The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2025
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Various functions that implement attacks and attack calculations.
19  * Unit advancements are also included, as they usually occur as a
20  * result of combat.
21  */
23 #pragma once
25 #include "attack_prediction.hpp"
26 #include "units/ptr.hpp"
29 #include <vector>
31 struct map_location;
32 class team;
33 struct time_of_day;
34 class unit_type;
35 class unit;
36 class unit_map;
37 class gamemap;
39 /** Calculates the number of blows resulting from swarm. */
40 inline unsigned swarm_blows(unsigned min_blows, unsigned max_blows, unsigned hp, unsigned max_hp)
41 {
42  return hp >= max_hp
43  ? max_blows
44  : max_blows < min_blows
45  ? min_blows - (min_blows - max_blows) * hp / max_hp
46  : min_blows + (max_blows - min_blows) * hp / max_hp;
47 }
49 /** Structure describing the statistics of a unit involved in the battle. */
51 {
52  const_attack_ptr weapon; /**< The weapon used by the unit to attack the opponent, or nullptr if there is none. */
53  int attack_num; /**< Index into unit->attacks() or -1 for none. */
54  bool is_attacker; /**< True if the unit is the attacker. */
55  bool is_poisoned; /**< True if the unit is poisoned at the beginning of the battle. */
56  bool is_slowed; /**< True if the unit is slowed at the beginning of the battle. */
57  bool slows; /**< Attack slows opponent when it hits. */
58  bool drains; /**< Attack drains opponent when it hits. */
59  bool petrifies; /**< Attack petrifies opponent when it hits. */
60  bool plagues; /**< Attack turns opponent into a zombie when fatal. */
61  bool poisons; /**< Attack poisons opponent when it hits. */
62  bool swarm; /**< Attack has swarm special. */
63  bool firststrike; /**< Attack has firststrike special. */
64  bool disable; /**< Attack has disable special. */
65  unsigned int experience, max_experience;
66  unsigned int level;
68  unsigned int rounds; /**< Berserk special can force us to fight more than one round. */
69  unsigned int hp; /**< Hitpoints of the unit at the beginning of the battle. */
70  unsigned int max_hp; /**< Maximum hitpoints of the unit. */
71  unsigned int chance_to_hit; /**< Effective chance to hit as a percentage (all factors accounted for). */
72  int damage; /**< Effective damage of the weapon (all factors accounted for). */
73  int slow_damage; /**< Effective damage if unit becomes slowed (== damage, if already slowed) */
74  int drain_percent; /**< Percentage of damage recovered as health */
75  int drain_constant; /**< Base HP drained regardless of damage dealt */
76  unsigned int num_blows; /**< Effective number of blows, takes swarm into account. */
77  unsigned int swarm_min; /**< Minimum number of blows with swarm (equal to num_blows if swarm isn't used). */
78  unsigned int swarm_max; /**< Maximum number of blows with swarm (equal to num_blows if swarm isn't used). */
80  std::string plague_type; /**< The plague type used by the attack, if any. */
83  const map_location& u_loc,
84  int u_attack_num,
85  bool attacking,
87  const map_location& opp_loc,
88  const const_attack_ptr& opp_weapon);
90  /** Used by AI for combat analysis, and by statistics_dialog */
92  const_attack_ptr att_weapon,
93  bool attacking,
94  const unit_type* opp_type,
95  const const_attack_ptr& opp_weapon,
96  unsigned int opp_terrain_defense,
97  int lawful_bonus = 0);
100  {
101  }
103  /** Calculates the number of blows we would have if we had @a new_hp instead of the recorded hp. */
104  unsigned int calc_blows(unsigned new_hp) const
105  {
106  return swarm_blows(swarm_min, swarm_max, new_hp, max_hp);
107  }
109 #if defined(BENCHMARK) || defined(CHECK)
110  /**
111  * Special constructor for the stand-alone version of attack_prediction.cpp.
112  * (This hardcodes some standard abilities for testing purposes.)
113  */
115  int blows,
116  int hitpoints,
117  int maximum_hp,
118  int hit_chance,
119  bool drain,
120  bool slows,
121  bool slowed,
122  bool berserk,
123  bool first,
124  bool do_swarm)
125  : weapon(nullptr) // Not used in attack prediction.
126  , attack_num(0) // Not used in attack prediction.
127  , is_attacker(true) // Not used in attack prediction.
