The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2011 - 2024
3  by Lukasz Dobrogowski <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #include "commandline_options.hpp"
18 #include "config.hpp"
19 #include "formatter.hpp"
20 #include "lexical_cast.hpp"
21 #include "serialization/string_utils.hpp" // for split
23 #include <boost/any.hpp> // for any
24 #include <boost/program_options/cmdline.hpp>
25 #include <boost/program_options/errors.hpp> // for validation_error, etc
26 #include <boost/program_options/parsers.hpp>
27 #include <boost/program_options/positional_options.hpp>
28 #include <boost/program_options/value_semantic.hpp> // for value, etc
29 #include <boost/program_options/variables_map.hpp> // for variables_map, etc
31 #include <array>
33 namespace po = boost::program_options;
35 class two_strings : public std::pair<std::string,std::string> {};
37 static void validate(boost::any& v, const std::vector<std::string>& values,
38  two_strings*, int)
39 {
40  two_strings ret_val;
41  if(values.size() != 2) {
42  throw po::validation_error(po::validation_error::invalid_option_value);
43  }
44  ret_val.first = values[0];
45  ret_val.second = values[1];
46  v = ret_val;
47 }
50  : error(formatter() << "Invalid resolution \"" << resolution
51  << "\" (WIDTHxHEIGHT expected)")
52 {
53 }
56  const std::string& expected_format)
57  : error(formatter() << "Invalid value set \"" << str
58  << "\" (" << expected_format << " expected)")
59 {
60 }
63 #define IMPLY_TERMINAL " Implies --no-log-to-file"
66 commandline_options::commandline_options(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
67  : campaign()
68  , campaign_difficulty()
69  , campaign_scenario()
70  , campaign_skip_story(false)
71  , clock(false)
72  , core_id()
73  , data_path(false)
74  , data_dir()
75  , debug(false)
76  , debug_lua(false)
77  , strict_lua(false)
78  , allow_insecure(false)
80  , debug_dot_domain()
81  , debug_dot_level()
82 #endif
83  , editor()
84  , fps(false)
85  , fullscreen(false)
86  , help()
87  , language()
88  , log()
89  , load()
90  , logdomains()
91  , log_precise_timestamps(false)
92  , multiplayer(false)
93  , multiplayer_ai_config()
94  , multiplayer_algorithm()
95  , multiplayer_controller()
96  , multiplayer_era()
97  , multiplayer_exit_at_end()
98  , multiplayer_ignore_map_settings()
99  , multiplayer_label()
100  , multiplayer_parm()
101  , multiplayer_repeat()
102  , multiplayer_scenario()
103  , multiplayer_side()
104  , multiplayer_turns()
105  , max_fps()
106  , noaddons(false)
107  , nocache(false)
108  , nodelay(false)
109  , nogui(false)
110  , nobanner(false)
111  , nomusic(false)
112  , nosound(false)
113  , new_widgets(false)
114  , preprocess(false)
115  , preprocess_defines()
116  , preprocess_input_macros()
117  , preprocess_output_macros()
118  , preprocess_path()
119  , preprocess_target()
120  , resolution()
121  , rng_seed()
122  , server()
123  , username()
124  , password()
125  , render_image()
126  , render_image_dst()
127  , screenshot(false)
128  , screenshot_map_file()
129  , screenshot_output_file()
130  , script_file()
131  , plugin_file()
132  , script_unsafe_mode(false)
133  , strict_validation(false)
134  , test()
135  , unit_test()
136  , headless_unit_test(false)
137  , noreplaycheck(false)
138  , mptest(false)
139  , usercache_path(false)
140  , usercache_dir()
141  , userdata_path(false)
142  , userdata_dir()
143  , validcache(false)
144  , validate_core(false)
145  , validate_addon()
146  , validate_schema()
147  , validate_wml()
148  , validate_with()
149  , do_diff()
150  , do_patch()
151  , diff_left()
152  , diff_right()
153  , version(false)
154  , simple_version(false)
155  , report(false)
156  , windowed(false)
157  , with_replay(false)
158 #ifdef _WIN32
159  , no_console(false)
160 #endif
161  , no_log_sanitize(false)
162  , log_to_file(false)
163  , no_log_to_file(false)
164  , final_log_redirect_to_file(true)
165  , translation_percent()
166  , args_(args.begin() + 1, args.end())
167  , args0_(*args.begin())
168  , all_()
169  , visible_()
170  , hidden_()
171 {
172  // When adding items don't forget to update doc/man/wesnoth.6
173  // Options are sorted alphabetically by --long-option.
174  po::options_description general_opts("General options");
175  general_opts.add_options()
176  ("all-translations", "Show all translations, even incomplete ones.")
177  ("clock", "Adds the option to show a clock for testing the drawing timer.")
178  ("core", po::value<std::string>(), "overrides the loaded core with the one whose id is specified.")
