The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.7+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #pragma once
18 #include "color_range.hpp"
19 #include "config.hpp"
20 #include "defeat_condition.hpp"
21 #include "game_config.hpp"
22 #include "game_events/fwd.hpp"
23 #include "map/location.hpp"
24 #include "recall_list_manager.hpp"
25 #include "side_controller.hpp"
27 #include "team_shared_vision.hpp"
29 #include <chrono>
30 #include <set>
32 #include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
34 class game_data;
35 class gamemap;
36 struct color_t;
39 namespace wb {
40  class side_actions;
41 }
43 class shroud_map {
44 public:
45  shroud_map() : enabled_(false), data_() {}
47  void place(int x, int y);
48  bool clear(int x, int y);
49  void reset();
51  bool value(int x, int y) const;
52  bool shared_value(const std::vector<const shroud_map*>& maps, int x, int y) const;
54  bool copy_from(const std::vector<const shroud_map*>& maps);
56  std::string write() const;
57  void read(const std::string& shroud_data);
58  void merge(const std::string& shroud_data);
60  bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
61  void set_enabled(bool enabled) { enabled_ = enabled; }
63  int width() const;
64  int height() const;
65 private:
66  bool enabled_;
67  std::vector<std::vector<bool>> data_;
68 };
70 /**
71  * This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
72  * E.g., there is only one leader unit per team.
73  */
74 class team
75 {
76 private:
77  struct team_info
78  {
79  team_info();
80  void read(const config &cfg);
81  void write(config& cfg) const;
82  int gold;
84  int income;
87  mutable int minimum_recruit_price;
89  std::set<std::string> can_recruit;
90  std::string team_name;
93  std::string faction;
95  std::string save_id;
96  // 'id' of the current player (not necessarily unique)
97  std::string current_player;
98  std::string countdown_time;
101  std::string flag;
102  std::string flag_icon;
104  std::string id;
108  t_string objectives; /** < Team's objectives for the current level. */
110  /** Set to true when the objectives for this time changes.
111  * Reset to false when the objectives for this team have been
112  * displayed to the user. */
113  mutable bool objectives_changed;
116  bool is_local;
119  side_proxy_controller::type proxy_controller; // when controller == HUMAN, the proxy controller determines what input method is actually used.
120  // proxy controller is an interface property, not gamestate. it is not synced, not known to server.
121  // also not saved in save game file
126  bool no_leader;
127  bool hidden;
128  bool no_turn_confirmation; // Can suppress confirmations when ending a turn.
130  std::string color;
132  int side;
134  bool lost;
138  // TODO: maybe make this integer percentage? I like the float version more but this might cause OOS error because of floating point rounding differences on different hardware.
142  void handle_legacy_share_vision(const config& cfg);
143  };
145  static const int default_team_gold_;
147 public:
148  team();
149  virtual ~team();
151  /**
152  * Stores the attributes recognized by [side]. These should be stripped
153  * from a side's config before using it to create the side's leader.
154  */
155  static const std::set<std::string> attributes;
156  /**
157  * Stores the child tags recognized by [side]. These should be stripped
158  * from a side's config before using it to create the side's leader.
159  */
160  static const std::set<std::string> tags;
162  void build(const config &cfg, const gamemap &map);
164  void write(config& cfg) const;
166  void fix_villages(const gamemap &map);
167  /**
168  * Acquires a village from owner_side.
169  * Pointer fire_event should be the game_data for the game if it is desired to fire an event -- a "capture" event with owner_side variable scoped in will be fired.
170  * For no event, pass it nullptr.
171  * Default is the resources::gamedata pointer.
