The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.3+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2014 - 2024
3  by Chris Beck <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #include "teambuilder.hpp"
18 #include "actions/create.hpp"
19 #include "game_board.hpp"
20 #include "game_errors.hpp"
21 #include "log.hpp"
22 #include "map/map.hpp"
24 #include "team.hpp"
25 #include "units/type_error.hpp"
26 #include "units/unit.hpp"
28 #include <vector>
30 static lg::log_domain log_engine_tc("engine/team_construction");
31 #define ERR_NG_TC LOG_STREAM(err, log_engine_tc)
32 #define WRN_NG_TC LOG_STREAM(warn, log_engine_tc)
33 #define LOG_NG_TC LOG_STREAM(info, log_engine_tc)
34 #define DBG_NG_TC LOG_STREAM(debug, log_engine_tc)
36 team_builder::team_builder(const config& side_cfg, team& to_build, const config& level, game_board& board, int num)
37  : gold_info_ngold_(0)
38  , leader_configs_()
39  , level_(level)
40  , board_(board)
41  , player_exists_(false)
42  , seen_ids_()
43  , side_(num)
44  , side_cfg_(side_cfg)
45  , team_(to_build)
46  , unit_configs_()
47 {
48 }
51 {
52  // initialize the context variables and flags, find relevant tags, set up everything
53  init();
55  // find out the correct qty of gold and handle gold carryover.
56  gold();
58  // builds the team for the given side
59  new_team();
61  // set team objectives if necessary
62  objectives();
64  // If the game state specifies additional units that can be recruited by the player, add them.
67 }
70 {
71  // place leader
72  leader();
74  // prepare units, populate obvious recall lists elements
75  prepare_units();
76 }
79 {
80  // place units
81  // this is separate stage because we need to place units only after every other team is constructed
82  place_units();
83 }
85 void team_builder::log_step(const char* s) const
86 {
87  LOG_NG_TC << "team " << side_ << " construction: " << s;
88 }
91 {
92  if(side_cfg_["side"].to_int(side_) != side_) {
93  ERR_NG_TC << "found invalid side=" << side_cfg_["side"].to_int(side_) << " in definition of side number " << side_;
94  }
96  log_step("init");
98  // track whether a [player] tag with persistence information exists (in addition to the [side] tag)
99  player_exists_ = false;
101  if( {
102  throw game::load_game_failed("Map not found");
103  }
105  DBG_NG_TC << "snapshot: " << utils::bool_string(player_exists_);
107  unit_configs_.clear();
108  seen_ids_.clear();
109 }
112 {
113  log_step("gold");
115  gold_info_ngold_ = side_cfg_["gold"];
117  DBG_NG_TC << "set gold to '" << gold_info_ngold_ << "'";
118 }
121 {
122  log_step("new team");
124 }
127 {
128  log_step("objectives");
129  // If this team has no objectives, set its objectives
130  // to the level-global "objectives"
131  // this is only used by the default mp 'Defeat enemy leader' objectives
132  if(team_.objectives().empty()) {
133  team_.set_objectives(level_["objectives"], false);
134  }
135 }
138 {
139  log_step("previous recruits");
141  if(const config::attribute_value* v = side_cfg_.get("previous_recruits")) {
142  for(const std::string& rec : utils::split(*v)) {
143  DBG_NG_TC << "adding previous recruit: " << rec;
144  team_.add_recruit(rec);
145  }
146  }
147 }
149 void team_builder::handle_unit(const config& u, const char* origin)
150 {
151  DBG_NG_TC
152  << "unit from " << origin << ": "
153  << "type=[" << u["type"] << "] "
154  << "id=[" << u["id"] << "] "
155  << "placement=[" << u["placement"] << "] "
156  << "x=[" << u["x"] << "] "
157  << "y=[" << u["y"] << "]";
159  if(u["type"].empty()) {
160  WRN_NG_TC
161  << "when building level, skipping a unit (id=[" << u["id"] << "]) from " << origin
162  << " with no type information,\n"
163  << "for side:\n"
164  << side_cfg_.debug();
166  return;
167  }
169  const std::string& id = u["id"];
170  if(!id.empty()) {
171  if(seen_ids_.find(id) != seen_ids_.end()) {
172  // seen before
173  config u_tmp = u;
174  u_tmp["side"] = std::to_string(side_);
175  team_.recall_list().add(unit::create(u_tmp, true));
176  } else {
177  // not seen before
178  unit_configs_.push_back(&u);
179  seen_ids_.insert(id);
180  }
181  } else {
182  unit_configs_.push_back(&u);
183  }
184 }
187 {
188  // Make a persistent copy of the config.
189  leader_configs_.push_back(leader);
190  config& stored = leader_configs_.back();
192  // Remove the attributes used to define a side.
193  for(const std::string& attr : team::attributes) {
194  stored.remove_attribute(attr);
195  }
197  // Remove [ai] tag as it is already added for the side
198  stored.remove_children("ai");
200  // Provide some default values, if not specified.
201  config::attribute_value& a1 = stored["canrecruit"];
202  if(a1.blank()) {
203  a1 = true;
204  }
206  config::attribute_value& a2 = stored["placement"];
207  if(a2.blank()) {
208  a2 = "map,leader";
209  }
211  // Add the leader to the list of units to create.
