The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2025
3  by Mark de Wever <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #define GETTEXT_DOMAIN "wesnoth-lib"
21 namespace gui2
22 {
23 namespace event
24 {
25 /***** dispatcher class. *****/
28  : mouse_behavior_(mouse_behavior::all)
29  , want_keyboard_input_(true)
30  , signal_queue_()
31  , signal_mouse_queue_()
32  , signal_keyboard_queue_()
33  , signal_touch_motion_queue_()
34  , signal_touch_gesture_queue_()
35  , signal_notification_queue_()
36  , signal_message_queue_()
37  , connected_(false)
38  , hotkeys_()
39 {
40 }
43 {
44  if(connected_) {
45  disconnect();
46  }
47 }
50 {
51  assert(!connected_);
52  connected_ = true;
53  connect_dispatcher(this);
54 }
57 {
58  assert(connected_);
59  connected_ = false;
61 }
63 bool dispatcher::has_event(const ui_event event, const event_queue_type event_type)
64 {
65 #if 0
66  const bool res = dispatcher_implementation::has_handler(*this, event_type, event);
67  PLAIN_LOG << "Event '" << event << " '" << (res ? "found" : "not found") << "in queue";
68  return res;
69 #else
70  return dispatcher_implementation::has_handler(*this, event_type, event);
71 #endif
72 }
74 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event, widget& target)
75 {
77  switch(event) {
90  default:
91  return fire_event<event_category::general>(event, this, &target);
92  }
93 }
95 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const point& coordinate)
96 {
97  assert(is_in_category(event, event_category::mouse));
98  return fire_event<event_category::mouse>(event, this, &target, coordinate);
99 }
101 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event,
102  widget& target,
103  const SDL_Keycode key,
104  const SDL_Keymod modifier,
105  const std::string& unicode)
106 {
108  return fire_event<event_category::keyboard>(event, this, &target, key, modifier, unicode);
109 }
111 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const point& pos, const point& distance)
112 {
114  return fire_event<event_category::touch_motion>(event, this, &target, pos, distance);
115 }
117 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const point& center, float dTheta, float dDist, uint8_t numFingers)
118 {
120  return fire_event<event_category::touch_gesture>(event, this, &target, center, dTheta, dDist, numFingers);
121 }
123 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const SDL_Event& sdlevent)
124 {
126  return fire_event<event_category::raw_event>(event, this, &target, sdlevent);
127 }
129 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const std::string& text, int32_t start, int32_t len)
130 {
132  return fire_event<event_category::text_input>(event, this, &target, text, start, len);
133 }
135 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, void*)
136 {
138  return fire_event<event_category::notification>(event, this, &target, nullptr);
139 }
141 bool dispatcher::fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const message& msg)
142 {
143  assert(is_in_category(event, event_category::message));
144  return fire_event<event_category::message>(event, this, &target, msg);
145 }
148 {
149  hotkeys_[id] = function;
150 }
153 {
156  if(itor == hotkeys_.end()) {
157  return false;
158  }
160  itor->second(dynamic_cast<widget&>(*this), id);
162  /* NOTE: hotkey events used to return bool to indicate was-handled status. However,
163  * every single usecase was returning true and cluttering up the code. I changed
164  * the signature to return void, but if there's ever a need to restore the bool
165  * retval on the hotkey functions, this is where it should be handled.
166  *
167  * -- vultraz, 2017-11-27
168  */
169  return true;
170 }
173 {
175 }
178 {
180 }
183 {
185 }
188 {
190 }
193 {
195 }
199 {
201 }
204 {
206 }
208 } // namespace event
210 } // namespace gui2
212 /**
213  * @page event_dispatching Event dispatching.
214  *
215  * @section introduction-event_dispatching Introduction
216  *
217  * This page describes how the new event handling system works, since the
218  * system is still work in progress it might be out of date with the actual
219  * code. It also contains some ideas that might change later on. Some parts are
220  * explained in the interface and will be integrated in this document later.
