The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.7+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Yurii Chernyi <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  */
20 #pragma once
24 #include "ai/lua/lua_object.hpp"
25 #include "ai/lua/core.hpp"
27 #include "utils/ranges.hpp"
29 #include "log.hpp"
31 #include <functional>
33 namespace ai {
35 class aspect : public readonly_context_proxy, public events::observer, public component {
36 public:
37  aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id);
39  virtual ~aspect();
41  void invalidate() const
42  {
43  valid_ = false;
44  valid_variant_ = false;
45  valid_lua_ = false;
46  }
48  virtual const wfl::variant& get_variant() const = 0;
50  virtual std::shared_ptr<wfl::variant> get_variant_ptr() const = 0;
52  virtual void get_lua(lua_State* L) const = 0;
54  virtual void recalculate() const = 0;
56  virtual void on_create();
58  virtual bool redeploy(const config &cfg, const std::string & id);
60  virtual config to_config() const;
62  virtual bool delete_all_facets();
64  void handle_generic_event(const std::string &/*event_name*/)
65  {
66  invalidate();
67  }
69  virtual bool active() const;
71  virtual std::string get_name() const
72  { return name_; }
74  virtual std::string get_id() const
75  { return id_; }
77  virtual std::string get_engine() const
78  { return engine_; }
80  static lg::log_domain& log();
82 protected:
83  std::string time_of_day_;
84  std::string turns_;
86  mutable bool valid_;
87  mutable bool valid_variant_;
88  mutable bool valid_lua_;
94  std::string engine_;
95  std::string name_;
96  std::string id_;
98 };
100 template<typename T>
101 class typesafe_aspect : public aspect {
102 public:
103  typesafe_aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
104  : aspect(context,cfg,id)
105  , value_()
106  , value_variant_()
107  , value_lua_()
108  {
109  }
112  {
113  }
115  virtual const T& get() const
116  {
117  return *get_ptr();
118  }
120  virtual const wfl::variant& get_variant() const
121  {
122  return *get_variant_ptr();
123  }
125  virtual std::shared_ptr<wfl::variant> get_variant_ptr() const
126  {
127  if (!valid_variant_) {
128  if (!valid_) {
129  recalculate();
130  }
132  if (!valid_variant_ && valid_ ) {
134  valid_variant_ = true;
135  } else if (!valid_variant_ && valid_lua_) {
136  value_ = value_lua_->get();
138  valid_variant_ = true; // @note: temporary workaround
139  } else {
140  assert(valid_variant_);
141  }
142  }
143  return value_variant_;
144  }
146  void get_lua(lua_State* L) const {
147  if(auto p = get_ptr()) {
148  lua_object<T> obj(get());
149  obj.push(L);
150  } else lua_pushnil(L);
151  }
153  virtual void recalculate() const = 0;
155  virtual std::shared_ptr<T> get_ptr() const
156  {
157  if (!valid_) {
158  if (!(valid_variant_ || valid_lua_)) {
159  recalculate();
160  }
162  if (!valid_ ) {
163  if (valid_variant_) {
165  valid_ = true;
166  } else if (valid_lua_){
167  value_ = value_lua_->get();
168  valid_ = true;
169  } else {
170  assert(valid_);
171  }
172  }
173  }
174  return value_;
175  }
177 protected:
178  mutable std::shared_ptr<T> value_;
179  mutable std::shared_ptr<wfl::variant> value_variant_;
180  mutable std::shared_ptr< lua_object<T>> value_lua_;
181 };
184 public:
185  known_aspect(const std::string &name);
187  virtual ~known_aspect();
189  virtual void set(aspect_ptr a) = 0;
191  virtual void add_facet(const config &cfg) = 0;
193  const std::string& get_name() const;
195 protected:
196  const std::string name_;
197 };
199 template<class T>
200 class composite_aspect;
202 template<typename T>
204 public:
205  typesafe_known_aspect(const std::string &name, typesafe_aspect_ptr<T>& where, aspect_map &aspects)
206  : known_aspect(name), where_(where), aspects_(aspects)
207  {
208  }
210  void set(aspect_ptr a)
211  {
212  typesafe_aspect_ptr<T> c = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<typesafe_aspect<T>>(a);
213  if (c) {
214  assert (c->get_id()== this->get_name());
215  where_ = c;
216  aspects_.emplace(this->get_name(),c);
217  } else {
218  LOG_STREAM(debug, aspect::log()) << "typesafe_known_aspect [" << this->get_name() << "] : while setting aspect, got null. this might be caused by invalid [aspect] WML";
219  }
220  }
222  virtual void add_facet(const config &cfg)
223  {
