The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2025
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Support-routines for the SDL-graphics-library.
19  */
21 #include "sdl/utils.hpp"
22 #include "color.hpp"
23 #include "log.hpp"
24 #include "xBRZ/xbrz.hpp"
26 #include <algorithm>
27 #include <cassert>
28 #include <cstring>
30 #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
31 #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
33 static lg::log_domain log_display("display");
34 #define ERR_DP LOG_STREAM(err, log_display)
37 {
38  SDL_version sdl_version;
39  SDL_GetVersion(&sdl_version);
40  return version_info(sdl_version.major, sdl_version.minor, sdl_version.patch);
41 }
43 bool sdl::runtime_at_least(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor, uint8_t patch)
44 {
45  SDL_version ver;
46  SDL_GetVersion(&ver);
47  if(ver.major < major) return false;
48  if(ver.major > major) return true;
49  // major version equal
50  if(ver.minor < minor) return false;
51  if(ver.minor > minor) return true;
52  // major and minor version equal
53  if(ver.patch < patch) return false;
54  return true;
55 }
57 surface scale_surface_xbrz(const surface & surf, std::size_t z)
58 {
59  if(surf == nullptr)
60  return nullptr;
62  if (z > xbrz::SCALE_FACTOR_MAX) {
63  PLAIN_LOG << "Cannot use xbrz scaling with zoom factor > " << xbrz::SCALE_FACTOR_MAX;
64  z = 1;
65  }
67  if (z == 1) {
68  surface temp = surf; // TODO: no temp surface
69  return temp;
70  }
72  surface dst(surf->w *z, surf->h * z);
74  if (z == 0) {
75  PLAIN_LOG << "Create an empty image";
76  return dst;
77  }
79  if(surf == nullptr || dst == nullptr) {
80  PLAIN_LOG << "Could not create surface to scale onto";
81  return nullptr;
82  }
84  {
85  const_surface_lock src_lock(surf);
86  surface_lock dst_lock(dst);
88  xbrz::scale(z, src_lock.pixels(), dst_lock.pixels(), surf->w, surf->h, xbrz::ColorFormat::ARGB);
89  }
91  return dst;
92 }
94 // NOTE: Don't pass this function 0 scaling arguments.
95 surface scale_surface(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
96 {
97  if(surf == nullptr)
98  return nullptr;
100  if(w == surf->w && h == surf->h) {
101  return surf;
102  }
103  assert(w >= 0);
104  assert(h >= 0);
106  surface dst(w,h);
108  if (w == 0 || h ==0) {
109  PLAIN_LOG << "Create an empty image";
110  return dst;
111  }
113  if(surf == nullptr || dst == nullptr) {
114  PLAIN_LOG << "Could not create surface to scale onto";
115  return nullptr;
116  }
118  {
119  const_surface_lock src_lock(surf);
120  surface_lock dst_lock(dst);
122  const uint32_t* const src_pixels = src_lock.pixels();
123  uint32_t* const dst_pixels = dst_lock.pixels();
125  int32_t xratio = fixed_point_divide(surf->w,w);
126  int32_t yratio = fixed_point_divide(surf->h,h);
128  int32_t ysrc = 0;
129  for(int ydst = 0; ydst != h; ++ydst, ysrc += yratio) {
130  int32_t xsrc = 0;
131  for(int xdst = 0; xdst != w; ++xdst, xsrc += xratio) {
132  const int xsrcint = fixed_point_to_int(xsrc);
133  const int ysrcint = fixed_point_to_int(ysrc);
135  const uint32_t* const src_word = src_pixels + ysrcint*surf->w + xsrcint;
136  uint32_t* const dst_word = dst_pixels + ydst*dst->w + xdst;
137  const int dx = (xsrcint + 1 < surf->w) ? 1 : 0;
138  const int dy = (ysrcint + 1 < surf->h) ? surf->w : 0;
140  uint8_t r,g,b,a;
141  uint32_t rr,gg,bb,aa, temp;
143  uint32_t pix[4], bilin[4];
145  // This next part is the fixed point
146  // equivalent of "take everything to
147  // the right of the decimal point."
148  // These fundamental weights decide
149  // the contributions from various
150  // input pixels. The labels assume
151  // that the upper left corner of the
152  // screen ("northeast") is 0,0 but the
153  // code should still be consistent if
154  // the graphics origin is actually
155  // somewhere else.
156  //
157  // That is, the bilin array holds the
158  // "geometric" weights. I.E. If I'm scaling
159  // a 2 x 2 block a 10 x 10 block, then for
160  // pixel (2,2) of output, the upper left
161  // pixel should be 10:1 more influential than
162  // the upper right, and also 10:1 more influential
163  // than lower left, and 100:1 more influential
164  // than lower right.
166  const int32_t e = 0x000000FF & xsrc;
167  const int32_t s = 0x000000FF & ysrc;
168  const int32_t n = 0xFF - s;
169  // Not called "w" to avoid hiding a function parameter
170  // (would cause a compiler warning in MSVC2015 with /W4)
171  const int32_t we = 0xFF - e;
173  pix[0] = *src_word; // northwest
174  pix[1] = *(src_word + dx); // northeast
175  pix[2] = *(src_word + dy); // southwest
176  pix[3] = *(src_word + dx + dy); // southeast
178  bilin[0] = n*we;
179  bilin[1] = n*e;
180  bilin[2] = s*we;
181  bilin[3] = s*e;
183  int loc;
184  rr = bb = gg = aa = 0;
185  for (loc=0; loc<4; loc++) {
186  a = pix[loc] >> 24;
187  r = pix[loc] >> 16;
188  g = pix[loc] >> 8;
189  b = pix[loc] >> 0;
191  //We also have to implement weighting by alpha for the RGB components
192  //If a unit has some parts solid and some parts translucent,
193  //i.e. a red cloak but a dark shadow, then when we scale in
194  //the shadow shouldn't appear to become red at the edges.
195  //This part also smoothly interpolates between alpha=0 being
196  //transparent and having no contribution, vs being opaque.
