The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2010 - 2025
3  by Gabriel Morin <gabrielmorin (at) gmail (dot) com>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  */
20 #pragma once
22 #include <deque>
24 #include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
25 #include <boost/multi_index/mem_fun.hpp>
26 #include <boost/multi_index/random_access_index.hpp>
27 #include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
29 #include "action.hpp"
30 #include "typedefs.hpp"
32 namespace wb
33 {
36 /**
37  * Datastructure holding the actions of a side on multiple turns.
38  *
39  * @invariant forall(t>0) if turn_size(t)==0 then turn_size(t+1)==0
40  */
42 {
43 public:
47  /** Tag for action_set's random_access index. */
48  struct chronological{};
50  /** Tag for action_set's hashed_non_unique index. */
51  struct by_unit{};
53  /** Tag for action_set's hashed_non_unique index. */
54  struct by_hex{};
56  /** Underlying container */
57  typedef boost::multi_index::multi_index_container <
58  action_ptr,
59  boost::multi_index::indexed_by<
60  boost::multi_index::random_access<
61  boost::multi_index::tag< chronological >>,
62  boost::multi_index::hashed_non_unique<
63  boost::multi_index::tag< by_unit >,
64  boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun< action, std::size_t, &action::get_unit_id >>,
65  boost::multi_index::hashed_non_unique<
66  boost::multi_index::tag< by_hex >,
67  boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun< action, map_location, &action::get_numbering_hex >>
68  >
72  typedef action_set::index<chronological>::type::const_iterator const_iterator;
73  typedef action_set::index<chronological>::type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
74  typedef action_set::index<chronological>::type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
76  typedef std::pair<iterator,iterator> range_t;
77  typedef std::pair<reverse_iterator,reverse_iterator> rrange_t;
78  typedef std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> crange_t;
79  typedef std::pair<const_reverse_iterator,const_reverse_iterator> crrange_t;
81  typedef std::deque<iterator> action_limits;
84  /**
85  * Inserts an action at the specified position.
86  *
87  * The planned turn of the inserted action is the same as the planned turn of position-1 before the insertion.
88  * If position == begin(), the new action will became the first action of the current turn.
89  *
90  * @param position The iterator before which action will be inserted.
91  * @param action The action to insert.
92  *
93  * @return The inserted action's position.
94  * @retval end() When the action can't be inserted.
95  */
96  iterator insert(iterator position, const action_ptr& action);
98  /**
99  * Queues an action to be executed last
100  * @return The queued action's position
101  * @retval end() when the action can't be inserted
102  */
103  iterator queue(std::size_t turn_num, const action_ptr& action);
105  /**
106  * Pushes an action in front of a given turn.
107  * @return The inserted action's position
108  */
109  iterator push_front(std::size_t turn, const action_ptr& action);
111  /**
112  * Moves an action earlier in the execution order.
113  * i.e. at the front of the queue by one position.
114  * @return The action's new position.
115  */
116  iterator bump_earlier(iterator position);
118  /**
119  * Moves an action later in the execution order.
120  * i.e. at the back of the queue by one position.
121  * @return The action's new position.
122  */
123  iterator bump_later(iterator position);
125  /**
126  * Deletes the action at the specified position.
127  * @return The position of the element after the one deleted, or end() if the queue is empty.
128  */
129  iterator erase(iterator position);
131  /**
132  * Deletes the action at the specified position.
133  * @return last
134  */
135  iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
137  /**
138  * Empties the action queue.
139  */
140  void clear() { actions_.clear(); turn_beginnings_.clear(); }
142  /**
143  * Shift turn.
144  *
145  * The turn 0 is deleted, the actions of turn n are moved to turn n-1.
146  * @pre turn_size(0)==0
147  */
148  void turn_shift() { assert(turn_size(0)==0); turn_beginnings_.pop_front(); }
150  /**
151  * Replaces the action at a given position with another action.
152  */
153  bool replace(iterator it, action_ptr act){ return actions_.replace(it, act); }
156  /**
157  * Returns a given index.
