The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2025
3  by Yurii Chernyi <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
17 /**
18  * Managing the AI configuration
19  * @file
20  */
22 #include "ai/configuration.hpp"
24 #include "filesystem.hpp"
25 #include "log.hpp"
26 #include "serialization/parser.hpp"
28 #include "game_config_view.hpp"
29 #include "deprecation.hpp"
30 #include <vector>
31 #include <deque>
32 #include <set>
34 namespace ai {
37 #define DBG_AI_CONFIGURATION LOG_STREAM(debug, log_ai_configuration)
38 #define LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION LOG_STREAM(info, log_ai_configuration)
39 #define WRN_AI_CONFIGURATION LOG_STREAM(warn, log_ai_configuration)
40 #define ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION LOG_STREAM(err, log_ai_configuration)
42 static lg::log_domain log_wml("wml");
43 #define ERR_WML LOG_STREAM(err, log_wml)
46 {
47  ai_configurations_.clear();
48  era_ai_configurations_.clear();
49  mod_ai_configurations_.clear();
51  const config& ais = game_config.mandatory_child("ais");
52  if (auto default_config = ais.optional_child("default_config")) {
53  default_config_ = *default_config;
54  } else {
55  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "Missing AI [default_config]. Therefore, default_config_ set to empty.";
57  }
58  default_ai_algorithm_ = ais["default_ai_algorithm"].str();
59  if (default_ai_algorithm_.empty()) {
60  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "Missing default_ai_algorithm. This will result in no AI being loaded by default.";
61  }
64  for (const config& ai_configuration : ais.child_range("ai")) {
65  const std::string& id = ai_configuration["id"];
66  if (id.empty()){
68  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "skipped AI config due to missing id" << ". Config contains:"<< std::endl << ai_configuration;
69  continue;
70  }
71  if (ai_configurations_.count(id)>0){
72  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "skipped AI config due to duplicate id [" << id << "]. Config contains:"<< std::endl << ai_configuration;
73  continue;
74  }
76  description desc;
78  desc.mp_rank=ai_configuration["mp_rank"].to_int(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
79  desc.text = ai_configuration["description"].t_str();
80  desc.cfg=ai_configuration;
82  ai_configurations_.emplace(id, desc);
83  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "loaded AI config: " << ai_configuration["description"];
84  }
85 }
87 namespace {
88 void extract_ai_configurations(std::map<std::string, description>& storage, const config& input)
89 {
90  for (const config& ai_configuration : input.child_range("ai")) {
91  const std::string& id = ai_configuration["id"];
92  if (id.empty()){
94  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "skipped AI config due to missing id" << ". Config contains:"<< std::endl << ai_configuration;
95  continue;
96  }
97  if (storage.count(id)>0){
98  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "skipped AI config due to duplicate id [" << id << "]. Config contains:"<< std::endl << ai_configuration;
99  continue;
100  }
102  description desc;
104  desc.text = ai_configuration["description"].t_str();
105  desc.mp_rank = ai_configuration["mp_rank"].to_int(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
106  desc.cfg=ai_configuration;
108  storage.emplace(id, desc);
109  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "loaded AI config: " << ai_configuration["description"];
110  }
111 }
112 }
115 {
116  era_ai_configurations_.clear();
117  extract_ai_configurations(era_ai_configurations_, era);
118 }
121 {
122  mod_ai_configurations_.clear();
123  for (const config& mod : mods) {
124  extract_ai_configurations(mod_ai_configurations_, mod);
125  }
126 }
128 std::vector<description*> configuration::get_available_ais()
129 {
130  std::vector<description*> ais_list;
132  const auto add_if_not_hidden = [&ais_list](description* d) {
133  const config& cfg = d->cfg;
135  if(!cfg["hidden"].to_bool(false)) {
136  ais_list.push_back(d);
138  DBG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "has ai with config: " << std::endl << cfg;
139  }
140  };
142  for(auto& a_config : ai_configurations_) {
143  add_if_not_hidden(&a_config.second);
144  }
146  for(auto& e_config : era_ai_configurations_) {
147  add_if_not_hidden(&e_config.second);
148  }
150  for(auto& m_config : mod_ai_configurations_) {
151  add_if_not_hidden(&m_config.second);
152  }
154  // Sort by mp_rank. For same mp_rank, keep alphabetical order.