128  , is_poisoned(false)
129  , is_slowed(slowed)
130  , slows(slows)
131  , drains(drain)
132  , petrifies(false)
133  , plagues(false)
134  , poisons(false)
135  , swarm(do_swarm)
136  , firststrike(first)
137  , disable(false)
138  , experience(0) // No units should advance in the attack prediction tests.
139  , max_experience(50) // No units should advance in the attack prediction tests.
140  , level(1) // No units should advance in the attack prediction tests.
141  , rounds(berserk ? 30 : 1)
142  , hp(std::max<int>(0, hitpoints))
143  , max_hp(std::max<int>(1, maximum_hp))
144  , chance_to_hit(hit_chance)
145  , damage(std::max(0, dmg))
147  , drain_percent(drain ? 50 : 0)
148  , drain_constant(0)
149  , num_blows(do_swarm ? blows * hp / max_hp : blows)
150  , swarm_min(do_swarm ? 0 : blows)
151  , swarm_max(blows)
152  , plague_type()
153  {
154  if(slowed) {
156  }
158  if(hp > max_hp) {
159  hp = max_hp; // Keeps the prob_matrix from going out of bounds.
160  }
161  }
162 #endif
163 };
165 /** Computes the statistics of a battle between an attacker and a defender unit. */
167 {
168 public:
169  /**
170  * If no attacker_weapon is given, we select the best one,
171  * based on harm_weight (1.0 means 1 hp lost counters 1 hp damage,
172  * 0.0 means we ignore harm weight).
173  * prev_def is for predicting multiple attacks against a defender.
174  */
175  battle_context(const unit_map& units,
176  const map_location& attacker_loc,
177  const map_location& defender_loc,
178  int attacker_weapon = -1,
179  int defender_weapon = -1,
180  double aggression = 0.0,
181  const combatant* prev_def = nullptr,
182  unit_const_ptr attacker_ptr = unit_const_ptr(),
183  unit_const_ptr defender_ptr = unit_const_ptr());
185  /** Used by the AI which caches battle_context_unit_stats */
188  battle_context(battle_context&& other) = default;
192  /** This method returns the statistics of the attacker. */
194  {
195  return *attacker_stats_;
196  }
198  /** This method returns the statistics of the defender. */
200  {
201  return *defender_stats_;
202  }
204  /** Get the simulation results. */
205  const combatant& get_attacker_combatant(const combatant* prev_def = nullptr);
206  const combatant& get_defender_combatant(const combatant* prev_def = nullptr);
208  /** Given this harm_weight, is this attack better than that? */
209  bool better_attack(class battle_context& that, double harm_weight);
210  /** Given this harm_weight, is this attack better than that? */
211  bool better_defense(class battle_context& that, double harm_weight);
213  static bool better_combat(const combatant& us_a,
214  const combatant& them_a,
215  const combatant& us_b,
216  const combatant& them_b,
217  double harm_weight);
219  void simulate(const combatant* prev_def);
220 private:
222  nonempty_unit_const_ptr attacker,
223  const map_location& attacker_loc,
224  int attacker_weapon,
225  nonempty_unit_const_ptr defender,
226  const map_location& defender_loc,
227  int defender_weapon);
230  const nonempty_unit_const_ptr& defender,
231  const map_location& attacker_loc,
232  const map_location& defender_loc,
233  double harm_weight,
234  const combatant* prev_def);
237  nonempty_unit_const_ptr defender,
238  unsigned attacker_weapon,
239  const map_location& attacker_loc,
240  const map_location& defender_loc,
241  const combatant* prev_def);
243  /** Statistics of the units. */
244  std::unique_ptr<battle_context_unit_stats> attacker_stats_;
245  std::unique_ptr<battle_context_unit_stats> defender_stats_;
247  /** Outcome of simulated fight. */
248  std::unique_ptr<combatant> attacker_combatant_;
249  std::unique_ptr<combatant> defender_combatant_;
250 };
252 /** Performs an attack. */
253 void attack_unit(const map_location& attacker,
254  const map_location& defender,
255  int attack_with,
256  int defend_with,
257  bool update_display = true);
259 /** Performs an attack, and advanced the units afterwards */
260 void attack_unit_and_advance(const map_location& attacker,
261  const map_location& defender,
262  int attack_with,
263  int defend_with,
264  bool update_display = true);
266 /**
267  * Tests if the unit at loc is currently affected by leadership.
268  * (i.e. has a higher-level unit with the 'leadership' ability next to it).
269  *
270  * Returns the bonus percentage (possibly 0 if there's no leader adjacent).
