The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.8+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Yurii Chernyi <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Helper functions for the object which operates in the context of AI for specific side
19  * this is part of AI interface
20  */
22 #pragma once
24 #include "ai/game_info.hpp" // for move_map, typesafe_aspect_ptr, etc
26 #include "config.hpp" // for config
27 #include "game_errors.hpp"
28 #include "generic_event.hpp" // for observer
29 #include "units/ptr.hpp" // for unit_ptr
30 #include "map/location.hpp" // for map_location
32 #include <map> // for map, map<>::value_compare
33 #include <set> // for set
34 #include <string> // for string
35 #include <utility> // for pair
36 #include <vector> // for vector
38 class gamemap; // lines 41-41
39 class team;
40 class terrain_filter; // lines 43-43
41 class unit_map;
42 class unit_type; // lines 46-46
43 namespace wfl { class variant; }
44 namespace ai { class ai_context; } // lines 51-51
45 namespace ai { class unit_advancements_aspect; }
46 struct battle_context_unit_stats; // lines 39-39
48 namespace ai {
52 // recursion counter
54 public:
55  recursion_counter(int counter)
56  : counter_(++counter)
57  {
58  if (counter > MAX_COUNTER_VALUE ) {
59  throw game::game_error("maximum recursion depth reached!");
60  }
61  }
63  /**
64  * Get the current value of the recursion counter
65  */
66  int get_count() const
67  {
68  return counter_;
69  }
71  //max recursion depth
72  static const int MAX_COUNTER_VALUE = 100;
74  /**
75  * Check if more recursion is allowed
76  */
77  bool is_ok() const
78  {
79  return counter_ < MAX_COUNTER_VALUE;
80  }
81 private:
83  // recursion counter value
84  int counter_;
85 };
87 //defensive position
91  loc(),
92  chance_to_hit(0),
93  vulnerability(0.0),
94  support(0.0)
95  {}
100 };
102 // keeps cache
104 {
105 public:
106  keeps_cache();
107  ~keeps_cache();
108  void handle_generic_event(const std::string& event_name);
109  void clear();
110  const std::set<map_location>& get();
111  void init(const gamemap &map);
112 private:
113  const gamemap *map_;
114  std::set<map_location> keeps_;
115 };
117 // side context
121 public:
123  /**
124  * Get the side number
125  */
126  virtual side_number get_side() const = 0;
128  /**
129  * Set the side number
130  */
131  virtual void set_side(side_number side) = 0;
133  /**
134  * empty destructor
135  */
136  virtual ~side_context(){}
138  /**
139  * empty constructor
140  */
143  /**
144  * unwrap
145  */
148  /**
149  * serialize this context to config
150  */
151  virtual config to_side_context_config() const = 0;
153  /**
154  * Get the value of the recursion counter
155  */
156  virtual int get_recursion_count() const = 0;
158 };
160 class readonly_context : public virtual side_context {
161 public:
163  virtual ~readonly_context(){}
165  virtual void on_readonly_context_create() = 0;
166  virtual const team& current_team() const = 0;
167  virtual void diagnostic(const std::string& msg) = 0;
168  virtual void log_message(const std::string& msg) = 0;
169  virtual attack_result_ptr check_attack_action(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) = 0;
170  virtual move_result_ptr check_move_action(const map_location& from, const map_location& to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) = 0;
171  virtual recall_result_ptr check_recall_action(const std::string& id, const map_location &where = map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from = map_location::null_location()) = 0;
173  virtual stopunit_result_ptr check_stopunit_action(const map_location& unit_location, bool remove_movement = true, bool remove_attacks = false) = 0;
174  virtual synced_command_result_ptr check_synced_command_action(const std::string& lua_code, const map_location& location = map_location::null_location()) = 0;
175  virtual void calculate_possible_moves(std::map<map_location,pathfind::paths>& possible_moves,
176  move_map& srcdst, move_map& dstsrc, bool enemy,
177  bool assume_full_movement=false,
178  const terrain_filter* remove_destinations=nullptr) const = 0;
179  virtual void calculate_moves(const unit_map& units,
180  std::map<map_location,pathfind::paths>& possible_moves, move_map& srcdst,
181  move_map& dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false,
182  const terrain_filter* remove_destinations=nullptr,
183  bool see_all=false) const = 0;
185  virtual const game_info& get_info() const = 0;
187  //@note: following part is in alphabetic order
189  const move_map& dstsrc, const move_map& srcdst, const move_map& enemy_dstsrc) const = 0;
191  virtual std::map<map_location,defensive_position>& defensive_position_cache() const = 0;
193  virtual const unit_advancements_aspect& get_advancements() const = 0;
195  virtual double get_aggression() const = 0;
197  virtual bool get_allow_ally_villages() const = 0;
199  virtual const aspect_map& get_aspects() const = 0;
201  virtual aspect_map& get_aspects() = 0;
203  virtual void add_facet(const std::string &id, const config &cfg) const = 0;
205  virtual void add_aspects(std::vector< aspect_ptr > &aspects ) = 0;
207  virtual const attacks_vector& get_attacks() const = 0;
209  virtual const wfl::variant& get_attacks_as_variant() const = 0;
211  virtual const terrain_filter& get_avoid() const = 0;
213  virtual double get_caution() const = 0;
215  virtual const move_map& get_dstsrc() const = 0;
217  virtual const move_map& get_enemy_dstsrc() const = 0;
219  virtual const moves_map& get_enemy_possible_moves() const = 0;
221  virtual const move_map& get_enemy_srcdst() const = 0;
223  /**
224  * get engine by cfg, creating it if it is not created yet but known
225  */
226  virtual engine_ptr get_engine_by_cfg(const config& cfg) = 0;
228  virtual const std::vector<engine_ptr>& get_engines() const = 0;
230  virtual std::vector<engine_ptr>& get_engines() = 0;
232  virtual std::string get_grouping() const = 0;
234  virtual const std::vector<goal_ptr>& get_goals() const = 0;
236  virtual std::vector<goal_ptr>& get_goals() = 0;
238  virtual double get_leader_aggression() const = 0;
240  virtual config get_leader_goal() const = 0;
242  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_leader_ignores_keep() const = 0;
244  virtual double get_leader_value() const = 0;
246  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_passive_leader() const = 0;
248  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_passive_leader_shares_keep() const = 0;
250  virtual const moves_map& get_possible_moves() const = 0;
252  virtual double get_recruitment_diversity() const = 0;
254  virtual const config get_recruitment_instructions() const = 0;
256  virtual const std::vector<std::string> get_recruitment_more() const = 0;
258  virtual const std::vector<std::string> get_recruitment_pattern() const = 0;
260  virtual int get_recruitment_randomness() const = 0;
262  virtual const config get_recruitment_save_gold() const = 0;
264  virtual double get_retreat_enemy_weight() const = 0;
266  virtual double get_retreat_factor() const = 0;
268  virtual double get_scout_village_targeting() const = 0;
270  virtual bool get_simple_targeting() const = 0;
272  virtual const move_map& get_srcdst() const = 0;
274  virtual bool get_support_villages() const = 0;
276  virtual double get_village_value() const = 0;
278  virtual int get_villages_per_scout() const = 0;
280  virtual bool is_active(const std::string &time_of_day, const std::string &turns) const = 0;
282  virtual bool is_keep_ignoring_leader(const std::string &id) const = 0;
284  virtual bool is_passive_leader(const std::string &id) const = 0;
286  virtual bool is_passive_keep_sharing_leader(const std::string &id) const = 0;
288  virtual bool is_dst_src_valid_lua() const = 0;
290  virtual bool is_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() const = 0;
292  virtual bool is_src_dst_valid_lua() const = 0;
294  virtual bool is_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() const = 0;
296  virtual void invalidate_defensive_position_cache() const = 0;
298  virtual void invalidate_move_maps() const = 0;
300  virtual void invalidate_keeps_cache() const= 0;
302  virtual const std::set<map_location>& keeps() const= 0;
304  virtual bool leader_can_reach_keep() const = 0;
306  virtual const map_location& nearest_keep(const map_location& loc) const = 0;
308  /**
309  * Function which finds how much 'power' a side can attack a certain location with.