158  */
159  template <typename T>
160  typename action_set::index<T>::type& get(){ return actions_.get<T>(); }
161  template <typename T>
162  typename action_set::index<T>::type const& get() const { return actions_.get<T>(); }
164  /**
165  * Projects an iterator on a given index.
166  */
167  template <typename T, typename U>
168  typename action_set::index<T>::type::iterator project(U it){ return actions_.project<T>(it); }
169  template <typename T, typename U>
170  typename action_set::index<T>::type::const_iterator project(U it) const { return actions_.project<T>(it); }
172  /**
173  * Returns the iterator for the first (executed earlier) action within the actions queue.
174  */
175  iterator begin(){ return actions_.get<chronological>().begin(); }
176  /** reverse version of the above */
178  /** const versions of the above */
179  const_iterator begin() const { return actions_.get<chronological>().cbegin(); }
180  /** const reverse versions of the above */
181  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return actions_.get<chronological>().crbegin(); }
183  /**
184  * Returns the iterator for the position *after* the last executed action within the actions queue.
185  */
186  iterator end(){ return actions_.get<chronological>().end(); }
187  /** reverse version of the above */
189  /** const versions of the above */
190  const_iterator end() const { return actions_.get<chronological>().cend(); }
191  /** const reverse versions of the above */
192  const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return actions_.get<chronological>().crend(); }
194  /**
195  * Indicates whether the action queue is empty.
196  */
197  bool empty() const { return actions_.empty(); }
199  /**
200  * Returns the number of actions in the action queue.
201  */
202  std::size_t size() const { return actions_.size(); }
204  /**
205  * Returns the number of turns that have plans.
206  * If the container holds only one action on turn 1 (that is turn 0 is empty),
207  * this function will still returns 2. Indeed, turn 0 has an "empty" plan.
208  *
209  * @note The current turn is counted. That is if num_turns()==0 then empty()==true.
210  */
211  std::size_t num_turns() const { return turn_beginnings_.size(); }
213  /**
214  * Returns the turn of a given iterator planned execution.
215  *
216  * The value returned is the difference between the planned turn and the current turn.
217  *
218  * @retval 0 If the action is planned for the current turn.
219  */
220  std::size_t get_turn(const_iterator it) const;
222  /**
223  * Returns the position of a given iterator in its turn.
224  */
225  std::size_t position_in_turn(const_iterator it) const;
227  /**
228  * Returns the iterator for the first (executed earlier) action of a given turn within the actions queue.
229  */
230  iterator turn_begin(std::size_t turn_num);
231  const_iterator turn_begin(std::size_t turn_num) const;
232  reverse_iterator turn_rbegin(std::size_t turn_num){ return reverse_iterator(turn_end(turn_num)); }
233  const_reverse_iterator turn_rbegin(std::size_t turn_num) const { return reverse_iterator(turn_end(turn_num)); }
235  /*
236  * Returns the iterator for the position *after* the last executed action of a given turn within the actions queue.
237  */
238  iterator turn_end(std::size_t turn_num){ return turn_begin(turn_num+1); }
239  const_iterator turn_end(std::size_t turn_num) const { return turn_begin(turn_num+1); }
240  reverse_iterator turn_rend(std::size_t turn_num){ return reverse_iterator(turn_begin(turn_num)); }
241  const_reverse_iterator turn_rend(std::size_t turn_num) const { return reverse_iterator(turn_begin(turn_num)); }
243  /**
244  * Returns an iterator range corresponding to the requested turn.
245  */
246  range_t iter_turn(std::size_t turn_num){ return range_t(turn_begin(turn_num),turn_end(turn_num)); }
247  rrange_t riter_turn(std::size_t turn_num){ return rrange_t(turn_rbegin(turn_num),turn_rend(turn_num)); }
248  crange_t iter_turn(std::size_t turn_num) const { return crange_t(turn_begin(turn_num),turn_end(turn_num)); }
249  crrange_t riter_turn(std::size_t turn_num) const { return crrange_t(turn_rbegin(turn_num),turn_rend(turn_num)); }
251  /** Returns the number of actions planned for turn turn_num */
252  std::size_t turn_size(std::size_t turn_num) const { return turn_end(turn_num) - turn_begin(turn_num); }
254  /** Get the underlying action container */
255  const action_set& actions() const { return actions_; }
257  template<typename Modifier>
258  bool modify(iterator position, Modifier mod) { return actions_.modify(position, mod); }
259 private:
260  /**
261  * Binary search to find the occurring turn of the action pointed by an iterator.
