The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #define GETTEXT_DOMAIN "wesnoth-lib"
18 #include "minimap.hpp"
20 #include "color.hpp"
21 #include "display.hpp"
22 #include "draw.hpp"
23 #include "game_board.hpp"
24 #include "gettext.hpp"
25 #include "picture.hpp"
26 #include "log.hpp"
27 #include "map/map.hpp"
29 #include "resources.hpp"
30 #include "team.hpp"
31 #include "terrain/type_data.hpp"
32 #include "units/unit.hpp"
34 static lg::log_domain log_display("display");
35 #define DBG_DP LOG_STREAM(debug, log_display)
36 #define WRN_DP LOG_STREAM(warn, log_display)
38 namespace image {
41  const gamemap& map,
42  const team* vw,
43  const unit_map* units,
44  const std::map<map_location, unsigned int>* reach_map,
45  bool ignore_terrain_disabled)
46 {
47  // Drawing mode flags.
48  const bool preferences_minimap_draw_terrain = prefs::get().minimap_draw_terrain() || ignore_terrain_disabled;
49  const bool preferences_minimap_terrain_coding = prefs::get().minimap_terrain_coding();
50  const bool preferences_minimap_draw_villages = prefs::get().minimap_draw_villages();
51  const bool preferences_minimap_draw_units = prefs::get().minimap_draw_units();
52  const bool preferences_minimap_unit_coding = prefs::get().minimap_movement_coding();
54  const int scale = (preferences_minimap_draw_terrain && preferences_minimap_terrain_coding) ? 24 : 4;
56  DBG_DP << "Creating minimap: " << static_cast<int>(map.w() * scale * 0.75) << ", " << map.h() * scale;
58  const std::size_t map_width = static_cast<size_t>(std::max(0, map.w())) * scale * 3 / 4;
59  const std::size_t map_height = static_cast<size_t>(std::max(0, map.h())) * scale;
61  // No map!
62  if(map_width == 0 || map_height == 0) {
63  return nullptr;
64  }
66  // Nothing to draw!
67  if(!preferences_minimap_draw_villages && !preferences_minimap_draw_terrain) {
68  return nullptr;
69  }
71  const display* disp = display::get_singleton();
72  const bool is_blindfolded = disp && disp->is_blindfolded();
74  const auto shrouded = [&](const map_location& loc) {
75  return is_blindfolded || (vw && vw->shrouded(loc));
76  };
78  const auto fogged = [&](const map_location& loc) {
79  // Shrouded hex are not considered fogged (no need to fog a black image)
80  return vw && !shrouded(loc) && vw->fogged(loc);
81  };
83  // Gets a destination rect for drawing at the given coordinates.
84  // We need a balanced shift up and down of the hexes.
85  // If not, only the bottom half-hexes are clipped and it looks asymmetrical.
86  const auto get_dst_rect = [scale](const map_location& loc) {
87  return rect {
88  loc.x * scale * 3 / 4 - (scale / 4),
89  loc.y * scale + scale / 4 * (is_odd(loc.x) ? 1 : -1) - (scale / 4),
90  scale,
91  scale
92  };
93  };
95  // We want to draw the minimap with NN scaling.
96  set_texture_scale_quality("nearest");
98  // Create a temp texture a bit larger than we want. This allows us to compose the minimap and then
99  // scale the whole result down the desired destination texture size.
100  texture minimap(map_width, map_height, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET);
101  if(!minimap) {
102  return nullptr;
103  }
105  {
106  // Point rendering to the temp minimap texture.
107  const draw::render_target_setter target_setter{minimap};
109  // Clear the minimap texture, as some of it can be left transparent.
110  draw::clear();
112  //
113  // Terrain
114  //
115  if(preferences_minimap_draw_terrain) {
116  map.for_each_loc([&](const map_location& loc) {
117  const bool highlighted = reach_map && reach_map->count(loc) != 0 && !shrouded(loc);
119  const t_translation::terrain_code terrain = shrouded(loc) ? t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN : map[loc];
120  const terrain_type& terrain_info = map.tdata()->get_terrain_info(terrain);
122  // Destination rect for drawing the current hex.
123  rect dest = get_dst_rect(loc);
125  //
126  // Draw map terrain using either terrain images...
127  //
128  if(preferences_minimap_terrain_coding) {
129  if(!terrain_info.minimap_image().empty()) {
130  const std::string base_file = "terrain/" + terrain_info.minimap_image() + ".png";
131  const texture& tile = image::get_texture(base_file); // image::HEXED
133  draw::blit(tile, dest);
135  // NOTE: we skip the overlay when base is missing (to avoid hiding the error)
136  if(tile && map.tdata()->get_terrain_info(terrain).is_combined()
137  && !terrain_info.minimap_image_overlay().empty())
138  {
139  const std::string overlay_file = "terrain/" + terrain_info.minimap_image_overlay() + ".png";
140  const texture& overlay = image::get_texture(overlay_file); // image::HEXED
142  // TODO: crop/center overlays?