310  * This is basically the maximum hp of damage that can be inflicted upon a unit on loc
311  * by full-health units, multiplied by the defense these units will have.
312  * (if 'use_terrain' is false, then it will be multiplied by 0.5)
313  *
314  * Example: 'loc' can be reached by two units, one of whom has a 10-3 attack
315  * and has 48/48 hp, and can defend at 40% on the adjacent grassland.
316  * The other has a 8-2 attack, and has 30/40 hp, and can defend at 60% on the adjacent mountain.
317  * The rating will be 10*3*1.0*0.4 + 8*2*0.75*0.6 = 19.2
318  */
319  virtual double power_projection(const map_location& loc, const move_map& dstsrc) const = 0;
321  virtual void raise_user_interact() const = 0;
323  virtual void recalculate_move_maps() const = 0;
325  virtual void recalculate_move_maps_enemy() const = 0;
327  virtual void set_src_dst_valid_lua() = 0;
328  virtual void set_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() = 0;
329  virtual void set_dst_src_valid_lua() = 0;
330  virtual void set_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() = 0;
332  /** get most suitable keep for leader - nearest free that can be reached in 1 turn, if none - return nearest occupied that can be reached in 1 turn, if none - return nearest keep, if none - return null_location */
333  virtual const map_location& suitable_keep( const map_location& leader_location, const pathfind::paths& leader_paths ) const = 0;
335  /**
336  * serialize to config
337  */
338  virtual config to_readonly_context_config() const = 0;
340  typedef std::map<std::pair<map_location,const unit_type *>,
341  std::pair<battle_context_unit_stats,battle_context_unit_stats>>
343  virtual unit_stats_cache_t & unit_stats_cache() const = 0;
345 };
347 class readwrite_context : public virtual readonly_context {
348 public:
351  virtual ~readwrite_context(){}
355  virtual attack_result_ptr execute_attack_action(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) = 0;
357  virtual move_result_ptr execute_move_action(const map_location& from, const map_location& to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) = 0;
363  virtual stopunit_result_ptr execute_stopunit_action(const map_location& unit_location, bool remove_movement = true, bool remove_attacks = false) = 0;
365  virtual synced_command_result_ptr execute_synced_command_action(const std::string& lua_code, const map_location& location = map_location::null_location()) = 0;
367  virtual team& current_team_w() = 0;
369  virtual void raise_gamestate_changed() const = 0;
371  virtual game_info& get_info_w() = 0;
373  /**
374  * serialize this context to config
375  */
376  virtual config to_readwrite_context_config() const = 0;
378 };
380 //proxies
382 class side_context_proxy : public virtual side_context {
383 public:
385  : target_(nullptr)
386  {
387  }
392  {
393  target_= &target.get_side_context();
394  }
396  virtual side_number get_side() const override
397  {
398  return target_->get_side();
399  }
401  virtual void set_side(side_number side) override
402  {
403  return target_->set_side(side);
404  }
406  virtual side_context& get_side_context() override
407  {
408  return target_->get_side_context();
409  }
411  virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
412  {
413  return target_->get_recursion_count();
414  }
416  virtual config to_side_context_config() const override
417  {
419  }
421 private:
423 };
425 class readonly_context_proxy : public virtual readonly_context, public virtual side_context_proxy {
426 public:
428  : target_(nullptr)
429  {
430  }
435  {
437  target_ = &target.get_readonly_context();
438  }
441  {
442  return target_->get_readonly_context();
443  }
445  virtual void on_readonly_context_create() override
446  {
448  }
450  virtual const team& current_team() const override
451  {
452  return target_->current_team();
453  }
455  virtual void diagnostic(const std::string& msg) override
456  {
458  }
460  virtual void log_message(const std::string& msg) override
461  {
463  }
465  virtual attack_result_ptr check_attack_action(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) override
466  {
467  return target_->check_attack_action(attacker_loc, defender_loc, attacker_weapon);
468  }
470  virtual move_result_ptr check_move_action(const map_location &from, const map_location &to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) override
471  {
472  return target_->check_move_action(from, to, remove_movement, unreach_is_ok);
473  }
475  virtual recall_result_ptr check_recall_action(const std::string &id, const map_location &where = map_location::null_location(),
476  const map_location &from = map_location::null_location()) override
477  {
478  return target_->check_recall_action(id, where, from);
479  }
482  const map_location &from = map_location::null_location()) override
483  {
484  return target_->check_recruit_action(unit_name, where, from);
485  }
487  virtual stopunit_result_ptr check_stopunit_action(const map_location &unit_location, bool remove_movement = true, bool remove_attacks = false) override
488  {
489  return target_->check_stopunit_action(unit_location, remove_movement, remove_attacks);
490  }
492  virtual synced_command_result_ptr check_synced_command_action(const std::string& lua_code, const map_location& location = map_location::null_location()) override
493  {
494  return target_->check_synced_command_action(lua_code, location);
495  }
497  virtual void calculate_possible_moves(std::map<map_location,pathfind::paths>& possible_moves,
498  move_map& srcdst, move_map& dstsrc, bool enemy,
499  bool assume_full_movement=false,
500  const terrain_filter* remove_destinations=nullptr) const override
501  {
502  target_->calculate_possible_moves(possible_moves, srcdst, dstsrc, enemy, assume_full_movement, remove_destinations);
503  }
505  virtual void calculate_moves(const unit_map& units,
506  std::map<map_location,pathfind::paths>& possible_moves, move_map& srcdst,
507  move_map& dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false,
508  const terrain_filter* remove_destinations=nullptr,
509  bool see_all=false) const override
510  {
511  target_->calculate_moves(units, possible_moves, srcdst, dstsrc, enemy, assume_full_movement, remove_destinations, see_all);
512  }
514  virtual const game_info& get_info() const override
515  {
516  return target_->get_info();
517  }
519  virtual void raise_user_interact() const override
520  {
522  }
524  virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
525  {
526  return target_->get_recursion_count();
527  }
529  //@note: following part is in alphabetic order
531  const move_map& dstsrc, const move_map& srcdst, const move_map& enemy_dstsrc) const override
532  {
533  return target_->best_defensive_position(unit,dstsrc,srcdst,enemy_dstsrc);
534  }
536  virtual std::map<map_location,defensive_position>& defensive_position_cache() const override
537  {
539  }
541  virtual const unit_advancements_aspect& get_advancements() const override
542  {
543  return target_->get_advancements();
544  }
546  virtual double get_aggression() const override
547  {
548  return target_->get_aggression();
549  }
551  virtual bool get_allow_ally_villages() const override
552  {
554  }
556  virtual const aspect_map& get_aspects() const override
557  {
558  return target_->get_aspects();
559  }
561  virtual aspect_map& get_aspects() override
562  {
563  return target_->get_aspects();
564  }
566  virtual void add_aspects(std::vector< aspect_ptr > &aspects ) override
567  {
568  return target_->add_aspects(aspects);
569  }
571  virtual void add_facet(const std::string &id, const config &cfg) const override
572  {
573  target_->add_facet(id,cfg);
574  }
576  virtual const attacks_vector& get_attacks() const override
577  {
578  return target_->get_attacks();
579  }
581  virtual const wfl::variant& get_attacks_as_variant() const override
582  {
584  }
586  virtual const terrain_filter& get_avoid() const override
587  {
588  return target_->get_avoid();
589  }
591  virtual double get_caution() const override
592  {
593  return target_->get_caution();
594  }
596  virtual const move_map& get_dstsrc() const override
597  {
598  return target_->get_dstsrc();
599  }
601  virtual const move_map& get_enemy_dstsrc() const override
602  {
603  return target_->get_enemy_dstsrc();
604  }
606  virtual const moves_map& get_enemy_possible_moves() const override
607  {
609  }
611  virtual const move_map& get_enemy_srcdst() const override
612  {
613  return target_->get_enemy_srcdst();
614  }
616  virtual engine_ptr get_engine_by_cfg(const config &cfg) override
617  {
618  return target_->get_engine_by_cfg(cfg);
619  }
621  virtual const std::vector<engine_ptr>& get_engines() const override
622  {
623  return target_->get_engines();
624  }
626  virtual std::vector<engine_ptr>& get_engines() override
627  {
628  return target_->get_engines();
629  }
631  virtual std::string get_grouping() const override
632  {
633  return target_->get_grouping();
634  }
636  virtual const std::vector<goal_ptr>& get_goals() const override
637  {
638  return target_->get_goals();
639  }
641  virtual std::vector<goal_ptr>& get_goals() override
642  {
643  return target_->get_goals();
644  }
646  virtual double get_leader_aggression() const override
647  {
648  return target_->get_leader_aggression();
649  }
651  virtual config get_leader_goal() const override
652  {
653  return target_->get_leader_goal();