197  temp = (a * bilin[loc]);
198  rr += r * temp;
199  gg += g * temp;
200  bb += b * temp;
201  aa += temp;
202  }
204  a = aa >> (16); // we average the alphas, they don't get weighted by any other factor besides bilin
205  if (a != 0) {
206  rr /= a; // finish alpha weighting: divide by sum of alphas
207  gg /= a;
208  bb /= a;
209  }
210  r = rr >> (16); // now shift over by 16 for the bilin part
211  g = gg >> (16);
212  b = bb >> (16);
213  *dst_word = (a << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
214  }
215  }
216  }
218  return dst;
219 }
222 {
223  if(surf == nullptr)
224  return nullptr;
226  if(w == surf->w && h == surf->h) {
227  return surf;
228  }
229  assert(w >= 0);
230  assert(h >= 0);
232  surface dst(w,h);
234  if(surf == nullptr || dst == nullptr) {
235  PLAIN_LOG << "Could not create surface to scale onto";
236  return nullptr;
237  }
239  {
240  const_surface_lock src_lock(surf);
241  surface_lock dst_lock(dst);
243  const uint32_t* const src_pixels = src_lock.pixels();
244  uint32_t* const dst_pixels = dst_lock.pixels();
246  int32_t xratio = fixed_point_divide(surf->w,w);
247  int32_t yratio = fixed_point_divide(surf->h,h);
249  int32_t ysrc = 0;
250  for(int ydst = 0; ydst != h; ++ydst, ysrc += yratio) {
251  int32_t xsrc = 0;
252  for(int xdst = 0; xdst != w; ++xdst, xsrc += xratio) {
253  const int xsrcint = fixed_point_to_int(xsrc);
254  const int ysrcint = fixed_point_to_int(ysrc);
256  const uint32_t* const src_word = src_pixels + ysrcint*surf->w + xsrcint;
257  uint32_t* const dst_word = dst_pixels + ydst*dst->w + xdst;
258  const int dx = (xsrcint + 1 < surf->w) ? 1 : 0;
259  const int dy = (ysrcint + 1 < surf->h) ? surf->w : 0;
261  uint8_t r,g,b,a;
262  uint32_t rr,gg,bb,aa;
263  uint16_t avg_r, avg_g, avg_b;
264  uint32_t pix[4], bilin[4];
266  // This next part is the fixed point
267  // equivalent of "take everything to
268  // the right of the decimal point."
269  // These fundamental weights decide
270  // the contributions from various
271  // input pixels. The labels assume
272  // that the upper left corner of the
273  // screen ("northeast") is 0,0 but the
274  // code should still be consistent if
275  // the graphics origin is actually
276  // somewhere else.
278  const int32_t east = 0x000000FF & xsrc;
279  const int32_t south = 0x000000FF & ysrc;
280  const int32_t north = 0xFF - south;
281  const int32_t west = 0xFF - east;
283  pix[0] = *src_word; // northwest
284  pix[1] = *(src_word + dx); // northeast
285  pix[2] = *(src_word + dy); // southwest
286  pix[3] = *(src_word + dx + dy); // southeast
288  bilin[0] = north*west;
289  bilin[1] = north*east;
290  bilin[2] = south*west;
291  bilin[3] = south*east;
293  // Scope out the neighboorhood, see
294  // what the pixel values are like.
296  int count = 0;
297  avg_r = avg_g = avg_b = 0;
298  int loc;
299  for (loc=0; loc<4; loc++) {
300  a = pix[loc] >> 24;
301  r = pix[loc] >> 16;
302  g = pix[loc] >> 8;
303  b = pix[loc] >> 0;
304  if (a != 0) {
305  avg_r += r;
306  avg_g += g;
307  avg_b += b;
308  count++;
309  }
310  }
311  if (count>0) {
312  avg_r /= count;
313  avg_b /= count;
314  avg_g /= count;
315  }
317  // Perform modified bilinear interpolation.
318  // Don't trust any color information from
319  // an RGBA sample when the alpha channel
320  // is set to fully transparent.
321  //
322  // Some of the input images are hex tiles,
323  // created using a hexagon shaped alpha channel
324  // that is either set to full-on or full-off.
326  rr = gg = bb = aa = 0;
327  for (loc=0; loc<4; loc++) {
328  a = pix[loc] >> 24;
329  r = pix[loc] >> 16;
330  g = pix[loc] >> 8;
331  b = pix[loc] >> 0;
332  if (a == 0) {
333  r = static_cast<uint8_t>(avg_r);
334  g = static_cast<uint8_t>(avg_g);
335  b = static_cast<uint8_t>(avg_b);
336  }
337  rr += r * bilin[loc];
338  gg += g * bilin[loc];
339  bb += b * bilin[loc];
340  aa += a * bilin[loc];
341  }
342  r = rr >> 16;
343  g = gg >> 16;
344  b = bb >> 16;
345  a = aa >> 16;
346  *dst_word = (a << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
347  }
348  }
349  }
351  return dst;
352 }
355 {
356  if(surf == nullptr) {
357  return nullptr;
358  }
359  if(w == surf->w && h == surf->h) {
360  return surf;
361  }
363  assert(w >= 0);
364  assert(h >= 0);
365  surface dst(w, h);
366  if(dst == nullptr) {
367  PLAIN_LOG << "Could not create surface to scale onto";
368  return nullptr;
369  }
371  if(w == 0 || h == 0) {
372  PLAIN_LOG << "Creating an empty image";
373  return dst;
374  }
376  {
377  const_surface_lock src_lock(surf);
378  surface_lock dst_lock(dst);
380  const uint32_t* const src_pixels = src_lock.pixels();
381  uint32_t* const dst_pixels = dst_lock.pixels();
383  const int src_w = surf->w;
384  const int src_h = surf->h;
386  const float xratio = static_cast<float>(src_w) / static_cast<float>(w);
387  const float yratio = static_cast<float>(src_h) / static_cast<float>(h);
388  for(int ydst = 0; ydst != h; ++ydst) {
389  for(int xdst = 0; xdst != w; ++xdst) {
390  // Project dst pixel to a single corresponding src pixel by scale and simply take it
391  const int xsrc = std::floor(static_cast<float>(xdst) * xratio);
392  const int ysrc = std::floor(static_cast<float>(ydst) * yratio);
393  dst_pixels[ydst * dst->w + xdst] = src_pixels[ysrc * src_w + xsrc];
394  }
395  }
396  }
398  return dst;
399 }
401 void adjust_surface_color(surface& nsurf, int red, int green, int blue)
402 {
403  if(nsurf && (red != 0 || green != 0 || blue != 0)) {
404  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
405  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
406  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
408  while(beg != end) {
409  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
411  if(alpha) {
412  uint8_t r, g, b;
413  r = (*beg) >> 16;
414  g = (*beg) >> 8;
415  b = (*beg) >> 0;
417  r = std::clamp(static_cast<int>(r) + red, 0, 255);
418  g = std::clamp(static_cast<int>(g) + green, 0, 255);
419  b = std::clamp(static_cast<int>(b) + blue, 0, 255);
421  *beg = (alpha << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
422  }
424  ++beg;
425  }
426  }
427 }
430 {
431  if(nsurf) {
432  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
433  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
434  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
436  while(beg != end) {
437  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
439  if(alpha) {
440  uint8_t r, g, b;
441  r = (*beg) >> 16;
442  g = (*beg) >> 8;
443  b = (*beg);
444  //const uint8_t avg = (red+green+blue)/3;
446  // Use the correct formula for RGB to grayscale conversion.