262  */
263  std::size_t get_turn_impl(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end, const_iterator it) const;
267  /**
268  * Contains a list of iterator to the beginning of each turn.
269  *
270  * @invariant turn_beginnings_.front()==actions_.begin() || actions_.empty()
271  */
273 };
276 /**
277  * This internal whiteboard class holds the planned action queues for a team, and offers many
278  * utility methods to create and manipulate them.
279  * It also provides an interface to the underlying side_actions_container.
280  */
281 class side_actions: public std::enable_shared_from_this<side_actions>
282 {
283 public:
291  typedef std::pair<iterator,iterator> range_t;
292  typedef std::pair<reverse_iterator,reverse_iterator> rrange_t;
293  typedef std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> crange_t;
294  typedef std::pair<const_reverse_iterator,const_reverse_iterator> crrange_t;
297  side_actions();
299  /** Must be called only once, right after the team that owns this side_actions is added to the teams vector */
300  void set_team_index(std::size_t team_index);
302  /** Returns the team index this action queue belongs to */
303  std::size_t team_index() { assert(team_index_defined_); return team_index_; }
305  struct numbers_t;
306  /** Gets called when display is drawing a hex to determine which numbers to draw on it */
307  void get_numbers(const map_location& hex, numbers_t& result);
309  /**
310  * Executes the first action in the queue, and then deletes it.
311  * @return true if the action was completed successfully
312  */
313  bool execute_next();
315  /**
316  * Executes the specified action, if it exists in the queue.
317  * If the action is not finished, it's moved at the end of the queue.
318  * @return true if the action was completed successfully
319  */
320  bool execute(iterator position);
323  /**
324  * Indicates whether the action queue is empty.
325  */
326  bool empty() const { return actions_.empty(); }
328  /**
329  * Returns the number of actions in the action queue.
330  */
331  std::size_t size() const { return actions_.size(); }
333  /**
334  * Returns the number of turns that have plans.
335  * If the container holds only one action on turn 1 (that is turn 0 is empty),
336  * this function will still returns 2. Indeed, turn 0 has an "empty" plan.
337  *
338  * @note The current turn is counted. That is if num_turns()==0 then empty()==true.
339  */
340  std::size_t num_turns() const { return actions_.num_turns(); }
342  /** Returns the number of actions planned for turn turn_num */
343  std::size_t turn_size(std::size_t turn_num) const { return actions_.turn_size(turn_num); }
345  /**
346  * Returns the turn of a given iterator planned execution.
347  *
348  * The value returned is the difference between the planned turn and the current turn.
349  *
350  * @retval 0 If the action is planned for the current turn.
351  */
352  std::size_t get_turn(const_iterator it) const { return actions_.get_turn(it); }
354  /**
355  * Empties the action queue.
356  */
357  void clear() { actions_.clear(); }
359  /** Sets whether or not the contents should be drawn on the screen. */
360  void hide();
361  void show();
362  bool hidden() const {return hidden_;}
364  /**
365  * Inserts an action at the specified position. The begin() and end() functions might prove useful here.
366  * @return The inserted action's position.
367  */
368  iterator insert_action(iterator position, const action_ptr& action);
370  /**
371  * Queues an action to be executed last
372  * @return The queued action's position
373  */
374  iterator queue_action(std::size_t turn_num, const action_ptr& action);
376  /**
377  * Moves an action earlier in the execution order.
378  * i.e. at the front of the queue by one position.
379  * @return The action's new position.
380  */
381  iterator bump_earlier(iterator position, bool send_to_net = true);
383  /**
384  * Moves an action later in the execution order.
385  * i.e. at the back of the queue by one position.