155  std::stable_sort(ais_list.begin(), ais_list.end(),
156  [](const description* a, const description* b) {
157  return a->mp_rank < b->mp_rank;
158  }
159  );
161  return ais_list;
162 }
164 const config& configuration::get_ai_config_for(const std::string& id)
165 {
167  if (cfg_it==ai_configurations_.end()){
169  if (era_cfg_it==era_ai_configurations_.end()){
171  if (mod_cfg_it==mod_ai_configurations_.end()) {
172  return default_config_;
173  } else {
174  return mod_cfg_it->second.cfg;
175  }
176  } else {
177  return era_cfg_it->second.cfg;
178  }
179  }
180  return cfg_it->second.cfg;
181 }
183 bool configuration::get_side_config_from_file(const std::string& file, config& cfg ){
184  try {
186  read(cfg, *stream);
187  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "Reading AI configuration from file '" << file << "'";
188  } catch(const config::error&) {
189  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "Error while reading AI configuration from file '" << file << "'";
190  return false;
191  } catch(const std::exception&) {
192  //value() now throws on invalid paths.
193  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "Error while reading AI configuration from file '" << file << "'";
194  return false;
195  }
196  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "Successfully read AI configuration from file '" << file << "'";
197  return true;
198 }
201 {
202  return default_config_;
203 }
206 bool configuration::parse_side_config(side_number side, const config& original_cfg, config& cfg )
207 {
208  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": parsing AI configuration from config";
210  //leave only the [ai] children
211  cfg.clear();
212  for (const config& aiparam : original_cfg.child_range("ai")) {
213  cfg.add_child("ai",aiparam);
214  }
216  //backward-compatibility hack: put ai_algorithm if it is present
217  if (const config::attribute_value *v = original_cfg.get("ai_algorithm")) {
218  config ai_a;
219  ai_a["ai_algorithm"] = *v;
220  cfg.add_child("ai",ai_a);
221  }
222  DBG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side " << side << ": config contains:"<< std::endl << cfg;
224  //insert default config at the beginning
225  if (!default_config_.empty()) {
226  DBG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": applying default configuration";
227  cfg.add_child_at("ai",default_config_,0);
228  } else {
229  ERR_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": default configuration is not available, not applying it";
230  }
232  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side << ": expanding simplified aspects into full facets";
233  expand_simplified_aspects(side, cfg);
235  //construct new-style integrated config
236  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side << ": doing final operations on AI config";
237  config parsed_cfg = config();
239  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": merging AI configurations";
240  for (const config& aiparam : cfg.child_range("ai")) {
241  parsed_cfg.append(aiparam);
242  }
245  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": merging AI aspect with the same id";
246  parsed_cfg.merge_children_by_attribute("aspect","id");
248  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": removing duplicate [default] tags from aspects";
249  for (config& aspect_cfg : parsed_cfg.child_range("aspect")) {
250  if (aspect_cfg["name"] != "composite_aspect") {
251  // No point in warning about Lua or standard aspects lacking [default]
252  continue;
253  }
254  if (!aspect_cfg.has_child("default")) {
255  WRN_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": aspect with id=["<<aspect_cfg["id"]<<"] lacks default config facet!";
256  continue;
257  }
258  aspect_cfg.merge_children("default");
259  config& dflt = aspect_cfg.mandatory_child("default");
260  if (dflt.has_child("value")) {
261  while (dflt.child_count("value") > 1) {
262  dflt.remove_child("value", 0);
263  }
264  }
265  }
267  DBG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": done parsing side config, it contains:"<< std::endl << parsed_cfg;
268  LOG_AI_CONFIGURATION << "side "<< side <<": done parsing side config";
270  cfg = parsed_cfg;
271  return true;
273 }
275 static const std::set<std::string> non_aspect_attributes {"turns", "time_of_day", "engine", "ai_algorithm", "id", "description", "hidden", "mp_rank"};
276 static const std::set<std::string> just_copy_tags {"engine", "stage", "aspect", "goal", "modify_ai", "micro_ai"};
277 static const std::set<std::string> old_goal_tags {"target", "target_location", "protect_unit", "protect_location"};
280  std::string algorithm;
281  config base_config, parsed_config;
282  for (const config& aiparam : cfg.child_range("ai")) {
283  std::string turns, time_of_day, engine = "cpp";
284  if (aiparam.has_attribute("turns")) {
285  turns = aiparam["turns"].str();
286  }
287  if (aiparam.has_attribute("time_of_day")) {
288  time_of_day = aiparam["time_of_day"].str();
289  }
290  if (aiparam.has_attribute("engine")) {
291  engine = aiparam["engine"].str();
292  if(engine == "fai") {
