The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.8+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2024
3  by Guillaume Melquiond <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 #include "scripting/lua_unit.hpp"
18 #include "formatter.hpp"
19 #include "game_board.hpp"
20 #include "log.hpp"
21 #include "map/location.hpp" // for map_location
22 #include "map/map.hpp"
23 #include "resources.hpp"
25 #include "scripting/lua_common.hpp"
27 #include "scripting/push_check.hpp"
28 #include "units/unit.hpp"
29 #include "units/map.hpp"
31 #include "utils/optional_fwd.hpp"
32 #include "game_version.hpp"
33 #include "deprecation.hpp"
34 #include <vector>
36 static lg::log_domain log_scripting_lua("scripting/lua");
37 #define LOG_LUA LOG_STREAM(info, log_scripting_lua)
38 #define ERR_LUA LOG_STREAM(err, log_scripting_lua)
40 static const char getunitKey[] = "unit";
41 static const char ustatusKey[] = "unit status";
42 static const char unitvarKey[] = "unit variables";
45 {
46 }
49 {
50  if (ptr) return ptr.get();
51  if (c_ptr) return c_ptr;
52  if (side) {
54  }
56  if (!ui.valid()) return nullptr;
57  return ui.get_shared_ptr().get(); //&*ui would not be legal, must get new shared_ptr by copy ctor because the unit_map itself is holding a boost shared pointer.
58 }
60 {
61  if (ptr) return ptr;
62  if (side) {
64  }
66  if (!ui.valid()) return unit_ptr();
67  return ui.get_shared_ptr(); //&*ui would not be legal, must get new shared_ptr by copy ctor because the unit_map itself is holding a boost shared pointer.
68 }
70 // Having this function here not only simplifies other code, it allows us to move
71 // pointers around from one structure to another.
72 // This makes bare pointer->map in particular about 2 orders of magnitude faster,
73 // as benchmarked from Lua code.
75 {
76  if (ptr) {
77  auto [unit_it, success] = resources::gameboard->units().replace(loc, ptr);
79  if(success) {
80  ptr.reset();
81  uid = unit_it->underlying_id();
82  } else {
83  ERR_LUA << "Could not move unit " << ptr->underlying_id() << " onto map location " << loc;
84  return false;
85  }
86  } else if (side) { // recall list
88  if (it) {
89  side = 0;
90  // uid may be changed by unit_map on insertion
91  uid = resources::gameboard->units().replace(loc, it).first->underlying_id();
92  } else {
93  ERR_LUA << "Could not find unit " << uid << " on recall list of side " << side;
94  return false;
95  }
96  } else { // on map
98  if (ui != resources::gameboard->units().end()) {
99  map_location from = ui->get_location();
100  if (from != loc) { // This check is redundant in current usage
103  }
104  // No need to change our contents
105  } else {
106  ERR_LUA << "Could not find unit " << uid << " on the map";
107  return false;
108  }
109  }
110  return true;
111 }
113 bool luaW_isunit(lua_State* L, int index)
114 {
115  return luaL_testudata(L, index,getunitKey) != nullptr;
116 }
118 enum {
123 };
125 static lua_unit* internal_get_unit(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map, int& error)
126 {
127  error = LU_OK;
128  if(!luaW_isunit(L, index)) {
129  error = LU_NOT_UNIT;
130  return nullptr;
131  }
132  lua_unit* lu = static_cast<lua_unit*>(lua_touserdata(L, index));
133  if(only_on_map && !lu->on_map()) {
134  error = LU_NOT_ON_MAP;
135  }
136  if(!lu->get()) {
137  error = LU_NOT_VALID;
138  }
139  return lu;
140 }
142 unit* luaW_tounit(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
143 {
144  int error;
145  lua_unit* lu = internal_get_unit(L, index, only_on_map, error);
146  if(error != LU_OK) {
147  return nullptr;
148  }
149  return lu->get();
150 }
152 unit_ptr luaW_tounit_ptr(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
153 {
154  int error;
155  lua_unit* lu = internal_get_unit(L, index, only_on_map, error);
156  if(error != LU_OK) {
157  return nullptr;
158  }
159  return lu->get_shared();
160 }
162 lua_unit* luaW_tounit_ref(lua_State *L, int index)
163 {
164  int error;
165  return internal_get_unit(L, index, false, error);
166 }
168 static void unit_show_error(lua_State *L, int index, int error)
169 {
170  switch(error) {
171  case LU_NOT_UNIT:
172  luaW_type_error(L, index, "unit");
173  break;
174  case LU_NOT_VALID:
175  luaL_argerror(L, index, "unit not found");
176  break;
177  case LU_NOT_ON_MAP:
178  luaL_argerror(L, index, "unit not found on map");
179  break;
180  }
181 }
183 unit_ptr luaW_checkunit_ptr(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
184 {
185  int error;
186  lua_unit* lu = internal_get_unit(L, index, only_on_map, error);
187  unit_show_error(L, index, error);
188  return lu->get_shared();
189 }
191 unit& luaW_checkunit(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
192 {
193  int error;
194  lua_unit* lu = internal_get_unit(L, index, only_on_map, error);
195  unit_show_error(L, index, error);
196  return *lu->get();
197 }
199 lua_unit* luaW_checkunit_ref(lua_State *L, int index)
200 {
201  int error;
202  lua_unit* lu = internal_get_unit(L, index, false, error);
203  unit_show_error(L, index, error);
204  return lu;
205 }
207 void lua_unit::setmetatable(lua_State *L)
208 {
209  luaL_setmetatable(L, getunitKey);
210 }
212 lua_unit* luaW_pushlocalunit(lua_State *L, unit& u)
213 {
214  lua_unit* res = new(L) lua_unit(u);
216  return res;
217 }
219 /**
220  * Destroys a unit object before it is collected (__gc metamethod).
