The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2025
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Handle unit-type specific attributes, animations, advancement.
19  */
21 #include "units/attack_type.hpp"
22 #include "units/unit.hpp"
23 #include "formula/callable_objects.hpp"
24 #include "formula/formula.hpp"
25 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp"
27 #include "deprecation.hpp"
28 #include "game_version.hpp"
30 #include "lexical_cast.hpp"
31 #include "log.hpp"
33 #include "gettext.hpp"
34 #include "utils/math.hpp"
37 static lg::log_domain log_config("config");
38 #define ERR_CF LOG_STREAM(err, log_config)
39 #define WRN_CF LOG_STREAM(warn, log_config)
40 #define LOG_CONFIG LOG_STREAM(info, log_config)
41 #define DBG_CF LOG_STREAM(debug, log_config)
43 static lg::log_domain log_unit("unit");
44 #define DBG_UT LOG_STREAM(debug, log_unit)
45 #define ERR_UT LOG_STREAM(err, log_unit)
47 static lg::log_domain log_wml("wml");
48 #define ERR_WML LOG_STREAM(err, log_wml)
51  : self_loc_()
52  , other_loc_()
53  , is_attacker_(false)
54  , other_attack_(nullptr)
55  , description_(cfg["description"].t_str())
56  , id_(cfg["name"])
57  , type_(cfg["type"])
58  , icon_(cfg["icon"])
59  , range_(cfg["range"])
60  , min_range_(cfg["min_range"].to_int(1))
61  , max_range_(cfg["max_range"].to_int(1))
62  , alignment_(unit_alignments::get_enum(cfg["alignment"].str()))
63  , damage_(cfg["damage"].to_int())
64  , num_attacks_(cfg["number"].to_int())
65  , attack_weight_(cfg["attack_weight"].to_double(1.0))
66  , defense_weight_(cfg["defense_weight"].to_double(1.0))
67  , accuracy_(cfg["accuracy"].to_int())
68  , movement_used_(cfg["movement_used"].to_int(100000))
69  , attacks_used_(cfg["attacks_used"].to_int(1))
70  , parry_(cfg["parry"].to_int())
71  , specials_(cfg.child_or_empty("specials"))
72  , changed_(true)
73 {
74  if (description_.empty())
77  if(icon_.empty()){
78  if (!id_.empty())
79  icon_ = "attacks/" + id_ + ".png";
80  else
81  icon_ = "attacks/blank-attack.png";
82  }
83 }
86 {
87  if(accuracy_ == 0 && parry_ == 0) {
88  return "";
89  }
91  std::ostringstream s;
94  if(parry_ != 0) {
95  s << "/" << utils::signed_percent(parry_);
96  }
98  return s.str();
99 }
101 /**
102  * Returns whether or not *this matches the given @a filter, ignoring the
103  * complexities introduced by [and], [or], and [not].
