The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2025
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
15 #include "gettext.hpp"
16 #include "log.hpp"
17 #include "filesystem.hpp"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <iterator>
21 #include <locale>
22 #include <map>
23 #include <boost/locale.hpp>
24 #include <set>
25 #include <type_traits>
27 #if defined(__GNUC__)
28 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
29 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
30 #endif
31 #include "spirit_po/spirit_po.hpp"
32 #if defined(__GNUC__)
33 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
34 #endif
36 #define DBG_G LOG_STREAM(debug, lg::general())
37 #define LOG_G LOG_STREAM(info, lg::general())
38 #define WRN_G LOG_STREAM(warn, lg::general())
39 #define ERR_G LOG_STREAM(err, lg::general())
41 namespace bl = boost::locale;
42 namespace
43 {
45  class default_utf8_locale_name
46  {
47  public:
48  static const std::string& name()
49  {
50  //Use pointers because we don't want it to be destructed at program end.
51  static default_utf8_locale_name* lname = new default_utf8_locale_name();
52  return lname->name_;
53  }
54  private:
55  default_utf8_locale_name()
56  : name_()
57  {
58  LOG_G << "Generating default locale";
59  try
60  {
61  //NOTE: the default_locale objects needs to live as least as long as the locale_info object. Otherwise the program will segfault.
62  std::locale default_locale = bl::generator().generate("");
63  const bl::info& locale_info = std::use_facet<bl::info>(default_locale);
64  name_ += locale_info.language();
65  if(!
66  name_ += "_" +;
67  name_ += ".UTF-8";
68  if(!locale_info.variant().empty())
69  name_ += "@" + locale_info.variant();
70  }
71  catch(const std::exception& e)
72  {
73  ERR_G << "Failed to generate default locale string. message:" << e.what();
74  }
75  LOG_G << "Finished generating default locale, default is now '" << name_ << "'";
76  }
78  std::string name_;
79  };
80  class wesnoth_message_format : public bl::message_format<char>
81  {
82  public:
83  wesnoth_message_format(const std::locale& base, const std::set<std::string>& domains, const std::set<std::string>& paths)
84  : base_loc_(base)
85  {
86  const bl::info& inf = std::use_facet<bl::info>(base);
87  if(inf.language() == "c") {
88  return;
89  }
90  std::string lang_name_short = inf.language();
91  std::string lang_name_long = lang_name_short;
92  if(! {
93  lang_name_long += '_';
94  lang_name_long +=;
95  }
96  if(!inf.variant().empty()) {
97  lang_name_long += '@';
98  lang_name_long += inf.variant();
99  lang_name_short += '@';
100  lang_name_short += inf.variant();
101  }
102  DBG_G << "Loading po files for language " << lang_name_long;
103  for(auto& domain : domains) {
104  DBG_G << "Searching for po files for domain " << domain;
105  std::string path;
106  for(auto base_path : paths) {
107  DBG_G << "Searching in dir " << base_path;
108  if(base_path[base_path.length()-1] != '/') {
109  base_path += '/';
110  }
111  base_path += domain;
112  base_path += '/';
113  path = base_path + lang_name_long + ".po";
114  DBG_G << " Trying path " << path;
116  break;
117  }
118  path = base_path + lang_name_short + ".po";
119  DBG_G << " Trying path " << path;
121  break;
122  }
123  }
125  continue;
126  }
127  LOG_G << "Loading language file from " << path;
128  try {
130  po_file->exceptions(std::ios::badbit);
131  const auto& cat = spirit_po::default_catalog::from_istream(*po_file);
132  extra_messages_.emplace(get_base().domain(domain), cat);
133  } catch(const spirit_po::catalog_exception& e) {
134  // Treat any parsing error in the same way as the file not existing - just leave
135  // this domain untranslated but continue to load other domains.
