The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.8+dev
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2003 - 2024
3  by David White <>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Handle unit-type specific attributes, animations, advancement.
19  */
21 #include "units/types.hpp"
23 #include "formula/callable_objects.hpp"
24 #include "game_config.hpp"
25 #include "game_errors.hpp" //thrown sometimes
26 #include "language.hpp" // for string_table
27 #include "log.hpp"
28 #include "units/abilities.hpp"
29 #include "units/animation.hpp"
30 #include "units/unit.hpp"
35 #include <boost/range/algorithm_ext/erase.hpp>
37 #include <array>
38 #include <locale>
40 static lg::log_domain log_config("config");
41 #define ERR_CF LOG_STREAM(err, log_config)
42 #define WRN_CF LOG_STREAM(warn, log_config)
43 #define LOG_CONFIG LOG_STREAM(info, log_config)
44 #define DBG_CF LOG_STREAM(debug, log_config)
46 static lg::log_domain log_unit("unit");
47 #define DBG_UT LOG_STREAM(debug, log_unit)
48 #define LOG_UT LOG_STREAM(info, log_unit)
49 #define ERR_UT LOG_STREAM(err, log_unit)
51 /* ** unit_type ** */
54  : cfg_(o.cfg_)
55  , id_(o.id_)
56  , debug_id_(o.debug_id_)
57  , parent_id_(o.parent_id_)
58  , base_unit_id_(o.base_unit_id_)
59  , type_name_(o.type_name_)
60  , description_(o.description_)
61  , hitpoints_(o.hitpoints_)
62  , hp_bar_scaling_(o.hp_bar_scaling_)
63  , xp_bar_scaling_(o.xp_bar_scaling_)
64  , level_(o.level_)
65  , recall_cost_(o.recall_cost_)
66  , movement_(o.movement_)
67  , vision_(o.vision_)
68  , jamming_(o.jamming_)
69  , max_attacks_(o.max_attacks_)
70  , cost_(o.cost_)
71  , usage_(o.usage_)
72  , undead_variation_(o.undead_variation_)
73  , image_(o.image_)
74  , icon_(o.icon_)
75  , small_profile_(o.small_profile_)
76  , profile_(o.profile_)
77  , flag_rgb_(o.flag_rgb_)
78  , num_traits_(o.num_traits_)
79  , variations_(o.variations_)
80  , default_variation_(o.default_variation_)
81  , variation_name_(o.variation_name_)
82  , race_(o.race_)
83  , abilities_(o.abilities_)
84  , adv_abilities_(o.adv_abilities_)
85  , zoc_(o.zoc_)
86  , hide_help_(o.hide_help_)
87  , do_not_list_(o.do_not_list_)
88  , advances_to_(o.advances_to_)
89  , advancements_(o.advancements_)
90  , experience_needed_(o.experience_needed_)
91  , alignment_(o.alignment_)
92  , movement_type_(o.movement_type_)
93  , possible_traits_(o.possible_traits_)
94  , genders_(o.genders_)
95  , animations_(o.animations_)
96  , build_status_(o.build_status_)
97 {
98  gender_types_[0].reset(gender_types_[0] != nullptr ? new unit_type(*o.gender_types_[0]) : nullptr);
99  gender_types_[1].reset(gender_types_[1] != nullptr ? new unit_type(*o.gender_types_[1]) : nullptr);
100 }
102 unit_type::unit_type(defaut_ctor_t, const config& cfg, const std::string & parent_id)
103  : cfg_(nullptr)
104  , built_cfg_()
105  , has_cfg_build_()
106  , id_(cfg.has_attribute("id") ? cfg["id"].str() : parent_id)
107  , debug_id_()
108  , parent_id_(!parent_id.empty() ? parent_id : id_)
109  , base_unit_id_()
110  , type_name_()
111  , description_()
112  , hitpoints_(0)
113  , hp_bar_scaling_(0.0)
114  , xp_bar_scaling_(0.0)
115  , level_(0)
116  , recall_cost_()
117  , movement_(0)
118  , vision_(-1)
119  , jamming_(0)
120  , max_attacks_(0)
121  , cost_(0)
122  , usage_()
123  , undead_variation_()
124  , image_()
125  , icon_()
126  , small_profile_()
127  , profile_()
128  , flag_rgb_()
129  , num_traits_(0)
130  , gender_types_()
131  , variations_()
132  , default_variation_()
133  , variation_name_()
134  , race_(&unit_race::null_race)
135  , abilities_()
136  , adv_abilities_()
137  , zoc_(false)
138  , hide_help_(false)
139  , do_not_list_()
140  , advances_to_()
141  , advancements_(cfg.child_range("advancement"))
142  , experience_needed_(0)
143  , alignment_(unit_alignments::type::neutral)
144  , movement_type_()
145  , possible_traits_()
146  , genders_()
147  , animations_()
148  , build_status_(NOT_BUILT)
149 {
150  if(auto base_unit = cfg.optional_child("base_unit")) {
151  base_unit_id_ = base_unit["id"].str();
152  LOG_UT << "type '" << id_ << "' has base unit '" << base_unit_id_ << "'";
153  }
154  check_id(id_);
156 }
157 unit_type::unit_type(const config& cfg, const std::string & parent_id)
158  : unit_type(defaut_ctor_t(), cfg, parent_id)
159 {
160  cfg_ = &cfg;
162 }
164 unit_type::unit_type(config&& cfg, const std::string & parent_id)
165  : unit_type(defaut_ctor_t(), cfg, parent_id)
166 {
167  built_cfg_ = std::make_unique<config>(std::move(cfg));
168 }
172 {
173 }
176  : id(cfg["id"])
177  , name(cfg["name"].t_str())
178  , name_inactive(cfg["name_inactive"].t_str())
179  , female_name(cfg["female_name"].t_str())
180  , female_name_inactive(cfg["female_name_inactive"].t_str())
181  , description(cfg["description"].t_str())
182  , description_inactive(cfg["description_inactive"].t_str())
183  , affect_self(cfg["affect_self"].to_bool())
184  , affect_allies(cfg["affect_allies"].to_bool())
185  , affect_enemies(cfg["affect_enemies"].to_bool())
186  , cumulative(cfg["cumulative"].to_bool())
187 {
188 }
190 /**
191  * Load data into an empty unit_type (build to FULL).
