The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.8+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * File-IO
19  */
20 #define GETTEXT_DOMAIN "wesnoth-lib"
22 #include "filesystem.hpp"
24 #include "config.hpp"
25 #include "gettext.hpp"
26 #include "log.hpp"
27 #include "serialization/base64.hpp"
30 #include "utils/general.hpp"
32 #include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
33 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
34 #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
35 #include <boost/format.hpp>
36 #include <boost/iostreams/device/file_descriptor.hpp>
37 #include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
38 #include <boost/process.hpp>
39 #include "game_config_view.hpp"
41 #ifdef _WIN32
42 #include <boost/locale.hpp>
44 #include <windows.h>
45 #include <shlobj.h>
46 #include <shlwapi.h>
48 // Work around TDM-GCC not #defining this according to @newfrenchy83.
50 #define VOLUME_NAME_NONE 0x4
51 #endif
53 #endif /* !_WIN32 */
55 #ifdef __APPLE__
56 #include <mach-o/dyld.h>
57 #include <limits.h>
58 #endif
60 #include <algorithm>
61 #include <cstdlib>
62 #include <set>
63 #include <utility>
65 // Copied from boost::predef, as it's there only since 1.55.
66 #if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__) && defined(__ENVIRONMENT_IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__)
69 #include <SDL2/SDL_filesystem.h>
71 #endif
74 static lg::log_domain log_filesystem("filesystem");
75 #define DBG_FS LOG_STREAM(debug, log_filesystem)
76 #define LOG_FS LOG_STREAM(info, log_filesystem)
77 #define WRN_FS LOG_STREAM(warn, log_filesystem)
78 #define ERR_FS LOG_STREAM(err, log_filesystem)
80 namespace bp = boost::process;
81 namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
82 using boost::system::error_code;
84 namespace game_config
85 {
86 //
87 // Path info
88 //
89 #ifdef WESNOTH_PATH
90 std::string path = WESNOTH_PATH;
91 #else
92 std::string path = "";
93 #endif
96 std::string default_preferences_path = DEFAULT_PREFS_PATH;
97 #else
98 std::string default_preferences_path = "";
99 #endif
100 bool check_migration = false;
102 const std::string observer_team_name = "observer";
105 }
107 namespace
108 {
109 // These are the filenames that get special processing
110 const std::string maincfg_filename = "_main.cfg";
111 const std::string finalcfg_filename = "_final.cfg";
112 const std::string initialcfg_filename = "_initial.cfg";
114 // only used by windows but put outside the ifdef to let it check by ci build.
115 class customcodecvt : public std::codecvt<wchar_t /*intern*/, char /*extern*/, std::mbstate_t>
116 {
117 private:
118  // private static helper things
119  template<typename char_t_to>
120  struct customcodecvt_do_conversion_writer
121  {
122  customcodecvt_do_conversion_writer(char_t_to*& _to_next, char_t_to* _to_end)
123  : to_next(_to_next)
124  , to_end(_to_end)
125  {
126  }
128  char_t_to*& to_next;
129  char_t_to* to_end;
131  bool can_push(std::size_t count) const
132  {
133  return static_cast<std::size_t>(to_end - to_next) > count;
134  }
136  void push(char_t_to val)
137  {
138  assert(to_next != to_end);
139  *to_next++ = val;
140  }
141  };
143  template<typename char_t_from, typename char_t_to>
144  static void customcodecvt_do_conversion(std::mbstate_t& /*state*/,
145  const char_t_from* from,
146  const char_t_from* from_end,
147  const char_t_from*& from_next,
148  char_t_to* to,
149  char_t_to* to_end,
150  char_t_to*& to_next)
151  {
152  typedef typename ucs4_convert_impl::convert_impl<char_t_from>::type impl_type_from;
153  typedef typename ucs4_convert_impl::convert_impl<char_t_to>::type impl_type_to;
155  from_next = from;
156  to_next = to;
157  customcodecvt_do_conversion_writer<char_t_to> writer(to_next, to_end);
159  while(from_next != from_end) {
160  impl_type_to::write(writer, impl_type_from::read(from_next, from_end));
161  }
162  }
164 public:
165  // Not used by boost filesystem
166  int do_encoding() const noexcept
167  {
168  return 0;
169  }
171  // Not used by boost filesystem
172  bool do_always_noconv() const noexcept
173  {
174  return false;
175  }
177  int do_length(std::mbstate_t& /*state*/, const char* /*from*/, const char* /*from_end*/, std::size_t /*max*/) const
178  {
179  // Not used by boost filesystem
180  throw "Not supported";
181  }
183  std::codecvt_base::result unshift(
184  std::mbstate_t& /*state*/, char* /*to*/, char* /*to_end*/, char*& /*to_next*/) const
185  {
186  // Not used by boost filesystem
187  throw "Not supported";
188  }
190  // there are still some methods which could be implemented but aren't because boost filesystem won't use them.
191  std::codecvt_base::result do_in(std::mbstate_t& state,
192  const char* from,
193  const char* from_end,
194  const char*& from_next,
195  wchar_t* to,
196  wchar_t* to_end,
197  wchar_t*& to_next) const
198  {
199  try {
200  customcodecvt_do_conversion<char, wchar_t>(state, from, from_end, from_next, to, to_end, to_next);
201  } catch(...) {
202  ERR_FS << "Invalid UTF-8 string'" << std::string(from, from_end) << "' with exception: " << utils::get_unknown_exception_type();
203  return std::codecvt_base::error;
204  }
206  return std::codecvt_base::ok;
207  }
209  std::codecvt_base::result do_out(std::mbstate_t& state,
210  const wchar_t* from,
211  const wchar_t* from_end,
212  const wchar_t*& from_next,
213  char* to,
214  char* to_end,
215  char*& to_next) const
216  {
217  try {
218  customcodecvt_do_conversion<wchar_t, char>(state, from, from_end, from_next, to, to_end, to_next);
219  } catch(...) {
220  ERR_FS << "Invalid UTF-16 string with exception: " << utils::get_unknown_exception_type();
221  return std::codecvt_base::error;
222  }
224  return std::codecvt_base::ok;
225  }
226 };
228 #ifdef _WIN32
229 class static_runner
230 {
231 public:
232  static_runner()
233  {
234  // Boost uses the current locale to generate a UTF-8 one
235  std::locale utf8_loc = boost::locale::generator().generate("");
237  // use a custom locale because we want to use out log.hpp functions in case of an invalid string.
