The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.7+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2014 - 2024
3  by Chris Beck <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * Common callbacks and functions to manipulate config, vconfig, tstring
18  * in lua, and macros to get them from the stack.
19  */
21 #pragma once
23 struct lua_State;
24 class t_string;
25 class vconfig;
27 #include "config.hpp"
28 #include "variable_info.hpp"
29 #include "map/location.hpp"
31 #include <string>
32 #include <string_view>
33 #include <vector>
35 namespace lua_common {
36  int intf_textdomain(lua_State *L);
37  int intf_tovconfig(lua_State* L);
39  std::string register_gettext_metatable(lua_State *L);
40  std::string register_tstring_metatable(lua_State *L);
41  std::string register_vconfig_metatable(lua_State *L);
43 }
45 void* operator new(std::size_t sz, lua_State *L, int nuv = 0);
46 void operator delete(void* p, lua_State *L, int nuv);
48 /**
49  * Like luaL_getmetafield, but returns false if key is an empty string
50  * or begins with two underscores.
51  */
52 bool luaW_getmetafield(lua_State *L, int idx, const char* key);
54 /**
55  * Pushes a vconfig on the top of the stack.
56  */
57 void luaW_pushvconfig(lua_State *L, const vconfig& cfg);
59 /**
60  * Pushes a t_string on the top of the stack.
61  */
62 void luaW_pushtstring(lua_State *L, const t_string& v);
64 /**
65  * Converts an attribute value into a Lua object pushed at the top of the stack.
66  */
67 void luaW_pushscalar(lua_State *L, const config::attribute_value& v);
69 /**
70  * Converts the value at the top of the stack to an attribute value
71  */
72 bool luaW_toscalar(lua_State *L, int index, config::attribute_value& v);
74 /**
75  * Converts a scalar to a translatable string.
76  */
77 bool luaW_totstring(lua_State *L, int index, t_string &str);
79 /**
80  * Converts a scalar to a translatable string.
81  */
82 t_string luaW_checktstring(lua_State *L, int index);
84 /*
85  * Test if a scalar is either a plain or translatable string.
86  * Also returns true if it's a number since that's convertible to string.
87  */
88 bool luaW_iststring(lua_State* L, int index);
90 /**
91  * Converts a config object to a Lua table.
92  * The destination table should be at the top of the stack on entry. It is
93  * still at the top on exit.
94  */
95 void luaW_filltable(lua_State *L, const config& cfg);
97 /**
98  * Push an empty "named tuple" onto the stack.
99  * A named tuple is an array where each index can also be accessed by name.
100  * Once it's pushed, you can set the elements, eg with lua_rawseti.
101  */
102 void luaW_push_namedtuple(lua_State* L, const std::vector<std::string>& names);
104 /**
105  * Converts a map location object to a Lua table pushed at the top of the stack.
106  */
107 void luaW_pushlocation(lua_State *L, const map_location& loc);
109 /**
110  * Converts an optional table or pair of integers to a map location object.
111  * @param L the pointer to the lua interpreter.
112  * @param index stack position of the table or first integer.
113  * @param loc the location to write to.
114  * @return false if a map location couldn't be matched.
115  */
116 bool luaW_tolocation(lua_State *L, int index, map_location &loc);
118 /**
119  * Converts an optional table or pair of integers to a map location object.
120  * @note If a pair of integers was found, the first one will be removed
121  * from the stack when the function returns.
122  */
123 map_location luaW_checklocation(lua_State *L, int index);
125 /**
126  * Converts a set of map locations to a Lua table pushed at the top of the stack.
127  */
128 int luaW_push_locationset(lua_State* L, const std::set<map_location>& locs);
130 /**
131  * Converts a table of integer pairs to a set of map location objects.
132  */
133 std::set<map_location> luaW_check_locationset(lua_State* L, int idx);
135 /**
136  * Converts a config object to a Lua table pushed at the top of the stack.
137  */
138 void luaW_pushconfig(lua_State *L, const config& cfg);
140 /**
141  * Converts an optional table or vconfig to a config object.
142  * @param L the pointer to the lua interpreter.
143  * @param index stack position of the table.
144  * @param cfg the config to write the data to.
145  * @return false if some attributes had not the proper type.
146  * @note If the table has holes in the integer keys or floating-point keys,
147  * some keys will be ignored and the error will go undetected.
148  */
149 bool luaW_toconfig(lua_State *L, int index, config &cfg);
151 /**
152  * Converts an optional table or vconfig to a config object.
153  */
154 config luaW_checkconfig(lua_State *L, int index);
156 /**
157  * Gets an optional vconfig from either a table or a userdata.
158  * @return false in case of failure.