192  */
194  const movement_type_map& mv_types, const race_map& races, const config_array_view& traits)
195 {
196  // Don't build twice.
197  if(FULL <= build_status_) {
198  return;
199  }
201  // Make sure we are built to the preceding build level.
202  build_help_index(mv_types, races, traits);
204  for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
205  if(gender_types_[i]) {
206  gender_types_[i]->build_full(mv_types, races, traits);
207  }
208  }
210  if(race_ != &unit_race::null_race) {
211  if(undead_variation_.empty()) {
213  }
214  }
216  zoc_ = get_cfg()["zoc"].to_bool(level_ > 0);
220  hp_bar_scaling_ = get_cfg()["hp_bar_scaling"].to_double(game_config::hp_bar_scaling);
221  xp_bar_scaling_ = get_cfg()["xp_bar_scaling"].to_double(game_config::xp_bar_scaling);
223  // Propagate the build to the variations.
224  for(variations_map::value_type& variation : variations_) {
225  variation.second.build_full(mv_types, races, traits);
226  }
228  // Deprecation messages, only seen when unit is parsed for the first time.
231 }
233 /**
234  * Partially load data into an empty unit_type (build to HELP_INDEXED).
235  */
237  const movement_type_map& mv_types, const race_map& races, const config_array_view& traits)
238 {
239  // Don't build twice.
240  if(HELP_INDEXED <= build_status_) {
241  return;
242  }
244  // Make sure we are built to the preceding build level.
245  build_created();
247  const config& cfg = get_cfg();
249  type_name_ = cfg["name"];
250  description_ = cfg["description"];
251  hitpoints_ = cfg["hitpoints"].to_int(1);
252  level_ = cfg["level"].to_int();
253  recall_cost_ = cfg["recall_cost"].to_int(-1);
254  movement_ = cfg["movement"].to_int(1);
255  vision_ = cfg["vision"].to_int(-1);
256  jamming_ = cfg["jamming"].to_int(0);
257  max_attacks_ = cfg["attacks"].to_int(1);
258  usage_ = cfg["usage"].str();
259  undead_variation_ = cfg["undead_variation"].str();
260  default_variation_ = cfg["variation"].str();
261  icon_ = cfg["image_icon"].str();
262  small_profile_ = cfg["small_profile"].str();
263  profile_ = cfg["profile"].str();
264  flag_rgb_ = cfg["flag_rgb"].str();
265  do_not_list_ = cfg["do_not_list"].to_bool(false);
267  for(const config& sn : cfg.child_range("special_note")) {
268  special_notes_.push_back(sn["note"]);
269  }
273  alignment_ = unit_alignments::get_enum(cfg["alignment"].str()).value_or(unit_alignments::type::neutral);
275  for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
276  if(gender_types_[i]) {
277  gender_types_[i]->build_help_index(mv_types, races, traits);
278  }
279  }
281  for(auto& pair : variations_) {
282  pair.second.build_help_index(mv_types, races, traits);
283  }
285  const race_map::const_iterator race_it = races.find(cfg["race"]);
286  if(race_it != races.end()) {
287  race_ = &race_it->second;
288  } else {
290  }
292  // if num_traits is not defined, we use the num_traits from race
293  num_traits_ = cfg["num_traits"].to_int(race_->num_traits());
295  for(const std::string& g : utils::split(cfg["gender"])) {
296  genders_.push_back(string_gender(g));
297  }
299  // For simplicity in other parts of the code, we must have at least one gender.
300  if(genders_.empty()) {
301  genders_.push_back(unit_race::MALE);
302  }
304  if(auto abil_cfg = cfg.optional_child("abilities")) {
305  for(const auto [key, cfg] : abil_cfg->all_children_view()) {
306  abilities_.emplace_back(cfg);
307  }
308  }
310  for(const config& adv : cfg.child_range("advancement")) {
311  for(const config& effect : adv.child_range("effect")) {
312  auto abil_cfg = effect.optional_child("abilities");
314  if(!abil_cfg || effect["apply_to"] != "new_ability") {
315  continue;
316  }
318  for(const auto [key, cfg] : abil_cfg->all_children_view()) {
319  adv_abilities_.emplace_back(cfg);
320  }
321  }
322  }
324  // Set the movement type.
325  const std::string move_type = cfg["movement_type"];
326  movement_type_id_ = move_type;
327  const movement_type_map::const_iterator find_it = mv_types.find(move_type);
329  if(find_it != mv_types.end()) {
330  DBG_UT << "inheriting from movement_type '" << move_type << "'";
331  movement_type_ = find_it->second;
332  } else if(!move_type.empty()) {
333  DBG_UT << "movement_type '" << move_type << "' not found";
334  }
336  // Override parts of the movement type with what is in our config.
337  movement_type_.merge(cfg);
339  for(const config& t : traits) {
340  possible_traits_.add_child("trait", t);
341  }
343  if(race_ != &unit_race::null_race) {
344  if(!race_->uses_global_traits()) {
346  }
348  if(cfg["ignore_race_traits"].to_bool()) {
350  } else {
351  for(const config& t : race_->additional_traits()) {
352  if(alignment_ != unit_alignments::type::neutral || t["id"] != "fearless")
353  possible_traits_.add_child("trait", t);
354  }
355  }
357  if(undead_variation_.empty()) {
359  }
360  }
362  // Insert any traits that are just for this unit type
363  for(const config& trait : cfg.child_range("trait")) {
364  possible_traits_.add_child("trait", trait);
365  }
367  hide_help_ = cfg["hide_help"].to_bool();
370 }
372 /**
373  * Load the most needed data into an empty unit_type (build to CREATE).
374  * This creates the gender-specific types (if needed) and also defines how much
375  * experience is needed to advance as well as what this advances to.
376  */
378 {
379  // Don't build twice.
