The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.8+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Yurii Chernyi <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * LUA AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config
18  * @file
19  */
21 #include "ai/lua/engine_lua.hpp"
22 #include "ai/composite/goal.hpp"
23 #include "ai/composite/rca.hpp"
24 #include "ai/composite/stage.hpp"
25 #include "ai/composite/aspect.hpp"
29 #include "log.hpp"
30 #include "resources.hpp"
31 #include "ai/lua/core.hpp"
32 #include "ai/lua/lua_object.hpp"
33 #include "game_board.hpp"
35 #include "units/unit.hpp"
36 #include "units/map.hpp"
37 #include "deprecation.hpp"
38 #include "game_version.hpp"
40 namespace ai {
42 static lg::log_domain log_ai_engine_lua("ai/engine/lua");
43 #define DBG_AI_LUA LOG_STREAM(debug, log_ai_engine_lua)
44 #define LOG_AI_LUA LOG_STREAM(info, log_ai_engine_lua)
45 #define WRN_AI_LUA LOG_STREAM(warn, log_ai_engine_lua)
46 #define ERR_AI_LUA LOG_STREAM(err, log_ai_engine_lua)
48 #ifdef _MSC_VER
49 #pragma warning(push)
50 //silence "inherits via dominance" warnings
51 #pragma warning(disable:4250)
52 #endif
56 public:
58  : candidate_action(context, cfg),evaluation_action_handler_(),execution_action_handler_(),serialized_evaluation_state_(cfg.child_or_empty("args")),serialized_filterown_(cfg.child_or_empty("filter_own"))
59  {
60  // do nothing
61  }
65  virtual double evaluate()
66  {
67  auto l_obj = std::make_shared<lua_object<double>>();
71  } else {
72  return BAD_SCORE;
73  }
75  std::shared_ptr<double> result = l_obj->get();
77  return result ? *result : 0.0;
78  }
80  virtual void execute() {
82  lua_object_ptr nil;
84  }
85  }
87  virtual config to_config() const {
90  cfg.add_child("filter_own",serialized_filterown_);
91  return cfg;
92  }
94 protected:
95  std::shared_ptr<lua_ai_action_handler> evaluation_action_handler_;
96  std::shared_ptr<lua_ai_action_handler> execution_action_handler_;
99 };
103 public:
104  lua_candidate_action_wrapper( rca_context &context, const config &cfg, lua_ai_context &lua_ai_ctx)
105  : lua_candidate_action_wrapper_base(context,cfg),evaluation_(cfg["evaluation"]),execution_(cfg["execution"])
106  {
107  evaluation_action_handler_.reset(resources::lua_kernel->create_lua_ai_action_handler(evaluation_.c_str(),lua_ai_ctx));
108  execution_action_handler_.reset(resources::lua_kernel->create_lua_ai_action_handler(execution_.c_str(),lua_ai_ctx));
109  }
113  virtual config to_config() const
114  {
116  cfg["evaluation"] = evaluation_;
117  cfg["execution"] = execution_;
118  return cfg;
119  }
121 private:
122  std::string evaluation_;
123  std::string execution_;
124 };
127 public:
129  : lua_candidate_action_wrapper_base(context,cfg), location_(cfg["location"]), use_parms_(false)
130  {
131  if (cfg.has_attribute("exec_parms") || cfg.has_attribute("eval_parms")) {
132  deprecated_message("[candidate_action]eval_parms,exec_parms=", DEP_LEVEL::PREEMPTIVE, "1.17", "Use [args] instead - this data is passed to both the evaluation and the execution");
133  use_parms_ = true;
134  exec_parms_ = cfg["exec_parms"].str();
135  eval_parms_ = cfg["eval_parms"].str();
136  }
137  std::string eval_code;
138  std::string exec_code;
139  generate_code(eval_code, exec_code);
141  evaluation_action_handler_.reset(resources::lua_kernel->create_lua_ai_action_handler(eval_code.c_str(),lua_ai_ctx));
142  execution_action_handler_.reset(resources::lua_kernel->create_lua_ai_action_handler(exec_code.c_str(),lua_ai_ctx));
143  }
147  virtual config to_config() const
148  {
150  cfg["location"] = location_;
151  if (use_parms_) {
152  cfg["eval_parms"] = eval_parms_;
153  cfg["exec_parms"] = exec_parms_;
154  }
155  return cfg;
156  }
158 private:
159  std::string location_;
160  std::string eval_parms_;
161  std::string exec_parms_;
164  void generate_code(std::string& eval, std::string& exec) {
165  std::string preamble = "local self, params, data, filter_own = ...\n";
166  std::string load = "wesnoth.require(\"" + location_ + "\")";
167  if (use_parms_) {
168  eval = preamble + "return " + load + ":evaluation(ai, {" + eval_parms_ + "}, {data = data})";
169  exec = preamble + load + ":execution(ai, {" + exec_parms_ + "}, {data = data})";
170  } else {
171  eval = preamble + "return " + load + ".evaluation(self, params, data, filter_own)";
172  exec = preamble + load + ".execution(self, params, data, filter_own)";
173  }
174  }
175 };
178 public:
180  : lua_candidate_action_wrapper(context, cfg, lua_ai_ctx)
181  , bound_unit_()
182  {
183  map_location loc(cfg["unit_x"], cfg["unit_y"], wml_loc()); // lua and c++ coords differ by one
184  bound_unit_ = (*resources::gameboard->units().find(loc)).clone();
185  }
187  virtual double evaluate()
188  {
189  if (resources::gameboard->units().find(bound_unit_->underlying_id()).valid())
190  {
192  }
193  else
194  {
195  this->set_to_be_removed();
196  return 0; // Is 0 what we return when we don't want the action to be executed?