104  */
105 static bool matches_simple_filter(const attack_type & attack, const config & filter, const std::string& check_if_recursion)
106 {
107  const std::set<std::string> filter_range = utils::split_set(filter["range"].str());
108  const std::string& filter_min_range = filter["min_range"];
109  const std::string& filter_max_range = filter["max_range"];
110  const std::string& filter_damage = filter["damage"];
111  const std::string& filter_attacks = filter["number"];
112  const std::string& filter_accuracy = filter["accuracy"];
113  const std::string& filter_parry = filter["parry"];
114  const std::string& filter_movement = filter["movement_used"];
115  const std::string& filter_attacks_used = filter["attacks_used"];
116  const std::set<std::string> filter_alignment = utils::split_set(filter["alignment"].str());
117  const std::set<std::string> filter_name = utils::split_set(filter["name"].str());
118  const std::set<std::string> filter_type = utils::split_set(filter["type"].str());
119  const std::set<std::string> filter_base_type = utils::split_set(filter["base_type"].str());
120  const std::vector<std::string> filter_special = utils::split(filter["special"]);
121  const std::vector<std::string> filter_special_id = utils::split(filter["special_id"]);
122  const std::vector<std::string> filter_special_type = utils::split(filter["special_type"]);
123  const std::vector<std::string> filter_special_active = utils::split(filter["special_active"]);
124  const std::vector<std::string> filter_special_id_active = utils::split(filter["special_id_active"]);
125  const std::vector<std::string> filter_special_type_active = utils::split(filter["special_type_active"]);
126  const std::string filter_formula = filter["formula"];
128  if (!filter_min_range.empty() && !in_ranges(attack.min_range(), utils::parse_ranges_int(filter_min_range)))
129  return false;
131  if (!filter_max_range.empty() && !in_ranges(attack.max_range(), utils::parse_ranges_int(filter_max_range)))
132  return false;
134  if ( !filter_range.empty() && filter_range.count(attack.range()) == 0 )
135  return false;
137  if ( !filter_damage.empty() && !in_ranges(attack.damage(), utils::parse_ranges_unsigned(filter_damage)) )
138  return false;
140  if (!filter_attacks.empty() && !in_ranges(attack.num_attacks(), utils::parse_ranges_unsigned(filter_attacks)))
141  return false;
143  if (!filter_accuracy.empty() && !in_ranges(attack.accuracy(), utils::parse_ranges_int(filter_accuracy)))
144  return false;
146  if (!filter_parry.empty() && !in_ranges(attack.parry(), utils::parse_ranges_int(filter_parry)))
147  return false;
149  if (!filter_movement.empty() && !in_ranges(attack.movement_used(), utils::parse_ranges_unsigned(filter_movement)))
150  return false;
152  if (!filter_attacks_used.empty() && !in_ranges(attack.attacks_used(), utils::parse_ranges_unsigned(filter_attacks_used)))
153  return false;
155  if(!filter_alignment.empty() && filter_alignment.count(attack.alignment_str()) == 0)
156  return false;
158  if ( !filter_name.empty() && filter_name.count( == 0)
159  return false;
161  if (!filter_type.empty()){
162  // Although there's a general guard against infinite recursion, the "damage_type" special
163  // should always use the base type of the weapon. Otherwise it will flip-flop between the
164  // special being active or inactive based on whether ATTACK_RECURSION_LIMIT is even or odd;
165  // without this it will also behave differently when calculating resistance_against.
166  if(check_if_recursion == "damage_type"){
167  if (filter_type.count(attack.type()) == 0){
168  return false;
169  }
170  } else {
171  //if the type is different from "damage_type" then damage_type() can be called for safe checking.
172  if (filter_type.count(attack.effective_damage_type().first) == 0){
173  return false;
174  }
175  }
176  }
178  if ( !filter_base_type.empty() && filter_base_type.count(attack.type()) == 0 )
179  return false;
181  if(!filter_special.empty()) {
