28 namespace ai {
class engine_lua; }
29 namespace ai {
class lua_ai_action_handler; }
30 namespace ai {
class lua_ai_context; }
100 template<
bool cons
158 template<
bool is_menu_item>
195 void lua_chat(
const std::string& caption,
const std::string&
200 std::vector<team> &
216 virtual std::string
override {
return "Game Lua Kernel"; }
248 int save_wml_event(
const std::string& name,
const std::string&
const std::string& code);
271 virtual void log_error(
char const*
char const* context =
"Lua error")
Define actions for the game's events mechanism.
Proxy class for calling AI action handlers defined in Lua.
Proxy table for the AI context.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
A class grating read only view to a vector of config objects, viewed as one config with all children ...
void(* handler)(const queued_event &, const vconfig &)
int intf_get_mouseover_tile(lua_State *L)
Returns the currently overed tile.
void custom_command(const std::string &, const config &)
int intf_put_unit(lua_State *L)
Places a unit on the map.
int intf_get_label(lua_State *L)
int intf_cancel_action(lua_State *)
int intf_set_floating_label(lua_State *L, bool spawn)
Arg 1: text - string Arg 2: options table.
int intf_replace_schedule(lua_State *l)
Replacing the current time of day schedule.
int intf_select_unit(lua_State *L)
Selects and highlights the given location on the map.
int intf_deselect_hex(lua_State *L)
Deselects any highlighted hex on the map.
std::stack< game_events::queued_event const * > queued_events_
int intf_get_all_vars(lua_State *L)
Gets all the WML variables currently set.
int intf_remove_tile_overlay(lua_State *L)
Removes an overlay from a tile.
int intf_screen_fade(lua_State *L)
int intf_erase_unit(lua_State *L)
Erases a unit from the map.
int intf_get_fog_or_shroud(lua_State *L, bool fog)
int intf_override_shroud(lua_State *L)
Overrides the shroud entirely.
int intf_get_variable(lua_State *L)
Gets a WML variable.
int intf_scroll(lua_State *L)
game_lua_kernel(game_state &, play_controller &, reports &)
int intf_set_sub_achievement(lua_State *L)
Marks a single sub-achievement as completed.
int intf_lock_view(lua_State *L)
Sets whether gamemap scrolling is disabled for the user.
void put_unit_helper(const map_location &loc)
int intf_toggle_shroud(lua_State *L, bool place_shroud)
Toggle shroud on some locations Arg 1: Side number Arg 2: List of locations on which to place/remove ...
int intf_match_side(lua_State *L)
Matches a side against the given filter.
int intf_get_selected_tile(lua_State *L)
Returns the currently selected tile.
int cfun_wml_action(lua_State *L)
Executes its upvalue as a wml action.
virtual void log_error(char const *msg, char const *context="Lua error") override
Error reporting mechanisms, used by virtual methods protected_call and load_string.
int cfun_builtin_effect(lua_State *L)
Applies its upvalue as an effect Arg 1: The unit to apply to Arg 3: The [effect] tag contents Arg 3: ...
int impl_theme_item(lua_State *L, const std::string &name)
Executes its upvalue as a theme item generator.
ai::lua_ai_context * create_lua_ai_context(char const *code, ai::engine_lua *engine)
int intf_has_achievement(lua_State *L)
Returns whether an achievement has been completed.
int intf_gamestate_inspector(lua_State *)
int intf_float_label(lua_State *L)
Floats some text on the map.
int intf_find_reach(lua_State *L)
Finds all the locations reachable by a unit.
bool run_event(const game_events::queued_event &)
Executes the game_events.on_event function.
int intf_end_turn(lua_State *)
int save_wml_event()
Store a WML event in the Lua registry, as a function.
int impl_scenario_dir(lua_State *L)
Get a list of scenario data (__dir metamethod).
int intf_set_achievement(lua_State *L)
Sets an achievement as being completed.
int intf_get_units(lua_State *)
Gets all the units matching a given filter.
int intf_color_adjust(lua_State *L)
int intf_redraw(lua_State *L)
int intf_set_village_owner(lua_State *L)
Sets the owner of a village.
int impl_current_dir(lua_State *L)
Gets a list of date about current point of game (__dir metamethod).