197  }
198  }
200  virtual void execute()
201  {
203  this->disable(); // we do not want to execute the same sticky CA twice -> will be moved out to Lua later
204  }
206  virtual config to_config() const
207  {
209  cfg["sticky"] = true;
210  cfg["unit_x"] = bound_unit_->get_location().wml_x();
211  cfg["unit_y"] = bound_unit_->get_location().wml_y();
212  return cfg;
213  }
214 private:
217 };
219 class lua_stage_wrapper : public stage {
220 public:
221  lua_stage_wrapper( ai_context &context, const config &cfg, lua_ai_context &lua_ai_ctx )
222  : stage(context,cfg),action_handler_(),code_(cfg["code"]),serialized_evaluation_state_(cfg.child_or_empty("args"))
223  {
224  action_handler_.reset(resources::lua_kernel->create_lua_ai_action_handler(code_.c_str(),lua_ai_ctx));
225  }
228  {
229  }
231  virtual bool do_play_stage()
232  {
233  gamestate_observer gs_o;
235  if (action_handler_) {
236  lua_object_ptr nil;
237  const config empty_cfg;
238  action_handler_->handle(serialized_evaluation_state_, empty_cfg, false, nil);
239  }
241  return gs_o.is_gamestate_changed();
242  }
244  virtual config to_config() const
245  {
246  config cfg = stage::to_config();
247  cfg["code"] = code_;
249  return cfg;
250  }
251 private:
252  std::shared_ptr<lua_ai_action_handler> action_handler_;
253  std::string code_;
255 };
257 /**
258  * Note that initially we get access only to readonly context (engine is created rather early, when there's no way to move/attack.
259  * We inject full ai_context later.
260  */
262  : engine(context,cfg)
263  , code_(get_engine_code(cfg))
264  , lua_ai_context_(resources::lua_kernel->create_lua_ai_context(
265  get_engine_code(cfg).c_str(), this))
266 {
267  name_ = "lua";
268  config data(cfg.child_or_empty("data"));
269  config args(cfg.child_or_empty("args"));
271  if (lua_ai_context_) { // The context might be nullptr if the config contains errors
272  lua_ai_context_->set_persistent_data(data);
273  lua_ai_context_->set_arguments(args);
274  lua_ai_context_->update_state();
275  }
276 }
278 std::string engine_lua::get_engine_code(const config &cfg) const
279 {
280  if (cfg.has_attribute("code")) {
281  return cfg["code"].str();
282  }
283  // If there is no engine defined we create a dummy engine
284  std::string code = "wesnoth.require(\"ai/lua/dummy_engine_lua.lua\")";
285  return code;
286 }
289 {
290 }
292 bool engine_lua::is_ok() const
293 {
294  return lua_ai_context_ ? true : false;
295 }
298 {
299  if (game_config::debug)
300  {
301  lua_ai_context_->push_ai_table();
302  }
303 }
305 void engine_lua::do_parse_candidate_action_from_config( rca_context &context, const config &cfg, std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector< candidate_action_ptr > > b )
306 {
307  if (!lua_ai_context_) {
308  return;
309  }
312  if (!cfg["sticky"].to_bool())
313  {
314  if (cfg.has_attribute("location")) {
316  } else {
317  ca_ptr.reset(new lua_candidate_action_wrapper(context,cfg,*lua_ai_context_));
318  }
319  }
320  else
321  {
323  }
325  if (ca_ptr) {
326  *b = ca_ptr;
327  }
328 }
330 void engine_lua::do_parse_stage_from_config( ai_context &context, const config &cfg, std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector< stage_ptr > > b )
331 {
332  if (!lua_ai_context_) {
333  return;
334  }
336  if(auto st_ptr = std::make_shared<lua_stage_wrapper>(context, cfg, *lua_ai_context_)) {
337  st_ptr->on_create();
338  *b = st_ptr;
339  }
340 }
342 void engine_lua::do_parse_aspect_from_config( const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector< aspect_ptr > > b )
343 {
344  const std::string aspect_factory_key = id+"*lua_aspect"; // @note: factory key for a lua_aspect
347  if (f == lua_aspect_factory::get_list().end()){
348  ERR_AI_LUA << "side "<<ai_.get_side()<< " : UNKNOWN aspect["<<aspect_factory_key<<"]";