447  // Ok, this is no big deal :)
448  // The correct formula being:
449  // gray=0.299red+0.587green+0.114blue
450  const uint8_t avg = static_cast<uint8_t>((
451  77 * static_cast<uint16_t>(r) +
452  150 * static_cast<uint16_t>(g) +
453  29 * static_cast<uint16_t>(b) ) / 256);
455  *beg = (alpha << 24) | (avg << 16) | (avg << 8) | avg;
456  }
458  ++beg;
459  }
460  }
461 }
463 void monochrome_image(surface& nsurf, const int threshold)
464 {
465  if(nsurf) {
466  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
467  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
468  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
470  while(beg != end) {
471  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
473  if(alpha) {
474  uint8_t r, g, b, result;
475  r = (*beg) >> 16;
476  g = (*beg) >> 8;
477  b = (*beg);
479  // first convert the pixel to grayscale
480  // if the resulting value is above the threshold make it black
481  // else make it white
482  result = static_cast<uint8_t>(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b) > threshold ? 255 : 0;
484  *beg = (alpha << 24) | (result << 16) | (result << 8) | result;
485  }
487  ++beg;
488  }
489  }
490 }
492 void sepia_image(surface& nsurf)
493 {
494  if(nsurf) {
495  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
496  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
497  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
499  while(beg != end) {
500  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
502  if(alpha) {
503  uint8_t r, g, b;
504  r = (*beg) >> 16;
505  g = (*beg) >> 8;
506  b = (*beg);
508  // this is the formula for applying a sepia effect
509  // that can be found on various web sites
510  // for example here:
511  uint8_t outRed = std::min(255, static_cast<int>((r * 0.393) + (g * 0.769) + (b * 0.189)));
512  uint8_t outGreen = std::min(255, static_cast<int>((r * 0.349) + (g * 0.686) + (b * 0.168)));
513  uint8_t outBlue = std::min(255, static_cast<int>((r * 0.272) + (g * 0.534) + (b * 0.131)));
515  *beg = (alpha << 24) | (outRed << 16) | (outGreen << 8) | (outBlue);
516  }
518  ++beg;
519  }
520  }
521 }
523 void negative_image(surface& nsurf, const int thresholdR, const int thresholdG, const int thresholdB)
524 {
525  if(nsurf) {
526  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
527  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
528  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
530  while(beg != end) {
531  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
533  if(alpha) {
534  uint8_t r, g, b, newR, newG, newB;
535  r = (*beg) >> 16;
536  g = (*beg) >> 8;
537  b = (*beg);
539  // invert he channel only if its value is greater than the supplied threshold
540  // this can be used for solarization effects
541  // for a full negative effect, use a value of -1
542  // 255 is a no-op value (doesn't do anything, since a uint8_t cannot contain a greater value than that)
543  newR = r > thresholdR ? 255 - r : r;
544  newG = g > thresholdG ? 255 - g : g;
545  newB = b > thresholdB ? 255 - b : b;
547  *beg = (alpha << 24) | (newR << 16) | (newG << 8) | (newB);
548  }
550  ++beg;
551  }
552  }
553 }
556 {
557  if(nsurf) {
558  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
559  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
560  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
562  while(beg != end) {
563  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
565  *beg = (0xff << 24) | (alpha << 16) | (alpha << 8) | alpha;
567  ++beg;
568  }
569  }
570 }
572 void wipe_alpha(surface& nsurf)
573 {
574  if(nsurf) {
575  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
576  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
577  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
579  while(beg != end) {
581  *beg = 0xff000000 | *beg;
583  ++beg;
584  }
585  }
586 }
590 {
591  if(surf == nullptr)
592  return;
594  // we blur it, and reuse the neutral surface created by the blur function
597  {
598  surface_lock lock(surf);
599  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
600  uint32_t* end = beg + surf->w*surf->h;
602  while(beg != end) {
603  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
605  if(alpha) {
606  // increase alpha and color in black (RGB=0)
607  // with some stupid optimization for handling maximum values
608  if (alpha < 255/4)
609  *beg = (alpha*4) << 24;
610  else
611  *beg = 0xFF000000; // we hit the maximum
612  }
614  ++beg;
615  }
616  }
617 }
620 {
621  if(nsurf) {
622  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
623  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
624  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
626  while(beg != end) {
627  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
629  if(alpha) {
630  uint8_t red, green, blue, newRed, newGreen, newBlue, newAlpha;
631  red = (*beg) >> 16;
632  green = (*beg) >> 8;
633  blue = (*beg);
635  switch (r) {
636  case RED:
637  newRed = red;
638  break;
639  case GREEN:
640  newRed = green;
641  break;
642  case BLUE:
643  newRed = blue;
644  break;
645  case ALPHA:
646  newRed = alpha;
647  break;
648  default:
649  return;
650  }
652  switch (g) {
653  case RED:
654  newGreen = red;
655  break;
656  case GREEN:
657  newGreen = green;
658  break;
659  case BLUE:
660  newGreen = blue;
661  break;
662  case ALPHA:
663  newGreen = alpha;
664  break;
665  default:
666  return;
667  }
669  switch (b) {
670  case RED:
671  newBlue = red;
672  break;
673  case GREEN:
674  newBlue = green;
675  break;
676  case BLUE:
677  newBlue = blue;
678  break;
679  case ALPHA:
680  newBlue = alpha;
681  break;
682  default:
683  return;
684  }
686  switch (a) {
687  case RED:
688  newAlpha = red;
689  break;
690  case GREEN:
691  newAlpha = green;
692  break;
693  case BLUE:
694  newAlpha = blue;
695  break;
696  case ALPHA:
697  newAlpha = alpha;
698  break;
699  default:
700  return;
701  }
703  *beg = (newAlpha << 24) | (newRed << 16) | (newGreen << 8) | newBlue;
704  }
706  ++beg;
707  }
708  }
709 }
711 void recolor_image(surface& nsurf, const color_range_map& map_rgb)
712 {
713  if(nsurf == nullptr)
714  return;
716  if(map_rgb.empty()) {
717  return;
718  }
720  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
721  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
722  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
724  while(beg != end) {
725  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
727  // Don't recolor invisible pixels.