238  utf8_loc = std::locale(utf8_loc, new customcodecvt());
240  boost::filesystem::path::imbue(utf8_loc);
241  }
242 };
244 static static_runner static_bfs_path_imbuer;
246 bool is_filename_case_correct(const std::string& fname, const boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_source& fd)
247 {
248  wchar_t real_path[MAX_PATH];
249  GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(fd.handle(), real_path, MAX_PATH - 1, VOLUME_NAME_NONE);
251  std::string real_name = filesystem::base_name(unicode_cast<std::string>(std::wstring(real_path)));
252  return real_name == filesystem::base_name(fname);
253 }
255 #else
256 bool is_filename_case_correct(const std::string& /*fname*/, const boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_source& /*fd*/)
257 {
258  return true;
259 }
260 #endif
261 } // namespace
263 namespace filesystem
264 {
267  {
268  /* Blacklist dot-files/dirs, which are hidden files in UNIX platforms */
269  ".+",
270  "#*#",
271  "*~",
272  "*-bak",
273  "*.swp",
274  "*.pbl",
275  "*.ign",
276  "_info.cfg",
277  "*.exe",
278  "*.bat",
279  "*.cmd",
280  "*.com",
281  "*.scr",
282  "*.sh",
283  "*.js",
284  "*.vbs",
285  "*.o",
286  "*.ini",
287  /* Remove junk created by certain file manager ;) */
288  "Thumbs.db",
289  /* Eclipse plugin */
290  "*.wesnoth",
291  "*.project",
292  },
293  {
294  ".+",
295  /* macOS metadata-like cruft ( */
296  "__MACOSX",
297  }
298 };
300 static void push_if_exists(std::vector<std::string>* vec, const bfs::path& file, bool full)
301 {
302  if(vec != nullptr) {
303  if(full) {
304  vec->push_back(file.generic_string());
305  } else {
306  vec->push_back(file.filename().generic_string());
307  }
308  }
309 }
311 static inline bool error_except_not_found(const error_code& ec)
312 {
313  return ec && ec != boost::system::errc::no_such_file_or_directory;
314 }
316 static bool is_directory_internal(const bfs::path& fpath)
317 {
318  error_code ec;
319  bool is_dir = bfs::is_directory(fpath, ec);
320  if(error_except_not_found(ec)) {
321  LOG_FS << "Failed to check if " << fpath.string() << " is a directory: " << ec.message();
322  }
324  return is_dir;
325 }
327 static bool file_exists(const bfs::path& fpath)
328 {
329  error_code ec;
330  bool exists = bfs::exists(fpath, ec);
331  if(error_except_not_found(ec)) {
332  ERR_FS << "Failed to check existence of file " << fpath.string() << ": " << ec.message();
333  }
335  return exists;
336 }
338 static bfs::path get_dir(const bfs::path& dirpath)
339 {
340  bool is_dir = is_directory_internal(dirpath);
341  if(!is_dir) {
342  error_code ec;
343  bfs::create_directory(dirpath, ec);
345  if(ec) {
346  ERR_FS << "Failed to create directory " << dirpath.string() << ": " << ec.message();
347  }
349  // This is probably redundant
350  is_dir = is_directory_internal(dirpath);
351  }
353  if(!is_dir) {
354  ERR_FS << "Could not open or create directory " << dirpath.string();
355  return std::string();
356  }
358  return dirpath;
359 }
361 static bool create_directory_if_missing(const bfs::path& dirpath)
362 {
363  error_code ec;
364  bfs::file_status fs = bfs::status(dirpath, ec);
366  if(error_except_not_found(ec)) {
367  ERR_FS << "Failed to retrieve file status for " << dirpath.string() << ": " << ec.message();
368  return false;
369  } else if(bfs::is_directory(fs)) {
370  DBG_FS << "directory " << dirpath.string() << " exists, not creating";
371  return true;
372  } else if(bfs::exists(fs)) {
373  ERR_FS << "cannot create directory " << dirpath.string() << "; file exists";
374  return false;
375  }
377  bool created = bfs::create_directory(dirpath, ec);
378  if(ec) {
379  ERR_FS << "Failed to create directory " << dirpath.string() << ": " << ec.message();
380  }
382  return created;
383 }
386 {
387  DBG_FS << "creating recursive directory: " << dirpath.string();
389  if(dirpath.empty()) {
390  return false;
391  }
393  error_code ec;
394  bfs::file_status fs = bfs::status(dirpath);
396  if(error_except_not_found(ec)) {
397  ERR_FS << "Failed to retrieve file status for " << dirpath.string() << ": " << ec.message();
398  return false;
399  } else if(bfs::is_directory(fs)) {
400  return true;
401  } else if(bfs::exists(fs)) {
402  return false;
403  }
405  if(!dirpath.has_parent_path() || create_directory_if_missing_recursive(dirpath.parent_path())) {
406  return create_directory_if_missing(dirpath);
407  } else {
408  ERR_FS << "Could not create parents to " << dirpath.string();
409  return false;
410  }
411 }
413 static bool check_prefix(bfs::path::iterator& fi, const bfs::path::iterator& fe, const bfs::path& prefix)
414 {
415  bfs::path::iterator pi = prefix.begin(), pe = prefix.end();
416  while(fi != fe && pi != pe && *fi == *pi) {
417  ++fi;
418  ++pi;
419  }
421  return pi == pe;
422 }
424 static bool is_prefix(const bfs::path& full, const bfs::path& prefix_path)
425 {
426  bfs::path::iterator fi = full.begin();
427  return check_prefix(fi, full.end(), prefix_path);
428 }
430 static bfs::path subtract_path(const bfs::path& full, const bfs::path& prefix_path)
431 {
432  bfs::path rest;
433  bfs::path::iterator fi = full.begin(), fe = full.end();
434  if(!check_prefix(fi, fe, prefix_path)) {
435  return rest;
436  }
438  while(fi != fe) {
439  rest /= *fi;
440  ++fi;
441  }
443  return rest;
444 }
446 void get_files_in_dir(const std::string& dir,
447  std::vector<std::string>* files,
448  std::vector<std::string>* dirs,
449  name_mode mode,
451  reorder_mode reorder,
452  file_tree_checksum* checksum)
453 {
454  if(bfs::path(dir).is_relative() && !game_config::path.empty()) {
455  bfs::path absolute_dir(game_config::path);
456  absolute_dir /= dir;
458  if(is_directory_internal(absolute_dir)) {
459  get_files_in_dir(absolute_dir.string(), files, dirs, mode, filter, reorder, checksum);
460  return;
461  }
462  }
464  const bfs::path dirpath(dir);
466  if(reorder == reorder_mode::DO_REORDER) {
467  LOG_FS << "searching for _main.cfg in directory " << dir;
468  const bfs::path maincfg = dirpath / maincfg_filename;
470  if(file_exists(maincfg)) {
471  LOG_FS << "_main.cfg found : " << maincfg;
472  push_if_exists(files, maincfg, mode == name_mode::ENTIRE_FILE_PATH);
473  return;
474  }
475  }
477  error_code ec;
478  bfs::directory_iterator di(dirpath, ec);
479  bfs::directory_iterator end;
481  // Probably not a directory, let the caller deal with it.
482  if(ec) {
483  return;
484  }
486  for(; di != end; ++di) {
487  ec.clear();
488  bfs::file_status st = di->status(ec);
489  if(ec) {
490  LOG_FS << "Failed to get file status of " << di->path().string() << ": " << ec.message();
491  continue;
492  }
494  if(st.type() == bfs::regular_file) {
495  {
496  std::string basename = di->path().filename().string();
498  continue;
499  if(!basename.empty() && basename[0] == '.')
500  continue;
501  }
503  push_if_exists(files, di->path(), mode == name_mode::ENTIRE_FILE_PATH);
505  if(checksum != nullptr) {
506  std::time_t mtime = bfs::last_write_time(di->path(), ec);
507  if(ec) {
508  LOG_FS << "Failed to read modification time of " << di->path().string() << ": " << ec.message();
509  } else if(mtime > checksum->modified) {
510  checksum->modified = mtime;
511  }
513  uintmax_t size = bfs::file_size(di->path(), ec);
514  if(ec) {
515  LOG_FS << "Failed to read filesize of " << di->path().string() << ": " << ec.message();
516  } else {
517  checksum->sum_size += size;
518  }
520  checksum->nfiles++;
521  }
522  } else if(st.type() == bfs::directory_file) {
523  std::string basename = di->path().filename().string();
525  if(!basename.empty() && basename[0] == '.') {
526  continue;
527  }
529  if(filter == filter_mode::SKIP_MEDIA_DIR && (basename == "images" || basename == "sounds")) {
530  continue;
531  }
533  const bfs::path inner_main(di->path() / maincfg_filename);
534  bfs::file_status main_st = bfs::status(inner_main, ec);
536  if(error_except_not_found(ec)) {
537  LOG_FS << "Failed to get file status of " << inner_main.string() << ": " << ec.message();
538  } else if(reorder == reorder_mode::DO_REORDER && main_st.type() == bfs::regular_file) {
539  LOG_FS << "_main.cfg found : "
540  << (mode == name_mode::ENTIRE_FILE_PATH ? inner_main.string() : inner_main.filename().string());
541  push_if_exists(files, inner_main, mode == name_mode::ENTIRE_FILE_PATH);
542  } else {
543  push_if_exists(dirs, di->path(), mode == name_mode::ENTIRE_FILE_PATH);
544  }
545  }
546  }
548  if(files != nullptr) {
549  std::sort(files->begin(), files->end());
550  }
552  if(dirs != nullptr) {
553  std::sort(dirs->begin(), dirs->end());
554  }
556  if(files != nullptr && reorder == reorder_mode::DO_REORDER) {
557  // move finalcfg_filename, if present, to the end of the vector
558  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < files->size(); i++) {
559  if(boost::algorithm::ends_with((*files)[i], "/" + finalcfg_filename)) {
560  files->push_back((*files)[i]);
561  files->erase(files->begin() + i);
562  break;
563  }
564  }
566  // move initialcfg_filename, if present, to the beginning of the vector
567  int foundit = -1;
568  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < files->size(); i++)
569  if(boost::algorithm::ends_with((*files)[i], "/" + initialcfg_filename)) {
570  foundit = i;
571  break;
572  }
573  if(foundit > 0) {
574  std::string initialcfg = (*files)[foundit];
575  for(unsigned int i = foundit; i > 0; i--)
576  (*files)[i] = (*files)[i - 1];
577  (*files)[0] = initialcfg;
578  }
579  }
580 }
582 std::string get_dir(const std::string& dir)
583 {
584  return get_dir(bfs::path(dir)).string();
585 }
587 std::string get_next_filename(const std::string& name, const std::string& extension)
588 {
589  std::string next_filename;
590  int counter = 0;
592  do {
593  std::stringstream filename;
595  filename << name;
596  filename.width(3);
597  filename.fill('0');
598  filename.setf(std::ios_base::right);
599  filename << counter << extension;
601  counter++;
602  next_filename = filename.str();
603  } while(file_exists(next_filename) && counter < 1000);
605  return next_filename;
606 }
611 {
612  return !user_data_dir.string().empty();
613 }
615 const std::string get_version_path_suffix(const version_info& version)
616 {
617  std::ostringstream s;
618  s << version.major_version() << '.' << version.minor_version();
619  return s.str();
620 }
622 const std::string& get_version_path_suffix()
623 {
624  static std::string suffix;
626  // We only really need to generate this once since
627  // the version number cannot change during runtime.