221  *
222  * Since the event handling code hasn't been cast in stone yet some scenarios
223  * for solving the problem are discussed first and then the solution that is
224  * chosen in more detail.
225  *
226  * After SDL has generated and event it needs to be turned into an event which
227  * the widgets can use.
228  *
229  * @section handling_solution The implementation solutions.
230  *
231  * For the event handling we use a few use case scenarios and show the possible
232  * solutions.
233  *
234  * @subsection sample The sample window
235  *
236  * In our samples we use this sample window with the following components:
237  * - a window W
238  * - a container C
239  * - a button B
240  *
241  * These are arranged accordingly:
242  * @code
243  *
244  * ---------------------
245  * |W |
246  * | |
247  * | ----------------- |
248  * | |C |^| |
249  * | | |-| |
250  * | | ---------- |#| |
251  * | | |B | | | |
252  * | | ---------- | | |
253  * | | |-| |
254  * | | |v| |
255  * | ----------------- |
256  * | |
257  * ---------------------
258  *
259  * @endcode
260  *
261  * @subsection scenarios Possible scenarios
262  *
263  * The scenarios are:
264  * - An event that is wanted by none.
265  * - A mouse down event that should focus C and set the pressed state in B.
266  * - A mouse wheel event, which first should be offered to B and if not handled
267  * by B should be handled by C.
268  *
269  * @subsection all_queues Pass the event through all queues
270  *
271  * In this solution the event will be passed through all possible queues and
272  * tries sees where the event sticks. This following sections describe how the
273  * events are tried for this usage scenario.
274  *
275  * @subsubsection unhandled-all_queues Unhandled event
276  *
277  * - W pre child
278  * - C pre child
279  * - B pre child
280  * - W child
281  * - C child
282  * - B child
283  * - W post child
284  * - C post child
285  * - B post child
286  *
287  * @subsubsection mouse_down-all_queues Mouse down
288  *
289  * - W pre child
290  * - C pre child -> set focus -> !handled
291  * - B pre child -> set pressed state -> handled
292  *
293  * @subsubsection mouse_wheel-all_queues Mouse wheel
294  *
295  * - W pre child
296  * - C pre child
297  * - B pre child -> We can't scroll so ignore
298  * - W child
299  * - C child
300  * - B child
301  * - W post child
302  * - C post child -> Scroll -> handled
303  *
304  * @subsection chain Pass the events in a chain like fashion
305  *
306  * In this solution the events are send to the pre- and post queue of all but
307  * the last possible widget and to the child of the last widget. The pre queue
308  * will be send from top to bottom, the post queue from bottom to top.
309  *
310  * @subsubsection unhandled-chain Unhandled event
311  *
312  * - W pre child
313  * - C pre child
314  * - B child
315  * - C post child
316  * - W post child
317  *
318  * @subsubsection mouse_down-chain Mouse down
319  *
320  * - W pre child
321  * - C pre child -> set focus -> !handled
322  * - B child -> set pressed state -> handled
323  *
324  * @subsubsection mouse_wheel-chain Mouse wheel
325  *
326  * - W pre child
327  * - C pre child
328  * - B child -> We can't scroll so ignore
329  * - C post child -> Scroll -> handled
330  *
331  * @subsection evaluation Evaluation
332  *
333  * When using the first solution it's possible to drop the child queue since
334  * everything falls in pre or post. But there is a scenario that's a bit ugly
335  * to solve with the first solution:
336  *
337  * Assume there is a listbox with toggle panels and on the panel there are a
338  * few buttons, the wanted behavior is:
339  * - if clicked on the panel it should toggle, which may or may not be allowed.
340  * - if clicked on a button in the panel, we want to make sure the panel is
341  * selected, which again may or may not be allowed.