136  log_po_error(lang_name_long, domain, e.what());
137  } catch(const std::ios::failure&) {
138  log_po_error(lang_name_long, domain, strerror(errno));
139  }
140  }
141  }
143  static void log_po_error(const std::string& lang, const std::string& dom, const std::string& detail) {
144  ERR_G << "Error opening language file for " << lang << ", textdomain " << dom
145  << ":\n " << detail;
146  }
148  const char* get(int domain_id, const char* ctx, const char* msg_id) const override
149  {
150  auto& base = get_base();
151  const char* msg = base.get(domain_id, ctx, msg_id);
152  if(msg == nullptr) {
153  auto iter = extra_messages_.find(domain_id);
154  if(iter == extra_messages_.end()) {
155  return nullptr;
156  }
157  auto& catalog = iter->second;
158  const char* lookup = ctx ? catalog.pgettext(ctx, msg_id) : catalog.gettext(msg_id);
159  if(lookup != msg_id) {
160  // (p)gettext returns the input pointer if the string was not found
161  msg = lookup;
162  }
163  }
164  return msg;
165  }
167 #if BOOST_VERSION < 108300
168  const char* get(int domain_id, const char* ctx, const char* sid, int n) const override
169 #else
170  const char* get(int domain_id, const char* ctx, const char* sid, bl::count_type n) const override
171 #endif
172  {
173  auto& base = get_base();
174  const char* msg = base.get(domain_id, ctx, sid, n);
175  if(msg == nullptr) {
176  auto iter = extra_messages_.find(domain_id);
177  if(iter == extra_messages_.end()) {
178  return nullptr;
179  }
180  auto& catalog = iter->second;
181  const char* lookup = ctx ? catalog.npgettext(ctx, sid, sid, n) : catalog.ngettext(sid, sid, n);
182  if(lookup != sid) {
183  // n(p)gettext returns one of the input pointers if the string was not found
184  msg = lookup;
185  }
186  }
187  return msg;
188  }
190  int domain(const std::string& domain) const override
191  {
192  auto& base = get_base();
193  return base.domain(domain);
194  }
196  const char* convert(const char* msg, std::string& buffer) const override
197  {
198  auto& base = get_base();
199  return base.convert(msg, buffer);
200  }
201  private:
202  const bl::message_format<char>& get_base() const
203  {
204  return std::use_facet<bl::message_format<char>>(base_loc_);
205  }
207  std::locale base_loc_;
208  std::map<int, spirit_po::default_catalog> extra_messages_;
209  };
210  struct translation_manager
211  {
212  translation_manager()
213  : loaded_paths_()
214  , loaded_domains_()
215  , current_language_(default_utf8_locale_name::name())
216  , generator_()
217  , current_locale_()
218  , is_dirty_(true)
219  {
220  const bl::localization_backend_manager& g_mgr = bl::localization_backend_manager::global();
221  for(const std::string& name : g_mgr.get_all_backends())
222  {
223  LOG_G << "Found boost locale backend: '" << name << "'";
224  }
226  generator_.use_ansi_encoding(false);
227 #if BOOST_VERSION < 108100
228  generator_.categories(bl::message_facet | bl::information_facet | bl::collation_facet | bl::formatting_facet | bl::convert_facet);
229  generator_.characters(bl::char_facet);
230 #else
231  generator_.categories(bl::category_t::message | bl::category_t::information | bl::category_t::collation | bl::category_t::formatting | bl::category_t::convert);
232  generator_.characters(bl::char_facet_t::char_f);
233 #endif
234  // We cannot have current_locale_ be a non boost-generated locale since it might not supply
235  // the bl::info facet. As soon as we add message paths, update_locale_internal might fail,
236  // for example because of invalid .mo files. So make sure we call it at least once before adding paths/domains
237  update_locale_internal();
238  }
240  void add_messages_domain(const std::string& domain)
241  {
242  if(loaded_domains_.find(domain) != loaded_domains_.end())
243  {
244  return;
245  }
247  if(domain.find('/') != std::string::npos)
248  {
249  // Forward slash has a specific meaning in Boost.Locale domain
250  // names, specifying the encoding. We use UTF-8 for everything
251  // so we can't possibly support that, and odds are it's a user
252  // mistake (as in bug #23839).
