The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2025
3  by Mark de Wever <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #pragma once
20 #include "gui/widgets/widget.hpp"
21 #include "utils/ranges.hpp"
23 #include <SDL2/SDL_events.h>
25 #include <cassert>
27 namespace gui2::event
28 {
30 {
31  /**
32  * Returns the appropriate signal queue for an event by category.
33  *
34  * @tparam C For example, general.
35  * @param dispatcher The dispatcher whose signal queue is used.
36  * @param event The event to get the signal for.
37  *
38  * @returns The signal of the type dispatcher::signal_type<T>
39  */
40  template<event_category C>
41  static auto& event_signal(dispatcher& dispatcher, const ui_event event)
42  {
43  return dispatcher.get_signal_queue<C>().queue[event];
44  }
46  /**
47  * A helper to test whether dispatcher has an handler for a certain event.
48  *
49  * @param dispatcher The dispatcher whose signal queue is used.
50  * @param queue_type The type of event to look for.
51  * @param event The event to get the signal for.
52  *
53  * @returns Whether or not the handler is found.
54  */
56  {
57  const auto queue_check = [&](auto& queue_set) {
58  return !queue_set.queue[event].empty(queue_type);
59  };
61  // We can't just use get_signal_queue since there's no way to know the event at compile time.
62  switch(get_event_category(event)) {
64  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_queue_);
66  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_mouse_queue_);
68  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_keyboard_queue_);
70  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_touch_motion_queue_);
72  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_touch_gesture_queue_);
74  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_notification_queue_);;
76  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_message_queue_);
78  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_raw_event_queue_);
80  return queue_check(dispatcher.signal_text_input_queue_);
81  default:
82  throw std::invalid_argument("Event is not categorized");
83  }
84  }
85 };
87 namespace implementation
88 {
90 /*
91  * Small sample to illustrate the effects of the various build_event_chain
92  * functions. Assume the widgets are in an window with the following widgets:
93  *
94  * -----------------------
95  * | dispatcher |
96  * | ------------------- |
97  * | | container 1 | |
98  * | | --------------- | |
99  * | | | container 2 | | |
100  * | | | ----------- | | |
101  * | | | | widget | | | |
102  * | | | ----------- | | |
103  * | | --------------- | |
104  * | ------------------- |
105  * -----------------------
106  *
107  * Note that the firing routine fires the events from:
108  * - pre child for chain.end() - > chain.begin()
109  * - child for widget
110  * - post child for chain.begin() -> chain.end()
111  */
113 /**
114  * Build the event chain.
115  *
116  * The event chain is a chain of events starting from the first parent of the
117  * widget until (and including) the wanted parent. For all these widgets it
118  * will be tested whether they have either a pre or post handler for the event.
119  * This ways there will be list of widgets to try to send the events to.
120  * If there's no line from widget to parent the result is undefined.
121  * (If widget == dispatcher the result will always be empty.)
122  *
123  * @pre dispatcher != nullptr
124  * @pre widget != nullptr
125  *
126  * @param event The event to test.
127  * @param dispatcher The final widget to test, this is also the
128  * dispatcher the sends the event.
129  * @param w The widget should parent(s) to check.
130  *
131  * @returns The list of widgets with a handler.
132  * The order will be (assuming all have a
133  * handler):
134  * * container 2
135  * * container 1
136  * * dispatcher
137  */
138 template<event_category C>
139 std::vector<std::pair<widget*, ui_event>>
141 {
142  assert(dispatcher);
143  assert(w);
145  std::vector<std::pair<widget*, ui_event>> result;
147  while(true) {
149  result.emplace_back(w, event);
150  }
152  if(w == dispatcher) {
153  break;
154  }
156  w = w->parent();
157  assert(w);
158  }
160  return result;
161 }
163 /**
164  * Build the event chain for signal_notification.
165  *
166  * The notification is only send to the receiver it returns an empty chain.
167  * Since the pre and post queues are unused, it validates whether they are
168  * empty (using asserts).
169  *
170  * @returns An empty vector.
