The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  *
19  * map_display and display: classes which take care of
20  * displaying the map and game-data on the screen.
21  *
22  * The display is divided into two main sections:
23  * - the game area, which displays the tiles of the game board, and units on them,
24  * - and the side bar, which appears on the right hand side.
25  * The side bar display is divided into three sections:
26  * - the minimap, which is displayed at the top right
27  * - the game status, which includes the day/night image,
28  * the turn number, information about the current side,
29  * and information about the hex currently moused over (highlighted)
30  * - the unit status, which displays an image and stats
31  * for the current unit.
32  */
34 #pragma once
36 class fake_unit_manager;
37 class terrain_builder;
38 class map_labels;
39 class arrow;
40 class reports;
41 class team;
42 struct overlay;
45 namespace wb {
46  class manager;
47 }
49 #include "animated.hpp"
50 #include "display_context.hpp"
51 #include "font/standard_colors.hpp"
52 #include "game_config.hpp"
54 #include "halo.hpp"
55 #include "picture.hpp" //only needed for enums (!)
56 #include "key.hpp"
57 #include "time_of_day.hpp"
58 #include "sdl/rect.hpp"
59 #include "sdl/surface.hpp"
60 #include "sdl/texture.hpp"
61 #include "theme.hpp"
62 #include "widgets/button.hpp"
64 #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
66 #include <bitset>
67 #include <functional>
68 #include <chrono>
69 #include <cstdint>
70 #include <list>
71 #include <map>
72 #include <memory>
73 #include <vector>
76 {
79  std::array<SDL_Vertex, 4> alpha_verts;
80 };
82 class gamemap;
84 /**
85  * Sort-of-Singleton that many classes, both GUI and non-GUI, use to access the game data.
86  */
88 {
89 public:
90  display(const display_context* dc,
91  std::weak_ptr<wb::manager> wb,
92  reports& reports_object,
93  const std::string& theme_id,
94  const config& level);
96  virtual ~display();
97  /**
98  * Returns the display object if a display object exists. Otherwise it returns nullptr.
99  * the display object represents the game gui which handles themewml and drawing the map.
100  * A display object only exists during a game or while the mapeditor is running.
101  */
102  static display* get_singleton() { return singleton_ ;}
104  bool show_everything() const { return !dont_show_all_ && !is_blindfolded(); }
106  const gamemap& get_map() const { return dc_->map(); }
108  const std::vector<team>& get_teams() const {return dc_->teams();}
110  /** The playing team is the team whose turn it is. */
111  std::size_t playing_team() const { return activeTeam_; }
113  bool team_valid() const;
115  /**
116  * The viewing team is the team currently viewing the game. It's the team whose gold and income
117  * is shown in the top bar of the default theme.
118  *
119  * For players, it will be their side (or one of them, if they control multiple sides).
120  *
121  * The value returned is a 0-based index into the vector returned by get_teams().
122  */
123  std::size_t viewing_team() const { return currentTeam_; }
124  /**
125  * The 1-based equivalent of the 0-based viewing_team() function. This is the side-number that
126  * WML uses.
127  *
128  * TODO: provide a better interface in a better place (consistent base numbers, and not in a GUI
129  * class).
130  */
131  int viewing_side() const { return static_cast<int>(currentTeam_ + 1); }
133  /**
134  * Sets the team controlled by the player using the computer.
135  * Data from this team will be displayed in the game status.
136  */
137  void set_team(std::size_t team, bool observe=false);
139  /**
140  * set_playing_team sets the team whose turn it currently is
141  */
142  void set_playing_team(std::size_t team);
145  /**
146  * Cancels all the exclusive draw requests.
147  */
149  const unit_map& get_units() const {return dc_->units();}
151  /**
152  * Allows a unit to request to be the only one drawn in its hex. Useful for situations where
153  * multiple units (one real, multiple temporary) can end up stacked, such as with the whiteboard.
154  * @param loc The location of the unit requesting exclusivity.
155  * @param unit The unit requesting exclusivity.
156  * @return false if there's already an exclusive draw request for this location.
157  */
158  bool add_exclusive_draw(const map_location& loc, unit& unit);
159  /**
160  * Cancels an exclusive draw request.
161  * @return The id of the unit whose exclusive draw request was canceled, or else
162  * the empty string if there was no exclusive draw request for this location.
163  */
164  std::string remove_exclusive_draw(const map_location& loc);
166  /**
167  * Functions to add and remove overlays from locations.
168  *
169  * An overlay is an image that is displayed on top of the tile.
170  * One tile may have multiple overlays.
171  */
172  void add_overlay(const map_location& loc, const std::string& image,
173  const std::string& halo="", const std::string& team_name="",const std::string& item_id="",
174  bool visible_under_fog = true, float submerge = 0.0f, float z_order = 0);
176  /** remove_overlay will remove all overlays on a tile. */
177  void remove_overlay(const map_location& loc);
179  /** remove_single_overlay will remove a single overlay from a tile */
180  void remove_single_overlay(const map_location& loc, const std::string& toDelete);
182  /**
183  * Updates internals that cache map size. This should be called when the map
184  * size has changed.
185  */
186  void reload_map();
188  void change_display_context(const display_context* dc);
191  {
192  return *dc_;
193  }
197  /**
198  * Applies r,g,b coloring to the map.
199  *
200  * The color is usually taken from @ref get_time_of_day unless @a tod_override is given, in which
201  * case that color is used.
202  *
203  * @param tod_override The ToD to apply to the map instead of that of the current ToD's.
204  */
205  void update_tod(const time_of_day* tod_override = nullptr);
207  /**
208  * Add r,g,b to the colors for all images displayed on the map.
209  *
210  * Used for special effects like flashes.
211  */
212  void adjust_color_overlay(int r, int g, int b);
215  virtual bool in_game() const { return false; }
216  virtual bool in_editor() const { return false; }
218  /** Virtual functions shadowed in game_display. These are needed to generate reports easily, without dynamic casting. Hope to factor out eventually. */
219  virtual const map_location & displayed_unit_hex() const { return map_location::null_location(); }
220  virtual int playing_side() const { return -100; } //In this case give an obviously wrong answer to fail fast, since this could actually cause a big bug. */
221  virtual const std::set<std::string>& observers() const { static const std::set<std::string> fake_obs = std::set<std::string> (); return fake_obs; }
223  /**
224  * mapx is the width of the portion of the display which shows the game area.
225  * Between mapx and x is the sidebar region.
226  */
228  const rect& minimap_area() const;
229  const rect& palette_area() const;
230  const rect& unit_image_area() const;
232  /**
233  * Returns the maximum area used for the map
234  * regardless to resolution and view size
235  */
236  rect max_map_area() const;
238  /**
239  * Returns the area used for the map
240  */
241  rect map_area() const;
243  /**
244  * Returns the available area for a map, this may differ
245  * from the above. This area will get the background area
246  * applied to it.
247  */
248  rect map_outside_area() const;
250  /** Check if the bbox of the hex at x,y has pixels outside the area rectangle. */
251  static bool outside_area(const SDL_Rect& area, const int x,const int y);
253  /**
254  * Function which returns the width of a hex in pixels,
255  * up to where the next hex starts.