342  *
343  * With solution 2 it's rather easy:
344  *
345  * Click on panel:
346  * - W pre child
347  * - C child -> Test whether we can toggle -> handled, halt = !toggled
348  *
349  * Click on button in panel:
350  * - W pre child
351  * - C pre child -> Test whether we can select -> handled = halt = !selected
352  * - B child -> do button stuff -> handled
353  *
354  * Since for the different clicks, different queues are triggered it's easy to
355  * add a different handler there.
356  *
357  * With solution 1:
358  *
359  * Click on panel:
360  * - W pre child
361  * - C pre child -> handler 1 -> if last in queue -> solution 2 C child
362  *
363  * Click on button in panel:
364  * - W pre child
365  * - C pre child -> handler 2 -> if !last in queue -> solution 2 C pre child
366  * - B pre child -> do button stuff -> handled
367  *
368  * Not that different from solution 2, the two handlers are installed in the C
369  * pre event. But we need to manually check whether we're really the last,
370  * which means the code to check whether there are more handlers at a lower
371  * level is needed for both solutions. In solution 1 this test needs to be done
372  * twice versus once in solution 2. Also the fact that the queues for the
373  * events are processed in reverse order on the way back sounds more
374  * initiative.
375  *
376  * @section processing_raw_events Processing the raw events.
377  *
378  * This section describes how the events generated by SDL are send as our own
379  * events to the various widgets. The first step in sending an event is to
380  * decode it and send it to a registered dispatcher.
381  *
382  * - gui2::event::sdl_event_handler handles the SDL events.
383  * - gui2::event::dispatcher has the registered dispatchers.
384  *
385  * In general a dispatcher is a window which then needs to send this event to
386  * the widgets. The dispatcher is just a simple part which fires events and
387  * finds a handler for the event. This is not to the liking of most widgets,
388  * they don't want to handle raw events but get a polished and clean event. No
389  * button up and down and then try to figure out whether it needs to act as if
390  * it was clicked upon, no simply op and down to change the appearance and a
391  * click event to do the clicking actions. And don't even try to convince a
392  * widget to determine whether this up event was a single or double click.
393  * Widgets like to sleep with nice dreams and not having nightmares where SDL
394  * events haunt them.
395  *
396  * In order to remedy that problem there's the gui2::event::distributor
397  * class, it's the class to do the dirty job of converting the raw event into
398  * these nice polished events. The distributor is in general linked to a window,
399  * but a widget can install it's own distributor if it needs to know more of the
400  * raw events as still left in the polished events. At the time of this writing
401  * no widget needs this feature, but the toggle panel might need it.
402  *
403  * After the distributor has polished the event and send it on its way to the
404  * widget the dispatcher needs to make sure the event is properly dispatched to
405  * the widget in question and also notify its parents by means of the previously
406  * described event chain.
407  *
408  * @subsection sdl_event Get the SDL events
409  *
410  * The first step in event handling is getting the events in the first place.
411  * Events are generated by SDL and placed in a queue. The Wesnoth code processes
412  * this queue and thus handles the events. The part which does the first
413  * handling isn't described here since it's (secretly) intended to be replaced
414  * by the @ref gui2::event::sdl_event_handler class. Instead we directly jump to this
415  * class and explain what it does.
416  *
417  * The main handling function is @ref gui2::event::sdl_event_handler::handle_event which
418  * as no real surprise handles the events. The function is a simple multiplexer
419  * which lets other subfunctions to the handling of specific events.
420  *
421  * @todo Describe drawing and resizing once the code is stable and working as
422  * wanted in these areas.
423  *
424  * @subsubsection handler_mouse Mouse motion events
425  *
426  * If a dispatcher has captured the mouse it gets the event, no questions asked.
427  * If not it goes through all dispatchers and finds the first one willing to
428  * accept the mouse event.
429  *
430  * This means a mouse event is send to one dispatcher.
431  *
432  * @subsubsection handler_mouse_button_down Mouse button down events
433  *
434  * Turning the mouse wheel on a mouse generates both an down and up event. It
435  * has been decided to handle the wheel event in the button up code so wheel
436  * events are here directly dropped on the floor and forgotten.