159  */
160 bool luaW_tovconfig(lua_State *L, int index, vconfig &vcfg);
162 /**
163  * Gets an optional vconfig from either a table or a userdata.
164  * @param L the pointer to the lua interpreter.
165  * @param index the location in the current lua execution stack to look at.
166  * @param allow_missing true if missing values are allowed; the function
167  * then returns an unconstructed vconfig.
168  */
169 vconfig luaW_checkvconfig(lua_State *L, int index, bool allow_missing = false);
171 /**
172  * Like the two-argument version, but if it was a vconfig, also
173  * returns a pointer to that vconfig.
174  */
175 config luaW_checkconfig(lua_State *L, int index, const vconfig*& vcfg);
177 /**
178  * Pushes the value found by following the variadic names (char *), if the
179  * value is not nil.
180  * @return true if an element was pushed.
181  */
182 bool luaW_getglobal(lua_State *L, const std::vector<std::string>& path);
184 /**
185  * Pushes the value found by following the variadic names (char *), if the
186  * value is not nil.
187  * @return true if an element was pushed.
188  */
189 template<typename... T>
190 bool luaW_getglobal(lua_State *L, T... path) {
191  return luaW_getglobal(L, std::vector<std::string> {path...} );
192 }
194 bool luaW_toboolean(lua_State *L, int n);
197 bool luaW_pushvariable(lua_State *L, variable_access_const& v);
199 bool luaW_checkvariable(lua_State *L, variable_access_create& v, int n);
201 bool luaW_tableget(lua_State *L, int index, const char* key);
203 std::string_view luaW_tostring(lua_State *L, int index);
204 std::string_view luaW_tostring_or_default(lua_State *L, int index, std::string_view def = std::string_view());
206 /**
207  * Displays a message in the chat window.
208  */
209 void chat_message(const std::string& caption, const std::string& msg);
211 /**
212  * Calls a Lua function stored below its @a nArgs arguments at the top of the stack.
213  * @param L the pointer to the lua interpreter.
214  * @param nArgs
215  * @param nRets LUA_MULTRET for unbounded return values.
216  * @param allow_wml_error controls where any stack traces are output.
217  * @return true if the call was successful and @a nRets return values are available.
218  */
219 bool luaW_pcall(lua_State *L, int nArgs, int nRets, bool allow_wml_error = false);
221 // Don't use these directly
222 void push_error_handler(lua_State *L);
223 int luaW_pcall_internal(lua_State *L, int nArgs, int nRets);
225 int luaW_type_error(lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname);
226 int luaW_type_error(lua_State *L, int narg, const char* kpath, const char *tname);
228 #define deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg) deprecated_message(prefix "." name, DEP_LEVEL::level, version, msg)
230 #define return_deprecated_attrib(type_macro, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg) \
231  type_macro(name, ( \
232  deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg), \
233  accessor \
234  ))
236 #define return_tstring_attrib(name, accessor) \
237 do { \
238  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
239  luaW_pushtstring(L, (accessor)); \
240  return 1; \
241  } \
242 } while(false)
243 #define return_tstring_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
244  return_deprecated_attrib(return_tstring_attrib, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg)
246 #define return_cstring_attrib(name, accessor) \
247 do { \
248  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
249  lua_pushstring(L, (accessor)); \
250  return 1; \
251  } \
252 } while(false)
253 #define return_cstring_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
254  return_deprecated_attrib(return_cstring_attrib, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg)
256 #define return_string_attrib(name, accessor) \
257 do { \
258  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
259  const std::string& str = (accessor); \
260  lua_pushlstring(L, str.c_str(), str.length()); \
261  return 1; \
262  } \
263 } while(false)
264 #define return_string_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
265  return_deprecated_attrib(return_string_attrib, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg)
267 #define return_int_attrib(name, accessor) \
268 do { \
269  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
270  lua_pushinteger(L, (accessor)); \
271  return 1; \
272  } \
273 } while(false)
274 #define return_int_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
275  return_deprecated_attrib(return_int_attrib, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg)
277 #define return_float_attrib(name, accessor) \
278 do { \
279  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
280  lua_pushnumber(L, (accessor)); \
281  return 1; \
282  } \
283 } while(false)
284 #define return_float_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
285  return_deprecated_attrib(return_float_attrib, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg)
287 #define return_bool_attrib(name, accessor) \
288 do { \
289  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
290  lua_pushboolean(L, (accessor)); \
291  return 1; \
292  } \
293 } while(false)
294 #define return_bool_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
295  return_deprecated_attrib(return_bool_attrib, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg)
297 #define return_cfg_attrib(name, accessor) \
298 do { \
299  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
300  config cfg; \
301  {accessor;} \
302  luaW_pushconfig(L, cfg); \
303  return 1; \
304  } \
305 } while(false)
306 #define return_cfg_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
307  return_cfg_attrib(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor)
