The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2004 - 2024
3  by Guillaume Melquiond <>
4  Copyright (C) 2003 by David White <>
5  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
7  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  (at your option) any later version.
11  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  See the COPYING file for more details.
15 */
17 /**
18  * @file
19  * Standard logging facilities (interface).
20  *
21  * To use one of the standard log channels, put something like the following at the start
22  * of your .cpp file:
23  *
24  * static lg::log_domain log_display("display");
25  * \#define ERR_DP LOG_STREAM(err, log_display)
26  * \#define LOG_DP LOG_STREAM(info, log_display)
27  *
28  * Then stream logging info to ERR_DP, or LOG_DP, as if it were an ostream like std::cerr.
29  * (In general it will actually be std::cerr at runtime when logging is enabled.)
30  *
31  * LOG_DP << "Found a window resize event: ...";
32  *
33  * Please do not use iomanip features like std::hex directly on the logger. Because of the
34  * design of the logger, this will result in all of the loggers (in fact std::cerr) being
35  * imbued with std::hex. Please use a formatter instead.
36  *
37  * \#include "formatter.hpp"
38  *
39  * LOG_DP << (formatter() << "The random seed is: '" << std::hex << seed << "'\n").str();
40  *
41  * It might be nice if somehow the logger class / macros could support using iomanip
42  * things directly, but right now it doesn't, and it seems that it would complicate the
43  * design greatly enough that it doesn't seem worth it.
44  */
46 #pragma once
48 #ifndef __func__
49  #ifdef __FUNCTION__
50  #define __func__ __FUNCTION__
51  #endif
52 #endif
54 #include <iosfwd> // needed else all files including log.hpp need to do it.
55 #include "utils/optional_fwd.hpp"
56 #include <string>
57 #include <utility>
58 #include <ctime>
59 #include <cstdint>
61 #include "formatter.hpp"
63 namespace lg {
65 // Prefix and extension for log files.
66 // This is used to find old files to delete.
67 const std::string log_file_prefix = "wesnoth-";
68 const std::string log_file_suffix = ".log";
69 // stdout file for Windows; needs to end in log_file_suffix so log rotation works for both
70 const std::string out_log_file_suffix = ".out" + log_file_suffix;
72 // Maximum number of older log files to keep intact. Other files are deleted.
73 // Note that this count does not include the current log file!
74 // double for Windows due to the separate .log and .out.log files
75 const unsigned max_logs = 8
76 #ifdef _WIN32
77 *2
78 #endif
79 ;
81 enum class severity
82 {
83  LG_NONE=-1,
84  LG_ERROR=0,
85  LG_WARN=1,
86  LG_INFO=2,
87  LG_DEBUG=3
88 };
89 std::ostringstream& operator<<(std::ostringstream& oss, lg::severity severity);
91 /**
92  * Helper class to redirect the output of the logger in a certain scope.
93  *
94  * The main usage of the redirection is for the unit tests to validate the
95  * output on the logger with the expected output.
96  */
98 {
99 public:
101  /**
102  * Constructor.
103  *
104  * @param stream The stream to direct the output to.
105  */
106  explicit redirect_output_setter(std::ostream& stream);
110 private:
112  /**
113  * The previously set redirection.
114  *
115  * This value is stored here to be restored in this destructor.
116  */
117  std::ostream* old_stream_;
118 };
120 class logger;
122 typedef std::pair<const std::string, severity> logd;
124 class log_domain {
126 public:
127  explicit log_domain(char const *name, severity severity = severity::LG_WARN);
128  friend class logger;
129 };
131 bool set_log_domain_severity(const std::string& name, severity severity);
132 bool set_log_domain_severity(const std::string& name, const logger &lg);
133 bool get_log_domain_severity(const std::string& name, severity &severity);
134 std::string list_log_domains(const std::string& filter);
137 void set_strict_severity(const logger &lg);
138 bool broke_strict();
140 /** toggle log sanitization */
141 void set_log_sanitize(bool sanitize);
143 /**
144  * Do the initial redirection to a log file if the logs directory is writable.
145  * Also performs log rotation to delete old logs.
146  * NOTE: This runs before command line arguments are processed.
147  * Therefore the log file is initially written under the default userdata directory
148  */
149 void set_log_to_file();
150 /**
151  * Move the log file to another directory.
152  * Used if a custom userdata directory is given as a command line option to move it to the new location.
153  */
154 void move_log_file();
155 /**
156  * Checks that a dummy file can be written to and deleted from the logs directory.
157  */
159 /**
160  * Returns the result set by check_log_dir_writable().
161  * Will not be set if called before log redirection is done.
162  *
163  * @return true if the log directory is writable, false otherwise.
164  */
165 utils::optional<bool> log_dir_writable();
167 /**
168  * Use the defined prefix and suffix to determine if a filename is a log file.