386  * @return The action's new position.
387  */
388  iterator bump_later(iterator position, bool send_to_net = true);
390  /**
391  * Deletes the action at the specified position.
392  * @return The position of the element after the one deleted, or end() if the queue is empty.
393  */
394  iterator remove_action(iterator position, bool validate_after_delete = true);
396  /**
397  * @param action The action whose position you're looking for
398  * @return The action's position within the queue, or end() if action wasn't found.
399  */
402  /**
403  * Returns the iterator for the first (executed earlier) action within the actions queue.
404  */
405  iterator begin(){ return actions_.begin(); }
406  /** reverse version of the above */
408  /** const versions of the above */
409  const_iterator begin() const { return actions_.begin(); }
412  /**
413  * Returns the iterator for the position *after* the last executed action within the actions queue.
414  */
415  iterator end(){ return actions_.end(); }
416  /** reverse version of the above */
418  /** const versions of the above */
419  const_iterator end() const { return actions_.end(); }
420  const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return actions_.rend(); }
422  iterator turn_begin(std::size_t turn_num){ return actions_.turn_begin(turn_num); }
423  iterator turn_end(std::size_t turn_num){ return actions_.turn_end(turn_num); }
424  reverse_iterator turn_rbegin(std::size_t turn_num){ return actions_.turn_rbegin(turn_num); }
425  reverse_iterator turn_rend(std::size_t turn_num){ return actions_.turn_rend(turn_num); }
426  const_iterator turn_begin(std::size_t turn_num) const { return actions_.turn_begin(turn_num); }
427  const_iterator turn_end(std::size_t turn_num) const { return actions_.turn_end(turn_num); }
428  const_reverse_iterator turn_rbegin(std::size_t turn_num) const { return actions_.turn_rbegin(turn_num); }
429  const_reverse_iterator turn_rend(std::size_t turn_num) const { return actions_.turn_rend(turn_num); }
431  /** Returns an iterator range corresponding to the requested turn. */
432  range_t iter_turn(std::size_t turn_num){ return actions_.iter_turn(turn_num); }
433  rrange_t riter_turn(std::size_t turn_num){ return actions_.riter_turn(turn_num); }
434  crange_t iter_turn(std::size_t turn_num) const { return actions_.iter_turn(turn_num); }
435  crrange_t riter_turn(std::size_t turn_num) const { return actions_.riter_turn(turn_num); }
438  /**
439  * Find the (chronologically) first action between the iterators between.first and between.second but after or equals to limit with respect to the predicate comp.
440  *
441  * This function makes sense when T is a non-chronological iterator.
442  * If T is @ref iterator and Compare is std::less<iterator>,
443  * this function returns limit if limit is in [between.first, between.second)
444  * or between.first if between.first>limit or end() otherwise.
445  *
446  * @param between the two iterators between which the action will be searched.
447  * @param limit the lower bound to search from, that is the return value `it' will verify !comp(limit, it).
448  * @param comp the predicate to compare with.
449  * @return `it' so that for all values `x' in [between.first, between.second), chronologically, !comp(x, it) and !comp(it, limit).
450  * @retval end() if no such action exist.
451  */
452  template <typename T, typename Compare>
453  iterator find_first_action_of(std::pair<T,T> between, iterator limit, Compare comp);
454  template <typename T, typename Compare>
455  const_iterator find_first_action_of(std::pair<T,T> between, const_iterator limit, Compare comp) const;
457  /**
458  * Find the first action occurring at a given hex.
459  *
460  * @retval end() if no action occurs at the given location.
461  */
464  /**
465  * Finds the first action that belongs to this unit, starting the search at the specified position.
466  * @return The position, or end() if not found.
467  */
468  iterator find_first_action_of(const unit& unit, iterator start_position);
469  iterator find_first_action_of(size_t unit_id, iterator start_position);
470  /** Variant of this method that always start searching at the beginning of the queue */
472  iterator find_first_action_of(size_t unit_id){ return find_first_action_of(unit_id, begin()); }
474  /**
475  * Finds the last action that belongs to this unit, starting the search backwards from the specified position.