172  */
174  void lose_village(const map_location&);
175  void clear_villages() { villages_.clear(); }
176  const std::set<map_location>& villages() const { return villages_; }
177  bool owns_village(const map_location& loc) const
178  { return villages_.count(loc) > 0; }
180  int side() const { return info_.side; }
181  int gold() const { return; }
182  int start_gold() const { return info_.start_gold; }
184  int village_gold() const { return info_.income_per_village; }
185  int recall_cost() const { return info_.recall_cost; }
186  void set_village_gold(int income) { info_.income_per_village = income; }
187  void set_recall_cost(int cost) { info_.recall_cost = cost; }
188  int total_income() const { return base_income() + static_cast<int>(villages_.size()) * info_.income_per_village; }
189  /** @return The number of unit levels each village can support,
190  i.e. how much upkeep each village can bear. */
191  int village_support() const { return info_.support_per_village; }
192  /** @param support The number of unit levels each village can support */
194  /** Calculate total support capacity, based on support_per_village. */
195  int support() const { return static_cast<int>(villages_.size()) * village_support(); }
196  void new_turn() { += total_income(); }
198  void set_gold(int amount) { = amount; }
199  void set_start_gold(const int amount) { info_.start_gold = amount; }
200  void spend_gold(const int amount) { -= amount; }
201  void set_base_income(int amount) { info_.income = amount - game_config::base_income; }
202  std::chrono::milliseconds countdown_time() const { return countdown_time_; }
203  void set_countdown_time(const std::chrono::milliseconds& amount) const { countdown_time_ = amount; }
204  int action_bonus_count() const { return action_bonus_count_; }
205  void set_action_bonus_count(const int count) { action_bonus_count_ = count; }
207  const recall_list_manager & recall_list() const {return recall_list_;}
208  void set_current_player(const std::string& player)
209  { info_.current_player = player; }
212  void set_scroll_to_leader(bool value) { info_.scroll_to_leader = value; }
214  const std::set<std::string>& recruits() const
215  { return info_.can_recruit; }
216  void add_recruit(const std::string &);
217  void set_recruits(const std::set<std::string>& recruits);
218  int minimum_recruit_price() const;
219  const std::string& last_recruit() const { return last_recruit_; }
220  void last_recruit(const std::string & u_type) { last_recruit_ = u_type; }
222  const std::string& save_id() const { return info_.save_id; }
223  std::string save_id_or_number() const { return info_.save_id.empty() ? std::to_string(info_.side) : info_.save_id; }
224  void set_save_id(const std::string& save_id) { info_.save_id = save_id; }
225  const std::string& current_player() const { return info_.current_player; }
227  void set_objectives(const t_string& new_objectives, bool silently=false);
228  void set_objectives_changed(bool c = true) const { info_.objectives_changed = c; }
231  const t_string& objectives() const { return info_.objectives; }
232  bool objectives_changed() const { return info_.objectives_changed; }
234  bool is_enemy(int n) const {
235  const std::size_t index = std::size_t(n-1);
236  if(index >= enemies_.size()) {
238  }
239  if(index < enemies_.size()) {
240  return enemies_[index];
241  } else {
242  return false;
243  }
244  }
247  const std::string& color() const { return info_.color; }
248  /** @note Call display::reinit_flag_for_side() after calling this */
249  void set_color(const std::string& color) { info_.color = color; }
250  bool is_empty() const { return info_.controller == side_controller::type::none; }
252  bool is_local() const { return !is_empty() && info_.is_local; }
253  bool is_network() const { return !is_empty() && !info_.is_local; }
255  bool is_human() const { return info_.controller == side_controller::type::human; }
256  bool is_ai() const { return info_.controller == side_controller::type::ai; }
258  bool is_local_human() const { return is_human() && is_local(); }
259  bool is_local_ai() const { return is_ai() && is_local(); }
260  bool is_network_human() const { return is_human() && is_network(); }
261  bool is_network_ai() const { return is_ai() && is_network(); }
263  void set_local(bool local) { info_.is_local = local; }
264  void make_human() { info_.controller = side_controller::type::human; }
265  void make_ai() { info_.controller = side_controller::type::ai; }
266  void change_controller(const std::string& new_controller) {
267  info_.controller = side_controller::get_enum(new_controller).value_or(side_controller::type::ai);
268  }
270  void change_controller_by_wml(const std::string& new_controller);
273  bool is_proxy_human() const { return info_.proxy_controller == side_proxy_controller::type::human; }
274  bool is_droid() const { return info_.proxy_controller == side_proxy_controller::type::ai; }
275  bool is_idle() const { return info_.proxy_controller == side_proxy_controller::type::idle; }
277  void make_droid() { info_.proxy_controller = side_proxy_controller::type::ai; }
278  void make_idle() { info_.proxy_controller = side_proxy_controller::type::idle; }
279  void make_proxy_human() { info_.proxy_controller = side_proxy_controller::type::human; }
284  void toggle_droid() { info_.proxy_controller = (info_.proxy_controller == side_proxy_controller::type::ai ) ? side_proxy_controller::type::human : side_proxy_controller::type::ai; }
285  void toggle_idle() { info_.proxy_controller = (info_.proxy_controller == side_proxy_controller::type::idle) ? side_proxy_controller::type::human : side_proxy_controller::type::idle; }
287  const std::string& team_name() const { return info_.team_name; }
288  const t_string &user_team_name() const { return info_.user_team_name; }
289  void change_team(const std::string &name, const t_string &user_name);
291  const std::string& flag() const { return info_.flag; }
292  const std::string& flag_icon() const { return info_.flag_icon; }
294  /** @note Call display::reinit_flag_for_side() after calling this */
295  void set_flag(const std::string& flag) { info_.flag = flag; }
296  void set_flag_icon(const std::string& flag_icon) { info_.flag_icon = flag_icon; }
298  const std::string& side_name() const { return info_.side_name.empty() ? info_.current_player : info_.side_name.str(); }
300  void set_side_name(const t_string& new_name) {info_.side_name = new_name == info_.current_player ? "" : new_name;}
301  const std::string& faction() const { return info_.faction; }
302  const t_string& faction_name() const { return info_.faction_name; }
303  //Returns true if the hex is shrouded/fogged for this side, or
304  //any other ally with shared vision.