143  draw::blit(overlay, dest);
144  }
146  // FIXME: use shaders instead of textures for this once we can actually do that
148  if(fogged(loc)) {
149  // Hex-shaped texture to apply #000000 at 40% opacity
150  static const texture fog_overlay = image::get_texture("terrain/minimap-fog.png");
151  draw::blit(fog_overlay, dest);
152  }
154  if(highlighted) {
155  // Hex-shaped texture to apply #ffffff at 40% opacity
156  static const texture fog_overlay = image::get_texture("terrain/minimap-highlight.png");
157  draw::blit(fog_overlay, dest);
158  }
159  }
160  } else {
161  //
162  // ... or color coding.
163  //
164  color_t col(0, 0, 0, 0);
166  // Despite its name, game_config::team_rgb_range isn't just team colors,
167  // it has "red", "lightblue", "cave", "reef", "fungus", etc.
168  auto it = game_config::team_rgb_range.find(;
169  if(it != game_config::team_rgb_range.end()) {
170  col = it->second.rep();
171  }
173  bool first = true;
175  for(const auto& underlying_terrain : map.tdata()->underlying_union_terrain(terrain)) {
176  const std::string& terrain_id = map.tdata()->get_terrain_info(underlying_terrain).id();
178  it = game_config::team_rgb_range.find(terrain_id);
179  if(it == game_config::team_rgb_range.end()) {
180  return;
181  }
183  color_t tmp = it->second.rep();
185  if(fogged(loc)) {
186  tmp.r = std::max(0, tmp.r - 50);
187  tmp.g = std::max(0, tmp.g - 50);
188  tmp.b = std::max(0, tmp.b - 50);
189  }
191  if(highlighted) {
192  tmp.r = std::min(255, tmp.r + 50);
193  tmp.g = std::min(255, tmp.g + 50);
194  tmp.b = std::min(255, tmp.b + 50);
195  }
197  if(first) {
198  first = false;
199  col = tmp;
200  } else {
201  col.r = col.r - (col.r - tmp.r) / 2;
202  col.g = col.g - (col.g - tmp.g) / 2;
203  col.b = col.b - (col.b - tmp.b) / 2;
204  }
205  }
207  dest.w = scale * 3 / 4;
208  draw::fill(dest, col);
209  }
210  });
211  }
213  //
214  // Villages
215  //
216  if(preferences_minimap_draw_villages) {
217  for(const map_location& loc : map.villages()) {
218  if(is_blindfolded || (vw && (vw->shrouded(loc) || vw->fogged(loc)))) {
219  continue;
220  }
222  color_t col(255, 255, 255);
224  // TODO: Add a key to [game_config][colors] for this
225  auto iter = game_config::team_rgb_range.find("white");
226  if(iter != game_config::team_rgb_range.end()) {
227  col = iter->second.min();
228  }
230  // Check needed for mp create dialog
231  const int side_num = resources::gameboard ? resources::gameboard->village_owner(loc) : 0;
233  if(side_num > 0) {
234  if(preferences_minimap_unit_coding || !vw) {
235  col = team::get_minimap_color(side_num);
236  } else {
237  if(vw->owns_village(loc)) {
238  col = game_config::color_info(prefs::get().unmoved_color()).rep();
239  } else if(vw->is_enemy(side_num)) {
240  col = game_config::color_info(prefs::get().enemy_color()).rep();
241  } else {
242  col = game_config::color_info(prefs::get().allied_color()).rep();
243  }
244  }
245  }
247  rect dest = get_dst_rect(loc);
248  dest.w = scale * 3 / 4;
250  draw::fill(dest, col);
251  }
252  }
254  //
255  // Units
256  //
257  if(units && preferences_minimap_draw_units && !is_blindfolded) {
258  for(const auto& u : *units) {
259  const map_location& u_loc = u.get_location();
260  const int side = u.side();
261  const bool is_enemy = vw && vw->is_enemy(side);
263  if((vw && vw->fogged(u_loc)) || (is_enemy && disp && u.invisible(u_loc)) || u.get_hidden()) {
264  continue;
265  }
267  color_t col = team::get_minimap_color(side);
269  if(!preferences_minimap_unit_coding) {
270  auto status = orb_status::allied;
272  if(is_enemy) {
273  status = orb_status::enemy;
274  } else if(vw && vw->side() == side) {
275  status = disp->get_disp_context().unit_orb_status(u);
276  } else {
277  // no-op, status is already set to orb_status::allied;
278  }
281  }
283  rect fillrect = get_dst_rect(u_loc);
284  fillrect.w = scale * 3 / 4;
286  draw::fill(fillrect, col);
287  }
288  }
289  }
291  DBG_DP << "done generating minimap";
293  return [minimap](rect dst) {
294  const auto [raw_w, raw_h] = minimap.get_raw_size();
296  // Check which dimensions needs to be shrunk more
297  const double scale_ratio = std::min<double>(
298  dst.w * 1.0 / raw_w,
299  dst.h * 1.0 / raw_h
300  );
302  // Preserve map aspect ratio within the requested area
303  const int scaled_w = static_cast<int>(raw_w * scale_ratio);
304  const int scaled_h = static_cast<int>(raw_h * scale_ratio);
306  // Attempt to center the map in the requested area
307  dst.x = std::max(dst.x, dst.x + (dst.w - scaled_w) / 2);
308  dst.y = std::max(dst.y, dst.y + (dst.h - scaled_h) / 2);
309  dst.w = scaled_w;
310  dst.h = scaled_h;
312  draw::blit(minimap, dst);
314  // Let the caller know where the minimap *actually* ended up being drawn
315  return dst;
316  };
317 }
319 }
color_t rep() const
High-contrast shade, intended for the minimap markers.