224  std::shared_ptr< composite_aspect <T>> c = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< composite_aspect<T>>(where_);
225  if (c) {
226  assert (c->get_id()==this->get_name());
227  c->add_facet(-1, cfg);
228  c->invalidate();
229  } else {
230  LOG_STREAM(debug, aspect::log()) << "typesafe_known_aspect [" << this->get_name() << "] : while adding facet to aspect, got null. this might be caused by target [aspect] being not composite";
231  }
232  }
234 protected:
237 };
239 template<typename T>
241 public:
243  composite_aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
244  : typesafe_aspect<T>(context, cfg, id)
245  , facets_()
246  , default_()
247  , parent_id_(id)
248  {
249  for (const config &cfg_element : this->cfg_.child_range("facet")) {
250  add_facet(-1,cfg_element);
251  }
253  if (auto cfg_default = this->cfg_.optional_child("default")) {
254  cfg_default["id"] = "default_facet";
255  std::vector< aspect_ptr > default_aspects;
256  engine::parse_aspect_from_config(*this, *cfg_default, parent_id_, std::back_inserter(default_aspects));
257  if (!default_aspects.empty()) {
258  typesafe_aspect_ptr<T> b = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< typesafe_aspect<T>>(default_aspects.front());
259  if (composite_aspect<T>* c = dynamic_cast<composite_aspect<T>*>(b.get())) {
260  c->parent_id_ = parent_id_;
261  }
262  default_ = b;
263  }
264  }
266  std::function<void(typesafe_aspect_vector<T>&, const config&)> factory_facets =
267  std::bind(&ai::composite_aspect<T>::create_facet, *this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
269  register_facets_property(this->property_handlers(),"facet",facets_,default_, factory_facets);
271  }
274  {
275  std::vector<aspect_ptr> facets_base;
276  engine::parse_aspect_from_config(*this,cfg,parent_id_,std::back_inserter(facets_base));
277  for (aspect_ptr a : facets_base) {
278  typesafe_aspect_ptr<T> b = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< typesafe_aspect<T>> (a);
279  if (composite_aspect<T>* c = dynamic_cast<composite_aspect<T>*>(b.get())) {
280  c->parent_id_ = parent_id_;
281  }
282  facets.push_back(b);
283  }
284  }
286  virtual void recalculate() const
287  {
288  for(const auto& f : facets_ | utils::views::reverse) {
289  if (f->active()) {
290  this->value_ = f->get_ptr();
291  this->valid_ = true;
292  return;
293  }
294  }
295  if (default_) {
296  this->value_ = default_->get_ptr();
297  this->valid_ = true;
298  }
299  }
301  virtual config to_config() const
302  {
303  config cfg = aspect::to_config();
304  for (const typesafe_aspect_ptr<T>& f : facets_) {
305  cfg.add_child("facet",f->to_config());
306  }
307  if (default_) {
308  cfg.add_child("default",default_->to_config());
309  }
310  return cfg;
311  }
314  virtual bool add_facet(int pos, const config &cfg)
315  {
316  if (pos<0) {
317  pos = facets_.size();
318  }
319  std::vector< aspect_ptr > facets;
320  engine::parse_aspect_from_config(*this,cfg,parent_id_,std::back_inserter(facets));
321  int j=0;
322  for (aspect_ptr a : facets) {
323  typesafe_aspect_ptr<T> b = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< typesafe_aspect<T>> (a);
324  if (composite_aspect<T>* c = dynamic_cast<composite_aspect<T>*>(b.get())) {
325  c->parent_id_ = parent_id_;
326  }
327  facets_.insert(facets_.begin()+pos+j,b);
328  j++;
329  }
330  return (j>0);
331  }
333  virtual bool delete_all_facets()
334  {
335  bool b = !facets_.empty();
336  facets_.clear();
337  return b;
338  }
341  {
342  for(aspect_ptr a : facets_) {
343  if(a->active()) {
344  return *a;
345  }
346  }
347  return *default_;
348  }
350 protected:
353  std::string parent_id_;
355 };
357 template<typename T>
358 class standard_aspect : public typesafe_aspect<T> {
359 public:
360  standard_aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
361  : typesafe_aspect<T>(context, cfg, id)
362  {
363  this->name_ = "standard_aspect";
364  this->value_ = std::make_shared<T>(config_value_translator<T>::cfg_to_value(this->cfg_));
365  LOG_STREAM(debug, aspect::log()) << "standard aspect has value: "<< std::endl << config_value_translator<T>::value_to_cfg(this->get());
366  }
368  void recalculate() const
369  {
370  //nothing to recalculate
371  this->valid_ = true;
372  }
375  {
376  config cfg = aspect::to_config();
378  return cfg;
379  }
381 };
