The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.5+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Mark de Wever <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #pragma once
20 #include "utils/general.hpp"
22 #include <SDL2/SDL_events.h>
24 #include <functional>
25 #include <list>
26 #include <map>
28 struct point;
30 namespace gui2
31 {
32 class widget;
34 namespace event
35 {
36 struct message;
38 /**
39  * Callback function signature alias template.
40  *
41  * All callbacks take these four arguments in addition to any arguments
42  * specified by the parameter pack.
43  *
44  * Parameters:
45  * 1. The widget handling this event.
46  * 2. The event type.
47  * 3. Reference to the flag controlling whether this event has been handled.
48  * 4. Reference to the flag controlling whether to halt execution of this event.
49  */
50 template<typename... T>
51 using dispatcher_callback = std::function<void(widget&, const ui_event, bool&, bool&, T...)>;
53 /**
54  * Used for events in event_category::general.
55  */
58 /**
59  * Used for events in event_category::mouse.
60  *
61  * Extra parameters:
62  * 5. The x,y coordinate of the mouse when this event is fired.
63  */
66 /**
67  * Used for events in event_category::keyboard.
68  *
69  * Extra parameters:
70  * 5. The keycode of the key that triggered this event.
71  * 6. Any applicable active modifer key.
72  * 7. Any applicable text associated with the key.
73  */
76 /**
77  * Used for events in event_category::touch_motion.
78  *
79  * Extra parameters:
80  * 5. Origin of the touch event, in x,y format.
81  * 6. Number of pixels dragged, in x,y format.
82  */
85 /**
86  * Used for events in event_category::touch_gesture.
87  *
88  * Extra parameters: (TODO: document what these actually are)
89  * 5. center
90  * 6. dTheta
91  * 7. dDist
92  * 8. numFingers
93  */
96 /**
97  * Used for events in event_category::notification.
98  *
99  * Extra parameters:
100  * 5. A dummy void* parameter which will always be nullptr, used to differentiate
101  * this function from signal.
102  */
105 /**
106  * Used for events in event_category::message.
107  *
108  * Extra parameters:
109  * 5. The applicable data this event requires.
110  */
113 /**
114  * Used for events in event_category::raw_event.
115  *
116  * Extra parameters:
117  * 5. The raw SDL_Event.
118  */
121 /**
122  * Used for eventsin event_category::text_input.
123  *
124  * Extra parameters:
125  * 5. The text entered.
126  * 6. The current input position.
127  * 7. The current text selection length.
128  */
131 /** Hotkey function handler signature. */
132 using hotkey_function = std::function<void(widget& dispatcher, hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id)>;
134 /**
135  * Base class for event handling.
136  *
137  * A dispatcher has slots for events, when an event arrives it looks for the
138  * functions that registered themselves for that event and calls their
139  * callbacks.
140  *
141  * This class is a base class for all widgets[1], what a widget does on a
142  * callback can differ greatly, an image might ignore all events a window can
143  * track the mouse location and fire MOUSE_ENTER and MOUSE_LEAVE events to the
144  * widgets involved.
145  *
146  * [1] Not really sure whether it will be a base class for a widget or
147  * styled_widget yet.
148  */
150 {
153 public:
154  dispatcher();
155  virtual ~dispatcher();
157  /**
158  * Connects the dispatcher to the event handler.
159  *
160  * When a dispatcher is connected to the event handler it will get the
161  * events directly from the event handler. This is wanted for top level
162  * items like windows but not for most other widgets.
163  *
164  * So a window can call connect to register itself, it will automatically
165  * disconnect upon destruction.
166  */
167  void connect();
169  /**
170  * Disconnects the dispatcher from the event handler.
171  */
172  void disconnect();
174  /** Return whether the dispatcher is currently connected. */
175  bool is_connected() const
176  {
177  return connected_;
178  }
180  /**
181  * Determines whether the location is inside an active widget.
182  *
183  * This is used to see whether a mouse event is inside the widget.
184  *
185  * @param coordinate The coordinate to test whether inside the
186  * widget.
