd does not match Abcd but matches Abcd^Abcd
287  *
288  * Note: If an expression doesn't specify a second layer (i.e. it contains
289  * no caret) the second layer will be filled in with a default value
290  * (See read_terrain_code and read_list).
291  *
292  * In the terrain building code, the second layer will default to the wildcard,
293  * so both A* and A*^* will match Abcd^Abcd
294  *
295  * @param src the value to match (may not contain wildcards)
296  * @param dest the list of expressions to match against
297  *
298  * @returns the result of the match (depending on the !'s)
299  */
300  bool terrain_matches(const terrain_code& src, const ter_list& dest);
302  /**
303  * Tests whether a specific terrain matches an expression,
304  * for matching rules see above.
305  *
306  * @param src the value to match (may not contain wildcards)
307  * @param dest the expression to match against
308  *
309  * @returns the result of the match (depending on the !'s)
310  */
311  bool terrain_matches(const terrain_code& src, const terrain_code& dest);
313  /**
314  * Tests whether a certain terrain matches a list of expressions, for matching
315  * rules see above. The matching requires some bit mask which impose a
316  * certain overhead. This version uses a cache to cache the masks so if
317  * a list needs to be matched often this version is preferred.
318  *
319  * @param src the value to match (may not contain wildcards)
320  * @param dest the cached list of expressions to match against
321  *
322  * @returns the result of the match (depending on the !'s)
323  */
324  bool terrain_matches(const terrain_code& src, const ter_match& dest);
326  /**
327  * Tests whether a terrain code contains a wildcard
328  *
329  * @param tcode the terrain code to test for a wildcard
330  *
331  * @returns true if wildcard found, else false
332  */
333  bool has_wildcard(const terrain_code& tcode);
335  /**
336  * Tests whether a terrain-code list contains at least
337  * one item with a wildcard
338  *
339  * @param list the list to test for a wildcard
340  *
341  * @returns true if a wildcard found, else false
342  */
343  bool has_wildcard(const ter_list& list);
345  // These terrain letters are in the builder format,
346  // and not usable in other parts of the engine
347  const ter_layer TB_STAR = '*' << 24; // It can be assumed this is the equivalent of STAR
348  const ter_layer TB_DOT = '.' << 24;
350  /**
351  * Reads a builder map.
352  * A builder map differs a great deal from a normal map,
353  * hence the different functions.
354  *
355  * @param str The map data, a terrain letter is either a * or a . or a number as
356  * anchor. The star or dot are stored in the base part of the terrain
357  * and the anchor in the overlay part. If more letters are allowed as
358  * special case they will be stored in the base part.
359  * Anchor 0 is no anchor.
360  *
361  * @returns A 2D vector with the data found the vector data is stored
362  * like result[y][x] where x the column number is and y the row number.
363  */
364  ter_map read_builder_map(const std::string& str);
366 } // end namespace t_translation
void fill(const SDL_Rect &rect, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
Fill an area with the given colour.
Definition: draw.cpp:50
terrain_code read_terrain_code(std::string_view str, const ter_layer filler)
Reads a single terrain from a string.
ter_map read_game_map(std::string_view str, starting_positions &starting_positions, coordinate border_offset)
Reads a gamemap string into a 2D vector.
const terrain_code CAVE_WALL
const ter_match ALL_FORESTS
std::string write_game_map(const ter_map &map, const starting_positions &starting_positions, coordinate border_offset)
Write a gamemap in to a vector string.
const ter_layer TB_STAR
const terrain_code VOID_TERRAIN
VOID_TERRAIN is used for shrouded hexes.
const terrain_code SHALLOW_WATER
const terrain_code MINUS
const terrain_code DWARVEN_KEEP
const terrain_code UNDERGROUND_VILLAGE
const ter_match ALL_SWAMPS("!,*^V*,*^B*,!,S*")
const ter_layer NO_LAYER
Definition: translation.hpp:40
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const terrain_code &a)
const terrain_code HUMAN_CASTLE
const terrain_code NOT
int max_map_size()
Return the maximum allowed map size (in either dimension), the maximum map area is,...
Definition: translation.cpp:35
bool has_wildcard(const terrain_code &tcode)
Tests whether a terrain code contains a wildcard.
terrain_code operator&(const terrain_code &a, const terrain_code &b)
Definition: translation.hpp:69
const terrain_code HILL
const ter_layer WILDCARD
Definition: translation.hpp:39
bool terrain_matches(const terrain_code &src, const terrain_code &dest)
Tests whether a specific terrain matches an expression, for matching rules see above.
const terrain_code STAR
std::vector< terrain_code > ter_list
Definition: translation.hpp:77
const terrain_code BASE
const terrain_code GRASS_LAND
const ter_match ALL_OFF_MAP
bool operator!=(const terrain_code &a, const terrain_code &b)
Definition: translation.hpp:66
const terrain_code DEEP_WATER
boost::bimaps::bimap< boost::bimaps::set_of< std::string >, boost::bimaps::multiset_of< coordinate > > starting_positions
const ter_match ALL_HILLS("!,*^V*,!,H*")
ter_map read_builder_map(const std::string &str)
Reads a builder map.
uint32_t ter_layer
Definition: translation.hpp:38
const terrain_code FOREST
const terrain_code PLUS
ter_list read_list(std::string_view str, const ter_layer filler)
Reads a list of terrains from a string, when reading the.
terrain_code operator|(const terrain_code &a, const terrain_code &b)
Definition: translation.hpp:72
const ter_match ALL_MOUNTAINS("!,*^V*,!,M*")
map_location coordinate
Contains an x and y coordinate used for starting positions in maps.
const terrain_code MOUNTAIN
bool operator<(const terrain_code &a, const terrain_code &b)
Definition: translation.hpp:60
const terrain_code DWARVEN_CASTLE
const ter_layer TB_DOT
std::string write_terrain_code(const terrain_code &tcode)
Writes a single terrain code to a string.
const terrain_code CAVE
const terrain_code FOGGED
const terrain_code OFF_MAP_USER
bool operator==(const terrain_code &a, const terrain_code &b)
Definition: translation.hpp:63
std::string write_list(const ter_list &list)
Writes a list of terrains to a string, only writes the new format.
const terrain_code HUMAN_KEEP
const terrain_code NONE_TERRAIN
Definition: translation.hpp:58
std::size_t index(std::string_view str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
rect src
Non-transparent portion of the surface to compose.
Base class for all the errors encountered by the engine.
Definition: exceptions.hpp:29
std::string message
Definition: exceptions.hpp:30
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
error(const std::string &message)
ter_map(const ter_map &)=default
ter_map(ter_map &&)=default
std::vector< terrain_code >::const_iterator operator[](int x) const
Definition: translation.hpp:96
terrain_code & get(int x, int y)
Definition: translation.hpp:89
std::vector< terrain_code > data
Definition: translation.hpp:92
std::vector< terrain_code >::iterator operator[](int x)
Definition: translation.hpp:95
const terrain_code & get(int x, int y) const
Definition: translation.hpp:90
ter_map & operator=(const ter_map &)=default
ter_map(int w, int h, terrain_code fill=terrain_code())
Definition: translation.hpp:84
This structure can be used for matching terrain strings.
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49
terrain_code(ter_layer b, ter_layer o)
Definition: translation.hpp:52
static map_location::direction s
#define b