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gui2::event::dispatcher Class Referenceabstract

Base class for event handling. More...

#include <dispatcher.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for gui2::event::dispatcher:


struct  signal_queue
 Helper struct to generate the various event queues. More...
struct  signal_type
 Helper struct to generate the various signal types. More...

Public Types

enum  event_queue_type { pre = 1 , child = 2 , post = 4 }
enum  queue_position {
  front_pre_child , back_pre_child , front_child , back_child ,
  front_post_child , back_post_child
 The position where to add a new callback in the signal handler. More...
enum class  mouse_behavior { all , hit , none }
 The behavior of the mouse events. More...

Public Member Functions

 dispatcher ()
virtual ~dispatcher ()
void connect ()
 Connects the dispatcher to the event handler. More...
void disconnect ()
 Disconnects the dispatcher from the event handler. More...
bool is_connected () const
 Return whether the dispatcher is currently connected. More...
virtual bool is_at (const point &coordinate) const =0
 Determines whether the location is inside an active widget. More...
bool has_event (const ui_event event, const event_queue_type event_type)
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target)
 Fires an event which has no extra parameters. More...
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target, const point &coordinate)
 Fires an event which takes a coordinate parameter. More...
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target, const SDL_Keycode key, const SDL_Keymod modifier, const std::string &unicode)
 Fires an event which takes keyboard parameters. More...
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target, const point &pos, const point &distance)
 Fires an event which takes touch-motion parameters. More...
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target, const point &center, float dTheta, float dDist, uint8_t numFingers)
 Fires an event which takes touch-gesture parameters. More...
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target, void *)
 Fires an event which takes notification parameters. More...
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target, const message &msg)
 Fires an event which takes message parameters. More...
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target, const SDL_Event &sdlevent)
 Fires an event that's a raw SDL event. More...
bool fire (const ui_event event, widget &target, const std::string &text, int32_t start, int32_t len)
 Fires an event which takes text input parameters. More...
template<ui_event E, typename F >
void connect_signal (const F &func, const queue_position position=back_child)
 Adds a callback to the appropriate queue based on event type. More...
template<ui_event E, typename F >
void disconnect_signal (const F &func, const queue_position position=back_child)
 Removes a callback from the appropriate queue based on event type. More...
void capture_mouse ()
 Captures the mouse. More...
void release_mouse ()
 Releases the mouse capture. More...
void set_mouse_behavior (const mouse_behavior mouse_behavior)
mouse_behavior get_mouse_behavior () const
void set_want_keyboard_input (const bool want_keyboard_input)
bool get_want_keyboard_input () const
void register_hotkey (const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id, const hotkey_function &function)
 Registers a hotkey. More...
bool execute_hotkey (const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id)
 Executes a hotkey. More...

Private Member Functions

template<event_category cat>
auto & get_signal_queue ()

Private Attributes

mouse_behavior mouse_behavior_
 The mouse behavior for the dispatcher. More...
bool want_keyboard_input_
 Does the dispatcher want to receive keyboard input. More...
signal_queue< signalsignal_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::general. More...
signal_queue< signal_mousesignal_mouse_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::mouse. More...
signal_queue< signal_keyboardsignal_keyboard_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::keyboard. More...
signal_queue< signal_touch_motionsignal_touch_motion_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_motion. More...
signal_queue< signal_touch_gesturesignal_touch_gesture_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_gesture. More...
signal_queue< signal_notificationsignal_notification_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::notification. More...
signal_queue< signal_messagesignal_message_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::message. More...
signal_queue< signal_raw_eventsignal_raw_event_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::raw_event. More...
signal_queue< signal_text_inputsignal_text_input_queue_
 Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::text_input. More...
bool connected_
 Are we connected to the event handler. More...
std::map< hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND, hotkey_functionhotkeys_
 The registered hotkeys for this dispatcher. More...


struct dispatcher_implementation

Detailed Description

Base class for event handling.

A dispatcher has slots for events, when an event arrives it looks for the functions that registered themselves for that event and calls their callbacks.

This class is a base class for all widgets[1], what a widget does on a callback can differ greatly, an image might ignore all events a window can track the mouse location and fire MOUSE_ENTER and MOUSE_LEAVE events to the widgets involved.

[1] Not really sure whether it will be a base class for a widget or styled_widget yet.

Definition at line 149 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ event_queue_type


Definition at line 193 of file dispatcher.hpp.

◆ mouse_behavior

The behavior of the mouse events.

Normally for mouse events there's first checked whether a dispatcher has captured the mouse if so it gets the event. If not the dispatcher is searched from the back to the front in the layers and its behavior is checked.