182  deprecated_message("special=", DEP_LEVEL::PREEMPTIVE, {1, 17, 0}, "Please use special_id or special_type instead");
183  bool found = false;
184  for(auto& special : filter_special) {
185  if(attack.has_special(special, true)) {
186  found = true;
187  break;
188  }
189  }
190  if(!found) {
191  return false;
192  }
193  }
194  if(!filter_special_id.empty()) {
195  bool found = false;
196  for(auto& special : filter_special_id) {
197  if(attack.has_special(special, true, true, false)) {
198  found = true;
199  break;
200  }
201  }
202  if(!found) {
203  return false;
204  }
205  }
207  if(!filter_special_active.empty()) {
208  deprecated_message("special_active=", DEP_LEVEL::PREEMPTIVE, {1, 17, 0}, "Please use special_id_active or special_type_active instead");
209  bool found = false;
210  for(auto& special : filter_special_active) {
211  if(attack.has_special(special, false)) {
212  found = true;
213  break;
214  }
215  }
216  if(!found) {
217  return false;
218  }
219  }
220  if(!filter_special_id_active.empty()) {
221  bool found = false;
222  for(auto& special : filter_special_id_active) {
223  if(attack.has_special_or_ability(special, true, false)) {
224  found = true;
225  break;
226  }
227  }
228  if(!found) {
229  return false;
230  }
231  }
232  if(!filter_special_type.empty()) {
233  bool found = false;
234  for(auto& special : filter_special_type) {
235  if(attack.has_special(special, true, false)) {
236  found = true;
237  break;
238  }
239  }
240  if(!found) {
241  return false;
242  }
243  }
244  if(!filter_special_type_active.empty()) {
245  bool found = false;
246  for(auto& special : filter_special_type_active) {
247  if(attack.has_special_or_ability(special, false)) {
248  found = true;
249  break;
250  }
251  }
252  if(!found) {
253  return false;
254  }
255  }
257  //children filter_special are checked later,
258  //but only when the function doesn't return earlier
259  if(auto sub_filter_special = filter.optional_child("filter_special")) {
260  if(!attack.has_special_or_ability_with_filter(*sub_filter_special)) {
261  return false;
262  }
263  }
265  if (!filter_formula.empty()) {
266  try {
267  const wfl::attack_type_callable callable(attack);
268  const wfl::formula form(filter_formula, new wfl::gamestate_function_symbol_table);
269  if(!form.evaluate(callable).as_bool()) {
270  return false;
271  }
272  } catch(const wfl::formula_error& e) {
273  lg::log_to_chat() << "Formula error in weapon filter: " << e.type << " at " << e.filename << ':' << e.line << ")\n";
274  ERR_WML << "Formula error in weapon filter: " << e.type << " at " << e.filename << ':' << e.line << ")";
275  // Formulae with syntax errors match nothing
276  return false;
277  }
278  }
280  // Passed all tests.
281  return true;
282 }
284 /**
285  * Returns whether or not *this matches the given @a filter.
286  */
287 bool attack_type::matches_filter(const config& filter, const std::string& check_if_recursion) const
288 {
289  // Handle the basic filter.
290  bool matches = matches_simple_filter(*this, filter, check_if_recursion);
292  // Handle [and], [or], and [not] with in-order precedence
293  for(const auto [key, condition_cfg] : filter.all_children_view() )
294  {
295  // Handle [and]
296  if ( key == "and" )
297  matches = matches && matches_filter(condition_cfg, check_if_recursion);
299  // Handle [or]
300  else if ( key == "or" )
301  matches = matches || matches_filter(condition_cfg, check_if_recursion);
303  // Handle [not]
304  else if ( key == "not" )
305  matches = matches && !matches_filter(condition_cfg, check_if_recursion);
306  }
308  return matches;
309 }
312 {
314  while (i != specials_.ordered_end()) {
315  if(special_matches_filter(i->cfg, i->key, filter)) {
316  i = specials_.erase(i);
317  } else {
318  ++i;
319  }
320  }
321 }
323 /**
324  * Modifies *this using the specifications in @a cfg, but only if *this matches
325  * @a cfg viewed as a filter.
326  *
327  * @returns whether or not @c this matched the @a cfg as a filter.
