The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.2+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2008 - 2024
3  by Tomasz Sniatowski <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #define GETTEXT_DOMAIN "wesnoth-editor"
18 #include "draw.hpp"
21 #include "floating_label.hpp"
22 #include "font/sdl_ttf_compat.hpp" // for pango_line_width
23 #include "lexical_cast.hpp"
24 #include "overlay.hpp"
25 #include "team.hpp"
26 #include "terrain/builder.hpp"
27 #include "video.hpp"
29 namespace wb {
30  class manager;
31 }
33 namespace editor {
36  : display(nullptr, std::shared_ptr<wb::manager>(), reports_object, "editor", config())
37  , brush_locations_()
38  , controller_(controller)
39  , mouseover_hex_overlay_()
40 {
41 }
44 {
45  brush_locations_.insert(hex);
46  invalidate(hex);
47 }
49 void editor_display::set_brush_locs(const std::set<map_location>& hexes)
50 {
52  brush_locations_ = hexes;
54 }
57 {
59  brush_locations_.clear();
60 }
63 {
64  brush_locations_.erase(hex);
65  invalidate(hex);
66 }
69  builder_->rebuild_terrain(loc);
70 }
73 {
74  display::draw_hex(loc);
76  if(!map().on_board_with_border(loc) || map_screenshot_) {
77  return;
78  }
80  if(map().in_selection(loc)) {
82  [tex = image::get_texture(image::locator{"editor/selection-overlay.png"}, image::TOD_COLORED)](const rect& d) {
83  draw::blit(tex, d);
84  });
85  }
87  if(brush_locations_.find(loc) != brush_locations_.end()) {
90  draw::blit(tex, d);
91  });
92  }
94  // Paint mouseover overlays
96  drawing_buffer_add(LAYER_MOUSEOVER_OVERLAY, loc, [this](const rect& dest) {
99  mouseover_hex_overlay_.set_alpha_mod(SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
100  });
101  }
102 }
105 {
106  return map_outside_area();
107 }
110 {
111  display::layout();
113  config element;
114  config::attribute_value &text = element.add_child("element")["text"];
115  // Fill in the terrain report
116  if (get_map().on_board_with_border(mouseoverHex_)) {
118  refresh_report("terrain", &element);
119  refresh_report("terrain_info");
120  text = lexical_cast<std::string>(mouseoverHex_);
121  refresh_report("position", &element);
122  }
124  if (dc_->teams().empty()) {
125  text = int(get_map().villages().size());
126  refresh_report("villages", &element);
127  } else {
128  refresh_report("villages");
129  refresh_report("num_units");
130  }
132  // If we're showing hexes near the north of the map, put the help string at the bottom of the screen.
133  // Otherwise, put it at the top.
134  if(help_handle_ != 0) {
135  const bool place_at_top = get_visible_hexes().top[0] > 2;
137  if(place_at_top != help_string_at_top_) {
139  double delta = map_outside_area().h - r.h;
140  if(place_at_top) {
142  } else {
144  }
145  help_string_at_top_ = place_at_top;
146  }
147  }
148 }
151 {
153 }
156 {
158 }
161 {
163  help_handle_ = 0;
164 }
166 void editor_display::set_help_string(const std::string& str)
167 {
170  const color_t color{0, 0, 0, 0xbb};
172  int size = font::SIZE_LARGE;
173  point canvas_size = video::game_canvas_size();
175  while(size > 0) {
176  if(font::pango_line_width(str, size) * 2 > canvas_size.x) {
177  size--;
178  } else {
179  break;
180  }
181  }
183  const int border = 5;
185  font::floating_label flabel(str);
186  flabel.set_font_size(size);
187  flabel.set_position(canvas_size.x / 2, canvas_size.y);
188  flabel.set_bg_color(color);
189  flabel.set_border_size(border);
193  // Put the label near the bottom of the screen. In layout() it'll be moved to the top if the
194  // user is editing hexes at the south edge of the map.
195  help_string_at_top_ = false;
197  font::move_floating_label(help_handle_, 0.0, -double(r.h));
198 }
200 } //end namespace editor
Definitions for the terrain builder.
Variant for storing WML attributes.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:441
virtual const std::vector< team > & teams() const =0
Sort-of-Singleton that many classes, both GUI and non-GUI, use to access the game data.
Definition: display.hpp:88
bool map_screenshot_
Used to indicate to drawing functions that we are doing a map screenshot.
Definition: display.hpp:942
std::map< map_location, std::vector< overlay > > overlay_map
Definition: display.hpp:962
bool invalidate(const map_location &loc)
Function to invalidate a specific tile for redrawing.
Definition: display.cpp:3145
Mouseover overlay used by editor.
Definition: display.hpp:826
Fog and shroud.
Definition: display.hpp:849
Image on the selected unit.