380  if(CREATED <= build_status_) {
381  return;
382  }
385  for(unsigned i = 0; i < gender_types_.size(); ++i) {
386  if(gender_types_[i]) {
387  gender_types_[i]->build_created();
388  }
389  }
391  for(auto& pair : variations_) {
392  pair.second.build_created();
393  }
396  const config& cfg = get_cfg();
398  const std::string& advances_to_val = cfg["advances_to"];
399  if(advances_to_val != "null" && !advances_to_val.empty()) {
400  advances_to_ = utils::split(advances_to_val);
401  }
404  type_name_ = cfg["name"].t_str();
405  variation_name_ = cfg["variation_name"].t_str();
407  DBG_UT << "unit_type '" << log_id() << "' advances to : " << advances_to_val;
409  experience_needed_ = cfg["experience"].to_int(500);
410  cost_ = cfg["cost"].to_int(1);
412  //needed by the editor.
413  image_ = cfg["image"].str();
415 }
417 /**
418  * Performs a build of this to the indicated stage.
419  */
421  const movement_type_map& movement_types,
422  const race_map& races,
423  const config_array_view& traits)
424 {
425  DBG_UT << "Building unit type " << log_id() << ", level " << status;
427  switch(status) {
428  case NOT_BUILT:
429  // Already done in the constructor.
430  return;
432  case CREATED:
433  // Build the basic data.
434  build_created();
435  return;
437  case VARIATIONS: // Implemented as part of HELP_INDEXED
438  case HELP_INDEXED:
439  // Build the data needed to feed the help index.
440  build_help_index(movement_types, races, traits);
441  return;
443  case FULL:
444  build_full(movement_types, races, traits);
445  return;
447  default:
448  ERR_UT << "Build of unit_type to unrecognized status (" << status << ") requested.";
449  // Build as much as possible.
450  build_full(movement_types, races, traits);
451  return;
452  }
453 }
455 const unit_type& unit_type::get_gender_unit_type(const std::string& gender) const
456 {
457  if(gender == unit_race::s_female) {
459  } else if(gender == unit_race::s_male) {
461  }
463  return *this;
464 }
467 {
468  const std::size_t i = gender;
469  if(i < gender_types_.size() && gender_types_[i] != nullptr) {
470  return *gender_types_[i];
471  }
473  return *this;
474 }
476 const unit_type& unit_type::get_variation(const std::string& id) const
477 {
478  const variations_map::const_iterator i = variations_.find(id);
479  if(i != variations_.end()) {
480  return i->second;
481  }
483  return *this;
484 }
487 {
488  if(description_.empty()) {
489  return (_("No description available."));
490  } else {
491  return description_;
492  }
493 }
495 std::vector<t_string> unit_type::special_notes() const {
497 }
499 static void append_special_note(std::vector<t_string>& notes, const t_string& new_note) {
500  if(new_note.empty()) return;
501  std::string_view note_plain = new_note.c_str();
502  utils::trim(note_plain);
503  if(note_plain.empty()) return;
504  auto iter = std::find(notes.begin(), notes.end(), new_note);
505  if(iter != notes.end()) return;
506  notes.push_back(new_note);
507 }
509 std::vector<t_string> combine_special_notes(const std::vector<t_string>& direct, const config& abilities, const const_attack_itors& attacks, const movetype& mt)
510 {
511  std::vector<t_string> notes;
512  for(const auto& note : direct) {
513  append_special_note(notes, note);
514  }
515  for(const auto [key, cfg] : abilities.all_children_view()) {
516  if(cfg.has_attribute("special_note")) {
517  append_special_note(notes, cfg["special_note"].t_str());
518  }
519  }
520  for(const auto& attack : attacks) {
521  for(const auto [key, cfg] : attack.specials().all_children_view()) {
522  if(cfg.has_attribute("special_note")) {
523  append_special_note(notes, cfg["special_note"].t_str());
524  }
525  }
526  if(auto attack_type_note = string_table.find("special_note_damage_type_" + attack.type()); attack_type_note != string_table.end()) {
527  append_special_note(notes, attack_type_note->second);
528  }
529  }
530  for(const auto& move_note : mt.special_notes()) {
531  append_special_note(notes, move_note);
532  }
533  return notes;
534 }
536 const std::vector<unit_animation>& unit_type::animations() const
537 {
538  if(animations_.empty()) {
540  }
542  return animations_;
543 }
546 {
547  if(!attacks_cache_.empty()) {
549  }
551  for(const config& att : get_cfg().child_range("attack")) {
552  attacks_cache_.emplace_back(new attack_type(att));
553  }
556 }
558 namespace
559 {
560 int experience_modifier = 100;
561 }
564  : old_value_(experience_modifier)
565 {
566  experience_modifier = modifier;
567 }
570 {
571  experience_modifier = old_value_;
572 }
575 {
576  return experience_modifier;
577 }
579 int unit_type::experience_needed(bool with_acceleration) const
580 {
581  if(with_acceleration) {
582  int exp = (experience_needed_ * experience_modifier + 50) / 100;
583  if(exp < 1) {
584  exp = 1;
585  }
587  return exp;
588  }
590  return experience_needed_;
591 }
593 bool unit_type::has_ability_by_id(const std::string& ability) const
594 {
595  if(auto abil = get_cfg().optional_child("abilities")) {
596  for(const auto [key, cfg] : abil->all_children_view()) {
597  if(cfg["id"] == ability) {
598  return true;
599  }
600  }
601  }
603  return false;
604 }
606 std::vector<std::string> unit_type::get_ability_list() const
607 {
608  std::vector<std::string> res;
610  auto abilities = get_cfg().optional_child("abilities");
611  if(!abilities) {
612  return res;
613  }
615  for(const auto [key, cfg] : abilities->all_children_view()) {
616  std::string id = cfg["id"];
618  if(!id.empty()) {
619  res.push_back(std::move(id));
620  }
621  }
623  return res;
624 }
627 {
628  return hide_help_ || unit_types.hide_help(id_, race_->id());
629 }
632 static void advancement_tree_internal(const std::string& id, std::set<std::string>& tree)
633 {
634  const unit_type* ut = unit_types.find(id);
635  if(!ut) {
636  return;
637  }
639  for(const std::string& adv : ut->advances_to()) {
640  if(tree.insert(adv).second) {
641  // insertion succeed, expand the new type
642  advancement_tree_internal(adv, tree);
643  }
644  }
645 }
647 std::set<std::string> unit_type::advancement_tree() const
648 {
649  std::set<std::string> tree;
651  return tree;
652 }
654 const std::vector<std::string> unit_type::advances_from() const
655 {
656  // Currently not needed (only help call us and already did it)/
659  std::vector<std::string> adv_from;
660  for(const unit_type_data::unit_type_map::value_type& ut : unit_types.types()) {
661  for(const std::string& adv : ut.second.advances_to()) {
662  if(adv == id_) {
663  adv_from.push_back(;
664  }
665  }
666  }
668  return adv_from;
669 }
671 // This function is only meant to return the likely state a given status
672 // for a new recruit of this type. It should not be used to check if
673 // a particular unit has it, use get_state(status_name) for that.