476  * @return The position, or end() if not found.
477  */
478  iterator find_last_action_of(const unit& unit, iterator start_position);
479  iterator find_last_action_of(size_t unit_id, iterator start_position);
480  /** const variant of the previous function */
481  const_iterator find_last_action_of(const unit& unit, const_iterator start_position) const;
482  const_iterator find_last_action_of(size_t unit_id, iterator start_position) const;
483  /** Variant of the previous method that always start searching at the end of the queue */
485  iterator find_last_action_of(size_t unit_id);
486  /** const variant of the previous function */
488  const_iterator find_last_action_of(size_t unit_id) const;
490  bool unit_has_actions(const unit& unit);
491  std::size_t count_actions_of(const unit& unit);
492  std::deque<action_ptr> actions_of(const unit& unit);
494  /**
495  * Determines the appropriate turn number for the next action planned for this unit
496  *
497  * @warning A return value of 0 can mean that the unit has one action planned on turn 0 or that the unit doesn't have any action planned on any turn.
498  *
499  * @retval 0 if the unit doesn't have any planned action
500  */
501  std::size_t get_turn_num_of(const unit&) const;
503  /** Used to track gold spending by recruits/recalls when building the future unit map */
504  int get_gold_spent() const { return gold_spent_; }
505  /** Used to track gold spending by recruits/recalls when building the future unit map */
506  void change_gold_spent_by(int difference);
507  /** Set gold spent back to zero */
508  void reset_gold_spent();
509  /** After a recruit action was executed the id of the unit was changed so we need to update the unitid of all following actions on that unit*/
510  void update_recruited_unit(std::size_t old_id, unit& new_unit);
512  void raw_turn_shift();
513  void synced_turn_shift();
515  /**
516  * Queues a move to be executed last
517  * @return The queued move's position
518  */
519  iterator queue_move(std::size_t turn_num, const unit& mover, const pathfind::marked_route& route,
520  const arrow_ptr& arrow, fake_unit_ptr fake_unit);
522  /**
523  * Queues an attack or attack-move to be executed last
524  * @return The queued attack's position
525  */
526  iterator queue_attack(std::size_t turn_num, const unit& mover, const map_location& target_hex, int weapon_choice, const pathfind::marked_route& route,
527  const arrow_ptr& arrow, fake_unit_ptr fake_unit);
529  /**
530  * Queues a recruit to be executed last
531  * @return The queued recruit's position
532  */
533  iterator queue_recruit(std::size_t turn_num, const std::string& unit_name, const map_location& recruit_hex);
535  /**
536  * Queues a recall to be executed last
537  * @return The queued recall's position
538  */
539  iterator queue_recall(std::size_t turn_num, const unit& unit, const map_location& recall_hex);
541  /**
542  * Queues a suppose_dead to be executed last
543  * @return The queued suppose_dead's position (an iterator to it)
544  */
545  iterator queue_suppose_dead(std::size_t turn_num, const unit& curr_unit, const map_location& loc);
547  /**
548  * Network code. A net_cmd object (a config in disguise) represents a modification
549  * to a side_actions object. execute_net_cmd() translates one of these into
550  * a real modification of *this. The make_net_cmd_***() family of functions is
551  * convenient for building specific types of net_cmds.