256  * (i.e. not entirely from tip to tip -- use hex_size()
257  * to get the distance from tip to tip)
258  */
259  static int hex_width() { return (zoom_*3)/4; }
261  /**
262  * Function which returns the size of a hex in pixels
263  * (from top tip to bottom tip or left edge to right edge).
264  */
265  static int hex_size(){ return zoom_; }
267  /** Returns the current zoom factor. */
268  static double get_zoom_factor()
269  {
270  return static_cast<double>(zoom_) / static_cast<double>(game_config::tile_size);
271  }
273  /** Scale the width and height of a rect by the current zoom factor */
274  static rect scaled_to_zoom(const SDL_Rect& r)
275  {
276  const double zf = get_zoom_factor();
277  return {r.x, r.y, int(r.w * zf), int(r.h * zf)};
278  }
280  static point scaled_to_zoom(const point& p)
281  {
282  const double zf = get_zoom_factor();
283  return {int(p.x * zf), int(p.y * zf)};
284  }
286  /**
287  * given x,y co-ordinates of an onscreen pixel, will return the
288  * location of the hex that this pixel corresponds to.
289  * Returns an invalid location if the mouse isn't over any valid location.
290  */
291  const map_location hex_clicked_on(int x, int y) const;
293  /**
294  * given x,y co-ordinates of a pixel on the map, will return the
295  * location of the hex that this pixel corresponds to.
296  * Returns an invalid location if the mouse isn't over any valid location.
297  */
298  const map_location pixel_position_to_hex(int x, int y) const;
300  /**
301  * given x,y co-ordinates of the mouse, will return the location of the
302  * hex in the minimap that the mouse is currently over, or an invalid
303  * location if the mouse isn't over the minimap.
304  */
305  map_location minimap_location_on(int x, int y);
307  const map_location& selected_hex() const { return selectedHex_; }
308  const map_location& mouseover_hex() const { return mouseoverHex_; }
310  virtual void select_hex(map_location hex);
311  virtual void highlight_hex(map_location hex);
313  /** Function to invalidate the game status displayed on the sidebar. */
316  /** Functions to get the on-screen positions of hexes. */
317  int get_location_x(const map_location& loc) const;
318  int get_location_y(const map_location& loc) const;
319  point get_location(const map_location& loc) const;
321  /**
322  * Rectangular area of hexes, allowing to decide how the top and bottom
323  * edges handles the vertical shift for each parity of the x coordinate
324  */
326  int left;
327  int right;
328  int top[2]; // for even and odd values of x, respectively
329  int bottom[2];
331  /** very simple iterator to walk into the rect_of_hexes */
332  struct iterator {
334  : loc_(loc), rect_(rect){}
336  /** increment y first, then when reaching bottom, increment x */
337  iterator& operator++();
338  bool operator==(const iterator &that) const { return that.loc_ == loc_; }
339  bool operator!=(const iterator &that) const { return that.loc_ != loc_; }
340  const map_location& operator*() const {return loc_;}
342  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
344  typedef int difference_type;
345  typedef const map_location *pointer;
346  typedef const map_location &reference;
348  private:
351  };
354  iterator begin() const;
355  iterator end() const;
356  };
358  /** Return the rectangular area of hexes overlapped by r (r is in screen coordinates) */
359  const rect_of_hexes hexes_under_rect(const SDL_Rect& r) const;
361  /** Returns the rectangular area of visible hexes */
364  /** Returns true if location (x,y) is covered in shroud. */
365  bool shrouded(const map_location& loc) const;
367  /** Returns true if location (x,y) is covered in fog. */
368  bool fogged(const map_location& loc) const;
370  /** Capture a (map-)screenshot into a surface. */
371  surface screenshot(bool map_screenshot = false);
373  /** Marks everything for rendering including all tiles and sidebar.
374  * Also calls redraw observers. */
375  void queue_rerender();
377  /** Queues repainting to the screen, but doesn't rerender. */
378  void queue_repaint();
380  /** Adds a redraw observer, a function object to be called when a
381  * full rerender is queued. */
382  void add_redraw_observer(std::function<void(display&)> f);
384  /** Clear the redraw observers */
385  void clear_redraw_observers();
387  theme& get_theme() { return theme_; }
388  void set_theme(const std::string& new_theme);
390  /**
391  * Retrieves a pointer to a theme UI button.
392  *
393  * @note The returned pointer may either be nullptr, meaning the button
394  * isn't defined by the current theme, or point to a valid
395  * gui::button object. However, the objects retrieved will be
396  * destroyed and recreated by draw() method calls. Do *NOT* store
397  * these pointers for longer than strictly necessary to
398  * accomplish a specific task before the next screen refresh.
399  */
400  std::shared_ptr<gui::button> find_action_button(const std::string& id);
401  std::shared_ptr<gui::button> find_menu_button(const std::string& id);
403  void create_buttons();
405  void layout_buttons();
407  void draw_buttons();
409  /** Hide theme buttons so they don't draw. */
410  void hide_buttons();
411  /** Unhide theme buttons so they draw again. */
412  void unhide_buttons();
414  /** Update the given report. Actual drawing is done in draw_report(). */
415  void refresh_report(const std::string& report_name, const config * new_cfg=nullptr);
417  /**
418  * Draw the specified report.
419  *
420  * If test_run is true, it will simulate the draw without actually
421  * drawing anything. This will add any overflowing information to the
422  * report tooltip, and also registers the tooltip.
423  */
424  void draw_report(const std::string& report_name, bool test_run = false);
426  /** Draw all reports in the given region.
427  * Returns true if something was drawn, false otherwise. */
428  bool draw_reports(const rect& region);
430  void draw_minimap_units();
432  /** Function to invalidate all tiles. */
433  void invalidate_all();
435  /** Function to invalidate a specific tile for redrawing. */
436  bool invalidate(const map_location& loc);
438  bool invalidate(const std::set<map_location>& locs);
440  /**
441  * If this set is partially invalidated, invalidate all its hexes.
442  * Returns if any new invalidation was needed
443  */
444  bool propagate_invalidation(const std::set<map_location>& locs);
446  /** invalidate all hexes under the rectangle rect (in screen coordinates) */
447  bool invalidate_locations_in_rect(const SDL_Rect& rect);
448  bool invalidate_visible_locations_in_rect(const SDL_Rect& rect);
450  /**
451  * Function to invalidate animated terrains and units which may have changed.
452  */
453  void invalidate_animations();
455  /**
456  * Per-location invalidation called by invalidate_animations()
457  * Extra game per-location invalidation (village ownership)
458  */
465  void update_fps_label();
466  void clear_fps_label();
467  void update_fps_count();
469  /** Rebuild all dynamic terrain. */
470  void rebuild_all();
472  const theme::action* action_pressed();
473  const theme::menu* menu_pressed();
475  void set_diagnostic(const std::string& msg);
477  double turbo_speed() const;
479  void bounds_check_position();
480  void bounds_check_position(int& xpos, int& ypos) const;
482  /**
483  * Scrolls the display by xmov,ymov pixels.
484  * Invalidation and redrawing will be scheduled.
485  * @return true if the map actually moved.