271  */
272 int under_leadership(const unit &u, const map_location& loc, const_attack_ptr weapon = nullptr, const_attack_ptr opp_weapon = nullptr);
274 /**
275  * Returns the amount that a unit's damage should be multiplied by
276  * due to the current time of day.
277  */
278 int combat_modifier(const unit_map& units,
279  const gamemap& map,
280  const map_location& loc,
281  unit_alignments::type alignment,
282  bool is_fearless);
284 /**
285  * Returns the amount that a unit's damage should be multiplied by
286  * due to the current time of day.
287  */
288 int combat_modifier(const time_of_day& effective_tod,
289  unit_alignments::type alignment,
290  bool is_fearless);
292 /**
293  * Returns the amount that a unit's damage should be multiplied by
294  * due to a given lawful_bonus.
295  */
296 int generic_combat_modifier(int lawful_bonus, unit_alignments::type alignment, bool is_fearless, int max_liminal_bonus);
297 /**
298  * Function to check if an attack will satisfy the requirements for backstab.
299  * Input:
300  * - the location from which the attack will occur,
301  * - the defending unit location,
302  * - the list of units on the map and
303  * - the list of teams.
304  * The defender and opposite units should be in place already.
305  * The attacking unit doesn't need to be, but if it isn't,
306  * an external check should be made to make sure the opposite unit
307  * isn't also the attacker.
308  */
309 bool backstab_check(const map_location& attacker_loc,
310  const map_location& defender_loc,
311  const unit_map& units,
312  const std::vector<team>& teams);
void attack_unit(const map_location &attacker, const map_location &defender, int attack_with, int defend_with, bool update_display=true)
Performs an attack.
Definition: attack.cpp:1564
int generic_combat_modifier(int lawful_bonus, unit_alignments::type alignment, bool is_fearless, int max_liminal_bonus)
Returns the amount that a unit's damage should be multiplied by due to a given lawful_bonus.
Definition: attack.cpp:1620
bool backstab_check(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, const unit_map &units, const std::vector< team > &teams)
Function to check if an attack will satisfy the requirements for backstab.
Definition: attack.cpp:1648
int combat_modifier(const unit_map &units, const gamemap &map, const map_location &loc, unit_alignments::type alignment, bool is_fearless)
Returns the amount that a unit's damage should be multiplied by due to the current time of day.
Definition: attack.cpp:1600
unsigned swarm_blows(unsigned min_blows, unsigned max_blows, unsigned hp, unsigned max_hp)
Calculates the number of blows resulting from swarm.
Definition: attack.hpp:40
int under_leadership(const unit &u, const map_location &loc, const_attack_ptr weapon=nullptr, const_attack_ptr opp_weapon=nullptr)
Tests if the unit at loc is currently affected by leadership.
Definition: attack.cpp:1593
void attack_unit_and_advance(const map_location &attacker, const map_location &defender, int attack_with, int defend_with, bool update_display=true)
Performs an attack, and advanced the units afterwards.
Definition: attack.cpp:1574
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
Computes the statistics of a battle between an attacker and a defender unit.
Definition: attack.hpp:167
std::unique_ptr< battle_context_unit_stats > defender_stats_
Definition: attack.hpp:245
std::unique_ptr< combatant > defender_combatant_
Definition: attack.hpp:249
std::unique_ptr< battle_context_unit_stats > attacker_stats_
Statistics of the units.
Definition: attack.hpp:244
static battle_context choose_attacker_weapon(nonempty_unit_const_ptr attacker, const nonempty_unit_const_ptr &defender, const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, double harm_weight, const combatant *prev_def)
Definition: attack.cpp:527
std::unique_ptr< combatant > attacker_combatant_
Outcome of simulated fight.
Definition: attack.hpp:248
void simulate(const combatant *prev_def)
Definition: attack.cpp:373
const battle_context_unit_stats & get_defender_stats() const
This method returns the statistics of the defender.
Definition: attack.hpp:199
const combatant & get_attacker_combatant(const combatant *prev_def=nullptr)
Get the simulation results.
Definition: attack.cpp:441
const battle_context_unit_stats & get_attacker_stats() const
This method returns the statistics of the attacker.
