The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.5+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2008 - 2024
3  by Tomasz Sniatowski <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #pragma once
19 #include "editor/editor_main.hpp"
23 #include "controller_base.hpp"
24 #include "help/help.hpp"
26 #include "mouse_handler_base.hpp"
27 #include "tooltips.hpp"
29 #include "sound_music_track.hpp"
31 namespace font {
33 }
35 namespace editor {
38 enum menu_type {
39  MAP,
51 };
53 /**
54  * The editor_controller class contains the mouse and keyboard event handling
55  * routines for the editor. It also serves as the main editor class with the
56  * general logic.
57  */
62 {
63  public:
67  /**
68  * The constructor.
69  */
70  editor_controller(bool clear_id);
74  /** Editor main loop */
77  /** Takes a screenshot **/
78  void do_screenshot(const std::string& screenshot_filename = "map_screenshot.png");
80  /** Show a quit confirmation dialog and returns true if the user pressed 'yes' */
81  bool quit_confirm();
83  /** Show Unit Editor dialog */
84  void unit_editor_dialog();
86  /** Display the settings dialog, used to control e.g. the lighting settings */
87  void custom_tods_dialog();
89  /** Updates schedule and the map display */
90  void update_map_schedule(std::vector<time_of_day> schedule);
92  /** Save the map, open dialog if not named yet. */
93  void save_map() override {context_manager_->save_map();}
95  /** command_executor override */
96  bool can_execute_command(const hotkey::ui_command& command) const override;
98  /** command_executor override */
99  hotkey::ACTION_STATE get_action_state(const hotkey::ui_command& command) const override;
101  /** command_executor override */
102  bool do_execute_command(const hotkey::ui_command& command, bool press = true, bool release = false) override;
104  /** controller_base override */
105  void show_menu(const std::vector<config>& items_arg, int xloc, int yloc, bool context_menu, display& disp) override;
107  void show_help() override;
108  void status_table() override;
110  /** Show the preferences dialog */
111  void preferences() override;
113  /** Handle hotkeys to scroll map */
114  void scroll_up(bool on) override;
115  void scroll_down(bool on) override;
116  void scroll_left(bool on) override;
117  void scroll_right(bool on) override;
119  /** Grid toggle */
120  void toggle_grid() override;
122  void terrain_description() override;
123  void unit_description() override;
124  void change_unit_id();
125  void rename_unit() override;
127  void unit_list() override;
129  /** Copy the selection on the current map to the clipboard */
130  void copy_selection();
132  /** Cut the selection from the current map to the clipboard */
133  void cut_selection();
135  /** Export the WML-compatible list of selected tiles to the system clipboard */
138  /** Save the current selection to the active area. */
139  void save_area();
141  /** Add a new area to the current context, filled with the selection if any. */
142  void add_area();
144  /* mouse_handler_base overrides */
145  void mouse_motion(int x, int y, const bool browse, bool update, map_location new_loc = map_location::null_location()) override;
146  void touch_motion(int x, int y, const bool browse, bool update=false, map_location new_loc = map_location::null_location()) override;
147  editor_display& gui() override { return *gui_; }
148  const editor_display& gui() const override { return *gui_; }
149  bool allow_mouse_wheel_scroll(int x, int y) override;
150  bool right_click_show_menu(int x, int y, const bool browse) override;
151  bool left_click(int x, int y, const bool browse) override;
152  void left_drag_end(int x, int y, const bool browse) override;
153  void left_mouse_up(int x, int y, const bool browse) override;
154  bool right_click(int x, int y, const bool browse) override;
155  void right_drag_end(int x, int y, const bool browse) override;
156  void right_mouse_up(int x, int y, const bool browse) override;
161  {
162  return context_manager_->get_map_context();
163  }
165  /** Initialize an addon if the addon id is empty
166  * @return If the initialization succeeded.
