The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2025
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Routines to set up the display, scroll and zoom the map.
19  */
21 #include "display.hpp"
23 #include "arrow.hpp"
24 #include "color.hpp"
25 #include "draw.hpp"
26 #include "draw_manager.hpp"
27 #include "fake_unit_manager.hpp"
28 #include "filesystem.hpp"
29 #include "floating_label.hpp"
30 #include "font/sdl_ttf_compat.hpp"
31 #include "font/text.hpp"
32 #include "global.hpp"
33 #include "gui/core/event/handler.hpp" // is_in_dialog
35 #include "halo.hpp"
37 #include "log.hpp"
38 #include "map/map.hpp"
39 #include "map/label.hpp"
40 #include "minimap.hpp"
41 #include "overlay.hpp"
42 #include "play_controller.hpp" //note: this can probably be refactored out
43 #include "reports.hpp"
44 #include "resources.hpp"
45 #include "serialization/chrono.hpp"
46 #include "synced_context.hpp"
47 #include "team.hpp"
48 #include "terrain/builder.hpp"
49 #include "time_of_day.hpp"
50 #include "tooltips.hpp"
51 #include "units/unit.hpp"
53 #include "units/drawer.hpp"
54 #include "units/orb_status.hpp"
55 #include "utils/general.hpp"
56 #include "video.hpp"
57 #include "whiteboard/manager.hpp"
59 #include <boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp>
61 #include <algorithm>
62 #include <array>
63 #include <cmath>
64 #include <iomanip>
65 #include <numeric>
66 #include <utility>
68 #ifdef __cpp_lib_format
69 #include <format>
70 #endif
72 #ifdef _WIN32
73 #include <windows.h>
74 #endif
76 using namespace std::chrono_literals;
77 // Includes for bug #17573
79 static lg::log_domain log_display("display");
80 #define ERR_DP LOG_STREAM(err, log_display)
81 #define WRN_DP LOG_STREAM(warn, log_display)
82 #define LOG_DP LOG_STREAM(info, log_display)
83 #define DBG_DP LOG_STREAM(debug, log_display)
85 // These are macros instead of proper constants so that they auto-update if the game config is reloaded.
86 #define zoom_levels (game_config::zoom_levels)
87 #define final_zoom_index (static_cast<int>(zoom_levels.size()) - 1)
88 #define DefaultZoom (game_config::tile_size)
89 #define SmallZoom (DefaultZoom / 2)
90 #define MinZoom (zoom_levels.front())
91 #define MaxZoom (zoom_levels.back())
93 namespace {
94  int prevLabel = 0;
95 }
97 unsigned int display::zoom_ = DefaultZoom;
98 unsigned int display::last_zoom_ = SmallZoom;
100 // Returns index of zoom_levels which is closest match to input zoom_level
101 // Assumption: zoom_levels is a sorted vector of ascending tile sizes
102 static int get_zoom_levels_index(unsigned int zoom_level)
103 {
104  zoom_level = std::clamp(zoom_level, MinZoom, MaxZoom); // ensure zoom_level is within zoom_levels bounds
105  auto iter = std::lower_bound(zoom_levels.begin(), zoom_levels.end(), zoom_level);
107  // find closest match
108  if(iter != zoom_levels.begin() && iter != zoom_levels.end()) {
109  float diff = *iter - *(iter - 1);
110  float lower = (zoom_level - *(iter - 1)) / diff;
111  float upper = (*iter - zoom_level) / diff;
113  // the previous element is closer to zoom_level than the current one
114  if(lower < upper) {
115  iter--;
116  }
117  }
119  return std::distance(zoom_levels.begin(), iter);
120 }
123 {
124  std::vector<overlay>& overlays = get_overlays()[loc];
125  auto pos = std::find_if(overlays.begin(), overlays.end(),
126  [new_order = ov.z_order](const overlay& existing) { return existing.z_order > new_order; });
128  auto inserted = overlays.emplace(pos, std::move(ov));
129  if(const std::string& halo = inserted->halo; !halo.empty()) {
130  auto [x, y] = get_location_rect(loc).center();
131  inserted->halo_handle = halo_man_.add(x, y, halo, loc);
132  }
133 }
136 {
137  get_overlays().erase(loc);
138 }
140 void display::remove_single_overlay(const map_location& loc, const std::string& toDelete)
141 {
142  utils::erase_if(get_overlays()[loc],
143  [&toDelete](const overlay& ov) { return ov.image == toDelete || ov.halo == toDelete || == toDelete; });
144 }
147  std::weak_ptr<wb::manager> wb,
148  reports& reports_object,
149  const std::string& theme_id,
150  const config& level)
151  : dc_(dc)
152  , halo_man_()
153  , wb_(std::move(wb))
154  , exclusive_unit_draw_requests_()
155  , viewing_team_index_(0)
156  , dont_show_all_(false)
157  , viewport_origin_(0, 0)
158  , view_locked_(false)
159  , theme_(theme::get_theme_config(theme_id.empty() ? prefs::get().theme() : theme_id), video::game_canvas())
160  , zoom_index_(0)
161  , fake_unit_man_(new fake_unit_manager(*this))
162  , builder_(new terrain_builder(level, (dc_ ? &context().map() : nullptr), theme_.border().tile_image, theme_.border().show_border))
163  , minimap_renderer_(nullptr)
164  , minimap_location_(sdl::empty_rect)
165  , redraw_background_(false)
166  , invalidateAll_(true)
167  , diagnostic_label_(0)
168  , invalidateGameStatus_(true)
169  , map_labels_(new map_labels(nullptr))
170  , reports_object_(&reports_object)
171  , scroll_event_("scrolled")
172  , frametimes_(50)
173  , fps_counter_()
174  , fps_start_()
175  , fps_actual_()
176  , reportLocations_()
177  , reportSurfaces_()
178  , reports_()
179  , menu_buttons_()
180  , action_buttons_()
181  , invalidated_()
182  , tod_hex_mask1(nullptr)
183  , tod_hex_mask2(nullptr)
184  , fog_images_()
185  , shroud_images_()
186  , selectedHex_()
187  , mouseoverHex_()
188  , keys_()
189  , animate_map_(true)
190  , animate_water_(true)
191  , flags_()
192  , playing_team_index_(0)
193  , drawing_buffer_()
194  , map_screenshot_(false)
195  , reach_map_()
196  , reach_map_old_()
197  , reach_map_changed_(true)
198  , reach_map_team_index_(0)
199  , fps_handle_(0)
200  , invalidated_hexes_(0)
201  , drawn_hexes_(0)
202  , redraw_observers_()
203  , debug_flags_()
204  , arrows_map_()
205  , color_adjust_()
206 {
207  //The following assertion fails when starting a campaign
208  assert(singleton_ == nullptr);
209  singleton_ = this;
213  blindfold_ctr_ = 0;
215  read(level.child_or_empty("display"));
220  unsigned int tile_size = prefs::get().tile_size();
221  if(tile_size < MinZoom || tile_size > MaxZoom)
225  if(zoom_ != prefs::get().tile_size()) // correct saved tile_size if necessary
226  prefs::get().set_tile_size(zoom_);
228  init_flags();
230  if(!menu_buttons_.empty() || !action_buttons_.empty()) {
231  create_buttons();
232  }
234 #ifdef _WIN32
235  // Increase timer resolution to prevent delays getting much longer than they should.
236  timeBeginPeriod(1u);
237 #endif
238 }
241 {
242 #ifdef _WIN32
243  timeEndPeriod(1u);
244 #endif
246  singleton_ = nullptr;
247  resources::fake_units = nullptr;
248 }
250 void display::set_theme(const std::string& new_theme)
251 {
253  builder_->set_draw_border(theme_.border().show_border);
254  menu_buttons_.clear();
255  action_buttons_.clear();
256  create_buttons();
257  rebuild_all();
258  queue_rerender();
259 }
262 {
263  flags_.clear();
264  if (!dc_) return;
265  flags_.resize(context().teams().size());
267  for(const team& t : context().teams()) {
269  }
270 }
273 {
274  std::string flag = t.flag();
275  std::string old_rgb = game_config::flag_rgb;
276  std::string new_rgb = t.color();
278  if(flag.empty()) {
280  }
282  LOG_DP << "Adding flag for side " << t.side() << " from animation " << flag;
284  // Must recolor flag image
285  animated<image::locator> temp_anim;
287  std::vector<std::string> items = utils::square_parenthetical_split(flag);
289  for(const std::string& item : items) {
290  const std::vector<std::string>& sub_items = utils::split(item, ':');
291  std::string str = item;
292  auto time = 100ms;
294  if(sub_items.size() > 1) {
295  str = sub_items.front();
296  try {
297  time = std::max(1ms, std::chrono::milliseconds{std::stoi(sub_items.back())});
298  } catch(const std::invalid_argument&) {
299  ERR_DP << "Invalid time value found when constructing flag for side " << t.side() << ": " << sub_items.back();
300  }
301  }
303  std::stringstream temp;
304  temp << str << "~RC(" << old_rgb << ">"<< new_rgb << ")";
305  image::locator flag_image(temp.str());
306  temp_anim.add_frame(time, flag_image);
307  }
309  animated<image::locator>& f = flags_[t.side() - 1];
310  f = temp_anim;
311  auto time = f.get_end_time();
312  if (time > 0ms) {
313  int start_time = randomness::rng::default_instance().get_random_int(0, time.count() - 1);
314  f.start_animation(std::chrono::milliseconds{start_time}, true);
315  } else {
316  // this can happen if both flag and game_config::images::flag are empty.
317  ERR_DP << "missing flag for side " << t.side();
318  }
319 }
322 {
323  for(const team& t : context().teams()) {
324  if(t.owns_village(loc) && (!fogged(loc) || !viewing_team().is_enemy(t.side()))) {
325  auto& flag = flags_[t.side() - 1];
326  flag.update_last_draw_time();
328  const image::locator& image_flag = animate_map_
329  ? flag.get_current_frame()
330  : flag.get_first_frame();
332  return image::get_texture(image_flag, image::TOD_COLORED);
333  }
334  }
336  return texture();
337 }
340 {
341  return context().teams()[playing_team_index()];
342 }
345 {
346  return context().teams()[viewing_team_index()];
347 }
349 void display::set_viewing_team_index(std::size_t teamindex, bool show_everything)
350 {
351  assert(teamindex < context().teams().size());
352  viewing_team_index_ = teamindex;
353  if(!show_everything) {
354  labels().set_team(&context().teams()[teamindex]);
355  dont_show_all_ = true;
356  } else {
357  labels().set_team(nullptr);
358  dont_show_all_ = false;
359  }
361  if(std::shared_ptr<wb::manager> w = wb_.lock()) {
362  w->on_viewer_change(teamindex);
363  }
364 }
366 void display::set_playing_team_index(std::size_t teamindex)
367 {
368  assert(teamindex < context().teams().size());
369  playing_team_index_ = teamindex;
371 }
374 {
375  if(!loc.valid()) return false;
376  auto [iter, success] = exclusive_unit_draw_requests_.emplace(loc,;
377  return success;
378 }
381 {
382  if(!loc.valid()) return {};
383  std::string id = exclusive_unit_draw_requests_[loc];
385  return id;
386 }
389 {
390  auto request = exclusive_unit_draw_requests_.find(loc);
391  return request == exclusive_unit_draw_requests_.end() || request->second ==;
392 }
394 void display::update_tod(const time_of_day* tod_override)
395 {
396  const time_of_day* tod = tod_override;
397  if(tod == nullptr) {
398  tod = &get_time_of_day();
399  }
401  const tod_color col = color_adjust_ + tod->color;
402  image::set_color_adjustment(col.r, col.g, col.b);
404  invalidate_all();
405 }
407 void display::adjust_color_overlay(int r, int g, int b)
408 {
409  color_adjust_ = tod_color(r, g, b);
410  update_tod();
411 }
413 void display::fill_images_list(const std::string& prefix, std::vector<std::string>& images)
414 {
415  if(prefix == ""){
416  return;
417  }
419  // search prefix.png, prefix1.png, prefix2.png ...
420  for(int i=0; ; ++i){
421  std::ostringstream s;
422  s << prefix;
423  if(i != 0)
424  s << i;
425  s << ".png";
426  if(image::exists(s.str()))
427  images.push_back(s.str());
428  else if(i>0)
429  break;
430  }
431  if (images.empty())
432  images.emplace_back();
433 }
436 {
437  builder_->rebuild_all();
438 }
441 {
442  redraw_background_ = true;
443  builder_->reload_map();
444 }
447 {
448  dc_ = dc;
449  builder_->change_map(&context().map()); //TODO: Should display_context own and initialize the builder object?
450 }
452 void display::blindfold(bool value)
453 {
454  if(value == true)
455  ++blindfold_ctr_;
456  else
457  --blindfold_ctr_;
458 }
461 {
462  return blindfold_ctr_ > 0;
463 }
466 {
468 }
471 {
473 }
476 {
478 }
481 {
482  rect max_area{0, 0, 0, 0};
484  // hex_size() is always a multiple of 4
485  // and hex_width() a multiple of 3,
486  // so there shouldn't be off-by-one-errors
487  // due to rounding.
488  // To display a hex fully on screen,
489  // a little bit extra space is needed.
490  // Also added the border two times.
491  max_area.w = static_cast<int>((context().map().w() + 2 * theme_.border().size + 1.0 / 3.0) * hex_width());
492  max_area.h = static_cast<int>((context().map().h() + 2 * theme_.border().size + 0.5) * hex_size());
494  return max_area;
495 }
498 {
499  rect max_area = max_map_area();
501  // if it's for map_screenshot, maximize and don't recenter
502  if(map_screenshot_) {
503  return max_area;
504  }
506  rect res = map_outside_area();
508  if(max_area.w < res.w) {
509  // map is smaller, center
510  res.x += (res.w - max_area.w) / 2;
511  res.w = max_area.w;
512  }
514  if(max_area.h < res.h) {
515  // map is smaller, center
516  res.y += (res.h - max_area.h) / 2;
517  res.h = max_area.h;
518  }
520  return res;
521 }
524 {
525  if(map_screenshot_) {
526  return max_map_area();
527  } else {
529  }
530 }
532 bool display::outside_area(const SDL_Rect& area, const int x, const int y)
533 {
534  const int x_thresh = hex_size();
535  const int y_thresh = hex_size();
536  return (x < area.x || x > area.x + area.w - x_thresh || y < area.y || y > area.y + area.h - y_thresh);
537 }
539 // This function uses the screen as reference
540 map_location display::hex_clicked_on(int xclick, int yclick) const
541 {
542  rect r = map_area();
543  if(!r.contains(xclick, yclick)) {
544  return map_location();
545  }
547  xclick -= r.x;
548  yclick -= r.y;
550  return pixel_position_to_hex(viewport_origin_.x + xclick, viewport_origin_.y + yclick);
551 }
553 // This function uses the rect of map_area as reference
555 {
556  // adjust for the border
557  x -= static_cast<int>(theme_.border().size * hex_width());
558  y -= static_cast<int>(theme_.border().size * hex_size());
559  // The editor can modify the border and this will result in a negative y
560  // value. Instead of adding extra cases we just shift the hex. Since the
561  // editor doesn't use the direction this is no problem.
562  const int offset = y < 0 ? 1 : 0;
563  if(offset) {
564  x += hex_width();
565  y += hex_size();
566  }
567  const int s = hex_size();
568  const int tesselation_x_size = hex_width() * 2;
569  const int tesselation_y_size = s;
570  const int x_base = x / tesselation_x_size * 2;
571  const int x_mod = x % tesselation_x_size;
572  const int y_base = y / tesselation_y_size;
573  const int y_mod = y % tesselation_y_size;
575  int x_modifier = 0;
576  int y_modifier = 0;
578  if (y_mod < tesselation_y_size / 2) {
579  if ((x_mod * 2 + y_mod) < (s / 2)) {
580  x_modifier = -1;
581  y_modifier = -1;
582  } else if ((x_mod * 2 - y_mod) < (s * 3 / 2)) {
583  x_modifier = 0;
584  y_modifier = 0;
585  } else {
586  x_modifier = 1;
587  y_modifier = -1;
588  }
590  } else {
591  if ((x_mod * 2 - (y_mod - s / 2)) < 0) {
592  x_modifier = -1;
593  y_modifier = 0;
594  } else if ((x_mod * 2 + (y_mod - s / 2)) < s * 2) {
595  x_modifier = 0;
596  y_modifier = 0;
597  } else {
598  x_modifier = 1;
599  y_modifier = 0;
600  }
601  }
603  return map_location(x_base + x_modifier - offset, y_base + y_modifier - offset);
604 }
607 {
608  if (loc_.y < rect_.bottom[loc_.x & 1])
609  ++loc_.y;
610  else {
611  ++loc_.x;
612  loc_.y =[loc_.x & 1];
613  }
615  return *this;
616 }
618 // begin is top left, and end is after bottom right
620 {
621  return iterator(map_location(left, top[left & 1]), *this);
622 }
624 {
625  return iterator(map_location(right+1, top[(right+1) & 1]), *this);
626 }
629 {
630  if(r.w <= 0 || r.h <= 0) {
631  // Dummy values giving begin == end (end is right + 1)
632  return {0, -1, {0, 0}, {0, 0}};
633  }
635  // translate rect coordinates from screen-based to map_area-based
636  auto [x, y] = viewport_origin_ - map_area().origin() + r.origin();
637  // we use the "double" type to avoid important rounding error (size of an hex!)