486  */
487  bool scroll(int xmov, int ymov, bool force = false);
489  /** Zooms the display in (true) or out (false). */
490  bool set_zoom(bool increase);
492  /** Sets the display zoom to the specified amount. */
493  bool set_zoom(unsigned int amount, const bool validate_value_and_set_index = true);
495  static bool zoom_at_max();
496  static bool zoom_at_min();
498  /** Sets the zoom amount to the default. */
499  void toggle_default_zoom();
501  bool view_locked() const { return view_locked_; }
503  /** Sets whether the map view is locked (e.g. so the user can't scroll away) */
504  void set_view_locked(bool value) { view_locked_ = value; }
508  /**
509  * Scroll such that location loc is on-screen.
510  * WARP jumps to loc; SCROLL uses scroll speed;
511  * ONSCREEN only scrolls if x,y is offscreen
512  * force : scroll even if preferences tell us not to,
513  * or the view is locked.
514  */
515  void scroll_to_tile(const map_location& loc, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true,bool force = true);
517  /**
518  * Scroll such that location loc1 is on-screen.
519  * It will also try to make it such that loc2 is on-screen,
520  * but this is not guaranteed. For ONSCREEN scrolls add_spacing
521  * sets the desired minimum distance from the border in hexes.
522  */
523  void scroll_to_tiles(map_location loc1, map_location loc2,
524  SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true,
525  double add_spacing=0.0, bool force=true);
527  /** Scroll to fit as many locations on-screen as possible, starting with the first. */
528  void scroll_to_tiles(const std::vector<map_location>::const_iterator & begin,
529  const std::vector<map_location>::const_iterator & end,
530  SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true,
531  bool only_if_possible=false, double add_spacing=0.0,
532  bool force=true);
533  /** Scroll to fit as many locations on-screen as possible, starting with the first. */
534  void scroll_to_tiles(const std::vector<map_location>& locs,
535  SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true,
536  bool only_if_possible=false,
537  double add_spacing=0.0, bool force=true)
538  {
539  scroll_to_tiles(locs.begin(), locs.end(), scroll_type, check_fogged,
540  only_if_possible, add_spacing, force);
541  }
543  /** Expose the event, so observers can be notified about map scrolling. */
546  /** Check if a tile is fully visible on screen. */
547  bool tile_fully_on_screen(const map_location& loc) const;
549  /** Checks if location @a loc or one of the adjacent tiles is visible on screen. */
550  bool tile_nearly_on_screen(const map_location &loc) const;
552  /** Prevent the game display from drawing.
553  * Used while story screen is showing to prevent flicker. */
554  void set_prevent_draw(bool pd = true);
555  bool get_prevent_draw();
557  /**
558  * @param dest The original destination.
559  * @param submerge How deep underwater it is.
560  * @param size The size of its image.
561  * @param alpha How transparent to make the submerged part.
562  * @param hreverse Whether to flip the image horizontally.
563  * @param vreverse Whether to flip the image vertically.
564  * @return The data necessary for showing the submerged effect for units and map overlays (aka items).
565  */
566  static submerge_data get_submerge_data(const rect& dest, double submerge, const point& size, uint8_t alpha, bool hreverse, bool vreverse);
568 private:
569  bool prevent_draw_ = false;
571 public:
572  /** ToD mask smooth fade */
573  void fade_tod_mask(const std::string& old, const std::string& new_);
575  /** Screen fade */
576  void fade_to(const color_t& color, int duration);
577  void set_fade(const color_t& color);
579 private:
580  color_t fade_color_ = {0,0,0,0};
582 public:
583  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
584  /* top_level_drawable interface (called by draw_manager) */
585  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
587  /** Update animations and internal state */
588  virtual void update() override;
590  /** Finalize screen layout. */
591  virtual void layout() override;
593  /** Update offscreen render buffers. */
594  virtual void render() override;
596  /** Paint the indicated region to the screen. */
597  virtual bool expose(const rect& region) override;
599  /** Return the current draw location of the display, on the screen. */
600  virtual rect screen_location() override;
602 private:
603  /** Render textures, for intermediate rendering. */
607  /** Ensure render textures are valid and correct. */
608  void update_render_textures();
610  /** Draw/redraw the off-map background area.
611  * This updates both render textures. */
614  /** Perform rendering of invalidated items. */
615  void draw();
617 public:
618  map_labels& labels();
619  const map_labels& labels() const;
621  /** Holds options for calls to function 'announce' (@ref announce). */
623  {
624  /** Lifetime measured in milliseconds. */
625  int lifetime;
627  /**
628  * An announcement according these options should replace the
629  * previous announce (typical of fast announcing) or not
630  * (typical of movement feedback).
631  */
635  : lifetime(1600)
636  , discard_previous(false)
637  {
638  }
639  };
641  /** Announce a message prominently. */
642  void announce(const std::string& msg,
643  const color_t& color = font::GOOD_COLOR,
644  const announce_options& options = announce_options());
646  /**
647  * Schedule the minimap for recalculation.
648  * Useful if any terrain in the map has changed.
649  */
650  void recalculate_minimap();
652  /**
653  * Schedule the minimap to be redrawn.
654  * Useful if units have moved about on the map.
655  */
656  void redraw_minimap();
658 private:
659  /** Actually draw the minimap. */
660  void draw_minimap();
662 public:
664  virtual const time_of_day& get_time_of_day(const map_location& loc = map_location::null_location()) const;
666  virtual bool has_time_area() const {return false;}
668  void blindfold(bool flag);
669  bool is_blindfolded() const;
671  void write(config& cfg) const;
673 private:
674  void read(const config& cfg);
676 public:
677  /** Init the flag list and the team colors used by ~TC */
678  void init_flags();
680  /** Rebuild the flag list (not team colors) for a single side. */
681  void reinit_flags_for_team(const team&);
682  void reset_reports(reports& reports_object)
683  {
684  reports_object_ = &reports_object;
685  }
687 private:
688  void init_flags_for_side_internal(std::size_t side, const std::string& side_color);
692 protected:
693  //TODO sort
696  std::weak_ptr<wb::manager> wb_;
698  typedef std::map<map_location, std::string> exclusive_unit_draw_requests_t;
699  /** map of hexes where only one unit should be drawn, the one identified by the associated id string */
704  /**
705  * Get the clipping rectangle for drawing.
706  * Virtual since the editor might use a slightly different approach.
707  */
708  virtual rect get_clip_rect() const;
710  /**
711  * Only called when there's actual redrawing to do. Loops through
712  * invalidated locations and redraws them. Derived classes can override
713  * this, possibly to insert pre- or post-processing around a call to the
714  * base class's function.
715  */
716  virtual void draw_invalidated();
718  /**
719  * Redraws a single gamemap location.
720  */
721  virtual void draw_hex(const map_location& loc);
725  void get_terrain_images(const map_location &loc,
726  const std::string& timeid,
729  std::vector<texture> get_fog_shroud_images(const map_location& loc, image::TYPE image_type);
731  void scroll_to_xy(int screenxpos, int screenypos, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type,bool force = true);
733  static void fill_images_list(const std::string& prefix, std::vector<std::string>& images);
735  static const std::string& get_variant(const std::vector<std::string>& variants, const map_location &loc);
737  std::size_t currentTeam_;
738  bool dont_show_all_; //const team *viewpoint_;
739  /**
740  * Position of the top-left corner of the viewport, in pixels.
741  *
742  * Dependent on zoom_.. For example, ypos_==72 only means we're one
743  * hex below the top of the map when zoom_ == 72 (the default value).