Definition: color_range.hpp:94
orb_status unit_orb_status(const unit &u) const
Returns an enumurated summary of whether this unit can move and/or attack.
int village_owner(const map_location &loc) const
Given the location of a village, will return the 1-based number of the team that currently owns it,...
Sort-of-Singleton that many classes, both GUI and non-GUI, use to access the game data.
Definition: display.hpp:88
const display_context & get_disp_context() const
Definition: display.hpp:190
bool is_blindfolded() const
Definition: display.cpp:477
static display * get_singleton()
Returns the display object if a display object exists.
Definition: display.hpp:102
A class to manage automatic restoration of the render target.
Definition: draw.hpp:470
int w() const
Effective map width.
Definition: map.hpp:50
int h() const
Effective map height.
Definition: map.hpp:53
void for_each_loc(const F &f) const
Definition: map.hpp:136
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
const std::vector< map_location > & villages() const
Return a list of the locations of villages on the map.
Definition: map.hpp:237
const std::shared_ptr< terrain_type_data > & tdata() const
Definition: map.hpp:204
bool minimap_draw_villages()
static prefs & get()
bool minimap_draw_units()
bool minimap_draw_terrain()
bool minimap_terrain_coding()
bool minimap_movement_coding()
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:74
static color_t get_minimap_color(int side)
Definition: team.cpp:964
int side() const
Definition: team.hpp:174
bool is_enemy(int n) const
Definition: team.hpp:229
bool owns_village(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.hpp:171
bool shrouded(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:650
bool fogged(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: team.cpp:659
const std::string & minimap_image() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:45
const std::string & id() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:52
const std::string & minimap_image_overlay() const
Definition: terrain.hpp:46
Wrapper class to encapsulate creation and management of an SDL_Texture.
Definition: texture.hpp:33
point get_raw_size() const
The raw internal texture size.
Definition: texture.cpp:112
Container associating units to locations.
Definition: map.hpp:98
map_display and display: classes which take care of displaying the map and game-data on the screen.
Drawing functions, for drawing things on the screen.
Standard logging facilities (interface).
constexpr bool is_odd(T num)
Definition: math.hpp:36
static lg::log_domain log_display("display")
#define DBG_DP
Definition: minimap.cpp:35
void fill(const SDL_Rect &rect, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
Fill an area with the given colour.
Definition: draw.cpp:50
void clear()
Clear the current render target.
Definition: draw.cpp:40
void blit(const texture &tex, const SDL_Rect &dst)
Draws a texture, or part of a texture, at the given location.
Definition: draw.cpp:310
void rect(const SDL_Rect &rect)
Draw a rectangle.
Definition: draw.cpp:150
std::map< std::string, color_range, std::less<> > team_rgb_range
Colors defined by WML [color_range] tags.
const color_range & color_info(std::string_view name)
Functions to load and save images from/to disk.
std::function< rect(rect)> prep_minimap_for_rendering(const gamemap &map, const team *vw, const unit_map *units, const std::map< map_location, unsigned int > *reach_map, bool ignore_terrain_disabled)
Prepares the minimap texture and returns a function which will render it to the current rendering tar...
Definition: minimap.cpp:40
texture get_texture(const image::locator &i_locator, TYPE type, bool skip_cache)
Returns an image texture suitable for hardware-accelerated rendering.
Definition: picture.cpp:960
std::string get_orb_color(orb_status os)
Wrapper for the various prefs::get().unmoved_color(), moved_color(), etc methods, using the enum inst...
Definition: orb_status.cpp:40
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
const terrain_code VOID_TERRAIN
VOID_TERRAIN is used for shrouded hexes.
void scale(size_t factor, const uint32_t *src, uint32_t *trg, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, const ScalerCfg &cfg=ScalerCfg(), int yFirst=0, int yLast=std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
Definition: xbrz.cpp:1189
@ allied
Belongs to a friendly side.
@ enemy
Belongs to a non-friendly side; normally visualised by not displaying an orb.
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:38
An abstract description of a rectangle with integer coordinates.
Definition: rect.hpp:47
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49
void set_texture_scale_quality(const char *value)
Sets the texture scale quality.
Definition: texture.hpp:227