629  if(suffix.empty()) {
631  }
633  return suffix;
634 }
636 #if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__IPHONEOS__)
637  // Starting from Wesnoth 1.14.6, we have to use sandboxing function on macOS
638  // The problem is, that only signed builds can use sandbox. Unsigned builds
639  // would use other config directory then signed ones. So if we don't want
640  // to have two separate config dirs, we have to create symlink to new config
641  // location if exists. This part of code is only required on macOS.
642  static void migrate_apple_config_directory_for_unsandboxed_builds()
643  {
644  const char* home_str = getenv("HOME");
645  bfs::path home = home_str ? home_str : ".";
647  // We don't know which of the two is in PREFERENCES_DIR now.
648  boost::filesystem::path old_saves_dir = home / "Library/Application Support/Wesnoth_";
649  old_saves_dir += get_version_path_suffix();
650  boost::filesystem::path new_saves_dir = home / "Library/Containers/org.wesnoth.Wesnoth/Data/Library/Application Support/Wesnoth_";
651  new_saves_dir += get_version_path_suffix();
653  if(bfs::is_directory(new_saves_dir)) {
654  if(!bfs::exists(old_saves_dir)) {
655  LOG_FS << "Apple developer's userdata migration: symlinking " << old_saves_dir.string() << " to " << new_saves_dir.string();
656  bfs::create_symlink(new_saves_dir, old_saves_dir);
657  } else if(!bfs::is_symlink(old_saves_dir)) {
658  ERR_FS << "Apple developer's userdata migration: Problem! Old (non-containerized) directory " << old_saves_dir.string() << " is not a symlink. Your savegames are scattered around 2 locations.";
659  }
660  return;
661  }
662  }
663 #endif
666 static void setup_user_data_dir()
667 {
668 #if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__IPHONEOS__)
669  migrate_apple_config_directory_for_unsandboxed_builds();
670 #endif
671  if(!file_exists(user_data_dir / "logs")) {
673  }
676  ERR_FS << "could not open or create user data directory at " << user_data_dir.string();
677  return;
678  }
679  // TODO: this may not print the error message if the directory exists but we don't have the proper permissions
681  // Create user data and add-on directories
694  }
697 }
699 #ifdef _WIN32
700 /**
701  * @return the path to the My Games directory on success or an empty string on failure
702  */
703 static utils::optional<std::string> get_games_path()
704 {
705  PWSTR docs_path = nullptr;
706  HRESULT res = SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_Documents, KF_FLAG_CREATE, nullptr, &docs_path);
707  utils::optional<std::string> path = utils::nullopt;
709  if(res == S_OK) {
710  bfs::path games_path = bfs::path(docs_path) / "My Games";
711  path = games_path.string();
712  } else {
713  ERR_FS << "Could not determine path to user's Documents folder! (" << std::hex << "0x" << res << std::dec << ") "
714  << "Please report this as a bug.";
715  }
717  CoTaskMemFree(docs_path);
718  return path;
719 }
720 #endif
722 void set_user_data_dir(std::string newprefdir)
723 {
725  if(newprefdir.empty()) {
726  newprefdir = PREFERENCES_DIR;
728  }
729 #endif
731  // if no custom userdata directory was provided, use appropriate default
732  // next replace ~ with Documents/My Games on windows and $HOME otherwise
733  if(newprefdir.empty()) {
734 #ifdef _WIN32
735  newprefdir = "~/Wesnoth" + get_version_path_suffix();
736 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
737  newprefdir = "~/Library/Application Support/Wesnoth_"+get_version_path_suffix();
738 #elif defined(WESNOTH_BOOST_OS_IOS)
739  char* sdl_pref_path = SDL_GetPrefPath("", "iWesnoth");
740  if(sdl_pref_path) {
741  newprefdir = std::string(sdl_pref_path);
742  SDL_free(sdl_pref_path);
743  } else {
744  newprefdir = "~/.wesnoth" + get_version_path_suffix();
745  }
746 #else
747  const char* h = std::getenv("HOME");
748  std::string home = h ? h : "";
749  h = std::getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME");
750  std::string xdg_data_home = h ? h : "";
751  if (!xdg_data_home.empty()) {
752  newprefdir = xdg_data_home + "/wesnoth/" + get_version_path_suffix();
753  } else if (!home.empty()) {
754  newprefdir = home + "/.local/share/wesnoth/" + get_version_path_suffix();
755  } else {
756  newprefdir = ".wesnoth" + get_version_path_suffix();
757  }
758 #endif
759  }
761  bfs::path dir;
762  if(newprefdir[0] == '~') {
763 #ifdef _WIN32
764  utils::optional<std::string> games_path = get_games_path();
765  if(games_path) {
766  create_directory_if_missing(*games_path);
767  dir = *games_path;
768  } else {
769  dir = get_cwd();
770  WRN_FS << "Using current directory instead: " << dir.string();
771  }
772 #else
773  const char* h = std::getenv("HOME");
774  std::string home = h ? h : "";
775  if(!home.empty()) {
776  dir = home;
777  } else {
778  dir = get_cwd();
779  ERR_FS << "Unable to determine path to user's HOME.";
780  WRN_FS << "Using current directory instead: " << dir.string();
781  }
782 #endif
783  dir /= newprefdir.substr(1);
784  } else {
785  dir = newprefdir;
786  }
787  user_data_dir = dir;
788  DBG_FS << "userdata dir set to: " << user_data_dir.string();
791  // normalize_path expects the path to exist so calling it after potentially creating it in setup_user_data_dir
792  dir = normalize_path(user_data_dir.string(), true, true);
793  if(!dir.empty()) {
794  user_data_dir = dir;
795  }
796 }
798 bool rename_dir(const std::string& old_dir, const std::string& new_dir)
799 {
800  error_code ec;
801  bfs::rename(old_dir, new_dir, ec);
803  if(ec) {
804  ERR_FS << "Failed to rename directory '" << old_dir << "' to '" << new_dir << "'";
805  return false;
806  }
807  return true;
808 }
810 static void set_cache_path(bfs::path newcache)
811 {
812  cache_dir = std::move(newcache);
814  ERR_FS << "could not open or create cache directory at " << cache_dir.string() << '\n';
815  }
816 }
818 void set_cache_dir(const std::string& newcachedir)
819 {
820  set_cache_path(newcachedir);
821 }
824 {
825  assert(!user_data_dir.empty() && "Attempted to access userdata location before userdata initialization!");
826  return user_data_dir;
827 }
829 utils::optional<std::string> get_game_manual_file(const std::string& locale_code)
830 {
831  utils::optional<std::string> manual_path_opt;
832  const std::string& manual_dir(game_config::path + "/doc/manual/");
833  boost::format manual_template(manual_dir + "manual.%s.html");
834  bfs::path manual_path((manual_template % locale_code).str());
836  if(bfs::exists(manual_path)) {
837  return "file://" + bfs::canonical(manual_path).string();
838  }
840  // Split the given locale code: "en_GB" -> "en", "GB"
841  // If the result of split() is empty then locale_code is empty (likely using System Language)
842  // Assume en is always available as a fall-back
843  const auto& split_locale_code = utils::split(locale_code, '_');
844  const std::string& language_code = split_locale_code.empty() ? "en" : split_locale_code[0];
845  manual_path = (manual_template % language_code).str();
847  if(bfs::exists(manual_path)) {
848  // If a filename like manual.en_GB.html is not found, try manual.en.html
849  return "file://" + bfs::canonical(manual_path).string();
850  }
852  return {};
853 }
855 std::string get_user_data_dir()
856 {
857  return get_user_data_path().string();
858 }
860 std::string get_logs_dir()
861 {
862  return filesystem::get_user_data_dir() + "/logs";
863 }
865 std::string get_cache_dir()
866 {
867  if(cache_dir.empty()) {
868 #if defined(_X11) && !defined(PREFERENCES_DIR)
869  char const* xdg_cache = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME");
871  if(!xdg_cache || xdg_cache[0] == '\0') {
872  xdg_cache = getenv("HOME");
873  if(!xdg_cache) {
874  cache_dir = get_dir(get_user_data_path() / "cache");
875  return cache_dir.string();
876  }
878  cache_dir = xdg_cache;
879  cache_dir /= ".cache";
880  } else {
881  cache_dir = xdg_cache;
882  }
884  cache_dir /= "wesnoth";
886 #else
887  cache_dir = get_dir(get_user_data_path() / "cache");
888 #endif
889  }
891  return cache_dir.string();
892 }
894 std::vector<other_version_dir> find_other_version_saves_dirs()
895 {
896 #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_X11) && !defined(__APPLE__)
897  // By all means, this situation doesn't make sense
898  return {};
899 #else
900  const auto& w_ver = game_config::wesnoth_version;
901  const auto& ms_ver = game_config::min_savegame_version;
903  if(w_ver.major_version() != 1 || ms_ver.major_version() != 1) {
904  // Unimplemented, assuming that version 2 won't use WML-based saves
905  return {};
906  }
908  std::vector<other_version_dir> result;
910  // For 1.16, check for saves from all versions up to 1.20.
