The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.3+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Tomasz Sniatowski <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
18 #include "config.hpp"
19 #include "filesystem.hpp"
20 #include "font/pango/escape.hpp"
21 #include "formatter.hpp"
22 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp"
23 #include "game_config_manager.hpp"
24 #include "game_config_view.hpp"
26 #include "game_version.hpp"
27 #include "gettext.hpp"
29 #include "log.hpp"
30 #include "map/exception.hpp"
31 #include "map/map.hpp"
32 #include "mp_game_settings.hpp"
34 #include "wml_exception.hpp"
37 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
39 static lg::log_domain log_config("config");
40 #define ERR_CF LOG_STREAM(err, log_config)
41 static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine");
42 #define WRN_NG LOG_STREAM(warn, log_engine)
44 static lg::log_domain log_lobby("lobby");
45 #define DBG_LB LOG_STREAM(info, log_lobby)
46 #define LOG_LB LOG_STREAM(info, log_lobby)
47 #define ERR_LB LOG_STREAM(err, log_lobby)
49 namespace mp {
52  : name(c["name"])
53  , forum_id(c["forum_id"].to_int())
54  , game_id(c["game_id"])
55  , registered(c["registered"].to_bool())
56  , observing(c["status"] == "observing")
57  , moderator(c["moderator"].to_bool(false))
58 {
59 }
61 user_info::user_state user_info::get_state(int selected_game_id) const
62 {
63  if(game_id == 0) {
64  return user_state::LOBBY;
65  } else if(game_id == selected_game_id) {
66  return user_state::SEL_GAME;
67  } else {
68  return user_state::GAME;
69  }
70 }
73 {
74  if(name == prefs::get().login()) {
75  return user_relation::ME;
76  } else if(prefs::get().is_ignored(name)) {
78  } else if(prefs::get().is_friend(name)) {
79  return user_relation::FRIEND;
80  } else {
82  }
83 }
85 bool user_info::operator<(const user_info& b) const
86 {
87  const auto ar = get_relation();
88  const auto br = b.get_relation();
89  return ar < br || (ar == br && translation::icompare(name, < 0);
90 }
92 namespace
93 {
94 const std::string& spaced_em_dash()
95 {
96  static const std::string res = " " + font::unicode_em_dash + " ";
97  return res;
98 }
100 std::string make_game_type_marker(const std::string& text, bool color_for_missing)
101 {
102  if(color_for_missing) {
103  return formatter() << "<b><span color='#f00'>[" << text << "]</span></b> ";
104  } else {
105  return formatter() << "<b>[" << text << "]</b> ";
106  }
107 }
109 } // end anon namespace
111 game_info::game_info(const config& game, const std::vector<std::string>& installed_addons)
112  : id(game["id"])
113  , map_data(game["map_data"])
114  , name(font::escape_text(game["name"]))
115  , scenario()
116  , type_marker()
117  , remote_scenario(false)
118  , map_info()
119  , map_size_info()
120  , era()
121  , gold(game["mp_village_gold"])
122  , support(game["mp_village_support"])
123  , xp(game["experience_modifier"].str() + "%")
124  , vision()
125  , status()
126  , time_limit()
127  , vacant_slots()
128  , current_turn(0)
129  , reloaded(saved_game_mode::get_enum(game["savegame"].str()).value_or(saved_game_mode::type::no) != saved_game_mode::type::no)
130  , started(false)
131  , fog(game["mp_fog"].to_bool())
132  , shroud(game["mp_shroud"].to_bool())
133  , observers(game["observer"].to_bool(true))
134  , shuffle_sides(game["shuffle_sides"].to_bool(true))
135  , use_map_settings(game["mp_use_map_settings"].to_bool())
136  , private_replay(game["private_replay"].to_bool())
137  , verified(true)
138  , password_required(game["password"].to_bool())
139  , have_era(true)
140  , have_all_mods(true)
141  , has_friends(false)
142  , has_ignored(false)
143  , auto_hosted(game["auto_hosted"].to_bool())
144  , display_status(disp_status::NEW)
145  , required_addons()
146  , addons_outcome(addon_req::SATISFIED)
147 {
150  // Parse the list of addons required to join this game.
151  for(const config& addon : game.child_range("addon")) {
152  if(addon.has_attribute("id") && addon["required"].to_bool(false)) {
153  if(std::find(installed_addons.begin(), installed_addons.end(), addon["id"].str()) == installed_addons.end()) {
154  required_addon r;
155  r.addon_id = addon["id"].str();
158  // Use addon name if provided, else fall back on the addon id.