638  // we will also need to use std::floor to avoid bad rounding at border (negative values)
639  double tile_width = hex_width();
640  double tile_size = hex_size();
641  double border = theme_.border().size;
643  return {
644  // we minus "0.(3)", for horizontal imbrication.
645  // reason is: two adjacent hexes each overlap 1/4 of their width, so for
646  // grid calculation 3/4 of tile width is used, which by default gives
647  // 18/54=0.(3). Note that, while tile_width is zoom dependent, 0.(3) is not.
648  static_cast<int>(std::floor(-border + x / tile_width - 0.3333333)),
650  // we remove 1 pixel of the rectangle dimensions
651  // (the rounded division take one pixel more than needed)
652  static_cast<int>(std::floor(-border + (x + r.w - 1) / tile_width)),
654  // for odd x, we must shift up one half-hex. Since x will vary along the edge,
655  // we store here the y values for even and odd x, respectively
656  {
657  static_cast<int>(std::floor(-border + y / tile_size)),
658  static_cast<int>(std::floor(-border + y / tile_size - 0.5))
659  },
660  {
661  static_cast<int>(std::floor(-border + (y + r.h - 1) / tile_size)),
662  static_cast<int>(std::floor(-border + (y + r.h - 1) / tile_size - 0.5))
663  }
664  };
666  // TODO: in some rare cases (1/16), a corner of the big rect is on a tile
667  // (the 72x72 rectangle containing the hex) but not on the hex itself
668  // Can maybe be optimized by using pixel_position_to_hex
669 }
672 {
674 }
676 bool display::fogged(const map_location& loc) const
677 {
679 }
682 {
683  return {
684  static_cast<int>(map_area().x + (loc.x + theme_.border().size) * hex_width() - viewport_origin_.x),
685  static_cast<int>(map_area().y + (loc.y + theme_.border().size) * zoom_ - viewport_origin_.y + (is_odd(loc.x) ? zoom_/2 : 0))
686  };
687 }
690 {
691  // TODO: evaluate how these functions should be defined in terms of each other
692  return { get_location(loc), point{hex_size(), hex_size()} };
693 }
696 {
697  // TODO: don't return location for this,
698  // instead directly scroll to the clicked pixel position
700  if(!minimap_area().contains(x, y)) {
701  return map_location();
702  }
704  // we transform the coordinates from minimap to the full map image
705  // probably more adjustments to do (border, minimap shift...)
706  // but the mouse and human capacity to evaluate the rectangle center
707  // is not pixel precise.
708  int px = (x - minimap_location_.x) * context().map().w() * hex_width() / std::max(minimap_location_.w, 1);
709  int py = (y - minimap_location_.y) * context().map().h() * hex_size() / std::max(minimap_location_.h, 1);
712  if(loc.x < 0) {
713  loc.x = 0;
714  } else if(loc.x >= context().map().w()) {
715  loc.x = context().map().w() - 1;
716  }
718  if(loc.y < 0) {
719  loc.y = 0;
720  } else if(loc.y >= context().map().h()) {
721  loc.y = context().map().h() - 1;
722  }
724  return loc;
725 }
727 surface display::screenshot(bool map_screenshot)
728 {
729  if (!map_screenshot) {
730  LOG_DP << "taking ordinary screenshot";
731  return video::read_pixels();
732  }
734  if (context().map().empty()) {
735  ERR_DP << "No map loaded, cannot create a map screenshot.";
736  return nullptr;
737  }
739  // back up the current map view position and move to top-left
740  point old_pos = viewport_origin_;
741  viewport_origin_ = {0, 0};
743  // Reroute render output to a separate texture until the end of scope.
744  SDL_Rect area = max_map_area();
745  if (area.w > 1 << 16 || area.h > 1 << 16) {
746  WRN_DP << "Excessively large map screenshot area";
747  }
748  LOG_DP << "creating " << area.w << " by " << area.h
749  << " texture for map screenshot";
750  texture output_texture(area.w, area.h, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET);
751  auto target_setter = draw::set_render_target(output_texture);
752  auto clipper = draw::override_clip(area);
754  map_screenshot_ = true;
756  DBG_DP << "invalidating region for map screenshot";
759  DBG_DP << "drawing map screenshot";
760  draw();
762  map_screenshot_ = false;
764  // Restore map viewport position
765  viewport_origin_ = old_pos;
767  // Read rendered pixels back as an SDL surface.
768  LOG_DP << "reading pixels for map screenshot";
769  return video::read_pixels();
770 }
772 std::shared_ptr<gui::button> display::find_action_button(const std::string& id)
773 {
774  for(auto& b : action_buttons_) {
775  if(b->id() == id) {
776  return b;
777  }
778  }
779  return nullptr;
780 }
782 std::shared_ptr<gui::button> display::find_menu_button(const std::string& id)
783 {
784  for(auto& b : menu_buttons_) {
785  if(b->id() == id) {
786  return b;
787  }
788  }
789  return nullptr;
790 }
793 {
794  DBG_DP << "positioning menu buttons...";
795  for(const auto& menu : theme_.menus()) {
796  if(auto b = find_menu_button(menu.get_id())) {
797  const rect& loc = menu.location(video::game_canvas());
798  b->set_location(loc);
799  b->set_measurements(0,0);
800  b->set_label(menu.title());
801  b->set_image(menu.image());
802  }
803  }
805  DBG_DP << "positioning action buttons...";
806  for(const auto& action : theme_.actions()) {
807  if(auto b = find_action_button(action.get_id())) {
808  const rect& loc = action.location(video::game_canvas());
809  b->set_location(loc);
810  b->set_measurements(0,0);
811  b->set_label(action.title());
812  b->set_image(action.image());
813  }
814  }
815 }
817 namespace
818 {
819 gui::button::TYPE string_to_button_type(const std::string& type)
820 {
821  if(type == "checkbox") {
823  } else if(type == "image") {
825  } else if(type == "radiobox") {
827  } else if(type == "turbo") {
829  } else {
831  }
832 }
833 } // namespace
835 {
837  // named namespace called in game_display.cpp
839 const std::string& get_direction(std::size_t n)
840 {
841  using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
842  static const std::array dirs{"-n"s, "-ne"s, "-se"s, "-s"s, "-sw"s, "-nw"s};
843  return dirs[n >= dirs.size() ? 0 : n];
844 }
845 } // namespace display_direction
848 {
849  if(video::headless()) {
850  return;
851  }
853  // Keep the old buttons around until we're done so we can check the previous state.
854  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<gui::button>> menu_work;
855  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<gui::button>> action_work;
857  DBG_DP << "creating menu buttons...";
858  for(const auto& menu : theme_.menus()) {
859  if(!menu.is_button()) {
860  continue;
861  }
863  auto b = std::make_shared<gui::button>(menu.title(), gui::button::TYPE_PRESS, menu.image(),
864  gui::button::DEFAULT_SPACE, true, menu.overlay(), font::SIZE_BUTTON_SMALL);
866  DBG_DP << "drawing button " << menu.get_id();
867  b->set_id(menu.get_id());
868  if(!menu.tooltip().empty()) {
869  b->set_tooltip_string(menu.tooltip());
870  }
872  if(auto b_prev = find_menu_button(b->id())) {
873  b->enable(b_prev->enabled());
874  }
876  menu_work.push_back(std::move(b));
877  }
879  DBG_DP << "creating action buttons...";
880  for(const auto& action : theme_.actions()) {
881  auto b = std::make_shared<gui::button>(action.title(), string_to_button_type(action.type()),
882  action.image(), gui::button::DEFAULT_SPACE, true, action.overlay(), font::SIZE_BUTTON_SMALL);
884  DBG_DP << "drawing button " << action.get_id();
885  b->set_id(action.get_id());
886  if(!action.tooltip(0).empty()) {
887  b->set_tooltip_string(action.tooltip(0));
888  }
890  if(auto b_prev = find_action_button(b->id())) {
891  b->enable(b_prev->enabled());
892  if(b_prev->get_type() == gui::button::TYPE_CHECK) {
893  b->set_check(b_prev->checked());
894  }
895  }
897  action_work.push_back(std::move(b));
898  }
900  menu_buttons_ = std::move(menu_work);
901  action_buttons_ = std::move(action_work);
903  if (prevent_draw_) {
904  // buttons start hidden in this case
905  hide_buttons();
906  }
908  layout_buttons();
909  DBG_DP << "buttons created";
910 }
913 {
914  // This is currently unnecessary because every GUI1 widget is a TLD.
915  // They will draw themselves. Keeping code in case this changes.
916  return;
918  //const rect clip = draw::get_clip();
919  //for(auto& btn : menu_buttons_) {
920  // if(clip.overlaps(btn->location())) {
921  // btn->set_dirty(true);
922  // btn->draw();
923  // }
924  //}
926  //for(auto& btn : action_buttons_) {
927  // if(clip.overlaps(btn->location())) {
928  // btn->set_dirty(true);
929  // btn->draw();
930  // }
931  //}
932 }
935 {
936  for (auto& button : menu_buttons_) {
937  button->hide();
938  }
939  for (auto& button : action_buttons_) {
940  button->hide();
941  }
942 }
945 {
946  for (auto& button : menu_buttons_) {
947  button->hide(false);
948  }
949  for (auto& button : action_buttons_) {
950  button->hide(false);
951  }
952 }
954 std::vector<texture> display::get_fog_shroud_images(const map_location& loc, image::TYPE image_type)
955 {
956  using namespace display_direction;
957  std::vector<std::string> names;
958  const auto adjacent = get_adjacent_tiles(loc);
960  enum visibility { FOG = 0, SHROUD = 1, CLEAR = 2 };
961  std::array<visibility, 6> tiles;
963  const std::array image_prefix{&game_config::fog_prefix, &game_config::shroud_prefix};
965  for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
966  if(shrouded(adjacent[i])) {
967  tiles[i] = SHROUD;
968  } else if(!fogged(loc) && fogged(adjacent[i])) {
969  tiles[i] = FOG;
970  } else {
971  tiles[i] = CLEAR;
972  }
973  }
975  for(int v = FOG; v != CLEAR; ++v) {
976  // Find somewhere that doesn't have overlap to use as a starting point
977  int start;
978  for(start = 0; start != 6; ++start) {
979  if(tiles[start] != v) {
980  break;
981  }
982  }
984  if(start == 6) {
985  // Completely surrounded by fog or shroud. This might have
986  // a special graphic.
987  const std::string name = *image_prefix[v] + "-all.png";
988  if(image::exists(name)) {
989  names.push_back(name);
990  // Proceed to the next visibility (fog -> shroud -> clear).
991  continue;
992  }
993  // No special graphic found. We'll just combine some other images
994  // and hope it works out.
995  start = 0;
996  }
998  // Find all the directions overlap occurs from
999  for(int i = (start + 1) % 6, cap1 = 0; i != start && cap1 != 6; ++cap1) {
1000  if(tiles[i] == v) {
1001  std::ostringstream stream;
1002  std::string name;
1003  stream << *image_prefix[v];
1005  for(int cap2 = 0; v == tiles[i] && cap2 != 6; i = (i + 1) % 6, ++cap2) {
1006  stream << get_direction(i);
1008  if(!image::exists(stream.str() + ".png")) {
1009  // If we don't have any surface at all,
1010  // then move onto the next overlapped area
1011  if(name.empty()) {
1012  i = (i + 1) % 6;
1013  }
1014  break;
1015  } else {
1016  name = stream.str();
1017  }
1018  }
1020  if(!name.empty()) {
1021  names.push_back(name + ".png");
1022  }
1023  } else {
1024  i = (i + 1) % 6;
1025  }
1026  }
1027  }
1029  // now get the textures
1030  std::vector<texture> res;
1032  for(const std::string& name : names) {
1033  if(texture tex = image::get_texture(name, image_type)) {
1034  res.push_back(std::move(tex));
1035  }
1036  }
1038  return res;
1039 }
1042 {
1043  terrain_image_vector_.clear();
1046  const time_of_day& tod = get_time_of_day(loc);
1048  // get all the light transitions
1049  const auto adjs = get_adjacent_tiles(loc);
1050  std::array<const time_of_day*, adjs.size()> atods;
1052  for(std::size_t d = 0; d < adjs.size(); ++d) {
1053  atods[d] = &get_time_of_day(adjs[d]);
1054  }
1056  for(int d = 0; d < 6; ++d) {
1057  /*
1058  concave
1059  _____
1060  / \
1061  / atod1 \_____
1062  \ !tod / \
1063  \_____/ atod2 \
1064  / \__\ !tod /
1065  / \_____/
1066  \ tod /
1067  \_____/
1068  */
1070  const time_of_day& atod1 = *atods[d];
1071  const time_of_day& atod2 = *atods[(d + 1) % 6];
1073  if(atod1.color == tod.color || atod2.color == tod.color || atod1.color != atod2.color) {
1074  continue;
1075  }
1077  if(lt.empty()) {
1078  // color the full hex before adding transitions
1079  tod_color col = tod.color + color_adjust_;
1080  lt = image::get_light_string(0, col.r, col.g, col.b);
1081  }
1083  // add the directional transitions
1084  tod_color acol = atod1.color + color_adjust_;
1085  lt += image::get_light_string(d + 1, acol.r, acol.g, acol.b);
1086  }
1088  for(int d = 0; d < 6; ++d) {
1089  /*
1090  convex 1
1091  _____
1092  / \
1093  / atod1 \_____
1094  \ !tod / \
1095  \_____/ atod2 \
1096  / \__\ tod /
1097  / \_____/
1098  \ tod /
1099  \_____/
1100  */
1102  const time_of_day& atod1 = *atods[d];
1103  const time_of_day& atod2 = *atods[(d + 1) % 6];
1105  if(atod1.color == tod.color || atod1.color == atod2.color) {
1106  continue;
1107  }
1109  if(lt.empty()) {
1110  // color the full hex before adding transitions
1111  tod_color col = tod.color + color_adjust_;
1112  lt = image::get_light_string(0, col.r, col.g, col.b);
1113  }
1115  // add the directional transitions
1116  tod_color acol = atod1.color + color_adjust_;
1117  lt += image::get_light_string(d + 7, acol.r, acol.g, acol.b);
1118  }
1120  for(int d = 0; d < 6; ++d) {
1121  /*
1122  convex 2
1123  _____
1124  / \
1125  / atod1 \_____
1126  \ tod / \
1127  \_____/ atod2 \
1128  / \__\ !tod /
1129  / \_____/
1130  \ tod /
1131  \_____/
1132  */
1134  const time_of_day& atod1 = *atods[d];
1135  const time_of_day& atod2 = *atods[(d + 1) % 6];
1137  if(atod2.color == tod.color || atod1.color == atod2.color) {
1138  continue;
1139  }
1141  if(lt.empty()) {
1142  // color the full hex before adding transitions
1143  tod_color col = tod.color + color_adjust_;
1144  lt = image::get_light_string(0, col.r, col.g, col.b);
1145  }
1147  // add the directional transitions
1148  tod_color acol = atod2.color + color_adjust_;
1149  lt += image::get_light_string(d + 13, acol.r, acol.g, acol.b);
1150  }
1152  if(lt.empty()){
1153  tod_color col = tod.color + color_adjust_;
1154  if(!col.is_zero()){
1155  // no real lightmap needed but still color the hex
1156  lt = image::get_light_string(-1, col.r, col.g, col.b);
1157  }
1158  }
1160  const terrain_builder::TERRAIN_TYPE builder_terrain_type = terrain_type == FOREGROUND
1164  if(const terrain_builder::imagelist* const terrains = builder_->get_terrain_at(loc, timeid, builder_terrain_type)) {
1165  // Cache the offmap name. Since it is themeable it can change, so don't make it static.
1166  const std::string off_map_name = "terrain/" + theme_.border().tile_image;
1167  for(const auto& terrain : *terrains) {
1168  const image::locator& image = animate_map_ ? terrain.get_current_frame() : terrain.get_first_frame();
1170  // We prevent ToD coloring and brightening of off-map tiles,
1171  // We need to test for the tile to be rendered and
1172  // not the location, since the transitions are rendered
1173  // over the offmap-terrain and these need a ToD coloring.
1174  texture tex;
1175  const bool off_map = (image.get_filename() == off_map_name
1176  || image.get_modifications().find("NO_TOD_SHIFT()") != std::string::npos);
1178  if(off_map) {
1180  } else if(lt.empty()) {
1182  } else {
1183  tex = image::get_lighted_texture(image, lt);
1184  }
1186  if(tex) {
1187  terrain_image_vector_.push_back(std::move(tex));
1188  }
1189  }
1190  }
1191 }
1193 namespace
1194 {
1195 constexpr std::array layer_groups {
1199 };
1201 enum {
1202  // you may adjust the following when needed:
1204  // maximum border. 3 should be safe even if a larger border is in use somewhere
1205  MAX_BORDER = 3,
1207  // store x, y, and layer in one 32 bit integer
1208  // 4 most significant bits == layer group => 16
1211  // 10 second most significant bits == y => 1024
1212  BITS_FOR_Y = 10,
1214  // 1 third most significant bit == x parity => 2
1215  BITS_FOR_X_PARITY = 1,
1217  // 8 fourth most significant bits == layer => 256
1218  BITS_FOR_LAYER = 8,
1220  // 9 least significant bits == x / 2 => 512 (really 1024 for x)
1221  BITS_FOR_X_OVER_2 = 9,
1230 };
1232 uint32_t generate_hex_key(const drawing_layer layer, const map_location& loc)
1233 {
1234  // Start with the index of last group entry...