221  */
222 static int impl_unit_collect(lua_State *L)
223 {
224  lua_unit *u = static_cast<lua_unit *>(lua_touserdata(L, 1));
225  u->lua_unit::~lua_unit();
226  return 0;
227 }
229 /**
230  * Checks two lua proxy units for equality. (__eq metamethod)
231  */
232 static int impl_unit_equality(lua_State* L)
233 {
234  unit& left = luaW_checkunit(L, 1);
235  unit& right = luaW_checkunit(L, 2);
236  const bool equal = left.underlying_id() == right.underlying_id();
237  lua_pushboolean(L, equal);
238  return 1;
239 }
241 /**
242  * Turns a lua proxy unit to string. (__tostring metamethod)
243  */
244 static int impl_unit_tostring(lua_State* L)
245 {
246  const lua_unit* lu = luaW_tounit_ref(L, 1);
247  unit* u = lu->get();
248  std::ostringstream str;
250  str << "unit: <";
251  if(!u) {
252  str << "invalid";
253  } else if(!u->id().empty()) {
254  str << u->id() << " ";
255  } else {
256  str << u->type_id() << " ";
257  }
258  if(u) {
259  if(int side = lu->on_recall_list()) {
260  str << "at (side " << side << " recall list)";
261  } else {
262  if(!lu->on_map()) {
263  str << "private ";
264  }
265  str << "at (" << u->get_location() << ")";
266  }
267  }
268  str << '>';
270  lua_push(L, str.str());
271  return 1;
272 }
274 #define UNIT_GETTER(name, type) LATTR_GETTER(name, type, unit, u)
275 #define UNIT_SETTER(name, type) LATTR_SETTER(name, type, unit, u)
276 luaW_Registry unitReg{"wesnoth", "units", getunitKey};
278 template<> struct lua_object_traits<lua_unit*> {
279  inline static auto metatable = getunitKey;
280  inline static lua_unit* get(lua_State* L, int n) {
281  auto lu = luaW_tounit_ref(L, n);
282  if(!lu) unit_show_error(L, n, LU_NOT_UNIT);
283  return lu;
284  }
285 };
287 template<> struct lua_object_traits<unit> {
288  inline static auto metatable = getunitKey;
289  inline static unit& get(lua_State* L, int n) {
290  return luaW_checkunit(L, n);
291  }
292 };
294 static void handle_unit_move(lua_State* L, lua_unit* lu, map_location dst) {
295  if(!lu->on_map()) {
296  (*lu)->set_location(dst);
297  } else {
298  unit& u = *lu->get();
300  // Handle moving an on-map unit
301  game_board* gb = resources::gameboard;
303  if(!gb) {
304  return;
305  }
307  map_location src = u.get_location();
309  // TODO: could probably be relegated to a helper function.
310  if(src != dst) {
311  // If the dst isn't on the map, the unit will be clobbered. Guard against that.
312  if(!gb->map().on_board(dst)) {
313  std::string err_msg = formatter() << "destination hex not on map (excluding border): " << dst;
314  return void(luaL_argerror(L, 2, err_msg.c_str()));
315  }
317  auto [unit_iterator, success] = gb->units().move(src, dst);
319  if(success) {
320  unit_iterator->anim_comp().set_standing();
321  }
322  }
323  }
324 }
326 LATTR_GETTER("valid", utils::optional<std::string>, lua_unit*, lu) {
327  const unit* pu = lu->get();
328  if(!pu) {
329  return utils::nullopt;
330  }
331  using namespace std::literals;
332  if(lu->on_map()) {
333  return "map"s;
334  } else if(lu->on_recall_list()) {
335  return "recall"s;
336  }
337  return "private"s;
338 }
340 UNIT_GETTER("x", int) {
341  return u.get_location().wml_x();
342 }
344 LATTR_SETTER("x", int, lua_unit*, lu) {
345  if(!lu->get()) return;
346  map_location loc = (*lu)->get_location();
347  loc.set_wml_x(value);
348  handle_unit_move(L, lu, loc);
349 }
351 UNIT_GETTER("y", int) {
352  return u.get_location().wml_y();
353 }
355 LATTR_SETTER("y", int, lua_unit*, lu) {
356  if(!lu->get()) return;
357  map_location loc = (*lu)->get_location();
358  loc.set_wml_y(value);
359  handle_unit_move(L, lu, loc);
360 }
363  return u.get_location();
364 }
367  if(!lu->get()) return;
368  handle_unit_move(L, lu, value);
369 }
372  return u.get_goto();
373 }
376  u.set_goto(value);
377 }
379 UNIT_GETTER("side", int) {
380  return u.side();
381 }