253  ERR_G << "illegal textdomain name '" << domain
254  << "', skipping textdomain";
255  return;
256  }
258  generator_.add_messages_domain(domain);
259  loaded_domains_.insert(domain);
260  }
262  void add_messages_path(const std::string& path)
263  {
264  if(loaded_paths_.find(path) != loaded_paths_.end())
265  {
266  return;
267  }
268  generator_.add_messages_path(path);
269  loaded_paths_.insert(path);
270  }
272  void set_default_messages_domain(const std::string& domain)
273  {
274  generator_.set_default_messages_domain(domain);
275  update_locale();
276  }
278  void set_language(const std::string& language)
279  {
280  std::string::size_type at_pos = language.rfind('@');
281  if(language.empty())
282  {
283  current_language_ = default_utf8_locale_name::name();
284  }
285  else if(at_pos != std::string::npos)
286  {
287  current_language_ = language.substr(0, at_pos) + ".UTF-8" + language.substr(at_pos);
288  }
289  else
290  {
291  current_language_ = language + ".UTF-8";
292  }
293  update_locale();
294  }
296  void update_locale()
297  {
298  is_dirty_ = true;
299  }
301  /* This is called three times: once during the constructor, before any .mo files' paths have
302  * been added to the generator, once after adding the mainline .mo files, and once more
303  * after adding all add-ons. Corrupt .mo files might make the called functions throw, and so
304  * this might fail as soon as we've added message paths.
305  *
306  * Throwing exceptions from here is (in 1.15.18) going to end up in wesnoth.cpp's "Caught
307  * general ... exception" handler, so the effect of letting an exception escape this
308  * function is an immediate exit. Given that, it doesn't seem useful to change the assert
309  * to a throw, at least not within the 1.16 branch.
310  *
311  * Postcondition: current_locale_ is a valid boost-generated locale, supplying the bl::info
312  * facet. If there are corrupt .mo files, the locale might have no translations loaded.
313  */
314  void update_locale_internal()
315  {
316  try
317  {
318  LOG_G << "attempting to generate locale by name '" << current_language_ << "'";
319  current_locale_ = generator_.generate(current_language_);
320  current_locale_ = std::locale(current_locale_, new wesnoth_message_format(current_locale_, loaded_domains_, loaded_paths_));
321  const bl::info& info = std::use_facet<bl::info>(current_locale_);
322  LOG_G << "updated locale to '" << current_language_ << "' locale is now '" << << "' ( "
323  << "name='" <<
324  << "' country='" <<
325  << "' language='" << info.language()
326  << "' encoding='" << info.encoding()
327  << "' variant='" << info.variant() << "')";
328  }
329  catch(const bl::conv::conversion_error& e)
330  {
331  assert(std::has_facet<bl::info>(current_locale_));
332  const bl::info& info = std::use_facet<bl::info>(current_locale_);
333  ERR_G << "Failed to update locale due to conversion error (" << e.what() << ") locale is now: "
334  << "name='" <<
335  << "' country='" <<
336  << "' language='" << info.language()
337  << "' encoding='" << info.encoding()
338  << "' variant='" << info.variant()
339  << "'";
340  }
341  catch(const std::runtime_error& e)
342  {
343  assert(std::has_facet<bl::info>(current_locale_));
344  const bl::info& info = std::use_facet<bl::info>(current_locale_);
345  ERR_G << "Failed to update locale due to runtime error (" << e.what() << ") locale is now: "
346  << "name='" <<
347  << "' country='" <<
348  << "' language='" << info.language()
349  << "' encoding='" << info.encoding()
350  << "' variant='" << info.variant()
351  << "'";
352  }
353  is_dirty_ = false;
354  }
356  std::string debug_description()
357  {
358  std::stringstream res;
359  const bl::localization_backend_manager& g_mgr = bl::localization_backend_manager::global();
360  for(const std::string& name : g_mgr.get_all_backends())
361  {
362  res << "has backend: '" << name << "',";
363  }
364  if(std::has_facet<bl::info>(current_locale_)) {
365  const bl::info& info = std::use_facet<bl::info>(current_locale_);
366  res << " locale: (name='" <<
367  << "' country='" <<
368  << "' language='" << info.language()
369  << "' encoding='" << info.encoding()
370  << "' variant='" << info.variant()
371  << "'),";
372  }
373  if(std::has_facet<bl::collator<char>>(current_locale_)) {
374  res << "has bl::collator<char> facet, ";
375  }
376 #if BOOST_VERSION < 108100
377  res << "generator categories='" << generator_.categories() << "'";
378 #else
379  res << "generator categories='" <<
380  static_cast<std::underlying_type<bl::category_t>::type>(generator_.categories()) << "'";
381 #endif
382  return res.str();
383  }
385  const std::locale& get_locale()
386  {
387  if(is_dirty_)
388  {
389  update_locale_internal();
390  }
391  return current_locale_;
392  }
394  private:
395  std::set<std::string> loaded_paths_;
396  std::set<std::string> loaded_domains_;
397  std::string current_language_;
398  bl::generator generator_;
399  std::locale current_locale_;
400  bool is_dirty_;
401  };
403  translation_manager& get_manager()
404  {
405  static translation_manager* mng = new translation_manager();
406  return *mng;
407  }
409  // Converts ASCII letters to lowercase. Ignores Unicode letters.