Definition: attack.hpp:193
battle_context(battle_context &&other)=default
battle_context & operator=(battle_context &&other)=default
const combatant & get_defender_combatant(const combatant *prev_def=nullptr)
Definition: attack.cpp:448
static bool better_combat(const combatant &us_a, const combatant &them_a, const combatant &us_b, const combatant &them_b, double harm_weight)
Definition: attack.cpp:480
static battle_context choose_defender_weapon(nonempty_unit_const_ptr attacker, nonempty_unit_const_ptr defender, unsigned attacker_weapon, const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, const combatant *prev_def)
Definition: attack.cpp:580
battle_context(const unit_map &units, const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int attacker_weapon=-1, int defender_weapon=-1, double aggression=0.0, const combatant *prev_def=nullptr, unit_const_ptr attacker_ptr=unit_const_ptr(), unit_const_ptr defender_ptr=unit_const_ptr())
If no attacker_weapon is given, we select the best one, based on harm_weight (1.0 means 1 hp lost cou...
Definition: attack.cpp:386
bool better_defense(class battle_context &that, double harm_weight)
Given this harm_weight, is this attack better than that?
Definition: attack.cpp:468
bool better_attack(class battle_context &that, double harm_weight)
Given this harm_weight, is this attack better than that?
Definition: attack.cpp:456
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:75
Container associating units to locations.
Definition: map.hpp:98
A single unit type that the player may recruit.
Definition: types.hpp:43
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
constexpr int round_damage(double base_damage, int bonus, int divisor)
round (base_damage * bonus / divisor) to the closest integer, but up or down towards base_damage
Definition: math.hpp:80
std::shared_ptr< const unit > unit_const_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:27
std::shared_ptr< const attack_type > const_attack_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:34
Structure describing the statistics of a unit involved in the battle.
Definition: attack.hpp:51
bool slows
Attack slows opponent when it hits.
Definition: attack.hpp:57
unsigned int num_blows
Effective number of blows, takes swarm into account.
Definition: attack.hpp:76
std::string plague_type
The plague type used by the attack, if any.
Definition: attack.hpp:80
battle_context_unit_stats(nonempty_unit_const_ptr u, const map_location &u_loc, int u_attack_num, bool attacking, nonempty_unit_const_ptr opp, const map_location &opp_loc, const const_attack_ptr &opp_weapon)
Definition: attack.cpp:76
bool petrifies
Attack petrifies opponent when it hits.
Definition: attack.hpp:59
int drain_percent
Percentage of damage recovered as health.
Definition: attack.hpp:74
unsigned int hp
Hitpoints of the unit at the beginning of the battle.
Definition: attack.hpp:69
unsigned int level
Definition: attack.hpp:66
int slow_damage
Effective damage if unit becomes slowed (== damage, if already slowed)
Definition: attack.hpp:73
unsigned int max_experience
Definition: attack.hpp:65
bool drains
Attack drains opponent when it hits.
Definition: attack.hpp:58
unsigned int swarm_min
Minimum number of blows with swarm (equal to num_blows if swarm isn't used).
Definition: attack.hpp:77
bool swarm
Attack has swarm special.
Definition: attack.hpp:62
bool is_attacker
True if the unit is the attacker.
Definition: attack.hpp:54
bool is_poisoned
True if the unit is poisoned at the beginning of the battle.
Definition: attack.hpp:55
const_attack_ptr weapon
The weapon used by the unit to attack the opponent, or nullptr if there is none.
Definition: attack.hpp:52
bool is_slowed
True if the unit is slowed at the beginning of the battle.
Definition: attack.hpp:56
unsigned int rounds
Berserk special can force us to fight more than one round.
Definition: attack.hpp:68
unsigned int swarm_max
Maximum number of blows with swarm (equal to num_blows if swarm isn't used).
Definition: attack.hpp:78
unsigned int calc_blows(unsigned new_hp) const
Calculates the number of blows we would have if we had new_hp instead of the recorded hp.
Definition: attack.hpp:104
unsigned int max_hp
Maximum hitpoints of the unit.
Definition: attack.hpp:70
int damage
Effective damage of the weapon (all factors accounted for).
Definition: attack.hpp:72
bool disable
Attack has disable special.
Definition: attack.hpp:64
bool poisons
Attack poisons opponent when it hits.
Definition: attack.hpp:61
unsigned int chance_to_hit
Effective chance to hit as a percentage (all factors accounted for).
Definition: attack.hpp:71
int drain_constant
Base HP drained regardless of damage dealt.
Definition: attack.hpp:75
bool firststrike
Attack has firststrike special.
Definition: attack.hpp:63
int attack_num
Index into unit->attacks() or -1 for none.
Definition: attack.hpp:53
bool plagues
Attack turns opponent into a zombie when fatal.
Definition: attack.hpp:60
unsigned int experience
Definition: attack.hpp:65
All combat-related info.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
Object which defines a time of day with associated bonuses, image, sounds etc.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:57