305  bool shrouded(const map_location& loc) const;
306  bool fogged(const map_location& loc) const;
308  bool uses_shroud() const { return shroud_.enabled(); }
309  bool uses_fog() const { return fog_.enabled(); }
310  bool fog_or_shroud() const { return uses_shroud() || uses_fog(); }
311  bool clear_shroud(const map_location& loc) { return shroud_.clear(loc.wml_x(),loc.wml_y()); }
313  bool clear_fog(const map_location& loc) { return fog_.clear(loc.wml_x(),loc.wml_y()); }
314  void reshroud() { shroud_.reset(); }
315  void refog() { fog_.reset(); }
316  void set_shroud(bool shroud) { shroud_.set_enabled(shroud); }
317  void set_fog(bool fog) { fog_.set_enabled(fog); }
318  std::string shroud_data() const { return shroud_.write(); }
320  /** Merge a WML shroud map with the shroud data of this player. */
323  bool knows_about_team(std::size_t index) const;
324  /** Records hexes that were cleared of fog via WML. */
325  void add_fog_override(const std::set<map_location> &hexes) { fog_clearer_.insert(hexes.begin(), hexes.end()); }
326  /** Removes the record of hexes that were cleared of fog via WML. */
327  void remove_fog_override(const std::set<map_location> &hexes);
329  bool auto_shroud_updates() const { return auto_shroud_updates_; }
330  void set_auto_shroud_updates(bool value) { auto_shroud_updates_ = value; }
332  bool no_leader() const { return info_.no_leader; }
335  /** sets the defeat condition if @param value is a valid defeat condition, otherwise nothing happes. */
336  void set_defeat_condition_string(const std::string& value) { info_.defeat_cond = defeat_condition::get_enum(value).value_or(info_.defeat_cond); }
337  void have_leader(bool value=true) { info_.no_leader = !value; }
338  bool hidden() const { return info_.hidden; }
339  void set_hidden(bool value) { info_.hidden=value; }
340  bool persistent() const { return info_.persistent; }
341  void set_persistent(bool value) { info_.persistent = value; }
342  void set_lost(bool value=true) { info_.lost = value; }
343  bool lost() const { return info_.lost; }
347  void set_carryover_add(bool value) { info_.carryover_add = value; }
348  bool carryover_add() const { return info_.carryover_add; }
349  void set_carryover_bonus(double value) { info_.carryover_bonus = value; }
350  double carryover_bonus() const { return info_.carryover_bonus; }
351  void set_carryover_gold(int value) { info_.carryover_gold = value; }
352  int carryover_gold() const { return info_.carryover_gold; }
354  const config& variables() const { return info_.variables; }
359  //function which, when given a 1-based side will return the color used by that side.