187  *
188  * @result True if inside an active widget, false
189  * otherwise.
190  */
191  virtual bool is_at(const point& coordinate) const = 0;
194  pre = 1,
195  child = 2,
196  post = 4
197  };
199  bool has_event(const ui_event event, const event_queue_type event_type);
201  /** Fires an event which has no extra parameters. */
202  bool fire(const ui_event event, widget& target);
204  /**
205  * Fires an event which takes a coordinate parameter.
206  *
207  * @param event The event to fire.
208  * @param target The widget that should receive the event.
209  * @param coordinate The mouse position for the event.
210  */
211  bool fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const point& coordinate);
213  /**
214  * Fires an event which takes keyboard parameters.
215  *
216  * @param event The event to fire.
217  * @param target The widget that should receive the event.
218  * @param key The SDL key code of the key pressed.
219  * @param modifier The SDL key modifiers used.
220  * @param unicode The unicode value for the key pressed.
221  */
222  bool fire(const ui_event event,
223  widget& target,
224  const SDL_Keycode key,
225  const SDL_Keymod modifier,
226  const std::string& unicode);
228  /**
229  * Fires an event which takes touch-motion parameters.
230  *
231  * @param event The event to fire.
232  * @param target The widget that should receive the event.
233  * @param pos The location touched.
234  * @param distance The distance moved.
235  */
236  bool fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const point& pos, const point& distance);
238  /**
239  * Fires an event which takes touch-gesture parameters.
240  *
241  * @param event The event to fire.
242  * @param target The widget that should receive the event.
243  * @param center The location touched.
244  * @param dTheta Probably the direction moved.
245  * @param dDist The distance moved.
246  * @param numFingers Probably the number of fingers touching the screen.
247  */
248  bool fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const point& center, float dTheta, float dDist, uint8_t numFingers);
250  /**
251  * Fires an event which takes notification parameters.
252  *
253  * @note the void* parameter is a dummy needed for SFINAE.
254  *
255  * @param event The event to fire.
256  * @param target The widget that should receive the event.
257  */
258  bool fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, void*);
260  /**
261  * Fires an event which takes message parameters.
262  *
263  * @param event The event to fire.
264  * @param target The widget that should receive the event.
265  * Normally this is the window holding the
266  * widget.
267  * @param msg The extra information needed for a window
268  * (or another widget in the chain) to handle
269  * the message.
270  */
271  bool fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const message& msg);
273  /**
274  * Fires an event that's a raw SDL event
275  * @param event The event to fire.
276  * @param target The widget that should receive the event.
277  * Normally this is the window holding the
278  * widget.
279  * @param sdlevent The raw SDL event
280  */
281  bool fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const SDL_Event& sdlevent);
283  /**
284  * Fires an event which takes text input parameters
285  * @param event The event to fire.
286  * @param target The widget that should receive the event.
287  * Normally this is the window holding the
288  * widget.
289  * @param text The text involved in the event
290  * @param start The start point for IME editing
291  * @param len The selection length for IME editing
292  */
293  bool fire(const ui_event event, widget& target, const std::string& text, int32_t start, int32_t len);
295  /**
296  * The position where to add a new callback in the signal handler.
297  *
298  * The signal handler has three callback queues:
299  * * pre_child These callbacks are called before a container widget sends it
300  * to the child items. Widgets without children should also use this
301  * queue.
302  * * child The callbacks for the proper child widget(s) are called.
303  * * post_child The callbacks for the parent container to be called after
304  * the child.
305  *
306  * For every queue it's possible to add a new event in the front or in the
307  * back.
308  *
309  * Whether all three queues are executed depend on the whether the
310  * callbacks modify the handled and halt flag.
311  * * When the halt flag is set execution of the current queue stops, when
312  * doing so the handled flag must be set as well.
313  * * When the handled flag is set the events in that queue are executed and
314  * no more queues afterwards.
315  *
316  * Here are some use case examples.