309 #define return_cfgref_attrib(name, accessor) \
310 do { \
311  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
312  luaW_pushconfig(L, (accessor)); \
313  return 1; \
314  } \
315 } while(false)
316 #define return_cfgref_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
317  return_deprecated_attrib(return_cfgref_attrib, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg)
319 #define return_vector_string_attrib(name, accessor) \
320 do { \
321  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
322  const std::vector<std::string>& vector = (accessor); \
323  lua_createtable(L, vector.size(), 0); \
324  int i = 1; \
325  for (const std::string& s : vector) { \
326  lua_pushlstring(L, s.c_str(), s.length()); \
327  lua_rawseti(L, -2, i); \
328  ++i; \
329  } \
330  return 1; \
331  } \
332 } while(false)
333 #define return_vector_string_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
334  return_deprecated_attrib(return_vector_string_attrib, name, accessor, prefix, level, version, msg)
336 #define modify_tstring_attrib(name, accessor) \
337 do { \
338  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
339  t_string value = luaW_checktstring(L, 3); \
340  {accessor;} \
341  return 0; \
342  } \
343 } while(false)
344 #define modify_tstring_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
345  modify_tstring_attrib(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor)
347 #define modify_string_attrib(name, accessor) \
348 do { \
349  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
350  const char *value = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); \
351  {accessor;} \
352  return 0; \
353  } \
354 } while(false)
355 #define modify_string_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
356  modify_string_attrib(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor)
358 #define modify_int_attrib(name, accessor) \
359 do { \
360  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
361  int value = static_cast<int>(luaL_checknumber(L, 3)); \
362  {accessor;} \
363  return 0; \
364  } \
365 } while(false)
366 #define modify_int_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
367  modify_int_attrib(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor)
369 #define modify_int_attrib_check_range(name, accessor, allowed_min, allowed_max) \
370 do { \
371  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
372  int value = static_cast<int>(luaL_checknumber(L, 3)); \
373  if (value < (allowed_min) || (allowed_max) < value) return luaL_argerror(L, 3, "out of bounds"); \
374  {accessor;} \
375  return 0; \
376  } \
377 } while(false)
378 #define modify_int_attrib_check_range_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor, allowed_min, allowed_max) \
379  modify_int_attrib_check_range(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor, allowed_min, allowed_max)
381 #define modify_float_attrib(name, accessor) \
382 do { \
383  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
384  lua_Number value = luaL_checknumber(L, 3); \
385  {accessor;} \
386  return 0; \
387  } \
388 } while(false)
389 #define modify_float_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
390  modify_float_attrib(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor)
392 #define modify_float_attrib_check_range(name, accessor, allowed_min, allowed_max) \
393 do { \
394  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
395  lua_Number value = luaL_checknumber(L, 3); \
396  if (value < (allowed_min) || (allowed_max) < value) return luaL_argerror(L, 3, "out of bounds"); \
397  {accessor;} \
398  return 0; \
399  } \
400 } while(false)
401 #define modify_float_attrib_check_range_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor, allowed_min, allowed_max) \
402  modify_float_attrib_check_range(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor, allowed_min, allowed_max)
404 #define modify_bool_attrib(name, accessor) \
405 do { \
406  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
407  bool value = luaW_toboolean(L, 3); \
408  {accessor;} \
409  return 0; \
410  } \
411 } while(false)
412 #define modify_bool_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
413  modify_bool_attrib(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor)
415 #define modify_cfg_attrib(name, accessor) \
416 do { \
417  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
418  const config& cfg = luaW_checkconfig(L, 3); \
419  {accessor;} \
420  return 0; \
421  } \
422 } while(false)
423 #define modify_cfg_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
424  modify_cfg_attrib(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor)
426 #define modify_vector_string_attrib(name, accessor) \
427 do { \
428  if (strcmp(m, (name)) == 0) { \
429  std::vector<std::string> value; \
430  char const* message = "table with unnamed indices holding strings expected"; \
431  if (!lua_istable(L, 3)) return luaL_argerror(L, 3, message); \
432  unsigned length = lua_rawlen(L, 3); \
433  for (unsigned i = 1; i <= length; ++i) { \
434  lua_rawgeti(L, 3, i); \
435  char const* string = lua_tostring(L, 4); \
436  if(!string) return luaL_argerror(L, 2 + i, message); \
437  value.push_back(string); \
438  lua_pop(L, 1); \
439  } \
440  {accessor;} \
441  return 0; \
442  } \
443 } while(false)
444 #define modify_vector_string_attrib_deprecated(name, prefix, level, version, msg, accessor) \
445  modify_vector_string_attrib(name, deprecate_attrib(name, prefix, level, version, msg); accessor)
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
std::vector< std::string > names
Definition: build_info.cpp:67
Variant for storing WML attributes.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:172
Additional functionality for a non-const variable_info.