911  for(auto minor = w_ver.minor_version() + 4; minor >= ms_ver.minor_version(); --minor) {
912  if(minor == w_ver.minor_version())
913  continue;
915  auto version = version_info{};
916  version.set_major_version(w_ver.major_version());
917  version.set_minor_version(minor);
918  auto suffix = get_version_path_suffix(version);
920  bfs::path path;
922  //
923  // NOTE:
924  // This is a bit of a naive approach. We assume on all platforms that
925  // get_user_data_path() will return something resembling the default
926  // configuration and that --user-data-dir wasn't used. We will get
927  // false negatives when any of these conditions don't hold true.
928  //
930 #if defined(_WIN32)
931  path = get_user_data_path().parent_path() / ("Wesnoth" + suffix) / "saves";
932 #elif defined(_X11)
933  path = get_user_data_path().parent_path() / suffix / "saves";
934 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
935  path = get_user_data_path().parent_path() / ("Wesnoth_" + suffix) / "saves";
936 #endif
938  if(bfs::exists(path)) {
939  result.emplace_back(suffix, path.string());
940  }
941  }
943  return result;
944 #endif
945 }
947 std::string get_cwd()
948 {
949  error_code ec;
950  bfs::path cwd = bfs::current_path(ec);
952  if(ec) {
953  ERR_FS << "Failed to get current directory: " << ec.message();
954  return "";
955  }
957  return cwd.generic_string();
958 }
960 bool set_cwd(const std::string& dir)
961 {
962  error_code ec;
963  bfs::current_path(bfs::path{dir}, ec);
965  if(ec) {
966  ERR_FS << "Failed to set current directory: " << ec.message();
967  return false;
968  } else {
969  LOG_FS << "Process working directory set to " << dir;
970  }
972  return true;
973 }
975 std::string get_exe_path()
976 {
977 #ifdef _WIN32
978  wchar_t process_path[MAX_PATH];
979  SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);
981  GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, process_path, MAX_PATH);
983  if(GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
984  return get_cwd() + "/wesnoth";
985  }
987  bfs::path exe(process_path);
988  return exe.string();
989 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
990  std::vector<char> buffer(PATH_MAX, 0);
991  uint32_t size = PATH_MAX;
992  if(_NSGetExecutablePath(&buffer[0], &size) == 0) {
993  buffer.resize(size+1);
994  return std::string(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
995  } else {
996  ERR_FS << "Path to wesnoth executable is too long";
997  return get_cwd() + "/The Battle for Wesnoth";
998  }
999 #else
1000  // first check /proc
1001  if(bfs::exists("/proc/")) {
1002  bfs::path self_exe("/proc/self/exe");
1003  error_code ec;
1004  bfs::path exe = bfs::read_symlink(self_exe, ec);
1005  if(!ec) {
1006  return exe.string();
1007  }
1008  }
1010  // check the PATH for wesnoth's location
1011  // with version
1012  std::string version = std::to_string(game_config::wesnoth_version.major_version()) + "." + std::to_string(game_config::wesnoth_version.minor_version());
1013  std::string exe = filesystem::get_program_invocation("wesnoth-"+version);
1014  bfs::path search = bp::search_path(exe).string();
1015  if(!search.string().empty()) {
1016  return search.string();
1017  }
1019  // versionless
1020  exe = filesystem::get_program_invocation("wesnoth");
1021  search = bp::search_path(exe).string();
1022  if(!search.string().empty()) {
1023  return search.string();
1024  }
1026  // return the current working directory
1027  return get_cwd() + "/wesnoth";
1028 #endif
1029 }
1031 std::string get_exe_dir()
1032 {
1034  return path.parent_path().string();
1035 }
1037 std::string get_wesnothd_name()
1038 {
1039  std::string exe_dir = get_exe_dir();
1040  std::string exe_name = base_name(get_exe_path());
1041  // macOS doesn't call the wesnoth client executable "wesnoth"
1042  // otherwise, add any suffix after the "wesnoth" part of the executable name to wesnothd's name
1043  std::string wesnothd = exe_dir + "/wesnothd" + exe_name.substr(7);
1044  if(!file_exists(wesnothd)) {
1045  return exe_dir + "/" + get_program_invocation("wesnothd");
1046  }
1047  return wesnothd;
1048 }
1050 bool make_directory(const std::string& dirname)
1051 {
1052  error_code ec;
1053  bool created = bfs::create_directory(bfs::path(dirname), ec);
1054  if(ec) {
1055  ERR_FS << "Failed to create directory " << dirname << ": " << ec.message();
1056  }
1058  return created;
1059 }
1061 bool delete_directory(const std::string& dirname, const bool keep_pbl)
1062 {
1063  bool ret = true;
1064  std::vector<std::string> files;
1065  std::vector<std::string> dirs;
1066  error_code ec;
1070  if(!files.empty()) {
1071  for(const std::string& f : files) {
1072  bfs::remove(bfs::path(f), ec);
1073  if(ec) {
1074  LOG_FS << "remove(" << f << "): " << ec.message();
1075  ret = false;
1076  }
1077  }
1078  }
1080  if(!dirs.empty()) {
1081  for(const std::string& d : dirs) {
1082  // TODO: this does not preserve any other PBL files
1083  // filesystem.cpp does this too, so this might be intentional
1084  if(!delete_directory(d))
1085  ret = false;
1086  }
1087  }
1089  if(ret) {
1090  bfs::remove(bfs::path(dirname), ec);
1091  if(ec) {
1092  LOG_FS << "remove(" << dirname << "): " << ec.message();
1093  ret = false;
1094  }
1095  }
1097  return ret;
1098 }
1100 bool delete_file(const std::string& filename)
1101 {
1102  error_code ec;
1103  bool ret = bfs::remove(bfs::path(filename), ec);
1104  if(ec) {
1105  ERR_FS << "Could not delete file " << filename << ": " << ec.message();
1106  }
1108  return ret;
1109 }
1111 std::vector<uint8_t> read_file_binary(const std::string& fname)
1112 {
1113  std::ifstream file(fname, std::ios::binary);
1114  std::vector<uint8_t> file_contents;
1116  file_contents.reserve(file_size(fname));
1117  file_contents.assign(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(file), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
1119  return file_contents;
1120 }
1122 std::string read_file_as_data_uri(const std::string& fname)
1123 {
1124  std::vector<uint8_t> file_contents = filesystem::read_file_binary(fname);
1125  utils::byte_string_view view = {, file_contents.size()};
1126  std::string name = filesystem::base_name(fname);
1127  std::string img = "";
1129  if(name.find(".") != std::string::npos) {
1130  // convert to web-safe base64, since the + symbols will get stripped out when reading this back in later
1131  img = "data:image/"+name.substr(name.find(".")+1)+";base64,"+base64::encode(view);
1132  }
1134  return img;
1135 }
1137 std::string read_file(const std::string& fname)
1138 {
1139  scoped_istream is = istream_file(fname);
1140  std::stringstream ss;
1141  ss << is->rdbuf();
1142  return ss.str();
1143 }
1145 filesystem::scoped_istream istream_file(const std::string& fname, bool treat_failure_as_error)
1146 {
1147  LOG_FS << "Streaming " << fname << " for reading.";
1149  if(fname.empty()) {
1150  ERR_FS << "Trying to open file with empty name.";
1151  filesystem::scoped_istream s(new bfs::ifstream());
1152  s->clear(std::ios_base::failbit);
1153  return s;
1154  }
1156  // mingw doesn't support std::basic_ifstream::basic_ifstream(const wchar_t* fname)
1157  // that why boost::filesystem::fstream.hpp doesn't work with mingw.