171  */
172 template<>
173 std::vector<std::pair<widget*, ui_event>>
174 build_event_chain<event_category::notification>(const ui_event event, widget* dispatcher, widget* w)
175 {
176  assert(dispatcher);
177  assert(w);
179  assert(!w->has_event(event, dispatcher::event_queue_type(dispatcher::pre | dispatcher::post)));
181  return {};
182 }
184 /**
185  * Build the event chain for signal_message.
186  *
187  * This function expects that the widget sending it is also the receiver. This
188  * assumption might change, but is valid for now. The function doesn't build an
189  * event chain from @p dispatcher to @p widget but from @p widget to its
190  * toplevel item (the first one without a parent) which we call @p window.
191  *
192  * @pre dispatcher == widget
193  *
194  * @returns The list of widgets with a handler.
195  * The order will be (assuming all have a
196  * handler):
197  * * window
198  * * container 1
199  * * container 2
200  */
201 template<>
202 std::vector<std::pair<widget*, ui_event>>
203 build_event_chain<event_category::message>(const ui_event event, widget* dispatcher, widget* w)
204 {
205  assert(dispatcher);
206  assert(w);
207  assert(w == dispatcher);
209  std::vector<std::pair<widget*, ui_event>> result;
211  /* We only should add the parents of the widget to the chain. */
212  while((w = w->parent())) {
213  assert(w);
216  result.emplace(result.begin(), w, event);
217  }
218  }
220  return result;
221 }
223 /**
224  * Helper function for fire_event.
225  *
226  * This is called with the same parameters as fire_event except for the
227  * event_chain, which contains the widgets with the events to call for them.
228  */
229 template<event_category C, typename... F>
230 bool fire_event(const ui_event event,
231  const std::vector<std::pair<widget*, ui_event>>& event_chain,
233  widget* w,
234  F&&... params)
235 {
236  bool handled = false;
237  bool halt = false;
239  /***** ***** ***** Pre ***** ***** *****/
240  for(const auto& [chain_target, chain_event] : event_chain | utils::views::reverse) {
241  const auto& signal = dispatcher_implementation::event_signal<C>(*chain_target, chain_event);
243  for(const auto& pre_func : signal.pre_child) {
244  pre_func(*dispatcher, chain_event, handled, halt, std::forward<F>(params)...);
246  if(halt) {
247  assert(handled);
248  break;
249  }
250  }
252  if(handled) {
253  return true;
254  }
255  }
257  /***** ***** ***** Child ***** ***** *****/
258  if(w->has_event(event, dispatcher::child)) {
259  const auto& signal = dispatcher_implementation::event_signal<C>(*w, event);
261  for(const auto& func : signal.child) {
262  func(*dispatcher, event, handled, halt, std::forward<F>(params)...);
264  if(halt) {
265  assert(handled);
266  break;
267  }
268  }
270  if(handled) {
271  return true;
272  }
273  }
275  /***** ***** ***** Post ***** ***** *****/
276  for(const auto& [chain_target, chain_event] : event_chain) {
277  const auto& signal = dispatcher_implementation::event_signal<C>(*chain_target, chain_event);
279  for(const auto& post_func : signal.post_child) {
280  post_func(*dispatcher, chain_event, handled, halt, std::forward<F>(params)...);
282  if(halt) {
283  assert(handled);
284  break;
285  }
286  }
288  if(handled) {
289  return true;
290  }
291  }
293  /**** ***** ***** Unhandled ***** ***** *****/
294  assert(handled == false);
295  return false;
296 }
298 } // namespace implementation
300 /**
301  * Fires an event.
302  *
303  * A helper to allow the common event firing code to be shared between the
304  * different signal function types.
305  *
306  * @pre d != nullptr
307  * @pre w != nullptr
308  *
309  * @tparam C The category of the event to handle.
310  * @tparam F The parameter pack type.
311  *
312  *
313  * @param event The event to fire.
314  * @param d The dispatcher that handles the event.
315  * @param w The widget that should receive the event.
316  * @param params Zero or more additional arguments to pass
317  * to the signal function when it's executed.
318  *
319  * @returns Whether or not the event was handled.