360  static const color_range get_side_color_range(int side);
362  static color_t get_side_color(int side);
363  static color_t get_minimap_color(int side);
365  static std::string get_side_color_id(unsigned side);
366  static const t_string get_side_color_name_for_UI(unsigned side);
367  static std::string get_side_color_id_from_config(const config& cfg);
368  static std::string get_side_highlight_pango(int side);
370  void log_recruitable() const;
372  /** clear the shroud, fog, and enemies cache for all teams*/
373  static void clear_caches();
375  /** get the whiteboard planned actions for this team */
376  std::shared_ptr<wb::side_actions> get_side_actions() const { return planned_actions_; }
378  config to_config() const;
380  bool share_maps() const { return info_.share_vision != team_shared_vision::type::none ; }
381  bool share_view() const { return info_.share_vision == team_shared_vision::type::all; }
384  void set_share_vision(const std::string& vision_status) {
385  info_.share_vision = team_shared_vision::get_enum(vision_status).value_or(team_shared_vision::type::all);
386  clear_caches();
387  }
390  info_.share_vision = vision_status;
391  clear_caches();
392  }
395  {
397  }
398  std::string allied_human_teams() const;
400  bool chose_random() const
401  {
402  return info_.chose_random;
403  }
405 private:
407  const std::vector<const shroud_map*>& ally_shroud(const std::vector<team>& teams) const;
408  const std::vector<const shroud_map*>& ally_fog(const std::vector<team>& teams) const;
410  std::set<map_location> villages_;
413  /** Stores hexes that have been cleared of fog via WML. */
414  std::set<map_location> fog_clearer_;
420  mutable std::chrono::milliseconds countdown_time_;
424  std::string last_recruit_;
426 private:
427  void calculate_enemies(std::size_t index) const;
428  bool calculate_is_enemy(std::size_t index) const;
429  mutable boost::dynamic_bitset<> enemies_;
431  mutable std::vector<const shroud_map*> ally_shroud_, ally_fog_;
433  /**
434  * Whiteboard planned actions for this team.
435  */
436  std::shared_ptr<wb::side_actions> planned_actions_;
437 };
439 //function which will validate a side. Throws game::game_error
440 //if the side is invalid
441 void validate_side(int side); //throw game::game_error
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
A color range definition is made of four reference RGB colors, used for calculating conversions from ...
Definition: color_range.hpp:49
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
This class encapsulates the recall list of a team.
bool copy_from(const std::vector< const shroud_map * > &maps)
Definition: team.cpp:912
int height() const
Definition: team.cpp:762
void read(const std::string &shroud_data)
Definition: team.cpp:877
void set_enabled(bool enabled)
Definition: team.hpp:61
Definition: team.hpp:45
bool enabled() const
Definition: team.hpp:60
std::vector< std::vector< bool > > data_
Definition: team.hpp:67
void place(int x, int y)
Definition: team.cpp:792
int width() const
Definition: team.cpp:757
bool shared_value(const std::vector< const shroud_map * > &maps, int x, int y) const
Definition: team.cpp:840
void merge(const std::string &shroud_data)
Definition: team.cpp:896
bool value(int x, int y) const
Definition: team.cpp:820
std::string write() const
Definition: team.cpp:861
void reset()
Definition: team.cpp:809
bool enabled_
Definition: team.hpp:66
bool clear(int x, int y)
Definition: team.cpp:770
bool empty() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:195
const std::string & str() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:199
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:75
static std::string get_side_highlight_pango(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:1020
bool uses_shroud() const
Definition: team.hpp:308
void set_action_bonus_count(const int count)
Definition: team.hpp:205
int carryover_gold() const
Definition: team.hpp:352
const std::string & color() const
Definition: team.hpp:247
bool clear_shroud(const map_location &loc)
Definition: team.hpp:311
void have_leader(bool value=true)
Definition: team.hpp:337
bool is_ai() const
Definition: team.hpp:256
static color_t get_minimap_color(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:954
void build(const config &cfg, const gamemap &map)
Definition: team.cpp:355
bool no_turn_confirmation() const
Definition: team.hpp:356
void set_carryover_percentage(int value)
Definition: team.hpp:345
void fix_villages(const gamemap &map)
Definition: team.cpp:414
bool is_proxy_human() const
Definition: team.hpp:273
config & variables()
Definition: team.hpp:353
const std::string & side_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:298
recall_list_manager recall_list_
Definition: team.hpp:423
int side() const
Definition: team.hpp:180
game_events::pump_result_t get_village(const map_location &, const int owner_side, game_data *fire_event)
Acquires a village from owner_side.