383 UNIT_SETTER("side", int) {
384  u.set_side(value);
385 }
387 UNIT_GETTER("id", std::string) {
388  return;
389 }
391 LATTR_SETTER("id", std::string, lua_unit*, lu) {
392  if(!lu->get()) return;
393  if(lu->on_map()) luaL_argerror(L, 3, "can't modify id of on-map unit");
394  (*lu)->set_id(value);
395 }
397 UNIT_GETTER("type", std::string) {
398  return u.type_id();
399 }
401 UNIT_GETTER("image_mods", std::string) {
402  return u.effect_image_mods();
403 }
405 UNIT_GETTER("usage", std::string) {
406  return u.usage();
407 }
409 UNIT_SETTER("usage", std::string) {
410  u.set_usage(value);
411 }
413 UNIT_GETTER("ellipse", std::string) {
414  return u.image_ellipse();
415 }
417 UNIT_SETTER("ellipse", std::string) {
418  u.set_image_ellipse(value);
419 }
421 UNIT_GETTER("halo", std::string) {
422  return u.image_halo();
423 }
425 UNIT_SETTER("halo", std::string) {
426  u.set_image_halo(value);
427 }
429 UNIT_GETTER("hitpoints", int) {
430  return u.hitpoints();
431 }
433 UNIT_SETTER("hitpoints", int) {
434  u.set_hitpoints(value);
435 }
437 UNIT_GETTER("max_hitpoints", int) {
438  return u.max_hitpoints();
439 }
441 UNIT_SETTER("max_hitpoints", int) {
442  u.set_max_hitpoints(value);
443 }
445 UNIT_GETTER("experience", int) {
446  return u.experience();
447 }
449 UNIT_SETTER("experience", int) {
450  u.set_experience(value);
451 }
453 UNIT_GETTER("max_experience", int) {
454  return u.max_experience();
455 }
457 UNIT_SETTER("max_experience", int) {
458  u.set_max_experience(value);
459 }
461 UNIT_GETTER("recall_cost", int) {
462  return u.recall_cost();
463 }
465 UNIT_SETTER("recall_cost", int) {
466  u.set_recall_cost(value);
467 }
469 UNIT_GETTER("moves", int) {
470  return u.movement_left();
471 }
473 UNIT_SETTER("moves", int) {
474  u.set_movement(value);
475 }
477 UNIT_GETTER("max_moves", int) {
478  return u.total_movement();
479 }
481 UNIT_SETTER("max_moves", int) {
482  u.set_total_movement(value);
483 }
485 UNIT_GETTER("max_attacks", int) {
486  return u.max_attacks();
487 }
489 UNIT_SETTER("max_attacks", int) {
490  u.set_max_attacks(value);
491 }
493 UNIT_GETTER("attacks_left", int) {
494  return u.attacks_left();
495 }
497 UNIT_SETTER("attacks_left", int) {
498  u.set_attacks(value);
499 }
501 UNIT_GETTER("vision", int) {
502  return;
503 }
505 UNIT_GETTER("jamming", int) {
506  return u.jamming();
507 }
510  return;
511 }
514  u.set_name(value);
515 }
517 UNIT_GETTER("description", t_string) {
518  return u.unit_description();
519 }
521 UNIT_SETTER("description", t_string) {
522  u.set_unit_description(value);
523 }
525 UNIT_GETTER("canrecruit", bool) {
526  return u.can_recruit();
527 }
529 UNIT_SETTER("canrecruit", bool) {
530  u.set_can_recruit(value);
531 }
533 UNIT_GETTER("renamable", bool) {
534  return !u.unrenamable();
535 }
537 UNIT_SETTER("renamable", bool) {
538  u.set_unrenamable(!value);
539 }
541 UNIT_GETTER("level", int) {
542  return u.level();
543 }
545 UNIT_SETTER("level", int) {
546  u.set_level(value);
547 }
549 UNIT_GETTER("cost", int) {
550  return u.cost();
551 }
553 UNIT_GETTER("extra_recruit", std::vector<std::string>) {
554  return u.recruits();
555 }
557 UNIT_SETTER("extra_recruit", std::vector<std::string>) {
558  u.set_recruits(value);
559 }
561 UNIT_GETTER("advances_to", std::vector<std::string>) {
562  return u.advances_to();
563 }
565 UNIT_SETTER("advances_to", std::vector<std::string>) {
566  u.set_advances_to(value);
567 }
569 UNIT_GETTER("alignment", std::string) {
571 }
573 UNIT_SETTER("alignment", lua_index_raw) {
574  auto alignment = unit_alignments::get_enum(lua_check<std::string_view>(L, value.index));
575  if(!alignment) luaL_argerror(L, value.index, "invalid unit alignment");
576  u.set_alignment(*alignment);
577 }
580  unit::upkeep_t upkeep = u.upkeep_raw();
582  // Need to keep these separate in order to ensure an int value is always used if applicable.