654  }
656  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_leader_ignores_keep() const override
657  {
659  }
661  virtual double get_leader_value() const override
662  {
663  return target_->get_leader_value();
664  }
666  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_passive_leader() const override
667  {
668  return target_->get_passive_leader();
669  }
671  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_passive_leader_shares_keep() const override
672  {
674  }
676  virtual const moves_map& get_possible_moves() const override
677  {
678  return target_->get_possible_moves();
679  }
681  virtual double power_projection(const map_location& loc, const move_map& dstsrc) const override
682  {
683  return target_->power_projection(loc,dstsrc);
684  }
686  virtual double get_recruitment_diversity() const override
687  {
689  }
691  virtual const config get_recruitment_instructions() const override
692  {
694  }
696  virtual const std::vector<std::string> get_recruitment_more() const override
697  {
698  return target_->get_recruitment_more();
699  }
701  virtual const std::vector<std::string> get_recruitment_pattern() const override
702  {
704  }
706  virtual int get_recruitment_randomness() const override
707  {
709  }
711  virtual const config get_recruitment_save_gold() const override
712  {
714  }
716  virtual const move_map& get_srcdst() const override
717  {
718  return target_->get_srcdst();
719  }
721  virtual double get_retreat_enemy_weight() const override
722  {
724  }
726  virtual double get_retreat_factor() const override
727  {
728  return target_->get_retreat_factor();
729  }
731  virtual double get_scout_village_targeting() const override
732  {
734  }
736  virtual bool get_simple_targeting() const override
737  {
738  return target_->get_simple_targeting();
739  }
741  virtual bool get_support_villages() const override
742  {
743  return target_->get_support_villages();
744  }
746  virtual double get_village_value() const override
747  {
748  return target_->get_village_value();
749  }
751  virtual int get_villages_per_scout() const override
752  {
754  }
756  virtual bool is_active(const std::string &time_of_day, const std::string &turns) const override
757  {
758  return target_->is_active(time_of_day, turns);
759  }
761  virtual bool is_keep_ignoring_leader(const std::string &id) const override
762  {
763  return target_->is_keep_ignoring_leader(id);
764  }
766  virtual bool is_passive_leader(const std::string &id) const override
767  {
768  return target_->is_passive_leader(id);
769  }
771  virtual bool is_passive_keep_sharing_leader(const std::string &id) const override
772  {
774  }
776  virtual bool is_dst_src_valid_lua() const override
777  {
778  return target_->is_dst_src_valid_lua();
779  }
781  virtual bool is_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() const override
782  {
784  }
786  virtual bool is_src_dst_valid_lua() const override
787  {
788  return target_->is_src_dst_valid_lua();
789  }
791  virtual bool is_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() const override
792  {
794  }
796  virtual void invalidate_defensive_position_cache() const override
797  {
799  }
801  virtual void invalidate_move_maps() const override
802  {
804  }
806  virtual void invalidate_keeps_cache() const override
807  {
809  }
811  virtual const std::set<map_location>& keeps() const override
812  {
813  return target_->keeps();
814  }
816  virtual bool leader_can_reach_keep() const override
817  {
818  return target_->leader_can_reach_keep();
819  }
821  virtual const map_location& nearest_keep( const map_location& loc ) const override
822  {
823  return target_->nearest_keep(loc);
824  }
826  virtual void recalculate_move_maps() const override
827  {
829  }
831  virtual void recalculate_move_maps_enemy() const override
832  {
834  }
836  virtual void set_dst_src_valid_lua() override
837  {
839  }
841  virtual void set_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() override
842  {
844  }
846  virtual void set_src_dst_valid_lua() override
847  {
849  }
851  virtual void set_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() override
852  {
854  }
856  virtual const map_location& suitable_keep( const map_location& leader_location, const pathfind::paths& leader_paths ) const override
857  {
858  return target_->suitable_keep(leader_location, leader_paths);
859  }
861  virtual config to_readonly_context_config() const override
862  {
864  }
866  virtual unit_stats_cache_t & unit_stats_cache() const override
867  {
868  return target_->unit_stats_cache();
869  }
871 private:
873 };
875 class readwrite_context_proxy : public virtual readwrite_context, public virtual readonly_context_proxy {
876 public:
878  : target_(nullptr)
879  {
880  }
883  {
885  target_ = &target.get_readwrite_context();
886  }
889  {
890  return target_->get_readwrite_context();
891  }
893  virtual attack_result_ptr execute_attack_action(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) override
894  {
895  return target_->execute_attack_action(attacker_loc,defender_loc,attacker_weapon);
896  }
898  virtual move_result_ptr execute_move_action(const map_location& from, const map_location& to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) override
899  {
900  return target_->execute_move_action(from, to, remove_movement, unreach_is_ok);
901  }
903  virtual recall_result_ptr execute_recall_action(const std::string& id, const map_location &where = map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from = map_location::null_location()) override
904  {
905  return target_->execute_recall_action(id,where,from);
906  }
909  {
910  return target_->execute_recruit_action(unit_name,where,from);
911  }
913  virtual stopunit_result_ptr execute_stopunit_action(const map_location& unit_location, bool remove_movement = true, bool remove_attacks = false) override
914  {
915  return target_->execute_stopunit_action(unit_location,remove_movement,remove_attacks);
916  }
918  virtual synced_command_result_ptr execute_synced_command_action(const std::string& lua_code, const map_location& location = map_location::null_location()) override
919  {
920  return target_->execute_synced_command_action(lua_code,location);
921  }
923  virtual team& current_team_w() override
924  {
925  return target_->current_team_w();
926  }
928  virtual void raise_gamestate_changed() const override
929  {
931  }
933  virtual game_info& get_info_w() override
934  {
935  return target_->get_info_w();
936  }
938  virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
939  {
940  return target_->get_recursion_count();
941  }
943  virtual config to_readwrite_context_config() const override
944  {
946  }
948 private:
950 };
952 //implementation
954 public:
955  side_context_impl(side_number side, const config &/*cfg*/)
956  : side_(side), recursion_counter_(0)
957  {
958  }
960  virtual ~side_context_impl(){}
962  virtual side_number get_side() const override
963  {
964  return side_;
965  }
967  virtual void set_side(side_number side) override
968  {
969  side_ = side;
970  }
972  virtual side_context& get_side_context() override
973  {
974  return *this;
975  }
977  virtual int get_recursion_count() const override;
979  virtual config to_side_context_config() const override;
981 private:
984 };
987 public:
989  /**
990  * Constructor
991  */
992  readonly_context_impl(side_context &context, const config &cfg);
994  /**
995  * Destructor
996  */
997  virtual ~readonly_context_impl();
999  /**
1000  * Unwrap - this class is not a proxy, so return *this
1001 :w
1002  */
1004  {
1005  return *this;
1006  }
1008  virtual void on_readonly_context_create() override;
1010  /** Handle generic event */
1011  virtual void handle_generic_event(const std::string& event_name) override;
1013  /** Return a reference to the 'team' object for the AI. */
1014  const team& current_team() const override;
1016  /** Show a diagnostic message on the screen. */
1017  void diagnostic(const std::string& msg) override;
1019  /** Display a debug message as a chat message. */
1020  void log_message(const std::string& msg) override;
1022  /**
1023  * Check if it is possible to attack enemy defender using our unit attacker from attackers current location,
1024  * @param attacker_loc location of attacker
1025  * @param defender_loc location of defender
1026  * @param attacker_weapon weapon of attacker
1027  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, attacker and/or defender are invalid, attacker and/or defender are invalid, or attacker doesn't have the specified weapon
1028  */
1029  attack_result_ptr check_attack_action(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) override;
1031  /**
1032  * Check if it is possible to move our unit from location 'from' to location 'to'
1033  * @param from location of our unit
1034  * @param to where to move
1035  * @param remove_movement set unit movement to 0 in case of successful move
1036  * @param unreach_is_ok whether it's okay for a destination to be unreachable
1037  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, move is interrupted, or move is impossible
1038  */
1039  move_result_ptr check_move_action(const map_location& from, const map_location& to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) override;
1041  /**
1042  * Check if it is possible to recall a unit for us on specified location
1043  * @param id the id of the unit to be recruited.