1158  try {
1159  boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_source fd(bfs::path(fname), std::ios_base::binary);
1161  // TODO: has this still use ?
1162  if(!fd.is_open() && treat_failure_as_error) {
1163  ERR_FS << "Could not open '" << fname << "' for reading.";
1164  } else if(!is_filename_case_correct(fname, fd)) {
1165  ERR_FS << "Not opening '" << fname << "' due to case mismatch.";
1166  filesystem::scoped_istream s(new bfs::ifstream());
1167  s->clear(std::ios_base::failbit);
1168  return s;
1169  }
1171  return std::make_unique<boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_source>>(fd, 4096, 0);
1172  } catch(const std::exception&) {
1173  if(treat_failure_as_error) {
1174  ERR_FS << "Could not open '" << fname << "' for reading.";
1175  }
1177  filesystem::scoped_istream s(new bfs::ifstream());
1178  s->clear(std::ios_base::failbit);
1179  return s;
1180  }
1181 }
1183 filesystem::scoped_ostream ostream_file(const std::string& fname, std::ios_base::openmode mode, bool create_directory)
1184 {
1185  LOG_FS << "streaming " << fname << " for writing.";
1186  try {
1187  boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink fd(bfs::path(fname), mode);
1188  return std::make_unique<boost::iostreams::stream<boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink>>(fd, 4096, 0);
1189  } catch(const BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE& e) {
1190  // If this operation failed because the parent directory didn't exist, create the parent directory and
1191  // retry.
1192  error_code ec_unused;
1193  if(create_directory && bfs::create_directories(bfs::path(fname).parent_path(), ec_unused)) {
1194  return ostream_file(fname, mode, false);
1195  }
1197  throw filesystem::io_exception(e.what());
1198  }
1199 }
1201 // Throws io_exception if an error occurs
1202 void write_file(const std::string& fname, const std::string& data, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
1203 {
1204  scoped_ostream os = ostream_file(fname, mode);
1205  os->exceptions(std::ios_base::goodbit);
1207  const std::size_t block_size = 4096;
1208  char buf[block_size];
1210  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i += block_size) {
1211  const std::size_t bytes = std::min<std::size_t>(block_size, data.size() - i);
1212  std::copy(data.begin() + i, data.begin() + i + bytes, buf);
1214  os->write(buf, bytes);
1215  if(os->bad()) {
1216  throw io_exception("Error writing to file: '" + fname + "'");
1217  }
1218  }
1219 }
1221 void copy_file(const std::string& src, const std::string& dest)
1222 {
1223  write_file(dest, read_file(src));
1224 }
1226 bool create_directory_if_missing(const std::string& dirname)
1227 {
1228  return create_directory_if_missing(bfs::path(dirname));
1229 }
1231 bool create_directory_if_missing_recursive(const std::string& dirname)
1232 {
1234 }
1236 bool is_directory(const std::string& fname)
1237 {
1238  return is_directory_internal(bfs::path(fname));
1239 }
1241 bool file_exists(const std::string& name)
1242 {
1243  return file_exists(bfs::path(name));
1244 }
1246 std::time_t file_modified_time(const std::string& fname)
1247 {
1248  error_code ec;
1249  std::time_t mtime = bfs::last_write_time(bfs::path(fname), ec);
1250  if(ec) {
1251  LOG_FS << "Failed to read modification time of " << fname << ": " << ec.message();
1252  }
1254  return mtime;
1255 }
1257 bool is_map(const std::string& filename)
1258 {
1259  return bfs::path(filename).extension() == map_extension;
1260 }
1262 bool is_cfg(const std::string& filename)
1263 {
1264  return bfs::path(filename).extension() == wml_extension;
1265 }
1267 bool is_mask(const std::string& filename)
1268 {
1269  return bfs::path(filename).extension() == mask_extension;
1270 }
1272 bool is_gzip_file(const std::string& filename)
1273 {
1274  return bfs::path(filename).extension() == ".gz";
1275 }
1277 bool is_bzip2_file(const std::string& filename)
1278 {
1279  return bfs::path(filename).extension() == ".bz2";
1280 }
1282 int file_size(const std::string& fname)
1283 {
1284  error_code ec;
1285  uintmax_t size = bfs::file_size(bfs::path(fname), ec);
1286  if(ec) {
1287  LOG_FS << "Failed to read filesize of " << fname << ": " << ec.message();
1288  return -1;
1289  } else if(size > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
1290  return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
1291  } else {
1292  return size;
1293  }
1294 }
1296 int dir_size(const std::string& pname)
1297 {
1298  bfs::path p(pname);
1299  uintmax_t size_sum = 0;
1300  error_code ec;
1301  for(bfs::recursive_directory_iterator i(p), end; i != end && !ec; ++i) {
1302  if(bfs::is_regular_file(i->path())) {
1303  size_sum += bfs::file_size(i->path(), ec);
1304  }
1305  }
1307  if(ec) {
1308  LOG_FS << "Failed to read directorysize of " << pname << ": " << ec.message();
1309  return -1;
1310  } else if(size_sum > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
1311  return std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
1312  } else {
1313  return size_sum;
1314  }
1315 }
1317 std::string base_name(const std::string& file, const bool remove_extension)
1318 {
1319  if(!remove_extension) {
1320  return bfs::path(file).filename().string();
1321  } else {
1322  return bfs::path(file).stem().string();
1323  }
1324 }
1326 std::string directory_name(const std::string& file)
1327 {
1328  return bfs::path(file).parent_path().string();
1329 }
1331 std::string nearest_extant_parent(const std::string& file)
1332 {
1333  if(file.empty()) {
1334  return "";
1335  }
1337  bfs::path p{file};
1338  error_code ec;
1340  do {
1341  p = p.parent_path();
1342  bfs::path q = canonical(p, ec);
1343  if(!ec) {
1344  p = q;
1345  }
1346  } while(ec && !is_root(p.string()));
1348  return ec ? "" : p.string();
1349 }
1351 bool is_path_sep(char c)
1352 {
1353  static const bfs::path sep = bfs::path("/").make_preferred();
1354  const std::string s = std::string(1, c);
1355  return sep == bfs::path(s).make_preferred();
1356 }
1359 {
1360  return bfs::path::preferred_separator;
1361 }
1363 bool is_root(const std::string& path)
1364 {
1365 #ifndef _WIN32
1366  error_code ec;
1367  const bfs::path& p = bfs::canonical(path, ec);
1368  return ec ? false : !p.has_parent_path();
1369 #else
1370  //
1371  // Boost.Filesystem is completely unreliable when it comes to detecting
1372  // whether a path refers to a drive's root directory on Windows, so we are
1373  // forced to take an alternative approach here. Instead of hand-parsing
1374  // strings we'll just call a graphical shell service.
1375  //
1376  // There are several poorly-documented ways to refer to a drive in Windows by
1377  // escaping the filesystem namespace using \\.\, \\?\, and \??\. We're just
1378  // going to ignore those here, which may yield unexpected results in places
1379  // such as the file dialog. This function really shouldn't be used for
1380  // security validation anyway, and there are virtually infinite ways to name
1381  // a drive's root using the NT object namespace so it's pretty pointless to
1382  // try to catch those there.