583  if(int* v = utils::get_if<int>(&upkeep)) {
584  lua_push(L, *v);
585  } else {
586  const std::string type = utils::visit(unit::upkeep_type_visitor(), upkeep);
587  lua_push(L, type);
588  }
589  return lua_index_raw(L);
590 }
593  if(lua_isnumber(L, value.index)) {
594  u.set_upkeep(static_cast<int>(luaL_checkinteger(L, 3)));
595  return;
596  }
597  auto v = lua_check<std::string_view>(L, value.index);
598  if(v == "loyal" || v == "free") {
600  } else if(v == "full") {
602  } else {
603  std::string err_msg = "unknown upkeep value of unit: ";
604  err_msg += v;
605  luaL_argerror(L, 2, err_msg.c_str());
606  }
607  return;
608 }
610 UNIT_GETTER("advancements", std::vector<config>) {
611  return u.modification_advancements();
612 }
614 UNIT_SETTER("advancements", std::vector<config>) {
615  u.set_advancements(value);
616 }
618 UNIT_GETTER("overlays", std::vector<std::string>) {
619  return u.overlays();
620 }
622 UNIT_GETTER("traits", std::vector<std::string>) {
623  return u.get_traits_list();
624 }
626 UNIT_GETTER("abilities", std::vector<std::string>) {
627  return u.get_ability_list();
628 }
631  (void)u;
632  lua_createtable(L, 1, 0);
633  lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
634  lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
635  luaL_setmetatable(L, ustatusKey);
636  return lua_index_raw(L);
637 }
639 UNIT_GETTER("variables", lua_index_raw) {
640  (void)u;
641  lua_createtable(L, 1, 0);
642  lua_pushvalue(L, 1);
643  lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
644  luaL_setmetatable(L, unitvarKey);
645  return lua_index_raw(L);
646 }
649  (void)u;
651  return lua_index_raw(L);
652 }
654 UNIT_GETTER("petrified", bool) {
655  deprecated_message("(unit).petrified", DEP_LEVEL::INDEFINITE, {1,17,0}, "use (unit).status.petrified instead");
656  return u.incapacitated();
657 }
659 UNIT_GETTER("animations", std::vector<std::string>) {
660  return u.anim_comp().get_flags();
661 }
663 UNIT_GETTER("recall_filter", config) {
664  return u.recall_filter();
665 }
667 UNIT_SETTER("recall_filter", config) {
668  u.set_recall_filter(value);
669 }
671 UNIT_GETTER("hidden", bool) {
672  return u.get_hidden();
673 }
675 UNIT_SETTER("hidden", bool) {
676  u.set_hidden(value);
677 }
679 UNIT_GETTER("resting", bool) {
680  return u.resting();
681 }
683 UNIT_SETTER("resting", bool) {
684  u.set_resting(value);
685 }
687 UNIT_GETTER("flying", bool) {
688  return u.is_flying();
689 }
691 UNIT_GETTER("fearless", bool) {
692  return u.is_fearless();
693 }
695 UNIT_GETTER("healthy", bool) {
696  return u.is_healthy();
697 }
699 UNIT_GETTER("zoc", bool) {
700  return u.get_emit_zoc();
701 }
703 UNIT_SETTER("zoc", bool) {
704  u.set_emit_zoc(value);
705 }
707 UNIT_GETTER("role", std::string) {
708  return u.get_role();
709 }
711 UNIT_SETTER("role", std::string) {
712  u.set_role(value);
713 }
715 UNIT_GETTER("race", std::string) {
716  return u.race()->id();
717 }
719 UNIT_GETTER("gender", std::string) {
720  return gender_string(u.gender());
721 }
723 UNIT_GETTER("variation", std::string) {
724  return u.variation();
725 }
727 UNIT_GETTER("undead_variation", std::string) {
728  return u.undead_variation();
729 }
731 UNIT_SETTER("undead_variation", std::string) {
732  u.set_undead_variation(value);
733 }
735 UNIT_GETTER("facing", std::string) {
737 }
739 UNIT_SETTER("facing", std::string) {
741 }
743 UNIT_GETTER("portrait", std::string) {
744  return u.big_profile() == u.absolute_image()
745  ? u.absolute_image() + u.image_mods() + "~SCALE_SHARP(144,144)"
746  : u.big_profile();
747 }
749 UNIT_SETTER("portrait", std::string) {
750  u.set_big_profile(value);
751 }
753 UNIT_GETTER("__cfg", config) {
754  config cfg;
755  u.write(cfg);
756  u.get_location().write(cfg);
757  return cfg;
758 }
760 /**
761  * Gets some data on a unit (__index metamethod).
762  * - Arg 1: full userdata containing the unit id.
763  * - Arg 2: string containing the name of the property.
764  * - Ret 1: something containing the attribute.
765  */
766 static int impl_unit_get(lua_State *L)
767 {
768  return unitReg.get(L);
769 }
771 /**
772  * Sets some data on a unit (__newindex metamethod).
773  * - Arg 1: full userdata containing the unit id.
774  * - Arg 2: string containing the name of the property.
775  * - Arg 3: something containing the attribute.
776  */
777 static int impl_unit_set(lua_State *L)
778 {
779  return unitReg.set(L);
780 }
782 /**
783  * Prints valid attributes on a unit (__dir metamethod).
784  * - Arg 1: full userdata containing the unit id.
785  * - Arg 2: string containing the name of the property.
786  * - Ret 1: a list of attributes.
787  */
788 static int impl_unit_dir(lua_State *L)
789 {
790  return unitReg.dir(L);
791 }
793 /**
794  * Gets the status of a unit (__index metamethod).
795  * - Arg 1: table containing the userdata containing the unit id.
796  * - Arg 2: string containing the name of the status.
797  * - Ret 1: boolean.
798  */
799 static int impl_unit_status_get(lua_State *L)
800 {
801  if(!lua_istable(L, 1)) {
802  return luaW_type_error(L, 1, "unit status");
803  }
804  lua_rawgeti(L, 1, 1);
805  const unit* u = luaW_tounit(L, -1);
806  if(!u) {
807  return luaL_argerror(L, 1, "unknown unit");
808  }
809  char const *m = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
810  lua_pushboolean(L, u->get_state(m));
811  return 1;
812 }
814 /**
815  * Sets the status of a unit (__newindex metamethod).
816  * - Arg 1: table containing the userdata containing the unit id.
817  * - Arg 2: string containing the name of the status.
818  * - Arg 3: boolean.
819  */
820 static int impl_unit_status_set(lua_State *L)
821 {
822  if(!lua_istable(L, 1)) {
823  return luaW_type_error(L, 1, "unit status");
824  }
825  lua_rawgeti(L, 1, 1);
826  unit* u = luaW_tounit(L, -1);
827  if(!u) {
828  return luaL_argerror(L, 1, "unknown unit");
829  }
830  char const *m = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
831  u->set_state(m, luaW_toboolean(L, 3));
832  return 0;
833 }
835 /**
836  * List statuses on a unit (__dir metamethod)
837  * This returns all known statuses (regardless of state) plus any currently set to true.