179  ("data-dir", po::value<std::string>(), "overrides the data directory with the one specified.")
180  ("data-path", "prints the path of the data directory and exits." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
181  ("debug,d", "enables additional command mode options in-game.")
182  ("debug-lua", "enables some Lua debugging mechanisms")
183  ("strict-lua", "disallow deprecated Lua API calls")
184  ("allow-insecure", "Allows sending a plaintext password over an unencrypted connection. Should only ever be used for local testing.")
186  ("debug-dot-level", po::value<std::string>(), "sets the level of the debug dot files. <arg> should be a comma separated list of levels. These files are used for debugging the widgets especially the for the layout engine. When enabled the engine will produce dot files which can be converted to images with the dot tool. Available levels: size (generate the size info of the widget), state (generate the state info of the widget).")
187  ("debug-dot-domain", po::value<std::string>(), "sets the domain of the debug dot files. <arg> should be a comma separated list of domains. See --debug-dot-level for more info. Available domains: show (generate the data when the dialog is about to be shown), layout (generate the data during the layout phase - might result in multiple files). The data can also be generated when the F12 is pressed in a dialog.")
188 #endif
189  ("editor,e", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value(std::string()), "starts the in-game map editor directly. If file <arg> is specified, equivalent to -e --load <arg>.")
190  ("help,h", "prints this message and exits." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
191  ("language,L", po::value<std::string>(), "uses language <arg> (symbol) this session. Example: --language ang_GB@latin")
192  ("load,l", po::value<std::string>(), "loads the save <arg> from the standard save game directory. When launching the map editor via -e, the map <arg> is loaded, relative to the current directory. If it is a directory, the editor will start with a load map dialog opened there.")
193  ("noaddons", "disables the loading of all add-ons.")
194  ("nocache", "disables caching of game data.")
195  ("nodelay", "runs the game without any delays.")
196  ("nomusic", "runs the game without music.")
197  ("nosound", "runs the game without sounds and music.")
198  ("password", po::value<std::string>(), "uses <password> when connecting to a server, ignoring other preferences.")
199  ("plugin", po::value<std::string>(), "(experimental) load a script which defines a wesnoth plugin. similar to --script below, but Lua file should return a function which will be run as a coroutine and periodically woken up with updates.")
200  ("render-image", po::value<two_strings>()->multitoken(), "takes two arguments: <image> <output>. Like screenshot, but instead of a map, takes a valid Wesnoth 'image path string' with image path functions, and writes it to a .png file." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
201  ("report,R", "initializes game directories, prints build information suitable for use in bug reports, and exits." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
202  ("rng-seed", po::value<unsigned int>(), "seeds the random number generator with number <arg>. Example: --rng-seed 0")
203  ("screenshot", po::value<two_strings>()->multitoken(), "takes two arguments: <map> <output>. Saves a screenshot of <map> to <output> without initializing a screen. Editor must be compiled in for this to work." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
204  ("script", po::value<std::string>(), "(experimental) file containing a Lua script to control the client")
205  ("server,s", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value(std::string()), "connects to the host <arg> if specified or to the first host in your preferences.")
206  ("strict-validation", "makes validation errors fatal")
207  ("translations-over", po::value<unsigned int>(), "Specify the standard for determining whether a translation is complete.")
208  ("unsafe-scripts", "makes the \'package\' package available to Lua scripts, so that they can load arbitrary packages. Do not do this with untrusted scripts! This action gives ua the same permissions as the Wesnoth executable.")
209  ("usercache-dir", po::value<std::string>(), "sets the path of the cache directory to $HOME/<arg> or My Documents\\My Games\\<arg> for Windows. You can specify also an absolute path outside the $HOME or My Documents\\My Games directory. Defaults to $HOME/.cache/wesnoth on X11 and to the userdata-dir on other systems.")
210  ("usercache-path", "prints the path of the cache directory and exits.")
211  ("userdata-dir", po::value<std::string>(), "sets the path of the userdata directory. You can use ~ to denote $HOME or My Documents\\My Games on Windows.")
212  ("userdata-path", "prints the path of the userdata directory and exits." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
213  ("username", po::value<std::string>(), "uses <username> when connecting to a server, ignoring other preferences.")
214  ("validcache", "assumes that the cache is valid. (dangerous)")
215  ("version,v", "prints the game's version number and exits." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
216  ("simple-version", "prints the game's version number and nothing else." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
217  ("with-replay", "replays the file loaded with the --load option.")
218  ;
220  po::options_description campaign_opts("Campaign options");
221  campaign_opts.add_options()
222  ("campaign,c", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value(std::string()), "goes directly to the campaign with id <arg>. A selection menu will appear if no id was specified.")
223  ("campaign-difficulty", po::value<int>(), "The difficulty of the specified campaign (1 to max). If none specified, the campaign difficulty selection widget will appear.")