1235  uint32_t group_i = layer_groups.size() - 1;
1237  // ...and works backwards until the group containing the specified layer is found.
1238  while(layer < layer_groups[group_i]) {
1239  --group_i;
1240  }
1242  // the parity of x must be more significant than the layer but less significant than y.
1243  // Thus basically every row is split in two: First the row containing all the odd x
1244  // then the row containing all the even x. Since thus the least significant bit of x is
1245  // not required for x ordering anymore it can be shifted out to the right.
1246  const uint32_t x_parity = static_cast<uint32_t>(loc.x) & 1;
1248  uint32_t key = 0;
1249  static_assert(SHIFT_LAYER_GROUP + BITS_FOR_LAYER_GROUP == sizeof(key) * 8, "Bit field too small");
1251  key = (group_i << SHIFT_LAYER_GROUP) | (static_cast<uint32_t>(loc.y + MAX_BORDER) << SHIFT_Y);
1252  key |= (x_parity << SHIFT_X_PARITY);
1253  key |= (static_cast<uint32_t>(layer) << SHIFT_LAYER) | static_cast<uint32_t>(loc.x + MAX_BORDER) / 2;
1255  return key;
1256 }
1257 } // namespace
1260 {
1261  drawing_buffer_.AGGREGATE_EMPLACE(generate_hex_key(layer, loc), std::move(draw_func), get_location_rect(loc));
1262 }
1265 {
1266  DBG_DP << "committing drawing buffer"
1267  << " with " << drawing_buffer_.size() << " items";
1269  // std::list::sort() is a stable sort
1270  drawing_buffer_.sort();
1272  const auto clipper = draw::reduce_clip(map_area());
1274  /*
1275  * Info regarding the rendering algorithm.
1276  *
1277  * In order to render a hex properly it needs to be rendered per row. On
1278  * this row several layers need to be drawn at the same time. Mainly the
1279  * unit and the background terrain. This is needed since both can spill
1280  * in the next hex. The foreground terrain needs to be drawn before to
1281  * avoid decapitation a unit.
1282  *
1283  * This ended in the following priority order:
1284  * layergroup > location > layer > 'draw_helper' > surface
1285  */
1286  for(const draw_helper& helper : drawing_buffer_) {
1287  std::invoke(helper.do_draw, helper.dest);
1288  }
1290  drawing_buffer_.clear();
1291 }
1293 static unsigned calculate_fps(std::chrono::milliseconds frametime)
1294 {
1295  return frametime > 0ms ? 1s / frametime : 999u;
1296 }
1299 {
1301  constexpr int sample_freq = 10;
1303  if(current_frame_sample_ != sample_freq) {
1304  return;
1305  } else {
1307  }
1309  const auto [min_iter, max_iter] = std::minmax_element(frametimes_.begin(), frametimes_.end());
1311  const std::chrono::milliseconds render_avg = std::accumulate(frametimes_.begin(), frametimes_.end(), 0ms) / frametimes_.size();
1313  // NOTE: max FPS corresponds to the *shortest* time between frames (that is, min_iter)
1314  const int avg_fps = calculate_fps(render_avg);
1315  const int max_fps = calculate_fps(*min_iter);
1316  const int min_fps = calculate_fps(*max_iter);
1318  fps_history_.emplace_back(min_fps, avg_fps, max_fps);
1320  // flush out the stored fps values every so often
1321  if(fps_history_.size() == 1000) {
1322  std::string filename = filesystem::get_user_data_dir() + "/fps_log.csv";
1323  auto fps_log = filesystem::ostream_file(filename, std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::app);
1325  for(const auto& [min, avg, max] : fps_history_) {
1326  *fps_log << min << "," << avg << "," << max << "\n";
1327  }
1329  fps_history_.clear();
1330  }
1332  if(fps_handle_ != 0) {
1334  fps_handle_ = 0;
1335  }
1337  std::ostringstream stream;
1338 #ifdef __cpp_lib_format
1339  stream << "<tt> " << std::format("{:<5}|{:<5}|{:<5}|{:<5}", "min", "avg", "max", "act") << "</tt>\n";
1340  stream << "<tt>FPS: " << std::format("{:<5}|{:<5}|{:<5}|{:<5}", min_fps, avg_fps, max_fps, fps_actual_) << "</tt>\n";
1341  stream << "<tt>Time: " << std::format("{:5}|{:5}|{:5}", *max_iter, render_avg, *min_iter) << "</tt>\n";
1342 #else
1343  stream << "<tt> min |avg |max |act </tt>\n";
1344  stream << "<tt>FPS: " << std::left << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5) << min_fps << '|' << std::setw(5) << avg_fps << '|' << std::setw(5) << max_fps << '|' << std::setw(5) << fps_actual_ << "</tt>\n";
1345  stream << "<tt>Time: " << std::left << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(5) << max_iter->count() << '|' << std::setw(5) << render_avg.count() << '|' << std::setw(5) << min_iter->count() << "</tt>\n";
1346 #endif
1348  if(game_config::debug) {
1349  stream << "\nhex: " << drawn_hexes_ * 1.0 / sample_freq;
1351  stream << " (" << (invalidated_hexes_ - drawn_hexes_) * 1.0 / sample_freq << ")";
1352  }
1353  }
1355  drawn_hexes_ = 0;
1356  invalidated_hexes_ = 0;
1358  font::floating_label flabel(stream.str());
1359  flabel.set_font_size(14);
1361  flabel.set_position(10, 100);
1363  flabel.set_bg_color({0, 0, 0, float_to_color(0.6)});
1364  flabel.set_border_size(5);
1367 }
1370 {
1371  if(fps_handle_ != 0) {
1373  fps_handle_ = 0;
1374  drawn_hexes_ = 0;
1375  invalidated_hexes_ = 0;
1376  last_frame_finished_.reset();
1377  }
1378 }
1381 {
1382  // Most panels are transparent.
1383  if (panel.image().empty()) {
1384  return;
1385  }
1387  const rect& loc = panel.location(video::game_canvas());
1389  if (!loc.overlaps(draw::get_clip())) {
1390  return;
1391  }
1393  DBG_DP << "drawing panel " << panel.get_id() << ' ' << loc;
1395  texture tex(image::get_texture(panel.image()));
1396  if (!tex) {
1397  ERR_DP << "failed to load panel " << panel.get_id()
1398  << " texture: " << panel.image();
1399  return;
1400  }
1402  draw::tiled(tex, loc);
1403 }
1406 {
1407  const rect& loc = label.location(video::game_canvas());
1409  if (!loc.overlaps(draw::get_clip())) {
1410  return;
1411  }
1413  const std::string& text = label.text();
1414  const color_t text_color = label.font_rgb_set() ? label.font_rgb() : font::NORMAL_COLOR;
1415  const std::string& icon = label.icon();
1417  DBG_DP << "drawing label " << label.get_id() << ' ' << loc;
1419  if(icon.empty() == false) {
1422  if(text.empty() == false) {
1423  tooltips::add_tooltip(loc,text);
1424  }
1425  } else if(text.empty() == false) {
1427  renderer.set_text(text, false);
1428  renderer.set_family_class(font::FONT_SANS_SERIF);
1429  renderer.set_font_size(label.font_size());
1430  renderer.set_font_style(font::pango_text::STYLE_NORMAL);
1431  renderer.set_foreground_color(text_color);
1432  renderer.set_ellipse_mode(PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
1433  renderer.set_maximum_width(loc.w);
1434  renderer.set_maximum_height(loc.h, true);
1436  auto t = renderer.render_and_get_texture();
1437  draw::blit(t, rect{ loc.origin(), t.draw_size() });
1438  }
1439 }
1441 bool display::draw_all_panels(const rect& region)
1442 {
1443  bool drew = false;
1446  for(const auto& panel : theme_.panels()) {
1447  if(region.overlaps(panel.location(game_canvas))) {
1448  draw_panel(panel);
1449  drew = true;
1450  }
1451  }
1453  for(const auto& label : theme_.labels()) {
1454  if(region.overlaps(label.location(game_canvas))) {
1455  draw_label(label);
1456  drew = true;
1457  }
1458  }
1460  return drew;
1461 }
1464  const drawing_layer layer,
1465  const std::string& text,
1466  std::size_t font_size,
1467  color_t color,
1468  double x_in_hex,
1469  double y_in_hex)
1470 {
1471  if (text.empty()) return;
1474  renderer.set_text(text, false);
1475  renderer.set_font_size(font_size * get_zoom_factor());
1476  renderer.set_maximum_width(-1);
1477  renderer.set_maximum_height(-1, false);
1478  renderer.set_foreground_color(color);
1479  renderer.set_add_outline(true);
1481  drawing_buffer_add(layer, loc, [x_in_hex, y_in_hex, tex = renderer.render_and_get_texture()](const rect& dest) {
1482  draw::blit(tex, rect{ dest.point_at(x_in_hex, y_in_hex) - tex.draw_size() / 2, tex.draw_size() });
1483  });
1484 }
1487 {
1489  selectedHex_ = hex;
1492 }
1495 {
1496  if(mouseoverHex_ == hex) {
1497  return;
1498  }
1500  mouseoverHex_ = hex;
1502 }
1504 void display::set_diagnostic(const std::string& msg)
1505 {
1506  if(diagnostic_label_ != 0) {
1508  diagnostic_label_ = 0;
1509  }
1511  if(!msg.empty()) {
1512  font::floating_label flabel(msg);
1514  flabel.set_color(font::YELLOW_COLOR);
1515  flabel.set_position(300, 50);
1516  flabel.set_clip_rect(map_outside_area());
1519  }
1520 }
1523 {
1524  auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
1525  if(last_frame_finished_) {
1526  frametimes_.push_back(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - *last_frame_finished_));
1527  }
1529  last_frame_finished_ = now;
1530  ++fps_counter_;
1532  if(now - fps_start_ >= 1s) {
1533  fps_start_ = now;
1534  fps_actual_ = std::exchange(fps_counter_, 0);
1535  }
1536 }
1539 {
1540  for(auto i = action_buttons_.begin(); i != action_buttons_.end(); ++i) {
1541  if((*i)->pressed()) {
1542  const std::size_t index = std::distance(action_buttons_.begin(), i);
1543  if(index >= theme_.actions().size()) {
1544  assert(false);
1545  return nullptr;
1546  }
1547  return &theme_.actions()[index];
1548  }
1549  }
1551  return nullptr;
1552 }
1555 {
1556  for(auto i = menu_buttons_.begin(); i != menu_buttons_.end(); ++i) {
1557  if((*i)->pressed()) {
1558  const std::size_t index = std::distance(menu_buttons_.begin(), i);
1559  if(index >= theme_.menus().size()) {
1560  assert(false);
1561  return nullptr;
1562  }
1563  return theme_.get_menu_item((*i)->id());
1564  }
1565  }
1567  return nullptr;
1568 }
1570 void display::announce(const std::string& message, const color_t& color, const announce_options& options)
1571 {
1572  if(options.discard_previous) {
1573  font::remove_floating_label(prevLabel);
1574  }
1575  font::floating_label flabel(message);
1577  flabel.set_color(color);
1578  flabel.set_position(
1580  flabel.set_lifetime(options.lifetime);
1581  flabel.set_clip_rect(map_outside_area());
1583  prevLabel = font::add_floating_label(flabel);
1584 }
1587 {
1588  if(video::headless()) {
1589  return;
1590  }
1592  const rect& area = minimap_area();
1593  if(area.empty()){
1594  return;
1595  }
1598  context().map(),
1599  context().teams().empty() ? nullptr : &viewing_team(),
1600  nullptr,
1601  (selectedHex_.valid() && !is_blindfolded()) ? &reach_map_ : nullptr
1602  );
1604  redraw_minimap();
1605 }
1608 {
1610 }
1613 {
1614  const rect& area = minimap_area();
1616  if(area.empty() || !area.overlaps(draw::get_clip())) {
1617  return;
1618  }
1620  if(!minimap_renderer_) {
1621  return;
1622  }
1624  const auto clipper = draw::reduce_clip(area);
1626  // Draw the minimap background.
1627  draw::fill(area, 31, 31, 23);
1629  // Draw the minimap and update its location for mouse and units functions
1630  minimap_location_ = std::invoke(minimap_renderer_, area);
1634  // calculate the visible portion of the map:
1635  // scaling between minimap and full map images
1636  double xscaling = 1.0 * minimap_location_.w / (context().map().w() * hex_width());
1637  double yscaling = 1.0 * minimap_location_.h / (context().map().h() * hex_size());
1639  // we need to shift with the border size
1640  // and the 0.25 from the minimap balanced drawing
1641  // and the possible difference between real map and outside off-map
1642  rect map_rect = map_area();
1643  rect map_out_rect = map_outside_area();
1644  double border = theme_.border().size;
1645  double shift_x = -border * hex_width() - (map_out_rect.w - map_rect.w) / 2;
1646  double shift_y = -(border + 0.25) * hex_size() - (map_out_rect.h - map_rect.h) / 2;
1648  int view_x = static_cast<int>((viewport_origin_.x + shift_x) * xscaling);
1649  int view_y = static_cast<int>((viewport_origin_.y + shift_y) * yscaling);
1650  int view_w = static_cast<int>(map_out_rect.w * xscaling);
1651  int view_h = static_cast<int>(map_out_rect.h * yscaling);
1653  rect outline_rect {
1654  minimap_location_.x + view_x - 1,
1655  minimap_location_.y + view_y - 1,
1656  view_w + 2,
1657  view_h + 2
1658  };
1660  draw::rect(outline_rect, 255, 255, 255);
1661 }
1664 {
1665  if (!prefs::get().minimap_draw_units() || is_blindfolded()) return;
1667  double xscaling = 1.0 * minimap_location_.w / context().map().w();
1668  double yscaling = 1.0 * minimap_location_.h / context().map().h();
1670  for(const auto& u : context().units()) {
1671  if (fogged(u.get_location()) ||
1672  (viewing_team().is_enemy(u.side()) &&
1673  u.invisible(u.get_location())) ||
1674  u.get_hidden()) {
1675  continue;
1676  }
1678  int side = u.side();
1679  color_t col = team::get_minimap_color(side);
1681  if(!prefs::get().minimap_movement_coding()) {
1682  auto status = orb_status::allied;
1683  if(viewing_team().is_enemy(side)) {
1684  status = orb_status::enemy;
1685  } else if(viewing_team().side() == side) {
1686  status = context().unit_orb_status(u);
1687  } else {
1688  // no-op, status is already set to orb_status::allied;
1689  }
1691  }
1693  double u_x = u.get_location().x * xscaling;
1694  double u_y = (u.get_location().y + (is_odd(u.get_location().x) ? 1 : -1)/4.0) * yscaling;
1695  // use 4/3 to compensate the horizontal hexes imbrication
1696  double u_w = 4.0 / 3.0 * xscaling;
1697  double u_h = yscaling;
1699  rect r {
1700  minimap_location_.x + int(std::round(u_x))
1701  , minimap_location_.y + int(std::round(u_y))
1702  , int(std::round(u_w))
1703  , int(std::round(u_h))
1704  };
1706  draw::fill(r, col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
1707  }
1708 }
1710 bool display::scroll(const point& amount, bool force)
1711 {
1712  if(view_locked_ && !force) {
1713  return false;
1714  }
1716  // No move offset, do nothing.
1717  if(amount == point{}) {
1718  return false;
1719  }
1721  point new_pos = viewport_origin_ + amount;
1722  bounds_check_position(new_pos.x, new_pos.y);
1724  // Camera position doesn't change, exit.
1725  if(viewport_origin_ == new_pos) {
1726  return false;
1727  }
1729  point diff = viewport_origin_ - new_pos;
1730  viewport_origin_ = new_pos;
1732  /* Adjust floating label positions. This only affects labels whose position is anchored
1733  * to the map instead of the screen. In order to do that, we want to adjust their drawing
1734  * coordinates in the opposite direction of the screen scroll.
1735  *
1736  * The check a few lines up prevents any scrolling from happening if the camera position
1737  * doesn't change. Without that, the label still scroll even when the map edge is reached.
1738  * If that's removed, the following formula should work instead:
1739  *
1740  * const int label_[x,y]_adjust = [x,y]pos_ - new_[x,y];
1741  */
1742  font::scroll_floating_labels(diff.x, diff.y);
1746  //
1747  // NOTE: the next three blocks can be removed once we switch to accelerated rendering.
1748  //
1750  if(!video::headless()) {
1751  rect dst = map_area();
1752  dst.shift(diff);
1753  dst.clip(map_area());
1755  rect src = dst;
1756  src.shift(-diff);
1758  // swap buffers
1761  // Set the source region to blit from
1762  back_.set_src(src);
1764  // copy from the back to the front buffer
1765  auto rts = draw::set_render_target(front_);
1766  draw::blit(back_, dst);
1768  back_.clear_src();
1770  // queue repaint
1772  }
1774  if(diff.y != 0) {
1775  rect r = map_area();
1777  if(diff.y < 0) {
1778  r.y = r.y + r.h + diff.y;
1779  }
1781  r.h = std::abs(diff.y);
1783  }
1785  if(diff.x != 0) {
1786  rect r = map_area();
1788  if(diff.x < 0) {
1789  r.x = r.x + r.w + diff.x;
1790  }
1792  r.w = std::abs(diff.x);
1794  }
1798  redraw_minimap();
1800  return true;
1801 }
1804 {
1805  return zoom_ == MaxZoom;
1806 }
1809 {
1810  return zoom_ == MinZoom;
1811 }
1813 bool display::set_zoom(bool increase)
1814 {
1815  // Ensure we don't try to access nonexistent vector indices.