1044  * @param where location where the unit is to be recruited.
1045  * @param from location of the recaller.
1046  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, leader not on keep, no free space on keep, or not enough gold
1047  */
1048  recall_result_ptr check_recall_action(const std::string& id, const map_location &where = map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from = map_location::null_location()) override;
1050  /**
1051  * Check if it is possible to recruit a unit for us on specified location
1052  * @param unit_name the name of the unit to be recruited.
1053  * @param where location where the unit is to be recruited.
1054  * @param from location of the recruiter.
1055  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, leader not on keep, no free space on keep, or not enough gold
1056  */
1059  /**
1060  * Check if it is possible to remove unit movements and/or attack
1061  * @param unit_location the location of our unit
1062  * @param remove_movement set remaining movements to 0
1063  * @param remove_attacks set remaining attacks to 0
1064  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, or nothing to do
1065  */
1066  stopunit_result_ptr check_stopunit_action(const map_location& unit_location, bool remove_movement = true, bool remove_attacks = false) override;
1068  /**
1069  * Check if it is possible to run Lua code
1070  * @param lua_code the code to be run
1071  * @param location location to be passed to the code as x1/y1
1072  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, or nothing to do
1073  */
1074  synced_command_result_ptr check_synced_command_action(const std::string& lua_code, const map_location& location = map_location::null_location()) override;
1076  /**
1077  * Calculate the moves units may possibly make.
1078  *
1079  * @param possible_moves A map which will be filled with the paths
1080  * each unit can take to get to every possible
1081  * destination. You probably don't want to use
1082  * this object at all, except to pass to
1083  * 'move_unit'.
1084  * @param srcdst A map of units to all their possible
1085  * destinations.
1086  * @param dstsrc A map of destinations to all the units that
1087  * can move to that destination.
1088  * @param enemy if true, a map of possible moves for enemies
1089  * will be calculated. If false, a map of
1090  * possible moves for units on the AI's side
1091  * will be calculated. The AI's own leader will
1092  * not be included in this map.
1093  * @param assume_full_movement
1094  * If true, the function will operate on the
1095  * assumption that all units can move their full
1096  * movement allotment.
1097  * @param remove_destinations a pointer to a terrain filter for possible destinations
1098  * to omit.
1099  */
1100  void calculate_possible_moves(std::map<map_location,pathfind::paths>& possible_moves,
1101  move_map& srcdst, move_map& dstsrc, bool enemy,
1102  bool assume_full_movement=false,
1103  const terrain_filter* remove_destinations=nullptr) const override;
1105  /**
1106  * A more fundamental version of calculate_possible_moves which allows the
1107  * use of a speculative unit map.
1108  * NOTE: Support for a speculative map is broken (not used when pathfinding)
1109  * and has not been used since (probably) r38610 (September 2009).
1110  * (See the TODO in the implementation.)
1111  */
1112  void calculate_moves(const unit_map& units,
1113  std::map<map_location,pathfind::paths>& possible_moves, move_map& srcdst,
1114  move_map& dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false,
1115  const terrain_filter* remove_destinations=nullptr,
1116  bool see_all=false) const override;
1118  virtual const game_info& get_info() const override;
1120  /**
1121  * Function which should be called frequently to allow the user to interact
1122  * with the interface. This function will make sure that interaction
1123  * doesn't occur too often, so there is no problem with calling it very
1124  * regularly.
1125  */
1126  void raise_user_interact() const override;
1128  virtual int get_recursion_count() const override;
1130  //@note: following functions are in alphabetic order
1132  const move_map& dstsrc, const move_map& srcdst, const move_map& enemy_dstsrc) const override;
1134  virtual std::map<map_location,defensive_position>& defensive_position_cache() const override;
1136  virtual const unit_advancements_aspect& get_advancements() const override;
1138  virtual double get_aggression() const override;
1140  virtual bool get_allow_ally_villages() const override;
1142  virtual const aspect_map& get_aspects() const override;
1144  virtual aspect_map& get_aspects() override;
1146  virtual const attacks_vector& get_attacks() const override;
1148  virtual const wfl::variant& get_attacks_as_variant() const override;
1150  virtual const terrain_filter& get_avoid() const override;
1152  virtual double get_caution() const override;
1154  virtual const move_map& get_dstsrc() const override;
1156  virtual const move_map& get_enemy_dstsrc() const override;
1158  virtual const moves_map& get_enemy_possible_moves() const override;
1160  virtual const move_map& get_enemy_srcdst() const override;
1162  virtual engine_ptr get_engine_by_cfg(const config& cfg) override;
1164  virtual const std::vector<engine_ptr>& get_engines() const override;
1166  virtual std::vector<engine_ptr>& get_engines() override;
1168  virtual std::string get_grouping() const override;
1170  virtual const std::vector<goal_ptr>& get_goals() const override;
1172  virtual std::vector<goal_ptr>& get_goals() override;
1174  virtual double get_leader_aggression() const override;
1176  virtual config get_leader_goal() const override;
1178  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_leader_ignores_keep() const override;
1180  virtual double get_leader_value() const override;
1182  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_passive_leader() const override;
1184  virtual utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> get_passive_leader_shares_keep() const override;
1186  virtual const moves_map& get_possible_moves() const override;
1188  virtual double get_recruitment_diversity() const override;
1190  virtual const config get_recruitment_instructions() const override;
1192  virtual const std::vector<std::string> get_recruitment_more() const override;
1194  virtual const std::vector<std::string> get_recruitment_pattern() const override;
1196  virtual int get_recruitment_randomness() const override;
1198  virtual const config get_recruitment_save_gold() const override;
1200  virtual double get_retreat_enemy_weight() const override;
1202  virtual double get_retreat_factor() const override;
1204  virtual double get_scout_village_targeting() const override;
1206  virtual bool get_simple_targeting() const override;
1208  virtual const move_map& get_srcdst() const override;
1210  virtual bool get_support_villages() const override;
1212  virtual double get_village_value() const override;
1214  virtual int get_villages_per_scout() const override;
1216  virtual bool is_active(const std::string &time_of_day, const std::string &turns) const override;
1218  virtual bool is_keep_ignoring_leader(const std::string &id) const override;
1220  virtual bool is_passive_leader(const std::string &id) const override;
1222  virtual bool is_passive_keep_sharing_leader(const std::string &id) const override;
1224  virtual bool is_dst_src_valid_lua() const override;
1226  virtual bool is_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() const override;
1228  virtual bool is_src_dst_valid_lua() const override;
1230  virtual bool is_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() const override;
1232  virtual void invalidate_defensive_position_cache() const override;
1234  virtual void invalidate_move_maps() const override;
1236  virtual void invalidate_keeps_cache() const override;
1238  virtual const std::set<map_location>& keeps() const override;
1240  virtual bool leader_can_reach_keep() const override;
1242  virtual const map_location& nearest_keep(const map_location& loc) const override;
1244  virtual double power_projection(const map_location& loc, const move_map& dstsrc) const override;
1246  virtual void recalculate_move_maps() const override;
1248  virtual void recalculate_move_maps_enemy() const override;
1250  virtual void add_aspects(std::vector< aspect_ptr > &aspects) override;
1252  virtual void add_facet(const std::string &id, const config &cfg) const override;
1254  void on_create();
1256  virtual void set_dst_src_valid_lua() override;
1258  virtual void set_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() override;
1260  virtual void set_src_dst_valid_lua() override;
1262  virtual void set_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() override;
1264  virtual const map_location& suitable_keep( const map_location& leader_location, const pathfind::paths& leader_paths ) const override;
1266  virtual config to_readonly_context_config() const override;
1268  virtual unit_stats_cache_t & unit_stats_cache() const override;
1270 private:
1271  template<typename T>
1272  void add_known_aspect(const std::string &name, typesafe_aspect_ptr<T>& where);
1274  bool applies_to_leader(const utils::variant<bool, std::vector<std::string>> &aspect_value, const std::string &id) const;
1276  const config cfg_;
1278  /**
1279  * AI Support Engines
1280  */
1281  std::vector< engine_ptr > engines_;
1292  mutable std::map<map_location,defensive_position> defensive_position_cache_;
1298  std::vector< goal_ptr > goals_;
1305  mutable bool move_maps_valid_;
1306  mutable bool dst_src_valid_lua_;
1308  mutable bool src_dst_valid_lua_;
1329 };
1332 public:
1333  /**
1334  * Unwrap - this class is not a proxy, so return *this
1335  */
1337  {
1338  return *this;
1339  }
1341  /**
1342  * Ask the game to attack an enemy defender using our unit attacker from attackers current location,
1343  * @param attacker_loc location of attacker
1344  * @param defender_loc location of defender
1345  * @param attacker_weapon weapon of attacker
1346  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, attacker and/or defender are invalid, attacker and/or defender are invalid, or attacker doesn't have the specified weapon
1347  */
1348  virtual attack_result_ptr execute_attack_action(const map_location& attacker_loc, const map_location& defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) override;
1350  /**
1351  * Ask the game to move our unit from location 'from' to location 'to', optionally - doing a partial move
1352  * @param from location of our unit
1353  * @param to where to move
1354  * @param remove_movement set unit movement to 0 in case of successful move
1355  * @param unreach_is_ok whether it's okay for a destination to be unreachable
1356  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, move is interrupted, or move is impossible
1357  */
1358  virtual move_result_ptr execute_move_action(const map_location& from, const map_location& to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) override;
1360  /**
1361  * Ask the game to recall a unit for us on specified location
1362  * @param id the id of the unit to be recalled.