674 bool unit_type::musthave_status(const std::string& status_name) const
675 {
676  // Statuses default to absent.
677  bool current_status = false;
679  // Look at all of the "musthave" traits to see if the
680  // status gets changed. In the unlikely event it gets changed
681  // multiple times, we want to try to do it in the same order
682  // that unit::apply_modifications does things.
683  for(const config& mod : possible_traits()) {
684  if(mod["availability"] != "musthave") {
685  continue;
686  }
688  for(const config& effect : mod.child_range("effect")) {
689  // See if the effect only applies to
690  // certain unit types But don't worry
691  // about gender checks, since we don't
692  // know what the gender of the
693  // hypothetical recruit is.
694  const std::string& ut = effect["unit_type"];
696  if(!ut.empty()) {
697  const std::vector<std::string>& types = utils::split(ut);
699  if(std::find(types.begin(), types.end(), id()) == types.end()) {
700  continue;
701  }
702  }
704  // We're only interested in status changes.
705  if(effect["apply_to"] != "status") {
706  continue;
707  }
709  if(effect["add"] == status_name) {
710  current_status = true;
711  }
713  if(effect["remove"] == status_name) {
714  current_status = false;
715  }
716  }
717  }
719  return current_status;
720 }
722 const std::string& unit_type::flag_rgb() const
723 {
724  return flag_rgb_.empty() ? game_config::unit_rgb : flag_rgb_;
725 }
728 {
729  if(num_traits() == 0) {
730  return false;
731  }
733  for(const auto& cfg : possible_traits()) {
734  const config::attribute_value& availability = cfg["availability"];
735  if(availability.blank()) {
736  return true;
737  }
739  if(availability.str() != "musthave") {
740  return true;
741  }
742  }
744  return false;
745 }
747 std::vector<std::string> unit_type::variations() const
748 {
749  std::vector<std::string> retval;
750  retval.reserve(variations_.size());
752  for(const variations_map::value_type& val : variations_) {
753  retval.push_back(val.first);
754  }
756  return retval;
757 }
759 bool unit_type::has_variation(const std::string& variation_id) const
760 {
761  return variations_.find(variation_id) != variations_.end();
762 }
765 {
766  for(const variations_map::value_type& val : variations_) {
767  if(!val.second.hide_help()) {
768  return true;
769  }
770  }
772  return false;
773 }
775 int unit_type::resistance_against(const std::string& damage_name, bool attacker) const
776 {
777  int resistance = movement_type_.resistance_against(damage_name);
778  unit_ability_list resistance_abilities;
780  if(auto abilities = get_cfg().optional_child("abilities")) {
781  for(const config& cfg : abilities->child_range("resistance")) {
782  if(!cfg["affect_self"].to_bool(true)) {
783  continue;
784  }
786  if(!resistance_filter_matches(cfg, attacker, damage_name, 100 - resistance)) {
787  continue;
788  }
791  }
792  }
794  if(!resistance_abilities.empty()) {
795  unit_abilities::effect resist_effect(resistance_abilities, 100 - resistance);
797  resistance = 100 - std::min<int>(
798  resist_effect.get_composite_value(),
799  resistance_abilities.highest("max_value").first
800  );
801  }
803  return resistance;
804 }
807  const config& cfg, bool attacker, const std::string& damage_name, int res) const
808 {
809  if(!(cfg["active_on"].empty() ||
810  (attacker && cfg["active_on"] == "offense") ||
811  (!attacker && cfg["active_on"] == "defense"))
812  ) {
813  return false;
814  }
816  const std::string& apply_to = cfg["apply_to"];
818  if(!apply_to.empty()) {
819  if(damage_name != apply_to) {
820  if(apply_to.find(',') != std::string::npos && apply_to.find(damage_name) != std::string::npos) {
821  const std::vector<std::string>& vals = utils::split(apply_to);
823  if(std::find(vals.begin(), vals.end(), damage_name) == vals.end()) {
824  return false;
825  }
826  } else {
827  return false;
828  }
829  }
830  }
832  if(!unit_abilities::filter_base_matches(cfg, res)) {
833  return false;
834  }
836  return true;
837 }
839 /** Implementation detail of unit_type::alignment_description */
842 {
843  if(gender == unit_race::FEMALE) {
844  switch(align)
845  {
846  case unit_alignments::type::lawful:
847  return _("female^lawful");
848  case unit_alignments::type::neutral:
849  return _("female^neutral");
850  case unit_alignments::type::chaotic:
851  return _("female^chaotic");
852  case unit_alignments::type::liminal:
853  return _("female^liminal");
854  default:
855  return _("female^lawful");
856  }
857  } else {
858  switch(align)
859  {
860  case unit_alignments::type::lawful:
861  return _("lawful");
862  case unit_alignments::type::neutral:
863  return _("neutral");
864  case unit_alignments::type::chaotic:
865  return _("chaotic");
866  case unit_alignments::type::liminal:
867  return _("liminal");
868  default:
869  return _("lawful");
870  }
871  }
872 }
874 /* ** unit_type_data ** */
877  : types_()
878  , movement_types_()
879  , races_()
880  , hide_help_all_(false)
881  , hide_help_type_()
882  , hide_help_race_()
883  , units_cfg_()
884  , build_status_(unit_type::NOT_BUILT)
885 {
886 }
889 // Helpers for set_config()
891 namespace
892 {
893 /**
894  * Spits out an error message and throws a config::error.
