The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.4+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #include "help/help_menu.hpp"
18 #include "game_config.hpp" // for menu_contract, menu_expand
19 #include "help/help_impl.hpp" // for section, topic, topic_list, etc
20 #include "sound.hpp" // for play_UI_sound
21 #include "sdl/input.hpp" // for get_mouse_state
23 #include <algorithm> // for find
24 #include <list> // for _List_const_iterator, etc
25 #include <utility> // for pair
27 namespace help {
29 help_menu::help_menu(const section& toplevel, int max_height) :
30  gui::menu(true, max_height, -1, &gui::menu::bluebg_style),
31  visible_items_(),
32  toplevel_(toplevel),
33  expanded_(),
34  chosen_topic_(nullptr),
35  selected_item_(&toplevel, 0)
36 {
37  silent_ = true; //silence the default menu sounds
40  if (!visible_items_.empty())
42 }
44 bool help_menu::expanded(const section &sec) const
45 {
46  return expanded_.find(&sec) != expanded_.end();
47 }
49 void help_menu::expand(const section &sec)
50 {
51  if ( != "toplevel" && expanded_.insert(&sec).second) {
53  }
54 }
56 void help_menu::contract(const section &sec)
57 {
58  if (expanded_.erase(&sec)) {
60  }
61 }
63 void help_menu::update_visible_items(const section &sec, unsigned level)
64 {
65  if (level == 0) {
66  // Clear if this is the top level, otherwise append items.
67  visible_items_.clear();
68  }
69  for (const auto &s : sec.sections) {
70  if (is_visible_id( {
71  visible_items_.emplace_back(&s, level + 1);
72  if (expanded(s)) {
74  }
75  }
76  }
77  for (const auto &t : sec.topics) {
78  if (is_visible_id( {
79  visible_items_.emplace_back(&t, level + 1);
80  }
81  }
82 }
85 {
86  topic_list::const_iterator tit =
87  std::find(sec.topics.begin(), sec.topics.end(), t);
88  if (tit != sec.topics.end()) {
89  // topic starting with ".." are assumed as rooted in the parent section
90  // and so only expand the parent when selected
91  if (<2 ||[0] != '.' ||[1] != '.')
92  expand(sec);
93  return true;
94  }
95  for (const auto &s : sec.sections) {
96  if (select_topic_internal(t, s)) {
97  expand(sec);
98  return true;
99  }
100  }
101  return false;
102 }
105 {
106  if (selected_item_ == t) {
107  // The requested topic is already selected.
108  return;
109  }
112  for (std::vector<visible_item>::const_iterator it = visible_items_.begin();
113  it != visible_items_.end(); ++it) {
114  if (*it == t) {
115  selected_item_ = *it;
116  break;
117  }
118  }
120  }
121 }
124 {
125  int res = menu::process();
126  int mousex, mousey;
127  sdl::get_mouse_state(&mousex, &mousey);
129  if (!visible_items_.empty()
130  && static_cast<std::size_t>(res) < visible_items_.size())
131  {
133  const section* sec = selected_item_.sec;
134  if (sec != nullptr) {
135  // Behavior of the UI, for section headings:
136  // * user single-clicks on the text part: show the ".." topic in the right-hand pane
137  // * user single-clicks on the icon (or to the left of it): expand or collapse the tree view
138  // * user double-clicks anywhere: expand or collapse the tree view
139  // * note: the first click of the double-click has the single-click effect too
140  if (menu::double_clicked() || hit_on_indent_or_icon(static_cast<std::size_t>(res), mousex)) {
141  // Open or close a section if we double-click on it
142  // or do simple click on the icon.
143  expanded(*sec) ? contract(*sec) : expand(*sec);
146  } else {
147  // click on title open the topic associated to this section
149  }
150  } else if (selected_item_.t != nullptr) {
151  // Choose a topic if it is clicked.