728  if(alpha) {
729  // Palette use only RGB channels, so remove alpha
730  uint32_t oldrgb = (*beg) | 0xFF000000;
732  auto i = map_rgb.find(color_t::from_argb_bytes(oldrgb));
733  if(i != map_rgb.end()) {
734  *beg = (alpha << 24) | (i->second.to_argb_bytes() & 0x00FFFFFF);
735  }
736  }
738  ++beg;
739  }
740 }
742 void brighten_image(surface& nsurf, int32_t amount)
743 {
744  if(nsurf) {
745  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
746  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
747  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
749  if (amount < 0) amount = 0;
750  while(beg != end) {
751  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
753  if(alpha) {
754  uint8_t r, g, b;
755  r = (*beg) >> 16;
756  g = (*beg) >> 8;
757  b = (*beg);
759  r = std::min<unsigned>(fixed_point_multiply(r, amount),255);
760  g = std::min<unsigned>(fixed_point_multiply(g, amount),255);
761  b = std::min<unsigned>(fixed_point_multiply(b, amount),255);
763  *beg = (alpha << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
764  }
766  ++beg;
767  }
768  }
769 }
771 void adjust_surface_alpha(surface& surf, uint8_t alpha_mod)
772 {
773  if(surf == nullptr) {
774  return;
775  }
777  SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod(surf, alpha_mod);
778 }
780 void adjust_surface_alpha_add(surface& nsurf, int amount)
781 {
782  if(nsurf) {
783  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
784  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
785  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
787  while(beg != end) {
788  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
790  if(alpha) {
791  uint8_t r, g, b;
792  r = (*beg) >> 16;
793  g = (*beg) >> 8;
794  b = (*beg);
796  alpha = uint8_t(std::clamp(static_cast<int>(alpha) + amount, 0, 255));
797  *beg = (alpha << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
798  }
800  ++beg;
801  }
802  }
803 }
805 void mask_surface(surface& nsurf, const surface& nmask, bool* empty_result, const std::string& filename)
806 {
807  if(nsurf == nullptr) {
808  *empty_result = true;
809  return;
810  }
811  if(nmask == nullptr) {
812  return;
813  }
815  if (nsurf->w != nmask->w) {
816  // we don't support efficiently different width.
817  // (different height is not a real problem)
818  // This function is used on all hexes and usually only for that
819  // so better keep it simple and efficient for the normal case
820  std::stringstream ss;
821  ss << "Detected an image with bad dimensions: ";
822  if(!filename.empty()) ss << filename << ": ";
823  ss << nsurf->w << "x" << nsurf->h;
824  PLAIN_LOG << ss.str();
825  PLAIN_LOG << "It will not be masked, please use: "<< nmask->w << "x" << nmask->h;
826  return;
827  }
829  bool empty = true;
830  {
831  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
832  const_surface_lock mlock(nmask);
834  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
835  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
836  const uint32_t* mbeg = mlock.pixels();
837  const uint32_t* mend = mbeg + nmask->w*nmask->h;
839  while(beg != end && mbeg != mend) {
840  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
842  if(alpha) {
843  uint8_t r, g, b;
844  r = (*beg) >> 16;
845  g = (*beg) >> 8;
846  b = (*beg);
848  uint8_t malpha = (*mbeg) >> 24;
849  if (alpha > malpha) {
850  alpha = malpha;
851  }
852  if(alpha)
853  empty = false;
855  *beg = (alpha << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
856  }
858  ++beg;
859  ++mbeg;
860  }
861  }
862  if(empty_result)
863  *empty_result = empty;
864 }
866 bool in_mask_surface(const surface& nsurf, const surface& nmask)
867 {
868  if(nsurf == nullptr) {
869  return false;
870  }
871  if(nmask == nullptr){
872  return true;
873  }
875  if (nsurf->w != nmask->w || nsurf->h != nmask->h ) {
876  // not same size, consider it doesn't fit
877  return false;
878  }
880  {
881  const_surface_lock lock(nsurf);
882  const_surface_lock mlock(nmask);
884  const uint32_t* mbeg = mlock.pixels();
885  const uint32_t* mend = mbeg + nmask->w*nmask->h;
886  const uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
887  // no need for 'end', because both surfaces have same size
889  while(mbeg != mend) {
890  uint8_t malpha = (*mbeg) >> 24;
891  if(malpha == 0) {
892  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
893  if (alpha)
894  return false;
895  }
896  ++mbeg;
897  ++beg;
898  }
899  }
901  return true;
902 }
904 void light_surface(surface& nsurf, const surface &lightmap)
905 {
906  if(nsurf == nullptr) {
907  return;
908  }
909  if(lightmap == nullptr) {
910  return;
911  }
913  if (nsurf->w != lightmap->w) {
914  // we don't support efficiently different width.
915  // (different height is not a real problem)
916  // This function is used on all hexes and usually only for that
917  // so better keep it simple and efficient for the normal case
918  PLAIN_LOG << "Detected an image with bad dimensions: " << nsurf->w << "x" << nsurf->h;
919  PLAIN_LOG << "It will not be lighted, please use: "<< lightmap->w << "x" << lightmap->h;
920  return;
921  }
922  {
923  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
924  const_surface_lock llock(lightmap);
926  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
927  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
928  const uint32_t* lbeg = llock.pixels();
929  const uint32_t* lend = lbeg + lightmap.area();
931  while(beg != end && lbeg != lend) {
932  uint8_t alpha = (*beg) >> 24;
933  if(alpha) {
934  uint8_t lr, lg, lb;
936  lr = (*lbeg) >> 16;
937  lg = (*lbeg) >> 8;
938  lb = (*lbeg);
940  uint8_t r, g, b;
941  r = (*beg) >> 16;
942  g = (*beg) >> 8;
943  b = (*beg);
945  int dr = (static_cast<int>(lr) - 128) * 2;
946  int dg = (static_cast<int>(lg) - 128) * 2;
947  int db = (static_cast<int>(lb) - 128) * 2;
948  //note that r + dr will promote r to int (needed to avoid uint8_t math)
949  r = std::clamp(r + dr, 0, 255);
950  g = std::clamp(g + dg, 0, 255);
951  b = std::clamp(b + db, 0, 255);