1816  zoom_index_ = std::clamp(increase ? zoom_index_ + 1 : zoom_index_ - 1, 0, final_zoom_index);
1818  // No validation check is needed in the next step since we've already set the index here and
1819  // know the new zoom value is indeed valid.
1820  return set_zoom(zoom_levels[zoom_index_], false);
1821 }
1823 bool display::set_zoom(unsigned int amount, const bool validate_value_and_set_index)
1824 {
1825  unsigned int new_zoom = std::clamp(amount, MinZoom, MaxZoom);
1827  LOG_DP << "new_zoom = " << new_zoom;
1829  if(new_zoom == zoom_) {
1830  return false;
1831  }
1833  if(validate_value_and_set_index) {
1834  zoom_index_ = get_zoom_levels_index (new_zoom);
1835  new_zoom = zoom_levels[zoom_index_];
1836  }
1838  if((new_zoom / 4) * 4 != new_zoom) {
1839  WRN_DP << "set_zoom forcing zoom " << new_zoom
1840  << " which is not a multiple of 4."
1841  << " This will likely cause graphical glitches.";
1842  }
1845  const rect area = map_area();
1847  // Turn the zoom factor to a double in order to avoid rounding errors.
1848  double zoom_factor = static_cast<double>(new_zoom) / static_cast<double>(zoom_);
1850  // INVARIANT: xpos_ + area.w == xend where xend is as in bounds_check_position()
1851  //
1852  // xpos_: Position of the leftmost visible map pixel of the viewport, in pixels.
1853  // Affected by the current zoom: this->zoom_ pixels to the hex.
1854  //
1855  // xpos_ + area.w/2: Position of the center of the viewport, in pixels.
1856  //
1857  // (xpos_ + area.w/2) * new_zoom/zoom_: Position of the center of the
1858  // viewport, as it would be under new_zoom.
1859  //
1860  // (xpos_ + area.w/2) * new_zoom/zoom_ - area.w/2: Position of the
1861  // leftmost visible map pixel, as it would be under new_zoom.
1862  viewport_origin_.x = std::round(((viewport_origin_.x + area.w / 2) * zoom_factor) - (area.w / 2));
1863  viewport_origin_.y = std::round(((viewport_origin_.y + area.h / 2) * zoom_factor) - (area.h / 2));
1864  viewport_origin_ -= (outside_area.size() - area.size()) / 2;
1866  zoom_ = new_zoom;
1868  if(zoom_ != DefaultZoom) {
1869  last_zoom_ = zoom_;
1870  }
1872  prefs::get().set_tile_size(zoom_);
1875  redraw_background_ = true;
1876  invalidate_all();
1878  return true;
1879 }
1882 {
1883  if (zoom_ != DefaultZoom) {
1884  last_zoom_ = zoom_;
1886  } else {
1887  // When we are already at the default zoom,
1888  // switch to the last zoom used
1890  }
1891 }
1894 {
1896 }
1899 {
1900  const auto [x, y] = get_location(loc);
1901  const rect area = map_area();
1902  int hw = hex_width(), hs = hex_size();
1903  return x + hs >= area.x - hw && x < area.x + area.w + hw &&
1904  y + hs >= area.y - hs && y < area.y + area.h + hs;
1905 }
1907 void display::scroll_to_xy(const point& screen_coordinates, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type, bool force)
1908 {
1909  if(!force && (view_locked_ || !prefs::get().scroll_to_action())) return;
1910  if(video::headless()) {
1911  return;
1912  }
1914  point expected_move = screen_coordinates - map_area().center();
1916  point new_pos = viewport_origin_ + expected_move;
1917  bounds_check_position(new_pos.x, new_pos.y);
1919  point move = new_pos - viewport_origin_;
1921  if(scroll_type == WARP || scroll_type == ONSCREEN_WARP || turbo_speed() > 2.0 || prefs::get().scroll_speed() > 99) {
1922  scroll(move, true);
1923  redraw_minimap();
1924  events::draw();
1925  return;
1926  }
1928  // Doing an animated scroll, with acceleration etc.
1930  point prev_pos;
1931  const double dist_total = std::hypot(move.x, move.y);
1932  double dist_moved = 0.0;
1934  using fractional_seconds = std::chrono::duration<double>;
1935  auto prev_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
1937  double velocity = 0.0;
1938  while (dist_moved < dist_total) {
1939  events::pump();
1941  auto time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
1942  auto dt = fractional_seconds{time - prev_time};
1944  // Do not skip too many frames on slow PCs
1945  dt = std::min<fractional_seconds>(dt, 200ms);
1946  prev_time = time;
1948  const double dt_as_double = dt.count();
1949  const double accel_time = 0.3 / turbo_speed(); // seconds until full speed is reached
1950  const double decel_time = 0.4 / turbo_speed(); // seconds from full speed to stop
1952  double velocity_max = prefs::get().scroll_speed() * 60.0;
1953  velocity_max *= turbo_speed();
1954  double accel = velocity_max / accel_time;
1955  double decel = velocity_max / decel_time;
1957  // If we started to decelerate now, where would we stop?
1958  double stop_time = velocity / decel;
1959  double dist_stop = dist_moved + velocity*stop_time - 0.5*decel*stop_time*stop_time;
1960  if (dist_stop > dist_total || velocity > velocity_max) {
1961  velocity -= decel * dt_as_double;
1962  if (velocity < 1.0) velocity = 1.0;
1963  } else {
1964  velocity += accel * dt_as_double;
1965  if (velocity > velocity_max) velocity = velocity_max;
1966  }
1968  dist_moved += velocity * dt_as_double;
1969  if (dist_moved > dist_total) dist_moved = dist_total;
1971  point next_pos(
1972  std::round(move.x * dist_moved / dist_total),
1973  std::round(move.y * dist_moved / dist_total)
1974  );
1976  point diff = next_pos - prev_pos;
1977  scroll(diff, true);
1978  prev_pos += diff;
1980  redraw_minimap();
1981  events::draw();
1982  }
1983 }
1985 void display::scroll_to_tile(const map_location& loc, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type, bool check_fogged, bool force)
1986 {
1987  if(context().map().on_board(loc) == false) {
1988  ERR_DP << "Tile at " << loc << " isn't on the map, can't scroll to the tile.";
1989  return;
1990  }
1992  scroll_to_tiles({loc}, scroll_type, check_fogged, false, 0.0, force);
1993 }
1996  SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type, bool check_fogged,
1997  double add_spacing, bool force)
1998 {
1999  scroll_to_tiles({loc1, loc2}, scroll_type, check_fogged, false, add_spacing, force);
2000 }
2002 void display::scroll_to_tiles(const std::vector<map_location>& locs,
2003  SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type, bool check_fogged,
2004  bool only_if_possible, double add_spacing, bool force)
2005 {
2006  // basically we calculate the min/max coordinates we want to have on-screen
2007  int minx = 0;
2008  int maxx = 0;
2009  int miny = 0;
2010  int maxy = 0;
2011  bool valid = false;
2013  for(const map_location& loc : locs) {
2014  if(context().map().on_board(loc) == false) continue;
2015  if(check_fogged && fogged(loc)) continue;
2017  const auto [x, y] = get_location(loc);
2019  if (!valid) {
2020  minx = x;
2021  maxx = x;
2022  miny = y;
2023  maxy = y;
2024  valid = true;
2025  } else {
2026  int minx_new = std::min<int>(minx,x);
2027  int miny_new = std::min<int>(miny,y);
2028  int maxx_new = std::max<int>(maxx,x);
2029  int maxy_new = std::max<int>(maxy,y);
2030  rect r = map_area();
2031  r.x = minx_new;
2032  r.y = miny_new;
2033  if(outside_area(r, maxx_new, maxy_new)) {
2034  // we cannot fit all locations to the screen
2035  if (only_if_possible) return;
2036  break;
2037  }
2038  minx = minx_new;
2039  miny = miny_new;
2040  maxx = maxx_new;
2041  maxy = maxy_new;
2042  }
2043  }
2044  //if everything is fogged or the location list is empty
2045  if(!valid) return;
2047  if (scroll_type == ONSCREEN || scroll_type == ONSCREEN_WARP) {
2048  int spacing = std::round(add_spacing * hex_size());
2049  rect r = map_area().padded_by(-spacing); // Shrink
2050  if (!outside_area(r, minx,miny) && !outside_area(r, maxx,maxy)) {
2051  return;
2052  }
2053  }
2055  // let's do "normal" rectangle math from now on
2056  rect locs_bbox;
2057  locs_bbox.x = minx;
2058  locs_bbox.y = miny;
2059  locs_bbox.w = maxx - minx + hex_size();
2060  locs_bbox.h = maxy - miny + hex_size();
2062  // target the center
2063  point target =;
2065  if (scroll_type == ONSCREEN || scroll_type == ONSCREEN_WARP) {
2066  // when doing an ONSCREEN scroll we do not center the target unless needed
2067  rect r = map_area();
2068  auto [map_center_x, map_center_y] =;
2070  int h = r.h;
2071  int w = r.w;
2073  // we do not want to be only inside the screen rect, but center a bit more
2074  double inside_frac = 0.5; // 0.0 = always center the target, 1.0 = scroll the minimum distance
2075  w = static_cast<int>(w * inside_frac);
2076  h = static_cast<int>(h * inside_frac);
2078  // shrink the rectangle by the size of the locations rectangle we found
2079  // such that the new task to fit a point into a rectangle instead of rectangle into rectangle
2080  w -= locs_bbox.w;
2081  h -= locs_bbox.h;
2083  if (w < 1) w = 1;
2084  if (h < 1) h = 1;
2086  r.x = target.x - w/2;
2087  r.y = target.y - h/2;
2088  r.w = w;
2089  r.h = h;
2091  // now any point within r is a possible target to scroll to
2092  // we take the one with the minimum distance to map_center
2093  // which will always be at the border of r
2095  if (map_center_x < r.x) {
2096  target.x = r.x;
2097  target.y = std::clamp(map_center_y, r.y, r.y + r.h - 1);
2098  } else if (map_center_x > r.x+r.w-1) {
2099  target.x = r.x + r.w - 1;
2100  target.y = std::clamp(map_center_y, r.y, r.y + r.h - 1);
2101  } else if (map_center_y < r.y) {
2102  target.y = r.y;
2103  target.x = std::clamp(map_center_x, r.x, r.x + r.w - 1);
2104  } else if (map_center_y > r.y+r.h-1) {
2105  target.y = r.y + r.h - 1;
2106  target.x = std::clamp(map_center_x, r.x, r.x + r.w - 1);
2107  } else {
2108  ERR_DP << "Bug in the scrolling code? Looks like we would not need to scroll after all...";
2109  // keep the target at the center
2110  }
2111  }
2113  scroll_to_xy(target, scroll_type, force);
2114 }
2118 {
2119  zoom_ = std::clamp(zoom_, MinZoom, MaxZoom);
2121 }
2123 void display::bounds_check_position(int& xpos, int& ypos) const
2124 {
2125  const int tile_width = hex_width();
2127  // Adjust for the border 2 times
2128  const int xend = static_cast<int>(tile_width * (context().map().w() + 2 * theme_.border().size) + tile_width / 3);
2129  const int yend = static_cast<int>(zoom_ * (context().map().h() + 2 * theme_.border().size) + zoom_ / 2);
2131  xpos = std::clamp(xpos, 0, xend - map_area().w);
2132  ypos = std::clamp(ypos, 0, yend - map_area().h);
2133 }
2135 double display::turbo_speed() const
2136 {
2137  bool res = prefs::get().turbo();
2138  if(keys_[SDLK_LSHIFT] || keys_[SDLK_RSHIFT]) {
2139  res = !res;
2140  }
2142  res |= video::headless();
2143  if(res)
2144  return prefs::get().turbo_speed();
2145  else
2146  return 1.0;
2147 }
2150 {
2151  prevent_draw_ = pd;
2152  if (!pd) {
2153  // ensure buttons are visible
2154  unhide_buttons();
2155  }
2156 }
2159 {
2160  return prevent_draw_;
2161 }
2163 submerge_data display::get_submerge_data(const rect& dest, double submerge, const point& size, uint8_t alpha, bool hreverse, bool vreverse)
2164 {
2166  if(submerge <= 0.0) {
2167  return data;
2168  }
2170  // Set up blit destinations
2171  data.unsub_dest = dest;
2172  const int dest_sub_h = dest.h * submerge;
2173  data.unsub_dest.h -= dest_sub_h;
2174  const int dest_y_mid = dest.y + data.unsub_dest.h;
2176  // Set up blit src regions
2177  const int submersion_line = size.y * (1.0 - submerge);
2178  data.unsub_src = {0, 0, size.x, submersion_line};
2180  // Set up shader vertices
2181  const color_t c_mid(255, 255, 255, 0.3 * alpha);
2182  const int pixels_submerged = size.y * submerge;
2183  const int bot_alpha = std::max(0.3 - pixels_submerged * 0.015, 0.0) * alpha;
2184  const color_t c_bot(255, 255, 255, bot_alpha);
2185  const SDL_FPoint pML{float(dest.x), float(dest_y_mid)};
2186  const SDL_FPoint pMR{float(dest.x + dest.w), float(dest_y_mid)};
2187  const SDL_FPoint pBL{float(dest.x), float(dest.y + dest.h)};
2188  const SDL_FPoint pBR{float(dest.x + dest.w), float(dest.y + dest.h)};
2189  data.alpha_verts = {
2190  SDL_Vertex{pML, c_mid, {0.0, float(1.0 - submerge)}},
2191  SDL_Vertex{pMR, c_mid, {1.0, float(1.0 - submerge)}},
2192  SDL_Vertex{pBL, c_bot, {0.0, 1.0}},
2193  SDL_Vertex{pBR, c_bot, {1.0, 1.0}},
2194  };
2196  if(hreverse) {
2197  for(SDL_Vertex& v : data.alpha_verts) {
2198  v.tex_coord.x = 1.0 - v.tex_coord.x;
2199  }
2200  }
2201  if(vreverse) {
2202  for(SDL_Vertex& v : data.alpha_verts) {
2203  v.tex_coord.y = 1.0 - v.tex_coord.y;
2204  }
2205  }
2207  return data;
2208 }
2211  const std::string& old_mask,
2212  const std::string& new_mask)
2213 {
2214  // TODO: hwaccel - this needs testing as it's not used in mainline
2218  auto duration = 300ms / turbo_speed();
2219  auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
2220  for(auto now = start; now < start + duration; now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) {
2221  uint8_t p = float_to_color(chrono::normalize_progress(now - start, duration));
2222  tod_hex_alpha2 = p;
2223  tod_hex_alpha1 = ~p;
2226  }
2228  tod_hex_mask1.reset();
2229  tod_hex_mask2.reset();
2230 }
2232 void display::fade_to(const color_t& c, const std::chrono::milliseconds& duration)
2233 {
2234  auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
2235  color_t fade_start = fade_color_;
2236  color_t fade_end = c;
2238  // If we started transparent, assume the same colour
2239  if(fade_start.a == 0) {
2240  fade_start.r = fade_end.r;
2241  fade_start.g = fade_end.g;
2242  fade_start.b = fade_end.b;
2243  }
2245  // If we are ending transparent, assume the same colour
2246  if(fade_end.a == 0) {
2247  fade_end.r = fade_start.r;
2248  fade_end.g = fade_start.g;
2249  fade_end.b = fade_start.b;
2250  }
2252  // Smoothly blend and display
2253  for(auto now = start; now < start + duration; now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) {
2254  uint8_t p = float_to_color(chrono::normalize_progress(now - start, duration));
2255  fade_color_ = fade_start.smooth_blend(fade_end, p);
2258  }
2259  fade_color_ = fade_end;
2261  events::draw();
2262 }
2265 {
2266  fade_color_ = c;
2267 }
2270 {
2271  if(video::headless())
2272  return;
2274  DBG_DP << "redrawing everything";
2276  // This is specifically for game_display.
2277  // It would probably be better to simply make this function virtual,
2278  // if game_display needs to do special processing.
2279  invalidateGameStatus_ = true;
2281  reportLocations_.clear();
2282  reportSurfaces_.clear();
2283  reports_.clear();
2291  if(!menu_buttons_.empty() || !action_buttons_.empty()) {
2292  create_buttons();
2293  }
2295  if(resources::controller) {
2297  if(command_executor != nullptr) {
2298  // This function adds button overlays,
2299  // it needs to be run after recreating the buttons.
2300  command_executor->set_button_state();
2301  }
2302  }
2304  if(!gui2::is_in_dialog()) {
2306  }
2308  redraw_background_ = true;
2310  // This is only for one specific use, which is by the editor controller.
2311  // It would be vastly better if this didn't exist.