1363  * @param where location where the unit is to be recalled.
1364  * @param from location of the recaller.
1365  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, leader not on keep, no free space on keep, or not enough gold
1366  */
1367  virtual recall_result_ptr execute_recall_action(const std::string& id, const map_location &where = map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from = map_location::null_location()) override;
1369  /**
1370  * Ask the game to recruit a unit for us on specified location
1371  * @param unit_name the name of the unit to be recruited.
1372  * @param where location where the unit is to be recruited.
1373  * @param from location of the recruiter.
1374  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, leader not on keep, no free space on keep, or not enough gold
1375  */
1376  virtual recruit_result_ptr execute_recruit_action(const std::string& unit_name, const map_location &where = map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from = map_location::null_location()) override;
1378  /**
1379  * Ask the game to remove unit movements and/or attack
1380  * @param unit_location the location of our unit
1381  * @param remove_movement set remaining movements to 0
1382  * @param remove_attacks set remaining attacks to 0
1383  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, nothing to do
1384  */
1385  virtual stopunit_result_ptr execute_stopunit_action(const map_location& unit_location, bool remove_movement = true, bool remove_attacks = false) override;
1387  /**
1388  * Ask the game to run Lua code
1389  * @param lua_code the code to be run
1390  * @param location location to be passed to the code as x1/y1
1391  * @retval possible results: ok, something wrong, nothing to do
1392  */
1393  virtual synced_command_result_ptr execute_synced_command_action(const std::string& lua_code, const map_location& location = map_location::null_location()) override;
1395  /** Return a reference to the 'team' object for the AI. */
1396  virtual team& current_team_w() override;
1398  /** Notifies all interested observers of the event respectively. */
1399  void raise_gamestate_changed() const override;
1401  /**
1402  * Constructor.
1403  */
1406  {
1407  init_readonly_context_proxy(context);
1408  }
1411  {
1412  }
1414  /**
1415  * Functions to retrieve the 'info' object.
1416  * Used by derived classes to discover all necessary game information.
1417  */
1418  virtual game_info& get_info_w() override;
1420  virtual int get_recursion_count() const override;
1422  virtual config to_readwrite_context_config() const override;
1424 private:
1426 };
1428 } //end of namespace ai
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
const gamemap * map_
Definition: contexts.hpp:113
void handle_generic_event(const std::string &event_name)
Definition: contexts.cpp:864
const std::set< map_location > & get()
Definition: contexts.cpp:910
void init(const gamemap &map)
Definition: contexts.cpp:905
std::set< map_location > keeps_
Definition: contexts.hpp:114
virtual double get_caution() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:563
virtual ~readonly_context_impl()
Definition: contexts.cpp:285
virtual void recalculate_move_maps_enemy() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1126
std::map< map_location, defensive_position > defensive_position_cache_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1292
stopunit_result_ptr check_stopunit_action(const map_location &unit_location, bool remove_movement=true, bool remove_attacks=false) override
Check if it is possible to remove unit movements and/or attack.
Definition: contexts.cpp:143
typesafe_aspect_ptr< utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > > passive_leader_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1310
recruit_result_ptr check_recruit_action(const std::string &unit_name, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location()) override
Check if it is possible to recruit a unit for us on specified location.
Definition: contexts.cpp:135
virtual bool is_keep_ignoring_leader(const std::string &id) const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1244
virtual const move_map & get_srcdst() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:802
void calculate_possible_moves(std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > &possible_moves, move_map &srcdst, move_map &dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false, const terrain_filter *remove_destinations=nullptr) const override
Calculate the moves units may possibly make.
Definition: contexts.cpp:323
typesafe_aspect_ptr< std::vector< std::string > > recruitment_more_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1315
virtual bool is_active(const std::string &time_of_day, const std::string &turns) const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1207
virtual const move_map & get_dstsrc() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:571
virtual const std::vector< std::string > get_recruitment_pattern() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:746
const defensive_position & best_defensive_position(const map_location &unit, const move_map &dstsrc, const move_map &srcdst, const move_map &enemy_dstsrc) const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:447
virtual bool get_simple_targeting() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:794
typesafe_aspect_ptr< bool > support_villages_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1325
virtual bool is_passive_keep_sharing_leader(const std::string &id) const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1254
unit_stats_cache_t unit_stats_cache_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1326
void add_known_aspect(const std::string &name, typesafe_aspect_ptr< T > &where)
Definition: contexts.cpp:156
virtual void add_facet(const std::string &id, const config &cfg) const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:437
virtual bool get_allow_ally_villages() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:516
virtual readonly_context & get_readonly_context() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:1003
virtual std::map< map_location, defensive_position > & defensive_position_cache() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:493
attack_result_ptr check_attack_action(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) override
Check if it is possible to attack enemy defender using our unit attacker from attackers current locat...
Definition: contexts.cpp:109
virtual const std::vector< goal_ptr > & get_goals() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:656
virtual const game_info & get_info() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:295
virtual void recalculate_move_maps() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1099
typesafe_aspect_ptr< terrain_filter > avoid_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1290
virtual bool is_dst_src_valid_lua() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:834
typesafe_aspect_ptr< bool > simple_targeting_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1323
virtual const move_map & get_enemy_srcdst() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:595
virtual double get_recruitment_diversity() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:722
virtual bool is_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:849
void raise_user_interact() const override
Function which should be called frequently to allow the user to interact with the interface.
Definition: contexts.cpp:88
virtual double get_retreat_enemy_weight() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:770
virtual const std::vector< engine_ptr > & get_engines() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:638
virtual const attacks_vector & get_attacks() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:534
typesafe_aspect_ptr< attacks_vector > attacks_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1289
virtual const map_location & suitable_keep(const map_location &leader_location, const pathfind::paths &leader_paths) const override
get most suitable keep for leader - nearest free that can be reached in 1 turn, if none - return near...
Definition: contexts.cpp:1159
virtual void invalidate_move_maps() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:869
virtual const terrain_filter & get_avoid() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:552
virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
Get the value of the recursion counter.