167  * */
168  bool initialize_addon();
170  protected:
171  /* controller_base overrides */
172  void process_keyup_event(const SDL_Event& event) override;
173  mouse_handler_base& get_mouse_handler_base() override { return *this; }
174  editor_display& get_display() override { return *gui_; }
176  /** Get the current mouse action */
177  const mouse_action& get_mouse_action() const { return toolkit_->get_mouse_action(); }
178  /** Get the current mouse action */
179  mouse_action& get_mouse_action() { return toolkit_->get_mouse_action(); }
181  /**
182  * Perform an action, then delete the action object.
183  * The pointer can be nullptr, in which case nothing will happen.
184  */
185  void perform_delete(std::unique_ptr<editor_action> action);
187  /**
188  * Peform an action on the current map_context, then refresh the display
189  * and delete the pointer. The pointer can be nullptr, in which case nothing will happen.
190  */
191  void perform_refresh_delete(std::unique_ptr<editor_action> action, bool drag_part = false);
194  virtual std::vector<std::string> additional_actions_pressed() override;
196  private:
198  /** init the display object and general set-up */
199  void init_gui();
201  /** init the available time-of-day settings */
204  /** init background music for the editor */
207  /** Reload images */
208  void refresh_image_cache();
210  /**
211  * Callback function passed to display to be called on queue_rerender.
212  * Redraws toolbar, brush bar and related items.
213  */
216  /**
217  * Undos an action in the current map context
218  */
219  void undo() override;
221  /**
222  * Redos an action in the current map context
223  */
224  void redo() override;
228  /** Reports object. Must be initialized before the gui_ */
229  const std::unique_ptr<reports> reports_;
231  /** The display object used and owned by the editor. */
232  const std::unique_ptr<editor_display> gui_;
234  /** Pre-defined time of day lighting settings for the settings dialog */
235  typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string ,std::vector<time_of_day>>> tods_map;
238  /* managers */
239  public:
240  const std::unique_ptr<context_manager> context_manager_;
242  static std::string current_addon_id_;
243  private:
244  std::unique_ptr<editor_toolkit> toolkit_;
246  std::unique_ptr<font::floating_label_context> floating_label_manager_;
248  std::unique_ptr<help::help_manager> help_manager_;
250  /** Quit main loop flag */
251  bool do_quit_;
254  std::vector<sound::music_track> music_tracks_;
255 };
257 } //end namespace editor
Sort-of-Singleton that many classes, both GUI and non-GUI, use to access the game data.
Definition: display.hpp:97
The editor_controller class contains the mouse and keyboard event handling routines for the editor.
const std::unique_ptr< context_manager > context_manager_
void preferences() override
Show the preferences dialog.
void refresh_image_cache()
Reload images.
void right_drag_end(int x, int y, const bool browse) override
Called whenever the right mouse drag has "ended".
void unit_editor_dialog()
Show Unit Editor dialog.
bool can_execute_command(const hotkey::ui_command &command) const override
command_executor override
bool quit_confirm()
Show a quit confirmation dialog and returns true if the user pressed 'yes'.
tooltips::manager tooltip_manager_
void scroll_up(bool on) override
Handle hotkeys to scroll map.
void cut_selection()
Cut the selection from the current map to the clipboard.
void display_redraw_callback(display &)
Callback function passed to display to be called on queue_rerender.
std::unique_ptr< font::floating_label_context > floating_label_manager_
void show_menu(const std::vector< config > &items_arg, int xloc, int yloc, bool context_menu, display &disp) override
controller_base override
void undo() override
Undos an action in the current map context.
void left_mouse_up(int x, int y, const bool browse) override
Called when the left mouse button is up.
bool left_click(int x, int y, const bool browse) override
Overridden in derived classes, called on a left click (mousedown).
mouse_handler_base & get_mouse_handler_base() override
Get a reference to a mouse handler member a derived class uses.
bool allow_mouse_wheel_scroll(int x, int y) override
Derived classes can override this to disable mousewheel scrolling under some circumstances,...