2312  for(std::function<void(display&)> f : redraw_observers_) {
2313  f(*this);
2314  }
2316  invalidate_all();
2319 }
2322 {
2323  // Could redraw a smaller region if the display doesn't use it all,
2324  // but when does that ever happen?
2326 }
2328 void display::add_redraw_observer(const std::function<void(display&)>& f)
2329 {
2330  redraw_observers_.push_back(f);
2331 }
2334 {
2335  redraw_observers_.clear();
2336 }
2339 {
2340  if(video::headless()) {
2341  DBG_DP << "display::draw denied";
2342  return;
2343  }
2344  //DBG_DP << "display::draw";
2346  // I have no idea why this is messing with sync context,
2347  // but i'm not going to touch it.
2350  // This isn't the best, but also isn't important enough to do better.
2352  DBG_DP << "display::draw redraw background";
2355  redraw_background_ = false;
2356  }
2358  if(!context().map().empty()) {
2359  if(!invalidated_.empty()) {
2360  draw_invalidated();
2361  invalidated_.clear();
2362  }
2364  }
2366  if(prefs::get().show_fps() || debug_flag_set(DEBUG_BENCHMARK)) {
2367  update_fps_count();
2368  update_fps_label();
2369  } else if(fps_handle_ != 0) {
2370  clear_fps_label();
2371  }
2372 }
2375 {
2376  //DBG_DP << "display::update";
2377  // Ensure render textures are correctly sized and up-to-date.
2380  // Trigger cache rebuild if animated water preference has changed.
2381  if(animate_water_ != prefs::get().animate_water()) {
2382  animate_water_ = prefs::get().animate_water();
2383  builder_->rebuild_cache_all();
2384  }
2387  invalidate_all();
2388  }
2389 }
2392 {
2393  //DBG_DP << "display::layout";
2395  // There's nothing that actually does layout here, it all happens in
2396  // response to events. This isn't ideal, but neither is changing that.
2398  // Post-layout / Pre-render
2400  if (!context().map().empty()) {
2401  if(redraw_background_) {
2402  invalidateAll_ = true;
2403  }
2404  if(invalidateAll_) {
2405  DBG_DP << "draw() with invalidateAll";
2407  // toggle invalidateAll_ first to allow regular invalidations
2408  invalidateAll_ = false;
2411  redraw_minimap();
2412  }
2413  }
2415  // invalidate animated terrain, units and haloes
2418  // Update and invalidate floating labels as necessary
2420 }
2423 {
2424  // This should render the game map and units.
2425  // It is not responsible for halos and floating labels.
2426  //DBG_DP << "display::render";
2428  // No need to render if we aren't going to draw anything.
2429  if(prevent_draw_) {
2430  DBG_DP << "render prevented";
2431  return;
2432  }
2434  // render to the offscreen buffer
2435  auto target_setter = draw::set_render_target(front_);
2436  draw();
2438  // update the minimap texture, if necessary
2439  // TODO: highdpi - high DPI minimap
2440  const rect& area = minimap_area();
2441  if(!area.empty() && !minimap_renderer_) {
2443  }
2444 }
2446 bool display::expose(const rect& region)
2447 {
2448  if(prevent_draw_) {
2449  DBG_DP << "draw prevented";
2450  return false;
2451  }
2453  rect clipped_region = draw::get_clip().intersect(region);
2455  // Blit from the pre-rendered front buffer.
2456  if(clipped_region.overlaps(map_outside_area())) {
2457  front_.set_src(clipped_region);
2458  draw::blit(front_, clipped_region);
2459  front_.clear_src();
2460  }
2462  // Render halos.
2463  halo_man_.render(clipped_region);
2465  // Render UI elements.
2466  // Ideally buttons would be drawn as part of panels,
2467  // but they are currently TLDs so they draw themselves.
2468  // This also means they draw over tooltips...
2469  draw_all_panels(clipped_region);
2470  draw_reports(clipped_region);
2471  if(clipped_region.overlaps(minimap_area())) {
2472  draw_minimap();
2473  }
2475  // Floating labels should probably be separated by type,
2476  // but they aren't so they all get drawn here.
2479  // If there's a fade, apply it over everything
2480  if(fade_color_.a) {
2481  draw::fill(map_outside_area().intersect(region), fade_color_);
2482  }
2484  DBG_DP << "display::expose " << region;
2486  // The display covers the entire screen.
2487  // We will always be drawing something.
2488  return true;
2489 }
2492 {
2493  assert(!map_screenshot_);
2494  // There's no good way to determine this, as themes can put things
2495  // anywhere. Just return the entire game canvas.
2496  return video::game_canvas();
2497 }
2500 {
2501  if(video::headless()) {
2502  return;
2503  }
2505  // We ignore any logical offset on the underlying window buffer.
2506  // Render buffer size is always a simple multiple of the draw area.
2507  rect darea = video::game_canvas();
2508  rect oarea = darea * video::get_pixel_scale();
2510  // Check that the front buffer size is correct.
2511  // Buffers are always resized together, so we only need to check one.
2513  point dsize = front_.draw_size();
2514  bool raw_size_changed = size.x != oarea.w || size.y != oarea.h;
2515  bool draw_size_changed = dsize.x != darea.w || dsize.y != darea.h;
2516  if (!raw_size_changed && !draw_size_changed) {
2517  // buffers are fine
2518  return;
2519  }
2521  if(raw_size_changed) {
2522  LOG_DP << "regenerating render buffers as " << oarea;
2523  front_ = texture(oarea.w, oarea.h, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET);
2524  back_ = texture(oarea.w, oarea.h, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET);
2525  }
2526  if(raw_size_changed || draw_size_changed) {
2527  LOG_DP << "updating render buffer draw size to " << darea;
2528  front_.set_draw_size(darea.w, darea.h);
2529  back_.set_draw_size(darea.w, darea.h);
2530  }
2532  // Fill entire texture with black, just in case
2533  for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
2535  draw::fill(0,0,0);
2536  }
2538  // Fill in the background area on both textures.
2541  queue_rerender();
2542 }
2545 {
2546  // This could be optimized to avoid the map area,
2547  // but it's only called on game creation or zoom anyway.
2548  const rect clip_rect = map_outside_area();
2550  for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
2552  if(bgtex) {
2553  draw::tiled(bgtex, clip_rect);
2554  } else {
2555  draw::fill(clip_rect, 0, 0, 0);
2556  }
2557  }
2558 }
2561 {
2562  return *map_labels_;
2563 }
2566 {
2567  return *map_labels_;
2568 }
2571 {
2572  return map_area();
2573 }
2576 {
2577  // log_scope("display::draw_invalidated");
2578  rect clip_rect = get_clip_rect();
2579  const auto clipper = draw::reduce_clip(clip_rect);
2581  DBG_DP << "drawing " << invalidated_.size() << " invalidated hexes with clip " << clip_rect;
2583  // The unit drawer can't function without teams
2584  utils::optional<unit_drawer> drawer{};
2585  if(!context().teams().empty()) {
2586  drawer.emplace(*this);
2587  }
2589  for(const map_location& loc : invalidated_) {
2590  rect hex_rect = get_location_rect(loc);
2591  if(!hex_rect.overlaps(clip_rect)) {
2592  continue;
2593  }
2595  draw_hex(loc);
2596  drawn_hexes_ += 1;
2598  if(drawer) {
2599  const auto u_it = context().units().find(loc);
2600  if(u_it != context().units().end() && unit_can_draw_here(loc, *u_it)) {
2601  drawer->redraw_unit(*u_it);
2602  }
2603  }
2605  draw_manager::invalidate_region(hex_rect.intersect(clip_rect));
2606  }
2608  invalidated_hexes_ += invalidated_.size();
2609 }
2612 {
2613  const bool on_map = context().map().on_board(loc);
2614  const time_of_day& tod = get_time_of_day(loc);
2616  int num_images_fg = 0;
2617  int num_images_bg = 0;
2619  const bool is_shrouded = shrouded(loc);
2621  // unshrouded terrain (the normal case)
2622  if(!is_shrouded) {
2623  get_terrain_images(loc,, BACKGROUND); // updates terrain_image_vector_
2624  num_images_bg = terrain_image_vector_.size();
2626  drawing_buffer_add(drawing_layer::terrain_bg, loc, [images = std::exchange(terrain_image_vector_, {})](const rect& dest) {
2627  for(const texture& t : images) {
2628  draw::blit(t, dest);
2629  }
2630  });
2632  get_terrain_images(loc,, FOREGROUND); // updates terrain_image_vector_
2633  num_images_fg = terrain_image_vector_.size();
2635  drawing_buffer_add(drawing_layer::terrain_fg, loc, [images = std::exchange(terrain_image_vector_, {})](const rect& dest) {
2636  for(const texture& t : images) {
2637  draw::blit(t, dest);
2638  }
2639  });
2641  // Draw the grid, if that's been enabled
2642  if(prefs::get().grid()) {
2647  [tex = image::get_texture(grid_top, image::TOD_COLORED)](const rect& dest) { draw::blit(tex, dest); });
2650  [tex = image::get_texture(grid_bottom, image::TOD_COLORED)](const rect& dest) { draw::blit(tex, dest); });
2651  }
2653  // overlays (TODO: can we just draw all the overlays in one pass instead of per-hex?)
2656  // village-control flags.
2657  if(context().map().is_village(loc)) {
2659  [tex = get_flag(loc)](const rect& dest) { draw::blit(tex, dest); });
2660  }
2661  }
2663  // Draw the time-of-day mask on top of the terrain in the hex.
2664  // tod may differ from tod if hex is illuminated.
2665  const std::string& tod_hex_mask = tod.image_mask;
2666  if(tod_hex_mask1 || tod_hex_mask2) {
2667  drawing_buffer_add(drawing_layer::terrain_fg, loc, [this](const rect& dest) mutable {
2669  draw::blit(tod_hex_mask1, dest);
2672  draw::blit(tod_hex_mask2, dest);
2673  });
2674  } else if(!tod_hex_mask.empty()) {
2676  [tex = image::get_texture(tod_hex_mask, image::HEXED)](const rect& dest) { draw::blit(tex, dest); });
2677  }
2679  // Paint arrows
2680  if(auto arrows_in_hex = arrows_map_.find(loc); arrows_in_hex != arrows_map_.end()) {
2681  std::vector<texture> to_draw;
2682  for(const arrow* a : arrows_in_hex->second) {
2683  to_draw.push_back(image::get_texture(a->get_image_for_loc(loc)));
2684  }
2686  drawing_buffer_add(drawing_layer::arrows, loc, [to_draw = std::move(to_draw)](const rect& dest) {
2687  for(const texture& t : to_draw) {
2688  draw::blit(t, dest);
2689  }
2690  });
2691  }
2693  // Apply shroud, fog and linger overlay
2695  if(is_shrouded || fogged(loc)) {
2696  // TODO: better noise function
2697  const auto get_variant = [&loc](const std::vector<std::string>& variants) -> const auto& {
2698  return variants[std::abs(loc.x + loc.y) % variants.size()];
2699  };
2701  const std::string& img = get_variant(is_shrouded ? shroud_images_ : fog_images_);
2703  [tex = image::get_texture(img, image::TOD_COLORED)](const rect& dest) { draw::blit(tex, dest); });
2704  }
2706  if(!is_shrouded) {
2708  for(const texture& t : images) {
2709  draw::blit(t, dest);
2710  }
2711  });
2712  }
2715  using namespace std::string_literals;
2717  [tex = image::get_texture("terrain/foreground.png"s)](const rect& dest) { draw::blit(tex, dest); });
2718  }
2720  if(on_map) {
2721  // This might be slight overkill. Basically, we want to check that none of the
2722  // first three bits in the debug flag bitset are set so we can avoid creating
2723  // a stringstream, a temp string, and attempting to trim it for every hex even
2724  // when none of these flags are set. This gives us a temp object with all bits
2725  // past the first three zeroed out.
2726  if((std::as_const(debug_flags_) << (__NUM_DEBUG_FLAGS - DEBUG_FOREGROUND)).none()) {
2727  return;
2728  }
2730  std::ostringstream ss;
2732  ss << loc << '\n';
2733  }
2736  ss << context().map().get_terrain(loc) << '\n';
2737  }
2740  ss << (num_images_bg + num_images_fg) << '\n';
2741  }
2743  std::string output = ss.str();
2746  if(output.empty()) {
2747  return;
2748  }
2751  renderer.set_text(output, false);
2752  renderer.set_font_size(font::SIZE_TINY);
2753  renderer.set_alignment(PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER);
2754  renderer.set_foreground_color(font::NORMAL_COLOR);
2755  renderer.set_maximum_height(-1, false);
2756  renderer.set_maximum_width(-1);
2758  drawing_buffer_add(drawing_layer::fog_shroud, loc, [tex = renderer.render_and_get_texture()](const rect& dest) {
2759  // Center text in dest rect
2760  const rect text_dest { - tex.draw_size() / 2, tex.draw_size() };
2762  // Add a little padding to the bg
2763  const rect bg_dest = text_dest.padded_by(3);
2765  draw::fill(bg_dest, 0, 0, 0, 170);
2766  draw::blit(tex, text_dest);
2767  });
2768  }
2769 }
2772 {
2773  auto it = get_overlays().find(loc);
2774  if(it == get_overlays().end()) {
2775  return;
2776  }
2778  std::vector<overlay>& overlays = it->second;
2779  if(overlays.empty()) {
2780  return;
2781  }
2783  const time_of_day& tod = get_time_of_day(loc);
2784  tod_color tod_col = tod.color + color_adjust_;
2786  image::light_string lt = image::get_light_string(-1, tod_col.r, tod_col.g, tod_col.b);
2788  for(const overlay& ov : overlays) {
2789  if(fogged(loc) && !ov.visible_in_fog) {
2790  continue;
2791  }
2793  if(dont_show_all_ && !ov.team_name.empty()) {
2794  const auto current_team_names = utils::split_view(viewing_team().team_name());
2795  const auto team_names = utils::split_view(ov.team_name);
2797  bool item_visible_for_team = std::find_first_of(team_names.begin(), team_names.end(),
2798  current_team_names.begin(), current_team_names.end()) != team_names.end();
2800  if(!item_visible_for_team) {
2801  continue;
2802  }
2803  }
2805  texture tex = ov.image.find("~NO_TOD_SHIFT()") == std::string::npos
2806  ? image::get_lighted_texture(ov.image, lt)
2807  : image::get_texture(ov.image, image::HEXED);
2809  // Base submerge value for the terrain at this location
2810  const double ter_sub = context().map().get_terrain_info(loc).unit_submerge();
2813  drawing_layer::terrain_bg, loc, [tex, ter_sub, ovr_sub = ov.submerge](const rect& dest) mutable {
2814  if(ovr_sub > 0.0 && ter_sub > 0.0) {
2815  // Adjust submerge appropriately
2816  double submerge = ter_sub * ovr_sub;
2818  submerge_data data
2819  = display::get_submerge_data(dest, submerge, tex.draw_size(), ALPHA_OPAQUE, false, false);
2821  // set clip for dry part
2822  // smooth_shaded doesn't use the clip information so it's fine to set it up front
2823  // TODO: do we need to unset this?
2824  tex.set_src(data.unsub_src);
2826  // draw underwater part
2827  draw::smooth_shaded(tex, data.alpha_verts);
2829  // draw dry part
2830  draw::blit(tex, data.unsub_dest);
2831  } else {
2832  // draw whole texture
2833  draw::blit(tex, dest);
2834  }
2835  });
2836  }
2837 }
2839 /**
2840  * Redraws the specified report (if anything has changed).
2841  * If a config is not supplied, it will be generated via
2842  * reports::generate_report().
2843  */
2844 void display::refresh_report(const std::string& report_name, const config * new_cfg)
2845 {
2846  const theme::status_item *item = theme_.get_status_item(report_name);
2847  if (!item) {
2848  // This should be a warning, but unfortunately there are too many
2849  // unused reports to easily deal with.
2850  //WRN_DP << "no report '" << report_name << "' in theme";
2851  return;
2852  }
2854  // Now we will need the config. Generate one if needed.
2858  if (resources::controller) {
2860  }
2862  reports::context temp_context = reports::context(*dc_, *this, *resources::tod_manager, wb_.lock(), mhb);
2864  const config generated_cfg = new_cfg ? config() : reports_object_->generate_report(report_name, temp_context);
2865  if ( new_cfg == nullptr )
2866  new_cfg = &generated_cfg;
2868  rect& loc = reportLocations_[report_name];
2869  const rect& new_loc = item->location(video::game_canvas());
2870  config &report = reports_[report_name];
2872  // Report and its location is unchanged since last time. Do nothing.
2873  if (loc == new_loc && report == *new_cfg) {
2874  return;
2875  }
2877  DBG_DP << "updating report: " << report_name;
2879  // Mark both old and new locations for redraw.
2883  // Update the config and current location.
2884  report = *new_cfg;
2885  loc = new_loc;
2887  // Not 100% sure this is okay
2888  // but it seems to be working so i'm not changing it.
2891  if (report.empty()) return;
2893  // Add prefix, postfix elements.
2894  // Make sure that they get the same tooltip
2895  // as the guys around them.