159  if(addon.has_attribute("name")) {
160  r.message = VGETTEXT("Missing addon: $name", {{"name", addon["name"].str()}});
161  } else {
162  r.message = VGETTEXT("Missing addon: $id", {{"id", addon["id"].str()}});
163  }
165  required_addons.push_back(std::move(r));
169  }
170  }
171  }
172  }
174  if(!game["mp_era"].empty()) {
175  auto era_cfg = game_config.find_child("era", "id", game["mp_era"]);
176  const bool require = game["require_era"].to_bool(true);
177  if(era_cfg) {
178  era = era_cfg["name"].str();
180  if(require) {
182  addons_outcome = std::max(addons_outcome, result); // Elevate to most severe error level encountered so far
183  }
184  } else {
185  have_era = !require;
186  era = game["mp_era_name"].str();
187  verified = false;
189  if(!have_era) {
191  }
192  }
193  } else {
194  era = _("Unknown era");
195  verified = false;
196  }
198  std::stringstream info_stream;
199  info_stream << era;
201  for(const config& cfg : game.child_range("modification")) {
202  mod_info.emplace_back(cfg["name"].str(), true);
203  info_stream << ' ' << mod_info.back().first;
205  if(cfg["require_modification"].to_bool(true)) {
206  if(auto mod = game_config.find_child("modification", "id", cfg["id"])) {
208  addons_outcome = std::max(addons_outcome, result); // Elevate to most severe error level encountered so far
209  } else {
210  have_all_mods = false;
211  mod_info.back().second = false;
214  }
215  }
216  }
218  std::sort(mod_info.begin(), mod_info.end(), [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) {
219  return translation::icompare(lhs.first, rhs.first) < 0;
220  });
222  info_stream << ' ';
224  if(map_data.empty()) {
225  map_data = filesystem::read_map(game["mp_scenario"]);
226  }
228  if(map_data.empty()) {
229  info_stream << " — ??×??";
230  } else {
231  try {
232  gamemap map(map_data);
233  std::ostringstream msi;
234  msi << map.w() << font::unicode_multiplication_sign << map.h();
235  map_size_info = msi.str();
236  info_stream << spaced_em_dash() << map_size_info;
237  } catch(const incorrect_map_format_error&) {
238  verified = false;
239  } catch(const wml_exception& e) {
240  ERR_CF << "map could not be loaded: " << e.dev_message;
241  verified = false;
242  }
243  }
245  info_stream << " ";
247  //
248  // Check scenarios and campaigns
249  //
250  if(!game["mp_scenario"].empty() && game["mp_campaign"].empty()) {
251  // Check if it's a multiplayer scenario
252  const config* level_cfg = game_config.find_child("multiplayer", "id", game["mp_scenario"]).ptr();
253  const bool require = game["require_scenario"].to_bool(false);
255  // Check if it's a user map
256  if(!level_cfg) {
257  level_cfg = game_config.find_child("generic_multiplayer", "id", game["mp_scenario"]).ptr();
258  }
260  if(level_cfg) {
261  type_marker = make_game_type_marker(_("scenario_abbreviation^S"), false);
262  scenario = (*level_cfg)["name"].str();
263  info_stream << scenario;
265  // Reloaded games do not match the original scenario hash, so it makes no sense
266  // to test them, since they always would appear as remote scenarios
267  if(!reloaded) {
268  if(auto hashes = game_config.optional_child("multiplayer_hashes")) {
269  std::string hash = game["hash"];
270  bool hash_found = false;
271  for(const auto & i : hashes->attribute_range()) {
272  if(i.first == game["mp_scenario"] && i.second == hash) {
273  hash_found = true;
274  break;
275  }
276  }
278  if(!hash_found) {
279  remote_scenario = true;
280  info_stream << spaced_em_dash();
281  info_stream << _("Remote scenario");
282  verified = false;
283  }
284  }
285  }
287  if(require) {
288  addon_req result = check_addon_version_compatibility((*level_cfg), game);
289  addons_outcome = std::max(addons_outcome, result); // Elevate to most severe error level encountered so far
290  }
291  } else {
292  if(require) {
293  addons_outcome = std::max(addons_outcome, addon_req::NEED_DOWNLOAD); // Elevate to most severe error level encountered so far
294  }
295  type_marker = make_game_type_marker(_("scenario_abbreviation^S"), true);
296  scenario = game["mp_scenario_name"].str();
297  info_stream << scenario;
298  verified = false;
299  }
300  } else if(!game["mp_campaign"].empty()) {
301  if(auto campaign_cfg = game_config.find_child("campaign", "id", game["mp_campaign"])) {
302  type_marker = make_game_type_marker(_("campaign_abbreviation^C"), false);
304  std::stringstream campaign_text;
305  campaign_text
306  << campaign_cfg["name"] << spaced_em_dash()
307  << game["mp_scenario_name"];
309  // Difficulty
310  config difficulties = gui2::dialogs::generate_difficulty_config(*campaign_cfg);
311  for(const config& difficulty : difficulties.child_range("difficulty")) {
312  if(difficulty["define"] == game["difficulty_define"]) {
313  campaign_text << spaced_em_dash() << difficulty["description"];
315  break;
316  }
317  }
319  scenario = campaign_text.str();
320  info_stream << campaign_text.rdbuf();
322  // TODO: should we have this?