Definition: contexts.cpp:78
bool applies_to_leader(const utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string >> &aspect_value, const std::string &id) const
Definition: contexts.cpp:1230
virtual int get_villages_per_scout() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:826
virtual config get_leader_goal() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:674
virtual void invalidate_keeps_cache() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:859
virtual double get_leader_aggression() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:666
readonly_context_impl(side_context &context, const config &cfg)
Definition: contexts.cpp:161
virtual const aspect_map & get_aspects() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:524
virtual const move_map & get_enemy_dstsrc() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:579
virtual double get_village_value() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:818
typesafe_aspect_ptr< int > recruitment_randomness_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1317
virtual bool is_passive_leader(const std::string &id) const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1249
const team & current_team() const override
Return a reference to the 'team' object for the AI.
Definition: contexts.cpp:310
typesafe_aspect_ptr< int > villages_per_scout_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1328
virtual unit_stats_cache_t & unit_stats_cache() const override
Weapon choice cache, to speed simulations.
Definition: contexts.cpp:1202
virtual void set_dst_src_valid_lua() override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1139
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > recruitment_diversity_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1313
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > village_value_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1327
virtual void set_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1154
recursion_counter recursion_counter_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1319
virtual const moves_map & get_enemy_possible_moves() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:587
void log_message(const std::string &msg) override
Display a debug message as a chat message.
Definition: contexts.cpp:315
virtual const map_location & nearest_keep(const map_location &loc) const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:955
typesafe_aspect_ptr< unit_advancements_aspect > advancements_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1285
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > retreat_factor_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1321
virtual const config get_recruitment_instructions() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:730
virtual double get_aggression() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:508
known_aspect_map known_aspects_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1283
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > retreat_enemy_weight_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1320
synced_command_result_ptr check_synced_command_action(const std::string &lua_code, const map_location &location=map_location::null_location()) override
Check if it is possible to run Lua code.
Definition: contexts.cpp:151
virtual double power_projection(const map_location &loc, const move_map &dstsrc) const override
Function which finds how much 'power' a side can attack a certain location with.
Definition: contexts.cpp:984
void calculate_moves(const unit_map &units, std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > &possible_moves, move_map &srcdst, move_map &dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false, const terrain_filter *remove_destinations=nullptr, bool see_all=false) const override
A more fundamental version of calculate_possible_moves which allows the use of a speculative unit map...
Definition: contexts.cpp:330
virtual void invalidate_defensive_position_cache() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:854
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_passive_leader() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:698
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > leader_value_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1303
typesafe_aspect_ptr< config > recruitment_instructions_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1314
std::vector< engine_ptr > engines_
AI Support Engines.
Definition: contexts.hpp:1281
typesafe_aspect_ptr< utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > > passive_leader_shares_keep_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1311
virtual bool is_src_dst_valid_lua() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:844
virtual void add_aspects(std::vector< aspect_ptr > &aspects) override
Definition: contexts.cpp:424
virtual bool is_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:839
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_passive_leader_shares_keep() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:706
virtual double get_leader_value() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:690
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > scout_village_targeting_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1322
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_leader_ignores_keep() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:682
virtual const std::vector< std::string > get_recruitment_more() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:738
virtual const wfl::variant & get_attacks_as_variant() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:543
std::vector< goal_ptr > goals_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1298
virtual void set_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1144
typesafe_aspect_ptr< utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > > leader_ignores_keep_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1302
typesafe_aspect_ptr< std::vector< std::string > > recruitment_pattern_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1316
virtual const unit_advancements_aspect & get_advancements() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:498
recall_result_ptr check_recall_action(const std::string &id, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location()) override
Check if it is possible to recall a unit for us on specified location.
Definition: contexts.cpp:131
virtual const std::set< map_location > & keeps() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:881
typesafe_aspect_ptr< config > leader_goal_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1301
virtual void handle_generic_event(const std::string &event_name) override
Handle generic event.
Definition: contexts.cpp:290
virtual bool leader_can_reach_keep() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:933
virtual bool get_support_villages() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:810
virtual std::string get_grouping() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:648
virtual double get_retreat_factor() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:778
typesafe_aspect_ptr< bool > allow_ally_villages_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1287
virtual const config get_recruitment_save_gold() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:762
void diagnostic(const std::string &msg) override
Show a diagnostic message on the screen.
Definition: contexts.cpp:303
virtual void on_readonly_context_create() override
Definition: contexts.cpp:241
virtual double get_scout_village_targeting() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:786
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > caution_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1291
virtual const moves_map & get_possible_moves() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:714
virtual int get_recruitment_randomness() const override
Definition: contexts.cpp:754
move_result_ptr check_move_action(const map_location &from, const map_location &to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) override
Check if it is possible to move our unit from location 'from' to location 'to'.
Definition: contexts.cpp:119
typesafe_aspect_ptr< std::string > grouping_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1297
virtual config to_readonly_context_config() const override
serialize to config
Definition: contexts.cpp:270
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > aggression_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1286
typesafe_aspect_ptr< config > recruitment_save_gold_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1318
typesafe_aspect_ptr< double > leader_aggression_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1300
virtual engine_ptr get_engine_by_cfg(const config &cfg) override
get engine by cfg, creating it if it is not created yet but known
Definition: contexts.cpp:603
virtual void set_src_dst_valid_lua() override
Definition: contexts.cpp:1149
virtual double get_caution() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:591
virtual std::map< map_location, defensive_position > & defensive_position_cache() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:536
virtual const map_location & suitable_keep(const map_location &leader_location, const pathfind::paths &leader_paths) const override
get most suitable keep for leader - nearest free that can be reached in 1 turn, if none - return near...
Definition: contexts.hpp:856
virtual void invalidate_keeps_cache() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:806
virtual config get_leader_goal() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:651
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_passive_leader() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:666
virtual const team & current_team() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:450
virtual bool is_keep_ignoring_leader(const std::string &id) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:761
virtual bool is_passive_keep_sharing_leader(const std::string &id) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:771
virtual const move_map & get_enemy_srcdst() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:611
virtual synced_command_result_ptr check_synced_command_action(const std::string &lua_code, const map_location &location=map_location::null_location()) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:492
virtual std::vector< goal_ptr > & get_goals() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:641
virtual const wfl::variant & get_attacks_as_variant() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:581
virtual void on_readonly_context_create() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:445
virtual const map_location & nearest_keep(const map_location &loc) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:821
virtual const move_map & get_dstsrc() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:596
virtual const config get_recruitment_save_gold() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:711
virtual const terrain_filter & get_avoid() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:586
virtual const aspect_map & get_aspects() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:556
virtual void add_aspects(std::vector< aspect_ptr > &aspects) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:566
virtual const attacks_vector & get_attacks() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:576
virtual void log_message(const std::string &msg) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:460
virtual double get_recruitment_diversity() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:686
virtual double get_retreat_enemy_weight() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:721
virtual bool leader_can_reach_keep() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:816
virtual std::string get_grouping() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:631
virtual void recalculate_move_maps() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:826
readonly_context * target_
Definition: contexts.hpp:872
virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
Get the value of the recursion counter.
Definition: contexts.hpp:524
virtual void set_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:851
virtual void raise_user_interact() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:519
virtual void set_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:841
virtual const game_info & get_info() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:514
virtual void add_facet(const std::string &id, const config &cfg) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:571
virtual void invalidate_move_maps() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:801
virtual recruit_result_ptr check_recruit_action(const std::string &unit_name, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location()) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:481
virtual const std::set< map_location > & keeps() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:811
virtual void calculate_moves(const unit_map &units, std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > &possible_moves, move_map &srcdst, move_map &dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false, const terrain_filter *remove_destinations=nullptr, bool see_all=false) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:505
virtual double get_retreat_factor() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:726
virtual void recalculate_move_maps_enemy() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:831
virtual bool get_simple_targeting() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:736
virtual bool is_dst_src_valid_lua() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:776
virtual void diagnostic(const std::string &msg) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:455
virtual const move_map & get_srcdst() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:716
virtual engine_ptr get_engine_by_cfg(const config &cfg) override
get engine by cfg, creating it if it is not created yet but known
Definition: contexts.hpp:616
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_leader_ignores_keep() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:656
virtual const unit_advancements_aspect & get_advancements() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:541
virtual bool is_src_dst_valid_lua() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:786
const defensive_position & best_defensive_position(const map_location &unit, const move_map &dstsrc, const move_map &srcdst, const move_map &enemy_dstsrc) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:530
virtual int get_recruitment_randomness() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:706
virtual void set_src_dst_valid_lua() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:846
virtual const config get_recruitment_instructions() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:691
virtual recall_result_ptr check_recall_action(const std::string &id, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location()) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:475
virtual void calculate_possible_moves(std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > &possible_moves, move_map &srcdst, move_map &dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false, const terrain_filter *remove_destinations=nullptr) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:497
virtual const std::vector< goal_ptr > & get_goals() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:636
virtual bool is_passive_leader(const std::string &id) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:766
virtual void invalidate_defensive_position_cache() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:796
virtual const std::vector< engine_ptr > & get_engines() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:621
virtual double power_projection(const map_location &loc, const move_map &dstsrc) const override
Function which finds how much 'power' a side can attack a certain location with.