328  */
330 {
331  if( !matches_filter(cfg) )
332  return false;
334  set_changed(true);
335  const std::string& set_name = cfg["set_name"];
336  const t_string& set_desc = cfg["set_description"];
337  const std::string& set_type = cfg["set_type"];
338  const std::string& set_range = cfg["set_range"];
339  const std::string& set_attack_alignment = cfg["set_alignment"];
340  const std::string& set_icon = cfg["set_icon"];
341  const std::string& del_specials = cfg["remove_specials"];
342  auto set_specials = cfg.optional_child("set_specials");
343  const std::string& increase_min_range = cfg["increase_min_range"];
344  const std::string& set_min_range = cfg["set_min_range"];
345  const std::string& increase_max_range = cfg["increase_max_range"];
346  const std::string& set_max_range = cfg["set_max_range"];
347  auto remove_specials = cfg.optional_child("remove_specials");
348  const std::string& increase_damage = cfg["increase_damage"];
349  const std::string& set_damage = cfg["set_damage"];
350  const std::string& increase_attacks = cfg["increase_attacks"];
351  const std::string& set_attacks = cfg["set_attacks"];
352  const std::string& set_attack_weight = cfg["attack_weight"];
353  const std::string& set_defense_weight = cfg["defense_weight"];
354  const std::string& increase_accuracy = cfg["increase_accuracy"];
355  const std::string& set_accuracy = cfg["set_accuracy"];
356  const std::string& increase_parry = cfg["increase_parry"];
357  const std::string& set_parry = cfg["set_parry"];
358  const std::string& increase_movement = cfg["increase_movement_used"];
359  const std::string& set_movement = cfg["set_movement_used"];
360  const std::string& increase_attacks_used = cfg["increase_attacks_used"];
361  const std::string& set_attacks_used = cfg["set_attacks_used"];
362  // NB: If you add something here that requires a description,
363  // it needs to be added to describe_modification as well.
365  if(set_name.empty() == false) {
366  id_ = set_name;
367  }
369  if(set_desc.empty() == false) {
370  description_ = set_desc;
371  }
373  if(set_type.empty() == false) {
374  type_ = set_type;
375  }
377  if(set_range.empty() == false) {
378  range_ = set_range;
379  }
381  if(set_attack_alignment.empty() == false) {
383  }
385  if(set_icon.empty() == false) {
386  icon_ = set_icon;
387  }
389  if(del_specials.empty() == false) {
390  const std::vector<std::string>& dsl = utils::split(del_specials);
391  config new_specials;
392  for(const auto [key, cfg] : specials_.all_children_view()) {
393  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator found_id =
394  std::find(dsl.begin(), dsl.end(), cfg["id"].str());
395  if (found_id == dsl.end()) {
396  new_specials.add_child(key, cfg);
397  }
398  }
399  specials_ = new_specials;
400  }
402  if(set_specials) {
403  const std::string &mode = set_specials["mode"];
404  if(mode.empty()){
405  deprecated_message("[set_specials]mode=<unset>", DEP_LEVEL::INDEFINITE, "",
406  "The mode defaults to 'replace', but should often be 'append' instead. The default may change in a future version, or the attribute may become mandatory.");
407  // fall through to mode != "append"
408  }
409  if(mode != "append") {
410  specials_.clear();
411  }
412  for(const auto [key, cfg] : set_specials->all_children_view()) {
413  specials_.add_child(key, cfg);
414  }
415  }
417  if(set_min_range.empty() == false) {
419  }
421  if(increase_min_range.empty() == false) {
422  min_range_ = utils::apply_modifier(min_range_, increase_min_range);
423  }
425  if(set_max_range.empty() == false) {
427  }
429  if(increase_max_range.empty() == false) {
430  max_range_ = utils::apply_modifier(max_range_, increase_max_range);
431  }
433  if(remove_specials) {
434  remove_special_by_filter(*remove_specials);
435  }
437  if(set_damage.empty() == false) {
439  if (damage_ < 0) {
440  damage_ = 0;
441  }
442  }
444  if(increase_damage.empty() == false) {
445  damage_ = utils::apply_modifier(damage_, increase_damage);
446  if(damage_ < 0) {
447  damage_ = 0;
448  }
449  }
451  if(set_attacks.empty() == false) {
452  num_attacks_ = std::stoi(set_attacks);
453  if (num_attacks_ < 0) {
454  num_attacks_ = 0;
455  }
457  }
459  if(increase_attacks.empty() == false) {
460  num_attacks_ = utils::apply_modifier(num_attacks_, increase_attacks, 1);
461  }
463  if(set_accuracy.empty() == false) {
465  }
467  if(increase_accuracy.empty() == false) {
468  accuracy_ = utils::apply_modifier(accuracy_, increase_accuracy);
469  }
471  if(set_parry.empty() == false) {
473  }
475  if(increase_parry.empty() == false) {
476  parry_ = utils::apply_modifier(parry_, increase_parry);
477  }
479  if(set_movement.empty() == false) {
480  movement_used_ = std::stoi(set_movement);
481  }
483  if(increase_movement.empty() == false) {
484  movement_used_ = utils::apply_modifier(movement_used_, increase_movement, 1);
485  }
487  if(set_attacks_used.empty() == false) {
489  }
491  if(increase_attacks_used.empty() == false) {
492  attacks_used_ = utils::apply_modifier(attacks_used_, increase_attacks_used, 1);
493  }
495  if(set_attack_weight.empty() == false) {
496  attack_weight_ = lexical_cast_default<double>(set_attack_weight,1.0);
497  }
499  if(set_defense_weight.empty() == false) {
500  defense_weight_ = lexical_cast_default<double>(set_defense_weight,1.0);
501  }
503  return true;
504 }
506 /**
507  * Trimmed down version of apply_modification(), with no modifications actually
508  * made. This can be used to get a description of the modification(s) specified
509  * by @a cfg (if *this matches cfg as a filter).