317  * A button that plays a sound and executes an optional user callback:
318  * * The buttons internal click handler is invoked and sets the handled
319  * flag
320  * * The callback installed by the user is in the same queue and gets
321  * executed afterwards.
322  *
323  * A toggle button may or may not be toggled:
324  * * The user inserts a callback, that validates whether the action is
325  * allowed, if not allowed it sets the halt flag (and handled), else
326  * leaves the flags untouched.
327  * * The normal buttons toggle function then might get invoked and if so
328  * sets the handled flag.
329  * * Optionally there is another user callback invoked at this point.
330  */
338  };
340  /**
341  * Adds a callback to the appropriate queue based on event type.
342  *
343  * @tparam E The event the callback needs to react to.
344  * @tparam F The event signature. This must match the
345  * appropriate queue's callback signature.
346  *
347  * @param func The callback function.
348  * @param position The position to place the callback.
349  */
350  template<ui_event E, typename F>
351  void connect_signal(const F& func, const queue_position position = back_child)
352  {
353  get_signal_queue<get_event_category(E)>().connect_signal(E, position, func);
354  }
356  /**
357  * Removes a callback from the appropriate queue based on event type.
358  *
359  * @tparam E The event the callback needs to react to.
360  * @tparam F The event signature. This must match the
361  * appropriate queue's callback signature.
362  *
363  * @param func The callback function.
364  * @param position The place where the function was added.
365  * Needed remove the event from the right
366  * place. (The function doesn't care whether
367  * was added in front or back.)
368  */
369  template<ui_event E, typename F>
370  void disconnect_signal(const F& func, const queue_position position = back_child)
371  {
372  get_signal_queue<get_event_category(E)>().disconnect_signal(E, position, func);
373  }
375  /**
376  * The behavior of the mouse events.
377  *
378  * Normally for mouse events there's first checked whether a dispatcher has
379  * captured the mouse if so it gets the event.
380  * If not the dispatcher is searched from the back to the front in the
381  * layers and its behavior is checked.
382  * * none The event is never send to the layer and goes on the the next
383  * layer. This is used for tooltips who might cover a button but a click
384  * on the tooltips should still click the button.
385  * * all The event is always send to this layer and stops the search for a
386  * next layer.
387  * * hit If the mouse is inside the dispatcher area the event is send and
388  * no longer searched further. If not inside tests the last layer.
389  *
390  * If after these tests no dispatcher is found the event is ignored.
391  */
392  enum class mouse_behavior {
393  all,
394  hit,
395  none
396  };
398  /** Captures the mouse. */
400  {
402  }
404  /** Releases the mouse capture. */
406  {
408  }
410  /***** ***** ***** setters/getters ***** ***** *****/
413  {
415  }
418  {
419  return mouse_behavior_;
420  }
422  void set_want_keyboard_input(const bool want_keyboard_input)
423  {
424  want_keyboard_input_ = want_keyboard_input;
425  }
428  {
429  return want_keyboard_input_;
430  }
432  /**
433  * Registers a hotkey.
434  *
435  * @todo add a static function register_global_hotkey.
436  *
437  * Once that's done execute_hotkey will first try to execute a global
438  * hotkey and if that fails tries the hotkeys in this dispatcher.
439  *
440  * @param id The hotkey to register.
441  * @param function The callback function to call.
442  */
443  void register_hotkey(const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id, const hotkey_function& function);
445  /**
446  * Executes a hotkey.
447  *
448  * @param id The hotkey to execute.
449  *
450  * @returns true if the hotkey is handled, false
451  * otherwise.
452  */
453  bool execute_hotkey(const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id);
455 private:
456  /** Helper struct to generate the various signal types. */
457  template<class T>
458  struct signal_type
459  {
460  signal_type() = default;
462  std::list<T> pre_child;
463  std::list<T> child;
464  std::list<T> post_child;
466  /**
467  * Checks whether the queue of a given type is empty.
468  *
469  * @param queue_type The queue to check. This may be one or more types
470  * OR'd together (event_queue_type is bit-unique).
471  *
472  * @returns True if ALL the matching queues are empty, or false
473  * if any of the matching queues is NOT empty.