  • none The event is never send to the layer and goes on the the next layer. This is used for tooltips who might cover a button but a click on the tooltips should still click the button.
  • all The event is always send to this layer and stops the search for a next layer.
  • hit If the mouse is inside the dispatcher area the event is send and no longer searched further. If not inside tests the last layer.

If after these tests no dispatcher is found the event is ignored.


Definition at line 392 of file dispatcher.hpp.

◆ queue_position

The position where to add a new callback in the signal handler.

The signal handler has three callback queues:

  • pre_child These callbacks are called before a container widget sends it to the child items. Widgets without children should also use this queue.
  • child The callbacks for the proper child widget(s) are called.
  • post_child The callbacks for the parent container to be called after the child.

For every queue it's possible to add a new event in the front or in the back.

Whether all three queues are executed depend on the whether the callbacks modify the handled and halt flag.

  • When the halt flag is set execution of the current queue stops, when doing so the handled flag must be set as well.
  • When the handled flag is set the events in that queue are executed and no more queues afterwards.

Here are some use case examples. A button that plays a sound and executes an optional user callback:

  • The buttons internal click handler is invoked and sets the handled flag
  • The callback installed by the user is in the same queue and gets executed afterwards.

A toggle button may or may not be toggled:

  • The user inserts a callback, that validates whether the action is allowed, if not allowed it sets the halt flag (and handled), else leaves the flags untouched.
  • The normal buttons toggle function then might get invoked and if so sets the handled flag.
  • Optionally there is another user callback invoked at this point.

Definition at line 331 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ dispatcher()

gui2::event::dispatcher::dispatcher ( )

Definition at line 27 of file dispatcher.cpp.

Referenced by gui2::pane::signal_handler_request_placement().

◆ ~dispatcher()

gui2::event::dispatcher::~dispatcher ( )

Definition at line 42 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References connected_, and disconnect().

Member Function Documentation

◆ capture_mouse()

void gui2::event::dispatcher::capture_mouse ( )

Captures the mouse.

Definition at line 399 of file dispatcher.hpp.

References gui2::event::capture_mouse().

◆ connect()

void gui2::event::dispatcher::connect ( )

Connects the dispatcher to the event handler.

When a dispatcher is connected to the event handler it will get the events directly from the event handler. This is wanted for top level items like windows but not for most other widgets.

So a window can call connect to register itself, it will automatically disconnect upon destruction.

Definition at line 49 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::connect_dispatcher(), and connected_.

◆ connect_signal()

template<ui_event E, typename F >
void gui2::event::dispatcher::connect_signal ( const F &  func,
const queue_position  position = back_child 

◆ disconnect()

void gui2::event::dispatcher::disconnect ( )

Disconnects the dispatcher from the event handler.

Definition at line 56 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References connected_, and gui2::event::disconnect_dispatcher().

Referenced by ~dispatcher().

◆ disconnect_signal()

template<ui_event E, typename F >
void gui2::event::dispatcher::disconnect_signal ( const F &  func,
const queue_position  position = back_child 

Removes a callback from the appropriate queue based on event type.

Template Parameters
EThe event the callback needs to react to.
FThe event signature. This must match the appropriate queue's callback signature.
funcThe callback function.
positionThe place where the function was added. Needed remove the event from the right place. (The function doesn't care whether was added in front or back.)

Definition at line 370 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by gui2::event::disconnect_signal_mouse_left_click(), gui2::event::disconnect_signal_mouse_left_release(), and gui2::event::distributor::~distributor().

◆ execute_hotkey()

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::execute_hotkey ( const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND  id)

Executes a hotkey.

idThe hotkey to execute.
true if the hotkey is handled, false otherwise.

Definition at line 152 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References hotkeys_.

Referenced by gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::hotkey_pressed().

◆ fire() [1/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target 

Fires an event which has no extra parameters.

Definition at line 74 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::fire_event_double_click(), gui2::event::general, gui2::event::is_in_category(), gui2::event::LEFT_BUTTON_CLICK, gui2::event::LEFT_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK, gui2::event::MIDDLE_BUTTON_CLICK, gui2::event::MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK, gui2::event::RIGHT_BUTTON_CLICK, gui2::event::RIGHT_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK, gui2::event_executor::wants_mouse_left_double_click(), gui2::event_executor::wants_mouse_middle_double_click(), and gui2::event_executor::wants_mouse_right_double_click().

