The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.7+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Yurii Chernyi <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * Helper functions for the object which operates in the context of AI for specific side
18  * This is part of AI interface
19  * @file
20  */
22 #include "ai/default/contexts.hpp"
24 #include "game_board.hpp"
25 #include "log.hpp"
26 #include "map/map.hpp"
27 #include "resources.hpp"
28 #include "team.hpp"
29 #include "units/unit.hpp"
30 #include "ai/composite/goal.hpp"
31 #include "pathfind/pathfind.hpp"
33 static lg::log_domain log_ai("ai/general");
34 #define DBG_AI LOG_STREAM(debug, log_ai)
35 #define LOG_AI LOG_STREAM(info, log_ai)
36 #define WRN_AI LOG_STREAM(warn, log_ai)
37 #define ERR_AI LOG_STREAM(err, log_ai)
39 // =======================================================================
40 namespace ai {
42 // default ai context
44 {
45 }
48 {
49 }
51 // default ai context proxy
54 {
55 }
58 {
60  target_= &target.get_default_ai_context();
61 }
64 {
65 }
67 int default_ai_context_impl::count_free_hexes_in_castle(const map_location &loc, std::set<map_location> &checked_hexes)
68 {
69  int ret = 0;
70  unit_map &units_ = resources::gameboard->units();
71  for(const map_location& adj : get_adjacent_tiles(loc)) {
72  if (checked_hexes.find(adj) != checked_hexes.end())
73  continue;
74  checked_hexes.insert(adj);
75  if (resources::gameboard->map().is_castle(adj)) {
76  const unit_map::const_iterator u = units_.find(adj);
77  ret += count_free_hexes_in_castle(adj, checked_hexes);
78  if (u == units_.end()
79  || (current_team().is_enemy(u->side())
80  && u->invisible(adj))
81  || ((&resources::gameboard->get_team(u->side()) == &current_team())
82  && u->movement_left() > 0)) {
83  ret += 1;
84  }
85  }
86  }
87  return ret;
88 }
91  return *this;
92 }
95 {
96  const gamemap &map_ = resources::gameboard->map();
97  const t_translation::terrain_code terrain = map_.get_terrain(loc);
98  const int defense = u.defense_modifier(terrain);
99  int rating = 100 - defense;
101  const int healing_value = 10;
102  const int friendly_village_value = 5;
103  const int neutral_village_value = 10;
104  const int enemy_village_value = 15;
106  if(map_.gives_healing(terrain) && u.get_ability_bool("regenerate", loc) == false) {
107  rating += healing_value;
108  }
110  if(map_.is_village(terrain)) {
111  int owner = resources::gameboard->village_owner(loc);
113  if(owner == get_side()) {
114  rating += friendly_village_value;
115  } else if(owner == 0) {
116  rating += neutral_village_value;
117  } else {
118  rating += enemy_village_value;
119  }
120  }
122  return rating;
123 }
125 std::vector<target> default_ai_context_impl::find_targets(const move_map& enemy_dstsrc)
126 {
128  log_scope2(log_ai, "finding targets...");
129  unit_map &units_ = resources::gameboard->units();
130  unit_map::iterator leader = units_.find_leader(get_side());
131  const gamemap &map_ = resources::gameboard->map();
132  const bool has_leader = leader != units_.end();
134  std::vector<target> targets;
136  //=== start getting targets
138  //if enemy units are in range of the leader, then we target the enemies who are in range.