510  *
511  * If *description is provided, it will be set to a (translated) description
512  * of the modification(s) applied (currently only changes to the number of
513  * strikes, damage, accuracy, and parry are included in this description).
514  *
515  * @returns whether or not @c this matched the @a cfg as a filter.
516  */
517 bool attack_type::describe_modification(const config& cfg,std::string* description)
518 {
519  if( !matches_filter(cfg) )
520  return false;
522  // Did the caller want the description?
523  if(description != nullptr) {
524  const std::string& increase_min_range = cfg["increase_min_range"];
525  const std::string& set_min_range = cfg["set_min_range"];
526  const std::string& increase_max_range = cfg["increase_max_range"];
527  const std::string& set_max_range = cfg["set_max_range"];
528  const std::string& increase_damage = cfg["increase_damage"];
529  const std::string& set_damage = cfg["set_damage"];
530  const std::string& increase_attacks = cfg["increase_attacks"];
531  const std::string& set_attacks = cfg["set_attacks"];
532  const std::string& increase_accuracy = cfg["increase_accuracy"];
533  const std::string& set_accuracy = cfg["set_accuracy"];
534  const std::string& increase_parry = cfg["increase_parry"];
535  const std::string& set_parry = cfg["set_parry"];
536  const std::string& increase_movement = cfg["increase_movement_used"];
537  const std::string& set_movement = cfg["set_movement_used"];
538  const std::string& increase_attacks_used = cfg["increase_attacks_used"];
539  const std::string& set_attacks_used = cfg["set_attacks_used"];
541  std::vector<t_string> desc;
543  if(!set_min_range.empty()) {
544  desc.emplace_back(VGETTEXT(
545  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_min_range, documented in
546  "$number min range",
547  {{"number", set_min_range}}));
548  }
550  if(!increase_min_range.empty()) {
551  desc.emplace_back(VGETTEXT(
552  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_min_range, documented in
553  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> min range",
554  {{"number_or_percent", utils::print_modifier(increase_min_range)}, {"color", increase_min_range[0] == '-' ? "#f00" : "#0f0"}}));
555  }
557  if(!set_max_range.empty()) {
558  desc.emplace_back(VGETTEXT(
559  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_max_range, documented in
560  "$number max range",
561  {{"number", set_max_range}}));
562  }
564  if(!increase_max_range.empty()) {
565  desc.emplace_back(VGETTEXT(
566  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_max_range, documented in
567  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> max range",
568  {{"number_or_percent", utils::print_modifier(increase_max_range)}, {"color", increase_max_range[0] == '-' ? "#f00" : "#0f0"}}));
569  }
571  if(!increase_damage.empty()) {
572  desc.emplace_back(VNGETTEXT(
573  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_damage, documented in
574  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> damage",
575  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> damage",
576  std::stoi(increase_damage),
577  {{"number_or_percent", utils::print_modifier(increase_damage)}, {"color", increase_damage[0] == '-' ? "#f00" : "#0f0"}}));
578  }
580  if(!set_damage.empty()) {
581  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_damage, documented in
582  desc.emplace_back(VNGETTEXT(
583  "$number damage",
584  "$number damage",
586  {{"number", set_damage}}));
587  }
589  if(!increase_attacks.empty()) {
590  desc.emplace_back(VNGETTEXT(
591  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_attacks, documented in
592  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> strike",
593  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> strikes",
594  std::stoi(increase_attacks),