744  */
745  int xpos_, ypos_;
748  /**
749  * The current zoom, in pixels (on screen) per 72 pixels (in the
750  * graphic assets), i.e., 72 means 100%.
751  */
752  static unsigned int zoom_;
754  /** The previous value of zoom_. */
755  static unsigned int last_zoom_;
756  const std::unique_ptr<fake_unit_manager> fake_unit_man_;
757  const std::unique_ptr<terrain_builder> builder_;
758  std::function<rect(rect)> minimap_renderer_;
764  const std::unique_ptr<map_labels> map_labels_;
767  /** Event raised when the map is being scrolled */
770  boost::circular_buffer<unsigned> frametimes_; // in milliseconds
772  unsigned int fps_counter_;
773  std::chrono::seconds fps_start_;
774  unsigned int fps_actual_;
775  uint32_t last_frame_finished_ = 0u;
777  // Not set by the initializer:
778  std::map<std::string, rect> reportLocations_;
779  std::map<std::string, texture> reportSurfaces_;
780  std::map<std::string, config> reports_;
781  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<gui::button>> menu_buttons_, action_buttons_;
782  std::set<map_location> invalidated_;
783  // If we're transitioning from one time of day to the next,
784  // then we will use these two masks on top of all hexes when we blit.
787  uint8_t tod_hex_alpha1 = 0;
788  uint8_t tod_hex_alpha2 = 0;
789  std::vector<std::string> fog_images_;
790  std::vector<std::string> shroud_images_;
796  /** Local cache for prefs::get().animate_map, since it is constantly queried. */
799  /** Local version of prefs::get().animate_water, used to detect when it's changed. */
802 private:
804  texture get_flag(const map_location& loc);
806  /** Animated flags for each team */
807  std::vector<animated<image::locator>> flags_;
809  // This vector is a class member to avoid repeated memory allocations in get_terrain_images(),
810  // which turned out to be a significant bottleneck while profiling.
811  std::vector<texture> terrain_image_vector_;
813 public:
814  /**
815  * The layers to render something on. This value should never be stored
816  * it's the internal drawing order and adding removing and reordering
817  * the layers should be safe.
818  * If needed in WML use the name and map that to the enum value.
819  */
822  * Layer for the terrain drawn behind the
823  * unit.
824  */
825  LAYER_GRID_TOP, /**< Top half part of grid image */
826  LAYER_MOUSEOVER_OVERLAY, /**< Mouseover overlay used by editor*/
827  LAYER_FOOTSTEPS, /**< Footsteps showing path from unit to mouse */
828  LAYER_MOUSEOVER_TOP, /**< Top half of image following the mouse */
829  LAYER_UNIT_FIRST, /**< Reserve layers to be selected for WML. */
830  LAYER_UNIT_BG = LAYER_UNIT_FIRST+10, /**< Used for the ellipse behind the unit. */
831  LAYER_UNIT_DEFAULT=LAYER_UNIT_FIRST+40,/**<default layer for drawing units */
833  * Layer for the terrain drawn in front of
834  * the unit.
835  */
837  * Used for the bottom half part of grid image.
838  * Should be under moving units, to avoid masking south move.
839  */
840  LAYER_UNIT_MOVE_DEFAULT=LAYER_UNIT_FIRST+60/**<default layer for drawing moving units */,
842  * Used for the ellipse in front of the
843  * unit.
844  */
845  LAYER_UNIT_MISSILE_DEFAULT = LAYER_UNIT_FIRST+90, /**< default layer for missile frames*/
847  LAYER_REACHMAP, /**< "black stripes" on unreachable hexes. */
848  LAYER_MOUSEOVER_BOTTOM, /**< Bottom half of image following the mouse */
849  LAYER_FOG_SHROUD, /**< Fog and shroud. */
850  LAYER_ARROWS, /**< Arrows from the arrows framework. Used for planned moves display. */
851  LAYER_ACTIONS_NUMBERING, /**< Move numbering for the whiteboard. */
852  LAYER_SELECTED_HEX, /**< Image on the selected unit */
853  LAYER_ATTACK_INDICATOR, /**< Layer which holds the attack indicator. */
854  LAYER_UNIT_BAR, /**<
855  * Unit bars and overlays are drawn on this
856  * layer (for testing here).
857  */
858  LAYER_MOVE_INFO, /**< Movement info (defense%, etc...). */
859  LAYER_LINGER_OVERLAY, /**< The overlay used for the linger mode. */
860  LAYER_BORDER, /**< The border of the map. */
861  };
863  /**
864  * Draw text on a hex. (0.5, 0.5) is the center.
865  * The font size is adjusted to the zoom factor.
866  */
867  void draw_text_in_hex(const map_location& loc,
868  const drawing_layer layer, const std::string& text, std::size_t font_size,
869  color_t color, double x_in_hex=0.5, double y_in_hex=0.5);
871 protected:
873  //TODO sort
874  std::size_t activeTeam_;
876  /**
877  * Helper for rendering the map by ordering draw operations.
878  *
879  * In order to render a hex properly, they need to be rendered per row.
880  * In this row several layers need to be drawn at the same time, mainly
881  * the unit and the background terrain. This is needed since both can spill
882  * into the next hex. The foreground terrain needs to be drawn before to
883  * avoid decapitating a unit.
884  *
885  * In other words:
886  * for every layer
887  * for every row (starting from the top)
888  * for every hex in the row
889  * ...
890  *
891  * this is modified to:
892  * for every layer group
893  * for every row (starting from the top)
894  * for every layer in the group
895  * for every hex in the row
896  * ...
897  */
898  struct draw_helper
899  {
900  /** Controls the ordering of draw calls by layer and location. */
901  const uint32_t key;
903  /** Handles the actual drawing at this location. */
904  std::function<void(const rect&)> do_draw;
906  /** The screen coordinates for the specified hex. This is passed to @ref do_draw */
909  bool operator<(const draw_helper& rhs) const
910  {
911  return key < rhs.key;
912  }
913  };
915  std::list<draw_helper> drawing_buffer_;
917 public:
918  /**
919  * Add an item to the drawing buffer.
920  *
921  * @param layer The layer to draw on.
922  * @param loc The hex the image belongs to, needed for the drawing order.
923  * @param draw_func The draw operation to be run.
924  */
925  void drawing_buffer_add(const drawing_layer layer, const map_location& loc, decltype(draw_helper::do_draw) draw_func);
927 protected:
929  /** Draws the drawing_buffer_ and clears it. */
930  void drawing_buffer_commit();
932  /** Redraws all panels intersecting the given region.