1383  //
1384  // (And no, shlwapi.dll's PathIsRoot() doesn't recognize \\.\C:\, \\?\C:\, or
1385  // \??\C:\ as roots either.)
1386  //
1387  // More generally, do NOT use this code in security-sensitive applications.
1388  //
1389  // See also: <>
1390  //
1391  const std::wstring& wpath = bfs::path{path}.make_preferred().wstring();
1392  return PathIsRootW(wpath.c_str()) == TRUE;
1393 #endif
1394 }
1396 std::string root_name(const std::string& path)
1397 {
1398  return bfs::path{path}.root_name().string();
1399 }
1401 bool is_relative(const std::string& path)
1402 {
1403  return bfs::path{path}.is_relative();
1404 }
1406 std::string normalize_path(const std::string& fpath, bool normalize_separators, bool resolve_dot_entries)
1407 {
1408  if(fpath.empty()) {
1409  return fpath;
1410  }
1412  error_code ec;
1413  bfs::path p = resolve_dot_entries ? bfs::canonical(fpath, ec) : bfs::absolute(fpath);
1415  if(ec) {
1416  return "";
1417  }
1419  if(normalize_separators) {
1420  return p.make_preferred().string();
1421  } else {
1422  return p.string();
1423  }
1424 }
1426 bool to_asset_path(std::string& path, const std::string& addon_id, const std::string& asset_type)
1427 {
1428  std::string rel_path = "";
1429  std::string core_asset_dir = get_dir(game_config::path + "/data/core/" + asset_type);
1430  std::string addon_asset_dir;
1432  bool found = false;
1433  bool is_in_core_dir = (path.find(core_asset_dir) != std::string::npos);
1434  bool is_in_addon_dir = false;
1436  if (is_in_core_dir) {
1437  rel_path = path.erase(0, core_asset_dir.size()+1);
1438  found = true;
1439  } else if (!addon_id.empty()) {
1440  addon_asset_dir = get_current_editor_dir(addon_id) + "/" + asset_type;
1441  is_in_addon_dir = (path.find(addon_asset_dir) != std::string::npos);
1442  if (is_in_addon_dir) {
1443  rel_path = path.erase(0, addon_asset_dir.size()+1);
1444  found = true;
1445  } else {
1446  // Not found in either core or addons dirs,
1447  // return a possible path where the asset could be copied.
1448  std::string filename = boost::filesystem::path(path).filename().string();
1449  std::string asset_path = addon_asset_dir + "/" + filename;
1450  rel_path = filename;
1451  found = false;
1452  }
1453  } else {
1454  found = false;
1455  }
1457  path = rel_path;
1458  return found;
1459 }
1461 /**
1462  * The paths manager is responsible for recording the various paths
1463  * that binary files may be located at.
1464  * It should be passed a config object which holds binary path information.
1465  * This is in the format
1466  *@verbatim
1467  * [binary_path]
1468  * path=<path>
1469  * [/binary_path]
1470  * Binaries will be searched for in [wesnoth-path]/data/<path>/images/
1471  *@endverbatim
1472  */
1473 namespace
1474 {
1475 std::set<std::string> binary_paths;
1477 typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> paths_map;
1478 paths_map binary_paths_cache;
1480 } // namespace
1482 static void init_binary_paths()
1483 {
1484  if(binary_paths.empty()) {
1485  binary_paths.insert("");
1486  }
1487 }
1490  : paths_()
1491 {
1492 }
1495  : paths_()
1496 {
1497  set_paths(cfg);
1498 }
1501 {
1502  cleanup();
1503 }
1506 {
1507  cleanup();
1510  for(const config& bp : cfg.child_range("binary_path")) {
1511  std::string path = bp["path"].str();
1512  if(path.find("..") != std::string::npos) {
1513  ERR_FS << "Invalid binary path '" << path << "'";
1514  continue;
1515  }
1517  if(!path.empty() && path.back() != '/')
1518  path += "/";
1519  if(binary_paths.count(path) == 0) {
1520  binary_paths.insert(path);
1521  paths_.push_back(path);
1522  }
1523  }
1524 }
1527 {
1528  binary_paths_cache.clear();
1530  for(const std::string& p : paths_) {
1531  binary_paths.erase(p);
1532  }
1533 }
1536 {
1537  binary_paths_cache.clear();
1538 }
1540 static bool is_legal_file(const std::string& filename_str)
1541 {
1542  DBG_FS << "Looking for '" << filename_str << "'.";
1544  if(filename_str.empty()) {
1545  LOG_FS << " invalid filename";
1546  return false;
1547  }
1549  if(filename_str.find("..") != std::string::npos) {
1550  ERR_FS << "Illegal path '" << filename_str << "' (\"..\" not allowed).";
1551  return false;
1552  }
1554  if(filename_str.find('\\') != std::string::npos) {
1555  ERR_FS << "Illegal path '" << filename_str
1556  << R"end(' ("\" not allowed, for compatibility with GNU/Linux and macOS).)end";
1557  return false;
1558  }
1560  bfs::path filepath(filename_str);
1562  if(default_blacklist.match_file(filepath.filename().string())) {
1563  ERR_FS << "Illegal path '" << filename_str << "' (blacklisted filename).";
1564  return false;
1565  }
1567  if(std::any_of(filepath.begin(), filepath.end(),
1568  [](const bfs::path& dirname) { return default_blacklist.match_dir(dirname.string()); })) {
1569  ERR_FS << "Illegal path '" << filename_str << "' (blacklisted directory name).";
1570  return false;
1571  }
1573  return true;
1574 }
1576 /**
1577  * Returns a vector with all possible paths to a given type of binary,
1578  * e.g. 'images', 'sounds', etc,
1579  */
1580 const std::vector<std::string>& get_binary_paths(const std::string& type)
1581 {
1582  const paths_map::const_iterator itor = binary_paths_cache.find(type);
1583  if(itor != binary_paths_cache.end()) {
1584  return itor->second;
1585  }
1587  if(type.find("..") != std::string::npos) {
1588  // Not an assertion, as language.cpp is passing user data as type.
1589  ERR_FS << "Invalid WML type '" << type << "' for binary paths";
1590  static std::vector<std::string> dummy;
1591  return dummy;
1592  }
1594  std::vector<std::string>& res = binary_paths_cache[type];
1598  for(const std::string& path : binary_paths) {
1599  res.push_back(get_user_data_dir() + "/" + path + type + "/");
1601  if(!game_config::path.empty()) {
1602  res.push_back(game_config::path + "/" + path + type + "/");
1603  }
1604  }
1606  // not found in "/type" directory, try main directory
1607  res.push_back(get_user_data_dir() + "/");
1609  if(!game_config::path.empty()) {
1610  res.push_back(game_config::path + "/");
1611  }
1613  return res;
1614 }
1616 utils::optional<std::string> get_binary_file_location(const std::string& type, const std::string& filename)
1617 {
1618  // We define ".." as "remove everything before" this is needed because
1619  // on the one hand allowing ".." would be a security risk but
1620  // especially for terrains the c++ engine puts a hardcoded "terrain/" before filename
1621  // and there would be no way to "escape" from "terrain/" otherwise. This is not the
1622  // best solution but we cannot remove it without another solution (subtypes maybe?).