895  * Called when apply_base_unit() detects a cycle.
896  * (This exists merely to take the error message out of that function.)
897  */
898 void throw_base_unit_recursion_error(const std::vector<std::string>& base_tree, const std::string& base_id)
899 {
900  std::stringstream ss;
901  ss << "[base_unit] recursion loop in [unit_type] ";
903  for(const std::string& step : base_tree) {
904  ss << step << "->";
905  }
907  ss << base_id;
908  ERR_CF << ss.str();
910  throw config::error(ss.str());
911 }
913 /**
914  * Insert a new value into a movetype, possibly calculating the value based on
915  * the existing values in the target movetype.
916  */
917 void patch_movetype(movetype& mt,
918  const std::string& type_to_patch,
919  const std::string& new_key,
920  const std::string& formula_str,
921  int default_val,
922  bool replace)
923 {
924  LOG_CONFIG << "Patching " << new_key << " into movetype." << type_to_patch;
925  config mt_cfg;
926  mt.write(mt_cfg, false);
928  if(!replace && mt_cfg.child_or_empty(type_to_patch).has_attribute(new_key)) {
929  // Don't replace if this type already exists in the config
930  return;
931  }
933  // Make movement_costs.flat, defense.castle, etc available to the formula.
934  // The formula uses config_callables which take references to data in mt;
935  // the enclosing scope is to run all the destructors before calling mt's
936  // non-const merge() function. Probably unnecessary, but I'd rather write
937  // it this way than debug it afterwards.
938  config temp_cfg;
939  {
940  // Instances of wfl::config_callable take a reference to a config,
941  // which means that the "cumulative_values" variable below needs to be
942  // copied so that movement costs aren't overwritten by vision costs
943  // before the formula is evaluated.
944  std::list<config> config_copies;
946  gui2::typed_formula<int> formula(formula_str, default_val);
947  wfl::map_formula_callable original;
949  // These three need to follow movetype's fallback system, where values for
950  // movement costs are used for vision too.
951  const std::array fallback_children {"movement_costs", "vision_costs", "jamming_costs"};
952  config cumulative_values;
953  for(const auto& x : fallback_children) {
954  if(mt_cfg.has_child(x)) {
955  cumulative_values.merge_with(mt_cfg.mandatory_child(x));
956  }
957  config_copies.emplace_back(cumulative_values);
958  auto val = std::make_shared<wfl::config_callable>(config_copies.back());
959  original.add(x, val);
961  // Allow "flat" to work as "vision_costs.flat" when patching vision_costs, etc
962  if(type_to_patch == x) {
963  original.set_fallback(val);
964  }
965  }
967  // These don't need the fallback system
968  const std::array child_names {"defense", "resistance"};
969  for(const auto& x : child_names) {
970  if(mt_cfg.has_child(x)) {
971  const auto& subtag = mt_cfg.mandatory_child(x);
972  auto val = std::make_shared<wfl::config_callable>(subtag);
973  original.add(x, val);
975  // Allow "arcane" to work as well as "resistance.arcane", etc
976  if(type_to_patch == x) {
977  original.set_fallback(val);
978  }
979  }
980  }
982  LOG_CONFIG << " formula=" << formula_str << ", resolves to " << formula(original);
983  temp_cfg[new_key] = formula(original);
984  }
985  mt.merge(temp_cfg, type_to_patch, true);
986 }
987 } // unnamed namespace
989 /**
990  * Modifies the provided config by merging all base units into it.
991  * The @a base_tree parameter is used for detecting and reporting
992  * cycles of base units and in particular to prevent infinite loops.
993  */
995 void unit_type_data::apply_base_unit(unit_type& type, std::vector<std::string>& base_tree)
996 {
997  // Nothing to do.
998  if(type.base_unit_id_.empty()) {
999  return;
1000  }
1002  // Detect recursion so the WML author is made aware of an error.
1003  if(std::find(base_tree.begin(), base_tree.end(), type.base_unit_id_) != base_tree.end()) {
1004  throw_base_unit_recursion_error(base_tree, type.base_unit_id_);
1005  }
1007  // Find the base unit.
1008  const unit_type_map::iterator itor = types_.find(type.base_unit_id_);
1009  if(itor != types_.end()) {
1011  unit_type& base_type = itor->second;
1013  // Make sure the base unit has had its base units accounted for.
1014  base_tree.push_back(type.base_unit_id_);
1016  apply_base_unit(base_type, base_tree);
1018  base_tree.pop_back();
1020  // Merge the base unit "under" our config.
1021  type.writable_cfg().inherit_from(base_type.get_cfg());
1022  }
1023  else {
1024  ERR_CF << "[base_unit]: unit type not found: " << type.base_unit_id_;
1025  throw config::error("unit type not found: " + type.base_unit_id_);
1026  }
1027 }
1029 /**
1030  * Handles inheritance for configs of [male], [female], and [variation].
1031  * Also removes gendered children, as those serve no purpose.
1032  * @a default_inherit is the default value for inherit=.
1033  */
1034 std::unique_ptr<unit_type> unit_type::create_sub_type(const config& var_cfg, bool default_inherit)
1035 {
1036  config var_copy = var_cfg;
1037  if(var_cfg["inherit"].to_bool(default_inherit)) {
1038  var_copy.inherit_from(get_cfg());
1039  }
1041  var_copy.clear_children("male");
1042  var_copy.clear_children("female");
1044  return std::make_unique<unit_type>(std::move(var_copy), parent_id());
1045 }
1047 /**
1048  * Processes [variation] tags of @a ut_cfg, handling inheritance and
1049  * child clearing.
1050  */
1052 {
1053  // Most unit types do not have variations.