224  ("campaign-scenario", po::value<std::string>(),"The id of the scenario from the specified campaign. The default is the first scenario.")
225  ("campaign-skip-story", "Skip [story] tags of the specified campaign.")
226  ;
228  po::options_description display_opts("Display options");
229  display_opts.add_options()
230  ("fps", "displays the number of frames per second the game is currently running at, in a corner of the screen. Min/avg/max don't take the FPS limiter into account, act does.")
231  ("fullscreen,f", "runs the game in full screen mode.")
232  ("max-fps", po::value<int>(), "the maximum fps the game tries to run at. Values should be between 1 and 1000, the default is the display's refresh rate.")
233  ("new-widgets", "there is a new WIP widget toolkit this switch enables the new toolkit (VERY EXPERIMENTAL don't file bug reports since most are known). Parts of the library are deemed stable and will work without this switch.")
234  ("resolution,r", po::value<std::string>(), "sets the screen resolution. <arg> should have format XxY. Example: --resolution 800x600")
235  ("windowed,w", "runs the game in windowed mode.")
236  ;
238  po::options_description logging_opts("Logging options");
239  logging_opts.add_options()
240  ("logdomains", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value(std::string()), "lists defined log domains (only the ones containing <arg> filter if such is provided) and exits." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
241  ("log-error", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "sets the severity level of the specified log domain(s) to 'error'. <arg> should be given as a comma-separated list of domains, wildcards are allowed. Example: --log-error=network,gui/*,engine/enemies")
242  ("log-warning", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "sets the severity level of the specified log domain(s) to 'warning'. Similar to --log-error.")
243  ("log-info", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "sets the severity level of the specified log domain(s) to 'info'. Similar to --log-error.")
244  ("log-debug", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "sets the severity level of the specified log domain(s) to 'debug'. Similar to --log-error.")
245  ("log-none", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "sets the severity level of the specified log domain(s) to 'none'. Similar to --log-error.")
246  ("log-precise", "shows the timestamps in log output with more precision.")
247  ("no-log-to-file", "log output is written only to standard error rather than to a file. The environment variable WESNOTH_NO_LOG_FILE can also be set as an alternative.")
248  ("log-to-file", "log output is written to the log file instead of standard error. Cancels the effect of --no-log-to-file whether implicit or explicit.")
249  ("no-log-sanitize", "disables the anonymization that's normally applied when logging, for example replacing usernames with USER.")
250 #ifdef _WIN32
251  ("wnoconsole", "For Windows, when used with --no-log-to-file, results in output being written to cerr/cout instead of CONOUT. Otherwise, does nothing.")
252 #endif
253  ;
255  po::options_description multiplayer_opts("Multiplayer options");
256  multiplayer_opts.add_options()
257  ("multiplayer,m", "Starts a multiplayer game. There are additional options that can be used as explained below:")
258  ("ai-config", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "selects a configuration file to load for this side. <arg> should have format side:value")
259  ("algorithm", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "selects a non-standard algorithm to be used by the AI controller for this side. <arg> should have format side:value")
260  ("controller", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "selects the controller for this side. <arg> should have format side:value")
261  ("era", po::value<std::string>(), "selects the era to be played in by its id.")
262  ("exit-at-end", "exit Wesnoth at the end of the scenario.")
263  ("ignore-map-settings", "do not use map settings.")
264  ("label", po::value<std::string>(), "sets the label for AIs.") // TODO: is the description precise? this option was undocumented before.
265  ("multiplayer-repeat", po::value<unsigned int>(), "repeats a multiplayer game after it is finished <arg> times.")
266  ("nogui", "runs the game without the GUI." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
267  ("parm", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "sets additional parameters for this side. <arg> should have format side:name:value.")
268  ("scenario", po::value<std::string>(), "selects a multiplayer scenario. The default scenario is \"multiplayer_The_Freelands\".")
269  ("side", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>()->composing(), "selects a faction of the current era for this side by id. <arg> should have format side:value.")
270  ("turns", po::value<std::string>(), "sets the number of turns. By default no turn limit is set.")
271  ;
273  po::options_description testing_opts("Testing options");
274  testing_opts.add_options()
275  ("test,t", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value(std::string()), "runs the game in a small test scenario. If specified, scenario <arg> will be used instead.")
276  ("unit,u", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "runs a unit test scenario. The GUI is not shown and the exit code of the program reflects the victory / defeat conditions of the scenario.\n\t0 - PASS\n\t1 - FAIL\n\t3 - FAIL (INVALID REPLAY)\n\t4 - FAIL (ERRORED REPLAY)\n\t5 - FAIL (BROKE STRICT)\n\t6 - FAIL (WML EXCEPTION)\n\tMultiple tests can be run by giving this option multiple times, in this case the test run will stop immediately after any test which doesn't PASS and the return code will be the status of the test that caused the stop." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
277  ("showgui", "don't run headlessly (for debugging a failing test)")
278  ("log-strict", po::value<std::string>(), "sets the strict level of the logger. any messages sent to log domains of this level or more severe will cause the unit test to fail regardless of the victory result.")