169  *
170  * @return true if it's a log file, false otherwise
171  */
172 bool is_not_log_file(const std::string& filename);
173 /**
174  * Check how many log files exist and delete the oldest when there's too many.
175  */
176 void rotate_logs(const std::string& log_dir);
177 /**
178  * Generate a unique file name using the current timestamp and a randomly generated number.
179  *
180  * @return A unique file name to use for the current log file.
181  */
182 std::string unique_log_filename();
184 // A little "magic" to surround the logging operation in a mutex.
185 // This works by capturing the output first to a stringstream formatter, then
186 // locking a mutex and dumping it to the stream all in one go.
187 // By doing this we can avoid rare deadlocks if a function whose output is streamed
188 // calls logging of its own.
189 // We overload operator| only because it has lower precedence than operator<<
190 // Any other lower-precedence operator would have worked just as well.
192  std::ostream& stream_;
193  int indent_ = 0;
194  bool timestamp_ = false;
195  std::string prefix_;
196  bool auto_newline_ = true;
197 public:
198  log_in_progress(std::ostream& stream);
199  void operator|(formatter&& message);
200  void set_indent(int level);
201  void enable_timestamp();
202  void set_prefix(const std::string& prefix);
203  void set_auto_newline(bool enabled);
204 };
206 class logger {
207  char const *name_;
209 public:
210  logger(char const *name, severity severity): name_(name), severity_(severity) {}
211  log_in_progress operator()(const log_domain& domain,
212  bool show_names = true, bool do_indent = false, bool show_timestamps = true, bool break_strict = true, bool auto_newline = true) const;
214  bool dont_log(const log_domain& domain) const
215  {
216  return severity_ > domain.domain_->second;
217  }
220  {
221  return severity_;
222  }
224  std::string get_name() const
225  {
226  return name_;
227  }
228 };
230 void timestamps(bool);
231 void precise_timestamps(bool);
232 std::string get_timestamp(const std::time_t& t, const std::string& format="%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S ");
233 std::string get_timespan(const std::time_t& t);
234 std::string sanitize_log(const std::string& logstr);
235 std::string get_log_file_path();
237 logger &err(), &warn(), &info(), &debug();
238 log_domain& general();
241 {
242  int64_t ticks_;
244  std::string str_;
245 public:
246  scope_logger(const log_domain& domain, const char* str)
247  : ticks_(0)
248  , domain_(domain)
249  , str_()
250  {
251  if (!debug().dont_log(domain)) do_log_entry(str);
252  }
253  scope_logger(const log_domain& domain, const std::string& str)
254  : ticks_(0)
255  , domain_(domain)
256  , str_()
257  {
258  if (!debug().dont_log(domain)) do_log_entry(str);
259  }
261  {
262  if (!str_.empty()) do_log_exit();
263  }
264 private:
265  void do_log_entry(const std::string& str) noexcept;
266  void do_log_exit() noexcept;
267 };
269 /**
270  * Use this to show WML errors in the ingame chat.
271  * After every WML event the errors are shown to the user so they can inform the campaign maintainer.
272  */
273 std::stringstream& log_to_chat();
275 } // namespace lg
277 #define log_scope(description) lg::scope_logger scope_logging_object__(lg::general(), description);
278 #define log_scope2(domain,description) lg::scope_logger scope_logging_object__(domain, description);
280 #define LOG_STREAM(level, domain) if (lg::level().dont_log(domain)) ; else lg::level()(domain) | formatter()
282 // Don't prefix the logdomain to messages on this stream
283 #define LOG_STREAM_NAMELESS(level, domain) if (lg::level().dont_log(domain)) ; else lg::level()(domain, false) | formatter()
285 // Like LOG_STREAM_NAMELESS except doesn't add newlines automatically
286 #define LOG_STREAM_NAMELESS_STREAMING(level, domain) if (lg::level().dont_log(domain)) ; else lg::level()(domain, false, false, true, true, false) | formatter()
288 // When using log_scope/log_scope2 it is nice to have all output indented.
289 #define LOG_STREAM_INDENT(level,domain) if (lg::level().dont_log(domain)) ; else lg::level()(domain, true, true) | formatter()
291 // If you have an explicit logger object and want to ignore the logging level, use this.
292 // Meant for cases where you explicitly call dont_log to avoid an expensive operation if the logging is disabled.
293 #define FORCE_LOG_TO(logger, domain) logger(domain) | formatter()
295 // always log (since it's at the error level) to the general log stream
296 // outputting the log domain and timestamp is disabled
297 // meant as a replacement to using cerr/cout, but that goes through the same logging infrastructure as everything else
298 #define PLAIN_LOG lg::err()(lg::general(), false, false, false, false, true) | formatter()
299 #define STREAMING_LOG lg::err()(lg::general(), false, false, false, false, false) | formatter()
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
std::ostringstream wrapper.