293  deprecated_message("FormulaAI", DEP_LEVEL::FOR_REMOVAL, "1.17", "FormulaAI is slated to be removed. Use equivalent Lua AIs instead");
294  }
295  }
296  if (aiparam.has_attribute("ai_algorithm")) {
297  if (algorithm.empty()) {
298  algorithm = aiparam["ai_algorithm"].str();
299  base_config = get_ai_config_for(algorithm);
300  } else if(algorithm != aiparam["ai_algorithm"]) {
301  lg::log_to_chat() << "side " << side << " has two [ai] tags with contradictory ai_algorithm - the first one will take precedence.\n";
302  ERR_WML << "side " << side << " has two [ai] tags with contradictory ai_algorithm - the first one will take precedence.";
303  }
304  }
305  std::deque<std::pair<std::string, config>> facet_configs;
306  for(const auto& [key, value] : aiparam.attribute_range()) {
307  if (non_aspect_attributes.count(key)) {
308  continue;
309  }
310  config facet_config;
311  facet_config["engine"] = engine;
312  facet_config["name"] = "standard_aspect";
313  facet_config["turns"] = turns;
314  facet_config["time_of_day"] = time_of_day;
315  facet_config["value"] = value;
316  facet_configs.emplace_back(key, facet_config);
317  }
318  for(const auto [child_key, child_cfg] : aiparam.all_children_view()) {
319  if (just_copy_tags.count(child_key)) {
320  // These aren't simplified, so just copy over unchanged.
321  parsed_config.add_child(child_key, child_cfg);
322  if(
323  (child_key != "modify_ai" && child_cfg["engine"] == "fai") ||
324  (child_key == "modify_ai" && child_cfg.all_children_count() > 0 && child_cfg.all_children_range().front().cfg["engine"] == "fai")
325  ) {
326  deprecated_message("FormulaAI", DEP_LEVEL::FOR_REMOVAL, "1.17", "FormulaAI is slated to be removed. Use equivalent Lua AIs instead");
327  }
328  continue;
329  } else if(old_goal_tags.count(child_key)) {
330  // A simplified goal, mainly kept around just for backwards compatibility.
331  config goal_config, criteria_config = child_cfg;
332  goal_config["name"] = child_key;
333  goal_config["turns"] = turns;
334  goal_config["time_of_day"] = time_of_day;
335  if(child_key.substr(0,7) == "protect" && criteria_config.has_attribute("protect_radius")) {
336  goal_config["protect_radius"] = criteria_config["protect_radius"];
337  criteria_config.remove_attribute("protect_radius");
338  }
339  if(criteria_config.has_attribute("value")) {
340  goal_config["value"] = criteria_config["value"];
341  criteria_config.remove_attribute("value");
342  }
343  goal_config.add_child("criteria", criteria_config);
344  parsed_config.add_child("goal", std::move(goal_config));
345  continue;
346  }
347  // Now there's two possibilities. If the tag is [attacks] or contains either value= or [value],
348  // then it can be copied verbatim as a [facet] tag.
349  // Otherwise, it needs to be placed as a [value] within a [facet] tag.
350  if (child_key == "attacks" || child_cfg.has_attribute("value") || child_cfg.has_child("value")) {
351  facet_configs.emplace_back(child_key, child_cfg);
352  } else {
353  config facet_config;
354  facet_config["engine"] = engine;
355  facet_config["name"] = "standard_aspect";
356  facet_config["turns"] = turns;
357  facet_config["time_of_day"] = time_of_day;
358  facet_config.add_child("value", child_cfg);
359  if (child_key == "leader_goal" && !child_cfg["id"].empty()) {
360  // Use id= attribute (if present) as the facet ID
361  const std::string& id = child_cfg["id"];
362  if(id != "*" && id.find_first_not_of("0123456789") != std::string::npos) {
363  facet_config["id"] = child_cfg["id"];
364  }
365  }
366  facet_configs.emplace_back(child_key, facet_config);
367  }
368  }
369  std::map<std::string, config> aspect_configs;
370  while (!facet_configs.empty()) {
371  const std::string& aspect = facet_configs.front().first;
372  const config& facet_config = facet_configs.front().second;
373  aspect_configs[aspect]["id"] = aspect; // Will sometimes be redundant assignment
374  aspect_configs[aspect]["name"] = "composite_aspect";
375  aspect_configs[aspect].add_child("facet", facet_config);
376  facet_configs.pop_front();
377  }
378  typedef std::map<std::string, config>::value_type aspect_pair;
379  for (const aspect_pair& p : aspect_configs) {
380  parsed_config.add_child("aspect", p.second);
381  }
382  }
383  // Support old recruitment aspect syntax
384  for(auto& child : parsed_config.child_range("aspect")) {
385  if(child["id"] == "recruitment") {
386  deprecated_message("AI recruitment aspect", DEP_LEVEL::INDEFINITE, "", "Use the recruitment_instructions aspect instead");
387  child["id"] = "recruitment_instructions";
388  }
389  }
390  if (algorithm.empty() && !parsed_config.has_child("stage")) {
392  }
393  for(const auto [child_key, child_cfg] : parsed_config.all_children_view()) {
394  base_config.add_child(child_key, child_cfg);
395  }
396  cfg.clear_children("ai");
397  cfg.add_child("ai", std::move(base_config));
398 }
400 } //end of namespace ai
virtual bool add_child(const path_element &child, const config &cfg)
Definition: component.cpp:70
static description_map ai_configurations_
static config default_config_
static std::vector< description * > get_available_ais()
Returns a list of available AIs.