838  */
839 static int impl_unit_status_dir(lua_State *L)
840 {
841  if(!lua_istable(L, 1)) {
842  return luaW_type_error(L, 1, "unit status");
843  }
844  lua_rawgeti(L, 1, 1);
845  unit* u = luaW_tounit(L, -1);
846  if(!u) {
847  return luaL_argerror(L, 1, "unknown unit");
848  }
849  std::vector<std::string> states;
850  states.reserve(unit::NUMBER_OF_STATES);
852  states.push_back(unit::get_known_boolean_state_name(s));
853  }
854  for(auto s : u->get_states()) {
855  states.push_back(s);
856  }
857  lua_push(L, states);
858  return 1;
859 }
861 /**
862  * Gets the variable of a unit (__index metamethod).
863  * - Arg 1: table containing the userdata containing the unit id.
864  * - Arg 2: string containing the name of the status.
865  * - Ret 1: boolean.
866  */
867 static int impl_unit_variables_get(lua_State *L)
868 {
869  if(!lua_istable(L, 1)) {
870  return luaW_type_error(L, 1, "unit variables");
871  }
872  lua_rawgeti(L, 1, 1);
873  const unit* u = luaW_tounit(L, -1);
874  if(!u) {
875  return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "unknown unit");
876  }
877  char const *m = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
878  return_cfgref_attrib("__cfg", u->variables());
880  variable_access_const v(m, u->variables());
881  return luaW_pushvariable(L, v) ? 1 : 0;
882 }
884 /**
885  * Sets the variable of a unit (__newindex metamethod).
886  * - Arg 1: table containing the userdata containing the unit id.
887  * - Arg 2: string containing the name of the status.
888  * - Arg 3: scalar.
889  */
890 static int impl_unit_variables_set(lua_State *L)
891 {
892  if(!lua_istable(L, 1)) {
893  return luaW_type_error(L, 1, "unit variables");
894  }
895  lua_rawgeti(L, 1, 1);
896  unit* u = luaW_tounit(L, -1);
897  if(!u) {
898  return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "unknown unit");
899  }
900  char const *m = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
901  modify_cfg_attrib("__cfg", u->variables() = cfg);
902  config& vars = u->variables();
903  if(lua_isnoneornil(L, 3)) {
904  try {
905  variable_access_throw(m, vars).clear(false);
906  } catch(const invalid_variablename_exception&) {
907  }
908  return 0;
909  }
910  variable_access_create v(m, vars);
911  luaW_checkvariable(L, v, 3);
912  return 0;
913 }
915 /**
916  * List variables on a unit (__dir metamethod)
917  */
918 static int impl_unit_variables_dir(lua_State *L)
919 {
920  if(!lua_istable(L, 1)) {
921  return luaW_type_error(L, 1, "unit variables");
922  }
923  lua_rawgeti(L, 1, 1);
924  unit* u = luaW_tounit(L, -1);
925  if(!u) {
926  return luaL_argerror(L, 2, "unknown unit");
927  }
928  config& vars = u->variables();
929  std::vector<std::string> variables;
930  variables.reserve(vars.attribute_count() + vars.all_children_count());
931  for(const auto& attr : vars.attribute_range()) {
932  variables.push_back(attr.first);
933  }
934  for(auto [key, cfg] : vars.all_children_view()) {
935  variables.push_back(key);
936  }
937  lua_push(L, variables);
938  return 1;
939 }
941 namespace lua_units {
942  std::string register_metatables(lua_State* L)
943  {
944  std::ostringstream cmd_out;
946  // Create the getunit metatable.
947  cmd_out << "Adding getunit metatable...\n";
949  luaL_newmetatable(L, getunitKey);
950  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_collect);
951  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__gc");
952  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_equality);
953  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__eq");
954  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_tostring);
955  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__tostring");
956  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_get);
957  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
958  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_set);
959  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__newindex");
960  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_dir);
961  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__dir");
962  lua_pushstring(L, "unit");
963  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__metatable");
965  // Create the unit status metatable.
966  cmd_out << "Adding unit status metatable...\n";
968  luaL_newmetatable(L, ustatusKey);
969  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_status_get);
970  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
971  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_status_set);
972  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__newindex");
973  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_status_dir);
974  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__dir");
975  lua_pushstring(L, "unit status");
976  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__metatable");
978  // Create the unit variables metatable.
979  cmd_out << "Adding unit variables metatable...\n";
981  luaL_newmetatable(L, unitvarKey);
982  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_variables_get);
983  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index");
984  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_variables_set);
985  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__newindex");
986  lua_pushcfunction(L, impl_unit_variables_dir);
987  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__dir");
988  lua_pushstring(L, "unit variables");
989  lua_setfield(L, -2, "__metatable");
991  return cmd_out.str();
992  }
993 }
map_location loc
Definition: move.cpp:172
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
std::size_t attribute_count() const
Count the number of non-blank attributes.
Definition: config.cpp:307
const_attr_itors attribute_range() const
Definition: config.cpp:756
auto all_children_view() const
In-order iteration over all children.
Definition: config.hpp:796
std::size_t all_children_count() const
Definition: config.cpp:302
std::ostringstream wrapper.