279  ("nobanner", "suppress startup banner.")
280  ("noreplaycheck", "don't try to validate replay of unit test.")
281  ("mp-test", "load the test mp scenarios.")
282  ;
284  po::options_description parsing_opts("WML parsing options");
285  parsing_opts.add_options()
286  ("use-schema,S", po::value<std::string>(), "specify a schema to validate WML against (defaults to the core schema).")
287  ("validate,V", po::value<std::string>(), "validate a specified WML file against a schema." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
288  ("validate-addon", po::value<std::string>()->value_name("addon_id"), "validate the specified addon's WML against the schema. Requires the user to play the campaign (in the GUI) to trigger the validation.")
289  ("validate-core", "validate the core WML against the schema.")
290  ("validate-schema", po::value<std::string>(), "validate a specified WML schema." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
291  ("diff,D", po::value<two_strings>()->multitoken(), "diff two preprocessed WML documents." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
292  ("output,o", po::value<std::string>(), "output to specified file")
293  ("patch,P", po::value<two_strings>()->multitoken(), "apply a patch to a preprocessed WML document." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
294  ("preprocess,p", po::value<two_strings>()->multitoken(), "requires two arguments: <file/folder> <target directory>. Preprocesses a specified file/folder. The preprocessed file(s) will be written in the specified target directory: a plain cfg file and a processed cfg file." IMPLY_TERMINAL)
295  ("preprocess-defines", po::value<std::string>(), "comma separated list of defines to be used by '--preprocess' command. If 'SKIP_CORE' is in the define list the data/core won't be preprocessed. Example: --preprocess-defines=FOO,BAR")
296  ("preprocess-input-macros", po::value<std::string>(), "used only by the '--preprocess' command. Specifies source file <arg> that contains [preproc_define]s to be included before preprocessing.")
297  ("preprocess-output-macros", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value(std::string()), "used only by the '--preprocess' command. Will output all preprocessed macros in the target file <arg>. If the file is not specified the output will be file '_MACROS_.cfg' in the target directory of preprocess's command.")
298  ;
300  //hidden_.add_options()
301  // ("example-hidden-option", "")
302  // ;
303  visible_.add(general_opts).add(campaign_opts).add(display_opts).add(logging_opts).add(multiplayer_opts).add(testing_opts).add(parsing_opts);
305  all_.add(visible_).add(hidden_);
307  po::positional_options_description positional;
308  positional.add("data-dir",1);
310  po::variables_map vm;
311  const int parsing_style = po::command_line_style::default_style ^ po::command_line_style::allow_guessing;
313  const auto parsed_options = po::command_line_parser(args_)
314  .options(all_)
315  .positional(positional)
316  .style(parsing_style)
317  .run();
319  po::store(parsed_options, vm);
321  if(vm.count("ai-config"))
322  multiplayer_ai_config = parse_to_uint_string_tuples_(vm["ai-config"].as<std::vector<std::string>>());
323  if(vm.count("algorithm"))
324  multiplayer_algorithm = parse_to_uint_string_tuples_(vm["algorithm"].as<std::vector<std::string>>());
325  if(vm.count("campaign"))
326  campaign = vm["campaign"].as<std::string>();
327  if(vm.count("campaign-difficulty"))
328  campaign_difficulty = vm["campaign-difficulty"].as<int>();
329  if(vm.count("campaign-scenario"))
330  campaign_scenario = vm["campaign-scenario"].as<std::string>();
331  if(vm.count("campaign-skip-story"))
332  campaign_skip_story = true;
333  if(vm.count("clock"))
334  clock = true;
335  if(vm.count("core"))
336  core_id = vm["core"].as<std::string>();
337  if(vm.count("controller"))
338  multiplayer_controller = parse_to_uint_string_tuples_(vm["controller"].as<std::vector<std::string>>());
339  if(vm.count("data-dir"))
340  data_dir = vm["data-dir"].as<std::string>();
341  if(vm.count("data-path"))
342  data_path = true;
343  if(vm.count("debug"))
344  debug = true;
345  if(vm.count("debug-lua"))
346  debug_lua = true;
347  if(vm.count("strict-lua"))
348  strict_lua = true;
349  if(vm.count("allow-insecure"))
350  allow_insecure = true;
352  if(vm.count("debug-dot-domain")) {
353  debug_dot_domain = vm["debug-dot-domain"].as<std::string>();
354  }
355  if(vm.count("debug-dot-level")) {
356  debug_dot_level = vm["debug-dot-level"].as<std::string>();
357  }
358 #endif
359  if(vm.count("editor"))
360  editor = vm["editor"].as<std::string>();
361  if(vm.count("era"))
362  multiplayer_era = vm["era"].as<std::string>();