437  *
438  * The other buttons are handled as if they're normal mouse events but are
439  * decoded per button so instead of a button_down(id) you get button_down_id.
440  *
441  * @subsubsection handler_mouse_button_up Mouse button up events
442  *
443  * The mouse wheel event is handled as if it's a keyboard event and like the
444  * button_down they are send as wheel_id events.
445  *
446  * The other mouse buttons are handled the same as the down buttons.
447  *
448  * @subsubsection handler_keyboard Keyboard events
449  *
450  * There are three types of keyboard events, the already mentioned mouse wheel
451  * events, the key down and key up event. When a key is pressed for a longer
452  * time several key down events are generated and only one key up, this means
453  * the key up is rather useless. Guess what, the multiplexer already drops that
454  * event so we never get it.
455  *
456  * If the keyboard event is a mouse wheel event it's directly send to the
457  * dispachting queue; either the dispatcher that captured the keyboard or the
458  * last dispatcher in the queue.
459  *
460  * If the event is a real keyboard action it's first tried as hotkey. In order
461  * to do so the target dispatcher is first determined, either the dispatcher
462  * that captured the keyboard or the last dispatcher in the queue. Then it's
463  * tried whether a hotkey and whether the hotkey can be processed. If the
464  * hotkey isn't processed the keyboard event is send to the dispatcher as
465  * normal keyboard event.
466  *
467  * The hotkey processing will have several queues (to be implemented in 1.9):
468  * - global hotkeys that always work eg toggling fullscreen mode.
469  * - main screen hotkeys, these work when one of the dialogs is shown without
470  * other dialogs on top of them. These hotkeys are for example
471  * preferences. The main screens are:
472  * - title screen
473  * - game
474  * - editor
475  * - mp lobby
476  * - map screen hotkeys, these work when a map is shown eg toggle grid. The
477  * screens are:
478  * - game
479  * - editor
480  * - local hotkeys, these are hotkeys that only work in a specific dialog eg
481  * recruit unit only works in the game screen.
482  *
483  * The queues are processed in from bottom to top in the list above, this
484  * allows an item to use a hotkey but have another handler function. Eg
485  * preferences in the editor might open another preferences dialog.
486  *
487  * @todo The hotkeys need to be implemented like above in 1.9.
488  *
489  * @todo This might change in the near future.
490  *
491  * @subsection distributor Event polishing and distribution
492  *
493  * The event distributor has the job to find the widget that should receive the
494  * event and which event(s) to send from a single event. In general an event is
495  * first send to the widget as-is, sending the raw events allows other
496  * distributors to be nested between this distributor and the intended target
497  * widget. Or the intended widget might not really be the intended widget but
498  * another distributor that wants to dispatch the event internally.
499  *
500  * However in the common cases this raw event isn't handled and the distributor
501  * needs to send the polished events. In the following sections the details of
502  * the conversion from raw to polished is described, it intentionally lacks the
503  * part of sending the raw events as well since it adds no value.
504  *
505  * A widget can capture the mouse, which means all mouse events are send to this
506  * widget, regardless where the mouse is. This is normally done in a mouse down
507  * event (for a button) so all events following it are send to that widget.
508  *
509  * @subsection mouse_motion Mouse motion
510  *
511  * This section describes the conversion from a raw mouse motion to the polished
512  * events it can generate:
513  * - @ref gui2::event::MOUSE_ENTER "MOUSE_ENTER"
514  * - @ref gui2::event::MOUSE_LEAVE "MOUSE_LEAVE"
515  * - @ref gui2::event::MOUSE_MOTION "MOUSE_MOTION"
516  *
517  * When the mouse is captured that widget will only receive motion events.
518  *
519  * If not captured the code checks whether the widget underneath the mouse is
520  * the same widget as at the last motion if event. If so that widget gets a
521  * motion event.