552  */
553  typedef config net_cmd;
554  void execute_net_cmd(const net_cmd&);
555  net_cmd make_net_cmd_insert(std::size_t turn_num, std::size_t pos, const action_const_ptr&) const;
558  net_cmd make_net_cmd_remove(const const_iterator& pos) const;
560  net_cmd make_net_cmd_clear() const;
563 private:
564  iterator safe_insert(std::size_t turn_num, std::size_t pos, const action_ptr& to_insert);
566  iterator synced_insert(iterator itor, const action_ptr& to_insert);
567  iterator synced_enqueue(std::size_t turn_num, const action_ptr& to_insert);
568  iterator safe_erase(const iterator& itor);
572  std::size_t team_index_;
575  /** Used to store gold "spent" in planned recruits/recalls when the future unit map is applied */
578  bool hidden_;
579 };
581 /** Dumps side_actions on a stream, for debug purposes. */
582 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const wb::side_actions& side_actions);
585 {
586  std::vector<int> numbers_to_draw;
587  std::vector<std::size_t> team_numbers;
589  std::set<std::size_t> secondary_numbers;
592  : numbers_to_draw()
593  , team_numbers()
594  , main_number(-1)
596  {}
597 };
599 template <typename T, typename Compare>
600 side_actions::iterator side_actions::find_first_action_of(std::pair<T,T> between, iterator limit, Compare comp)
601 {
602  iterator first = actions_.end();
603  for(T it = between.first; it != between.second; ++it) {
605  if((comp(chrono_it, first) || first==actions_.end()) && !comp(chrono_it, limit)) {
606  first = chrono_it;
607  }
608  }
609  return first;
610 }
612 template <typename T, typename Compare>
613 side_actions::const_iterator side_actions::find_first_action_of(std::pair<T,T> between, const_iterator limit, Compare comp) const
614 {
615  const_iterator first = actions_.end();
616  for(T it = between.first; it != between.second; ++it) {
618  if((comp(chrono_it, first) || first==actions_.end()) && !comp(chrono_it, limit)) {
619  first = chrono_it;
620  }
621  }
622  return first;
623 }
625 } //end namespace wb
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
Arrows destined to be drawn on the map.
Definition: arrow.hpp:30
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
Holds a temporary unit that can be drawn on the map without being placed in the unit_map.
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
Abstract base class for all the whiteboard planned actions.
Definition: action.hpp:34
Datastructure holding the actions of a side on multiple turns.
reverse_iterator turn_rend(std::size_t turn_num)
action_set::index< chronological >::type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator
bool modify(iterator position, Modifier mod)
iterator turn_end(std::size_t turn_num)
action_set::index< chronological >::type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
const reverse versions of the above
action_set::index< chronological >::type::iterator iterator
action_limits turn_beginnings_
Contains a list of iterator to the beginning of each turn.
iterator end()
Returns the iterator for the position after the last executed action within the actions queue.
std::size_t get_turn(const_iterator it) const
Returns the turn of a given iterator planned execution.
std::pair< const_reverse_iterator, const_reverse_iterator > crrange_t
action_set::index< T >::type::const_iterator project(U it) const
const_reverse_iterator turn_rbegin(std::size_t turn_num) const
boost::multi_index::multi_index_container< action_ptr, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< boost::multi_index::random_access< boost::multi_index::tag< chronological > >, boost::multi_index::hashed_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag< by_unit >, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun< action, std::size_t, &action::get_unit_id > >, boost::multi_index::hashed_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag< by_hex >, boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun< action, map_location, &action::get_numbering_hex > > > > action_set
Underlying container.
const_iterator begin() const
const versions of the above
iterator bump_later(iterator position)
Moves an action later in the execution order.
action_set::index< T >::type::iterator project(U it)
Projects an iterator on a given index.
bool replace(iterator it, action_ptr act)
Replaces the action at a given position with another action.
iterator queue(std::size_t turn_num, const action_ptr &action)
Queues an action to be executed last.
bool empty() const
Indicates whether the action queue is empty.
const_reverse_iterator turn_rend(std::size_t turn_num) const
void clear()
Empties the action queue.
rrange_t riter_turn(std::size_t turn_num)
const action_set & actions() const
Get the underlying action container.
crrange_t riter_turn(std::size_t turn_num) const
action_set::index< chronological >::type::const_iterator const_iterator
const_iterator turn_end(std::size_t turn_num) const
iterator turn_begin(std::size_t turn_num)
Returns the iterator for the first (executed earlier) action of a given turn within the actions queue...
action_set::index< T >::type & get()
Returns a given index.
std::pair< iterator, iterator > range_t
reverse_iterator turn_rbegin(std::size_t turn_num)
std::size_t size() const
Returns the number of actions in the action queue.
iterator erase(iterator position)
Deletes the action at the specified position.