933  * Returns true if something was drawn, false otherwise. */
934  bool draw_all_panels(const rect& region);
936 private:
937  void draw_panel(const theme::panel& panel);
938  void draw_label(const theme::label& label);
940 protected:
941  /** Used to indicate to drawing functions that we are doing a map screenshot */
944 public: //operations for the arrow framework
946  void add_arrow(arrow&);
948  void remove_arrow(arrow&);
950  /** Called by arrow objects when they change. You should not need to call this directly. */
951  void update_arrow(arrow & a);
953 protected:
955  // Tiles lit for showing where unit(s) can reach
956  typedef std::map<map_location,unsigned int> reach_map;
962  typedef std::map<map_location, std::vector<overlay>> overlay_map;
964  virtual overlay_map& get_overlays() = 0;
966 private:
967  /** Handle for the label which displays frames per second. */
969  /** Count work done for the debug info displayed under fps */
973  std::vector<std::function<void(display&)>> redraw_observers_;
975 public:
976  enum DEBUG_FLAG {
977  /** Overlays x,y coords on tiles */
980  /** Overlays terrain codes on tiles */
983  /** Overlays number of bitmaps on tiles */
986  /** Separates background and foreground terrain layers. */
989  /** Toggle to continuously redraw the whole map. */
992  /** Dummy entry to size the bitmask. Keep this last! */
994  };
997  {
998  return debug_flags_.test(flag);
999  }
1001  void set_debug_flag(DEBUG_FLAG flag, bool value)
1002  {
1003  debug_flags_.set(flag, value);
1004  }
1007  {
1008  debug_flags_.flip(flag);
1009  }
1011 private:
1012  /** Currently set debug flags. */
1013  std::bitset<__NUM_DEBUG_FLAGS> debug_flags_;
1015  typedef std::list<arrow*> arrows_list_t;
1016  typedef std::map<map_location, arrows_list_t > arrows_map_t;
1017  /** Maps the list of arrows for each location */
1022  std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, int>> fps_history_;
1024 protected:
1026 };
1029 {
1030  blindfold(display& d, bool lock=true) : display_(d), blind(lock) {
1031  if(blind) {
1032  display_.blindfold(true);
1033  }
1034  }
1037  unblind();
1038  }
1040  void unblind() {
1041  if(blind) {
1042  display_.blindfold(false);
1044  blind = false;
1045  }
1046  }
1048 private:
1050  bool blind;
1051 };
Animate units.
double g
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
Class that keeps track of all the keys on the keyboard.
Definition: key.hpp:29
Arrows destined to be drawn on the map.
Definition: arrow.hpp:30
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
Abstract class for exposing game data that doesn't depend on the GUI, however which for historical re...
virtual const gamemap & map() const =0
virtual const std::vector< team > & teams() const =0
virtual const unit_map & units() const =0
Sort-of-Singleton that many classes, both GUI and non-GUI, use to access the game data.
Definition: display.hpp:88
arrows_map_t arrows_map_
Maps the list of arrows for each location.
Definition: display.hpp:1018
void unhide_buttons()
Unhide theme buttons so they draw again.
Definition: display.cpp:972
int xpos_
Position of the top-left corner of the viewport, in pixels.
Definition: display.hpp:745
void reset_reports(reports &reports_object)
Definition: display.hpp:682
bool map_screenshot_
Used to indicate to drawing functions that we are doing a map screenshot.
Definition: display.hpp:942
void draw_text_in_hex(const map_location &loc, const drawing_layer layer, const std::string &text, std::size_t font_size, color_t color, double x_in_hex=0.5, double y_in_hex=0.5)
Draw text on a hex.
Definition: display.cpp:1476
void layout_buttons()
Definition: display.cpp:825
int viewing_side() const
The 1-based equivalent of the 0-based viewing_team() function.
Definition: display.hpp:131
bool redraw_background_
Definition: display.hpp:760
void update_render_textures()
Ensure render textures are valid and correct.
Definition: display.cpp:2558
void toggle_debug_flag(DEBUG_FLAG flag)
Definition: display.hpp:1006
static unsigned int last_zoom_
The previous value of zoom_.
Definition: display.hpp:755
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: display.cpp:3300
const unit_map & get_units() const
Definition: display.hpp:149
const display_context & get_disp_context() const
Definition: display.hpp:190
static bool zoom_at_min()
Definition: display.cpp:1840
std::map< map_location, std::vector< overlay > > overlay_map
Definition: display.hpp:962
void get_terrain_images(const map_location &loc, const std::string &timeid, TERRAIN_TYPE terrain_type)
Definition: display.cpp:1068
void remove_overlay(const map_location &loc)
remove_overlay will remove all overlays on a tile.
Definition: display.cpp:127
virtual bool has_time_area() const
Definition: display.hpp:666
map_location selectedHex_
Definition: display.hpp:792
std::size_t viewing_team() const
The viewing team is the team currently viewing the game.
Definition: display.hpp:123
void recalculate_minimap()
Schedule the minimap for recalculation.
Definition: display.cpp:1610
void clear_fps_label()
Definition: display.cpp:1392
void redraw_minimap()
Schedule the minimap to be redrawn.
Definition: display.cpp:1631
point get_location(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: display.cpp:717
unsigned int fps_counter_
Definition: display.hpp:772
bool invalidate_locations_in_rect(const SDL_Rect &rect)
invalidate all hexes under the rectangle rect (in screen coordinates)
Definition: display.cpp:3198
const map_location hex_clicked_on(int x, int y) const
given x,y co-ordinates of an onscreen pixel, will return the location of the hex that this pixel corr...
Definition: display.cpp:557
virtual void render() override
Update offscreen render buffers.
Definition: display.cpp:2477
void init_flags_for_side_internal(std::size_t side, const std::string &side_color)
Definition: display.cpp:280
void remove_single_overlay(const map_location &loc, const std::string &toDelete)
remove_single_overlay will remove a single overlay from a tile
Definition: display.cpp:132
static bool outside_area(const SDL_Rect &area, const int x, const int y)
Check if the bbox of the hex at x,y has pixels outside the area rectangle.
Definition: display.cpp:549
void fade_tod_mask(const std::string &old, const std::string &new_)
ToD mask smooth fade.
Definition: display.cpp:2263
bool invalidate(const map_location &loc)
Function to invalidate a specific tile for redrawing.
Definition: display.cpp:3145
virtual const time_of_day & get_time_of_day(const map_location &loc=map_location::null_location()) const
Definition: display.cpp:399
uint8_t tod_hex_alpha1
Definition: display.hpp:787
void announce(const std::string &msg, const color_t &color=font::GOOD_COLOR, const announce_options &options=announce_options())
Announce a message prominently.
Definition: display.cpp:1594
bool view_locked_
Definition: display.hpp:746
std::list< arrow * > arrows_list_t
Definition: display.hpp:1015
The layers to render something on.
Definition: display.hpp:820
Used for the ellipse in front of the unit.
Definition: display.hpp:841
Definition: display.hpp:846
Bottom half of image following the mouse.
Definition: display.hpp:848
Layer which holds the attack indicator.
Definition: display.hpp:853
The border of the map.
Definition: display.hpp:860
Reserve layers to be selected for WML.
Definition: display.hpp:829
Movement info (defense%, etc...).
Definition: display.hpp:858
Move numbering for the whiteboard.
Definition: display.hpp:851
Mouseover overlay used by editor.
Definition: display.hpp:826
default layer for missile frames
Definition: display.hpp:845
Layer for the terrain drawn behind the unit.
Definition: display.hpp:821
default layer for drawing units
Definition: display.hpp:831
Fog and shroud.
Definition: display.hpp:849
default layer for drawing moving units
Definition: display.hpp:840
Used for the bottom half part of grid image.
Definition: display.hpp:836
Used for the ellipse behind the unit.
Definition: display.hpp:830
Footsteps showing path from unit to mouse.
Definition: display.hpp:827
The overlay used for the linger mode.
Definition: display.hpp:859
Top half part of grid image.
Definition: display.hpp:825
Layer for the terrain drawn in front of the unit.