595  {{"number_or_percent", utils::print_modifier(increase_attacks)}, {"color", increase_attacks[0] == '-' ? "#f00" : "#0f0"}}));
596  }
598  if(!set_attacks.empty()) {
599  desc.emplace_back(VNGETTEXT(
600  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_attacks, documented in
601  "$number strike",
602  "$number strikes",
603  std::stoi(set_attacks),
604  {{"number", set_attacks}}));
605  }
607  if(!set_accuracy.empty()) {
608  desc.emplace_back(VGETTEXT(
609  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_accuracy, documented in
610  "$number| accuracy",
611  {{"number", set_accuracy}}));
612  }
614  if(!increase_accuracy.empty()) {
615  desc.emplace_back(VGETTEXT(
616  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_accuracy, documented in
617  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent|%</span> accuracy",
618  {{"number_or_percent", utils::print_modifier(increase_accuracy)}, {"color", increase_accuracy[0] == '-' ? "#f00" : "#0f0"}}));
619  }
621  if(!set_parry.empty()) {
622  desc.emplace_back(VGETTEXT(
623  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_parry, documented in
624  "$number parry",
625  {{"number", set_parry}}));
626  }
628  if(!increase_parry.empty()) {
629  desc.emplace_back(VGETTEXT(
630  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_parry, documented in
631  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> parry",
632  {{"number_or_percent", utils::print_modifier(increase_parry)}, {"color", increase_parry[0] == '-' ? "#f00" : "#0f0"}}));
633  }
635  if(!set_movement.empty()) {
636  desc.emplace_back(VNGETTEXT(
637  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_movement_used, documented in
638  "$number movement point",
639  "$number movement points",
640  std::stoi(set_movement),
641  {{"number", set_movement}}));
642  }
644  if(!increase_movement.empty()) {
645  desc.emplace_back(VNGETTEXT(
646  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_movement_used, documented in
647  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> movement point",
648  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> movement points",
649  std::stoi(increase_movement),
650  {{"number_or_percent", utils::print_modifier(increase_movement)}, {"color", increase_movement[0] == '-' ? "#f00" : "#0f0"}}));
651  }
653  if(!set_attacks_used.empty()) {
654  desc.emplace_back(VNGETTEXT(
655  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code set_attacks_used, documented in
656  "$number attack used",
657  "$number attacks used",
659  {{"number", set_attacks_used}}));
660  }
662  if(!increase_attacks_used.empty()) {
663  desc.emplace_back(VNGETTEXT(
664  // TRANSLATORS: Current value for WML code increase_attacks_used, documented in
665  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> attack used",
666  "<span color=\"$color\">$number_or_percent</span> attacks used",
667  std::stoi(increase_attacks_used),
668  {{"number_or_percent", utils::print_modifier(increase_attacks_used)}, {"color", increase_attacks_used[0] == '-' ? "#f00" : "#0f0"}}));
669  }
671  *description = utils::format_conjunct_list("", desc);
672  }
674  return true;
675 }
678 {
679  if(utils::contains(open_queries_, &special)) {
680  return recursion_guard();
681  }
682  return recursion_guard(*this, special);
683 }
688  : parent(weapon.shared_from_this())
689 {
690  parent->open_queries_.emplace_back(&special);
691 }
694 {
695  std::swap(parent, other.parent);
696 }
698 attack_type::recursion_guard::operator bool() const {
699  return bool(parent);
700 }
703 {
704  // This is only intended to move ownership to a longer-living variable. Assigning to an instance that
705  // already has a parent implies that the caller is going to recurse and needs a recursion allocation,
706  // but is accidentally dropping one of the allocations that it already has; hence the asserts.