953  *beg = (alpha << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
954  }
955  ++beg;
956  ++lbeg;
957  }
958  }
959 }
961 void blur_surface(surface& surf, SDL_Rect rect, int depth)
962 {
963  if(surf == nullptr) {
964  return;
965  }
967  const int max_blur = 256;
968  if(depth > max_blur) {
969  depth = max_blur;
970  }
972  uint32_t queue[max_blur];
973  const uint32_t* end_queue = queue + max_blur;
975  const uint32_t ff = 0xff;
977  const unsigned pixel_offset = rect.y * surf->w + rect.x;
979  surface_lock lock(surf);
980  for(int y = 0; y < rect.h; ++y) {
981  const uint32_t* front = &queue[0];
982  uint32_t* back = &queue[0];
983  uint32_t red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, avg = 0;
984  uint32_t* p = lock.pixels() + pixel_offset + y * surf->w;
985  for(int x = 0; x <= depth && x < rect.w; ++x, ++p) {
986  red += ((*p) >> 16)&0xFF;
987  green += ((*p) >> 8)&0xFF;
988  blue += (*p)&0xFF;
989  ++avg;
990  *back++ = *p;
991  if(back == end_queue) {
992  back = &queue[0];
993  }
994  }
996  p = lock.pixels() + pixel_offset + y * surf->w;
997  for(int x = 0; x < rect.w; ++x, ++p) {
998  *p = 0xFF000000
999  | (std::min(red/avg,ff) << 16)
1000  | (std::min(green/avg,ff) << 8)
1001  | std::min(blue/avg,ff);
1003  if(x >= depth) {
1004  red -= ((*front) >> 16)&0xFF;
1005  green -= ((*front) >> 8)&0xFF;
1006  blue -= *front&0xFF;
1007  --avg;
1008  ++front;
1009  if(front == end_queue) {
1010  front = &queue[0];
1011  }
1012  }
1014  if(x + depth+1 < rect.w) {
1015  uint32_t* q = p + depth+1;
1016  red += ((*q) >> 16)&0xFF;
1017  green += ((*q) >> 8)&0xFF;
1018  blue += (*q)&0xFF;
1019  ++avg;
1020  *back++ = *q;
1021  if(back == end_queue) {
1022  back = &queue[0];
1023  }
1024  }
1025  }
1026  }
1028  for(int x = 0; x < rect.w; ++x) {
1029  const uint32_t* front = &queue[0];
1030  uint32_t* back = &queue[0];
1031  uint32_t red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, avg = 0;
1032  uint32_t* p = lock.pixels() + pixel_offset + x;
1033  for(int y = 0; y <= depth && y < rect.h; ++y, p += surf->w) {
1034  red += ((*p) >> 16)&0xFF;
1035  green += ((*p) >> 8)&0xFF;
1036  blue += *p&0xFF;
1037  ++avg;
1038  *back++ = *p;
1039  if(back == end_queue) {
1040  back = &queue[0];
1041  }
1042  }
1044  p = lock.pixels() + pixel_offset + x;
1045  for(int y = 0; y < rect.h; ++y, p += surf->w) {
1046  *p = 0xFF000000
1047  | (std::min(red/avg,ff) << 16)
1048  | (std::min(green/avg,ff) << 8)
1049  | std::min(blue/avg,ff);
1051  if(y >= depth) {
1052  red -= ((*front) >> 16)&0xFF;
1053  green -= ((*front) >> 8)&0xFF;
1054  blue -= *front&0xFF;
1055  --avg;
1056  ++front;
1057  if(front == end_queue) {
1058  front = &queue[0];
1059  }
1060  }
1062  if(y + depth+1 < rect.h) {
1063  uint32_t* q = p + (depth+1)*surf->w;
1064  red += ((*q) >> 16)&0xFF;
1065  green += ((*q) >> 8)&0xFF;
1066  blue += (*q)&0xFF;
1067  ++avg;
1068  *back++ = *q;
1069  if(back == end_queue) {
1070  back = &queue[0];
1071  }
1072  }
1073  }
1074  }
1075 }
1077 void blur_alpha_surface(surface& res, int depth)
1078 {
1079  if(res == nullptr) {
1080  return;
1081  }
1083  const int max_blur = 256;
1084  if(depth > max_blur) {
1085  depth = max_blur;
1086  }
1088  struct Pixel{
1089  uint8_t alpha;
1090  uint8_t red;
1091  uint8_t green;
1092  uint8_t blue;
1093  Pixel(uint32_t* p)
1094  : alpha(((*p) >> 24)&0xFF)
1095  , red(((*p) >> 16)&0xFF)
1096  , green(((*p) >> 8)&0xFF)
1097  , blue((*p)&0xFF) {}
1098  };
1099  struct Average{
1100  uint32_t alpha;
1101  uint32_t red;
1102  uint32_t green;
1103  uint32_t blue;
1104  Average() : alpha(), red(), green(), blue()
1105  {}
1106  Average& operator+=(const Pixel& pix){
1107  red += pix.alpha *;
1108  green += pix.alpha *;
1109  blue += pix.alpha *;
1110  alpha += pix.alpha;
1111  return *this;
1112  }
1113  Average& operator-=(const Pixel& pix){
1114  red -= pix.alpha *;
1115  green -= pix.alpha *;
1116  blue -= pix.alpha *;
1117  alpha -= pix.alpha;
1118  return *this;
1119  }
1120  uint32_t operator()(unsigned num){
1121  const uint32_t ff = 0xff;
1122  if(!alpha){
1123  return 0;
1124  }
1125  return (std::min(alpha/num,ff) << 24)
1126  | (std::min(red/alpha,ff) << 16)
1127  | (std::min(green/alpha,ff) << 8)
1128  | std::min(blue/alpha,ff);
1129  }
1130  };
1132  boost::circular_buffer<Pixel> queue(depth*2+1);
1134  surface_lock lock(res);
1135  int x, y;
1136  // Iterate over rows, blurring each row horizontally
1137  for(y = 0; y < res->h; ++y) {
1138  // Sum of pixel values stored here
1139  Average avg;
1141  // Preload the first depth+1 pixels
1142  uint32_t* p = lock.pixels() + y*res->w;
1143  for(x = 0; x <= depth && x < res->w; ++x, ++p) {
1144  assert(!queue.full());
1145  queue.push_back(Pixel{p});
1146  avg += queue.back();
1147  }
1149  // This is the actual inner loop
1150  p = lock.pixels() + y*res->w;
1151  for(x = 0; x < res->w; ++x, ++p) {
1152  // Write the current average
1153  const uint32_t num = queue.size();
1154  *p = avg(num);
1156  // Unload earlier pixels that are now too far away
1157  if(x >= depth) {
1158  avg -= queue.front();
1159  assert(!queue.empty());
1160  queue.pop_front();
1161  }
1163  // Add new pixels
1164  if(x + depth+1 < res->w) {
1165  uint32_t* q = p + depth+1;
1166  assert(!queue.full());
1167  queue.push_back(Pixel{q});
1168  avg += queue.back();
1169  }
1170  }
1171  assert(static_cast<int>(queue.size()) == std::min(depth, res->w));
1172  queue.clear();
1173  }
1175  // Iterate over columns, blurring each column vertically
1176  for(x = 0; x < res->w; ++x) {
1177  // Sum of pixel values stored here
1178  Average avg;
1180  // Preload the first depth+1 pixels
1181  uint32_t* p = lock.pixels() + x;
1182  for(y = 0; y <= depth && y < res->h; ++y, p += res->w) {
1183  assert(!queue.full());
1184  queue.push_back(Pixel{p});
1185  avg += queue.back();
1186  }
1188  // This is the actual inner loop
1189  p = lock.pixels() + x;
1190  for(y = 0; y < res->h; ++y, p += res->w) {
1191  // Write the current average
1192  const uint32_t num = queue.size();
1193  *p = avg(num);