void touch_motion(int x, int y, const bool browse, bool update=false, map_location new_loc=map_location::null_location()) override
virtual std::vector< std::string > additional_actions_pressed() override
void perform_refresh_delete(std::unique_ptr< editor_action > action, bool drag_part=false)
Peform an action on the current map_context, then refresh the display and delete the pointer.
void init_tods(const game_config_view &game_config)
init the available time-of-day settings
bool initialize_addon()
Initialize an addon if the addon id is empty.
const mouse_action & get_mouse_action() const
Get the current mouse action.
map_context & get_current_map_context() const
std::unique_ptr< editor_toolkit > toolkit_
void scroll_right(bool on) override
void init_music(const game_config_view &game_config)
init background music for the editor
editor_controller & operator=(const editor_controller &)=delete
const std::unique_ptr< editor_display > gui_
The display object used and owned by the editor.
bool do_execute_command(const hotkey::ui_command &command, bool press=true, bool release=false) override
command_executor override
void export_selection_coords()
Export the WML-compatible list of selected tiles to the system clipboard.
void redo() override
Redos an action in the current map context.
editor_display & gui() override
Reference to the used display objects.
void update_map_schedule(std::vector< time_of_day > schedule)
Updates schedule and the map display.
hotkey::ACTION_STATE get_action_state(const hotkey::ui_command &command) const override
command_executor override
void perform_delete(std::unique_ptr< editor_action > action)
Perform an action, then delete the action object.
void right_mouse_up(int x, int y, const bool browse) override
Called when the right mouse button is up.
virtual hotkey::command_executor * get_hotkey_command_executor() override
Optionally get a command executor to handle context menu events.
std::map< std::string, std::pair< std::string,std::vector< time_of_day > > > tods_map
Pre-defined time of day lighting settings for the settings dialog.
void mouse_motion(int x, int y, const bool browse, bool update, map_location new_loc=map_location::null_location()) override
Called when a mouse motion event takes place.
EXIT_STATUS main_loop()
Editor main loop.
editor_controller(const editor_controller &)=delete
void custom_tods_dialog()
Display the settings dialog, used to control e.g.
void do_screenshot(const std::string &screenshot_filename="map_screenshot.png")
Takes a screenshot.
void toggle_grid() override
Grid toggle.
void scroll_left(bool on) override
bool right_click(int x, int y, const bool browse) override
Overridden in derived classes, called on a right click (mousedown).
void save_area()
Save the current selection to the active area.
void process_keyup_event(const SDL_Event &event) override
Process keyup (always).
editor_display & get_display() override
Get a reference to a display member a derived class uses.
void copy_selection()
Copy the selection on the current map to the clipboard.
mouse_action & get_mouse_action()
Get the current mouse action.
void init_gui()
init the display object and general set-up
std::unique_ptr< help::help_manager > help_manager_
std::vector< sound::music_track > music_tracks_
bool right_click_show_menu(int x, int y, const bool browse) override
Called in the default right_click when the context menu is about to be shown, can be used for preproc...
static std::string current_addon_id_
void add_area()
Add a new area to the current context, filled with the selection if any.
const std::unique_ptr< reports > reports_
Reports object.
void scroll_down(bool on) override
void left_drag_end(int x, int y, const bool browse) override
Called whenever the left mouse drag has "ended".
bool do_quit_
Quit main loop flag.
const editor_display & gui() const override
Const version of gui.
void save_map() override
Save the map, open dialog if not named yet.
This class wraps around a map to provide a concise interface for the editor to work with.
Definition: map_context.hpp:63
A mouse action receives events from the controller, and responds to them by creating an appropriate e...
A class grating read only view to a vector of config objects, viewed as one config with all children ...
Implements a quit confirmation dialog.
controller_base framework: controller_base is roughly analogous to a "dialog" class in a GUI toolkit ...
static void update()
Manage the empty-palette in the editor.
Definition: action.cpp:31
Graphical text output.
Game configuration data as global variables.
Definition: build_info.cpp:61
structure which will hide all current floating labels, and cause floating labels instantiated after i...
Used as the main paramneter for can_execute_command/do_execute_command These functions are used to ex...
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:102