Definition: display.hpp:832
Image on the selected unit.
Definition: display.hpp:852
Arrows from the arrows framework.
Definition: display.hpp:850
Unit bars and overlays are drawn on this layer (for testing here).
Definition: display.hpp:854
"black stripes" on unreachable hexes.
Definition: display.hpp:847
Top half of image following the mouse.
Definition: display.hpp:828
double turbo_speed() const
Definition: display.cpp:2188
Definition: display.hpp:506
Definition: display.hpp:506
Definition: display.hpp:506
int current_frame_sample_
Definition: display.hpp:771
int invalidated_hexes_
Count work done for the debug info displayed under fps.
Definition: display.hpp:970
void adjust_color_overlay(int r, int g, int b)
Add r,g,b to the colors for all images displayed on the map.
Definition: display.cpp:418
bool add_exclusive_draw(const map_location &loc, unit &unit)
Allows a unit to request to be the only one drawn in its hex.
Definition: display.cpp:377
void set_fade(const color_t &color)
Definition: display.cpp:2319
void queue_repaint()
Queues repainting to the screen, but doesn't rerender.
Definition: display.cpp:2376
bool reach_map_changed_
Definition: display.hpp:959
static int hex_size()
Function which returns the size of a hex in pixels (from top tip to bottom tip or left edge to right ...
Definition: display.hpp:265
int get_location_x(const map_location &loc) const
Functions to get the on-screen positions of hexes.
Definition: display.cpp:707
static double get_zoom_factor()
Returns the current zoom factor.
Definition: display.hpp:268
const rect & unit_image_area() const
Definition: display.cpp:492
Definition: display.hpp:723
Definition: display.hpp:723
Definition: display.hpp:723
bool scroll(int xmov, int ymov, bool force=false)
Scrolls the display by xmov,ymov pixels.
Definition: display.cpp:1735
bool propagate_invalidation(const std::set< map_location > &locs)
If this set is partially invalidated, invalidate all its hexes.
Definition: display.cpp:3166
void clear_redraw_observers()
Clear the redraw observers.
Definition: display.cpp:2388
void invalidate_game_status()
Function to invalidate the game status displayed on the sidebar.
Definition: display.hpp:314
const theme::action * action_pressed()
Definition: display.cpp:1562
static submerge_data get_submerge_data(const rect &dest, double submerge, const point &size, uint8_t alpha, bool hreverse, bool vreverse)
Definition: display.cpp:2216
std::shared_ptr< gui::button > find_action_button(const std::string &id)
Retrieves a pointer to a theme UI button.
Definition: display.cpp:805
void set_theme(const std::string &new_theme)
Definition: display.cpp:248
void rebuild_all()
Rebuild all dynamic terrain.
Definition: display.cpp:452
void change_display_context(const display_context *dc)
Definition: display.cpp:463
void add_redraw_observer(std::function< void(display &)> f)
Adds a redraw observer, a function object to be called when a full rerender is queued.
Definition: display.cpp:2383
void set_prevent_draw(bool pd=true)
Prevent the game display from drawing.
Definition: display.cpp:2202
void clear_exclusive_draws()
Cancels all the exclusive draw requests.
Definition: display.hpp:148
unsigned int fps_actual_
Definition: display.hpp:774
virtual overlay_map & get_overlays()=0
theme theme_
Definition: display.hpp:747
tod_color color_adjust_
Definition: display.hpp:1020
bool get_prevent_draw()
Definition: display.cpp:2211
virtual void layout() override
Finalize screen layout.
Definition: display.cpp:2446
virtual void highlight_hex(map_location hex)
Definition: display.cpp:1512
void update_tod(const time_of_day *tod_override=nullptr)
Applies r,g,b coloring to the map.
Definition: display.cpp:405
static bool zoom_at_max()
Definition: display.cpp:1835
static display * singleton_
Definition: display.hpp:1025
std::shared_ptr< gui::button > find_menu_button(const std::string &id)
Definition: display.cpp:815
void render_map_outside_area()
Draw/redraw the off-map background area.
Definition: display.cpp:2603
map_labels & labels()
Definition: display.cpp:2619
void set_team(std::size_t team, bool observe=false)
Sets the team controlled by the player using the computer.
Definition: display.cpp:353
const map_location pixel_position_to_hex(int x, int y) const
given x,y co-ordinates of a pixel on the map, will return the location of the hex that this pixel cor...
Definition: display.cpp:571
void remove_arrow(arrow &)
Definition: display.cpp:3276
Overlays x,y coords on tiles.
Definition: display.hpp:978
Toggle to continuously redraw the whole map.
Definition: display.hpp:990
Dummy entry to size the bitmask.
Definition: display.hpp:993
Overlays number of bitmaps on tiles.
Definition: display.hpp:984
Separates background and foreground terrain layers.
Definition: display.hpp:987
Overlays terrain codes on tiles.
Definition: display.hpp:981
void process_reachmap_changes()
Definition: display.cpp:3317
void draw_minimap_units()
Definition: display.cpp:1688
void scroll_to_tile(const map_location &loc, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, bool force=true)
Scroll such that location loc is on-screen.
Definition: display.cpp:2025
void invalidate_animations_location(const map_location &loc)
Per-location invalidation called by invalidate_animations() Extra game per-location invalidation (vil...
Definition: display.cpp:3213
map_location mouseoverHex_
Definition: display.hpp:793
bool fogged(const map_location &loc) const
Returns true if location (x,y) is covered in fog.
Definition: display.cpp:702
bool view_locked() const
Definition: display.hpp:501
const gamemap & get_map() const
Definition: display.hpp:106
bool set_zoom(bool increase)
Zooms the display in (true) or out (false).
Definition: display.cpp:1845
std::map< std::string, rect > reportLocations_
Definition: display.hpp:778
const rect_of_hexes get_visible_hexes() const
Returns the rectangular area of visible hexes.
Definition: display.hpp:362
bool invalidateAll_
Definition: display.hpp:761
int drawn_hexes_
Definition: display.hpp:971
texture get_flag(const map_location &loc)
Definition: display.cpp:333
tod_color get_color_overlay() const
Definition: display.hpp:213
void invalidate_all()
Function to invalidate all tiles.
Definition: display.cpp:3138
std::map< std::string, config > reports_
Definition: display.hpp:780
std::bitset< __NUM_DEBUG_FLAGS > debug_flags_
Currently set debug flags.
Definition: display.hpp:1013
SDL_Rect minimap_location_
Definition: display.hpp:759
map_location get_middle_location() const
Definition: display.cpp:3294
void bounds_check_position()
Definition: display.cpp:2170
std::function< rect(rect)> minimap_renderer_
Definition: display.hpp:758
surface screenshot(bool map_screenshot=false)
Capture a (map-)screenshot into a surface.
Definition: display.cpp:757
void init_flags()
Init the flag list and the team colors used by ~TC.
Definition: display.cpp:259
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< gui::button > > action_buttons_
Definition: display.hpp:781
void drawing_buffer_add(const drawing_layer layer, const map_location &loc, decltype(draw_helper::do_draw) draw_func)
Add an item to the drawing buffer.