474  */
475  bool empty(const dispatcher::event_queue_type queue_type) const
476  {
477  if((queue_type & dispatcher::pre) && !pre_child.empty()) {
478  return false;
479  }
481  if((queue_type & dispatcher::child) && !child.empty()) {
482  return false;
483  }
485  if((queue_type & dispatcher::post) && !post_child.empty()) {
486  return false;
487  }
489  return true;
490  }
491  };
493  /** Helper struct to generate the various event queues. */
494  template<class T>
496  {
497  signal_queue() = default;
499  signal_queue(const signal_queue&) = delete;
502  using callback = T;
503  std::map<ui_event, signal_type<T>> queue;
505  void connect_signal(const ui_event event, const queue_position position, const T& signal)
506  {
507  switch(position) {
508  case front_pre_child:
509  queue[event].pre_child.push_front(signal);
510  break;
511  case back_pre_child:
512  queue[event].pre_child.push_back(signal);
513  break;
515  case front_child:
516  queue[event].child.push_front(signal);
517  break;
518  case back_child:
519  queue[event].child.push_back(signal);
520  break;
522  case front_post_child:
523  queue[event].post_child.push_front(signal);
524  break;
525  case back_post_child:
526  queue[event].post_child.push_back(signal);
527  break;
528  }
529  }
531  void disconnect_signal(const ui_event event, const queue_position position, const T& signal)
532  {
533  // This is std::function<T>::target_type()
534  const auto predicate = [&signal](const T& element) { return signal.target_type() == element.target_type(); };
536  /* The function doesn't differentiate between front and back position so fall
537  * down from front to back.
538  *
539  * NOTE: This used to only remove the first signal of matching target type.
540  * That behavior could be restored in the future if needed.
541  * - vultraz, 2017-05-02
542  */
543  switch(position) {
544  case front_pre_child:
545  [[fallthrough]];
546  case back_pre_child:
547  queue[event].pre_child.remove_if(predicate);
548  break;
550  case front_child:
551  [[fallthrough]];
552  case back_child:
553  queue[event].child.remove_if(predicate);
554  break;
556  case front_post_child:
557  [[fallthrough]];
558  case back_post_child:
559  queue[event].post_child.remove_if(predicate);
560  break;
561  }
562  }
563  };
565  /** The mouse behavior for the dispatcher. */
568  /**
569  * Does the dispatcher want to receive keyboard input.
570  *
571  * @todo The entire mouse and keyboard handling can use a code review to
572  * seen whether it might be combined in one flag field. At the moment the
573  * keyboard doesn't look whether a dialog has the mouse focus before
574  * sending the event, so maybe we should add an active dispatcher to keep
575  * track of it. But since at the moment there are only non-modal windows
576  * and tooltips it's not a problem.
577  */
580  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::general. */
583  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::mouse. */
586  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::keyboard. */
589  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_motion. */
592  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_gesture. */
595  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::notification. */
598  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::message. */
601  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::raw_event. */
604  /** Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::text_input. */
607  /** Are we connected to the event handler. */
610  /** The registered hotkeys for this dispatcher. */
611  std::map<hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND, hotkey_function> hotkeys_;
613  template<event_category cat>
615  {
616  if constexpr(cat == event_category::general) {
617  return signal_queue_;
618  } else if constexpr(cat == event_category::mouse) { // Tee hee
619  return signal_mouse_queue_;
620  } else if constexpr(cat == event_category::keyboard) {
621  return signal_keyboard_queue_;
622  } else if constexpr(cat == event_category::touch_motion) {
624  } else if constexpr(cat == event_category::touch_gesture) {
626  } else if constexpr(cat == event_category::notification) {
628  } else if constexpr(cat == event_category::message) {
629  return signal_message_queue_;
630  } else if constexpr(cat == event_category::raw_event) {
632  } else if constexpr(cat == event_category::text_input) {
634  } else {
635  static_assert(utils::dependent_false_v<decltype(cat)>, "No matching signal queue for category");
636  }
637  }
638 };
640 /***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Common helpers ***** ***** ***** ***** *****/
642 /*
643  * These helpers can be used to easily add callbacks to a dispatcher (widget).