Referenced by gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::activate(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), gui2::tab_container::change_selection(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::close_window(), gui2::scrollbar_container::content_resize_request(), gui2::pane::create_item(), gui2::text_box_base::handle_commit(), gui2::text_box_base::handle_key_backspace(), gui2::text_box_base::handle_key_delete(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::key_down(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::keyboard(), gui2::event::distributor::keyboard_capture(), gui2::listbox::list_item_clicked(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::mouse(), gui2::event::mouse_motion::mouse_enter(), gui2::event::mouse_motion::mouse_hover(), gui2::event::mouse_motion::mouse_leave(), gui2::scrollbar_base::move_positioner(), gui2::text_box_base::paste_selection(), gui2::dialogs::drop_down_menu::pre_show(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::raw_event(), gui2::scrollbar_base::scroll(), gui2::slider_base::scroll(), gui2::tree_view_node::select_node(), gui2::grid::set_child_alignment(), gui2::scrollbar_base::set_item_position(), gui2::listbox::set_row_shown(), gui2::combobox::set_selected(), gui2::menu_button::set_selected(), gui2::slider::set_value(), gui2::toggle_button::set_value(), gui2::toggle_panel::set_value(), gui2::widget::set_visible(), gui2::event::mouse_motion::show_tooltip(), gui2::event::distributor::signal_handler_keyboard_internal(), gui2::tree_view_node::signal_handler_label_left_button_click(), gui2::repeating_button::signal_handler_left_button_down(), gui2::toggle_panel::signal_handler_pre_left_button_click(), gui2::event::mouse_motion::signal_handler_sdl_mouse_motion(), gui2::event::mouse_motion::signal_handler_sdl_touch_motion(), gui2::event::mouse_motion::signal_handler_sdl_wheel(), gui2::event::mouse_motion::signal_handler_show_helptip(), gui2::styled_widget::signal_handler_show_helptip(), gui2::tree_view_node::signal_handler_toggle_left_click(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::text_editing(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::text_input(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::touch_down(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::touch_motion(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::touch_multi_gesture(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::touch_up(), gui2::slider_base::update_slider_position(), gui2::listbox::update_visible_area_on_key_event(), gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::video_resize(), and gui2::widget::~widget().

◆ fire() [2/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target,
const message msg 

Fires an event which takes message parameters.

eventThe event to fire.
targetThe widget that should receive the event. Normally this is the window holding the widget.
msgThe extra information needed for a window (or another widget in the chain) to handle the message.

Definition at line 141 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::is_in_category(), gui2::event::message, and wfl::msg().

◆ fire() [3/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target,
const point center,
float  dTheta,
float  dDist,
uint8_t  numFingers 

Fires an event which takes touch-gesture parameters.

eventThe event to fire.
targetThe widget that should receive the event.
centerThe location touched.
dThetaProbably the direction moved.
dDistThe distance moved.
numFingersProbably the number of fingers touching the screen.

Definition at line 117 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::is_in_category(), and gui2::event::touch_gesture.

◆ fire() [4/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target,
const point coordinate 

Fires an event which takes a coordinate parameter.

eventThe event to fire.
targetThe widget that should receive the event.
coordinateThe mouse position for the event.

Definition at line 95 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::is_in_category(), and gui2::event::mouse.

◆ fire() [5/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target,
const point pos,
const point distance 

Fires an event which takes touch-motion parameters.

eventThe event to fire.
targetThe widget that should receive the event.
posThe location touched.
distanceThe distance moved.

Definition at line 111 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::is_in_category(), and gui2::event::touch_motion.

◆ fire() [6/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target,
const SDL_Event &  sdlevent 

Fires an event that's a raw SDL event.

eventThe event to fire.
targetThe widget that should receive the event. Normally this is the window holding the widget.
sdleventThe raw SDL event

Definition at line 123 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::is_in_category(), and gui2::event::raw_event.

◆ fire() [7/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target,
const SDL_Keycode  key,
const SDL_Keymod  modifier,
const std::string &  unicode 

Fires an event which takes keyboard parameters.

eventThe event to fire.
targetThe widget that should receive the event.
keyThe SDL key code of the key pressed.
modifierThe SDL key modifiers used.
unicodeThe unicode value for the key pressed.

Definition at line 101 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::is_in_category(), and gui2::event::keyboard.

◆ fire() [8/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target,
const std::string &  text,
int32_t  start,
int32_t  len 

Fires an event which takes text input parameters.

eventThe event to fire.
targetThe widget that should receive the event. Normally this is the window holding the widget.
textThe text involved in the event
startThe start point for IME editing
lenThe selection length for IME editing

Definition at line 129 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::is_in_category(), editor::start(), and gui2::event::text_input.

◆ fire() [9/9]

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::fire ( const ui_event  event,
widget target,
void *   

Fires an event which takes notification parameters.

the void* parameter is a dummy needed for SFINAE.
eventThe event to fire.
targetThe widget that should receive the event.

Definition at line 135 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References gui2::event::is_in_category(), and gui2::event::notification.

◆ get_mouse_behavior()

mouse_behavior gui2::event::dispatcher::get_mouse_behavior ( ) const

Definition at line 417 of file dispatcher.hpp.