Definition: formatter.hpp:40
logd * domain_
Definition: log.hpp:125
log_domain(char const *name, severity severity=severity::LG_WARN)
Definition: log.cpp:335
void operator|(formatter &&message)
Definition: log.cpp:497
std::string prefix_
Definition: log.hpp:195
std::ostream & stream_
Definition: log.hpp:192
void set_auto_newline(bool enabled)
Definition: log.cpp:527
void set_prefix(const std::string &prefix)
Definition: log.cpp:523
void enable_timestamp()
Definition: log.cpp:519
bool auto_newline_
Definition: log.hpp:196
void set_indent(int level)
Definition: log.cpp:515
log_in_progress(std::ostream &stream)
Definition: log.cpp:493
char const * name_
Definition: log.hpp:207
std::string get_name() const
Definition: log.hpp:224
logger(char const *name, severity severity)
Definition: log.hpp:210
log_in_progress operator()(const log_domain &domain, bool show_names=true, bool do_indent=false, bool show_timestamps=true, bool break_strict=true, bool auto_newline=true) const
Definition: log.cpp:463
severity get_severity() const
Definition: log.hpp:219
severity severity_
Definition: log.hpp:208
bool dont_log(const log_domain &domain) const
Definition: log.hpp:214
Helper class to redirect the output of the logger in a certain scope.
Definition: log.hpp:98
std::ostream * old_stream_
The previously set redirection.
Definition: log.hpp:117
redirect_output_setter(std::ostream &stream)
Definition: log.cpp:287
const log_domain & domain_
Definition: log.hpp:243
void do_log_entry(const std::string &str) noexcept
Definition: log.cpp:531
std::string str_
Definition: log.hpp:244
scope_logger(const log_domain &domain, const char *str)
Definition: log.hpp:246
void do_log_exit() noexcept
Definition: log.cpp:541
scope_logger(const log_domain &domain, const std::string &str)
Definition: log.hpp:253
int64_t ticks_
Definition: log.hpp:242
Definition: pump.hpp:41
bool get_log_domain_severity(const std::string &name, severity &severity)
Definition: log.cpp:368
logger & err()
Definition: log.cpp:304
Definition: log.hpp:82
std::string list_log_domains(const std::string &filter)
Definition: log.cpp:377
log_domain & general()
Definition: log.cpp:330
bool broke_strict()
Definition: log.cpp:397
std::string get_timespan(const std::time_t &t)
Definition: log.cpp:408
logger & debug()
Definition: log.cpp:322
const std::string out_log_file_suffix
Definition: log.hpp:70
void rotate_logs(const std::string &log_dir)
Check how many log files exist and delete the oldest when there's too many.
Definition: log.cpp:99
std::string unique_log_filename()
Generate a unique file name using the current timestamp and a randomly generated number.
Definition: log.cpp:130
void set_log_to_file()
Do the initial redirection to a log file if the logs directory is writable.
Definition: log.cpp:231
void set_log_sanitize(bool sanitize)
toggle log sanitization
Definition: log.cpp:437
utils::optional< bool > log_dir_writable()
Returns the result set by check_log_dir_writable().
Definition: log.cpp:277
void move_log_file()
Move the log file to another directory.
Definition: log.cpp:175
logger & warn()
Definition: log.cpp:310
void timestamps(bool t)
Definition: log.cpp:301
std::string sanitize_log(const std::string &logstr)
Definition: log.cpp:441
const unsigned max_logs
Definition: log.hpp:75
void check_log_dir_writable()
Checks that a dummy file can be written to and deleted from the logs directory.
Definition: log.cpp:143
std::stringstream & log_to_chat()
Use this to show WML errors in the ingame chat.
Definition: log.cpp:554
const std::string log_file_prefix
Definition: log.hpp:67
std::pair< const std::string, severity > logd
Definition: log.hpp:120
std::string get_timestamp(const std::time_t &t, const std::string &format)
Definition: log.cpp:401
bool is_not_log_file(const std::string &fn)
Use the defined prefix and suffix to determine if a filename is a log file.
Definition: log.cpp:93
void precise_timestamps(bool pt)
Definition: log.cpp:302
logger & info()
Definition: log.cpp:316
bool set_log_domain_severity(const std::string &name, severity severity)
Definition: log.cpp:344
void set_strict_severity(severity severity)
Definition: log.cpp:387
std::string get_log_file_path()
Definition: log.cpp:282
const std::string log_file_suffix
Definition: log.hpp:68
std::ostringstream & operator<<(std::ostringstream &oss, const lg::severity severity)
Definition: log.cpp:87