522  * If not the widget that before was underneath the mouse pointer (if any) gets
523  * a leave event and the widget newly underneath the mouse pointer (if any) gets
524  * an enter event.
525  *
526  * @subsection mouse_button Mouse buttons
527  *
528  * The mouse button code is a bit more complex and is separated in the various
529  * events to be send.
530  *
531  * @subsubsection mouse_button_down Mouse button down
532  *
533  * Some things start simple, so does the event of pressing down a mouse button.
534  * All it does is send the event to the widget as one of the following events:
535  * - @ref gui2::event::LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN "LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN"
536  * - @ref gui2::event::MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOWN "MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOWN"
537  * - @ref gui2::event::RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN "RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN"
538  *
539  * @todo Validate the code it seems a down event with a captured mouse doesn't
540  * really work as wanted. (Rare case but should work properly.) In general the
541  * mouse event handling needs testing to see whether the proper events are send
542  * all the time.
543  *
544  * @subsubsection mouse_button_up Mouse button up
545  *
546  * Simplicity ends here.
547  *
548  * @todo Document further.
549  *
550  * @subsubsection mouse_click Mouse click
551  *
552  * So the button up event has asked for mouse click, now we need to test whether
553  * the click will be a click or a double click. A double click is generated when
554  * the same widget is clicked twice in a short time and causes the following
555  * events:
559  *
560  * Otherwise one of the following single clicks is generated:
561  * - @ref gui2::event::LEFT_BUTTON_CLICK "LEFT_BUTTON_CLICK"
562  * - @ref gui2::event::MIDDLE_BUTTON_CLICK "MIDDLE_BUTTON_CLICK"
563  * - @ref gui2::event::RIGHT_BUTTON_CLICK "RIGHT_BUTTON_CLICK"
564  *
565  * @subsubsection double_click To double click or not to double click
566  *
567  * Wait a second, a widget has a field whether or not it wants a double click
568  * for a certain mouse button and now I see that it's bluntly ignored by the
569  * distributor. Indeed the distributor doesn't care about what the widget wants,
570  * it does what it wants and leaves the sorting out what's wanted to the
571  * dispatcher.
572  *
573  * The problem is that in the chain events are send to one widget that may not
574  * be interested in a double click, but another widget in the chain is. There
575  * are several solutions to this problem:
576  * -# Sending a click followed by a double click.
577  * -# Sending a click with a tag field that it actually is a double click.
578  * -# Send a double click and turn it into a click if the double click is
579  * unwanted.
580  *
581  * The first solution has the disadvantage that a toggle panel likes a click and
582  * double click, the first click selects the second deselects and now the
583  * deselected panel gets a double click. When the panel now checks whether it's
584  * selected it's not and might take the wrong action upon it.
585  *
586  * The second option is possible but would be rather intrusive in the code,
587  * since it would generate another event signature. Adding a signature just for
588  * this special case seemed a bit too much effort vs. gain. Also the widget
589  * needs to check whether a click is a click or a double click and choose a
590  * different code path for it. This in turn would mean a signal handler
591  * secretly might handle two events and lowers the transparency of the code.
592  *
593  * The third option also adds some special case handling but the scope is
594  * limited and only one part knows about the tricks done.
595  *
596  * The last option has been chosen and the dispatcher build the event chain and
597  * while building the chain it looks whether the widget wants the double click
598  * or not. It does this test by looking at the wants double click function and
599  * not test for a handler. The double click test function is made for this
600  * purpose and depending on the handler might again do the wrong thing.
601  * (A certain toggle panel might not want to do something on a double click but
602  * also not being deselected upon a double click. The latter to keep the UI
603  * consistent, a double click on a toggle panel might execute a special function
604  * or not, but always keep the panel selected. (That is if the panel can be
605  * selected.))