References mouse_behavior_.

Referenced by gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::mouse().

◆ get_signal_queue()

template<event_category cat>
auto& gui2::event::dispatcher::get_signal_queue ( )

◆ get_want_keyboard_input()

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::get_want_keyboard_input ( ) const

Definition at line 427 of file dispatcher.hpp.

References want_keyboard_input_.

Referenced by gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::keyboard_dispatcher().

◆ has_event()

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::has_event ( const ui_event  event,
const event_queue_type  event_type 

◆ is_at()

virtual bool gui2::event::dispatcher::is_at ( const point coordinate) const
pure virtual

Determines whether the location is inside an active widget.

This is used to see whether a mouse event is inside the widget.

coordinateThe coordinate to test whether inside the widget.
True if inside an active widget, false otherwise.

Implemented in gui2::widget.

Referenced by gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::mouse().

◆ is_connected()

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::is_connected ( ) const

Return whether the dispatcher is currently connected.

Definition at line 175 of file dispatcher.hpp.

References connected_.

◆ register_hotkey()

void gui2::event::dispatcher::register_hotkey ( const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND  id,
const hotkey_function function 

Registers a hotkey.

add a static function register_global_hotkey.

Once that's done execute_hotkey will first try to execute a global hotkey and if that fails tries the hotkeys in this dispatcher.

idThe hotkey to register.
functionThe callback function to call.

Definition at line 147 of file dispatcher.cpp.

References hotkeys_, and id.

Referenced by gui2::dialogs::title_screen::init_callbacks(), gui2::dialogs::mp_staging::pre_show(), and gui2::dialogs::title_screen::register_button().

◆ release_mouse()

void gui2::event::dispatcher::release_mouse ( )

Releases the mouse capture.

Definition at line 405 of file dispatcher.hpp.

References gui2::event::release_mouse().

◆ set_mouse_behavior()

void gui2::event::dispatcher::set_mouse_behavior ( const mouse_behavior  mouse_behavior)

Definition at line 412 of file dispatcher.hpp.

References mouse_behavior_.

◆ set_want_keyboard_input()

void gui2::event::dispatcher::set_want_keyboard_input ( const bool  want_keyboard_input)

Definition at line 422 of file dispatcher.hpp.

References want_keyboard_input_.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ dispatcher_implementation

friend struct dispatcher_implementation

Definition at line 151 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ connected_

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::connected_

Are we connected to the event handler.

Definition at line 608 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by connect(), disconnect(), is_connected(), and ~dispatcher().

◆ hotkeys_

std::map<hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND, hotkey_function> gui2::event::dispatcher::hotkeys_

The registered hotkeys for this dispatcher.

Definition at line 611 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by execute_hotkey(), and register_hotkey().

◆ mouse_behavior_

mouse_behavior gui2::event::dispatcher::mouse_behavior_

The mouse behavior for the dispatcher.

Definition at line 566 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_mouse_behavior(), and set_mouse_behavior().

◆ signal_keyboard_queue_

signal_queue<signal_keyboard> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_keyboard_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::keyboard.

Definition at line 587 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ signal_message_queue_

signal_queue<signal_message> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_message_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::message.

Definition at line 599 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ signal_mouse_queue_

signal_queue<signal_mouse> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_mouse_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::mouse.

Definition at line 584 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ signal_notification_queue_

signal_queue<signal_notification> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_notification_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::notification.

Definition at line 596 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ signal_queue_

signal_queue<signal> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::general.

Definition at line 581 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ signal_raw_event_queue_

signal_queue<signal_raw_event> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_raw_event_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::raw_event.

Definition at line 602 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ signal_text_input_queue_

signal_queue<signal_text_input> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_text_input_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::text_input.

Definition at line 605 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ signal_touch_gesture_queue_

signal_queue<signal_touch_gesture> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_touch_gesture_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_gesture.

Definition at line 593 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ signal_touch_motion_queue_

signal_queue<signal_touch_motion> gui2::event::dispatcher::signal_touch_motion_queue_

Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_motion.

Definition at line 590 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_signal_queue(), and gui2::event::dispatcher_implementation::has_handler().

◆ want_keyboard_input_

bool gui2::event::dispatcher::want_keyboard_input_

Does the dispatcher want to receive keyboard input.

The entire mouse and keyboard handling can use a code review to seen whether it might be combined in one flag field. At the moment the keyboard doesn't look whether a dialog has the mouse focus before sending the event, so maybe we should add an active dispatcher to keep track of it. But since at the moment there are only non-modal windows and tooltips it's not a problem.

Definition at line 578 of file dispatcher.hpp.

Referenced by get_want_keyboard_input(), and set_want_keyboard_input().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: