The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #pragma once
18 #include "color_range.hpp"
19 #include "color.hpp"
20 #include "sdl/surface.hpp"
21 #include "utils/math.hpp"
22 #include "game_version.hpp"
24 #include <cstdlib>
25 #include <string>
27 namespace sdl
28 {
30 /** Returns the runtime SDL version. */
33 /**
34  * Returns true if the runtime SDL version is at or greater than the
35  * specified version, false otherwise.
36  */
37 bool runtime_at_least(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor = 0, uint8_t patch = 0);
39 /**
40  * Fill a rectangle on a given surface. Alias for SDL_FillRect.
41  *
42  * @param dst The surface to operate on.
43  * @param dst_rect The rectangle to fill.
44  * @param color Color of the rectangle.
45  */
46 inline void fill_surface_rect(surface& dst, SDL_Rect* dst_rect, const uint32_t color)
47 {
48  SDL_FillRect(dst, dst_rect, color);
49 }
51 } // namespace sdl
54 inline void sdl_blit(const surface& src, const SDL_Rect* src_rect, surface& dst, SDL_Rect* dst_rect){
55  // Note: this is incorrect when both src and dst combine transparent pixels.
56  // The correct equation is, per-pixel:
57  // outA = srcA + dstA * (1 - srcA)
58  // outRGB = (srcRGB * srcA + dstRGB * dstA * (1 - srcA)) / outA
59  // When outA is 0, outRGB can of course be anything.
60  // TODO: implement proper transparent blending using the above formula
61  SDL_BlitSurface(src, src_rect, dst, dst_rect);
62 }
64 /** Scale a surface using xBRZ algorithm
65  * @param surf The source surface
66  * @param z The scaling factor. Should be an integer 2-5 (1 is tolerated).
67  * @return The scaled surface
68  */
69 surface scale_surface_xbrz(const surface & surf, std::size_t z);
71 /** Scale a surface using the nearest neighbor algorithm (provided by xBRZ lib)
72  * @param surf The sources surface
73  * @param w The width of the resulting surface.
74  * @param h The height of the resulting surface.
75  * @return The rescaled surface.
76  */
77 surface scale_surface_nn(const surface & surf, int w, int h);
79 /** Scale a surface using alpha-weighted modified bilinear filtering
80  * Note: causes artifacts with alpha gradients, for example in some portraits
81  * @param surf The source surface.
82  * @param w The width of the resulting surface.
83  * @param h The height of the resulting surface.
84  * @return A surface containing the scaled version of the source.
85  * @retval 0 Returned upon error.
86  * @retval surf Returned if w == surf->w and h == surf->h.
87  */
88 surface scale_surface(const surface &surf, int w, int h);
90 /** Scale a surface using simple bilinear filtering (discarding rgb from source
91  * pixels with 0 alpha)
92  * @param surf The source surface.
93  * @param w The width of the resulting surface.
94  * @param h The height of the resulting surface.
95  * @return A surface containing the scaled version of the source.
96  * @retval 0 Returned upon error.
97  * @retval surf Returned if w == surf->w and h == surf->h.
98  */
99 surface scale_surface_legacy(const surface &surf, int w, int h);
101 /** Scale a surface using modified nearest neighbour algorithm. Use only if
102  * preserving sharp edges is a priority (e.g. minimap).
103  * @param surf The source surface.
104  * @param w The width of the resulting surface.
105  * @param h The height of the resulting surface.
106  * @return A surface containing the scaled version of the source.
107  * @retval 0 Returned upon error.
108  * @retval surf Returned if w == surf->w and h == surf->h.
109  */
110 surface scale_surface_sharp(const surface& surf, int w, int h);
112 surface adjust_surface_color(const surface &surf, int r, int g, int b);
113 surface greyscale_image(const surface &surf);
114 surface monochrome_image(const surface &surf, const int threshold);
115 surface sepia_image(const surface &surf);
116 surface negative_image(const surface &surf, const int thresholdR, const int thresholdG, const int thresholdB);
117 surface alpha_to_greyscale(const surface & surf);
118 surface wipe_alpha(const surface & surf);
119 /** create an heavy shadow of the image, by blurring, increasing alpha and darkening */
120 surface shadow_image(const surface &surf, int scale = 1);
122 enum channel { RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA };
125 /**
126  * Recolors a surface using a map with source and converted palette values.
127  * This is most often used for team-coloring.
128  *
129  * @param surf The source surface.
130  * @param map_rgb Map of color values, with the keys corresponding to the
131  * source palette, and the values to the recolored palette.
132  * @return A recolored surface, or a null surface if there are
133  * problems with the source.
134  */
135 surface recolor_image(surface surf, const color_range_map& map_rgb);
137 surface brighten_image(const surface &surf, int32_t amount);
139 /** Get a portion of the screen.
140  * Send nullptr if the portion is outside of the screen.
141  * @param surf The source surface.
142  * @param rect The portion of the source surface to copy.