static config preload_config
int intf_find_cost_map(lua_State *L)
Is called with one or more units and builds a cost map.
int intf_get_time_area(lua_State *)
int intf_highlight_hex(lua_State *L)
Highlights the given location on the map.
bool run_wml_event(int ref, const vconfig &args, const game_events::queued_event &ev, bool *out=nullptr)
Run a WML stored in the Lua registry.
int intf_scroll_to_tile(lua_State *L)
Scrolls to given tile.
int intf_get_side(lua_State *L)
int intf_remove_event(lua_State *L)
int intf_is_enemy(lua_State *L)
Returns whether the first side is an enemy of the second one.
static void extract_preload_scripts(const game_config_view &game_config)
int impl_get_terrain_info(lua_State *L)
Gets details about a terrain.
virtual std::string my_name() override
User-visible name of the lua kernel that they are talking to.
int intf_remove_label(lua_State *L)
bool run_wml_action(const std::string &, const vconfig &, const game_events::queued_event &)
Runs a command from an event handler.
int intf_move_floating_label(lua_State *L)
int intf_match_unit(lua_State *L)
Matches a unit against the given filter.
int intf_add_time_area(lua_State *)
Adding new time_areas dynamically with Standard Location Filters.
void clear_wml_event(int ref)
Clear a WML event store in the Lua registry.
int intf_create_animator(lua_State *)
int impl_theme_items_dir(lua_State *L)
Get all available theme_items (__dir metamethod).
int intf_add_event_wml(lua_State *L)
Add a new event handler Arg: A full event specification as a WML config.
int impl_scenario_set(lua_State *L)
Sets some scenario data (__newindex metamethod).
int intf_message(lua_State *L)
Displays a message in the chat window and in the logs.
int intf_set_side_id(lua_State *L)
int intf_view_locked(lua_State *L)
Gets whether gamemap scrolling is disabled for the user.
int intf_get_displayed_unit(lua_State *)
Gets the unit displayed in the sidebar.
bool run_wml_conditional(const std::string &, const vconfig &)
Evaluates a WML conidition.
int intf_get_recall_units(lua_State *L)
Gets the numeric ids of all the units matching a given filter on the recall lists.
int intf_add_label(lua_State *L)
int intf_zoom(lua_State *L)
int intf_log_replay(lua_State *L)
const game_events::queued_event & get_event_info()
int intf_unit_ability(lua_State *L)
Returns true if the unit has the given ability enabled.
void push_builtin_effect()
Registers a function for use as an effect handler.
int impl_run_animation(lua_State *)
std::string apply_effect(const std::string &name, unit &u, const config &cfg, bool need_apply)
int intf_fire_wml_menu_item(lua_State *L)
Fires a wml menu item.
int intf_clear_menu_item(lua_State *L)
void mouse_over_hex_callback(const map_location &loc)
int impl_theme_items_get(lua_State *L)
Creates a field of the theme_items table and returns it (__index metamethod).
int intf_find_vacant_tile(lua_State *L)
Finds a vacant tile.
play_controller & play_controller_
int impl_schedule_dir(lua_State *L)
const gamemap & map() const
int map_locked_
A value != 0 means that the shouldn't remove any units from the map, usually because we are currently...
static std::vector< config > preload_scripts
int intf_get_unit(lua_State *)
Gets the unit at the given location or with the given id.
int impl_current_get(lua_State *L)
Gets some data about current point of game (__index metamethod).
int impl_schedule_set(lua_State *L)
void select_hex_callback(const map_location &loc)
void set_wml_condition(const std::string &, bool(*)(const vconfig &))
Registers a function for use as a conditional handler.
int impl_end_level_data_set(lua_State *)
std::string synced_state()
converts synced_context::get_synced_state() to a string.
int intf_find_path(lua_State *L)
Finds a path between two locations.
int intf_remove_floating_label(lua_State *L)
void set_wml_action(const std::string &, game_events::wml_action::handler)
Registers a function for use as an action handler.
int intf_put_recall_unit(lua_State *L)
Puts a unit on a recall list.
int intf_teleport(lua_State *L)
Teeleports a unit to a location.
void luaW_push_schedule(lua_State *L, int area_index)
int intf_add_tile_overlay(lua_State *L)
Adds an overlay on a tile.