153  }
154  }
155  return res;
156 }
159 {
160  const topic *ret = chosen_topic_;
161  chosen_topic_ = nullptr;
162  return ret;
163 }
166 {
167  std::vector<gui::indented_menu_item> menu_items;
168  utils::optional<std::size_t> selected;
169  for(std::vector<visible_item>::const_iterator items_it = visible_items_.begin(),
170  end = visible_items_.end(); items_it != end; ++items_it) {
171  if (selected_item_ == *items_it)
172  selected = menu_items.size();
173  menu_items.push_back(items_it->get_menu_item(*this));
174  }
175  set_items(menu_items, selected);
176 }
179  t(nullptr), sec(_sec), level(lev) {}
182  t(_t), sec(nullptr), level(lev) {}
185 {
186  if(sec) {
187  const auto& img = parent.expanded(*sec) ? open_section_img : closed_section_img;
188  return {level, img, sec->title};
189  }
191  // As sec was a nullptr, this must have a non-null topic
192  return {level, topic_img, t->title};
193 }
196 {
197  return sec != nullptr && *sec == _sec;
198 }
201 {
202  return t != nullptr && *t == _t;
203 }
206 {
207  return t == vis_item.t && sec == vis_item.sec;
208 }
210 } // end namespace help
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
virtual void set_items(const std::vector< indented_menu_item > &items, utils::optional< std::size_t > selected)
Set new items to show and redraw/recalculate everything.
Definition: menu.cpp:121
bool silent_
Definition: menu.hpp:171
bool hit_on_indent_or_icon(std::size_t row_index, int x) const
Returns true if a mouse-click with the given x-coordinate, and an appropriate y-coordinate would lie ...
Definition: menu.cpp:519
The menu to the left in the help browser, where topics can be navigated through and chosen.
Definition: help_menu.hpp:33
void update_visible_items(const section &top_level, unsigned starting_level=0)
Regenerate what items are visible by checking what sections are expanded.
Definition: help_menu.cpp:63
void select_topic(const topic &t)
Make the topic the currently selected one, and expand all sections that need to be expanded to show i...
Definition: help_menu.cpp:104
void expand(const section &sec)
Mark a section as expanded.
Definition: help_menu.cpp:49
topic const * chosen_topic_
Definition: help_menu.hpp:105
bool expanded(const section &sec) const
Return true if the section is expanded.
Definition: help_menu.cpp:44
const section & toplevel_
Definition: help_menu.hpp:103
std::set< const section * > expanded_
Definition: help_menu.hpp:104
bool select_topic_internal(const topic &t, const section &sec)
Internal recursive thingie.
Definition: help_menu.cpp:84
const topic * chosen_topic()
If a topic has been chosen, return that topic, otherwise nullptr.
Definition: help_menu.cpp:158
std::vector< visible_item > visible_items_
Definition: help_menu.hpp:102
help_menu(const section &toplevel, int max_height=-1)
Definition: help_menu.cpp:29
void contract(const section &sec)
Contract (close) a section.
Definition: help_menu.cpp:56
void display_visible_items()
Draw the currently visible items.
Definition: help_menu.cpp:165
visible_item selected_item_
Definition: help_menu.hpp:106
Contains functions for cleanly handling SDL input.
std::string selected
const std::string menu_expand
const std::string menu_contract
General purpose widgets.
Definition: help.cpp:53
const std::string open_section_img
Definition: help_impl.cpp:85
bool is_visible_id(const std::string &id)
Definition: help_impl.cpp:1630
const std::string closed_section_img
Definition: help_impl.cpp:84
const std::string topic_img
Definition: help_impl.cpp:83
help::section default_toplevel
Definition: help_impl.cpp:68
const topic * find_topic(const section &sec, const std::string &id)
Search for the topic with the specified identifier in the section and its subsections.
Definition: help_impl.cpp:1298
uint32_t get_mouse_state(int *x, int *y)
A wrapper for SDL_GetMouseState that gives coordinates in draw space.
Definition: input.cpp:27
void play_UI_sound(const std::string &files)
Definition: sound.cpp:1066
void process(int mousex, int mousey)
Definition: tooltips.cpp:340
The only kind of row still supported by the menu class.
Definition: menu.hpp:33
Information about an item that is visible in the menu.
Definition: help_menu.hpp:53
visible_item(const section *_sec, int level)
Definition: help_menu.cpp:178
gui::indented_menu_item get_menu_item(const help_menu &parent) const
Definition: help_menu.cpp:184
bool operator==(const visible_item &sec) const
Definition: help_menu.cpp:205
A section contains topics and sections along with title and ID.
Definition: help_impl.hpp:146
section_list sections
Definition: help_impl.hpp:166
std::string id
Definition: help_impl.hpp:164
topic_list topics
Definition: help_impl.hpp:165
A topic contains a title, an id and some text.
Definition: help_impl.hpp:113
static map_location::DIRECTION s