2896  std::string str = item->prefix();
2897  if (!str.empty()) {
2898  config &e = report.add_child_at("element", config(), 0);
2899  e["text"] = str;
2900  e["tooltip"] = report.mandatory_child("element")["tooltip"];
2901  }
2902  str = item->postfix();
2903  if (!str.empty()) {
2904  config &e = report.add_child("element");
2905  e["text"] = str;
2906  e["tooltip"] = report.mandatory_child("element", -1)["tooltip"];
2907  }
2909  // Do a fake run of drawing the report, so tooltips can be determined.
2910  // TODO: this is horrible, refactor reports to actually make sense
2911  draw_report(report_name, true);
2912 }
2914 void display::draw_report(const std::string& report_name, bool tooltip_test)
2915 {
2916  const theme::status_item *item = theme_.get_status_item(report_name);
2917  if (!item) {
2918  // This should be a warning, but unfortunately there are too many
2919  // unused reports to easily deal with.
2920  //WRN_DP << "no report '" << report_name << "' in theme";
2921  return;
2922  }
2924  const rect& loc = reportLocations_[report_name];
2925  const config& report = reports_[report_name];
2927  int x = loc.x, y = loc.y;
2929  // Loop through and display each report element.
2930  int tallest = 0;
2931  int image_count = 0;
2932  bool used_ellipsis = false;
2933  std::ostringstream ellipsis_tooltip;
2934  rect ellipsis_area = loc;
2936  for (config::const_child_itors elements = report.child_range("element");
2937  elements.begin() != elements.end(); elements.pop_front())
2938  {
2939  rect area {x, y, loc.w + loc.x - x, loc.h + loc.y - y};
2940  if (area.h <= 0) break;
2942  std::string t = elements.front()["text"];
2943  if (!t.empty())
2944  {
2945  if (used_ellipsis) goto skip_element;
2947  // Draw a text element.
2949  bool eol = false;
2950  if (t[t.size() - 1] == '\n') {
2951  eol = true;
2952  t = t.substr(0, t.size() - 1);
2953  }
2954  // If stripping left the text empty, skip it.
2955  if (t.empty()) {
2956  // Blank text has a null size when rendered.
2957  // It does not, however, have a null size when the size
2958  // is requested with get_size(). Hence this check.
2959  continue;
2960  }
2961  text.set_link_aware(false)
2962  .set_text(t, true);
2964  .set_font_size(item->font_size())
2966  .set_alignment(PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT)
2968  .set_maximum_width(area.w)
2969  .set_maximum_height(area.h, false)
2970  .set_ellipse_mode(PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END)
2973  point tsize = text.get_size();
2975  // check if next element is text with almost no space to show it
2976  const int minimal_text = 12; // width in pixels
2977  config::const_child_iterator ee = elements.begin();
2978  if (!eol && loc.w - (x - loc.x + tsize.x) < minimal_text &&
2979  ++ee != elements.end() && !(*ee)["text"].empty())
2980  {
2981  // make this element longer to trigger rendering of ellipsis
2982  // (to indicate that next elements have not enough space)
2983  //NOTE this space should be longer than minimal_text pixels
2984  t = t + " ";
2985  text.set_text(t, true);
2986  tsize = text.get_size();
2987  // use the area of this element for next tooltips
2988  used_ellipsis = true;
2989  ellipsis_area.x = x;
2990  ellipsis_area.y = y;
2991  ellipsis_area.w = tsize.x;
2992  ellipsis_area.h = tsize.y;
2993  }
2995  area.w = tsize.x;
2996  area.h = tsize.y;
2997  if (!tooltip_test) {
2998  draw::blit(text.render_and_get_texture(), area);
2999  }
3000  if (area.h > tallest) {
3001  tallest = area.h;
3002  }
3003  if (eol) {
3004  x = loc.x;
3005  y += tallest;
3006  tallest = 0;
3007  } else {
3008  x += area.w;
3009  }
3010  }
3011  else if (!(t = elements.front()["image"].str()).empty())
3012  {
3013  if (used_ellipsis) goto skip_element;
3015  // Draw an image element.
3018  if (!img) {
3019  ERR_DP << "could not find image for report: '" << t << "'";
3020  continue;
3021  }
3023  if (area.w < img.w() && image_count) {
3024  // We have more than one image, and this one doesn't fit.
3026  used_ellipsis = true;
3027  }
3029  if (img.w() < area.w) area.w = img.w();
3030  if (img.h() < area.h) area.h = img.h();
3031  if (!tooltip_test) {
3032  draw::blit(img, area);
3033  }
3035  ++image_count;
3036  if (area.h > tallest) {
3037  tallest = area.h;
3038  }
3040  if (!used_ellipsis) {
3041  x += area.w;
3042  } else {
3043  ellipsis_area = area;
3044  }
3045  }
3046  else
3047  {
3048  // No text nor image, skip this element
3049  continue;
3050  }
3052  skip_element:
3053  t = elements.front()["tooltip"].t_str().c_str();
3054  if (!t.empty()) {
3055  if (tooltip_test && !used_ellipsis) {
3056  tooltips::add_tooltip(area, t, elements.front()["help"].t_str().c_str());
3057  } else {
3058  // Collect all tooltips for the ellipsis.
3059  // TODO: need a better separator
3060  // TODO: assign an action
3061  ellipsis_tooltip << t;
3062  config::const_child_iterator ee = elements.begin();
3063  if (++ee != elements.end())
3064  ellipsis_tooltip << "\n _________\n\n";
3065  }
3066  }
3067  }
3069  if (tooltip_test && used_ellipsis) {
3070  tooltips::add_tooltip(ellipsis_area, ellipsis_tooltip.str());
3071  }
3072 }
3074 bool display::draw_reports(const rect& region)
3075 {
3076  bool drew = false;
3077  for(const auto& it : reports_) {
3078  const std::string& name = it.first;
3079  const rect& loc = reportLocations_[name];
3080  if(loc.overlaps(region)) {
3081  draw_report(name);
3082  drew = true;
3083  }
3084  }
3085  return drew;
3086 }
3089 {
3090  DBG_DP << "invalidate_all()";
3091  invalidateAll_ = true;
3092  invalidated_.clear();
3093 }
3096 {
3098  return false;
3100  bool tmp;
3101  tmp = invalidated_.insert(loc).second;
3102  return tmp;
3103 }
3105 bool display::invalidate(const std::set<map_location>& locs)
3106 {
3108  return false;
3109  bool ret = false;
3110  for (const map_location& loc : locs) {
3111  ret = invalidated_.insert(loc).second || ret;
3112  }
3113  return ret;
3114 }
3116 bool display::propagate_invalidation(const std::set<map_location>& locs)
3117 {
3118  if(invalidateAll_)
3119  return false;
3121  if(locs.size()<=1)
3122  return false; // propagation never needed
3124  bool result = false;
3125  {
3126  // search the first hex invalidated (if any)
3127  std::set<map_location>::const_iterator i = locs.begin();
3128  for(; i != locs.end() && invalidated_.count(*i) == 0 ; ++i) {}
3130  if (i != locs.end()) {
3132  // propagate invalidation
3133  // 'i' is already in, but I suspect that splitting the range is bad
3134  // especially because locs are often adjacents
3135  size_t previous_size = invalidated_.size();
3136  invalidated_.insert(locs.begin(), locs.end());
3137  result = previous_size < invalidated_.size();
3138  }
3139  }
3140  return result;
3141 }
3144 {
3145  return invalidate_locations_in_rect(map_area().intersect(rect));
3146 }
3149 {
3151  return false;
3153  DBG_DP << "invalidating locations in " << rect;
3155  bool result = false;
3156  for(const map_location& loc : hexes_under_rect(rect)) {
3157  //DBG_DP << "invalidating " << loc.x << ',' << loc.y;
3158  result |= invalidate(loc);
3159  }
3160  return result;
3161 }
3164 {
3165  if(context().map().is_village(loc)) {
3166  const int owner = context().village_owner(loc) - 1;
3167  if(owner >= 0 && flags_[owner].need_update()
3168  && (!fogged(loc) || !viewing_team().is_enemy(owner + 1))) {
3169  invalidate(loc);
3170  }
3171  }
3172 }
3175 {
3176  // There are timing issues with this, but i'm not touching it.
3178  animate_map_ = prefs::get().animate_map();
3179  if(animate_map_) {
3180  for(const map_location& loc : get_visible_hexes()) {
3181  if(shrouded(loc))
3182  continue;
3183  if(builder_->update_animation(loc)) {
3184  invalidate(loc);
3185  } else {
3187  }
3188  }
3189  }
3191  for(const unit& u : context().units()) {
3192  u.anim_comp().refresh();
3193  }
3194  for(const unit* u : *fake_unit_man_) {
3195  u->anim_comp().refresh();
3196  }
3198  bool new_inval;
3199  do {
3200  new_inval = false;
3201  for(const unit& u : context().units()) {
3202  new_inval |= u.anim_comp().invalidate(*this);
3203  }
3204  for(const unit* u : *fake_unit_man_) {
3205  new_inval |= u->anim_comp().invalidate(*this);
3206  }
3207  } while(new_inval);
3209  halo_man_.update();
3210 }
3213 {
3214  for(const unit & u : context().units()) {
3215  u.anim_comp().set_standing();
3216  }
3217 }
3220 {
3221  for(const map_location& loc : arrow.get_path()) {
3222  arrows_map_[loc].push_back(&arrow);
3223  }
3224 }
3227 {
3228  for(const map_location& loc : arrow.get_path()) {
3229  arrows_map_[loc].remove(&arrow);
3230  }
3231 }
3234 {
3235  for(const map_location& loc : arrow.get_previous_path()) {
3236  arrows_map_[loc].remove(&arrow);
3237  }
3239  for(const map_location& loc : arrow.get_path()) {
3240  arrows_map_[loc].push_back(&arrow);
3241  }
3242 }
3245 {
3246  auto [center_x, center_y] = viewport_origin_ + map_area().center();
3247  return pixel_position_to_hex(center_x, center_y);
3248 }
3250 void display::write(config& cfg) const
3251 {
3252  cfg["view_locked"] = view_locked_;
3253  cfg["color_adjust_red"] = color_adjust_.r;
3254  cfg["color_adjust_green"] = color_adjust_.g;
3255  cfg["color_adjust_blue"] = color_adjust_.b;
3256  get_middle_location().write(cfg.add_child("location"));
3257 }
3259 void display::read(const config& cfg)
3260 {
3261  view_locked_ = cfg["view_locked"].to_bool(false);
3262  color_adjust_.r = cfg["color_adjust_red"].to_int(0);
3263  color_adjust_.g = cfg["color_adjust_green"].to_int(0);
3264  color_adjust_.b = cfg["color_adjust_blue"].to_int(0);
3265 }
3268 {
3269  if (!reach_map_changed_) return;
3270  if (reach_map_.empty() != reach_map_old_.empty()) {
3271  // Invalidate everything except the non-darkened tiles
3272  reach_map &full = reach_map_.empty() ? reach_map_old_ : reach_map_;
3274  for (const auto& hex : get_visible_hexes()) {
3275  reach_map::iterator reach = full.find(hex);
3276  if (reach != full.end()) {
3277  // Location needs to be darkened or brightened
3278  invalidate(hex);
3279  }
3280  }
3281  } else if (!reach_map_.empty()) {
3282  // Invalidate new and old reach
3283  reach_map::iterator reach, reach_old;
3284  for (reach = reach_map_.begin(); reach != reach_map_.end(); ++reach) {
3285  invalidate(reach->first);
3286  }
3287  for (reach_old = reach_map_old_.begin(); reach_old != reach_map_old_.end(); ++reach_old) {
3288  invalidate(reach_old->first);
3289  }
3290  }
3292  reach_map_changed_ = false;
3294  // Make sure there are teams before trying to access units.
3295  if(!context().teams().empty()){
3296  // Update the reachmap-context team, the selected unit's team shall override the displayed unit's.
3297  if(context().units().count(selectedHex_)) {
3299  } else if(context().get_visible_unit(mouseoverHex_, viewing_team()) != nullptr){
3301  } else {
3302  /**
3303  * If no unit is selected or displayed, the reachmap-context team should failsafe to
3304  * the viewing team index, this makes sure the team is invalid when getting the reachmap
3305  * images in game_display::get_reachmap_images().
3306  */
3308  }
3309  DBG_DP << "Updated reachmap context team index to " << std::to_string(reach_map_team_index_);
3310  }
3311 }
3313 display *display::singleton_ = nullptr;
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
void new_animation_frame()
Definition: animated.cpp:29
Arrows destined to be drawn on the map.
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
double g
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
std::vector< std::string > names
Definition: build_info.cpp:67
Definitions for the terrain builder.
void add_frame(const std::chrono::milliseconds &duration, const T &value, bool force_change=false)
Adds a frame to an animation.
Arrows destined to be drawn on the map.
Definition: arrow.hpp:30
const arrow_path_t & get_previous_path() const
Definition: arrow.cpp:127
const arrow_path_t & get_path() const
Definition: arrow.cpp:122
image::locator get_image_for_loc(const map_location &hex) const
Definition: arrow.cpp:138
color_t rep() const
High-contrast shade, intended for the minimap markers.
Definition: color_range.hpp:94
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
config & mandatory_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Returns the nth child with the given key, or throws an error if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:362
config & add_child_at(config_key_type key, const config &val, std::size_t index)
Definition: config.cpp:465
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:268
boost::iterator_range< const_child_iterator > const_child_itors
Definition: config.hpp:282
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:845
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:436
Abstract class for exposing game data that doesn't depend on the GUI, however which for historical re...
orb_status unit_orb_status(const unit &u) const
Returns an enumurated summary of whether this unit can move and/or attack.
int village_owner(const map_location &loc) const
Given the location of a village, will return the 1-based number of the team that currently owns it,...
const unit * get_visible_unit(const map_location &loc, const team &current_team, bool see_all=false) const
virtual const gamemap & map() const =0
virtual const std::vector< team > & teams() const =0
virtual const unit_map & units() const =0
Sort-of-Singleton that many classes, both GUI and non-GUI, use to access the game data.
Definition: display.hpp:97
const team & viewing_team() const
Definition: display.cpp:344
void unhide_buttons()
Unhide theme buttons so they draw again.
Definition: display.cpp:944
void set_viewing_team_index(std::size_t team, bool observe=false)
Sets the team controlled by the player using the computer.
Definition: display.cpp:349
bool map_screenshot_
Used to indicate to drawing functions that we are doing a map screenshot.
Definition: display.hpp:883
void draw_text_in_hex(const map_location &loc, const drawing_layer layer, const std::string &text, std::size_t font_size, color_t color, double x_in_hex=0.5, double y_in_hex=0.5)
Draw text on a hex.
Definition: display.cpp:1463
void layout_buttons()
Definition: display.cpp:792
bool redraw_background_
Definition: display.hpp:750
void update_render_textures()
Ensure render textures are valid and correct.
Definition: display.cpp:2499
static unsigned int last_zoom_
The previous value of zoom_.
Definition: display.hpp:745
std::size_t viewing_team_index_
Definition: display.hpp:727
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: display.cpp:3250
static bool zoom_at_min()
Definition: display.cpp:1808
void get_terrain_images(const map_location &loc, const std::string &timeid, TERRAIN_TYPE terrain_type)
Definition: display.cpp:1041
void remove_overlay(const map_location &loc)
remove_overlay will remove all overlays on a tile.
Definition: display.cpp:135
map_location selectedHex_
Definition: display.hpp:782
void recalculate_minimap()
Schedule the minimap for recalculation.
Definition: display.cpp:1586
void clear_fps_label()
Definition: display.cpp:1369
bool unit_can_draw_here(const map_location &loc, const unit &unit) const
Returns true if there is no exclusive draw request for loc, or if there is, that it's for unit.
Definition: display.cpp:388
void redraw_minimap()
Schedule the minimap to be redrawn.
Definition: display.cpp:1607
point get_location(const map_location &loc) const
Functions to get the on-screen positions of hexes.
Definition: display.cpp:681
unsigned int fps_counter_
Definition: display.hpp:762
bool invalidate_locations_in_rect(const SDL_Rect &rect)
invalidate all hexes under the rectangle rect (in screen coordinates)
Definition: display.cpp:3148
virtual void render() override
Update offscreen render buffers.
Definition: display.cpp:2422
void remove_single_overlay(const map_location &loc, const std::string &toDelete)
remove_single_overlay will remove a single overlay from a tile
Definition: display.cpp:140
static bool outside_area(const SDL_Rect &area, const int x, const int y)
Check if the bbox of the hex at x,y has pixels outside the area rectangle.
Definition: display.cpp:532
boost::circular_buffer< std::chrono::milliseconds > frametimes_
Definition: display.hpp:760
void fade_tod_mask(const std::string &old, const std::string &new_)
ToD mask smooth fade.
Definition: display.cpp:2210
bool add_exclusive_draw(const map_location &loc, const unit &unit)
Allows a unit to request to be the only one drawn in its hex.
Definition: display.cpp:373
bool invalidate(const map_location &loc)
Function to invalidate a specific tile for redrawing.
Definition: display.cpp:3095
void set_playing_team_index(std::size_t team)
sets the team whose turn it currently is
Definition: display.cpp:366
uint8_t tod_hex_alpha1
Definition: display.hpp:777
const team & playing_team() const
Definition: display.cpp:339
void announce(const std::string &msg, const color_t &color=font::GOOD_COLOR, const announce_options &options=announce_options())
Announce a message prominently.