363  if(vm.count("exit-at-end"))
365  if(vm.count("fps"))
366  fps = true;
367  if(vm.count("fullscreen"))
368  fullscreen = true;
369  if(vm.count("help"))
370  help = true;
371  if(vm.count("ignore-map-settings"))
373  if(vm.count("label"))
374  multiplayer_label = vm["label"].as<std::string>();
375  if(vm.count("language"))
376  language = vm["language"].as<std::string>();
377  if(vm.count("load"))
378  load = vm["load"].as<std::string>();
379  if(vm.count("logdomains"))
380  logdomains = vm["logdomains"].as<std::string>();
381  if(vm.count("log-precise"))
382  log_precise_timestamps = true;
383  if(vm.count("log-strict"))
384  parse_log_strictness(vm["log-strict"].as<std::string>());
385  if(vm.count("max-fps"))
386  max_fps = vm["max-fps"].as<int>();
387  if(vm.count("mp-test"))
388  mptest = true;
389  if(vm.count("multiplayer"))
390  multiplayer = true;
391  if(vm.count("multiplayer-repeat"))
392  multiplayer_repeat = vm["multiplayer-repeat"].as<unsigned int>();
393  if(vm.count("new-widgets"))
394  new_widgets = true;
395  if(vm.count("noaddons"))
396  noaddons = true;
397  if(vm.count("nocache"))
398  nocache = true;
399  if(vm.count("nodelay"))
400  nodelay = true;
401  if(vm.count("nomusic"))
402  nomusic = true;
403  if(vm.count("noreplaycheck"))
404  noreplaycheck = true;
405  if(vm.count("nosound"))
406  nosound = true;
407  if(vm.count("nogui"))
408  nogui = true;
409  if(vm.count("nobanner"))
410  nobanner = true;
411  if(vm.count("parm"))
412  multiplayer_parm = parse_to_uint_string_string_tuples_(vm["parm"].as<std::vector<std::string>>());
413  if(vm.count("preprocess"))
414  {
415  preprocess = true;
416  preprocess_path = vm["preprocess"].as<two_strings>().first;
417  preprocess_target = vm["preprocess"].as<two_strings>().second;
418  }
419  if(vm.count("diff"))
420  {
421  do_diff = true;
422  diff_left = vm["diff"].as<two_strings>().first;
423  diff_right = vm["diff"].as<two_strings>().second;
424  }
425  if(vm.count("patch"))
426  {
427  do_patch = true;
428  diff_left = vm["patch"].as<two_strings>().first;
429  diff_right = vm["patch"].as<two_strings>().second;
430  }
431  if(vm.count("output"))
432  {
433  output_file = vm["output"].as<std::string>();
434  }
435  if(vm.count("preprocess-defines"))
436  preprocess_defines = utils::split(vm["preprocess-defines"].as<std::string>(), ',');
437  if(vm.count("preprocess-input-macros"))
438  preprocess_input_macros = vm["preprocess-input-macros"].as<std::string>();
439  if(vm.count("preprocess-output-macros"))
440  preprocess_output_macros = vm["preprocess-output-macros"].as<std::string>();
441  if(vm.count("resolution"))
442  parse_resolution_(vm["resolution"].as<std::string>());
443  if(vm.count("rng-seed"))
444  rng_seed = vm["rng-seed"].as<unsigned int>();
445  if(vm.count("scenario"))
446  multiplayer_scenario = vm["scenario"].as<std::string>();
447  if(vm.count("render-image"))
448  {
449  render_image = vm["render-image"].as<two_strings>().first;
450  render_image_dst = vm["render-image"].as<two_strings>().second;
451  }
452  if(vm.count("screenshot"))
453  {
454  screenshot = true;
455  screenshot_map_file = vm["screenshot"].as<two_strings>().first;
456  screenshot_output_file = vm["screenshot"].as<two_strings>().second;
457  }
458  if(vm.count("script"))
459  script_file = vm["script"].as<std::string>();
460  if(vm.count("unsafe-scripts"))
461  script_unsafe_mode = true;
462  if(vm.count("plugin"))
463  plugin_file = vm["plugin"].as<std::string>();
464  if(vm.count("server"))
465  server = vm["server"].as<std::string>();
466  if(vm.count("username"))
467  username = vm["username"].as<std::string>();
468  if(vm.count("password"))
469  password = vm["password"].as<std::string>();
470  if(vm.count("report"))
471  report = true;
472  if(vm.count("side"))
473  multiplayer_side = parse_to_uint_string_tuples_(vm["side"].as<std::vector<std::string>>());
474  if(vm.count("test"))
475  test = vm["test"].as<std::string>();
476  if(vm.count("unit"))
477  {
478  unit_test = vm["unit"].as<std::vector<std::string>>();
479  headless_unit_test = true;
480  }
481  if(vm.count("showgui"))
482  headless_unit_test = false;
483  if(vm.count("noreplaycheck"))
484  noreplaycheck = true;
485  if(vm.count("turns"))
486  multiplayer_turns = vm["turns"].as<std::string>();
487  if(vm.count("strict-validation"))
488  strict_validation = true;
489  if(vm.count("usercache-dir"))
490  usercache_dir = vm["usercache-dir"].as<std::string>();
491  if(vm.count("usercache-path"))
492  usercache_path = true;
493  if(vm.count("userdata-dir"))
494  userdata_dir = vm["userdata-dir"].as<std::string>();
495  if(vm.count("userdata-path"))
496  userdata_path = true;
497  if(vm.count("validcache"))