212  handle_unit(stored, "leader_cfg");
213 }
216 {
217  log_step("leader");
218  // If this side tag describes the leader of the side, we can simply add it to front of unit queue
219  // there was a hack: if this side tag describes the leader of the side,
220  // we may replace the leader with someone from recall list who can recruit, but take positioning from [side]
221  // this hack shall be removed, since it messes up with 'multiple leaders'
223  // If this side tag describes the leader of the side
224  if(!side_cfg_["type"].empty() && side_cfg_["type"] != "null") {
226  }
228  for(const config& l : side_cfg_.child_range("leader")) {
229  handle_leader(l);
230  }
231 }
234 {
235  // if this is a start-of-scenario save then playcampaign.cpp merged
236  // units in [replay_start][side] merged with [side] already
237  // units that are in '[scenario][side]' are 'first'
239  // for create-or-recall semantics to work: for each unit with non-empty
240  // id, unconditionally put OTHER, later, units with same id directly to
241  // recall list, not including them in unit_configs_
242  for(const config& su : side_cfg_.child_range("unit")) {
243  handle_unit(su, "side_cfg");
244  }
245 }
248 {
249  log_step("place units");
251  uc.allow_add_to_recall(true)
252  .allow_discover(true)
253  .allow_get_village(false)
254  .allow_invalidate(false)
255  .allow_rename_side(true)
256  .allow_show(false);
258  for(const config* u : unit_configs_) {
259  try {
260  uc.add_unit(*u);
261  } catch(const unit_type_error& e) {
262  ERR_NG_TC << e.what();
263  }
264  }
265 }
Variant for storing WML attributes.
bool blank() const
Tests for an attribute that was never set.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:273
void remove_attribute(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:160
std::string debug() const
Definition: config.cpp:1244
void remove_children(config_key_type key, std::function< bool(const config &)> p=[](config){return true;})
Removes all children with tag key for which p returns true.
Definition: config.cpp:656
const attribute_value * get(config_key_type key) const
Returns a pointer to the attribute with the given key or nullptr if it does not exist.
Definition: config.cpp:687
Game board class.
Definition: game_board.hpp:47
virtual const gamemap & map() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:97
map_location starting_position(int side) const
Definition: map.cpp:323
bool empty() const
Tell if the map is of 0 size.
Definition: map.hpp:65
void add(const unit_ptr &ptr, int pos=-1)
Add a unit to the list.
bool empty() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:186
int gold_info_ngold_
Definition: teambuilder.hpp:52
std::deque< config > leader_configs_
Definition: teambuilder.hpp:53
team_builder(const config &side_cfg, team &to_build, const config &level, game_board &board, int num)
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:36
bool player_exists_
Definition: teambuilder.hpp:58
void build_team_stage_three()
Handles the third stage of team initialization (unit placement).
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:78
void handle_leader(const config &leader)
const config & side_cfg_
Definition: teambuilder.hpp:61
void objectives()
void build_team_stage_two()
Handles the second stage of team initialization ((some) unit construction).
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:69
void prepare_units()
std::set< std::string > seen_ids_
Definition: teambuilder.hpp:59
std::vector< const config * > unit_configs_
Definition: teambuilder.hpp:63
void previous_recruits()
void build_team_stage_one()
Handles the first stage of team initialization (everything except unit construction).
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:50
void handle_unit(const config &u, const char *origin)
const config & level_
Definition: teambuilder.hpp:55
void place_units()
void log_step(const char *s) const
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:85
game_board & board_
Definition: teambuilder.hpp:56
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:74
const t_string & objectives() const
Definition: team.hpp:226
void set_objectives(const t_string &new_objectives, bool silently=false)
Definition: team.cpp:641
void build(const config &cfg, const gamemap &map, int gold=default_team_gold_)
Definition: team.cpp:352
void add_recruit(const std::string &)
Definition: team.cpp:479
static const std::set< std::string > attributes
Stores the attributes recognized by [side].
Definition: team.hpp:154
recall_list_manager & recall_list()
Definition: team.hpp:201
unit_creator & allow_invalidate(bool b)
unit_creator & allow_get_village(bool b)
void add_unit(const config &cfg, const vconfig *vcfg=nullptr)
adds a unit on map without firing any events (so, usable during team construction in gamestatus)
unit_creator & allow_discover(bool b)
unit_creator & allow_show(bool b)
unit_creator & allow_rename_side(bool b)
unit_creator & allow_add_to_recall(bool b)
static unit_ptr create(const config &cfg, bool use_traits=false, const vconfig *vcfg=nullptr)
Initializes a unit from a config.
Definition: unit.hpp:201
Various functions related to the creation of units (recruits, recalls, and placed units).
Standard logging facilities (interface).
std::string bool_string(const bool value)
Converts a bool value to 'true' or 'false'.
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
Error used when game loading fails.
Definition: game_errors.hpp:31
#define WRN_NG_TC
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:32
#define LOG_NG_TC
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:33
#define ERR_NG_TC
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:31
static lg::log_domain log_engine_tc("engine/team_construction")
#define DBG_NG_TC
Definition: teambuilder.cpp:34
static map_location::DIRECTION s
#define e