Definition: display.cpp:1570
bool view_locked_
Definition: display.hpp:736
double turbo_speed() const
Definition: display.cpp:2135
Definition: display.hpp:509
Definition: display.hpp:509
int current_frame_sample_
Definition: display.hpp:761
void scroll_to_xy(const point &screen_coordinates, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type, bool force=true)
Definition: display.cpp:1907
int invalidated_hexes_
Count work done for the debug info displayed under fps.
Definition: display.hpp:913
void adjust_color_overlay(int r, int g, int b)
Add r,g,b to the colors for all images displayed on the map.
Definition: display.cpp:407
void set_fade(const color_t &color)
Definition: display.cpp:2264
void queue_repaint()
Queues repainting to the screen, but doesn't rerender.
Definition: display.cpp:2321
bool reach_map_changed_
Definition: display.hpp:900
static int hex_size()
Function which returns the size of a hex in pixels (from top tip to bottom tip or left edge to right ...
Definition: display.hpp:267
static double get_zoom_factor()
Returns the current zoom factor.
Definition: display.hpp:270
const rect & unit_image_area() const
Definition: display.cpp:475
Definition: display.hpp:715
Definition: display.hpp:715
Definition: display.hpp:715
bool propagate_invalidation(const std::set< map_location > &locs)
If this set is partially invalidated, invalidate all its hexes.
Definition: display.cpp:3116
void clear_redraw_observers()
Clear the redraw observers.
Definition: display.cpp:2333
void invalidate_game_status()
Function to invalidate the game status displayed on the sidebar.
Definition: display.hpp:316
const theme::action * action_pressed()
Definition: display.cpp:1538
static submerge_data get_submerge_data(const rect &dest, double submerge, const point &size, uint8_t alpha, bool hreverse, bool vreverse)
Definition: display.cpp:2163
std::shared_ptr< gui::button > find_action_button(const std::string &id)
Retrieves a pointer to a theme UI button.
Definition: display.cpp:772
void set_theme(const std::string &new_theme)
Definition: display.cpp:250
void rebuild_all()
Rebuild all dynamic terrain.
Definition: display.cpp:435
void change_display_context(const display_context *dc)
Definition: display.cpp:446
void set_prevent_draw(bool pd=true)
Prevent the game display from drawing.
Definition: display.cpp:2149
unsigned int fps_actual_
Definition: display.hpp:764
virtual overlay_map & get_overlays()=0
theme theme_
Definition: display.hpp:737
tod_color color_adjust_
Definition: display.hpp:961
bool get_prevent_draw()
Definition: display.cpp:2158
virtual void layout() override
Finalize screen layout.
Definition: display.cpp:2391
virtual void highlight_hex(map_location hex)
Definition: display.cpp:1494
void update_tod(const time_of_day *tod_override=nullptr)
Applies r,g,b coloring to the map.
Definition: display.cpp:394
void add_redraw_observer(const std::function< void(display &)> &f)
Adds a redraw observer, a function object to be called when a full rerender is queued.
Definition: display.cpp:2328
static bool zoom_at_max()
Definition: display.cpp:1803
static display * singleton_
Definition: display.hpp:966
std::shared_ptr< gui::button > find_menu_button(const std::string &id)
Definition: display.cpp:782
void render_map_outside_area()
Draw/redraw the off-map background area.
Definition: display.cpp:2544
map_labels & labels()
Definition: display.cpp:2560
std::size_t playing_team_index() const
The playing team is the team whose turn it is.
Definition: display.hpp:116
void remove_arrow(arrow &)
Definition: display.cpp:3226
Overlays x,y coords on tiles.
Definition: display.hpp:921
Toggle to continuously redraw the whole map.
Definition: display.hpp:933
Dummy entry to size the bitmask.
Definition: display.hpp:936
Overlays number of bitmaps on tiles.
Definition: display.hpp:927
Separates background and foreground terrain layers.
Definition: display.hpp:930
Overlays terrain codes on tiles.
Definition: display.hpp:924
void process_reachmap_changes()
Definition: display.cpp:3267
void draw_minimap_units()
Definition: display.cpp:1663
void scroll_to_tile(const map_location &loc, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, bool force=true)
Scroll such that location loc is on-screen.
Definition: display.cpp:1985
map_location pixel_position_to_hex(int x, int y) const
given x,y co-ordinates of a pixel on the map, will return the location of the hex that this pixel cor...
Definition: display.cpp:554
void invalidate_animations_location(const map_location &loc)
Per-location invalidation called by invalidate_animations() Extra game per-location invalidation (vil...
Definition: display.cpp:3163
map_location mouseoverHex_
Definition: display.hpp:783
bool fogged(const map_location &loc) const
Returns true if location (x,y) is covered in fog.
Definition: display.cpp:676
bool set_zoom(bool increase)
Zooms the display in (true) or out (false).
Definition: display.cpp:1813
std::map< std::string, rect > reportLocations_
Definition: display.hpp:768
const rect_of_hexes get_visible_hexes() const
Returns the rectangular area of visible hexes.
Definition: display.hpp:365
bool invalidateAll_
Definition: display.hpp:751
int drawn_hexes_
Definition: display.hpp:914
void draw_overlays_at(const map_location &loc)
Definition: display.cpp:2771
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point fps_start_
Definition: display.hpp:763
texture get_flag(const map_location &loc)
Definition: display.cpp:321
void invalidate_all()
Function to invalidate all tiles.
Definition: display.cpp:3088
std::map< std::string, config > reports_
Definition: display.hpp:770
std::bitset< __NUM_DEBUG_FLAGS > debug_flags_
Currently set debug flags.
Definition: display.hpp:956
SDL_Rect minimap_location_
Definition: display.hpp:749
point viewport_origin_
Position of the top-left corner of the viewport, in pixels.
Definition: display.hpp:735
map_location get_middle_location() const
Definition: display.cpp:3244
void bounds_check_position()
Definition: display.cpp:2117
std::function< rect(rect)> minimap_renderer_
Definition: display.hpp:748
surface screenshot(bool map_screenshot=false)
Capture a (map-)screenshot into a surface.
Definition: display.cpp:727
void init_flags()
Init the flag list and the team colors used by ~TC.
Definition: display.cpp:261
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< gui::button > > action_buttons_
Definition: display.hpp:771
void drawing_buffer_add(const drawing_layer layer, const map_location &loc, decltype(draw_helper::do_draw) draw_func)
Add an item to the drawing buffer.
Definition: display.cpp:1259
rect map_outside_area() const
Returns the available area for a map, this may differ from the above.
Definition: display.cpp:523
std::size_t reach_map_team_index_
Definition: display.hpp:902
bool prevent_draw_
Definition: display.hpp:562
exclusive_unit_draw_requests_t exclusive_unit_draw_requests_
map of hexes where only one unit should be drawn, the one identified by the associated id string
Definition: display.hpp:690
bool tile_nearly_on_screen(const map_location &loc) const
Checks if location loc or one of the adjacent tiles is visible on screen.
Definition: display.cpp:1898
void reload_map()
Updates internals that cache map size.
Definition: display.cpp:440
rect max_map_area() const
Returns the maximum area used for the map regardless to resolution and view size.
Definition: display.cpp:480
void update_fps_count()
Definition: display.cpp:1522
bool tile_fully_on_screen(const map_location &loc) const
Check if a tile is fully visible on screen.
Definition: display.cpp:1893
void update_fps_label()
Definition: display.cpp:1298
map_location minimap_location_on(int x, int y)
given x,y co-ordinates of the mouse, will return the location of the hex in the minimap that the mous...
Definition: display.cpp:695
void scroll_to_tiles(map_location loc1, map_location loc2, SCROLL_TYPE scroll_type=ONSCREEN, bool check_fogged=true, double add_spacing=0.0, bool force=true)
Scroll such that location loc1 is on-screen.
Definition: display.cpp:1995
bool is_blindfolded() const
Definition: display.cpp:460
std::vector< texture > terrain_image_vector_
Definition: display.hpp:801
std::vector< std::string > fog_images_
Definition: display.hpp:779
void fade_to(const color_t &color, const std::chrono::milliseconds &duration)
Screen fade.
Definition: display.cpp:2232
int fps_handle_
Handle for the label which displays frames per second.
Definition: display.hpp:911
texture tod_hex_mask2
Definition: display.hpp:776
const display_context & context() const
Definition: display.hpp:193
bool invalidate_visible_locations_in_rect(const SDL_Rect &rect)
Definition: display.cpp:3143
std::map< map_location, std::list< arrow * > > arrows_map_
Maps the list of arrows for each location.
Definition: display.hpp:959
void add_overlay(const map_location &loc, overlay &&ov)
Functions to add and remove overlays from locations.
Definition: display.cpp:122
std::vector< std::function< void(display &)> > redraw_observers_
Definition: display.hpp:916
void read(const config &cfg)
Definition: display.cpp:3259
const theme::menu * menu_pressed()
Definition: display.cpp:1554
const rect_of_hexes hexes_under_rect(const rect &r) const
Return the rectangular area of hexes overlapped by r (r is in screen coordinates)
Definition: display.cpp:628
const std::unique_ptr< terrain_builder > builder_
Definition: display.hpp:747
std::vector< animated< image::locator > > flags_
Animated flags for each team.
Definition: display.hpp:797
rect get_location_rect(const map_location &loc) const
Returns the on-screen rect corresponding to a loc.
Definition: display.cpp:689
static void fill_images_list(const std::string &prefix, std::vector< std::string > &images)
Definition: display.cpp:413
void draw_report(const std::string &report_name, bool test_run=false)
Draw the specified report.
Definition: display.cpp:2914
std::set< map_location > invalidated_
Definition: display.hpp:772
color_t fade_color_
Definition: display.hpp:573
virtual const time_of_day & get_time_of_day(const map_location &loc=map_location::null_location()) const =0
std::vector< texture > get_fog_shroud_images(const map_location &loc, image::TYPE image_type)
Definition: display.cpp:954
void queue_rerender()
Marks everything for rendering including all tiles and sidebar.
Definition: display.cpp:2269
void create_buttons()
Definition: display.cpp:847
int blindfold_ctr_
Definition: display.hpp:680
std::string remove_exclusive_draw(const map_location &loc)
Cancels an exclusive draw request.
Definition: display.cpp:380
bool invalidateGameStatus_
Definition: display.hpp:753
reach_map reach_map_old_
Definition: display.hpp:899
virtual void draw_invalidated()
Only called when there's actual redrawing to do.
Definition: display.cpp:2575
void drawing_buffer_commit()
Draws the drawing_buffer_ and clears it.
Definition: display.cpp:1264
rect map_area() const
Returns the area used for the map.
Definition: display.cpp:497
int zoom_index_
Definition: display.hpp:743
void draw_panel(const theme::panel &panel)
Definition: display.cpp:1380
void draw_buttons()
Definition: display.cpp:912
static int hex_width()
Function which returns the width of a hex in pixels, up to where the next hex starts.
Definition: display.hpp:261
void reset_standing_animations()
Definition: display.cpp:3212
utils::optional< std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point > last_frame_finished_
Definition: display.hpp:765
bool animate_water_
Local version of prefs::get().animate_water, used to detect when it's changed.
Definition: display.hpp:790
bool debug_flag_set(DEBUG_FLAG flag) const
Definition: display.hpp:939
void toggle_default_zoom()
Sets the zoom amount to the default.
Definition: display.cpp:1881
virtual rect get_clip_rect() const
Get the clipping rectangle for drawing.
Definition: display.cpp:2570
CKey keys_
Definition: display.hpp:784
reports * reports_object_
Definition: display.hpp:755
bool draw_reports(const rect &region)
Draw all reports in the given region.
Definition: display.cpp:3074
void invalidate_animations()
Function to invalidate animated terrains and units which may have changed.
Definition: display.cpp:3174
virtual rect screen_location() override
Return the current draw location of the display, on the screen.
Definition: display.cpp:2491
void hide_buttons()
Hide theme buttons so they don't draw.
Definition: display.cpp:934
virtual bool expose(const rect &region) override
Paint the indicated region to the screen.
Definition: display.cpp:2446
std::list< draw_helper > drawing_buffer_
Definition: display.hpp:856
uint8_t tod_hex_alpha2
Definition: display.hpp:778
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< gui::button > > menu_buttons_
Definition: display.hpp:771
virtual void update() override
Update animations and internal state.
Definition: display.cpp:2374
void draw()
Perform rendering of invalidated items.
Definition: display.cpp:2338
const rect & minimap_area() const
mapx is the width of the portion of the display which shows the game area.
Definition: display.cpp:465
texture back_
Definition: display.hpp:598
events::generic_event scroll_event_
Event raised when the map is being scrolled.
Definition: display.hpp:758
bool show_everything() const
Definition: display.hpp:113
virtual void draw_hex(const map_location &loc)
Redraws a single gamemap location.
Definition: display.cpp:2611
texture tod_hex_mask1
Definition: display.hpp:775
virtual ~display()
Definition: display.cpp:240
const rect & palette_area() const
Definition: display.cpp:470
std::map< map_location, unsigned int > reach_map
Definition: display.hpp:897
std::size_t playing_team_index_
Definition: display.hpp:815
std::vector< std::tuple< int, int, int > > fps_history_
Definition: display.hpp:963
halo::manager halo_man_
Definition: display.hpp:685
void reinit_flags_for_team(const team &)
Rebuild the flag list (not team colors) for a single side.
Definition: display.cpp:272
void draw_minimap()
Actually draw the minimap.
Definition: display.cpp:1612
texture front_
Render textures, for intermediate rendering.
Definition: display.hpp:597
std::size_t viewing_team_index() const
The viewing team is the team currently viewing the game.
Definition: display.hpp:126
map_location hex_clicked_on(int x, int y) const
given x,y co-ordinates of an onscreen pixel, will return the location of the hex that this pixel corr...
Definition: display.cpp:540
void update_arrow(arrow &a)
Called by arrow objects when they change.
Definition: display.cpp:3233
void draw_label(const theme::label &label)
Definition: display.cpp:1405
const std::unique_ptr< fake_unit_manager > fake_unit_man_
Definition: display.hpp:746
const display_context * dc_
Definition: display.hpp:684
bool animate_map_
Local cache for prefs::get().animate_map, since it is constantly queried.
Definition: display.hpp:787
std::vector< std::string > shroud_images_
Definition: display.hpp:780
bool scroll(const point &amount, bool force=false)
Scrolls the display by amount pixels.
Definition: display.cpp:1710
static unsigned int zoom_
The current zoom, in pixels (on screen) per 72 pixels (in the graphic assets), i.e....
Definition: display.hpp:742
bool shrouded(const map_location &loc) const
Returns true if location (x,y) is covered in shroud.
Definition: display.cpp:671
bool dont_show_all_
Definition: display.hpp:728
void blindfold(bool flag)
Definition: display.cpp:452
void refresh_report(const std::string &report_name, const config *new_cfg=nullptr)
Update the given report.
Definition: display.cpp:2844
std::weak_ptr< wb::manager > wb_
Definition: display.hpp:686
void add_arrow(arrow &)
Definition: display.cpp:3219
const std::unique_ptr< map_labels > map_labels_
Definition: display.hpp:754
void set_diagnostic(const std::string &msg)
Definition: display.cpp:1504
virtual void select_hex(map_location hex)
Definition: display.cpp:1486
int diagnostic_label_
Definition: display.hpp:752
std::map< std::string, texture > reportSurfaces_
Definition: display.hpp:769
bool draw_all_panels(const rect &region)
Redraws all panels intersecting the given region.
Definition: display.cpp:1441
reach_map reach_map_
Definition: display.hpp:898
display(const display_context *dc, std::weak_ptr< wb::manager > wb, reports &reports_object, const std::string &theme_id, const config &level)
Definition: display.cpp:146
virtual void notify_observers()
Manages a list of fake units for the display object.
void set_position(double xpos, double ypos)
void set_alignment(ALIGN align)
void set_lifetime(const std::chrono::milliseconds &lifetime, const std::chrono::milliseconds &fadeout=std::chrono::milliseconds{100})
void set_color(const color_t &color)
void set_border_size(int border)
void set_clip_rect(const SDL_Rect &r)
void set_bg_color(const color_t &bg_color)
void set_font_size(int font_size)
Text class.
Definition: text.hpp:78
pango_text & set_font_style(const FONT_STYLE font_style)
Definition: text.cpp:372
point get_size()
Returns the size of the text, in drawing coordinates.
Definition: text.cpp:124
pango_text & set_characters_per_line(const unsigned characters_per_line)
Definition: text.cpp:407
pango_text & set_foreground_color(const color_t &color)
Definition: text.cpp:382
pango_text & set_family_class(font::family_class fclass)
Definition: text.cpp:350
pango_text & set_ellipse_mode(const PangoEllipsizeMode ellipse_mode)
Definition: text.cpp:443
pango_text & set_alignment(const PangoAlignment alignment)
Definition: text.cpp:463
pango_text & set_font_size(unsigned font_size)
Definition: text.cpp:360
pango_text & set_link_aware(bool b)
Definition: text.cpp:486
bool set_text(const std::string &text, const bool markedup)
Sets the text to render.
Definition: text.cpp:320
pango_text & set_maximum_height(int height, bool multiline)
Definition: text.cpp:418
pango_text & set_maximum_width(int width)
Definition: text.cpp:391
texture render_and_get_texture()
Returns the cached texture, or creates a new one otherwise.