Definition: display.cpp:1287
const rect_of_hexes hexes_under_rect(const SDL_Rect &r) const
Return the rectangular area of hexes overlapped by r (r is in screen coordinates)
Definition: display.cpp:645
void scroll_to_xy(int screenxpos, int screenypos, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type, bool force=true)
Definition: display.cpp:1943
virtual int playing_side() const
Definition: display.hpp:220
rect map_outside_area() const
Returns the available area for a map, this may differ from the above.
Definition: display.cpp:540
bool prevent_draw_
Definition: display.hpp:569
exclusive_unit_draw_requests_t exclusive_unit_draw_requests_
map of hexes where only one unit should be drawn, the one identified by the associated id string
Definition: display.hpp:700
bool tile_nearly_on_screen(const map_location &loc) const
Checks if location loc or one of the adjacent tiles is visible on screen.
Definition: display.cpp:1933
bool team_valid() const
Definition: display.cpp:692
void reload_map()
Updates internals that cache map size.
Definition: display.cpp:457
rect max_map_area() const
Returns the maximum area used for the map regardless to resolution and view size.
Definition: display.cpp:497
void update_fps_count()
Definition: display.cpp:1540
halo::manager & get_halo_manager()
Definition: display.hpp:195
bool tile_fully_on_screen(const map_location &loc) const
Check if a tile is fully visible on screen.
Definition: display.cpp:1926
void update_fps_label()
Definition: display.cpp:1340
map_location minimap_location_on(int x, int y)
given x,y co-ordinates of the mouse, will return the location of the hex in the minimap that the mous...
Definition: display.cpp:725
std::map< map_location, arrows_list_t > arrows_map_t
Definition: display.hpp:1016
void scroll_to_tiles(map_location loc1, map_location loc2, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, double add_spacing=0.0, bool force=true)
Scroll such that location loc1 is on-screen.
Definition: display.cpp:2037
bool is_blindfolded() const
Definition: display.cpp:477
std::vector< texture > terrain_image_vector_
Definition: display.hpp:811
std::vector< std::string > fog_images_
Definition: display.hpp:789
virtual bool in_editor() const
Definition: display.hpp:216
int fps_handle_
Handle for the label which displays frames per second.
Definition: display.hpp:968
texture tod_hex_mask2
Definition: display.hpp:786
theme & get_theme()
Definition: display.hpp:387
bool invalidate_visible_locations_in_rect(const SDL_Rect &rect)
Definition: display.cpp:3193
std::map< map_location, std::string > exclusive_unit_draw_requests_t
Definition: display.hpp:698
std::vector< std::function< void(display &)> > redraw_observers_
Definition: display.hpp:973
void read(const config &cfg)
Definition: display.cpp:3309
const theme::menu * menu_pressed()
Definition: display.cpp:1578
const std::unique_ptr< terrain_builder > builder_
Definition: display.hpp:757
virtual const map_location & displayed_unit_hex() const
Virtual functions shadowed in game_display.
Definition: display.hpp:219
std::vector< animated< image::locator > > flags_
Animated flags for each team.
Definition: display.hpp:807
const map_location & selected_hex() const
Definition: display.hpp:307
events::generic_event & scroll_event() const
Expose the event, so observers can be notified about map scrolling.
Definition: display.hpp:544
static void fill_images_list(const std::string &prefix, std::vector< std::string > &images)
Definition: display.cpp:424
int ypos_
Definition: display.hpp:745
void draw_report(const std::string &report_name, bool test_run=false)
Draw the specified report.
Definition: display.cpp:2964
std::set< map_location > invalidated_
Definition: display.hpp:782
color_t fade_color_
Definition: display.hpp:580
std::vector< texture > get_fog_shroud_images(const map_location &loc, image::TYPE image_type)
Definition: display.cpp:982
void fade_to(const color_t &color, int duration)
Screen fade.
Definition: display.cpp:2286
void queue_rerender()
Marks everything for rendering including all tiles and sidebar.
Definition: display.cpp:2324
std::size_t activeTeam_
Definition: display.hpp:874
void create_buttons()
Definition: display.cpp:875
int blindfold_ctr_
Definition: display.hpp:690
std::string remove_exclusive_draw(const map_location &loc)
Cancels an exclusive draw request.
Definition: display.cpp:387
bool invalidateGameStatus_
Definition: display.hpp:763
reach_map reach_map_old_
Definition: display.hpp:958
virtual void draw_invalidated()
Only called when there's actual redrawing to do.
Definition: display.cpp:2634
void drawing_buffer_commit()
Draws the drawing_buffer_ and clears it.
Definition: display.cpp:1305
rect map_area() const
Returns the area used for the map.
Definition: display.cpp:514
int zoom_index_
Definition: display.hpp:753
void draw_panel(const theme::panel &panel)
Definition: display.cpp:1402
void set_playing_team(std::size_t team)
set_playing_team sets the team whose turn it currently is
Definition: display.cpp:370
std::chrono::seconds fps_start_
Definition: display.hpp:773
void draw_buttons()
Definition: display.cpp:940
static int hex_width()
Function which returns the width of a hex in pixels, up to where the next hex starts.
Definition: display.hpp:259
void set_debug_flag(DEBUG_FLAG flag, bool value)
Definition: display.hpp:1001
void reset_standing_animations()
Definition: display.cpp:3262
bool animate_water_
Local version of prefs::get().animate_water, used to detect when it's changed.
Definition: display.hpp:800
bool debug_flag_set(DEBUG_FLAG flag) const
Definition: display.hpp:996
void toggle_default_zoom()
Sets the zoom amount to the default.
Definition: display.cpp:1914
virtual rect get_clip_rect() const
Get the clipping rectangle for drawing.
Definition: display.cpp:2629
void scroll_to_tiles(const std::vector< map_location > &locs, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, bool only_if_possible=false, double add_spacing=0.0, bool force=true)
Scroll to fit as many locations on-screen as possible, starting with the first.
Definition: display.hpp:534
CKey keys_
Definition: display.hpp:794
reports * reports_object_
Definition: display.hpp:765
bool draw_reports(const rect &region)
Draw all reports in the given region.
Definition: display.cpp:3124
void invalidate_animations()
Function to invalidate animated terrains and units which may have changed.
Definition: display.cpp:3224
virtual rect screen_location() override
Return the current draw location of the display, on the screen.
Definition: display.cpp:2550
static const std::string & get_variant(const std::vector< std::string > &variants, const map_location &loc)
Definition: display.cpp:446
void hide_buttons()
Hide theme buttons so they don't draw.
Definition: display.cpp:962
virtual bool expose(const rect &region) override
Paint the indicated region to the screen.
Definition: display.cpp:2505
std::list< draw_helper > drawing_buffer_
Definition: display.hpp:915
uint8_t tod_hex_alpha2
Definition: display.hpp:788
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< gui::button > > menu_buttons_
Definition: display.hpp:781
virtual void update() override
Update animations and internal state.
Definition: display.cpp:2429
void draw()
Perform rendering of invalidated items.
Definition: display.cpp:2393
int get_location_y(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: display.cpp:712
const rect & minimap_area() const
mapx is the width of the portion of the display which shows the game area.
Definition: display.cpp:482
texture back_
Definition: display.hpp:605
events::generic_event scroll_event_
Event raised when the map is being scrolled.
Definition: display.hpp:768
bool show_everything() const
Definition: display.hpp:104
terrain_builder & get_builder()
Definition: display.hpp:463
virtual void draw_hex(const map_location &loc)
Redraws a single gamemap location.