707  assert(this != &other);
708  assert(!parent);
709  std::swap(parent, other.parent);
710  return *this;
711 }
714 {
715  if(parent) {
716  // As this only expects nested recursion, simply pop the top of the open_queries_ stack
717  // without checking that the top of the stack matches the filter passed to the constructor.
718  assert(!parent->open_queries_.empty());
719  parent->open_queries_.pop_back();
720  }
721 }
723 void attack_type::write(config& cfg) const
724 {
725  cfg["description"] = description_;
726  cfg["name"] = id_;
727  cfg["type"] = type_;
728  cfg["icon"] = icon_;
729  cfg["range"] = range_;
730  cfg["min_range"] = min_range_;
731  cfg["max_range"] = max_range_;
732  cfg["alignment"] = alignment_str();
733  cfg["damage"] = damage_;
734  cfg["number"] = num_attacks_;
735  cfg["attack_weight"] = attack_weight_;
736  cfg["defense_weight"] = defense_weight_;
737  cfg["accuracy"] = accuracy_;
738  cfg["movement_used"] = movement_used_;
739  cfg["attacks_used"] = attacks_used_;
740  cfg["parry"] = parry_;
741  cfg.add_child("specials", specials_);
742 }
static lg::log_domain log_unit("unit")
#define ERR_WML
Definition: attack_type.cpp:48
static lg::log_domain log_wml("wml")
static bool matches_simple_filter(const attack_type &attack, const config &filter, const std::string &check_if_recursion)
Returns whether or not *this matches the given filter, ignoring the complexities introduced by [and],...
static lg::log_domain log_config("config")
Helper similar to std::unique_lock for detecting when calculations such as has_special have entered i...
recursion_guard & operator=(recursion_guard &&)
std::shared_ptr< const attack_type > parent
Construct an empty instance, only useful for extending the lifetime of a recursion_guard returned fro...
std::string alignment_str() const
Returns alignment specified by alignment() for filtering when exist.
Definition: attack_type.hpp:95
void set_min_range(int value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:63
bool has_special(const std::string &special, bool simple_check=false, bool special_id=true, bool special_tags=true) const
Returns whether or not *this has a special with a tag or id equal to special.
Definition: abilities.cpp:831
int min_range() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:47
const std::string & range() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:46
void set_attacks_used(int value)
int movement_used() const
bool has_special_or_ability_with_filter(const config &filter) const
Definition: abilities.cpp:2184
void set_accuracy(int value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:66
const std::string & type() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:44
int parry() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:51
std::string accuracy_parry_description() const
Definition: attack_type.cpp:85
bool apply_modification(const config &cfg)
Modifies *this using the specifications in cfg, but only if *this matches cfg viewed as a filter.
bool matches_filter(const config &filter, const std::string &check_if_recursion="") const
Returns whether or not *this matches the given filter.
void set_specials(config value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:72
config specials_
void set_defense_weight(double value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:71
int num_attacks() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:53
void set_changed(bool value)
recursion_guard update_variables_recursion(const config &special) const
Tests which might otherwise cause infinite recursion should call this, check that the returned object...
std::string type_
std::string icon_
void set_parry(int value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:67
void set_attack_weight(double value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:70
void set_damage(int value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:68
bool describe_modification(const config &cfg, std::string *description)
Trimmed down version of apply_modification(), with no modifications actually made.
int attacks_used() const
const std::string & id() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:43
void set_icon(const std::string &value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:61
std::vector< const config * > open_queries_
While processing a recursive match, all the filters that are currently being checked,...
double defense_weight_
std::string id_
bool special_matches_filter(const config &cfg, const std::string &tag_name, const config &filter) const
Filter a list of abilities or weapon specials.