323  //if(game["require_scenario"].to_bool(false)) {
324  addon_req result = check_addon_version_compatibility(*campaign_cfg, game);
325  addons_outcome = std::max(addons_outcome, result); // Elevate to most severe error level encountered so far
326  //}
327  } else {
328  type_marker = make_game_type_marker(_("campaign_abbreviation^C"), true);
329  scenario = game["mp_campaign_name"].str();
330  info_stream << scenario;
331  verified = false;
332  }
333  } else {
334  scenario = _("Unknown scenario");
335  info_stream << scenario;
336  verified = false;
337  }
339  // Remove any newlines that might have been in game names (the player-set ones)
340  // No idea how this could happen, but I've seen it (vultraz, 2020-10-26)
341  boost::erase_all(name, "\n");
343  // Remove any newlines that might have been in game titles (scenario/campaign name, etc.)
344  boost::replace_all(scenario, "\n", " " + font::unicode_em_dash + " ");
346  if(reloaded) {
347  info_stream << spaced_em_dash();
348  info_stream << _("Reloaded game");
349  verified = false;
350  }
352  // These should always be present in the data the server sends, but may or may not be empty.
353  // I'm just using child_or_empty here to preempt any cases where they might not be included.
354  const config& s = game.child_or_empty("slot_data");
355  const config& t = game.child_or_empty("turn_data");
357  if(!s.empty()) {
358  started = false;
360  vacant_slots = s["vacant"].to_unsigned();
362  if(vacant_slots > 0) {
363  status = formatter() << _n("Vacant Slot:", "Vacant Slots:", vacant_slots) << " " << vacant_slots << "/" << s["max"];
364  } else {
365  status = _("mp_game_available_slots^Full");
366  }
367  }
369  if(!t.empty()) {
370  started = true;
372  current_turn = t["current"].to_unsigned();
373  const int max_turns = t["max"].to_int();
375  if(max_turns > -1) {
376  status = formatter() << _("Turn") << " " << t["current"] << "/" << max_turns;
377  } else {
378  status = formatter() << _("Turn") << " " << t["current"];
379  }
380  }
382  if(fog) {
383  vision = _("Fog");
384  if(shroud) {
385  vision += "/";
386  vision += _("Shroud");
387  }
388  } else if(shroud) {
389  vision = _("Shroud");
390  } else {
391  vision = _("vision^none");
392  }
394  if(game["mp_countdown"].to_bool()) {
396  << game["mp_countdown_init_time"].str() << "+"
397  << game["mp_countdown_turn_bonus"].str() << "/"
398  << game["mp_countdown_action_bonus"].str();
399  } else {
400  time_limit = _("time limit^none");
401  }
403  map_info = info_stream.str();
404 }
407 {
408  if(!local_item.has_attribute("addon_id") || !local_item.has_attribute("addon_version")) {
409  return addon_req::SATISFIED;
410  }
412  if(auto game_req = game.find_child("addon", "id", local_item["addon_id"])) {
413  if(!game_req["required"].to_bool(false)) {
414  return addon_req::SATISFIED;
415  }
417  required_addon r{local_item["addon_id"].str(), addon_req::SATISFIED, ""};
419  // Local version
420  const version_info local_ver(local_item["addon_version"].str());
421  version_info local_min_ver(local_item.has_attribute("addon_min_version") ? local_item["addon_min_version"] : local_item["addon_version"]);
423  // If the UMC didn't specify last compatible version, assume no backwards compatibility.
424  // Also apply some sanity checking regarding min version; if the min ver doesn't make sense, ignore it.
425  local_min_ver = std::min(local_min_ver, local_ver);
427  // Remote version
428  const version_info remote_ver(game_req["version"].str());
429  version_info remote_min_ver(game_req->has_attribute("min_version") ? game_req["min_version"] : game_req["version"]);
431  remote_min_ver = std::min(remote_min_ver, remote_ver);
433  // Check if the host is too out of date to play.
434  if(local_min_ver > remote_ver) {
435  DBG_LB << "r.outcome = CANNOT_SATISFY for item='" << local_item["id"]
436  << "' addon='" << local_item["addon_id"]
437  << "' addon_min_version='" << local_item["addon_min_version"]
438  << "' addon_min_version_parsed='" << local_min_ver.str()
439  << "' addon_version='" << local_item["addon_version"]
440  << "' remote_ver='" << remote_ver.str()
441  << "'";
442  r.outcome = addon_req::CANNOT_SATISFY;
444  r.message = VGETTEXT("The host's version of <i>$addon</i> is incompatible. They have version <b>$host_ver</b> while you have version <b>$local_ver</b>.", {
445  {"addon", local_item["addon_title"].str()},
446  {"host_ver", remote_ver.str()},
447  {"local_ver", local_ver.str()}
448  });
450  required_addons.push_back(r);
451  return r.outcome;
452  }
454  // Check if our version is too out of date to play.