349  DBG_AI_LUA << "config snippet contains: " << std::endl << cfg;
350  return;
351  }
352  aspect_ptr new_aspect = f->second->get_new_instance(ai_,cfg,id,lua_ai_context_);
353  if (!new_aspect) {
354  ERR_AI_LUA << "side "<<ai_.get_side()<< " : UNABLE TO CREATE aspect, key=["<<aspect_factory_key<<"]";
355  DBG_AI_LUA << "config snippet contains: " << std::endl << cfg;
356  return;
357  }
358  *b = new_aspect;
359 }
361 void engine_lua::do_parse_goal_from_config(const config &cfg, std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector< goal_ptr > > b )
362 {
364  if (f == goal_factory::get_list().end()){
365  ERR_AI_LUA << "side "<<ai_.get_side()<< " : UNKNOWN goal["<<cfg["name"]<<"]";
366  DBG_AI_LUA << "config snippet contains: " << std::endl << cfg;
367  return;
368  }
369  goal_ptr new_goal = f->second->get_new_instance(ai_,cfg);
370  new_goal->on_create(lua_ai_context_);
371  if (!new_goal || !new_goal->ok()) {
372  ERR_AI_LUA << "side "<<ai_.get_side()<< " : UNABLE TO CREATE goal["<<cfg["name"]<<"]";
373  DBG_AI_LUA << "config snippet contains: " << std::endl << cfg;
374  return;
375  }
376  *b = new_goal;
377 }
379 std::string engine_lua::evaluate(const std::string &/*str*/)
380 {
381  // TODO: this is not mandatory, but if we want to allow lua to evaluate
382  // something 'in context' of this ai, this will be useful
383  return "";
384 }
387 {
388  lua_ai_context_->apply_micro_ai(cfg);
389 }
392 {
393  config cfg = engine::to_config();
395  cfg["id"] = get_id();
396  cfg["code"] = this->code_;
398  if (lua_ai_context_) {
399  config data = config();
400  lua_ai_context_->get_persistent_data(data);
401  cfg.add_child("data") = data;
402  }
404  return cfg;
405 }
407 #ifdef _MSC_VER
408 #pragma warning(pop)
409 #endif
411 } //end of namespace ai
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
virtual void set_to_be_removed()
Definition: rca.cpp:117
void disable()
Disable the candidate action.
Definition: rca.cpp:68
static const double BAD_SCORE
Definition: rca.hpp:33
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: rca.cpp:101
void apply_micro_ai(const config &cfg)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:386
std::string get_engine_code(const config &) const
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:278
virtual void do_parse_stage_from_config(ai_context &context, const config &cfg, std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< stage_ptr > > b)
Taka a config (with engine=lua in it) and parse several (usually, 1) stages out of it.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:330
bool is_ok() const
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:292
virtual void do_parse_aspect_from_config(const config &cfg, const std::string &id, std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< aspect_ptr > > b)
Taka a config (with engine=lua in it) and parse several (usually, 1) aspects out of it.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:342
virtual void do_parse_candidate_action_from_config(rca_context &context, const config &cfg, std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< candidate_action_ptr > > b)
Taka a config (with engine=lua in it) and parse several (usually, 1) candidate actions out of it.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:305
virtual config to_config() const
Serialize to config.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:391
std::shared_ptr< lua_ai_context > lua_ai_context_
Definition: engine_lua.hpp:89
virtual std::string evaluate(const std::string &str)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:379
engine_lua(readonly_context &context, const config &cfg)
Note that initially we get access only to readonly context (engine is created rather early,...