Definition: text.cpp:92
terrain_code get_terrain(const map_location &loc) const
Looks up terrain at a particular location.
Definition: map.cpp:302
int w() const
Effective map width.
Definition: map.hpp:50
int h() const
Effective map height.
Definition: map.hpp:53
bool on_board(const map_location &loc) const
Tell if a location is on the map.
Definition: map.cpp:385
const terrain_type & get_terrain_info(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
Definition: map.cpp:98
Definition: button.hpp:32
Definition: button.hpp:29
Definition: button.hpp:29
Definition: button.hpp:29
Definition: button.hpp:29
Definition: button.hpp:29
void update()
Process animations, remove deleted halos, and invalidate screen regions now requiring redraw.
Definition: halo.cpp:440
void render(const rect &r)
Render halos in region.
Definition: halo.cpp:445
Generic locator abstracting the location of an image.
Definition: picture.hpp:59
A RAII object to temporary leave the synced context like in wesnoth.synchronize_choice.
void recalculate_shroud()
Definition: label.cpp:278
void set_team(const team *)
Definition: label.cpp:139
void recalculate_labels()
Definition: label.cpp:245
events::mouse_handler & get_mouse_handler_base() override
Get a reference to a mouse handler member a derived class uses.
hotkey::command_executor * get_hotkey_command_executor() override
Optionally get a command executor to handle context menu events.
static prefs & get()
int scroll_speed()
bool turbo()
static rng & default_instance()
Definition: random.cpp:73
int get_random_int(int min, int max)
Definition: random.hpp:51
config generate_report(const std::string &name, const context &ct, bool only_static=false)
Definition: reports.cpp:1830
An object to leave the synced context during draw or unsynced wml items when we don’t know whether we...
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:75
static color_t get_minimap_color(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:954
bool shrouded(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:640
bool fogged(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:649
The class terrain_builder is constructed from a config object, and a gamemap object.
Definition: builder.hpp:48
std::vector< animated< image::locator > > imagelist
A shorthand typedef for a list of animated image locators, the base data type returned by the get_ter...
Definition: builder.hpp:74
Used as a parameter for the get_terrain_at function.
Definition: builder.hpp:51
Represents terrains which are to be drawn behind unit sprites.
Definition: builder.hpp:52
Represents terrains which are to be drawn in front of them.
Definition: builder.hpp:56
double unit_submerge() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:141
Wrapper class to encapsulate creation and management of an SDL_Texture.
Definition: texture.hpp:33
void reset()
Releases ownership of the managed texture and resets the ptr to null.
Definition: texture.cpp:184
void set_src(const rect &r)
Set the source region of the texture used for drawing operations.
Definition: texture.cpp:104
point draw_size() const
The size of the texture in draw-space.
Definition: texture.hpp:120
void set_draw_size(int w, int h)
Set the intended size of the texture, in draw-space.
Definition: texture.hpp:129
point get_raw_size() const
The raw internal texture size.
Definition: texture.cpp:99
void set_alpha_mod(uint8_t alpha)
Alpha modifier.
Definition: texture.cpp:128
void clear_src()
Clear the source region.
Definition: texture.hpp:165
const std::string & get_id() const
Definition: theme.hpp:55
virtual rect & location(const SDL_Rect &screen) const
Definition: theme.cpp:317
const std::string & image() const
Definition: theme.hpp:158
color_t font_rgb() const
Definition: theme.hpp:140
std::size_t font_size() const
Definition: theme.hpp:139
const std::string & postfix() const
Definition: theme.hpp:134
virtual rect & location(const SDL_Rect &screen) const
Definition: theme.cpp:317
bool font_rgb_set() const
Definition: theme.hpp:141
const std::string & prefix() const
Definition: theme.hpp:133
Definition: theme.hpp:44
const border_t & border() const
Definition: theme.hpp:283
static NOT_DANGLING const config & get_theme_config(const std::string &id)
Returns the saved config for the theme with the given ID.
Definition: theme.cpp:1003
const rect & unit_image_location(const SDL_Rect &screen) const
Definition: theme.hpp:278
const menu * get_menu_item(const std::string &key) const
Definition: theme.cpp:917
const std::vector< action > & actions() const
Definition: theme.hpp:259
const std::vector< menu > & menus() const
Definition: theme.hpp:257
const rect & mini_map_location(const SDL_Rect &screen) const
Definition: theme.hpp:276
const std::vector< panel > & panels() const
Definition: theme.hpp:255
const rect & main_map_location(const SDL_Rect &screen) const
Definition: theme.hpp:274
bool set_resolution(const SDL_Rect &screen)
Definition: theme.cpp:604
const rect & palette_location(const SDL_Rect &screen) const
Definition: theme.hpp:280
const status_item * get_status_item(const std::string &item) const
Definition: theme.cpp:908
const std::vector< label > & labels() const
Definition: theme.hpp:256
unit_iterator find(std::size_t id)
Definition: map.cpp:302
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
constexpr uint8_t float_to_color(double n)
Convert a double in the range [0.0,1.0] to an 8-bit colour value.
Definition: color.hpp:280
void swap(config &lhs, config &rhs)
Implement non-member swap function for std::swap (calls config::swap).
Definition: config.cpp:1339
#define MaxZoom
Definition: display.cpp:91
#define final_zoom_index
Definition: display.cpp:87
static int get_zoom_levels_index(unsigned int zoom_level)
Definition: display.cpp:102
#define LOG_DP
Definition: display.cpp:82
static unsigned calculate_fps(std::chrono::milliseconds frametime)
Definition: display.cpp:1293
#define SmallZoom
Definition: display.cpp:89
#define WRN_DP
Definition: display.cpp:81
#define DefaultZoom
Definition: display.cpp:88
static lg::log_domain log_display("display")
#define MinZoom
Definition: display.cpp:90
#define ERR_DP
Definition: display.cpp:80
#define zoom_levels
Definition: display.cpp:86
#define DBG_DP
Definition: display.cpp:83
map_display and display: classes which take care of displaying the map and game-data on the screen.
static SDL_Renderer * renderer()
Definition: draw.cpp:34
Drawing functions, for drawing things on the screen.
@ border
The border of the map.
@ terrain_bg
Terrain drawn behind the unit.
@ grid_bottom
Bottom half part of grid image.
@ unit_default
Default layer for drawing units.
@ unit_first
Reserve layers to be selected for wml.
@ terrain_fg
Terrain drawn in front of the unit.
@ fog_shroud
Fog and shroud.
@ unit_move_default
Default layer for drawing moving units.
@ arrows
Arrows from the arrows framework.
@ grid_top
Top half part of grid image.
Declarations for File-IO.
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1033
int w
const std::string & id() const
Gets this unit's id.
Definition: unit.hpp:380
int side() const
The side this unit belongs to.
Definition: unit.hpp:343
std::string label
What to show in the filter's drop-down list.
Definition: manager.cpp:201
std::string id
Text to match against addon_info.tags()
Definition: manager.cpp:199
void get_adjacent_tiles(const map_location &a, map_location *res)
Function which, given a location, will place all adjacent locations in res.
Definition: location.cpp:479
static std::ostream & output()
Definition: log.cpp:75
Standard logging facilities (interface).
bool is_shrouded(const display *disp, const map_location &loc)
Our definition of map labels being obscured is if the tile is obscured, or the tile below is obscured...
Definition: label.cpp:32
constexpr bool is_odd(T num)
Definition: math.hpp:36
constexpr double normalize_progress(const std::chrono::duration< RepE, PeriodE > &elapsed, const std::chrono::duration< RepD, PeriodD > &duration)
Definition: chrono.hpp:77
Definition: cursor.cpp:216
const std::string & get_direction(std::size_t n)
Definition: display.cpp:839
void invalidate_region(const rect &region)
Mark a region of the screen as requiring redraw.
void invalidate_all()
Mark the entire screen as requiring redraw.
render_target_setter set_render_target(const texture &t)
Set the given texture as the active render target.
Definition: draw.cpp:735
clip_setter override_clip(const SDL_Rect &clip)
Override the clipping area.
Definition: draw.cpp:568
clip_setter reduce_clip(const SDL_Rect &clip)
Set the clipping area to the intersection of the current clipping area and the given rectangle.
Definition: draw.cpp:573
void tiled(const texture &tex, const SDL_Rect &dst, bool centered=false, bool mirrored=false)
Tile a texture to fill a region.
Definition: draw.cpp:440
void fill(const SDL_Rect &rect, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
Fill an area with the given colour.
Definition: draw.cpp:53
void blit(const texture &tex, const SDL_Rect &dst)
Draws a texture, or part of a texture, at the given location.
Definition: draw.cpp:381
::rect get_clip()
Get the current clipping area, in draw coordinates.
Definition: draw.cpp:593
void rect(const SDL_Rect &rect)
Draw a rectangle.
Definition: draw.cpp:160
EXIT_STATUS start(bool clear_id, const std::string &filename, bool take_screenshot, const std::string &screenshot_filename)
Main interface for launching the editor from the title screen.
void draw()
Trigger a draw cycle.
Definition: events.cpp:725
void pump_and_draw()
pump() then immediately draw()
Definition: events.hpp:152
void pump()
Process all events currently in the queue.
Definition: events.cpp:483
std::string get_user_data_dir()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:855
filesystem::scoped_ostream ostream_file(const std::string &fname, std::ios_base::openmode mode, bool create_directory)
Definition: constants.cpp:32
const color_t YELLOW_COLOR
pango_text & get_text_renderer()
Returns a reference to a static pango_text object.
Definition: text.cpp:954
const int SIZE_PLUS
Definition: constants.cpp:29
const int SIZE_TINY
Definition: constants.cpp:23
int add_floating_label(const floating_label &flabel)
add a label floating on the screen above everything else.
const color_t BAD_COLOR
Definition: constants.cpp:26
void scroll_floating_labels(double xmove, double ymove)
moves all floating labels that have 'scroll_mode' set to ANCHOR_LABEL_MAP
void remove_floating_label(int handle, const std::chrono::milliseconds &fadeout)
removes the floating label given by 'handle' from the screen
void update_floating_labels()
void draw_floating_labels()
const color_t NORMAL_COLOR
std::string ellipsis
std::string grid_top
std::string grid_bottom
std::string flag_rgb
std::string fog_prefix
Definition: game_config.cpp:58
const bool & debug
Definition: game_config.cpp:95
const color_range & color_info(std::string_view name)
std::string shroud_prefix
Definition: game_config.cpp:58
unsigned int tile_size
Definition: game_config.cpp:55
bool is_in_dialog()
Is a dialog open?
Definition: handler.cpp:1072
Definition: halo.cpp:39
Functions to load and save images from/to disk.
bool exists(const image::locator &i_locator)
Returns true if the given image actually exists, without loading it.
Definition: picture.cpp:820
std::function< rect(rect)> prep_minimap_for_rendering(const gamemap &map, const team *vw, const unit_map *units, const std::map< map_location, unsigned int > *reach_map, bool ignore_terrain_disabled)
Prepares the minimap texture and returns a function which will render it to the current rendering tar...
Definition: minimap.cpp:40
texture get_lighted_texture(const image::locator &i_locator, const light_string &ls)
Definition: picture.cpp:747
std::basic_string< signed char > light_string
Type used to store color information of central and adjacent hexes.
Definition: picture.hpp:123
Used to specify the rendering format of images.
Definition: picture.hpp:162
Standard hexagonal tile mask applied, removing portions that don't fit.
Definition: picture.hpp:166
Same as HEXED, but with Time of Day color tint applied.
Definition: picture.hpp:168
texture get_texture(const image::locator &i_locator, TYPE type, bool skip_cache)
Returns an image texture suitable for hardware-accelerated rendering.
Definition: picture.cpp:922
void set_color_adjustment(int r, int g, int b)
Changes Time of Day color tint for all applicable image types.
Definition: picture.cpp:579
light_string get_light_string(int op, int r, int g, int b)
Returns the light_string for one light operation.
Definition: picture.cpp:488
std::string img(const std::string &src, const std::string &align, bool floating)
Generates a Help markup tag corresponding to an image.
Definition: markup.cpp:31
std::string get_orb_color(orb_status os)
Wrapper for the various prefs::get().unmoved_color(), moved_color(), etc methods, using the enum inst...
Definition: orb_status.cpp:40
Unit and team statistics.
::tod_manager * tod_manager
Definition: resources.cpp:29
fake_unit_manager * fake_units
Definition: resources.cpp:30
play_controller * controller
Definition: resources.cpp:21
constexpr const SDL_Rect empty_rect
Definition: rect.hpp:32
int add_tooltip(const SDL_Rect &origin, const std::string &message, const std::string &action)
Definition: tooltips.cpp:299
void clear_tooltips()
Definition: tooltips.cpp:241
std::size_t size(std::string_view str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
std::size_t index(std::string_view str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
std::vector< std::string_view > split_view(std::string_view s, const char sep, const int flags)
void trim(std::string_view &s)
int stoi(std::string_view str)
Same interface as std::stoi and meant as a drop in replacement, except:
Definition: charconv.hpp:154
bool contains(const Container &container, const Value &value)
Returns true iff value is found in container.
Definition: general.hpp:86
void erase_if(Container &container, const Predicate &predicate)
Convenience wrapper for using std::remove_if on a container.
Definition: general.hpp:106
std::vector< std::string > square_parenthetical_split(const std::string &val, const char separator, const std::string &left, const std::string &right, const int flags)
Similar to parenthetical_split, but also expands embedded square brackets.
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
bool headless()
The game is running headless.
Definition: video.cpp:138
surface read_pixels(SDL_Rect *r)
Copy back a portion of the render target that is already drawn.
Definition: video.cpp:592
rect game_canvas()
The game canvas area, in drawing coordinates.
Definition: video.cpp:426
int get_pixel_scale()
Get the current active pixel scale multiplier.
Definition: video.cpp:480
Definition: display.hpp:45
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
@ allied
Belongs to a friendly side.
@ enemy
Belongs to a non-friendly side; normally visualised by not displaying an orb.
std::string_view data
Definition: picture.cpp:178
static const unit * get_visible_unit(const reports::context &rc)
Definition: reports.cpp:132
Transitional API for porting SDL_ttf-based code to Pango.
rect dst
Location on the final composed sheet.
rect src
Non-transparent portion of the surface to compose.
std::string filename
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
constexpr color_t smooth_blend(const color_t &c, uint8_t p) const
Blend smoothly with another color_t.
Definition: color.hpp:240
Holds options for calls to function 'announce' (announce).
Definition: display.hpp:616
bool discard_previous
An announcement according these options should replace the previous announce (typical of fast announc...
Definition: display.hpp:625
std::chrono::milliseconds lifetime
Lifetime measured in milliseconds.
Definition: display.hpp:618
Helper for rendering the map by ordering draw operations.
Definition: display.hpp:840
std::function< void(const rect &)> do_draw
Handles the actual drawing at this location.
Definition: display.hpp:845
very simple iterator to walk into the rect_of_hexes
Definition: display.hpp:335
iterator & operator++()
increment y first, then when reaching bottom, increment x
Definition: display.cpp:606
const rect_of_hexes & rect_
Definition: display.hpp:353
Rectangular area of hexes, allowing to decide how the top and bottom edges handles the vertical shift...
Definition: display.hpp:328
iterator end() const
Definition: display.cpp:623
iterator begin() const
Definition: display.cpp:619
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
bool valid() const
Definition: location.hpp:110
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: location.cpp:225
std::string image
Definition: overlay.hpp:55
std::string id
Definition: overlay.hpp:59
std::string halo
Definition: overlay.hpp:56
Holds a 2D point.
Definition: point.hpp:25
An abstract description of a rectangle with integer coordinates.
Definition: rect.hpp:49
constexpr point center() const
The center point of the rectangle, accounting for origin.
Definition: rect.hpp:106
bool empty() const
False if both w and h are > 0, true otherwise.
Definition: rect.cpp:49
constexpr point origin() const
Definition: rect.hpp:66
bool contains(int x, int y) const
Whether the given point lies within the rectangle.
Definition: rect.cpp:54
constexpr rect padded_by(int dx, int dy) const
Returns a new rectangle with dx horizontal padding and dy vertical padding.
Definition: rect.hpp:158
void clip(const SDL_Rect &r)
Clip this rectangle by the given rectangle.
Definition: rect.cpp:101
constexpr point size() const
Definition: rect.hpp:67
void shift(const point &p)
Shift the rectangle by the given relative position.
Definition: rect.cpp:106
rect intersect(const SDL_Rect &r) const
Calculates the intersection of this rectangle and another; that is, the maximal rectangle that is con...
Definition: rect.cpp:92
bool overlaps(const SDL_Rect &r) const
Whether the given rectangle and this rectangle overlap.
Definition: rect.cpp:74
double size
Definition: theme.hpp:91
std::string tile_image
Definition: theme.hpp:94
std::string background_image
Definition: theme.hpp:93
bool show_border
Definition: theme.hpp:96
Object which defines a time of day with associated bonuses, image, sounds etc.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:57
std::string id
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:90
tod_color color
The color modifications that should be made to the game board to reflect the time of day.
std::string image_mask
The image that is to be laid over all images while this time of day lasts.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:96
Small struct to store and manipulate ToD color adjusts.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:27
bool is_zero() const
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:36
mock_char c
mock_party p
static map_location::direction n
static map_location::direction s
#define d
#define e
#define h
#define f
#define b