Definition: team.cpp:426
bool is_human() const
Definition: team.hpp:255
void set_countdown_time(const std::chrono::milliseconds &amount) const
Definition: team.hpp:203
void set_flag_icon(const std::string &flag_icon)
Definition: team.hpp:296
void set_scroll_to_leader(bool value)
Definition: team.hpp:212
int support() const
Calculate total support capacity, based on support_per_village.
Definition: team.hpp:195
const std::string & faction() const
Definition: team.hpp:301
int village_support() const
Definition: team.hpp:191
std::vector< const shroud_map * > ally_shroud_
Definition: team.hpp:431
int recall_cost() const
Definition: team.hpp:185
static const color_range get_side_color_range(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:937
void set_objectives_changed(bool c=true) const
Definition: team.hpp:228
void set_shroud(bool shroud)
Definition: team.hpp:316
bool is_droid() const
Definition: team.hpp:274
bool fog_or_shroud() const
Definition: team.hpp:310
void change_proxy(side_proxy_controller::type proxy)
Definition: team.hpp:282
bool auto_shroud_updates() const
Definition: team.hpp:329
void set_local(bool local)
Definition: team.hpp:263
const std::string & current_player() const
Definition: team.hpp:225
void set_recruits(const std::set< std::string > &recruits)
Definition: team.cpp:459
const std::string & team_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:287
bool objectives_changed() const
Definition: team.hpp:232
void set_carryover_gold(int value)
Definition: team.hpp:351
bool is_local() const
Definition: team.hpp:252
void set_carryover_bonus(double value)
Definition: team.hpp:349
static std::string get_side_color_id_from_config(const config &cfg)
Definition: team.cpp:1000
bool is_local_human() const
Definition: team.hpp:258
std::chrono::milliseconds countdown_time_
Definition: team.hpp:420
void merge_shroud_map_data(const std::string &shroud_data)
Merge a WML shroud map with the shroud data of this player.
Definition: team.hpp:321
bool no_leader() const
Definition: team.hpp:332
void toggle_idle()
Definition: team.hpp:285
void refog()
Definition: team.hpp:315
bool clear_fog(const map_location &loc)
Definition: team.hpp:313
int village_gold() const
Definition: team.hpp:184
bool is_enemy(int n) const
Definition: team.hpp:234
config to_config() const
Definition: team.cpp:1035
team_shared_vision::type share_vision() const
Definition: team.hpp:382
void set_auto_shroud_updates(bool value)
Definition: team.hpp:330
int action_bonus_count() const
Definition: team.hpp:204
shroud_map fog_
Definition: team.hpp:412
bool owns_village(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.hpp:177
bool calculate_is_enemy(std::size_t index) const
Definition: team.cpp:509
const std::set< map_location > & villages() const
Definition: team.hpp:176
const recall_list_manager & recall_list() const
Definition: team.hpp:207
void set_current_player(const std::string &player)
Definition: team.hpp:208
void change_controller(side_controller::type controller)
Definition: team.hpp:269
bool knows_about_team(std::size_t index) const
Definition: team.cpp:693
const t_string & objectives() const
Definition: team.hpp:231
void change_team(const std::string &name, const t_string &user_name)
Definition: team.cpp:606
int gold() const
Definition: team.hpp:181
static const t_string get_side_color_name_for_UI(unsigned side)
Definition: team.cpp:988
Definition: team.cpp:333
const t_string & faction_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:302
defeat_condition::type defeat_cond() const
Definition: team.hpp:333
void set_objectives(const t_string &new_objectives, bool silently=false)
Definition: team.cpp:631
t_string side_name_tstr() const
Definition: team.hpp:299
bool carryover_add() const
Definition: team.hpp:348
std::string shroud_data() const
Definition: team.hpp:318
static const std::set< std::string > tags
Stores the child tags recognized by [side].