Definition: display.cpp:2675
std::size_t currentTeam_
Definition: display.hpp:737
texture tod_hex_mask1
Definition: display.hpp:785
virtual bool in_game() const
Definition: display.hpp:215
virtual ~display()
Definition: display.cpp:238
const rect & palette_area() const
Definition: display.cpp:487
std::map< map_location, unsigned int > reach_map
Definition: display.hpp:956
static display * get_singleton()
Returns the display object if a display object exists.
Definition: display.hpp:102
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, int > > fps_history_
Definition: display.hpp:1022
halo::manager halo_man_
Definition: display.hpp:695
void reinit_flags_for_team(const team &)
Rebuild the flag list (not team colors) for a single side.
Definition: display.cpp:275
void draw_minimap()
Actually draw the minimap.
Definition: display.cpp:1636
texture front_
Render textures, for intermediate rendering.
Definition: display.hpp:604
const map_location & mouseover_hex() const
Definition: display.hpp:308
void update_arrow(arrow &a)
Called by arrow objects when they change.
Definition: display.cpp:3283
void draw_label(const theme::label &label)
Definition: display.cpp:1427
const std::unique_ptr< fake_unit_manager > fake_unit_man_
Definition: display.hpp:756
const display_context * dc_
Definition: display.hpp:694
bool animate_map_
Local cache for prefs::get().animate_map, since it is constantly queried.
Definition: display.hpp:797
static point scaled_to_zoom(const point &p)
Definition: display.hpp:280
std::vector< std::string > shroud_images_
Definition: display.hpp:790
void set_view_locked(bool value)
Sets whether the map view is locked (e.g.
Definition: display.hpp:504
static rect scaled_to_zoom(const SDL_Rect &r)
Scale the width and height of a rect by the current zoom factor.
Definition: display.hpp:274
virtual const std::set< std::string > & observers() const
Definition: display.hpp:221
static unsigned int zoom_
The current zoom, in pixels (on screen) per 72 pixels (in the graphic assets), i.e....
Definition: display.hpp:752
bool shrouded(const map_location &loc) const
Returns true if location (x,y) is covered in shroud.
Definition: display.cpp:697
bool dont_show_all_
Definition: display.hpp:738
void blindfold(bool flag)
Definition: display.cpp:469
void refresh_report(const std::string &report_name, const config *new_cfg=nullptr)
Update the given report.
Definition: display.cpp:2894
std::weak_ptr< wb::manager > wb_
Definition: display.hpp:696
void add_arrow(arrow &)
Definition: display.cpp:3269
const std::unique_ptr< map_labels > map_labels_
Definition: display.hpp:764
boost::circular_buffer< unsigned > frametimes_
Definition: display.hpp:770
uint32_t last_frame_finished_
Definition: display.hpp:775
void set_diagnostic(const std::string &msg)
Definition: display.cpp:1522
virtual void select_hex(map_location hex)
Definition: display.cpp:1504
int diagnostic_label_
Definition: display.hpp:762
const std::vector< team > & get_teams() const
Definition: display.hpp:108
std::map< std::string, texture > reportSurfaces_
Definition: display.hpp:779
std::size_t playing_team() const
The playing team is the team whose turn it is.
Definition: display.hpp:111
bool draw_all_panels(const rect &region)
Redraws all panels intersecting the given region.
Definition: display.cpp:1454
reach_map reach_map_
Definition: display.hpp:957
void add_overlay(const map_location &loc, const std::string &image, const std::string &halo="", const std::string &team_name="", const std::string &item_id="", bool visible_under_fog=true, float submerge=0.0f, float z_order=0)
Functions to add and remove overlays from locations.
Definition: display.cpp:114
display(const display_context *dc, std::weak_ptr< wb::manager > wb, reports &reports_object, const std::string &theme_id, const config &level)
Definition: display.cpp:144
Manages a list of fake units for the display object.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
A top-level drawable item (TLD), such as a window.
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:74
The class terrain_builder is constructed from a config object, and a gamemap object.
Definition: builder.hpp:48
Wrapper class to encapsulate creation and management of an SDL_Texture.
Definition: texture.hpp:33
Definition: theme.hpp:44
Container associating units to locations.
Definition: map.hpp:98
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
This class is the frontend of the whiteboard framework for the rest of the Wesnoth code.
Definition: manager.hpp:44
std::string label
What to show in the filter's drop-down list.
Definition: manager.cpp:207
void rect(const SDL_Rect &rect)
Draw a rectangle.
Definition: draw.cpp:150
const color_t GOOD_COLOR
unsigned int tile_size
Definition: game_config.cpp:52
Definition: halo.cpp:39
Functions to load and save images from/to disk.
Used to specify the rendering format of images.
Definition: picture.hpp:224
Unit and team statistics.
std::size_t size(const std::string &str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
Definition: display.hpp:45
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
Contains the SDL_Rect helper code.
This file contains object "key", which is used to store information about keys while annotation parsi...
bool blind
Definition: display.hpp:1050
blindfold(display &d, bool lock=true)
Definition: display.hpp:1030
void unblind()
Definition: display.hpp:1040
display & display_
Definition: display.hpp:1049
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
Holds options for calls to function 'announce' (announce).
Definition: display.hpp:623
bool discard_previous
An announcement according these options should replace the previous announce (typical of fast announc...
Definition: display.hpp:632
int lifetime
Lifetime measured in milliseconds.
Definition: display.hpp:625
Helper for rendering the map by ordering draw operations.
Definition: display.hpp:899
std::function< void(const rect &)> do_draw
Handles the actual drawing at this location.
Definition: display.hpp:904
const uint32_t key
Controls the ordering of draw calls by layer and location.
Definition: display.hpp:901
rect dest
The screen coordinates for the specified hex.
Definition: display.hpp:907
bool operator<(const draw_helper &rhs) const
Definition: display.hpp:909
very simple iterator to walk into the rect_of_hexes
Definition: display.hpp:332
const map_location & operator*() const
Definition: display.hpp:340
std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition: display.hpp:342
iterator & operator++()
increment y first, then when reaching bottom, increment x
Definition: display.cpp:623
const rect_of_hexes & rect_
Definition: display.hpp:350
bool operator==(const iterator &that) const
Definition: display.hpp:338
const map_location * pointer
Definition: display.hpp:345
bool operator!=(const iterator &that) const
Definition: display.hpp:339
iterator(const map_location &loc, const rect_of_hexes &rect)
Definition: display.hpp:333
const map_location & reference
Definition: display.hpp:346
Rectangular area of hexes, allowing to decide how the top and bottom edges handles the vertical shift...
Definition: display.hpp:325
iterator end() const
Definition: display.cpp:640
iterator begin() const
Definition: display.cpp:636
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:38
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:81
Holds a 2D point.
Definition: point.hpp:25
An abstract description of a rectangle with integer coordinates.
Definition: rect.hpp:47
std::array< SDL_Vertex, 4 > alpha_verts
Definition: display.hpp:79
rect unsub_dest
Definition: display.hpp:78
rect unsub_src
Definition: display.hpp:77
Object which defines a time of day with associated bonuses, image, sounds etc.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:57
Small struct to store and manipulate ToD color adjusts.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:27
mock_party p
Definitions related to theme-support.
#define d
#define f
#define a
#define b