410  std::string ascii_to_lowercase(const std::string& str)
411  {
412  std::string result;
413  result.reserve(str.length());
414  std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), std::back_inserter(result), [](char c)
415  {
416  return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ? c | 0x20 : c;
417  });
418  return result;
419  }
420 }
422 namespace translation
423 {
425 std::string dgettext(const char* domain, const char* msgid)
426 {
427  return bl::dgettext(domain, msgid, get_manager().get_locale());
428 }
429 std::string egettext(char const *msgid)
430 {
431  return msgid[0] == '\0' ? msgid : bl::gettext(msgid, get_manager().get_locale());
432 }
434 std::string dsgettext (const char * domainname, const char *msgid)
435 {
436  std::string msgval = dgettext (domainname, msgid);
437  if (msgval == msgid) {
438  const char* firsthat = std::strchr (msgid, '^');
439  if (firsthat == nullptr)
440  msgval = msgid;
441  else
442  msgval = firsthat + 1;
443  }
444  return msgval;
445 }
447 namespace {
449 inline const char* is_unlocalized_string2(const std::string& str, const char* singular, const char* plural)
450 {
451  if (str == singular) {
452  return singular;
453  }
455  if (str == plural) {
456  return plural;
457  }
459  return nullptr;
460 }
462 }
464 std::string dsngettext (const char * domainname, const char *singular, const char *plural, int n)
465 {
466  std::string msgval = bl::dngettext(domainname, singular, plural, n, get_manager().get_locale());
468  auto original = is_unlocalized_string2(msgval, singular, plural);
469  if (original) {
470  const char* firsthat = std::strchr (original, '^');
471  if (firsthat == nullptr)
472  msgval = original;
473  else
474  msgval = firsthat + 1;
475  }
476  return msgval;
477 }
479 void bind_textdomain(const char* domain, const char* directory, const char* /*encoding*/)
480 {
481  LOG_G << "adding textdomain '" << domain << "' in directory '" << directory << "'";
482  get_manager().add_messages_domain(domain);
483  get_manager().add_messages_path(directory);
484  get_manager().update_locale();
485 }
487 void set_default_textdomain(const char* domain)
488 {
489  LOG_G << "set_default_textdomain: '" << domain << "'";
490  get_manager().set_default_messages_domain(domain);
491 }
494 void set_language(const std::string& language, const std::vector<std::string>* /*alternates*/)
495 {
496  // why should we need alternates? which languages we support should only be related
497  // to which languages we ship with and not which the os supports
498  LOG_G << "setting language to '" << language << "'";
499  get_manager().set_language(language);
500 }
502 int compare(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2)
503 {
505  try {
506  return std::use_facet<std::collate<char>>(get_manager().get_locale()).compare(s1.c_str(), s1.c_str() + s1.size(), s2.c_str(), s2.c_str() + s2.size());
507  } catch(const std::bad_cast&) {
508  static bool bad_cast_once = false;
510  if(!bad_cast_once) {
511  ERR_G << "locale set-up for compare() is broken, falling back to std::string::compare()";
512  bad_cast_once = true;
513  }
515  return;
516  }
517 }
519 int icompare(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2)
520 {
521  // todo: maybe we should replace this preprocessor check with a std::has_facet<bl::collator<char>> check?