1195  // Unload earlier pixels that are now too far away
1196  if(y >= depth) {
1197  avg -= queue.front();
1198  assert(!queue.empty());
1199  queue.pop_front();
1200  }
1202  // Add new pixels
1203  if(y + depth+1 < res->h) {
1204  uint32_t* q = p + (depth+1)*res->w;
1205  assert(!queue.full());
1206  queue.push_back(Pixel{q});
1207  avg += queue.back();
1208  }
1209  }
1210  assert(static_cast<int>(queue.size()) == std::min(depth, res->h));
1211  queue.clear();
1212  }
1213 }
1215 surface cut_surface(const surface &surf, const SDL_Rect& r)
1216 {
1217  if(surf == nullptr)
1218  return nullptr;
1220  surface res(r.w, r.h);
1222  if(res == nullptr) {
1223  PLAIN_LOG << "Could not create a new surface in cut_surface()";
1224  return nullptr;
1225  }
1227  std::size_t sbpp = surf->format->BytesPerPixel;
1228  std::size_t spitch = surf->pitch;
1229  std::size_t rbpp = res->format->BytesPerPixel;
1230  std::size_t rpitch = res->pitch;
1232  // compute the areas to copy
1233  SDL_Rect src_rect = r;
1234  SDL_Rect dst_rect { 0, 0, r.w, r.h };
1236  if (src_rect.x < 0) {
1237  if (src_rect.x + src_rect.w <= 0)
1238  return res;
1239  dst_rect.x -= src_rect.x;
1240  dst_rect.w += src_rect.x;
1241  src_rect.w += src_rect.x;
1242  src_rect.x = 0;
1243  }
1244  if (src_rect.y < 0) {
1245  if (src_rect.y + src_rect.h <= 0)
1246  return res;
1247  dst_rect.y -= src_rect.y;
1248  dst_rect.h += src_rect.y;
1249  src_rect.h += src_rect.y;
1250  src_rect.y = 0;
1251  }
1253  if(src_rect.x >= surf->w || src_rect.y >= surf->h)
1254  return res;
1256  const_surface_lock slock(surf);
1257  surface_lock rlock(res);
1259  const uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(slock.pixels());
1260  uint8_t* dest = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(rlock.pixels());
1262  for(int y = 0; y < src_rect.h && (src_rect.y + y) < surf->h; ++y) {
1263  const uint8_t* line_src = src + (src_rect.y + y) * spitch + src_rect.x * sbpp;
1264  uint8_t* line_dest = dest + (dst_rect.y + y) * rpitch + dst_rect.x * rbpp;
1265  std::size_t size = src_rect.w + src_rect.x <= surf->w ? src_rect.w : surf->w - src_rect.x;
1267  assert(rpitch >= src_rect.w * rbpp);
1268  memcpy(line_dest, line_src, size * rbpp);
1269  }
1271  return res;
1272 }
1274 void blend_surface(surface& nsurf, const double amount, const color_t color)
1275 {
1276  if(nsurf) {
1277  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
1278  uint32_t* beg = lock.pixels();
1279  uint32_t* end = beg + nsurf.area();
1281  uint16_t ratio = amount * 256;
1282  const uint16_t red = ratio * color.r;
1283  const uint16_t green = ratio * color.g;
1284  const uint16_t blue = ratio * color.b;
1285  ratio = 256 - ratio;
1287  while(beg != end) {
1288  uint8_t a = static_cast<uint8_t>(*beg >> 24);
1289  uint8_t r = (ratio * static_cast<uint8_t>(*beg >> 16) + red) >> 8;
1290  uint8_t g = (ratio * static_cast<uint8_t>(*beg >> 8) + green) >> 8;
1291  uint8_t b = (ratio * static_cast<uint8_t>(*beg) + blue) >> 8;
1293  *beg = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
1295  ++beg;
1296  }
1297  }
1298 }
1300 /* Simplified RotSprite algorithm.
1301  *
1302  * Lifted from:
1303  * 1) Zoom the source image by a certain factor.
1304  * 2) Scan the zoomed source image at every step=offset and put it in the result. */
1305 surface rotate_any_surface(const surface& surf, float angle, int zoom, int offset)
1306 {
1307  int src_w, src_h, dst_w, dst_h;
1308  float min_x, min_y, sine, cosine;
1309  {
1310  float max_x, max_y;
1311  // convert angle to radiant (angle * 2 * PI) / 360
1312  const float radians = angle * boost::math::constants::pi<float>() / 180;
1313  cosine = std::cos(radians);
1314  sine = std::sin(radians);
1315  // calculate the size of the dst image
1316  src_w = surf->w * zoom;
1317  src_h = surf->h * zoom;
1318  /* See */
1319  const float point_1x = src_h * -sine;
1320  const float point_1y = src_h * cosine;
1321  const float point_2x = src_w * cosine - src_h * sine;
1322  const float point_2y = src_h * cosine + src_w * sine;
1323  const float point_3x = src_w * cosine;
1324  const float point_3y = src_w * sine;
1325  /* After the rotation, the new image has different dimensions.
1326  * E.g.: The maximum height equals the former diagonal in case the angle is 45, 135, 225 or 315 degree.
1327  * See to get the idea. */
1328  min_x = std::min(0.0F, std::min(point_1x, std::min(point_2x, point_3x)));
1329  min_y = std::min(0.0F, std::min(point_1y, std::min(point_2y, point_3y)));
1330  max_x = (angle > 90 && angle < 180) ? 0 : std::max(point_1x, std::max(point_2x, point_3x));
1331  max_y = (angle > 180 && angle < 270) ? 0 : std::max(point_1y, std::max(point_2y, point_3y));
1332  dst_w = static_cast<int>(ceil(std::abs(max_x) - min_x)) / zoom;
1333  dst_h = static_cast<int>(ceil(std::abs(max_y) - min_y)) / zoom;
1334  }
1335  surface dst(dst_w, dst_h);
1336  {
1337  surface_lock dst_lock(dst);
1338  uint32_t* const dst_pixels = dst_lock.pixels();
1340  const surface src = scale_surface(surf, src_w, src_h);
1341  const_surface_lock src_lock(src);
1342  const uint32_t* const src_pixels = src_lock.pixels();
1344  const float scale = 1.f / zoom;
1345  const int max_x = dst_w * zoom;
1346  const int max_y = dst_h * zoom;
1347  /* Loop through the zoomed src image,
1348  * take every pixel in steps with offset distance and place it in the dst image. */
1349  for (int x = 0; x < max_x; x += offset)
1350  for (int y = 0; y < max_y; y += offset) {
1351  // calculate the src pixel that fits in the dst
1352  const float source_x = (x + min_x)*cosine + (y + min_y)*sine;
1353  const float source_y = (y + min_y)*cosine - (x + min_x)*sine;
1354  // if the pixel exists on the src surface
1355  if (source_x >= 0 && source_x < src_w && source_y >= 0 && source_y < src_h) {
1356  // get it from the src surface and place it on the dst surface
1357  dst_pixels[int((y * scale)) * dst->w + int((x * scale))] =
1358  src_pixels[int(source_y) * src->w + int(source_x)];
1359  }
1360  }
1361  }
1363  return dst;
1364 }
1366 // Rotates a surface 180 degrees.