455  if(remote_min_ver > local_ver) {
456  r.outcome = addon_req::NEED_DOWNLOAD;
458  r.message = VGETTEXT("Your version of <i>$addon</i> is incompatible. You have version <b>$local_ver</b> while the host has version <b>$host_ver</b>.", {
459  {"addon", local_item["addon_title"].str()},
460  {"host_ver", remote_ver.str()},
461  {"local_ver", local_ver.str()}
462  });
464  required_addons.push_back(r);
465  return r.outcome;
466  }
467  }
469  return addon_req::SATISFIED;
470 }
473 {
474  return !started && vacant_slots > 0;
475 }
478 {
480 }
483 {
484  switch(display_status) {
486  return "clean";
488  return "new";
490  return "deleted";
492  return "updated";
493  default:
494  ERR_CF << "BAD display_status " << static_cast<int>(display_status) << " in game " << id;
495  return "?";
496  }
497 }
499 bool game_info::match_string_filter(const std::string& filter) const
500 {
501  const std::string& s1 = name;
502  const std::string& s2 = map_info;
503  return translation::ci_search(s1, filter) || translation::ci_search(s2, filter);
504 }
506 }
std::vector< std::string > installed_addons()
Retrieves the names of all installed add-ons.
Definition: manager.cpp:191
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:159
bool has_attribute(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:155
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:273
std::ostringstream wrapper.
Definition: formatter.hpp:40
static game_config_manager * get()
const game_config_view & game_config() const
A class grating read only view to a vector of config objects, viewed as one config with all children ...
int w() const
Effective map width.
Definition: map.hpp:50
int h() const
Effective map height.
Definition: map.hpp:53
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: map.hpp:172
static prefs & get()
Represents version numbers.
std::string str() const
Serializes the version number into string form.
Definitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML).
Declarations for File-IO.
#define VGETTEXT(msgid,...)
Handy wrappers around interpolate_variables_into_string and gettext.
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:965
Interfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc.
static std::string _n(const char *str1, const char *str2, int n)
Definition: gettext.hpp:97
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
std::string id
Text to match against addon_info.tags()
Definition: manager.cpp:200
static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine")
static lg::log_domain log_lobby("lobby")
#define DBG_LB
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:45
#define ERR_CF
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:40
static lg::log_domain log_config("config")
Standard logging facilities (interface).
std::string read_map(const std::string &name)
Collection of helper functions relating to Pango formatting.
const std::string unicode_em_dash
Definition: constants.cpp:44
const std::string unicode_multiplication_sign
Definition: constants.cpp:46
std::string escape_text(const std::string &text)
Escapes the pango markup characters in a text.
Definition: escape.hpp:33
Game configuration data as global variables.
Definition: build_info.cpp:61
config generate_difficulty_config(const config &source)
Helper function to convert old difficulty markup.
Main entry points of multiplayer mode.
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:49
bool logged_in_as_moderator()
Gets whether the currently logged-in user is a moderator.
int icompare(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
Case-insensitive lexicographical comparison.
Definition: gettext.cpp:519
bool ci_search(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
Definition: gettext.cpp:565
std::string name
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:71
std::string type_marker
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:73
bool can_join() const
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:472
std::vector< required_addon > required_addons
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:126
std::string scenario
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:72
std::string era
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:77
std::string map_size_info
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:76
addon_req check_addon_version_compatibility(const config &local_item, const config &game)
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:406
unsigned int current_turn
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:90
bool remote_scenario
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:74
std::string map_info
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:75
std::string status
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:86
addon_req addons_outcome
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:127
std::size_t vacant_slots
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:88
game_info(const config &c, const std::vector< std::string > &installed_addons)
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:111
disp_status display_status
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:116
bool can_observe() const
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:477
std::string vision
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:85
std::string time_limit
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:87
const char * display_status_string() const
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:482
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, bool > > mod_info
List of modification names and whether they're installed or not.
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:80
bool match_string_filter(const std::string &filter) const
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:499
std::string map_data
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:70
This class represents the information a client has about another player.
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:30
user_state get_state(int selected_game_id) const
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:61
user_relation get_relation() const
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:72
std::string name
Definition: lobby_data.hpp:51
bool operator<(const user_info &b) const
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:85
user_info(const config &c)
Definition: lobby_data.cpp:51
The base template for associating string values with enum values.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:33
Helper class, don't construct this directly.
mock_char c
static map_location::DIRECTION s
Add a special kind of assert to validate whether the input from WML doesn't contain any problems that...
#define e
#define b