static description_map era_ai_configurations_
static bool get_side_config_from_file(const std::string &file, config &cfg)
get side config from file
static std::string default_ai_algorithm_
static void init(const game_config_view &game_config)
Init the parameters of ai configuration parser.
static const config & get_ai_config_for(const std::string &id)
Return the config for a specified ai.
static bool parse_side_config(side_number side, const config &original_cfg, config &cfg)
static void add_era_ai_from_config(const config &game_config)
static void expand_simplified_aspects(side_number side, config &cfg)
Expand simplified aspects, similar to the change from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 but with some additional syntax ...
static const config & get_default_ai_parameters()
get default AI parameters
static description_map mod_ai_configurations_
static void add_mod_ai_from_config(const config::const_child_itors &configs)
Variant for storing WML attributes.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
void merge_children_by_attribute(config_key_type key, config_key_type attribute)
All children with the given key and with equal values of the specified attribute will be merged into ...
Definition: config.cpp:250
void append(const config &cfg)
Append data from another config object to this one.
Definition: config.cpp:188
config & mandatory_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Returns the nth child with the given key, or throws an error if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:362
void remove_child(config_key_type key, std::size_t index)
Definition: config.cpp:639
std::size_t child_count(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:292
auto all_children_view() const
In-order iteration over all children.
Definition: config.hpp:796
config & add_child_at(config_key_type key, const config &val, std::size_t index)
Definition: config.cpp:465
void clear_children(T... keys)
Definition: config.hpp:602
bool has_child(config_key_type key) const
Determine whether a config has a child or not.
Definition: config.cpp:312
bool has_attribute(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:157
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:268
void remove_attribute(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:162
boost::iterator_range< const_child_iterator > const_child_itors
Definition: config.hpp:282
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:845
void clear()
Definition: config.cpp:824
const attribute_value * get(config_key_type key) const
Returns a pointer to the attribute with the given key or nullptr if it does not exist.
Definition: config.cpp:681
optional_config_impl< config > optional_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Equivalent to mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found.
Definition: config.cpp:380
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:436
A class grating read only view to a vector of config objects, viewed as one config with all children ...
#define ERR_WML
Managing the AIs configuration - headers.
std::string deprecated_message(const std::string &elem_name, DEP_LEVEL level, const version_info &version, const std::string &detail)
Definition: deprecation.cpp:29
Declarations for File-IO.
std::string id
Text to match against addon_info.tags()
Definition: manager.cpp:199
Standard logging facilities (interface).
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
Definition: actions.cpp:59
static const std::set< std::string > non_aspect_attributes
static const std::set< std::string > old_goal_tags
static lg::log_domain log_wml("wml")
int side_number
Definition: game_info.hpp:40
static const std::set< std::string > just_copy_tags
static lg::log_domain log_ai_configuration("ai/config")
utils::optional< std::string > get_wml_location(const std::string &path, const utils::optional< std::string > &current_dir)
Returns a translated path to the actual file or directory, if it exists.
std::unique_ptr< std::istream > scoped_istream
Definition: filesystem.hpp:53
Game configuration data as global variables.
Definition: build_info.cpp:61
std::stringstream & log_to_chat()
Use this to show WML errors in the ingame chat.
Definition: log.cpp:520
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
filesystem::scoped_istream preprocess_file(const std::string &fname, preproc_map *defines)
Function to use the WML preprocessor on a file.
void read(config &cfg, std::istream &in, abstract_validator *validator)
Definition: parser.cpp:629
AI parameters.
std::string id
Object which defines a time of day with associated bonuses, image, sounds etc.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:57
mock_party p
#define d
#define b