385  : public boost::static_visitor<std::string>
386 #endif
387 {
388  static std::string quote_string(const std::string& s);
389 public:
390  std::string operator()(bool b) const {return utils::bool_string(b);}
391  std::string operator()(int i) const {return std::to_string(i);}
392  std::string operator()(unsigned long long i) const {return std::to_string(i);}
393  std::string operator()(double i) const {return std::to_string(i);}
394  std::string operator()(const std::string& s) const {return quote_string(s);}
395  std::string operator()(const t_string& s) const {return quote_string(s.str());}
396  std::string operator()(utils::monostate) const {return "nil";}
397 };
399 template<typename T>
400 class lua_aspect : public typesafe_aspect<T>
401 {
402 public:
403  lua_aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::shared_ptr<lua_ai_context>& l_ctx)
404  : typesafe_aspect<T>(context, cfg, id)
405  , handler_(), code_(), params_(cfg.child_or_empty("args"))
406  {
407  this->name_ = "lua_aspect";
408  if (cfg.has_attribute("code"))
409  {
410  code_ = cfg["code"].str();
411  }
412  else if (cfg.has_attribute("value"))
413  {
414  code_ = "return " + cfg["value"].apply_visitor(lua_aspect_visitor());
415  }
416  else
417  {
418  // error
419  return;
420  }
421  handler_.reset(resources::lua_kernel->create_lua_ai_action_handler(code_.c_str(), *l_ctx));
422  }
424  void recalculate() const
425  {
426  this->valid_lua_ = true;
427  this->value_lua_.reset(new lua_object<T>);
428  const config empty_cfg;
429  handler_->handle(params_, empty_cfg, true, this->value_lua_);
430  }
433  {
434  config cfg = aspect::to_config();
435  cfg["code"] = code_;
436  if (!params_.empty()) {
437  cfg.add_child("args", params_);
438  }
439  return cfg;
440  }
442 private:
443  std::shared_ptr<lua_ai_action_handler> handler_;
444  std::string code_;
446 };
449  bool is_duplicate(const std::string &name);
450 public:
451  typedef std::shared_ptr< aspect_factory > factory_ptr;
452  typedef std::map<std::string, factory_ptr> factory_map;
453  typedef std::pair<const std::string, factory_ptr> factory_map_pair;
455  static factory_map& get_list() {
456  static factory_map *aspect_factories;
457  if (aspect_factories==nullptr) {
458  aspect_factories = new factory_map;
459  }
460  return *aspect_factories;
461  }
463  virtual aspect_ptr get_new_instance( readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id) = 0;
465  aspect_factory( const std::string &name )
466  {
467  if (is_duplicate(name)) {
468  return;
469  }
470  factory_ptr ptr_to_this(this);
471  get_list().emplace(name,ptr_to_this);
472  }
474  virtual ~aspect_factory() {}
475 };
477 template<class ASPECT>
479 public:
480  register_aspect_factory( const std::string &name )
481  : aspect_factory( name )
482  {
483  }
485  aspect_ptr get_new_instance( readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
486  {
487  aspect_ptr a = std::make_shared<ASPECT>(context, cfg, id);
488  a->on_create();
489  return a;
490  }
491 };
494 public:
495  typedef std::shared_ptr< lua_aspect_factory > factory_ptr;
496  typedef std::map<std::string, factory_ptr> factory_map;
497  typedef std::pair<const std::string, factory_ptr> factory_map_pair;
499  static factory_map& get_list() {
500  static factory_map *aspect_factories;
501  if (aspect_factories==nullptr) {
502  aspect_factories = new factory_map;
503  }
504  return *aspect_factories;
505  }
507  virtual aspect_ptr get_new_instance( readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::shared_ptr<lua_ai_context>& l_ctx) = 0;
509  lua_aspect_factory( const std::string &name )
510  {
511  factory_ptr ptr_to_this(this);
512  get_list().emplace(name,ptr_to_this);
513  }
515  virtual ~lua_aspect_factory() {}
516 };
518 template<class ASPECT>
520 public:
521  register_lua_aspect_factory( const std::string &name )
522  : lua_aspect_factory( name )
523  {
524  }
526  aspect_ptr get_new_instance( readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::shared_ptr<lua_ai_context>& l_ctx)
527  {
528  aspect_ptr a = std::make_shared<ASPECT>(context, cfg, id, l_ctx);
529  a->on_create();
530  return a;
531  }
532 };
534 } //end of namespace ai
#define debug(x)
virtual aspect_ptr get_new_instance(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)=0
std::map< std::string, factory_ptr > factory_map
Definition: aspect.hpp:452