139  if(has_leader) {
140  double threat = power_projection(leader->get_location(), enemy_dstsrc);
141  if(threat > 0.0) {
142  //find the location of enemy threats
143  std::set<map_location> threats;
145  for(const map_location& adj : get_adjacent_tiles(leader->get_location())) {
146  std::pair<move_map::const_iterator,move_map::const_iterator> itors = enemy_dstsrc.equal_range(adj);
147  while(itors.first != itors.second) {
148  if(units_.count(itors.first->second)) {
149  threats.insert(itors.first->second);
150  }
152  ++itors.first;
153  }
154  }
156  assert(threats.empty() == false);
158  const double value = threat/static_cast<double>(threats.size());
159  for(std::set<map_location>::const_iterator i = threats.begin(); i != threats.end(); ++i) {
160  LOG_AI << "found threat target... " << *i << " with value: " << value;
161  targets.emplace_back(*i,value,ai_target::type::threat);
162  }
163  }
164  }
166  double corner_distance = distance_between(map_location::ZERO(), map_location(map_.w(),map_.h()));
167  double village_value = get_village_value();
168  if(has_leader && village_value > 0.0) {
169  std::map<map_location,pathfind::paths> friends_possible_moves;
170  move_map friends_srcdst, friends_dstsrc;
171  calculate_possible_moves(friends_possible_moves, friends_srcdst, friends_dstsrc, false, true);
173  for(const map_location& village_loc : map_.villages()) {
174  assert(map_.on_board(village_loc));
176  bool ally_village = false;
177  for(const team& t : resources::gameboard->teams()) {
178  if(!current_team().is_enemy(t.side()) && t.owns_village(village_loc)) {
179  ally_village = true;
180  break;
181  }
182  }
184  if (ally_village)
185  {
186  //Support seems to cause the AI to just 'sit around' a lot, so
187  //only turn it on if it's explicitly enabled.
188  if(get_support_villages()) {
189  double enemy = power_projection(village_loc, enemy_dstsrc);
190  if (enemy > 0)
191  {
192  enemy *= 1.7;
193  double our = power_projection(village_loc, friends_dstsrc);
194  double value = village_value * our / enemy;
195  add_target(target(village_loc, value, ai_target::type::support));
196  }
197  }
198  }
199  else
200  {
201  double leader_distance = distance_between(village_loc, leader->get_location());
202  double value = village_value * (1.0 - leader_distance / corner_distance);
203  LOG_AI << "found village target... " << village_loc
204  << " with value: " << value
205  << " distance: " << leader_distance;
206  targets.emplace_back(village_loc,value,ai_target::type::village);
207  }
208  }
209  }
211  std::vector<goal_ptr>& goals = get_goals();
213  //find the enemy leaders and explicit targets
215  if (get_leader_value()>0.0) {
216  for(u = units_.begin(); u != units_.end(); ++u) {
217  //is a visible enemy leader
218  if (u->can_recruit() && current_team().is_enemy(u->side())
219  && !u->invisible(u->get_location())) {
220  assert(map_.on_board(u->get_location()));
221  LOG_AI << "found enemy leader (side: " << u->side() << ") target... " << u->get_location() << " with value: " << get_leader_value();
222  targets.emplace_back(u->get_location(), get_leader_value(), ai_target::type::leader);
223  }
224  }
226  }
228  //explicit targets for this team
229  for(std::vector<goal_ptr>::iterator j = goals.begin();
230  j != goals.end(); ++j) {
232  if (!(*j)->active()) {
233  continue;
234  }
235  (*j)->add_targets(std::back_inserter(targets));
237  }
239  //=== end getting targets
241  std::vector<double> new_values;
243  for(std::vector<target>::iterator i = targets.begin();
244  i != targets.end(); ++i) {
246  new_values.push_back(i->value);
248  for(std::vector<target>::const_iterator j = targets.begin(); j != targets.end(); ++j) {
249  if(i->loc == j->loc) {
250  continue;
251  }
253  const double distance = std::abs(j->loc.x - i->loc.x) +
254  std::abs(j->loc.y - i->loc.y);
255  new_values.back() += j->value/(distance*distance);
256  }
257  }
259  assert(new_values.size() == targets.size());
260  for(std::size_t n = 0; n != new_values.size(); ++n) {
261  LOG_AI << "target value: " << targets[n].value << " -> " << new_values[n];
262  targets[n].value = new_values[n];
263  }
265  return targets;
266 }
268 const std::vector<target>& default_ai_context_impl::additional_targets() const
269 {
270  return additional_targets_;
271 }
274 {
275  additional_targets_.push_back(t);
276 }
279 {
280  additional_targets_.clear();
281 }
284 {
285  return config();
286 }
288 } //of namespace ai
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
virtual default_ai_context & get_default_ai_context()
Definition: contexts.cpp:90
virtual void clear_additional_targets() const
Definition: contexts.cpp:278
virtual const std::vector< target > & additional_targets() const
Definition: contexts.cpp:268
virtual int rate_terrain(const unit &u, const map_location &loc) const
Definition: contexts.cpp:94
virtual std::vector< target > find_targets(const move_map &enemy_dstsrc)
Definition: contexts.cpp:125
virtual ~default_ai_context_impl()
Definition: contexts.cpp:63
virtual config to_default_ai_context_config() const