606  */
Base class for event handling.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:150
void connect_signal(const F &func, const queue_position position=back_child)
Adds a callback to the appropriate queue based on event type.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:351
void connect()
Connects the dispatcher to the event handler.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:49
bool fire(const ui_event event, widget &target)
Fires an event which has no extra parameters.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:74
bool has_event(const ui_event event, const event_queue_type event_type)
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:63
The behavior of the mouse events.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:392
void disconnect()
Disconnects the dispatcher from the event handler.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:56
void disconnect_signal(const F &func, const queue_position position=back_child)
Removes a callback from the appropriate queue based on event type.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:370
bool connected_
Are we connected to the event handler.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:608
bool execute_hotkey(const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id)
Executes a hotkey.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:152
void register_hotkey(const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id, const hotkey_function &function)
Registers a hotkey.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:147
std::map< hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND, hotkey_function > hotkeys_
The registered hotkeys for this dispatcher.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:611
bool wants_mouse_right_double_click() const
bool wants_mouse_left_double_click() const
bool wants_mouse_middle_double_click() const
Base class for all widgets.
Definition: widget.hpp:55
std::string id
Text to match against addon_info.tags()
Definition: manager.cpp:199
#define PLAIN_LOG
Definition: log.hpp:297
EXIT_STATUS start(bool clear_id, const std::string &filename, bool take_screenshot, const std::string &screenshot_filename)
Main interface for launching the editor from the title screen.
std::function< void(widget &dispatcher, hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id)> hotkey_function
Hotkey function handler signature.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:132
void connect_signal_pre_key_press(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal_keyboard &signal)
Connects the signal for 'snooping' on the keypress.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:172
The event sent to the dispatcher.
Definition: handler.hpp:115
Definition: handler.hpp:127
Definition: handler.hpp:158
Definition: handler.hpp:126
Definition: handler.hpp:121
Definition: handler.hpp:130
Definition: handler.hpp:123
Definition: handler.hpp:122
Definition: handler.hpp:131
void disconnect_signal_mouse_left_click(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Disconnects a signal handler for a left mouse button click.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:182
bool fire_event_double_click(dispatcher *dsp, widget *wgt, F &&... params)
dispatcher_callback< void * > signal_notification
Used for events in event_category::notification.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:103
void disconnect_signal_mouse_left_release(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Disconnects a signal handler for a left mouse button release.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:192
void disconnect_dispatcher(dispatcher *dispatcher)
Disconnects a dispatcher to the event handler.
Definition: handler.cpp:866
dispatcher_callback<> signal
Used for events in event_category::general.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:56
@ notification
Callbacks with a sender aka notification messages.
@ keyboard
Callbacks with the keyboard values (these haven't been determined yet).
@ mouse
Callbacks with a coordinate as extra parameter.
@ message
Callbacks with a sender aka notification messages.
@ general
Callbacks without extra parameters.
void connect_signal_mouse_left_release(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button release.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:187
void connect_dispatcher(dispatcher *dispatcher)
Connects a dispatcher to the event handler.
Definition: handler.cpp:859
void connect_signal_notify_modified(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal_notification &signal)
Connects a signal handler for getting a notification upon modification.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:203
void connect_signal_mouse_left_click(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button click.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:177
dispatcher_callback< const SDL_Keycode, const SDL_Keymod, const std::string & > signal_keyboard
Used for events in event_category::keyboard.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:74
void connect_signal_mouse_left_double_click(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button double click.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:198
constexpr bool is_in_category(const ui_event event, const event_category mask)
Checks if a given event is in a given category.
Definition: handler.hpp:180
Generic file dialog.
map_location coordinate
Contains an x and y coordinate used for starting positions in maps.
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
static bool has_handler(dispatcher &dispatcher, const dispatcher::event_queue_type queue_type, ui_event event)
A helper to test whether dispatcher has an handler for a certain event.
The message callbacks hold a reference to a message.
Definition: message.hpp:46
Holds a 2D point.
Definition: point.hpp:25