action_set::index< T >::type const & get() const
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > crange_t
crange_t iter_turn(std::size_t turn_num) const
iterator begin()
Returns the iterator for the first (executed earlier) action within the actions queue.
iterator bump_earlier(iterator position)
Moves an action earlier in the execution order.
std::pair< reverse_iterator, reverse_iterator > rrange_t
std::size_t turn_size(std::size_t turn_num) const
Returns the number of actions planned for turn turn_num.
range_t iter_turn(std::size_t turn_num)
Returns an iterator range corresponding to the requested turn.
iterator insert(iterator position, const action_ptr &action)
Inserts an action at the specified position.
std::size_t get_turn_impl(std::size_t begin, std::size_t end, const_iterator it) const
Binary search to find the occurring turn of the action pointed by an iterator.
reverse_iterator rbegin()
reverse version of the above
iterator push_front(std::size_t turn, const action_ptr &action)
Pushes an action in front of a given turn.
std::deque< iterator > action_limits
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
const reverse versions of the above
void turn_shift()
Shift turn.
reverse_iterator rend()
reverse version of the above
std::size_t position_in_turn(const_iterator it) const
Returns the position of a given iterator in its turn.
std::size_t num_turns() const
Returns the number of turns that have plans.
const_iterator end() const
const versions of the above
This internal whiteboard class holds the planned action queues for a team, and offers many utility me...
std::size_t team_index()
Returns the team index this action queue belongs to.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
iterator find_first_action_at(map_location hex)
Find the first action occurring at a given hex.
iterator queue_recruit(std::size_t turn_num, const std::string &unit_name, const map_location &recruit_hex)
Queues a recruit to be executed last.
container::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator
iterator queue_recall(std::size_t turn_num, const unit &unit, const map_location &recall_hex)
Queues a recall to be executed last.
iterator queue_attack(std::size_t turn_num, const unit &mover, const map_location &target_hex, int weapon_choice, const pathfind::marked_route &route, const arrow_ptr &arrow, fake_unit_ptr fake_unit)
Queues an attack or attack-move to be executed last.
net_cmd make_net_cmd_remove(const const_iterator &pos) const
std::size_t num_turns() const
Returns the number of turns that have plans.
std::size_t size() const
Returns the number of actions in the action queue.
iterator find_last_action_of(const unit &unit, iterator start_position)
Finds the last action that belongs to this unit, starting the search backwards from the specified pos...
bool empty() const
Indicates whether the action queue is empty.
iterator queue_action(std::size_t turn_num, const action_ptr &action)
Queues an action to be executed last.
const_iterator end() const
const versions of the above
iterator find_first_action_of(std::pair< T, T > between, iterator limit, Compare comp)
Find the (chronologically) first action between the iterators between.first and between....
std::deque< action_ptr > actions_of(const unit &unit)
void hide()
Sets whether or not the contents should be drawn on the screen.
void reset_gold_spent()
Set gold spent back to zero.
iterator turn_begin(std::size_t turn_num)
iterator synced_enqueue(std::size_t turn_num, const action_ptr &to_insert)
iterator queue_move(std::size_t turn_num, const unit &mover, const pathfind::marked_route &route, const arrow_ptr &arrow, fake_unit_ptr fake_unit)
Queues a move to be executed last.
iterator synced_insert(iterator itor, const action_ptr &to_insert)
iterator bump_earlier(iterator position, bool send_to_net=true)
Moves an action earlier in the execution order.
std::size_t get_turn_num_of(const unit &) const
Determines the appropriate turn number for the next action planned for this unit.