1368 {
1369  if ( surf == nullptr )
1370  return nullptr;
1372  surface nsurf = surf.clone();
1374  if ( nsurf == nullptr ) {
1375  PLAIN_LOG << "could not make neutral surface...";
1376  return nullptr;
1377  }
1379  {// Code block to limit the scope of the surface lock.
1380  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
1381  uint32_t* const pixels = lock.pixels();
1383  // Swap pixels in the upper half of the image with
1384  // those in the lower half.
1385  for (int y=0; y != nsurf->h/2; ++y) {
1386  for(int x=0; x != nsurf->w; ++x) {
1387  const int index1 = y*nsurf->w + x;
1388  const int index2 = (nsurf->h-y)*nsurf->w - x - 1;
1389  std::swap(pixels[index1],pixels[index2]);
1390  }
1391  }
1393  if ( is_odd(nsurf->h) ) {
1394  // The middle row still needs to be processed.
1395  for (int x=0; x != nsurf->w/2; ++x) {
1396  const int index1 = (nsurf->h/2)*nsurf->w + x;
1397  const int index2 = (nsurf->h/2)*nsurf->w + (nsurf->w - x - 1);
1398  std::swap(pixels[index1],pixels[index2]);
1399  }
1400  }
1401  }
1403  return nsurf;
1404 }
1406 // Rotates a surface 90 degrees, either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
1407 surface rotate_90_surface(const surface& surf, bool clockwise)
1408 {
1409  if(surf == nullptr)
1410  return surf;
1412  surface dst(surf->h, surf->w); // Flipped dimensions.
1414  if ( surf == nullptr || dst == nullptr ) {
1415  PLAIN_LOG << "could not make neutral surface...";
1416  return nullptr;
1417  }
1419  {
1420  const_surface_lock src_lock(surf);
1421  surface_lock dst_lock(dst);
1423  const uint32_t* const src_pixels = src_lock.pixels();
1424  uint32_t* const dst_pixels = dst_lock.pixels();
1426  // Copy the pixels.
1427  for(int y = 0; y != surf->h; ++y) {
1428  for ( int x = 0; x != surf->w; ++x ) {
1429  const int src_index = y*surf->w + x;
1430  const int dst_index = clockwise ?
1431  x*dst->w + (dst->w-1-y) :
1432  (dst->h-1-x)*dst->w + y;
1433  dst_pixels[dst_index] = src_pixels[src_index];
1434  }
1435  }
1436  }
1438  return dst;
1439 }
1441 void flip_surface(surface& nsurf)
1442 {
1443  if(nsurf) {
1444  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
1445  uint32_t* const pixels = lock.pixels();
1447  for(int y = 0; y != nsurf->h; ++y) {
1448  for(int x = 0; x != nsurf->w/2; ++x) {
1449  const int index1 = y*nsurf->w + x;
1450  const int index2 = (y+1)*nsurf->w - x - 1;
1451  std::swap(pixels[index1],pixels[index2]);
1452  }
1453  }
1454  }
1455 }
1457 void flop_surface(surface& nsurf)
1458 {
1459  if(nsurf) {
1460  surface_lock lock(nsurf);
1461  uint32_t* const pixels = lock.pixels();
1463  for(int x = 0; x != nsurf->w; ++x) {
1464  for(int y = 0; y != nsurf->h/2; ++y) {
1465  const int index1 = y*nsurf->w + x;
1466  const int index2 = (nsurf->h-y-1)*nsurf->w + x;
1467  std::swap(pixels[index1],pixels[index2]);
1468  }
1469  }
1470  }
1471 }
1473 surface get_surface_portion(const surface &src, SDL_Rect &area)
1474 {
1475  if (src == nullptr) {
1476  return nullptr;
1477  }
1479  // Check if there is something in the portion
1480  if(area.x >= src->w || area.y >= src->h || area.x + area.w < 0 || area.y + area.h < 0) {
1481  return nullptr;
1482  }
1484  if(area.x + area.w > src->w) {
1485  area.w = src->w - area.x;
1486  }
1487  if(area.y + area.h > src->h) {
1488  area.h = src->h - area.y;
1489  }
1491  // use same format as the source (almost always the screen)
1492  surface dst(area.w, area.h);
1494  if(dst == nullptr) {
1495  PLAIN_LOG << "Could not create a new surface in get_surface_portion()";
1496  return nullptr;
1497  }
1499  // Blit to dst with BLENDMODE_NONE, then reset src blend mode.
1500  SDL_BlendMode src_blend;
1501  SDL_GetSurfaceBlendMode(src, &src_blend);
1502  SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(src, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE);
1503  SDL_BlitSurface(src, &area, dst, nullptr);
1504  SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(src, src_blend);
1506  return dst;
1507 }
1509 namespace
1510 {
1511 constexpr bool not_alpha(uint32_t pixel)
1512 {
1513  return (pixel >> 24) != 0x00;
1514 }
1515 }
1518 {
1519  rect res {0,0,0,0};
1521  const_surface_lock lock(nsurf);
1522  const uint32_t* const pixels = lock.pixels();
1524  int n;
1525  for(n = 0; n != nsurf->h; ++n) {
1526  const uint32_t* const start_row = pixels + n*nsurf->w;
1527  const uint32_t* const end_row = start_row + nsurf->w;
1529  if(std::find_if(start_row,end_row,not_alpha) != end_row)
1530  break;
1531  }
1533  res.y = n;
1535  for(n = 0; n != nsurf->h-res.y; ++n) {
1536  const uint32_t* const start_row = pixels + (nsurf->h-n-1)*nsurf->w;
1537  const uint32_t* const end_row = start_row + nsurf->w;
1539  if(std::find_if(start_row,end_row,not_alpha) != end_row)
1540  break;
1541  }
1543  // The height is the height of the surface,
1544  // minus the distance from the top and
1545  // the distance from the bottom.