143  * @return A surface containing the portion of the source.
144  * No RLE or Alpha bits are set.
145  * @retval 0 if error or the portion is outside of the surface.
146  */
147 surface get_surface_portion(const surface &surf, SDL_Rect &rect);
149 void adjust_surface_alpha(surface& surf, uint8_t alpha_mod);
150 surface adjust_surface_alpha_add(const surface &surf, int amount);
152 /** Applies a mask on a surface. */
153 surface mask_surface(const surface &surf, const surface &mask, bool* empty_result = nullptr, const std::string& filename = std::string());
155 /** Check if a surface fit into a mask */
156 bool in_mask_surface(const surface &surf, const surface &mask);
158 /**
159  * Light surf using lightmap
160  * @param surf The source surface.
161  * @param lightmap add/subtract this color to surf
162  * but RGB values are converted to (X-128)*2
163  * to cover the full (-256,256) spectrum.
164  * Should already be neutral
165 */
166 surface light_surface(const surface &surf, const surface &lightmap);
168 /**
169  * Cross-fades a surface.
170  *
171  * @param surf The source surface.
172  * @param depth The depth of the blurring.
173  * @return A new, blurred, neutral surface.
174  */
175 surface blur_surface(const surface &surf, int depth = 1);
177 /**
178  * Cross-fades a surface in place.
179  *
180  * @param surf The surface to blur, must have 32 bits per pixel.
181  * @param rect The part of the surface to blur.
182  * @param depth The depth of the blurring.
183  */
184 void blur_surface(surface& surf, SDL_Rect rect, int depth = 1);
186 /**
187  * Cross-fades a surface with alpha channel.
188  *
189  * @param surf The source surface.
190  * @param depth The depth of the blurring.
191  * @return A new, blurred, neutral surface.
192  */
193 surface blur_alpha_surface(const surface &surf, int depth = 1);
195 /** Cuts a rectangle from a surface. */
196 surface cut_surface(const surface &surf, const SDL_Rect& r);
198 /**
199  * Blends a surface with a color.
200  *
201  * Every pixel in the surface will be blended with the @p color given. The
202  * final color of a pixel is amount * @p color + (1 - amount) * original.
203  *
204  * @param surf The surface to blend.
205  * @param amount The amount of the new color is determined by
206  * @p color. Must be a number in the range
207  * [0, 1].
208  * @param color The color to blend width, note its alpha
209  * channel is ignored.
210  *
211  * @return The blended surface.
212  */
214  const surface &surf
215  , const double amount
216  , const color_t color);
218 /**
219  * Rotates a surface by any degrees.
220  *
221  * @pre @p zoom >= @p offset Otherwise @return will have empty pixels.
222  * @pre @p offset > 0 Otherwise the procedure will not return.
223  *
224  * @param surf The surface to rotate.
225  * @param angle The angle of rotation.
226  * @param zoom Which zoom level to use for calculating the result.
227  * @param offset Pixel offset when scanning the zoomed source.
228  *
229  * @return The rotated surface.
230  */
231 surface rotate_any_surface(const surface& surf, float angle,
232  int zoom, int offset);
234 /**
235  * Rotates a surface 180 degrees.
236  *
237  * @param surf The surface to rotate.
238  *
239  * @return The rotated surface.
240  */
241 surface rotate_180_surface(const surface &surf);
243 /**
244  * Rotates a surface 90 degrees.
245  *
246  * @param surf The surface to rotate.
247  * @param clockwise Whether the rotation should be clockwise (true)
248  * or counter-clockwise (false).
249  *
250  * @return The rotated surface.
251  */
252 surface rotate_90_surface(const surface &surf, bool clockwise);
254 surface flip_surface(const surface &surf);
255 surface flop_surface(const surface &surf);
259 /**
260  * Helper methods for setting/getting a single pixel in an image.
261  * Lifted from
262  *
263  * @param surf The image to get or receive the pixel from.
264  * @param surf_lock The locked surface to make sure the pointers are valid.
265  * @param x The position in the row of the pixel.
266  * @param y The row of the pixel.
267  * @param pixel The pixel value.
268  */
269 void put_pixel(const surface& surf, surface_lock& surf_lock, int x, int y, uint32_t pixel);
270 uint32_t get_pixel(const surface& surf, const const_surface_lock& surf_lock, int x, int y);
double g
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
Helper class for pinning SDL surfaces into memory.
Definition: surface.hpp:123
Represents version numbers.
std::unordered_map< color_t, color_t > color_range_map
Definition: color_range.hpp:30
int w
Interfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc.
General math utility functions.
void fill_surface_rect(surface &dst, SDL_Rect *dst_rect, const uint32_t color)
Fill a rectangle on a given surface.
Definition: utils.hpp:46
version_info get_version()
Returns the runtime SDL version.
Definition: utils.cpp:36
bool runtime_at_least(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor=0, uint8_t patch=0)
Returns true if the runtime SDL version is at or greater than the specified version,...