Definition: team.hpp:160
void clear_proxy()
Definition: team.hpp:280
void handle_legacy_share_vision(const config &cfg)
Definition: team.hpp:394
int carryover_percentage() const
Definition: team.hpp:346
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: team.cpp:393
static std::string get_side_color_id(unsigned side)
Definition: team.cpp:961
bool is_network_ai() const
Definition: team.hpp:261
bool is_network() const
Definition: team.hpp:253
std::vector< const shroud_map * > ally_fog_
Definition: team.hpp:431
int total_income() const
Definition: team.hpp:188
void set_persistent(bool value)
Definition: team.hpp:341
void reset_objectives_changed() const
Definition: team.hpp:229
void set_recall_cost(int cost)
Definition: team.hpp:187
void set_side_name(const t_string &new_name)
Definition: team.hpp:300
void set_start_gold(const int amount)
Definition: team.hpp:199
team_info info_
Definition: team.hpp:418
void reshroud()
Definition: team.hpp:314
const std::string & save_id() const
Definition: team.hpp:222
static const int default_team_gold_
Definition: team.hpp:145
void set_carryover_add(bool value)
Definition: team.hpp:347
bool is_local_ai() const
Definition: team.hpp:259
void calculate_enemies(std::size_t index) const
Definition: team.cpp:498
void add_recruit(const std::string &)
Definition: team.cpp:469
side_controller::type controller() const
Definition: team.hpp:246
bool is_idle() const
Definition: team.hpp:275
int minimum_recruit_price() const
Definition: team.cpp:476
double carryover_bonus() const
Definition: team.hpp:350
void make_droid()
Definition: team.hpp:277
void change_controller(const std::string &new_controller)
Definition: team.hpp:266
void make_ai()
Definition: team.hpp:265
void add_fog_override(const std::set< map_location > &hexes)
Records hexes that were cleared of fog via WML.
Definition: team.hpp:325
virtual ~team()
Definition: team.cpp:351
static void clear_caches()
clear the shroud, fog, and enemies cache for all teams
Definition: team.cpp:619
std::shared_ptr< wb::side_actions > get_side_actions() const
get the whiteboard planned actions for this team
Definition: team.hpp:376
bool auto_shroud_updates_
Definition: team.hpp:416
bool share_maps() const
Definition: team.hpp:380
void set_defeat_condition(defeat_condition::type value)
Definition: team.hpp:334
std::set< map_location > fog_clearer_
Stores hexes that have been cleared of fog via WML.
Definition: team.hpp:414
bool is_network_human() const
Definition: team.hpp:260
std::string allied_human_teams() const
Definition: team.cpp:1043
int action_bonus_count_
Definition: team.hpp:421
bool shrouded(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:640
void set_fog(bool fog)
Definition: team.hpp:317
const config & variables() const
Definition: team.hpp:354
std::set< map_location > villages_
Definition: team.hpp:410
void set_color(const std::string &color)
Definition: team.hpp:249
void make_proxy_human()
Definition: team.hpp:279
std::chrono::milliseconds countdown_time() const
Definition: team.hpp:202
int start_gold() const
Definition: team.hpp:182
const std::string & flag_icon() const
Definition: team.hpp:292
shroud_map shroud_
Definition: team.hpp:412
void make_human()
Definition: team.hpp:264
std::string save_id_or_number() const
Definition: team.hpp:223
void spend_gold(const int amount)
Definition: team.hpp:200
const std::vector< const shroud_map * > & ally_fog(const std::vector< team > &teams) const
Definition: team.cpp:680
void clear_villages()
Definition: team.hpp:175
bool get_scroll_to_leader() const
Definition: team.hpp:211
side_proxy_controller::type proxy_controller() const
Definition: team.hpp:272
int base_income() const
Definition: team.hpp:183
bool uses_fog() const
Definition: team.hpp:309
static color_t get_side_color(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:949
void set_flag(const std::string &flag)
Definition: team.hpp:295
static const std::set< std::string > attributes
Stores the attributes recognized by [side].
Definition: team.hpp:155
bool persistent() const
Definition: team.hpp:340
const std::string & flag() const
Definition: team.hpp:291
bool hidden() const
Definition: team.hpp:338
std::string last_recruit_
Definition: team.hpp:424
void get_shared_maps()
recall_list_manager & recall_list()
Definition: team.hpp:206
void set_village_gold(int income)
Definition: team.hpp:186
void set_hidden(bool value)
Definition: team.hpp:339
void set_village_support(int support)
Definition: team.hpp:193
void last_recruit(const std::string &u_type)
Definition: team.hpp:220
void set_defeat_condition_string(const std::string &value)
sets the defeat condition if
Definition: team.hpp:336
const std::string & last_recruit() const
Definition: team.hpp:219
bool get_disallow_observers() const
Definition: team.hpp:331
void set_no_turn_confirmation(bool value)
Definition: team.hpp:357
std::shared_ptr< wb::side_actions > planned_actions_
Whiteboard planned actions for this team.