Definition: contexts.cpp:283
int count_free_hexes_in_castle(const map_location &loc, std::set< map_location > &checked_hexes)
Definition: contexts.cpp:67
virtual void add_target(const target &t) const
Definition: contexts.cpp:273
std::vector< target > additional_targets_
Definition: contexts.hpp:242
virtual ~default_ai_context_proxy()
Definition: contexts.cpp:53
default_ai_context * target_
Definition: contexts.hpp:205
void init_default_ai_context_proxy(default_ai_context &target)
Definition: contexts.cpp:57
Definition: contexts.cpp:43
virtual ~default_ai_context()
Definition: contexts.cpp:47
virtual const team & current_team() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:450
virtual void calculate_possible_moves(std::map< map_location, pathfind::paths > &possible_moves, move_map &srcdst, move_map &dstsrc, bool enemy, bool assume_full_movement=false, const terrain_filter *remove_destinations=nullptr) const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:497
virtual const std::vector< goal_ptr > & get_goals() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:636
virtual double power_projection(const map_location &loc, const move_map &dstsrc) const override
Function which finds how much 'power' a side can attack a certain location with.
Definition: contexts.hpp:681
virtual double get_village_value() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:746
virtual double get_leader_value() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:661
virtual bool get_support_villages() const override
Definition: contexts.hpp:741
void init_readwrite_context_proxy(readwrite_context &target)
Definition: contexts.hpp:882
virtual side_number get_side() const override
Get the side number.
Definition: contexts.hpp:396
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
int village_owner(const map_location &loc) const
Given the location of a village, will return the 1-based number of the team that currently owns it,...
team & get_team(int i)
Definition: game_board.hpp:92
virtual const unit_map & units() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:107
virtual const gamemap & map() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:97
terrain_code get_terrain(const map_location &loc) const
Looks up terrain at a particular location.
Definition: map.cpp:302
int w() const
Effective map width.
Definition: map.hpp:50
int h() const
Effective map height.
Definition: map.hpp:53
bool on_board(const map_location &loc) const
Tell if a location is on the map.
Definition: map.cpp:385
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
bool is_village(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:66
const std::vector< map_location > & villages() const
Return a list of the locations of villages on the map.
Definition: map.hpp:237
int gives_healing(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.cpp:68
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:75
Container associating units to locations.
Definition: map.hpp:98
unit_iterator end()
Definition: map.hpp:428
std::size_t count(const map_location &loc) const
Definition: map.hpp:413
unit_iterator find(std::size_t id)
Definition: map.cpp:302
unit_iterator begin()
Definition: map.hpp:418
unit_iterator find_leader(int side)
Definition: map.cpp:320
umap_retval_pair_t insert(const unit_ptr &p)
Inserts the unit pointed to by p into the map.
Definition: map.cpp:135
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
static lg::log_domain log_ai("ai/general")
#define LOG_AI
Definition: contexts.cpp:35
Default AI contexts.
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
bool get_ability_bool(const std::string &tag_name, const map_location &loc) const
Checks whether this unit currently possesses or is affected by a given ability.
Definition: abilities.cpp:183
int defense_modifier(const t_translation::terrain_code &terrain) const
The unit's defense on a given terrain.
Definition: unit.cpp:1717
void get_adjacent_tiles(const map_location &a, map_location *res)
Function which, given a location, will place all adjacent locations in res.
Definition: location.cpp:479
std::size_t distance_between(const map_location &a, const map_location &b)
Function which gives the number of hexes between two tiles (i.e.
Definition: location.cpp:550
Standard logging facilities (interface).
#define log_scope2(domain, description)
Definition: log.hpp:277
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
Definition: actions.cpp:59
std::multimap< map_location, map_location > move_map
The standard way in which a map of possible moves is recorded.
Definition: game_info.hpp:43
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
@ enemy
Belongs to a non-friendly side; normally visualised by not displaying an orb.
This module contains various pathfinding functions and utilities.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
static const map_location & ZERO()
Definition: location.hpp:96
A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separa...
Definition: translation.hpp:49
static map_location::direction n