1054  if(!get_cfg().has_child("variation")) {
1055  return;
1056  }
1058  // Handle each variation's inheritance.
1059  for(const config& var_cfg : get_cfg().child_range("variation")) {
1061  std::unique_ptr<unit_type> var = create_sub_type(var_cfg, false);
1063  var->built_cfg_->remove_children("variation");
1064  var->variation_id_ = var_cfg["variation_id"].str();
1065  var->debug_id_ = debug_id_ + " [" + var->variation_id_ + "]";
1068  bool success;
1069  std::tie(ut, success) = variations_.emplace(var_cfg["variation_id"].str(), std::move(*var));
1070  if(!success) {
1071  ERR_CF << "Skipping duplicate unit variation ID: '" << var_cfg["variation_id"]
1072  << "' of unit_type '" << get_cfg()["id"] << "'";
1073  }
1074  }
1077 }
1081 {
1082  // Complete the gender-specific children of the config.
1083  if(auto male_cfg = get_cfg().optional_child("male")) {
1084  gender_types_[0] = create_sub_type(*male_cfg, true);
1085  gender_types_[0]->fill_variations();
1086  }
1088  if(auto female_cfg = get_cfg().optional_child("female")) {
1089  gender_types_[1] = create_sub_type(*female_cfg, true);
1090  gender_types_[1]->fill_variations();
1091  }
1093  // Complete the variation-defining children of the config.
1094  fill_variations();
1097 }
1098 /**
1099  * Resets all data based on the provided config.
1100  * This includes some processing of the config, such as expanding base units.
1101  * A pointer to the config is stored, so the config must be persistent.
1102  */
1104 {
1105  LOG_UT << "unit_type_data::set_config, nunits: " << cfg.child_range("unit_type").size();
1107  clear();
1108  units_cfg_ = cfg;
1110  for(const config& mt : cfg.child_range("movetype")) {
1111  movement_types_.emplace(mt["name"].str(), movetype(mt));
1114  }
1116  for(const config& r : cfg.child_range("race")) {
1117  const unit_race race(r);
1118  races_.emplace(, race);
1121  }
1123  // Movetype resistance patching
1124  DBG_CF << "Start of movetype patching";
1125  for(const config& r : cfg.child_range("resistance_defaults")) {
1126  const std::string& dmg_type = r["id"];
1128  for(const auto& [mt, value] : r.attribute_range()) {
1129  if(mt == "id" || mt == "default" || movement_types_.find(mt) == movement_types_.end()) {
1130  continue;
1131  }
1133  DBG_CF << "Patching specific movetype " << mt;
1134  patch_movetype(movement_types_[mt], "resistance", dmg_type, value, 100, true);
1135  }
1137  if(r.has_attribute("default")) {
1138  for(movement_type_map::value_type& mt : movement_types_) {
1139  // Don't apply a default if a value is explicitly specified.
1140  if(r.has_attribute(mt.first)) {
1141  continue;
1142  }
1143  // The "none" movetype expects everything to have the default value (to be UNREACHABLE)
1144  if(mt.first == "none") {
1145  continue;
1146  }
1148  patch_movetype(mt.second, "resistance", dmg_type, r["default"], 100, false);
1149  }
1150  }
1151  }
1152  DBG_CF << "Split between resistance and cost patching";
1154  // Movetype move/defend patching
1155  for(const config& terrain : cfg.child_range("terrain_defaults")) {
1156  const std::string& ter_type = terrain["id"];
1158  struct ter_defs_to_movetype
1159  {
1160  /** The data to read from is in [terrain_defaults][subtag], and corresponds to [movetype][subtag] */
1161  std::string subtag;
1162  /** Deprecated names used in 1.14.0's [terrain_defaults]. For [defense] the name didn't change. */
1163  std::string alias;
1164  int default_val;
1165  };
1166  const std::array terrain_info_tags{
1167  ter_defs_to_movetype{{"movement_costs"}, {"movement"}, movetype::UNREACHABLE},
1168  ter_defs_to_movetype{{"vision_costs"}, {"vision"}, movetype::UNREACHABLE},
1169  ter_defs_to_movetype{{"jamming_costs"}, {"jamming"}, movetype::UNREACHABLE},
1170  ter_defs_to_movetype{{"defense"}, {"defense"}, 100}
1171  };
1173  for(const auto& cost_type : terrain_info_tags) {
1174  const std::string* src_tag = nullptr;
1175  if(terrain.has_child(cost_type.subtag)) {
1176  src_tag = &cost_type.subtag;
1177  }
1178  else if(terrain.has_child(cost_type.alias)) {
1179  // Check for the deprecated name, no deprecation warnings are printed.
1180  src_tag = &cost_type.alias;
1181  }
1182  if(!src_tag) {
1183  continue;
1184  }
1186  const config& info = terrain.mandatory_child(*src_tag);
1188  for(const auto& [mt, value] : info.attribute_range()) {
1189  if(mt == "default" || movement_types_.find(mt) == movement_types_.end()) {
1190  continue;
1191  }
1193  patch_movetype(
1194  movement_types_[mt], cost_type.subtag, ter_type, value, cost_type.default_val, true);
1195  }
1197  if(info.has_attribute("default")) {
1198  for(movement_type_map::value_type& mt : movement_types_) {
1199  // Don't apply a default if a value is explicitly specified.
1200  if(info.has_attribute(mt.first)) {
1201  continue;
1202  }
1203  // The "none" movetype expects everything to have the default value
1204  if(mt.first == "none") {
1205  continue;
1206  }
1208  patch_movetype(
1209  mt.second, cost_type.subtag, ter_type, info["default"], cost_type.default_val, false);
1210  }
1211  }
1212  }
1213  }
1214  DBG_CF << "End of movetype patching";
1216  for(const config& ut : cfg.child_range("unit_type")) {
1217  // Every type is required to have an id.