Definition: team.hpp:436
bool share_view() const
Definition: team.hpp:381
void set_save_id(const std::string &save_id)
Definition: team.hpp:224
const std::set< std::string > & recruits() const
Definition: team.hpp:214
const t_string & user_team_name() const
Definition: team.hpp:288
void make_idle()
Definition: team.hpp:278
void lose_village(const map_location &)
Definition: team.cpp:452
void set_share_vision(const std::string &vision_status)
Definition: team.hpp:384
void set_base_income(int amount)
Definition: team.hpp:201
void set_share_vision(team_shared_vision::type vision_status)
Definition: team.hpp:389
boost::dynamic_bitset enemies_
Definition: team.hpp:429
void remove_fog_override(const std::set< map_location > &hexes)
Removes the record of hexes that were cleared of fog via WML.
Definition: team.cpp:734
bool fogged(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:649
void set_lost(bool value=true)
Definition: team.hpp:342
bool is_empty() const
Definition: team.hpp:250
bool lost() const
Definition: team.hpp:343
void place_shroud(const map_location &loc)
Definition: team.hpp:312
void change_controller_by_wml(const std::string &new_controller)
Definition: team.cpp:573
void set_gold(int amount)
Definition: team.hpp:198
bool chose_random() const
Definition: team.hpp:400
void log_recruitable() const
Definition: team.cpp:1025
void toggle_droid()
Definition: team.hpp:284
void new_turn()
Definition: team.hpp:196
const std::vector< const shroud_map * > & ally_shroud(const std::vector< team > &teams) const
Definition: team.cpp:667
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
std::tuple< bool, bool > pump_result_t
Definition: fwd.hpp:29
bool fire_event(const ui_event event, const std::vector< std::pair< widget *, ui_event >> &event_chain, widget *dispatcher, widget *w, F &&... params)
Helper function for fire_event.
std::size_t index(std::string_view str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
Definition: display.hpp:45
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
int wml_y() const
Definition: location.hpp:184
int wml_x() const
Definition: location.hpp:183
static constexpr utils::optional< enum_type > get_enum(const std::string_view value)
Converts a string into its enum equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:57
std::string color
Definition: team.hpp:130
double carryover_bonus
Definition: team.hpp:139
int carryover_gold
Definition: team.hpp:140
bool chose_random
Definition: team.hpp:125
std::string team_name
Definition: team.hpp:90
void read(const config &cfg)
Definition: team.cpp:171
t_string user_team_name
Definition: team.hpp:91
int minimum_recruit_price
Definition: team.hpp:87
t_string faction_name
Definition: team.hpp:94
config variables
Definition: team.hpp:141
std::string countdown_time
Definition: team.hpp:98
void handle_legacy_share_vision(const config &cfg)
Definition: team.cpp:271
std::string flag
Definition: team.hpp:101
std::string current_player
Definition: team.hpp:97
bool is_local
Definition: team.hpp:116
side_proxy_controller::type proxy_controller
Definition: team.hpp:119
int carryover_percentage
Definition: team.hpp:136
t_string side_name
Definition: team.hpp:92
bool scroll_to_leader
Definition: team.hpp:106
t_string objectives
Definition: team.hpp:108
int action_bonus_count
Definition: team.hpp:99
int start_gold
Definition: team.hpp:83
std::string id
Definition: team.hpp:104
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: team.cpp:284
std::string faction
Definition: team.hpp:93
bool carryover_add
Definition: team.hpp:137
bool no_turn_confirmation
Definition: team.hpp:128
bool disallow_observers
Definition: team.hpp:123
std::string flag_icon
Definition: team.hpp:102
int recall_cost
Definition: team.hpp:88
bool no_leader
Definition: team.hpp:126
bool persistent
Definition: team.hpp:133
bool allow_player
Definition: team.hpp:124
side_controller::type controller
Definition: team.hpp:115
int support_per_village
Definition: team.hpp:86
defeat_condition::type defeat_cond
Definition: team.hpp:117
int income_per_village
Definition: team.hpp:85
std::string save_id
Definition: team.hpp:95
std::set< std::string > can_recruit
Definition: team.hpp:89
bool objectives_changed
< Team's objectives for the current level.
Definition: team.hpp:113
team_shared_vision::type share_vision
Definition: team.hpp:122
void validate_side(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:746
mock_char c
static map_location::direction n