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:261
virtual ~engine_lua()
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:288
virtual void do_parse_goal_from_config(const config &cfg, std::back_insert_iterator< std::vector< goal_ptr > > b)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:361
std::string code_
The underlying lua code.
Definition: engine_lua.hpp:86
virtual void push_ai_table()
Method that pushes the AI table of the lua_context on the stack for debugging purposes.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:297
std::string name_
Definition: engine.hpp:99
virtual std::string get_id() const
Definition: engine.hpp:83
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: engine.cpp:134
readonly_context & ai_
Definition: engine.hpp:93
bool is_gamestate_changed()
Check if the gamestate has changed since last reset reset is done once on construction,...
static factory_map & get_list()
Definition: goal.hpp:158
Proxy table for the AI context.
Definition: core.hpp:34
static factory_map & get_list()
Definition: aspect.hpp:499
virtual void execute()
Execute the candidate action.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:80
lua_candidate_action_wrapper_base(rca_context &context, const config &cfg)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:57
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:87
std::shared_ptr< lua_ai_action_handler > evaluation_action_handler_
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:95
std::shared_ptr< lua_ai_action_handler > execution_action_handler_
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:96
virtual double evaluate()
Evaluate the candidate action, resetting the internal state of the action.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:65
lua_candidate_action_wrapper_external(rca_context &context, const config &cfg, lua_ai_context &lua_ai_ctx)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:128
void generate_code(std::string &eval, std::string &exec)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:164
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:147
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:113
lua_candidate_action_wrapper(rca_context &context, const config &cfg, lua_ai_context &lua_ai_ctx)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:104
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:244
lua_stage_wrapper(ai_context &context, const config &cfg, lua_ai_context &lua_ai_ctx)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:221
virtual bool do_play_stage()
Play the turn - implementation.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:231
virtual ~lua_stage_wrapper()
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:227
config serialized_evaluation_state_
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:254
std::shared_ptr< lua_ai_action_handler > action_handler_
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:252
lua_sticky_candidate_action_wrapper(rca_context &context, const config &cfg, lua_ai_context &lua_ai_ctx)
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:179
virtual double evaluate()
Evaluate the candidate action, resetting the internal state of the action.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:187
virtual void execute()
Execute the candidate action.
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:200
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:206
virtual side_number get_side() const =0
Get the side number.
virtual config to_config() const
Definition: stage.cpp:65
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
const config & child_or_empty(config_key_type key) const
Returns the first child with the given key, or an empty config if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:390
bool has_attribute(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:157
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:436
virtual const unit_map & units() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:107
unit_iterator find(std::size_t id)
Definition: map.cpp:302
std::string deprecated_message(const std::string &elem_name, DEP_LEVEL level, const version_info &version, const std::string &detail)
Definition: deprecation.cpp:29
#define ERR_AI_LUA
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:46
#define DBG_AI_LUA
Definition: engine_lua.cpp:43
LUA AI Support engine - creating specific ai components from config.
Interfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc.
A helper class to observe the game state.
Standard logging facilities (interface).
Lua object(value) wrapper implementation.
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
Definition: actions.cpp:59
wfl::candidate_action_ptr ca_ptr
Definition: ai.cpp:64
std::shared_ptr< lua_object_base > lua_object_ptr
Definition: core.hpp:27
std::shared_ptr< aspect > aspect_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:95
std::shared_ptr< goal > goal_ptr
Definition: game_info.hpp:100
std::shared_ptr< candidate_action > candidate_action_ptr
Definition: rca.hpp:145
static lg::log_domain log_ai_engine_lua("ai/engine/lua")
const bool & debug
Definition: game_config.cpp:95
std::vector< game_tip > load(const config &cfg)
Loads the tips from a config.
Definition: tips.cpp:37
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
game_lua_kernel * lua_kernel
Definition: resources.cpp:25
auto * find(Container &container, const Value &value)
Convenience wrapper for using find on a container without needing to comare to end()
Definition: general.hpp:140
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
std::string_view data
Definition: picture.cpp:178
std::shared_ptr< unit > unit_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:26
candidate action framework
Composite AI stages.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
#define f
#define b