Definition: formatter.hpp:40
team & get_team(int i)
Definition: game_board.hpp:92
virtual const unit_map & units() const override
Definition: game_board.hpp:107
Storage for a unit, either owned by the Lua code (ptr != 0), a local variable unit (c_ptr !...
Definition: lua_unit.hpp:81
unit_ptr ptr
Definition: lua_unit.hpp:83
int side
Definition: lua_unit.hpp:84
unit * c_ptr
Definition: lua_unit.hpp:85
static void setmetatable(lua_State *L)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:207
std::size_t uid
Definition: lua_unit.hpp:82
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:44
bool put_map(const map_location &loc)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:74
unit_ptr get_shared() const
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:59
unit * get() const
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:48
unit_ptr find_if_matches_underlying_id(std::size_t uid)
Find a unit by underlying id.
unit_ptr extract_if_matches_underlying_id(std::size_t uid)
Find a unit by underlying id, and extract if found.
recall_list_manager & recall_list()
Definition: team.hpp:206
std::vector< std::string > get_flags()
Get the flags of all registered animations.
unit_iterator find(std::size_t id)
Definition: map.cpp:302
umap_retval_pair_t replace(const map_location &l, const unit_ptr &p)
Works like unit_map::add; but l is emptied first, if needed.
Definition: map.cpp:216
std::size_t erase(const map_location &l)
Erases the unit at location l, if any.
Definition: map.cpp:289
umap_retval_pair_t move(const map_location &src, const map_location &dst)
Moves a unit from location src to location dst.
Definition: map.cpp:92
const std::string & id() const
Definition: race.hpp:35
This class represents a single unit of a specific type.
Definition: unit.hpp:133
Additional functionality for a non-const variable_info.
Information on a WML variable.
std::string deprecated_message(const std::string &elem_name, DEP_LEVEL level, const version_info &version, const std::string &detail)
Definition: deprecation.cpp:29
Interfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc.
void write(config &cfg, bool write_all=true) const
Serializes the current unit metadata values.
Definition: unit.cpp:1509
std::vector< std::string > get_ability_list() const
Get a list of all abilities by ID.
Definition: abilities.cpp:264
void set_big_profile(const std::string &value)
Definition: unit.cpp:1918
int max_hitpoints() const
The max number of hitpoints this unit can have.
Definition: unit.hpp:505
void set_role(const std::string &role)
Sets a unit's role.
Definition: unit.hpp:675
unit_alignments::type alignment() const
The alignment of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:475
bool incapacitated() const
Check if the unit has been petrified.
Definition: unit.hpp:904
void set_state(const std::string &state, bool value)
Set whether the unit is affected by a status effect.
Definition: unit.cpp:1438
int level() const
The current level of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:559
std::string usage() const
Gets this unit's usage.
Definition: unit.hpp:686
const std::string & get_role() const
Gets this unit's role.
Definition: unit.hpp:669
const std::vector< std::string > & recruits() const
The type IDs of the other units this unit may recruit, if possible.
Definition: unit.hpp:624
void set_max_experience(int value)
Definition: unit.hpp:534
void set_max_hitpoints(int value)
Definition: unit.hpp:510
void set_hitpoints(int hp)
Sets the current hitpoint amount.
Definition: unit.hpp:517
bool unrenamable() const
Whether this unit can be renamed.
Definition: unit.hpp:436
const config & recall_filter() const
Gets the filter constraints upon which units this unit may recall, if able.
Definition: unit.hpp:652
int recall_cost() const
How much gold it costs to recall this unit, or -1 if the side's default recall cost is used.
Definition: unit.hpp:640
std::string big_profile() const
An optional profile image displays when this unit is 'speaking' via [message].
Definition: unit.cpp:1111
void set_level(int level)
Sets the current level of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:565
void set_hidden(bool state) const
Sets whether the unit is hidden on the map.
Definition: unit.cpp:2757
void set_recall_filter(const config &filter)
Sets the filter constraints upon which units this unit may recall, if able.
Definition: unit.hpp:658
const std::string & variation() const
The ID of the variation of this unit's type.
Definition: unit.hpp:572
int hitpoints() const
The current number of hitpoints this unit has.
Definition: unit.hpp:499
int cost() const
How much gold is required to recruit this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:633
static std::string get_known_boolean_state_name(state_t state)
Convert a built-in status effect ID to a string status effect ID.
Definition: unit.cpp:1417
bool get_state(const std::string &state) const
Check if the unit is affected by a status effect.
Definition: unit.cpp:1379
void set_undead_variation(const std::string &value)
The ID of the undead variation (ie, dwarf, swimmer) of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:578
const std::string & type_id() const
The id of this unit's type.
Definition: unit.cpp:1913
void set_alignment(unit_alignments::type alignment)
Sets the alignment of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:481
bool get_hidden() const
Gets whether this unit is currently hidden on the map.
Definition: unit.hpp:720
void set_name(const t_string &name)
Sets this unit's translatable display name.
Definition: unit.hpp:413
void set_can_recruit(bool canrecruit)
Sets whether this unit can recruit other units.
Definition: unit.hpp:618
const std::set< std::string > get_states() const
Get the status effects currently affecting the unit.
Definition: unit.cpp:1362
void set_side(unsigned int new_side)
Sets the side this unit belongs to.
Definition: unit.hpp:349
const std::string & undead_variation() const
Definition: unit.hpp:583
const unit_race * race() const
Gets this unit's race.
Definition: unit.hpp:493
int experience() const
The current number of experience points this unit has.
Definition: unit.hpp:523
bool can_recruit() const
Whether this unit can recruit other units - ie, are they a leader unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:612
void set_experience(int xp)
Sets the current experience point amount.