Definition: utils.cpp:43
void scale(size_t factor, const uint32_t *src, uint32_t *trg, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, const ScalerCfg &cfg=ScalerCfg(), int yFirst=0, int yLast=std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
Definition: xbrz.cpp:1189
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
An abstract description of a rectangle with integer coordinates.
Definition: rect.hpp:47
surface alpha_to_greyscale(const surface &surf)
Definition: utils.cpp:662
surface recolor_image(surface surf, const color_range_map &map_rgb)
Recolors a surface using a map with source and converted palette values.
Definition: utils.cpp:857
surface adjust_surface_color(const surface &surf, int r, int g, int b)
Definition: utils.cpp:447
surface negative_image(const surface &surf, const int thresholdR, const int thresholdG, const int thresholdB)
Definition: utils.cpp:619
surface swap_channels_image(const surface &surf, channel r, channel g, channel b, channel a)
Definition: utils.cpp:755
surface blur_surface(const surface &surf, int depth=1)
Cross-fades a surface.
Definition: utils.cpp:1167
surface light_surface(const surface &surf, const surface &lightmap)
Light surf using lightmap.
Definition: utils.cpp:1101
surface scale_surface_nn(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
Scale a surface using the nearest neighbor algorithm (provided by xBRZ lib)
Definition: utils.cpp:94
surface shadow_image(const surface &surf, int scale=1)
create an heavy shadow of the image, by blurring, increasing alpha and darkening
Definition: utils.cpp:718
surface get_surface_portion(const surface &surf, SDL_Rect &rect)
Get a portion of the screen.
Definition: utils.cpp:1800
surface scale_surface_legacy(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
Scale a surface using simple bilinear filtering (discarding rgb from source pixels with 0 alpha)
Definition: utils.cpp:260
surface get_non_transparent_portion(const surface &surf)
Definition: utils.cpp:1850
void put_pixel(const surface &surf, surface_lock &surf_lock, int x, int y, uint32_t pixel)
Helper methods for setting/getting a single pixel in an image.
Definition: utils.cpp:1611
surface adjust_surface_alpha_add(const surface &surf, int amount)
Definition: utils.cpp:947
surface flip_surface(const surface &surf)
Definition: utils.cpp:1742
void adjust_surface_alpha(surface &surf, uint8_t alpha_mod)
Definition: utils.cpp:938
surface sepia_image(const surface &surf)
Definition: utils.cpp:577
surface blend_surface(const surface &surf, const double amount, const color_t color)
Blends a surface with a color.
Definition: utils.cpp:1507
void sdl_blit(const surface &src, const SDL_Rect *src_rect, surface &dst, SDL_Rect *dst_rect)
Definition: utils.hpp:54
uint32_t get_pixel(const surface &surf, const const_surface_lock &surf_lock, int x, int y)
Definition: utils.cpp:1642
surface cut_surface(const surface &surf, const SDL_Rect &r)
Cuts a rectangle from a surface.
Definition: utils.cpp:1449
surface wipe_alpha(const surface &surf)
Definition: utils.cpp:690
surface flop_surface(const surface &surf)
Definition: utils.cpp:1771
surface brighten_image(const surface &surf, int32_t amount)
Definition: utils.cpp:896
surface scale_surface_xbrz(const surface &surf, std::size_t z)
Scale a surface using xBRZ algorithm.
Definition: utils.cpp:57
surface scale_surface_sharp(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
Scale a surface using modified nearest neighbour algorithm.
Definition: utils.cpp:397
surface monochrome_image(const surface &surf, const int threshold)
Definition: utils.cpp:537
surface rotate_90_surface(const surface &surf, bool clockwise)
Rotates a surface 90 degrees.
Definition: utils.cpp:1707
surface rotate_180_surface(const surface &surf)
Rotates a surface 180 degrees.
Definition: utils.cpp:1665
surface greyscale_image(const surface &surf)
Definition: utils.cpp:492
surface mask_surface(const surface &surf, const surface &mask, bool *empty_result=nullptr, const std::string &filename=std::string())
Applies a mask on a surface.
Definition: utils.cpp:985
surface scale_surface(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
Scale a surface using alpha-weighted modified bilinear filtering Note: causes artifacts with alpha gr...
Definition: utils.cpp:131
surface rotate_any_surface(const surface &surf, float angle, int zoom, int offset)
Rotates a surface by any degrees.
Definition: utils.cpp:1554
surface blur_alpha_surface(const surface &surf, int depth=1)
Cross-fades a surface with alpha channel.
Definition: utils.cpp:1302
Definition: utils.hpp:122
Definition: utils.hpp:122
Definition: utils.hpp:122
Definition: utils.hpp:122
Definition: utils.hpp:122
bool in_mask_surface(const surface &surf, const surface &mask)
Check if a surface fit into a mask.
Definition: utils.cpp:1055
#define h
#define a
#define b