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
iterator get_position_of(action_ptr action)
reverse_iterator turn_rend(std::size_t turn_num)
std::size_t team_index_
void get_numbers(const map_location &hex, numbers_t &result)
Gets called when display is drawing a hex to determine which numbers to draw on it.
std::pair< reverse_iterator, reverse_iterator > rrange_t
std::size_t turn_size(std::size_t turn_num) const
Returns the number of actions planned for turn turn_num.
void change_gold_spent_by(int difference)
Used to track gold spending by recruits/recalls when building the future unit map.
crrange_t riter_turn(std::size_t turn_num) const
rrange_t riter_turn(std::size_t turn_num)
iterator begin()
Returns the iterator for the first (executed earlier) action within the actions queue.
iterator find_first_action_of(size_t unit_id)
int gold_spent_
Used to store gold "spent" in planned recruits/recalls when the future unit map is applied.
container::const_iterator const_iterator
iterator insert_action(iterator position, const action_ptr &action)
Inserts an action at the specified position.
net_cmd make_net_cmd_insert(std::size_t turn_num, std::size_t pos, const action_const_ptr &) const
net_cmd make_net_cmd_clear() const
const_reverse_iterator turn_rend(std::size_t turn_num) const
iterator remove_action(iterator position, bool validate_after_delete=true)
Deletes the action at the specified position.
iterator queue_suppose_dead(std::size_t turn_num, const unit &curr_unit, const map_location &loc)
Queues a suppose_dead to be executed last.
bool execute(iterator position)
Executes the specified action, if it exists in the queue.
crange_t iter_turn(std::size_t turn_num) const
container::iterator iterator
bool hidden() const
void update_recruited_unit(std::size_t old_id, unit &new_unit)
After a recruit action was executed the id of the unit was changed so we need to update the unitid of...
net_cmd make_net_cmd_replace(const const_iterator &pos, const action_const_ptr &) const
container::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator
std::size_t get_turn(const_iterator it) const
Returns the turn of a given iterator planned execution.
const_iterator begin() const
const versions of the above
int get_gold_spent() const
Used to track gold spending by recruits/recalls when building the future unit map.
iterator bump_later(iterator position, bool send_to_net=true)
Moves an action later in the execution order.
const_iterator turn_end(std::size_t turn_num) const
const_iterator turn_begin(std::size_t turn_num) const
iterator find_first_action_of(const unit &unit)
Variant of this method that always start searching at the beginning of the queue.
reverse_iterator rend()
reverse version of the above
void clear()
Empties the action queue.
iterator synced_erase(iterator itor)
side_actions_container container
std::pair< const_reverse_iterator, const_reverse_iterator > crrange_t
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > crange_t
std::size_t count_actions_of(const unit &unit)
iterator safe_erase(const iterator &itor)
bool execute_next()
Executes the first action in the queue, and then deletes it.
const_reverse_iterator turn_rbegin(std::size_t turn_num) const
config net_cmd
Network code.
iterator end()
Returns the iterator for the position after the last executed action within the actions queue.
bool unit_has_actions(const unit &unit)
void execute_net_cmd(const net_cmd &)
net_cmd make_net_cmd_bump_later(const const_iterator &pos) const
range_t iter_turn(std::size_t turn_num)
Returns an iterator range corresponding to the requested turn.
reverse_iterator rbegin()
reverse version of the above
reverse_iterator turn_rbegin(std::size_t turn_num)
void set_team_index(std::size_t team_index)
Must be called only once, right after the team that owns this side_actions is added to the teams vect...
net_cmd make_net_cmd_refresh() const
iterator turn_end(std::size_t turn_num)
std::pair< iterator, iterator > range_t
iterator safe_insert(std::size_t turn_num, std::size_t pos, const action_ptr &to_insert)
auto * find(Container &container, const Value &value)
Convenience wrapper for using find on a container without needing to comare to end()
Definition: general.hpp:140
Definition: display.hpp:45
std::shared_ptr< action > action_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:62
std::shared_ptr< arrow > arrow_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:60
std::shared_ptr< action const > action_const_ptr
Definition: typedefs.hpp:63
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const action_ptr &action)
Definition: action.cpp:34
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
static config unit_name(const unit *u)
Definition: reports.cpp:161
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
Structure which holds a single route and marks for special events.
Definition: pathfind.hpp:142
std::set< std::size_t > secondary_numbers
std::vector< int > numbers_to_draw
std::vector< std::size_t > team_numbers
Tag for action_set's hashed_non_unique index.
Tag for action_set's hashed_non_unique index.
Tag for action_set's random_access index.
Contains typedefs for the whiteboard.