std::shared_ptr< aspect_factory > factory_ptr
Definition: aspect.hpp:451
bool is_duplicate(const std::string &name)
Definition: aspect.cpp:160
virtual ~aspect_factory()
Definition: aspect.hpp:474
static factory_map & get_list()
Definition: aspect.hpp:455
aspect_factory(const std::string &name)
Definition: aspect.hpp:465
std::pair< const std::string, factory_ptr > factory_map_pair
Definition: aspect.hpp:453
config cfg_
Definition: aspect.hpp:90
bool invalidate_on_gamestate_change_
Definition: aspect.hpp:93
virtual void get_lua(lua_State *L) const =0
std::string time_of_day_
Definition: aspect.hpp:83
bool invalidate_on_turn_start_
Definition: aspect.hpp:91
virtual std::string get_engine() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:77
static lg::log_domain & log()
Definition: aspect.cpp:60
virtual void recalculate() const =0
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: aspect.cpp:106
bool valid_variant_
Definition: aspect.hpp:87
virtual std::shared_ptr< wfl::variant > get_variant_ptr() const =0
std::string id_
Definition: aspect.hpp:96
std::string engine_
Definition: aspect.hpp:94
virtual bool delete_all_facets()
Definition: aspect.cpp:129
virtual const wfl::variant & get_variant() const =0
void handle_generic_event(const std::string &)
Definition: aspect.hpp:64
aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
Definition: aspect.cpp:32
bool invalidate_on_tod_change_
Definition: aspect.hpp:92
std::string turns_
Definition: aspect.hpp:84
virtual void on_create()
Definition: aspect.cpp:65
std::string name_
Definition: aspect.hpp:95
void invalidate() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:41
virtual std::string get_id() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:74
virtual ~aspect()
Definition: aspect.cpp:46
bool valid_lua_
Definition: aspect.hpp:88
virtual std::string get_name() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:71
bool valid_
Definition: aspect.hpp:86
virtual bool active() const
Definition: aspect.cpp:124
virtual bool redeploy(const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
Definition: aspect.cpp:69
property_handler_map & property_handlers()
Definition: component.cpp:116
virtual bool delete_all_facets()
Definition: aspect.hpp:333
std::string parent_id_
Definition: aspect.hpp:353
composite_aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
Definition: aspect.hpp:243
typesafe_aspect_ptr< T > default_
Definition: aspect.hpp:352
virtual bool add_facet(int pos, const config &cfg)
Definition: aspect.hpp:314
aspect & find_active()
Definition: aspect.hpp:340
virtual void recalculate() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:286
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:301
typesafe_aspect_vector< T > facets_
Definition: aspect.hpp:351
void create_facet(typesafe_aspect_vector< T > &facets, const config &cfg)
Definition: aspect.hpp:273
static void value_to_cfg(const T &value, config &cfg)
static void parse_aspect_from_config(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< aspect_ptr >> b)
Definition: engine.cpp:52
virtual ~known_aspect()
Definition: aspect.cpp:144
virtual void add_facet(const config &cfg)=0
const std::string & get_name() const
Definition: aspect.cpp:139
virtual void set(aspect_ptr a)=0
const std::string name_
Definition: aspect.hpp:196
known_aspect(const std::string &name)
Definition: aspect.cpp:134
std::shared_ptr< lua_aspect_factory > factory_ptr
Definition: aspect.hpp:495
lua_aspect_factory(const std::string &name)
Definition: aspect.hpp:509
std::pair< const std::string, factory_ptr > factory_map_pair
Definition: aspect.hpp:497
virtual aspect_ptr get_new_instance(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::shared_ptr< lua_ai_context > &l_ctx)=0
static factory_map & get_list()
Definition: aspect.hpp:499
virtual ~lua_aspect_factory()
Definition: aspect.hpp:515
std::map< std::string, factory_ptr > factory_map
Definition: aspect.hpp:496
static std::string quote_string(const std::string &s)
Definition: aspect.cpp:148
std::string operator()(double i) const
Definition: aspect.hpp:393
std::string operator()(bool b) const
Definition: aspect.hpp:390
std::string operator()(int i) const
Definition: aspect.hpp:391
std::string operator()(const t_string &s) const
Definition: aspect.hpp:395
std::string operator()(const std::string &s) const