1624  {
1625  std::string::size_type pos = filename.rfind("../");
1626  if(pos != std::string::npos) {
1627  return get_binary_file_location(type, filename.substr(pos + 3));
1628  }
1629  }
1631  if(!is_legal_file(filename)) {
1632  return utils::nullopt;
1633  }
1635  std::string result;
1636  // fix for duplicate mainline paths on macOS for some reason
1637  // would be good for someone who uses macOS to debug the cause at some point
1638  const std::vector<std::string> temp = get_binary_paths(type);
1639  const std::set<std::string> bpaths(temp.begin(), temp.end());
1640  for(const std::string& bp : bpaths) {
1641  bfs::path bpath(bp);
1642  bpath /= filename;
1644  DBG_FS << " checking '" << bp << "'";
1646  if(file_exists(bpath)) {
1647  DBG_FS << " found at '" << bpath.string() << "'";
1648  if(result.empty()) {
1649  result = bpath.string();
1650  } else {
1651  WRN_FS << "Conflicting files in binary_path: '" << result
1652  << "' and '" << bpath.string() << "'";
1653  }
1654  }
1655  }
1657  if(result.empty()) {
1658  DBG_FS << " not found";
1659  return utils::nullopt;
1660  } else {
1661  return result;
1662  }
1663 }
1665 utils::optional<std::string> get_binary_dir_location(const std::string& type, const std::string& filename)
1666 {
1667  if(!is_legal_file(filename)) {
1668  return utils::nullopt;
1669  }
1671  for(const std::string& bp : get_binary_paths(type)) {
1672  bfs::path bpath(bp);
1673  bpath /= filename;
1674  DBG_FS << " checking '" << bp << "'";
1675  if(is_directory_internal(bpath)) {
1676  DBG_FS << " found at '" << bpath.string() << "'";
1677  return bpath.string();
1678  }
1679  }
1681  DBG_FS << " not found";
1682  return utils::nullopt;
1683 }
1685 utils::optional<std::string> get_wml_location(const std::string& path, const utils::optional<std::string>& current_dir)
1686 {
1687  if(!is_legal_file(path)) {
1688  return utils::nullopt;
1689  }
1691  bfs::path fpath(path);
1692  bfs::path result;
1694  if(path[0] == '~') {
1695  result = get_user_data_path() / "data" / path.substr(1);
1696  DBG_FS << " trying '" << result.string() << "'";
1697  } else if(*fpath.begin() == ".") {
1698  if (!current_dir) {
1699  WRN_FS << "Cannot resolve " << path << " since the current directory is unknown!";
1700  return utils::nullopt;
1701  }
1702  result = bfs::path(*current_dir) / path;
1703  error_code ec;
1704  bfs::path c = bfs::canonical(result, ec);
1705  if (!is_prefix(c, bfs::path(game_config::path) / "data") && !is_prefix(c, get_user_data_path() / "data")) {
1706  WRN_FS << "Resolved path " << c << " is outside game and user data directories!";
1707  }
1708  } else {
1709  if(game_config::path.empty()) {
1710  WRN_FS << "Cannot resolve " << path << " since the game data directory is unknown!";
1711  return utils::nullopt;
1712  }
1713  result = bfs::path(game_config::path) / "data" / path;
1714  }
1716  if(!file_exists(result)) {
1717  DBG_FS << " not found";
1718  return utils::nullopt;
1719  } else {
1720  DBG_FS << " found: '" << result.string() << "'";
1721  return result.string();
1722  }
1723 }
1725 std::string get_short_wml_path(const std::string& filename)
1726 {
1727  bfs::path full_path(filename);
1729  bfs::path partial = subtract_path(full_path, get_user_data_path() / "data");
1730  if(!partial.empty()) {
1731  return "~" + partial.generic_string();
1732  }
1734  partial = subtract_path(full_path, bfs::path(game_config::path) / "data");
1735  if(!partial.empty()) {
1736  return partial.generic_string();
1737  }
1739  return filename;
1740 }
1742 utils::optional<std::string> get_independent_binary_file_path(const std::string& type, const std::string& filename)
1743 {
1745  if(!bp) {
1746  return utils::nullopt;
1747  }
1749  bfs::path full_path{bp.value()};
1751  if(!partial.empty()) {
1752  return partial.generic_string();
1753  }
1755  partial = subtract_path(full_path, game_config::path);
1756  if(!partial.empty()) {
1757  return partial.generic_string();
1758  }
1760  return full_path.generic_string();
1761 }
1763 std::string get_program_invocation(const std::string& program_name)
1764 {
1765 #ifdef _WIN32
1766  return program_name + ".exe";
1767 #else
1768  return program_name;
1769 #endif
1770 }
1772 std::string sanitize_path(const std::string& path)
1773 {
1774 #ifdef _WIN32
1775  const char* user_name = getenv("USERNAME");
1776 #else
1777  const char* user_name = getenv("USER");
1778 #endif
1780  std::string canonicalized = filesystem::normalize_path(path, true, false);
1781  if(user_name != nullptr) {
1782  boost::replace_all(canonicalized, user_name, "USER");
1783  }
1785  return canonicalized;
1786 }
1788 // Return path to localized counterpart of the given file, if any, or empty string.
1789 // Localized counterpart may also be requested to have a suffix to base name.
1790 utils::optional<std::string> get_localized_path(const std::string& file, const std::string& suff)
1791 {
1792  std::string dir = filesystem::directory_name(file);
1793  std::string base = filesystem::base_name(file);
1795  const std::size_t pos_ext = base.rfind(".");
1797  std::string loc_base;
1798  if(pos_ext != std::string::npos) {
1799  loc_base = base.substr(0, pos_ext) + suff + base.substr(pos_ext);
1800  } else {
1801  loc_base = base + suff;
1802  }
1804  // TRANSLATORS: This is the language code which will be used
1805  // to store and fetch localized non-textual resources, such as images,
1806  // when they exist. Normally it is just the code of the PO file itself,
1807  // e.g. "de" of de.po for German. But it can also be a comma-separated
1808  // list of language codes by priority, when the localized resource
1809  // found for first of those languages will be used. This is useful when
1810  // two languages share sufficient commonality, that they can use each
1811  // other's resources rather than duplicating them. For example,
1812  // Swedish (sv) and Danish (da) are such, so Swedish translator could
1813  // translate this message as "sv,da", while Danish as "da,sv".
1814  std::vector<std::string> langs = utils::split(_("language code for localized resources^en_US"));
1816  // In case even the original image is split into base and overlay,
1817  // add en_US with lowest priority, since the message above will
1818  // not have it when translated.
1819  langs.push_back("en_US");
1820  for(const std::string& lang : langs) {
1821  std::string loc_file = dir + "/" + "l10n" + "/" + lang + "/" + loc_base;
1822  if(filesystem::file_exists(loc_file)) {
1823  return loc_file;
1824  }
1825  }
1827  return utils::nullopt;
1828 }
1830 utils::optional<std::string> get_addon_id_from_path(const std::string& location)
1831 {
1832  std::string full_path = normalize_path(location, true);
1833  std::string addons_path = normalize_path(get_addons_dir(), true);
1835  if(full_path.find(addons_path) == 0) {
1836  bfs::path path(full_path.substr(addons_path.size()+1));
1837  if(path.size() > 0) {
1838  return path.begin()->string();
1839  }
1840  }
1842  return utils::nullopt;
1843 }
1845 } // namespace filesystem
static auto & dummy
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
bool match_file(const std::string &name) const
A class grating read only view to a vector of config objects, viewed as one config with all children ...
config_array_view child_range(config_key_type key) const
Represents version numbers.
void set_major_version(unsigned int)
Sets the major version number.
unsigned int minor_version() const
Retrieves the minor version number (x2 in "x1.x2.x3").
unsigned int major_version() const
Retrieves the major version number (x1 in "x1.x2.x3").
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
static lg::log_domain log_filesystem("filesystem")
#define DBG_FS
Definition: filesystem.cpp:75
#define LOG_FS
Definition: filesystem.cpp:76
#define WRN_FS
Definition: filesystem.cpp:77
#define ERR_FS
Definition: filesystem.cpp:78
Declarations for File-IO.
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
Standard logging facilities (interface).
std::string encode(utils::byte_string_view bytes)
Definition: base64.cpp:225
bool to_asset_path(std::string &path, const std::string &addon_id, const std::string &asset_type)
Helper function to convert absolute path to wesnoth relative path.
std::string get_legacy_editor_dir()
std::string get_cache_dir()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:865
std::time_t file_modified_time(const std::string &fname)
Get the modification time of a file.
bool is_bzip2_file(const std::string &filename)
Returns true if the file ends with '.bz2'.
int dir_size(const std::string &pname)
Returns the sum of the sizes of the files contained in a directory.
static bfs::path subtract_path(const bfs::path &full, const bfs::path &prefix_path)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:430
bool is_relative(const std::string &path)
Returns whether the path seems to be relative.
static const bfs::path & get_user_data_path()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:823
filesystem::scoped_istream istream_file(const std::string &fname, bool treat_failure_as_error)
bool is_root(const std::string &path)
Returns whether the path is the root of the file hierarchy.
void get_files_in_dir(const std::string &dir, std::vector< std::string > *files, std::vector< std::string > *dirs, name_mode mode, filter_mode filter, reorder_mode reorder, file_tree_checksum *checksum)
Get a list of all files and/or directories in a given directory.