522 #ifdef __APPLE__
523  //
524  return compare(ascii_to_lowercase(s1), ascii_to_lowercase(s2));
525 #else
527  try {
528 #if BOOST_VERSION < 108100
529  return std::use_facet<bl::collator<char>>(get_manager().get_locale()).compare(
530  bl::collator_base::secondary, s1, s2);
531 #else
532  return std::use_facet<bl::collator<char>>(get_manager().get_locale()).compare(
533  bl::collate_level::secondary, s1, s2);
534 #endif
535  } catch(const std::bad_cast&) {
536  static bool bad_cast_once = false;
538  if(!bad_cast_once) {
539  ERR_G << "locale set-up for icompare() is broken, falling back to std::string::compare()";
541  try { //just to be safe.
542  ERR_G << get_manager().debug_description();
543  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
544  ERR_G << e.what();
545  }
546  bad_cast_once = true;
547  }
549  // Let's convert at least ASCII letters to lowercase to get a somewhat case-insensitive comparison.
550  return ascii_to_lowercase(s1).compare(ascii_to_lowercase(s2));
551  }
552 #endif
553 }
555 std::string strftime(const std::string& format, const std::tm* time)
556 {
557  std::basic_ostringstream<char> dummy;
558  dummy.imbue(get_manager().get_locale()); // TODO: Calling imbue() with hard-coded locale appears to work with put_time in glibc, but not with get_locale()...
559  // Revert to use of boost (from 1.14) instead of std::put_time() because the latter does not appear to handle locale properly in Linux
560  dummy << bl::as::ftime(format) << mktime(const_cast<std::tm*>(time));
562  return dummy.str();
563 }
565 bool ci_search(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2)
566 {
567  const std::locale& locale = get_manager().get_locale();
569  std::string ls1 = bl::to_lower(s1, locale);
570  std::string ls2 = bl::to_lower(s2, locale);
572  return std::search(ls1.begin(), ls1.end(),
573  ls2.begin(), ls2.end()) != ls1.end();
574 }
577 {
578  return std::use_facet<boost::locale::info>(get_manager().get_locale());
579 }
580 }
static auto & dummy
static catalog from_istream(std::istream &is, warning_channel_type w=warning_channel_type())
Definition: catalog.hpp:269
Declarations for File-IO.
#define ERR_G
Definition: gettext.cpp:39
#define LOG_G
Definition: gettext.cpp:37
#define DBG_G
Definition: gettext.cpp:36
const language_def & get_locale()
Definition: language.cpp:327
Standard logging facilities (interface).
Definition: cursor.cpp:216
filesystem::scoped_istream istream_file(const std::string &fname, bool treat_failure_as_error)
static bool file_exists(const bfs::path &fpath)
Definition: filesystem.cpp:327
std::unique_ptr< std::istream > scoped_istream
Definition: filesystem.hpp:53
std::string path
Definition: filesystem.cpp:92
static log_domain dom("general")
static domain_map * domains
Definition: log.cpp:302
logger & info()
Definition: log.cpp:319
rng * generator
This generator is automatically synced during synced context.
Definition: random.cpp:60
void set_language(const std::string &language, const std::vector< std::string > *)
Definition: gettext.cpp:494
std::string egettext(char const *msgid)
Definition: gettext.cpp:429
static std::string gettext(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:60
void bind_textdomain(const char *domain, const char *directory, const char *)
Definition: gettext.cpp:479
void set_default_textdomain(const char *domain)
Definition: gettext.cpp:487
int compare(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
Case-sensitive lexicographical comparison.
Definition: gettext.cpp:502
int icompare(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
Case-insensitive lexicographical comparison.
Definition: gettext.cpp:519
const boost::locale::info & get_effective_locale_info()
A facet that holds general information about the effective locale.
Definition: gettext.cpp:576
std::string strftime(const std::string &format, const std::tm *time)
Definition: gettext.cpp:555
std::string dgettext(const char *domain, const char *msgid)
Definition: gettext.cpp:425
bool ci_search(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
Definition: gettext.cpp:565
std::string dsgettext(const char *domainname, const char *msgid)
Definition: gettext.cpp:434
std::string dsngettext(const char *domainname, const char *singular, const char *plural, int n)
Definition: gettext.cpp:464
constexpr auto transform
Definition: ranges.hpp:41
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:109
mock_char c
static map_location::direction n
#define e