644  * This is just a list of common ones all others can be used as well.
645  */
647 /**
648  * Connects the signal for 'snooping' on the keypress.
649  *
650  * This callback is called before the widget itself allowing you to either
651  * snoop on the input or filter it.
652  */
653 void connect_signal_pre_key_press(dispatcher& dispatcher, const signal_keyboard& signal);
655 /** Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button click. */
656 void connect_signal_mouse_left_click(dispatcher& dispatcher, const signal& signal);
658 /** Disconnects a signal handler for a left mouse button click. */
659 void disconnect_signal_mouse_left_click(dispatcher& dispatcher, const signal& signal);
661 /** Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button release. */
662 void connect_signal_mouse_left_release(dispatcher& dispatcher, const signal& signal);
664 /** Disconnects a signal handler for a left mouse button release. */
665 void disconnect_signal_mouse_left_release(dispatcher& dispatcher, const signal& signal);
667 /**
668  * Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button double click.
669  *
670  * I'm not exactly sure why this works in this queue position with toggle
671  * panels, but it does. Will revisit if it becomes an issue later (ie, if
672  * this is used with other widgets and doesn't work).
673  *
674  * - vultraz, 2017-08-23
675  */
676 void connect_signal_mouse_left_double_click(dispatcher& dispatcher, const signal& signal);
678 /** Connects a signal handler for getting a notification upon modification. */
679 void connect_signal_notify_modified(dispatcher& dispatcher, const signal_notification& signal);
681 /** Connects a signal handler for a callback when the widget is drawn. */
682 void connect_signal_on_draw(dispatcher& dispatcher, const signal& signal);
684 } // namespace event
686 } // namespace gui2
Base class for event handling.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:150
void connect_signal(const F &func, const queue_position position=back_child)
Adds a callback to the appropriate queue based on event type.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:351
void connect()
Connects the dispatcher to the event handler.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:49
signal_queue< signal_touch_gesture > signal_touch_gesture_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_gesture.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:593
The position where to add a new callback in the signal handler.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:331
bool fire(const ui_event event, widget &target)
Fires an event which has no extra parameters.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:74
bool has_event(const ui_event event, const event_queue_type event_type)
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:63
void set_mouse_behavior(const mouse_behavior mouse_behavior)
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:412
virtual bool is_at(const point &coordinate) const =0
Determines whether the location is inside an active widget.
signal_queue< signal_message > signal_message_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::message.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:599
signal_queue< signal_text_input > signal_text_input_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::text_input.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:605
The behavior of the mouse events.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:392
bool get_want_keyboard_input() const
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:427
signal_queue< signal_raw_event > signal_raw_event_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::raw_event.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:602
signal_queue< signal_notification > signal_notification_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::notification.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:596
void disconnect()
Disconnects the dispatcher from the event handler.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:56
signal_queue< signal > signal_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::general.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:581
mouse_behavior mouse_behavior_
The mouse behavior for the dispatcher.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:566
bool want_keyboard_input_
Does the dispatcher want to receive keyboard input.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:578
void set_want_keyboard_input(const bool want_keyboard_input)
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:422
void capture_mouse()
Captures the mouse.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:399
signal_queue< signal_touch_motion > signal_touch_motion_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::touch_motion.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:590
void disconnect_signal(const F &func, const queue_position position=back_child)
Removes a callback from the appropriate queue based on event type.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:370
bool connected_
Are we connected to the event handler.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:608
bool execute_hotkey(const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id)
Executes a hotkey.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:152
mouse_behavior get_mouse_behavior() const
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:417
void register_hotkey(const hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id, const hotkey_function &function)
Registers a hotkey.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:147
bool is_connected() const
Return whether the dispatcher is currently connected.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:175
signal_queue< signal_keyboard > signal_keyboard_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::keyboard.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:587
void release_mouse()
Releases the mouse capture.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:405
signal_queue< signal_mouse > signal_mouse_queue_
Signal queue for callbacks in event_category::mouse.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:584
std::map< hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND, hotkey_function > hotkeys_
The registered hotkeys for this dispatcher.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:611
Base class for all widgets.