Definition: unit.hpp:553
const std::string & id() const
Gets this unit's id.
Definition: unit.hpp:380
int side() const
The side this unit belongs to.
Definition: unit.hpp:343
Built-in status effects known to the engine.
Definition: unit.hpp:852
void set_unit_description(const t_string &new_desc)
A detailed description of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:456
void set_unrenamable(bool unrenamable)
Sets the 'unrenamable' flag.
Definition: unit.hpp:444
void set_recruits(const std::vector< std::string > &recruits)
Sets the recruit list.
Definition: unit.cpp:1220
config & variables()
Gets any user-defined variables this unit 'owns'.
Definition: unit.hpp:703
void set_recall_cost(int recall_cost)
Sets the cost of recalling this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:646
std::size_t underlying_id() const
This unit's unique internal ID.
Definition: unit.hpp:392
void set_usage(const std::string &usage)
Sets this unit's usage.
Definition: unit.hpp:692
int max_experience() const
The max number of experience points this unit can have.
Definition: unit.hpp:529
unit_race::GENDER gender() const
The gender of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:465
const t_string & name() const
Gets this unit's translatable display name.
Definition: unit.hpp:403
t_string unit_description() const
A detailed description of this unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:450
Definition: unit.hpp:853
The unit is invulnerable - it cannot be hit by any attack.
Definition: unit.hpp:861
const advances_to_t & advances_to() const
Gets the possible types this unit can advance to on level-up.
Definition: unit.hpp:244
void set_advancements(std::vector< config > advancements)
Sets the raw modification advancement option data.
Definition: unit.cpp:1907
void set_advances_to(const std::vector< std::string > &advances_to)
Sets this unit's advancement options.
Definition: unit.cpp:1241
const std::vector< config > & modification_advancements() const
The raw, unparsed data for modification advancements.
Definition: unit.hpp:323
void set_max_attacks(int value)
Definition: unit.hpp:982
int max_attacks() const
The maximum number of attacks this unit may perform per turn, usually 1.
Definition: unit.hpp:977
int attacks_left() const
Gets the remaining number of attacks this unit can perform this turn.
Definition: unit.hpp:993
void set_attacks(int left)
Sets the number of attacks this unit has left this turn.
Definition: unit.hpp:1014
unit_animation_component & anim_comp() const
Definition: unit.hpp:1607
const std::string & effect_image_mods() const
Gets any IPF image mods applied by effects.
Definition: unit.hpp:1657
std::string image_ellipse() const
Get the unit's ellipse image.
Definition: unit.hpp:1636
std::string image_mods() const
Gets an IPF string containing all IPF image mods.
Definition: unit.cpp:2718
std::string image_halo() const
Get the unit's halo image.
Definition: unit.hpp:1619
const std::vector< std::string > & overlays() const
Get the unit's overlay images.
Definition: unit.hpp:1670
std::string absolute_image() const
The name of the file to game_display (used in menus).
Definition: unit.cpp:2537
void set_image_ellipse(const std::string &ellipse)
Set the unit's ellipse image.
Definition: unit.hpp:1642
void set_image_halo(const std::string &halo)
Set the unit's halo image.
Definition: unit.cpp:2779
bool get_emit_zoc() const
Gets the raw zone-of-control flag, disregarding incapacitated.
Definition: unit.hpp:1384
int jamming() const
Gets the unit's jamming points.
Definition: unit.hpp:1446
const map_location & get_location() const
The current map location this unit is at.
Definition: unit.hpp:1397
void set_movement(int moves, bool unit_action=false)
Set this unit's remaining movement to moves.
Definition: unit.cpp:1248
void set_resting(bool rest)
Sets this unit's resting status.
Definition: unit.hpp:1372
void set_facing(map_location::direction dir) const
The this unit's facing.
Definition: unit.cpp:1674
void set_total_movement(int value)
Definition: unit.hpp:1311
void set_emit_zoc(bool val)
Sets the raw zone-of-control flag.
Definition: unit.hpp:1390
void set_goto(const map_location &new_goto)
Sets this unit's long term destination.
Definition: unit.hpp:1434
int movement_left() const
Gets how far a unit can move, considering the incapacitated flag.
Definition: unit.hpp:1322
int total_movement() const
The maximum moves this unit has.
Definition: unit.hpp:1306
int vision() const
Gets the unit's vision points.
Definition: unit.hpp:1440
const map_location & get_goto() const
The map location to which this unit is moving over multiple turns, if any.
Definition: unit.hpp:1428
map_location::direction facing() const
The current direction this unit is facing within its hex.
Definition: unit.hpp:1413
bool resting() const
Checks whether this unit is 'resting'.
Definition: unit.hpp:1366
bool is_flying() const
Check if the unit is a flying unit.
Definition: unit.hpp:1506
bool is_healthy() const
Gets whether this unit is healthy - ie, always rest heals.
Definition: unit.hpp:1293
bool is_fearless() const
Gets whether this unit is fearless - ie, unaffected by time of day.
Definition: unit.hpp:1287
utils::variant< upkeep_full, upkeep_loyal, int > upkeep_t
Definition: unit.hpp:1175
std::vector< std::string > get_traits_list() const
Gets a list of the traits this unit currently has, including hidden traits.
Definition: unit.hpp:1128
upkeep_t upkeep_raw() const
Gets the raw variant controlling the upkeep value.
Definition: unit.hpp:1270
void set_upkeep(upkeep_t v)
Sets the upkeep value to a specific value value.