int intf_play_sound(lua_State *L)
Plays a sound, possibly repeated.
void lua_chat(const std::string &caption, const std::string &msg)
int intf_allow_end_turn(lua_State *)
Allow undo sets the flag saying whether the event has mutated the game to false.
int intf_get_village_owner(lua_State *L)
Gets the side of a village owner.
int intf_get_sides(lua_State *L)
Returns a proxy table array for all sides matching the given SSF.
int intf_has_sub_achievement(lua_State *L)
Returns whether an achievement has been completed.
int intf_create_side(lua_State *L)
void initialize(const config &level)
int intf_add_undo_actions(lua_State *L)
Add undo actions for the current active event Arg 1: Either a table of ActionWML or a function to cal...
void save_game(config &level)
Executes the game_events.on_save function and adds to cfg the returned tags.
int impl_scenario_get(lua_State *L)
Gets some scenario data (__index metamethod).
int intf_remove_time_area(lua_State *)
Removing new time_areas dynamically with Standard Location Filters.
int impl_schedule_len(lua_State *L)
int intf_get_locations(lua_State *L)
Gets all the locations matching a given filter.
int intf_add_event(lua_State *L)
Add a new event handler Arg 1: Table of options.
int intf_simulate_combat(lua_State *L)
Simulates a combat between two units.
int impl_get_terrain_list(lua_State *L)
Gets a list of known terrain codes.
std::vector< team > & teams()
int intf_progress_achievement(lua_State *L)
Progresses the provided achievement.
int intf_match_location(lua_State *L)
Matches a location against the given filter.
int intf_toggle_fog(lua_State *L, const bool clear)
Implements the lifting and resetting of fog via WML.
int intf_extract_unit(lua_State *L)
Extracts a unit from the map or a recall list and gives it to Lua.
int intf_log(lua_State *L)
Logs a message Arg 1: (optional) Logger; "wml" for WML errors or deprecations Arg 2: Message Arg 3: W...
int intf_clear_messages(lua_State *)
Removes all messages from the chat window.
int intf_allow_undo(lua_State *)
Allow undo sets the flag saying whether the event has mutated the game to false.
int impl_schedule_get(lua_State *L)
int intf_set_variable(lua_State *L)
Sets a WML variable.
int impl_theme_items_set(lua_State *L)
Sets a field of the theme_items table (__newindex metamethod).
void set_game_display(game_display *gd)
int intf_set_menu_item(lua_State *L)
game_display * get_display() const
ai::lua_ai_action_handler * create_lua_ai_action_handler(char const *code, ai::lua_ai_context &context)
bool mouse_button_callback(const map_location &loc, const std::string &button, const std::string &event)
int intf_get_achievement(lua_State *L)
Returns information on a single achievement, or no data if the achievement is not found.
std::vector< int > get_sides_vector(const vconfig &cfg)
Gets a vector of sides from side= attribute in a given config node.
int intf_fire_event(lua_State *L, const bool by_id)
Fires an event.
int intf_delay(lua_State *L)
Delays engine for a while.
int intf_add_event_simple(lua_State *L)
Add a new event handler Arg 1: Event to handle, as a string or list of strings; or menu item ID if th...
bool run_filter(char const *name, const unit &u)
Runs a script from a unit filter.
int intf_find_vision_range(lua_State *L)
Finds all the locations for which a given unit would remove the fog (if there was fog on the map).
int intf_skip_messages(lua_State *L)
Set whether to skip messages Arg 1 (optional) - boolean.
game_display * game_display_
int cfun_undoable_event(lua_State *L)
Upvalue 1: The event function Upvalue 2: The undo function Arg 1: The event content.
void load_game(const config &level)
Executes the game_events.on_load function and passes to it all the scenario tags not yet handled.
int intf_get_time_of_day(lua_State *L)
Gets time of day information.
int intf_get_color_adjust(lua_State *L)
int intf_is_skipping_messages(lua_State *L)
Return true if a replay is in progress but the player has chosen to skip it.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Container associating units to locations.
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
A variable-expanding proxy for the config class.
int(* lua_CFunction)(lua_State *L)
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
void clear()
Clear the current render target.
Game configuration data as global variables.
Unit and team statistics.
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Encapsulates the map of the game.