498  validcache = true;
499  // If you add a new validate-* option, remember the any_validation_option() function
500  if(vm.count("validate"))
501  validate_wml = vm["validate"].as<std::string>();
502  if(vm.count("validate-core"))
503  validate_core = true;
504  if(vm.count("validate-addon"))
505  validate_addon = vm["validate-addon"].as<std::string>();
506  if(vm.count("validate-schema"))
507  validate_schema = vm["validate-schema"].as<std::string>();
508  // If you add a new validate-* option, remember the any_validation_option() function
509  if(vm.count("use-schema"))
510  validate_with = vm["use-schema"].as<std::string>();
511  if(vm.count("version"))
512  version = true;
513  if(vm.count("simple-version"))
514  {
515  simple_version = true;
516  nobanner = true;
517  }
518  if(vm.count("windowed"))
519  windowed = true;
520  if(vm.count("with-replay"))
521  with_replay = true;
522 #ifdef _WIN32
523  if(vm.count("wnoconsole"))
524  no_console = true;
525 #endif
526  if(vm.count("no-log-sanitize"))
527  no_log_sanitize = true;
528  if(vm.count("log-to-file"))
529  log_to_file = true;
530  if(vm.count("no-log-to-file"))
531  no_log_to_file = true;
532  if(vm.count("all-translations"))
534  else if(vm.count("translations-over"))
535  translation_percent = std::clamp<unsigned int>(vm["translations-over"].as<unsigned int>(), 0, 100);
537  // Parse log domain severity following the command line order.
538  for (const auto& option : parsed_options.options) {
539  if (!option.value.empty()) {
540  if (option.string_key == "log-error") {
541  parse_log_domains_(option.value.front(),lg::err().get_severity());
542  } else if (option.string_key == "log-warning") {
543  parse_log_domains_(option.value.front(),lg::warn().get_severity());
544  } else if (option.string_key == "log-info") {
545  parse_log_domains_(option.value.front(),lg::info().get_severity());
546  } else if (option.string_key == "log-debug") {
547  parse_log_domains_(option.value.front(),lg::debug().get_severity());
548  } else if (option.string_key == "log-none") {
549  parse_log_domains_(option.value.front(),lg::severity::LG_NONE);
550  }
551  }
552  }
553 }
555 void commandline_options::parse_log_domains_(const std::string &domains_string, const lg::severity severity)
556 {
557  if(std::vector<std::string> domains = utils::split(domains_string, ','); !domains.empty()) {
558  if(!log) {
559  log.emplace();
560  }
561  for(auto&& domain : domains) {
562  log->emplace_back(severity, std::move(domain));
563  }
564  }
565 }
568  static const std::array<const lg::logger*, 4> loggers {{&lg::err(), &lg::warn(), &lg::info(), &lg::debug()}};
569  for(const lg::logger * l : loggers ) {
570  if(severity == l->get_name()) {
572  return;
573  }
574  }
575  PLAIN_LOG << "Unrecognized argument to --log-strict : " << severity << " . \nDisabling strict mode logging.";
577 }
579 void commandline_options::parse_resolution_ (const std::string& resolution_string)
580 {
581  const std::vector<std::string> tokens = utils::split(resolution_string, 'x');
582  if(tokens.size() != 2) {
583  throw bad_commandline_resolution(resolution_string);
584  }
586  int xres, yres;
588  try {
589  xres = std::stoi(tokens[0]);
590  yres = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
591  } catch(const std::invalid_argument &) {
592  throw bad_commandline_resolution(resolution_string);
593  }
595  resolution = std::pair(xres, yres);
596 }
598 std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int,std::string>> commandline_options::parse_to_uint_string_tuples_(const std::vector<std::string> &strings, char separator)
599 {
600  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int,std::string>> vec;
602  using namespace std::literals;
603  const std::string expected_format
604  = "UINT"s + separator + "STRING";
606  for(const std::string &s : strings) {
607  std::vector<std::string> tokens = utils::split(s, separator);
608  if(tokens.size() != 2) {
609  throw bad_commandline_tuple(s, expected_format);
610  }
612  unsigned int temp;
613  try {
614  temp = lexical_cast<unsigned int>(tokens[0]);
615  } catch (const bad_lexical_cast &) {
616  throw bad_commandline_tuple(s, expected_format);
617  }
619  vec.emplace_back(temp, std::move(tokens[1]));
620  }
621  return vec;
622 }
624 std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned int,std::string,std::string>> commandline_options::parse_to_uint_string_string_tuples_(const std::vector<std::string> &strings, char separator)
625 {
626  std::vector<std::tuple<unsigned int,std::string,std::string>> vec;
628  using namespace std::literals;
629  const std::string expected_format
630  = "UINT"s + separator + "STRING" + separator + "STRING";