Definition: contexts.hpp:681
virtual double get_scout_village_targeting() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:731
virtual const std::vector< std::string > get_recruitment_pattern() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:701
virtual unit_stats_cache_t & unit_stats_cache() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:866
virtual double get_village_value() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:746
virtual move_result_ptr check_move_action(const map_location &from, const map_location &to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:470
virtual double get_leader_value() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:661
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_passive_leader_shares_keep() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:671
virtual double get_aggression() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:546
virtual ~readonly_context_proxy()
Definition: contexts.hpp:432
virtual stopunit_result_ptr check_stopunit_action(const map_location &unit_location, bool remove_movement=true, bool remove_attacks=false) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:487
virtual const moves_map & get_enemy_possible_moves() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:606
virtual const std::vector< std::string > get_recruitment_more() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:696
virtual bool is_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:791
virtual aspect_map & get_aspects() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:561
virtual bool is_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:781
virtual int get_villages_per_scout() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:751
virtual std::vector< engine_ptr > & get_engines() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:626
virtual readonly_context & get_readonly_context() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:440
virtual config to_readonly_context_config() const override
serialize to config
Definition: contexts.hpp:861
virtual bool is_active(const std::string &time_of_day, const std::string &turns) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:756
virtual double get_leader_aggression() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:646
virtual void set_dst_src_valid_lua() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:836
void init_readonly_context_proxy(readonly_context &target)
Definition: contexts.hpp:434
virtual bool get_support_villages() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:741
virtual bool get_allow_ally_villages() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:551
virtual const move_map & get_enemy_dstsrc() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:601
virtual attack_result_ptr check_attack_action(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:465
virtual const moves_map & get_possible_moves() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:676
virtual void add_facet(const std::string &id, const config &cfg) const =0
virtual int get_villages_per_scout() const =0
virtual std::string get_grouping() const =0
virtual const std::vector< engine_ptr > & get_engines() const =0
virtual const terrain_filter & get_avoid() const =0
virtual engine_ptr get_engine_by_cfg(const config &cfg)=0
get engine by cfg, creating it if it is not created yet but known
virtual bool get_simple_targeting() const =0
virtual void recalculate_move_maps() const =0
virtual const aspect_map & get_aspects() const =0
virtual void calculate_moves(const unit_map &units, std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > &possible_moves, move_map &srcdst, move_map &dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false, const terrain_filter *remove_destinations=nullptr, bool see_all=false) const =0
virtual const std::vector< goal_ptr > & get_goals() const =0
virtual const attacks_vector & get_attacks() const =0
virtual std::vector< goal_ptr > & get_goals()=0
virtual config to_readonly_context_config() const =0
serialize to config
virtual void set_dst_src_valid_lua()=0
virtual const move_map & get_enemy_srcdst() const =0
virtual const defensive_position & best_defensive_position(const map_location &unit, const move_map &dstsrc, const move_map &srcdst, const move_map &enemy_dstsrc) const =0
virtual bool is_passive_leader(const std::string &id) const =0
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_leader_ignores_keep() const =0
virtual const move_map & get_enemy_dstsrc() const =0
virtual bool is_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua() const =0
virtual config get_leader_goal() const =0
virtual recruit_result_ptr check_recruit_action(const std::string &unit_name, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location())=0
virtual void invalidate_move_maps() const =0
virtual synced_command_result_ptr check_synced_command_action(const std::string &lua_code, const map_location &location=map_location::null_location())=0
virtual const map_location & nearest_keep(const map_location &loc) const =0
virtual double get_aggression() const =0
virtual int get_recruitment_randomness() const =0
virtual unit_stats_cache_t & unit_stats_cache() const =0
virtual double get_retreat_factor() const =0
virtual std::vector< engine_ptr > & get_engines()=0
virtual bool is_src_dst_valid_lua() const =0
virtual bool is_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua() const =0
virtual const team & current_team() const =0
virtual const map_location & suitable_keep(const map_location &leader_location, const pathfind::paths &leader_paths) const =0
get most suitable keep for leader - nearest free that can be reached in 1 turn, if none - return near...
virtual void calculate_possible_moves(std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > &possible_moves, move_map &srcdst, move_map &dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false, const terrain_filter *remove_destinations=nullptr) const =0
virtual stopunit_result_ptr check_stopunit_action(const map_location &unit_location, bool remove_movement=true, bool remove_attacks=false)=0
virtual void set_src_dst_enemy_valid_lua()=0
virtual bool is_keep_ignoring_leader(const std::string &id) const =0
virtual double power_projection(const map_location &loc, const move_map &dstsrc) const =0
Function which finds how much 'power' a side can attack a certain location with.
virtual const move_map & get_srcdst() const =0
virtual void set_dst_src_enemy_valid_lua()=0
virtual void on_readonly_context_create()=0
virtual bool is_active(const std::string &time_of_day, const std::string &turns) const =0
virtual bool leader_can_reach_keep() const =0
virtual double get_caution() const =0
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_passive_leader() const =0
virtual void recalculate_move_maps_enemy() const =0
std::map< std::pair< map_location, const unit_type * >, std::pair< battle_context_unit_stats, battle_context_unit_stats > > unit_stats_cache_t
Definition: contexts.hpp:342
virtual const wfl::variant & get_attacks_as_variant() const =0
virtual bool get_allow_ally_villages() const =0
virtual void diagnostic(const std::string &msg)=0
virtual readonly_context & get_readonly_context()=0
virtual bool is_dst_src_valid_lua() const =0
virtual std::map< map_location, defensive_position > & defensive_position_cache() const =0
virtual const std::vector< std::string > get_recruitment_pattern() const =0
virtual const config get_recruitment_instructions() const =0
virtual double get_retreat_enemy_weight() const =0
virtual double get_scout_village_targeting() const =0
virtual void raise_user_interact() const =0
virtual double get_recruitment_diversity() const =0
virtual double get_leader_aggression() const =0
virtual bool get_support_villages() const =0
virtual const move_map & get_dstsrc() const =0
virtual aspect_map & get_aspects()=0
virtual bool is_passive_keep_sharing_leader(const std::string &id) const =0
virtual const std::vector< std::string > get_recruitment_more() const =0
virtual void set_src_dst_valid_lua()=0
virtual const std::set< map_location > & keeps() const =0
virtual const moves_map & get_possible_moves() const =0
virtual const config get_recruitment_save_gold() const =0
virtual void log_message(const std::string &msg)=0
virtual attack_result_ptr check_attack_action(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int attacker_weapon)=0
virtual void add_aspects(std::vector< aspect_ptr > &aspects)=0
virtual move_result_ptr check_move_action(const map_location &from, const map_location &to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false)=0
virtual const game_info & get_info() const =0
virtual recall_result_ptr check_recall_action(const std::string &id, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location())=0
virtual double get_village_value() const =0
virtual ~readonly_context()
Definition: contexts.hpp:163
virtual const unit_advancements_aspect & get_advancements() const =0
virtual void invalidate_defensive_position_cache() const =0
virtual void invalidate_keeps_cache() const =0
virtual utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > get_passive_leader_shares_keep() const =0
virtual const moves_map & get_enemy_possible_moves() const =0
virtual double get_leader_value() const =0
virtual game_info & get_info_w() override
Functions to retrieve the 'info' object.