Definition: aspect.hpp:394
std::string operator()(utils::monostate) const
Definition: aspect.hpp:396
std::string operator()(unsigned long long i) const
Definition: aspect.hpp:392
std::shared_ptr< lua_ai_action_handler > handler_
Definition: aspect.hpp:443
const config params_
Definition: aspect.hpp:445
void recalculate() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:424
config to_config() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:432
std::string code_
Definition: aspect.hpp:444
lua_aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::shared_ptr< lua_ai_context > &l_ctx)
Definition: aspect.hpp:403
void push(lua_State *L)
Definition: lua_object.hpp:79
aspect_ptr get_new_instance(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
Definition: aspect.hpp:485
register_aspect_factory(const std::string &name)
Definition: aspect.hpp:480
register_lua_aspect_factory(const std::string &name)
Definition: aspect.hpp:521
aspect_ptr get_new_instance(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::shared_ptr< lua_ai_context > &l_ctx)
Definition: aspect.hpp:526
standard_aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
Definition: aspect.hpp:360
config to_config() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:374
void recalculate() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:368
typesafe_aspect(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg, const std::string &id)
Definition: aspect.hpp:103
virtual std::shared_ptr< wfl::variant > get_variant_ptr() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:125
std::shared_ptr< wfl::variant > value_variant_
Definition: aspect.hpp:179
void get_lua(lua_State *L) const
Definition: aspect.hpp:146
std::shared_ptr< T > value_
Definition: aspect.hpp:178
std::shared_ptr< lua_object< T > > value_lua_
Definition: aspect.hpp:180
virtual std::shared_ptr< T > get_ptr() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:155
virtual const wfl::variant & get_variant() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:120
virtual const T & get() const
Definition: aspect.hpp:115
virtual ~typesafe_aspect()
Definition: aspect.hpp:111
virtual void recalculate() const =0
typesafe_known_aspect(const std::string &name, typesafe_aspect_ptr< T > &where, aspect_map &aspects)
Definition: aspect.hpp:205
typesafe_aspect_ptr< T > & where_
Definition: aspect.hpp:235
aspect_map & aspects_
Definition: aspect.hpp:236
void set(aspect_ptr a)
Definition: aspect.hpp:210
virtual void add_facet(const config &cfg)
Definition: aspect.hpp:222
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
bool has_attribute(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:157
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:272
bool empty() const
Definition: config.cpp:849
optional_config_impl< config > optional_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Equivalent to mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found.
Definition: config.cpp:384
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:440
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
std::string id
Text to match against addon_info.tags()
Definition: manager.cpp:199
Standard logging facilities (interface).
#define LOG_STREAM(level, domain)
Definition: log.hpp:279
Lua object(value) wrapper implementation.
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
Definition: actions.cpp:59
std::shared_ptr< typesafe_aspect< T > > typesafe_aspect_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:58
std::shared_ptr< aspect > aspect_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:95
static void register_facets_property(property_handler_map &property_handlers, const std::string &property, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< X >> &values, std::shared_ptr< X > &def, std::function< void(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< X >> &, const config &)> construction_factory)
std::map< std::string, aspect_ptr > aspect_map
Definition: game_info.hpp:104
std::vector< typesafe_aspect_ptr< T > > typesafe_aspect_vector
Definition: game_info.hpp:61
game_lua_kernel * lua_kernel
Definition: resources.cpp:25
constexpr auto reverse
Definition: ranges.hpp:40
std::string bool_string(const bool value)
Converts a bool value to 'true' or 'false'.
Composite AI component.
mock_char c
mock_party p
static map_location::direction s
#define f
#define b