Information on a WML variable.
A variable-expanding proxy for the config class.
Definition: variable.hpp:45
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
void luaW_pushconfig(lua_State *L, const config &cfg)
Converts a config object to a Lua table pushed at the top of the stack.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:837
int luaW_pcall_internal(lua_State *L, int nArgs, int nRets)
void luaW_filltable(lua_State *L, const config &cfg)
Converts a config object to a Lua table.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:654
void chat_message(const std::string &caption, const std::string &msg)
Displays a message in the chat window.
void push_error_handler(lua_State *L)
vconfig luaW_checkvconfig(lua_State *L, int index, bool allow_missing=false)
Gets an optional vconfig from either a table or a userdata.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:971
bool luaW_iststring(lua_State *L, int index)
Definition: lua_common.cpp:643
void luaW_push_namedtuple(lua_State *L, const std::vector< std::string > &names)
Push an empty "named tuple" onto the stack.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:712
config luaW_checkconfig(lua_State *L, int index)
Converts an optional table or vconfig to a config object.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:927
std::set< map_location > luaW_check_locationset(lua_State *L, int idx)
Converts a table of integer pairs to a set of map location objects.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:820
void luaW_pushtstring(lua_State *L, const t_string &v)
Pushes a t_string on the top of the stack.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:545
bool luaW_pushvariable(lua_State *L, variable_access_const &v)
bool luaW_tovconfig(lua_State *L, int index, vconfig &vcfg)
Gets an optional vconfig from either a table or a userdata.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:944
void luaW_pushvconfig(lua_State *L, const vconfig &cfg)
Pushes a vconfig on the top of the stack.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:539
bool luaW_toboolean(lua_State *L, int n)
Definition: lua_common.cpp:998
int luaW_type_error(lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname)
bool luaW_toscalar(lua_State *L, int index, config::attribute_value &v)
Converts the value at the top of the stack to an attribute value.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:583
std::string_view luaW_tostring(lua_State *L, int index)
bool luaW_getmetafield(lua_State *L, int idx, const char *key)
Like luaL_getmetafield, but returns false if key is an empty string or begins with two underscores.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:524
void luaW_pushscalar(lua_State *L, const config::attribute_value &v)
Converts an attribute value into a Lua object pushed at the top of the stack.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:578
bool luaW_totstring(lua_State *L, int index, t_string &str)
Converts a scalar to a translatable string.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:610
void luaW_pushlocation(lua_State *L, const map_location &loc)
Converts a map location object to a Lua table pushed at the top of the stack.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:740
bool luaW_tableget(lua_State *L, int index, const char *key)
bool luaW_checkvariable(lua_State *L, variable_access_create &v, int n)
bool luaW_toconfig(lua_State *L, int index, config &cfg)
Converts an optional table or vconfig to a config object.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:849
bool luaW_pcall(lua_State *L, int nArgs, int nRets, bool allow_wml_error=false)
Calls a Lua function stored below its nArgs arguments at the top of the stack.
int luaW_push_locationset(lua_State *L, const std::set< map_location > &locs)
Converts a set of map locations to a Lua table pushed at the top of the stack.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:808
std::string_view luaW_tostring_or_default(lua_State *L, int index, std::string_view def=std::string_view())
bool luaW_tolocation(lua_State *L, int index, map_location &loc)
Converts an optional table or pair of integers to a map location object.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:751
map_location luaW_checklocation(lua_State *L, int index)
Converts an optional table or pair of integers to a map location object.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:800
bool luaW_getglobal(lua_State *L, const std::vector< std::string > &path)
Pushes the value found by following the variadic names (char *), if the value is not nil.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:979
t_string luaW_checktstring(lua_State *L, int index)
Converts a scalar to a translatable string.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:635
std::string path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:91
int intf_textdomain(lua_State *L)
Creates an interface for gettext.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:93
std::string register_gettext_metatable(lua_State *L)
Adds the gettext metatable.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:421
std::string register_vconfig_metatable(lua_State *L)
Adds the vconfig metatable.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:473
std::string register_tstring_metatable(lua_State *L)
Adds the tstring metatable.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:441
int intf_tovconfig(lua_State *L)
Creates a vconfig containing the WML table.
Definition: lua_common.cpp:411
std::size_t index(std::string_view str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
mock_party p
static map_location::direction n