632  for(const std::string &s : strings) {
633  const std::vector<std::string> tokens = utils::split(s, separator);
634  if(tokens.size() != 3) {
635  throw bad_commandline_tuple(s, expected_format);
636  }
638  unsigned int temp;
639  try {
640  temp = lexical_cast<unsigned int>(tokens[0]);
641  } catch (const bad_lexical_cast &) {
642  throw bad_commandline_tuple(s, expected_format);
643  }
645  vec.emplace_back(temp, tokens[1], tokens[2]);
646  }
647  return vec;
648 }
650 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const commandline_options& cmdline_opts)
651 {
652  os << "Usage: " << cmdline_opts.args0_ << " [<options>] [<data-directory>]\n";
653  os << cmdline_opts.visible_;
654  return os;
655 }
658  config ret;
659  if(server) {
660  ret["server"] = *server;
661  }
662  if(username) {
663  ret["username"] = *username;
664  }
665  if(password) {
666  ret["password"] = *password;
667  }
668  return ret;
669 }
672 {
674 }
#define debug(x)
bad_commandline_resolution(const std::string &resolution)
bad_commandline_tuple(const std::string &str, const std::string &expected_format)
bool nogui
True if –nogui was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::string > > > multiplayer_side
Non-empty if –side was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::pair< int, int > > resolution
Pair of AxB values specified after –resolution.
utils::optional< std::string > validate_wml
Non-empty if –validate was given on the command line.
bool simple_version
True if –simple-version was given on the command line.
bool report
True if –report was given on the command line.
boost::program_options::options_description hidden_
bool headless_unit_test
True if –unit is used and –showgui is not present.
utils::optional< std::string > screenshot_map_file
Map file to make a screenshot of.
utils::optional< std::string > multiplayer_scenario
Non-empty if –scenario was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > test
Non-empty if –test was given on the command line.
bool no_log_sanitize
True if –no-log-sanitize was given on the command line.
bool windowed
True if –windowed was given on the command line.
bool strict_lua
True if –strict-lua was given in the commandline.
utils::optional< std::string > language
Non-empty if –language was given on the command line.
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::string > > parse_to_uint_string_tuples_(const std::vector< std::string > &strings, char separator=':')
A helper function splitting vector of strings of format unsigned int:string to vector of tuples (unsi...
utils::optional< std::vector< std::string > > preprocess_defines
Defines that were given to the –preprocess option.
bool noreplaycheck
True if –noreplaycheck was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > screenshot_output_file
Output file to put screenshot in.
void parse_log_domains_(const std::string &domains_string, const lg::severity severity)
utils::optional< std::string > usercache_dir
Non-empty if –usercache-dir was given on the command line.
utils::optional< int > max_fps
Max FPS specified by –max-fps option.
utils::optional< std::string > core_id
Non-empty if –core was given on the command line.
bool multiplayer_exit_at_end
True if –exit-at-and was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > validate_addon
Non-empty if –validate-addon was given on the command line.
utils::optional< int > campaign_difficulty
Non-empty if –campaign-difficulty was given on the command line.
utils::optional< unsigned int > multiplayer_repeat
Repeats specified by –multiplayer-repeat option.
utils::optional< std::string > validate_schema
Non-empty if –validate-schema was given on the command line.
bool debug
True if –debug was given on the command line.
bool mptest
True if –mp-test was given on the command line.
void parse_log_strictness(const std::string &severity)
bool nosound
True if –nosound was given on the command line.
bool multiplayer
True if –multiplayer was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > server
Non-empty if –server was given on the command line.
bool script_unsafe_mode
Whether to load the "package" package for the scripting environment.
utils::optional< std::string > userdata_dir
Non-empty if –userdata-dir was given on the command line.
std::vector< std::string > args_
utils::optional< unsigned int > translation_percent
Non-empty if –all-translations or –translations-over is given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > plugin_file
File to load a lua plugin (similar to a script) from.
bool nobanner
True if –nobanner was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::vector< std::pair< lg::severity, std::string > > > log
Contains parsed arguments of –log-* (e.g.