Definition: widget.hpp:55
EXIT_STATUS start(bool clear_id, const std::string &filename, bool take_screenshot, const std::string &screenshot_filename)
Main interface for launching the editor from the title screen.
dispatcher_callback< const point &, float, float, uint8_t > signal_touch_gesture
Used for events in event_category::touch_gesture.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:94
std::function< void(widget &dispatcher, hotkey::HOTKEY_COMMAND id)> hotkey_function
Hotkey function handler signature.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:132
void connect_signal_pre_key_press(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal_keyboard &signal)
Connects the signal for 'snooping' on the keypress.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:172
The event sent to the dispatcher.
Definition: handler.hpp:115
void connect_signal_on_draw(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Connects a signal handler for a callback when the widget is drawn.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:208
void disconnect_signal_mouse_left_click(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Disconnects a signal handler for a left mouse button click.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:182
dispatcher_callback< const std::string &, int32_t, int32_t > signal_text_input
Used for eventsin event_category::text_input.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:129
dispatcher_callback< void * > signal_notification
Used for events in event_category::notification.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:103
void capture_mouse(dispatcher *dispatcher)
Captures the mouse.
Definition: handler.cpp:892
void release_mouse(dispatcher *dispatcher)
Releases a captured mouse.
Definition: handler.cpp:899
void disconnect_signal_mouse_left_release(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Disconnects a signal handler for a left mouse button release.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:192
dispatcher_callback<> signal
Used for events in event_category::general.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:56
@ notification
Callbacks with a sender aka notification messages.
@ keyboard
Callbacks with the keyboard values (these haven't been determined yet).
@ mouse
Callbacks with a coordinate as extra parameter.
@ message
Callbacks with a sender aka notification messages.
@ general
Callbacks without extra parameters.
void connect_signal_mouse_left_release(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button release.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:187
void connect_signal_notify_modified(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal_notification &signal)
Connects a signal handler for getting a notification upon modification.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:203
void connect_signal_mouse_left_click(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button click.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:177
dispatcher_callback< const message & > signal_message
Used for events in event_category::message.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:111
std::function< void(widget &, const ui_event, bool &, bool &, T...)> dispatcher_callback
Callback function signature alias template.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:51
dispatcher_callback< const SDL_Event & > signal_raw_event
Used for events in event_category::raw_event.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:119
dispatcher_callback< const point &, const point & > signal_touch_motion
Used for events in event_category::touch_motion.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:83
dispatcher_callback< const SDL_Keycode, const SDL_Keymod, const std::string & > signal_keyboard
Used for events in event_category::keyboard.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:74
dispatcher_callback< const point & > signal_mouse
Used for events in event_category::mouse.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:64
void connect_signal_mouse_left_double_click(dispatcher &dispatcher, const signal &signal)
Connects a signal handler for a left mouse button double click.
Definition: dispatcher.cpp:198
Generic file dialog.
map_location coordinate
Contains an x and y coordinate used for starting positions in maps.
constexpr bool dependent_false_v
Workaround for the fact that static_assert(false) is invalid.
Definition: general.hpp:37
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
Helper struct to generate the various event queues.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:496
signal_queue & operator=(const signal_queue &)=delete
signal_queue(const signal_queue &)=delete
void disconnect_signal(const ui_event event, const queue_position position, const T &signal)
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:531
void connect_signal(const ui_event event, const queue_position position, const T &signal)
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:505
std::map< ui_event, signal_type< T > > queue
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:503
Helper struct to generate the various signal types.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:459
bool empty(const dispatcher::event_queue_type queue_type) const
Checks whether the queue of a given type is empty.
Definition: dispatcher.hpp:475
The message callbacks hold a reference to a message.
Definition: message.hpp:46
Holds a 2D point.
Definition: point.hpp:25