1546  res.h = nsurf->h - res.y - n;
1548  for(n = 0; n != nsurf->w; ++n) {
1549  int y;
1550  for(y = 0; y != nsurf->h; ++y) {
1551  const uint32_t pixel = pixels[y*nsurf->w + n];
1552  if(not_alpha(pixel))
1553  break;
1554  }
1556  if(y != nsurf->h)
1557  break;
1558  }
1560  res.x = n;
1562  for(n = 0; n != nsurf->w-res.x; ++n) {
1563  int y;
1564  for(y = 0; y != nsurf->h; ++y) {
1565  const uint32_t pixel = pixels[y*nsurf->w + nsurf->w - n - 1];
1566  if(not_alpha(pixel))
1567  break;
1568  }
1570  if(y != nsurf->h)
1571  break;
1572  }
1574  res.w = nsurf->w - res.x - n;
1575  return res;
1576 }
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
double g
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
Helper class for pinning SDL surfaces into memory.
Definition: surface.hpp:127
pixel_t * pixels() const
Definition: surface.hpp:146
surface clone() const
Makes a copy of this surface.
Definition: surface.cpp:63
int area() const
Total area of the surface in square pixels.
Definition: surface.hpp:90
Represents version numbers.
std::unordered_map< color_t, color_t > color_range_map
Definition: color_range.hpp:30
void swap(config &lhs, config &rhs)
Implement non-member swap function for std::swap (calls config::swap).
Definition: config.cpp:1339
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1033
int w
Standard logging facilities (interface).
#define PLAIN_LOG
Definition: log.hpp:297
constexpr int fixed_point_to_int(int32_t n)
If positive, just bit shift.
Definition: math.hpp:219
constexpr bool is_odd(T num)
Definition: math.hpp:36
constexpr unsigned fixed_point_multiply(int32_t n1, int32_t n2)
Definition: math.hpp:197
constexpr int32_t fixed_point_divide(int n1, int n2)
Definition: math.hpp:207
Definition: pump.hpp:41
version_info get_version()
Returns the runtime SDL version.
Definition: utils.cpp:36
bool runtime_at_least(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor=0, uint8_t patch=0)
Returns true if the runtime SDL version is at or greater than the specified version,...
Definition: utils.cpp:43
std::size_t size(std::string_view str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
void scale(size_t factor, const uint32_t *src, uint32_t *trg, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, ColorFormat colFmt, const ScalerCfg &cfg=ScalerCfg(), int yFirst=0, int yLast=std::numeric_limits< int >::max())
Definition: xbrz.cpp:1170
Definition: xbrz.hpp:50
rect dst
Location on the final composed sheet.
surface surf
rect src
Non-transparent portion of the surface to compose.
std::string filename
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
static constexpr color_t from_argb_bytes(uint32_t c)
Creates a new color_t object from a uint32_t variable.
Definition: color.hpp:126
An abstract description of a rectangle with integer coordinates.
Definition: rect.hpp:49
mock_party p
static map_location::direction n
static map_location::direction s
constexpr uint32_t red
Definition: test_sdl.cpp:24
constexpr uint32_t green
Definition: test_sdl.cpp:25
constexpr uint32_t blue
Definition: test_sdl.cpp:26
void mask_surface(surface &nsurf, const surface &nmask, bool *empty_result, const std::string &filename)
Applies a mask on a surface.
Definition: utils.cpp:805
rect get_non_transparent_portion(const surface &nsurf)
Definition: utils.cpp:1517
void alpha_to_greyscale(surface &nsurf)
Definition: utils.cpp:555
surface scale_surface_legacy(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
Scale a surface using simple bilinear filtering (discarding rgb from source pixels with 0 alpha)
Definition: utils.cpp:221
void recolor_image(surface &nsurf, const color_range_map &map_rgb)
Recolors a surface using a map with source and converted palette values.
Definition: utils.cpp:711
void wipe_alpha(surface &nsurf)
Definition: utils.cpp:572
void brighten_image(surface &nsurf, int32_t amount)
Definition: utils.cpp:742
void adjust_surface_alpha(surface &surf, uint8_t alpha_mod)
Definition: utils.cpp:771
void sepia_image(surface &nsurf)
Definition: utils.cpp:492
void adjust_surface_alpha_add(surface &nsurf, int amount)
Definition: utils.cpp:780
void blend_surface(surface &nsurf, const double amount, const color_t color)
Blends a surface with a color.
Definition: utils.cpp:1274
void swap_channels_image(surface &nsurf, channel r, channel g, channel b, channel a)
Definition: utils.cpp:619
void adjust_surface_color(surface &nsurf, int red, int green, int blue)
Definition: utils.cpp:401
surface cut_surface(const surface &surf, const SDL_Rect &r)
Cuts a rectangle from a surface.
Definition: utils.cpp:1215
void negative_image(surface &nsurf, const int thresholdR, const int thresholdG, const int thresholdB)
Definition: utils.cpp:523
void shadow_image(surface &surf, int scale)
create an heavy shadow of the image, by blurring, increasing alpha and darkening
Definition: utils.cpp:589
static lg::log_domain log_display("display")
void light_surface(surface &nsurf, const surface &lightmap)
Light surf using lightmap.
Definition: utils.cpp:904
surface get_surface_portion(const surface &src, SDL_Rect &area)
Get a portion of the screen.
Definition: utils.cpp:1473
surface scale_surface_xbrz(const surface &surf, std::size_t z)
Scale a surface using xBRZ algorithm.
Definition: utils.cpp:57
bool in_mask_surface(const surface &nsurf, const surface &nmask)
Check if a surface fit into a mask.
Definition: utils.cpp:866
surface scale_surface_sharp(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
Scale a surface using modified nearest neighbour algorithm.
Definition: utils.cpp:354
void blur_alpha_surface(surface &res, int depth)
Cross-fades a surface with alpha channel.
Definition: utils.cpp:1077
void greyscale_image(surface &nsurf)
Definition: utils.cpp:429
void flop_surface(surface &nsurf)
Definition: utils.cpp:1457
surface rotate_90_surface(const surface &surf, bool clockwise)
Rotates a surface 90 degrees.
Definition: utils.cpp:1407
surface rotate_180_surface(const surface &surf)
Rotates a surface 180 degrees.
Definition: utils.cpp:1367
void flip_surface(surface &nsurf)
Definition: utils.cpp:1441
surface scale_surface(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
Scale a surface using alpha-weighted modified bilinear filtering Note: causes artifacts with alpha gr...
Definition: utils.cpp:95
surface rotate_any_surface(const surface &surf, float angle, int zoom, int offset)
Rotates a surface by any degrees.
Definition: utils.cpp:1305
void monochrome_image(surface &nsurf, const int threshold)
Definition: utils.cpp:463
void blur_surface(surface &surf, SDL_Rect rect, int depth)
Cross-fades a surface in place.
Definition: utils.cpp:961
Definition: utils.hpp:102
Definition: utils.hpp:102
Definition: utils.hpp:102
Definition: utils.hpp:102
Definition: utils.hpp:102
#define e
#define h
#define b