bool validcache
True if –validcache was given on the command line.
std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, std::string, std::string > > parse_to_uint_string_string_tuples_(const std::vector< std::string > &strings, char separator=':')
A helper function splitting vector of strings of format unsigned int:string:string to vector of tuple...
bool nomusic
True if –nomusic was given on the command line.
bool clock
True if –clock was given on the command line.
bool nodelay
True if –nodelay was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > render_image_dst
Output file to put rendered image path in.
utils::optional< std::string > render_image
Image path to render.
utils::optional< std::string > script_file
File to load lua script from.
boost::program_options::options_description visible_
utils::optional< std::string > campaign
Non-empty if –campaign was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > logdomains
Non-empty if –logdomains was given on the command line.
bool new_widgets
True if –new-widgets was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > preprocess_input_macros
Non-empty if –preprocess-input-macros was given on the command line.
bool preprocess
True if –preprocess was given on the command line.
utils::optional< unsigned int > rng_seed
RNG seed specified by –rng-seed option.
std::string diff_left
Files for diffing or patching.
utils::optional< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::string > > > multiplayer_ai_config
Non-empty if –ai-config was given on the command line.
bool data_path
True if –data-path was given on the command line.
bool version
True if –version was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > multiplayer_label
Non-empty if –label was given on the command line.
bool allow_insecure
True if –allow-insecure was given in the commandline.
void parse_resolution_(const std::string &resolution_string)
utils::optional< std::string > multiplayer_era
Non-empty if –era was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > validate_with
Non-empty if –use-schema was given on the command line.
bool noaddons
True if –noaddons was given on the command line.
bool fps
True if –fps was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > output_file
Output filename for WML diff or preprocessing.
utils::optional< std::string > multiplayer_turns
Non-empty if –turns was given on the command line.
commandline_options(const std::vector< std::string > &args)
utils::optional< std::string > data_dir
Non-empty if –data-dir was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > username
Non-empty if –username was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > preprocess_target
Target (output) path that was given to the –preprocess option.
bool campaign_skip_story
True if –skip-story was given on the command line.
bool with_replay
True if –with-replay was given on the command line.
bool screenshot
True if –screenshot was given on the command line.
bool log_to_file
True if –log-to-file was given on the command line.
bool debug_lua
True if –debug-lua was given in the commandline.
std::vector< std::string > unit_test
Non-empty if –unit was given on the command line.
bool userdata_path
True if –userdata-path was given on the command line.
bool log_precise_timestamps
True if –log-precise was given on the command line.
bool no_log_to_file
True if –no-log-to-file was given on the command line.
bool multiplayer_ignore_map_settings
True if –ignore-map-settings was given at the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > password
Non-empty if –password was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > preprocess_output_macros
Non-empty if –preprocess-output-macros was given on the command line.
bool fullscreen
True if –fullscreen was given on the command line.
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const commandline_options &cmdline_opts)
To be used for printing help to the commandline.
bool any_validation_option() const
True if the –validate or any of the –validate-* options are given.
utils::optional< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::string > > > multiplayer_controller
Non-empty if –controller was given on the command line.
bool strict_validation
True if –strict-validation was given on the command line.
bool validate_core
True if –validate-core was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::string > > > multiplayer_algorithm
Non-empty if –algorithm was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > preprocess_path
Path to parse that was given to the –preprocess option.
bool usercache_path
True if –usercache-path was given on the command line.
bool nocache
True if –nocache was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned int, std::string, std::string > > > multiplayer_parm
Non-empty if –parm was given on the command line.
boost::program_options::options_description all_
utils::optional< std::string > campaign_scenario
Non-empty if –campaign-scenario was given on the command line.
utils::optional< std::string > load
Non-empty if –load was given on the command line.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
std::ostringstream wrapper.
Definition: formatter.hpp:40
severity get_severity() const
Definition: log.hpp:219
static void validate(boost::any &v, const std::vector< std::string > &values, two_strings *, int)
New lexcical_cast header.
#define PLAIN_LOG
Definition: log.hpp:298
Manage the empty-palette in the editor.
Definition: action.cpp:31
bool allow_insecure
Definition: game_config.cpp:75
std::vector< game_tip > load(const config &cfg)
Loads the tips from a config.
Definition: tips.cpp:36
bool new_widgets
Do we wish to use the new library or not.
Definition: settings.cpp:23
Definition: help.cpp:53
logger & err()
Definition: log.cpp:304
Definition: log.hpp:82
logger & debug()
Definition: log.cpp:322
logger & warn()
Definition: log.cpp:310
static domain_map * domains
Definition: log.cpp:299
logger & info()
Definition: log.cpp:316
void set_strict_severity(severity severity)
Definition: log.cpp:387
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
Thrown when a lexical_cast fails.
static map_location::DIRECTION s