Definition: unit.hpp:1276
T end(const std::pair< T, T > &p)
Standard logging facilities (interface).
bool luaW_pushvariable(lua_State *L, variable_access_const &v)
bool luaW_toboolean(lua_State *L, int n)
int luaW_type_error(lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname)
bool luaW_checkvariable(lua_State *L, variable_access_create &v, int n)
#define return_cfgref_attrib(name, accessor)
Definition: lua_common.hpp:319
#define modify_cfg_attrib(name, accessor)
Definition: lua_common.hpp:425
LATTR_SETTER("x", int, lua_unit *, lu)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:344
lua_unit * luaW_checkunit_ref(lua_State *L, int index)
Similar to luaW_checkunit but returns a lua_unit; use this if you need to handle map and recall units...
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:199
static int impl_unit_set(lua_State *L)
Sets some data on a unit (__newindex metamethod).
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:777
static int impl_unit_variables_dir(lua_State *L)
List variables on a unit (__dir metamethod)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:918
static int impl_unit_equality(lua_State *L)
Checks two lua proxy units for equality.
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:232
#define ERR_LUA
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:38
static int impl_unit_status_dir(lua_State *L)
List statuses on a unit (__dir metamethod) This returns all known statuses (regardless of state) plus...
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:839
static lg::log_domain log_scripting_lua("scripting/lua")
unit & luaW_checkunit(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
Converts a Lua value to a unit pointer.
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:191
static void unit_show_error(lua_State *L, int index, int error)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:168
static int impl_unit_status_get(lua_State *L)
Gets the status of a unit (__index metamethod).
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:799
#define UNIT_GETTER(name, type)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:274
lua_unit * luaW_tounit_ref(lua_State *L, int index)
Similar to luaW_tounit but returns a lua_unit; use this if you need to handle map and recall units di...
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:162
static int impl_unit_collect(lua_State *L)
Destroys a unit object before it is collected (__gc metamethod).
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:222
static const char unitvarKey[]
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:42
static int impl_unit_variables_get(lua_State *L)
Gets the variable of a unit (__index metamethod).
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:867
static lua_unit * internal_get_unit(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map, int &error)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:125
static int impl_unit_get(lua_State *L)
Gets some data on a unit (__index metamethod).
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:766
#define UNIT_SETTER(name, type)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:275
static int impl_unit_variables_set(lua_State *L)
Sets the variable of a unit (__newindex metamethod).
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:890
bool luaW_isunit(lua_State *L, int index)
Test if a Lua value is a unit.
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:113
static const char getunitKey[]
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:40
static const char ustatusKey[]
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:41
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:121
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:122
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:119
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:120
unit_ptr luaW_checkunit_ptr(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
Similar to luaW_checkunit but returns a unit_ptr; use this instead of luaW_checkunit when using an ap...
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:183
LATTR_GETTER("valid", utils::optional< std::string >, lua_unit *, lu)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:326
static void handle_unit_move(lua_State *L, lua_unit *lu, map_location dst)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:294
static int impl_unit_status_set(lua_State *L)
Sets the status of a unit (__newindex metamethod).
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:820
luaW_Registry unitReg
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:276
unit_ptr luaW_tounit_ptr(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
Similar to luaW_tounit but returns a unit_ptr; use this instead of luaW_tounit when using an api that...
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:152
static int impl_unit_tostring(lua_State *L)
Turns a lua proxy unit to string.
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:244
lua_unit * luaW_pushlocalunit(lua_State *L, unit &u)
Pushes a private unit on the stack.
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:212
static int impl_unit_dir(lua_State *L)
Prints valid attributes on a unit (__dir metamethod).
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:788
unit * luaW_tounit(lua_State *L, int index, bool only_on_map)
Converts a Lua value to a unit pointer.
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:142
void push_unit_attacks_table(lua_State *L, int idx)
std::string register_metatables(lua_State *L)
Definition: lua_unit.cpp:942
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
std::size_t index(std::string_view str, const std::size_t index)
Codepoint index corresponding to the nth character in a UTF-8 string.
Definition: unicode.cpp:70
std::shared_ptr< unit > unit_ptr
Definition: ptr.hpp:26
void lua_push(lua_State *L, const T &val)
Definition: push_check.hpp:425
const std::string & gender_string(unit_race::GENDER gender)
Definition: race.cpp:138
rect dst
Location on the final composed sheet.
rect src
Non-transparent portion of the surface to compose.
int dir(lua_State *L)
Implement __dir metamethod.
int set(lua_State *L)
Implement __newindex metamethod.
int get(lua_State *L)
Implement __index metamethod.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:45
static std::string write_direction(direction dir)
Definition: location.cpp:154
void set_wml_y(int v)
Definition: location.hpp:187
int wml_y() const
Definition: location.hpp:184
void set_wml_x(int v)
Definition: location.hpp:186
int wml_x() const
Definition: location.hpp:183
static direction parse_direction(const std::string &str)
Definition: location.cpp:79
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: location.cpp:225
static std::string get_string(enum_type key)
Converts a enum to its string equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:46
static constexpr utils::optional< enum_type > get_enum(const std::string_view value)
Converts a string into its enum equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:57
Visitor helper struct to fetch the upkeep type flag if applicable, or the the value otherwise.
Definition: unit.hpp:1212
bool valid() const
Definition: map.hpp:273
pointer get_shared_ptr() const
This is exactly the same as operator-> but it's slightly more readable, and can replace &*iter syntax...
Definition: map.hpp:217
static map_location::direction s
variable_info_mutable< variable_info_implementation::vi_policy_throw > variable_access_throw
'Throw if nonexistent' access.