Definition: display.hpp:852
virtual void layout() override
Finalize screen layout.
Definition: display.cpp:2446
map_location mouseoverHex_
Definition: display.hpp:793
const gamemap & get_map() const
Definition: display.hpp:106
const rect_of_hexes get_visible_hexes() const
Returns the rectangular area of visible hexes.
Definition: display.hpp:362
void drawing_buffer_add(const drawing_layer layer, const map_location &loc, decltype(draw_helper::do_draw) draw_func)
Add an item to the drawing buffer.
Definition: display.cpp:1287
rect map_outside_area() const
Returns the available area for a map, this may differ from the above.
Definition: display.cpp:540
const std::unique_ptr< terrain_builder > builder_
Definition: display.hpp:757
virtual void draw_hex(const map_location &loc)
Redraws a single gamemap location.
Definition: display.cpp:2675
const display_context * dc_
Definition: display.hpp:694
void refresh_report(const std::string &report_name, const config *new_cfg=nullptr)
Update the given report.
Definition: display.cpp:2894
The brush class represents a single brush – a set of relative locations around a "hotspot",...
Definition: brush.hpp:27
The editor_controller class contains the mouse and keyboard event handling routines for the editor.
map_context & get_current_map_context() const
virtual overlay_map & get_overlays() override
Inherited from display.
virtual void layout() override
TLD layout() override.
virtual const time_of_day & get_time_of_day(const map_location &loc=map_location::null_location()) const override
Inherited from display.
void set_help_string(const std::string &str)
Sets and shows the tooltip-like text at the top or bottom of the map area.
void rebuild_terrain(const map_location &loc)
int help_handle_
ID of the floating label that's controlled by set_help_string() / clear_help_string().
const editor_map & map() const
rect get_clip_rect() const override
Get the clipping rectangle for drawing.
std::set< map_location > brush_locations_
bool help_string_at_top_
Ignored when help_handle_ == 0.
void remove_brush_loc(const map_location &hex)
editor_controller & controller_
editor_display(editor_controller &controller, reports &reports_object)
void add_brush_loc(const map_location &hex)
void draw_hex(const map_location &loc) override
Redraws a single gamemap location.
void set_brush_locs(const std::set< map_location > &hexes)
void clear_help_string()
Removes the help string.
overlay_map & get_overlays()
const tod_manager * get_time_manager() const
void set_position(double xpos, double ypos)
void set_border_size(int border)
void set_bg_color(const color_t &bg_color)
void set_font_size(int font_size)
std::string get_terrain_editor_string(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:62
Generic locator abstracting the location of an image.
Definition: picture.hpp:63
void set_alpha_mod(uint8_t alpha)
Alpha modifier.
Definition: texture.cpp:151
const time_of_day & get_time_of_day(int for_turn=0) const
Returns global time of day for the passed turn.
Definition: tod_manager.hpp:56
Drawing functions, for drawing things on the screen.
New lexcical_cast header.
void blit(const texture &tex, const SDL_Rect &dst)
Draws a texture, or part of a texture, at the given location.
Definition: draw.cpp:310
Manage the empty-palette in the editor.
Definition: action.cpp:31
const int SIZE_LARGE
Definition: constants.cpp:30
int pango_line_width(const std::string &line, int font_size, font::pango_text::FONT_STYLE font_style=font::pango_text::STYLE_NORMAL)
Determine the width of a line of text given a certain font size.
int add_floating_label(const floating_label &flabel)
add a label floating on the screen above everything else.
void remove_floating_label(int handle, int fadeout)
removes the floating label given by 'handle' from the screen
SDL_Rect get_floating_label_rect(int handle)
void move_floating_label(int handle, double xmove, double ymove)
moves the floating label given by 'handle' by (xmove,ymove)
std::string editor_brush
Standard hexagonal tile mask applied, removing portions that don't fit.
Definition: picture.hpp:228
Same as HEXED, but with Time of Day color tint applied.
Definition: picture.hpp:230
texture get_texture(const image::locator &i_locator, TYPE type, bool skip_cache)
Returns an image texture suitable for hardware-accelerated rendering.
Definition: picture.cpp:960
Unit and team statistics.
std::size_t size(const std::string &str)
Length in characters of a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:85
point game_canvas_size()
The size of the game canvas, in drawing coordinates / game pixels.
Definition: video.cpp:434
Definition: display.hpp:45
Transitional API for porting SDL_ttf-based code to Pango.
The basic class for representing 8-bit RGB or RGBA colour values.
Definition: color.hpp:59
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:38
Holds a 2D point.
Definition: point.hpp:25
An abstract description of a rectangle with integer coordinates.
Definition: rect.hpp:47
Object which defines a time of day with associated bonuses, image, sounds etc.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:57
#define d