Definition: contexts.cpp:299
virtual synced_command_result_ptr execute_synced_command_action(const std::string &lua_code, const map_location &location=map_location::null_location()) override
Ask the game to run Lua code.
Definition: contexts.cpp:147
virtual recruit_result_ptr execute_recruit_action(const std::string &unit_name, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location()) override
Ask the game to recruit a unit for us on specified location.
Definition: contexts.cpp:127
virtual config to_readwrite_context_config() const override
serialize this context to config
Definition: contexts.cpp:265
void raise_gamestate_changed() const override
Notifies all interested observers of the event respectively.
Definition: contexts.cpp:93
virtual move_result_ptr execute_move_action(const map_location &from, const map_location &to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) override
Ask the game to move our unit from location 'from' to location 'to', optionally - doing a partial mov...
Definition: contexts.cpp:115
virtual recall_result_ptr execute_recall_action(const std::string &id, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location()) override
Ask the game to recall a unit for us on specified location.
Definition: contexts.cpp:123
virtual stopunit_result_ptr execute_stopunit_action(const map_location &unit_location, bool remove_movement=true, bool remove_attacks=false) override
Ask the game to remove unit movements and/or attack.
Definition: contexts.cpp:139
recursion_counter recursion_counter_
Definition: contexts.hpp:1425
virtual readwrite_context & get_readwrite_context() override
Unwrap - this class is not a proxy, so return *this.
Definition: contexts.hpp:1336
virtual team & current_team_w() override
Return a reference to the 'team' object for the AI.
Definition: contexts.cpp:98
virtual attack_result_ptr execute_attack_action(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) override
Ask the game to attack an enemy defender using our unit attacker from attackers current location,...
Definition: contexts.cpp:103
readwrite_context_impl(readonly_context &context, const config &)
Definition: contexts.hpp:1404
virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
Get the value of the recursion counter.
Definition: contexts.cpp:83
virtual attack_result_ptr execute_attack_action(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int attacker_weapon) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:893
virtual game_info & get_info_w() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:933
virtual readwrite_context & get_readwrite_context() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:888
virtual config to_readwrite_context_config() const override
serialize this context to config
Definition: contexts.hpp:943
readwrite_context * target_
Definition: contexts.hpp:949
virtual recruit_result_ptr execute_recruit_action(const std::string &unit_name, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location()) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:908
virtual stopunit_result_ptr execute_stopunit_action(const map_location &unit_location, bool remove_movement=true, bool remove_attacks=false) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:913
virtual recall_result_ptr execute_recall_action(const std::string &id, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location()) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:903
virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
Get the value of the recursion counter.
Definition: contexts.hpp:938
virtual synced_command_result_ptr execute_synced_command_action(const std::string &lua_code, const map_location &location=map_location::null_location()) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:918
virtual move_result_ptr execute_move_action(const map_location &from, const map_location &to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false) override
Definition: contexts.hpp:898
void init_readwrite_context_proxy(readwrite_context &target)
Definition: contexts.hpp:882
virtual team & current_team_w() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:923
virtual void raise_gamestate_changed() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:928
virtual recall_result_ptr execute_recall_action(const std::string &id, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location())=0
virtual attack_result_ptr execute_attack_action(const map_location &attacker_loc, const map_location &defender_loc, int attacker_weapon)=0
virtual ~readwrite_context()
Definition: contexts.hpp:351
virtual readwrite_context & get_readwrite_context()=0
virtual move_result_ptr execute_move_action(const map_location &from, const map_location &to, bool remove_movement=true, bool unreach_is_ok=false)=0
virtual void raise_gamestate_changed() const =0
virtual synced_command_result_ptr execute_synced_command_action(const std::string &lua_code, const map_location &location=map_location::null_location())=0
virtual game_info & get_info_w()=0
virtual config to_readwrite_context_config() const =0
serialize this context to config
virtual recruit_result_ptr execute_recruit_action(const std::string &unit_name, const map_location &where=map_location::null_location(), const map_location &from=map_location::null_location())=0
virtual team & current_team_w()=0
virtual stopunit_result_ptr execute_stopunit_action(const map_location &unit_location, bool remove_movement=true, bool remove_attacks=false)=0
recursion_counter(int counter)
Definition: contexts.hpp:55
static const int MAX_COUNTER_VALUE
Definition: contexts.hpp:72
bool is_ok() const
Check if more recursion is allowed.
Definition: contexts.hpp:77
int get_count() const
Get the current value of the recursion counter.
Definition: contexts.hpp:66
virtual ~side_context_impl()
Definition: contexts.hpp:960
virtual side_number get_side() const override
Get the side number.
Definition: contexts.hpp:962
virtual config to_side_context_config() const override
serialize this context to config
Definition: contexts.cpp:260
virtual void set_side(side_number side) override
Set the side number.
Definition: contexts.hpp:967
side_context_impl(side_number side, const config &)
Definition: contexts.hpp:955
virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
Get the value of the recursion counter.
Definition: contexts.cpp:73
virtual side_context & get_side_context() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:972
recursion_counter recursion_counter_
Definition: contexts.hpp:983
virtual int get_recursion_count() const override
Get the value of the recursion counter.
Definition: contexts.hpp:411
virtual void set_side(side_number side) override
Set the side number.
Definition: contexts.hpp:401
virtual side_context & get_side_context() override
Definition: contexts.hpp:406
virtual config to_side_context_config() const override
serialize this context to config
Definition: contexts.hpp:416
void init_side_context_proxy(side_context &target)
Definition: contexts.hpp:391
virtual ~side_context_proxy()
Definition: contexts.hpp:389
side_context * target_
Definition: contexts.hpp:422
virtual side_number get_side() const override
Get the side number.
Definition: contexts.hpp:396
virtual ~side_context()
empty destructor
Definition: contexts.hpp:136
virtual void set_side(side_number side)=0
Set the side number.
virtual config to_side_context_config() const =0
serialize this context to config
virtual int get_recursion_count() const =0
Get the value of the recursion counter.
virtual side_context & get_side_context()=0
virtual side_number get_side() const =0
Get the side number.
empty constructor
Definition: contexts.hpp:141
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:75
Container associating units to locations.
Definition: map.hpp:98
A single unit type that the player may recruit.
Definition: types.hpp:43
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
Game information for the AI.
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
Definition: actions.cpp:59
std::shared_ptr< engine > engine_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:99
std::vector< attack_analysis > attacks_vector
Definition: game_info.hpp:51
std::shared_ptr< recruit_result > recruit_result_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:84
std::shared_ptr< typesafe_aspect< T > > typesafe_aspect_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:58
std::map< std::string, known_aspect_ptr > known_aspect_map
Definition: game_info.hpp:105
std::shared_ptr< attack_result > attack_result_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:82
std::shared_ptr< stopunit_result > stopunit_result_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:87
std::multimap< map_location, map_location > move_map
The standard way in which a map of possible moves is recorded.
Definition: game_info.hpp:43
std::shared_ptr< synced_command_result > synced_command_result_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:88
std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > moves_map
The standard way in which a map of possible movement routes to location is recorded.
Definition: game_info.hpp:46
ai_context * ai_context_ptr
Definition: contexts.hpp:50
int side_number
Definition: game_info.hpp:40
std::shared_ptr< move_result > move_result_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:85
std::shared_ptr< recall_result > recall_result_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:83
std::map< std::string, aspect_ptr > aspect_map
Definition: game_info.hpp:104
Definition: contexts.hpp:43
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
@ enemy
Belongs to a non-friendly side; normally visualised by not displaying an orb.
static config unit_name(const unit *u)
Definition: reports.cpp:161
map_location loc
Definition: contexts.hpp:97
Structure describing the statistics of a unit involved in the battle.
Definition: attack.hpp:51
Error used for any general game error, e.g.
Definition: game_errors.hpp:47
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:102
Object which contains all the possible locations a unit can move to, with associated best routes to t...
Definition: pathfind.hpp:73
Object which defines a time of day with associated bonuses, image, sounds etc.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:57