Definition: filesystem.cpp:446
const std::string wml_extension
Definition: filesystem.hpp:81
bool is_cfg(const std::string &filename)
Returns true if the file ends with the wmlfile extension.
static bfs::path get_dir(const bfs::path &dirpath)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:338
std::string get_user_data_dir()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:855
std::string base_name(const std::string &file, const bool remove_extension)
Returns the base filename of a file, with directory name stripped.
std::string get_wml_persist_dir()
bool rename_dir(const std::string &old_dir, const std::string &new_dir)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:798
static bool is_legal_file(const std::string &filename_str)
std::string get_exe_path()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:975
void copy_file(const std::string &src, const std::string &dest)
Read a file and then writes it back out.
bool delete_file(const std::string &filename)
bool is_gzip_file(const std::string &filename)
Returns true if the file ends with '.gz'.
static bool file_exists(const bfs::path &fpath)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:327
std::string get_exe_dir()
bool is_directory(const std::string &fname)
Returns true if the given file is a directory.
static bool is_directory_internal(const bfs::path &fpath)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:316
bool delete_directory(const std::string &dirname, const bool keep_pbl)
std::string get_synced_prefs_file()
location of preferences file containing preferences that are synced between computers note that wesno...
utils::optional< std::string > get_wml_location(const std::string &path, const utils::optional< std::string > &current_dir)
Returns a translated path to the actual file or directory, if it exists.
std::string get_saves_dir()
std::string get_program_invocation(const std::string &program_name)
Returns the appropriate invocation for a Wesnoth-related binary, assuming that it is located in the s...
static bool is_prefix(const bfs::path &full, const bfs::path &prefix_path)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:424
std::string read_file(const std::string &fname)
Basic disk I/O - read file.
std::string get_unsynced_prefs_file()
location of preferences file containing preferences that aren't synced between computers
const std::string map_extension
Definition: filesystem.hpp:79
utils::optional< std::string > get_binary_file_location(const std::string &type, const std::string &filename)
Returns a complete path to the actual file of a given type, if it exists.
filesystem::scoped_ostream ostream_file(const std::string &fname, std::ios_base::openmode mode, bool create_directory)
static bool create_directory_if_missing_recursive(const bfs::path &dirpath)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:385
int file_size(const std::string &fname)
Returns the size of a file, or -1 if the file doesn't exist.
bool is_mask(const std::string &filename)
Returns true if the file ends with the maskfile extension.
utils::optional< std::string > get_addon_id_from_path(const std::string &location)
Returns the add-on ID from a path.
std::string read_file_as_data_uri(const std::string &fname)
void set_cache_dir(const std::string &newcachedir)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:818
const std::string mask_extension
Definition: filesystem.hpp:80
std::unique_ptr< std::istream > scoped_istream
Definition: filesystem.hpp:53
void clear_binary_paths_cache()
static bfs::path user_data_dir
Definition: filesystem.cpp:608
void write_file(const std::string &fname, const std::string &data, std::ios_base::openmode mode)
Throws io_exception if an error occurs.
std::string get_short_wml_path(const std::string &filename)
Returns a short path to filename, skipping the (user) data directory.
std::string root_name(const std::string &path)
Returns the name of the root device if included in the given path.
std::string directory_name(const std::string &file)
Returns the directory name of a file, with filename stripped.
std::string get_logs_dir()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:860
std::unique_ptr< std::ostream > scoped_ostream
Definition: filesystem.hpp:54
static bool create_directory_if_missing(const bfs::path &dirpath)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:361
utils::optional< std::string > get_binary_dir_location(const std::string &type, const std::string &filename)
Returns a complete path to the actual directory of a given type, if it exists.
bool is_userdata_initialized()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:610
utils::optional< std::string > get_game_manual_file(const std::string &locale_code)
location of the game manual file correponding to the given locale (default: en)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:829
std::string nearest_extant_parent(const std::string &file)
Finds the nearest parent in existence for a file or directory.
char path_separator()
Returns the standard path separator for the current platform.
std::string get_sync_dir()
parent directory for everything that should be synced between systems.
bool looks_like_pbl(const std::string &file)
std::string get_addons_data_dir()
static void push_if_exists(std::vector< std::string > *vec, const bfs::path &file, bool full)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:300
bool is_map(const std::string &filename)
Returns true if the file ends with the mapfile extension.
bool make_directory(const std::string &dirname)
utils::optional< std::string > get_independent_binary_file_path(const std::string &type, const std::string &filename)
Returns an asset path to filename for binary path-independent use in saved games.
std::string get_wesnothd_name()
static void setup_user_data_dir()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:666
const blacklist_pattern_list default_blacklist
Definition: filesystem.cpp:266
std::string get_addons_dir()
bool set_cwd(const std::string &dir)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:960
utils::optional< std::string > get_localized_path(const std::string &file, const std::string &suff)
Returns the localized version of the given filename, if it exists.
std::vector< other_version_dir > find_other_version_saves_dirs()
Searches for directories containing saves created by other versions of Wesnoth.
Definition: filesystem.cpp:894
static bool check_prefix(bfs::path::iterator &fi, const bfs::path::iterator &fe, const bfs::path &prefix)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:413
std::string get_next_filename(const std::string &name, const std::string &extension)
Get the next free filename using "name + number (3 digits) + extension" maximum 1000 files then start...
Definition: filesystem.cpp:587
static void set_cache_path(bfs::path newcache)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:810
std::vector< uint8_t > read_file_binary(const std::string &fname)
std::string sanitize_path(const std::string &path)
Sanitizes a path to remove references to the user's name.
std::string get_current_editor_dir(const std::string &addon_id)
const std::string get_version_path_suffix(const version_info &version)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:615
static bool error_except_not_found(const error_code &ec)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:311
bool is_path_sep(char c)
Returns whether c is a path separator.
static bfs::path cache_dir
Definition: filesystem.cpp:608
std::string get_cwd()
Definition: filesystem.cpp:947
std::string normalize_path(const std::string &fpath, bool normalize_separators, bool resolve_dot_entries)
Returns the absolute path of a file.
void set_user_data_dir(std::string newprefdir)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:722
const std::vector< std::string > & get_binary_paths(const std::string &type)
Returns a vector with all possible paths to a given type of binary, e.g.
static void init_binary_paths()
Game configuration data as global variables.
Definition: build_info.cpp:61
const version_info min_savegame_version(MIN_SAVEGAME_VERSION)
std::string path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:92
std::string default_preferences_path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:98
const version_info wesnoth_version(VERSION)
const std::string observer_team_name
observer team name used for observer team chat
Definition: filesystem.cpp:102
int cache_compression_level
Definition: filesystem.cpp:104
bool check_migration
Definition: filesystem.cpp:100
void remove()
Removes a tip.
Definition: tooltip.cpp:94
bool exists(const image::locator &i_locator)
Returns true if the given image actually exists, without loading it.
Definition: picture.cpp:818
void move_log_file()
Move the log file to another directory.
Definition: log.cpp:178
std::string img(const std::string &src, const std::string &align, bool floating)
Generates a Help markup tag corresponding to an image.
Definition: markup.cpp:31
rng * generator
This generator is automatically synced during synced context.
Definition: random.cpp:60
void process(int mousex, int mousey)
Definition: tooltips.cpp:340
std::size_t size(std::string_view str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
constexpr auto filter
Definition: ranges.hpp:38
std::basic_string_view< uint8_t > byte_string_view
Definition: base64.hpp:25
std::string get_unknown_exception_type()
Utility function for finding the type of thing caught with catch(...).
Definition: general.cpp:23
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
@ partial
There are still moves and/or attacks possible, but the unit doesn't fit in the "unmoved" status.
std::string_view data
Definition: picture.cpp:178
void read(config &cfg, std::istream &in, abstract_validator *validator)
Definition: parser.cpp:629
void write(std::ostream &out, const configr_of &cfg, unsigned int level)
Definition: parser.cpp:766
rect src
Non-transparent portion of the surface to compose.
std::string filename
std::vector< std::string > paths_
Definition: filesystem.hpp:453
void set_paths(const game_config_view &cfg)
An exception object used when an IO error occurs.
Definition: filesystem.hpp:67
mock_char c
mock_party p
static map_location::direction s
#define d
#define e
#define h
#define f