Definition: abilities.cpp:2093
double attack_weight_
std::string range_
void remove_special_by_filter(const config &filter)
remove special if matche condition
void set_max_range(int value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:64
utils::optional< unit_alignments::type > alignment_
attack_type(const config &cfg)
Definition: attack_type.cpp:50
void set_type(const std::string &value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:60
void write(config &cfg) const
int accuracy() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:50
int max_range() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:48
void set_range(const std::string &value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:62
int damage() const
Definition: attack_type.hpp:52
void set_attack_alignment(const std::string &value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:65
bool has_special_or_ability(const std::string &special, bool special_id=true, bool special_tags=true) const
used for abilities used like weapon and true specials
Definition: abilities.cpp:1886
t_string description_
void set_name(const t_string &value)
Definition: attack_type.hpp:58
std::pair< std::string, int > effective_damage_type() const
The type of attack used and the resistance value that does the most damage.
Definition: abilities.cpp:1316
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
all_children_iterator erase(const all_children_iterator &i)
Definition: config.cpp:634
const_all_children_iterator ordered_begin() const
Definition: config.cpp:860
auto all_children_view() const
In-order iteration over all children.
Definition: config.hpp:796
const_all_children_iterator ordered_end() const
Definition: config.cpp:870
void clear()
Definition: config.cpp:824
optional_config_impl< config > optional_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Equivalent to mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found.
Definition: config.cpp:380
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:436
bool empty() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:195
static variant evaluate(const const_formula_ptr &f, const formula_callable &variables, formula_debugger *fdb=nullptr, variant default_res=variant(0))
Definition: formula.hpp:40
bool as_bool() const
Returns a boolean state of the variant value.
Definition: variant.cpp:313
void swap(config &lhs, config &rhs)
Implement non-member swap function for std::swap (calls config::swap).
Definition: config.cpp:1339
std::string deprecated_message(const std::string &elem_name, DEP_LEVEL level, const version_info &version, const std::string &detail)
Definition: deprecation.cpp:29
#define VGETTEXT(msgid,...)
Handy wrappers around interpolate_variables_into_string and gettext.
#define VNGETTEXT(msgid, msgid_plural, count,...)
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
Interfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc.
New lexcical_cast header.
Standard logging facilities (interface).
General math utility functions.
bool in_ranges(const Cmp c, const std::vector< std::pair< Cmp, Cmp >> &ranges)
Definition: math.hpp:87
std::stringstream & log_to_chat()
Use this to show WML errors in the ingame chat.
Definition: log.cpp:520
std::string egettext(char const *msgid)
Definition: gettext.cpp:429
constexpr auto filter
Definition: ranges.hpp:38
std::set< std::string > split_set(std::string_view s, char sep, const int flags)
int stoi(std::string_view str)
Same interface as std::stoi and meant as a drop in replacement, except:
Definition: charconv.hpp:154
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > parse_ranges_int(const std::string &str)
Handles a comma-separated list of inputs to parse_range.
bool contains(const Container &container, const Value &value)
Returns true iff value is found in container.
Definition: general.hpp:86
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > parse_ranges_unsigned(const std::string &str)
Handles a comma-separated list of inputs to parse_range, in a context that does not expect negative v...
int apply_modifier(const int number, const std::string &amount, const int minimum)
std::string format_conjunct_list(const t_string &empty, const std::vector< t_string > &elems)
Format a conjunctive list.
std::string signed_percent(int val)
Convert into a percentage (using the Unicode "−" and +0% convention.
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
auto * find(Container &container, const Value &value)
Convenience wrapper for using find on a container without needing to comare to end()
Definition: general.hpp:140
std::string print_modifier(const std::string &mod)
Add a "+" or replace the "-" par Unicode minus.
The base template for associating string values with enum values.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:33
static constexpr utils::optional< enum_type > get_enum(const std::string_view value)
Converts a string into its enum equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:57
static map_location::direction s
#define e