320  */
321 template<event_category C, typename... F>
322 bool fire_event(const ui_event event, dispatcher* d, widget* w, F&&... params)
323 {
324  assert(d);
325  assert(w);
327  widget* dispatcher_w = dynamic_cast<widget*>(d);
329  std::vector<std::pair<widget*, ui_event>> event_chain =
330  implementation::build_event_chain<C>(event, dispatcher_w, w);
332  return implementation::fire_event<C>(event, event_chain, dispatcher_w, w, std::forward<F>(params)...);
333 }
335 template<ui_event click,
336  ui_event double_click,
337  bool (event_executor::*wants_double_click)() const,
338  typename... F>
339 bool fire_event_double_click(dispatcher* dsp, widget* wgt, F&&... params)
340 {
341  assert(dsp);
342  assert(wgt);
344  std::vector<std::pair<widget*, ui_event>> event_chain;
345  widget* w = wgt;
346  widget* d = dynamic_cast<widget*>(dsp);
348  while(w != d) {
349  w = w->parent();
350  assert(w);
352  if(std::invoke(wants_double_click, w)) {
353  if(w->has_event(double_click, dispatcher::event_queue_type(dispatcher::pre | dispatcher::post))) {
354  event_chain.emplace_back(w, double_click);
355  }
356  } else {
358  event_chain.emplace_back(w, click);
359  }
360  }
361  }
363  if(std::invoke(wants_double_click, wgt)) {
364  constexpr auto C = get_event_category(double_click);
365  return implementation::fire_event<C>(double_click, event_chain, d, wgt, std::forward<F>(params)...);
366  } else {
367  constexpr auto C = get_event_category(click);
368  return implementation::fire_event<C>(click, event_chain, d, wgt, std::forward<F>(params)...);
369  }
370 }
372 } // namespace gui2::event
Base class for event handling.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:150
signal_queue< signal_touch_gesture > signal_touch_gesture_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_gesture.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:593
signal_queue< signal_message > signal_message_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::message.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:599
signal_queue< signal_text_input > signal_text_input_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::text_input.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:605
signal_queue< signal_raw_event > signal_raw_event_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::raw_event.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:602
signal_queue< signal_notification > signal_notification_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::notification.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:596
signal_queue< signal > signal_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::general.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:581
signal_queue< signal_touch_motion > signal_touch_motion_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_motion.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:590
signal_queue< signal_keyboard > signal_keyboard_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::keyboard.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:587
signal_queue< signal_mouse > signal_mouse_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::mouse.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:584
Event execution calls.
Base class for all widgets.
Definition: widget.hpp:55
int w
std::vector< std::pair< widget *, ui_event > > build_event_chain(const ui_event event, widget *dispatcher, widget *w)
Build the event chain.
bool fire_event(const ui_event event, const std::vector< std::pair< widget *, ui_event >> &event_chain, widget *dispatcher, widget *w, F &&... params)
Helper function for fire_event.
The event sent to the dispatcher.
Definition: handler.hpp:115
bool fire_event_double_click(dispatcher *dsp, widget *wgt, F &&... params)
constexpr event_category get_event_category(const ui_event event)
Returns the category of a given event.
Definition: handler.hpp:192
bool fire_event(const ui_event event, dispatcher *d, widget *w, F &&... params)
Fires an event.
dispatcher_callback<> signal
Used for events in event_category::general.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:56
Event category masks.
Definition: handler.hpp:55
@ notification
Callbacks with a sender aka notification messages.
@ keyboard
Callbacks with the keyboard values (these haven't been determined yet).
@ mouse
Callbacks with a coordinate as extra parameter.
@ message
Callbacks with a sender aka notification messages.
@ general
Callbacks without extra parameters.
Contains the implementation details for lexical_cast and shouldn't be used directly.
bool click(int mousex, int mousey)
Definition: tooltips.cpp:356
constexpr auto reverse
Definition: ranges.hpp:40
static auto & event_signal(dispatcher &dispatcher, const ui_event event)
Returns the appropriate signal queue for an event by category.
static bool has_handler(dispatcher &dispatcher, const dispatcher::event_queue_type queue_type, ui_event event)
A helper to test whether dispatcher has an handler for a certain event.
#define d