1218  std::string id = ut["id"].str();
1219  if(id.empty()) {
1220  ERR_CF << "[unit_type] with empty id=, ignoring:\n" << ut.debug();
1221  continue;
1222  }
1224  if(types_.emplace(id, unit_type(ut)).second) {
1225  LOG_CONFIG << "added " << id << " to unit_type list (unit_type_data.unit_types)";
1226  } else {
1227  ERR_CF << "Multiple [unit_type]s with id=" << id << " encountered.";
1228  }
1229  }
1231  // Apply base units.
1232  for(auto& type : types_) {
1233  std::vector<std::string> base_tree(1,;
1234  apply_base_unit(type.second, base_tree);
1237  }
1239  //handle [male], [female], [variation]
1240  for(auto& type : types_) {
1241  type.second.fill_variations_and_gender();
1244  }
1246  // Build all unit types. (This was not done within the loop for performance.)
1249  // Suppress some unit types (presumably used as base units) from the help.
1250  if(auto hide_help = cfg.optional_child("hide_help")) {
1251  hide_help_all_ = hide_help["all"].to_bool();
1253  }
1254  DBG_UT << "Finished creating unit types";
1255 }
1258 {
1259, movement_types_, races_, units_cfg().child_range("trait"));
1260 }
1262 /**
1263  * Finds a unit_type by its id() and makes sure it is built to the specified level.
1264  */
1265 const unit_type* unit_type_data::find(const std::string& key, unit_type::BUILD_STATUS status) const
1266 {
1267  if(key.empty() || key == "random") {
1268  return nullptr;
1269  }
1271  DBG_CF << "trying to find " << key << " in unit_type list (unit_type_data.unit_types)";
1272  const unit_type_map::iterator itor = types_.find(key);
1274  // This might happen if units of another era are requested (for example for savegames)
1275  if(itor == types_.end()) {
1276  DBG_CF << "unable to find " << key << " in unit_type list (unit_type_data.unit_types)";
1277  return nullptr;
1278  }
1280  // Make sure the unit_type is built to the requested level.
1281  build_unit_type(itor->second, status);
1283  return &itor->second;
1284 }
1286 void unit_type_data::check_types(const std::vector<std::string>& types) const
1287 {
1288  for(const std::string& type : types) {
1289  if(!find(type)) {
1290  throw game::game_error("unknown unit type: " + type);
1291  }
1292  }
1293 }
1296 {
1297  types_.clear();
1298  movement_types_.clear();
1299  races_.clear();
1302  hide_help_all_ = false;
1303  hide_help_race_.clear();
1304  hide_help_type_.clear();
1305 }
1308 {
1309  // Nothing to do if already built to the requested level.
1310  if(status <= build_status_) {
1311  return;
1312  }
1314  for(const auto& type : types_) {
1315  build_unit_type(type.second, status);
1318  }
1320  build_status_ = status;
1321 }
1324 {
1325  hide_help_race_.emplace_back();
1326  hide_help_type_.emplace_back();
1328  std::vector<std::string> races = utils::split(cfg["race"]);
1329  hide_help_race_.back().insert(races.begin(), races.end());
1331  std::vector<std::string> types = utils::split(cfg["type"]);
1332  hide_help_type_.back().insert(types.begin(), types.end());
1334  std::vector<std::string> trees = utils::split(cfg["type_adv_tree"]);
1335  hide_help_type_.back().insert(trees.begin(), trees.end());
1337  for(const std::string& t_id : trees) {
1338  unit_type_map::iterator ut = types_.find(t_id);
1340  if(ut != types_.end()) {
1341  std::set<std::string> adv_tree = ut->second.advancement_tree();
1342  hide_help_type_.back().insert(adv_tree.begin(), adv_tree.end());
1343  }
1344  }
1346  // We recursively call all the imbricated [not] tags
1347  if(auto cfgnot = cfg.optional_child("not")) {
1348  read_hide_help(*cfgnot);
1349  }
1350 }
1352 bool unit_type_data::hide_help(const std::string& type, const std::string& race) const
1353 {
1354  bool res = hide_help_all_;
1355  int lvl = hide_help_all_ ? 1 : 0; // first level is covered by 'all=yes'
1357  // supposed to be equal but let's be cautious
1358  int lvl_nb = std::min(hide_help_race_.size(), hide_help_type_.size());
1360  for(; lvl < lvl_nb; ++lvl) {
1361  if(hide_help_race_[lvl].count(race) || hide_help_type_[lvl].count(type)) {
1362  res = !res; // each level is a [not]
1363  }
1364  }
1366  return res;
1367 }
1369 const unit_race* unit_type_data::find_race(const std::string& key) const
1370 {
1371  race_map::const_iterator i = races_.find(key);
1372  return i != races_.end() ? &i->second : nullptr;
1373 }
1376 {
1377  build_created();
1378  if(auto p_setxp = cfg.get("set_experience")) {
1379  experience_needed_ = p_setxp->to_int();
1380  }
1381  if(auto attr = cfg.get("set_advances_to")) {
1382  advances_to_ = utils::split(attr->str());
1383  }
1384  if(auto attr = cfg.get("set_cost")) {
1385  cost_ = attr->to_int(1);
1386  }
1387  if(auto attr = cfg.get("add_advancement")) {
1388  for(const auto& str : utils::split(attr->str())) {
1389  if(!utils::contains(advances_to_, str)) {
1390  advances_to_.push_back(str);
1391  }
1392  }
1393  }
1394  if(auto attr = cfg.get("remove_advancement")) {
1395  for(const auto& str : utils::split(attr->str())) {
1396  boost::remove_erase(advances_to_, str);
1397  }
1398  }
1400  if(cfg.has_child("advancement")) {
1401  advancements_ = cfg.child_range("advancement");
1402  }
1404  // apply recursively to subtypes.
1405  for(int gender = 0; gender <= 1; ++gender) {
1406  if(!gender_types_[gender]) {
1407  continue;
1408  }
1409  gender_types_[gender]->apply_scenario_fix(cfg);
1410  std::string gender_str = gender == 0 ? "male" : "female";
1411  if(cfg.has_child(gender_str)) {
1412  auto gender_cfg = cfg.optional_child(gender_str);
1413  if(gender_cfg){
1414  gender_types_[gender]->apply_scenario_fix(*gender_cfg);
1415  }
1416  }
1417  }
1419  if(get_cfg().has_child("variation")) {
1420  // Make sure the variations are created.
1422  for (auto& cv : cfg.child_range("variation")){
1423  for(auto& v : variations_) {
1424  if(v.first == cv["variation_id"]){
1425  v.second.apply_scenario_fix(cv);
1426  }
1427  }
1428  }
1429  }
1430 }
1433 {
1434  unit_type_map::iterator itor = types_.find(cfg["type"].str());
1435  // This might happen if units of another era are requested (for example for savegames)
1436  if(itor != types_.end()) {
1437  itor->second.apply_scenario_fix(cfg);
1438  }
1439  else {
1440  // should we give an error message?
1441  }
1442 }
1445 {
1446  advances_to_.clear();
1447  const std::string& advances_to_val = get_cfg()["advances_to"];
1448  if(advances_to_val != "null" && !advances_to_val.empty()) {
1449  advances_to_ = utils::split(advances_to_val);
1450  }
1451  experience_needed_ = get_cfg()["experience"].to_int(500);
1452  cost_ = get_cfg()["cost"].to_int(1);
1454  // apply recursively to subtypes.
1455  for(int gender = 0; gender <= 1; ++gender) {
1456  if(!gender_types_[gender]) {
1457  continue;
1458  }
1459  gender_types_[gender]->remove_scenario_fixes();
1460  }
1461  for(auto& v : variations_) {
1462  v.second.remove_scenario_fixes();
1463  }
1464  advancements_ = get_cfg().child_range("advancement");
1465 }
1468 {
1469  for(auto& pair : types_) {
1470  pair.second.remove_scenario_fixes();
1471  }
1472 }
1474 void unit_type::check_id(std::string& id)
1475 {
1476  assert(!id.empty());
1478  // We don't allow leading whitepaces.
1479  if(id[0] == ' ') {
1480  throw error("Found unit type id with a leading whitespace \"" + id + "\"");
1481  }
1483  if(id == "random" || id == "null") {
1484  throw error("Found unit type using a 'random' or 'null' as an id");
1485  }
1487  bool gave_warning = false;
1489  for(std::size_t pos = 0; pos < id.size(); ++pos) {
1490  const char c = id[pos];
1491  const bool valid = std::isalnum(c, std::locale::classic()) || c == '_' || c == ' ';
1493  if(!valid) {
1494  if(!gave_warning) {
1495  ERR_UT << "Found unit type id with invalid characters: \"" << id << "\"";
1496  gave_warning = true;
1497  }
1499  id[pos] = '_';
1500  }
1501  }
1502 }
1506 void adjust_profile(std::string& profile)
1507 {
1508  // Create a temp copy
1509  std::string temp = profile;
1511  static const std::string path_adjust = "/transparent";
1512  const std::string::size_type offset = profile.find_last_of('/', profile.find('~'));
1514  // If the path already refers to /transparent...
1515  if(profile.find(path_adjust) != std::string::npos && offset != std::string::npos) {
1516  if(!image::exists(profile)) {
1517  profile.replace(profile.find(path_adjust), path_adjust.length(), "");
1518  }
1520  return;
1521  }
1523  // else, check for the file with /transparent appended...
1524  offset != std::string::npos ? temp.insert(offset, path_adjust) : temp = path_adjust + temp;
1526  // and use that path if it exists.
1527  if(image::exists(temp)) {
1528  profile = temp;
1529  }
1530 }
double t
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
double g
Definition: astarsearch.cpp:63
boost::iterator_range< boost::indirect_iterator< attack_list::const_iterator > > const_attack_itors
attack_itors make_attack_itors(attack_list &atks)
Variant for storing WML attributes.
std::string str(const std::string &fallback="") const
bool blank() const
Tests for an attribute that was never set.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:158
const config & child_or_empty(config_key_type key) const
Returns the first child with the given key, or an empty config if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:390
config & mandatory_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Returns the nth child with the given key, or throws an error if there is none.
Definition: config.cpp:362
auto all_children_view() const
In-order iteration over all children.
Definition: config.hpp:796
void clear_children(T... keys)
Definition: config.hpp:602
bool has_child(config_key_type key) const
Determine whether a config has a child or not.
Definition: config.cpp:312
bool has_attribute(config_key_type key) const
Definition: config.cpp:157
void merge_with(const config &c)
Merge config 'c' into this config, overwriting this config's values.
Definition: config.cpp:1119
void inherit_from(const config &c)
Merge config 'c' into this config, preserving this config's values.
Definition: config.cpp:1169
child_itors child_range(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:268
void clear()
Definition: config.cpp:824
const attribute_value * get(config_key_type key) const
Returns a pointer to the attribute with the given key or nullptr if it does not exist.
Definition: config.cpp:681
optional_config_impl< config > optional_child(config_key_type key, int n=0)
Equivalent to mandatory_child, but returns an empty optional if the nth child was not found.
Definition: config.cpp:380
config & add_child(config_key_type key)
Definition: config.cpp:436
A class grating read only view to a vector of config objects, viewed as one config with all children ...
optional_const_config optional_child(config_key_type key) const
static game_config_view wrap(const config &cfg)
config_array_view child_range(config_key_type key) const
static void progress(loading_stage stage=loading_stage::none)
Report what is being loaded to the loading screen.
The basic "size" of the unit - flying, small land, large land, etc.
Definition: movetype.hpp:44
static const int UNREACHABLE
Magic value that signifies a hex is unreachable.
Definition: movetype.hpp:174
void write(config &cfg, bool include_notes) const
Writes the movement type data to the provided config.
Definition: movetype.cpp:903
void merge(const config &new_cfg, bool overwrite=true)
Merges the given config over the existing data, the config should have zero or more children named "m...
Definition: movetype.cpp:859
int resistance_against(const std::string &damage_type) const
Returns the vulnerability to the indicated damage type (higher means takes more damage).
Definition: movetype.hpp:292
const std::vector< t_string > & special_notes() const
Contents of any [special_note] tags.
Definition: movetype.hpp:343
bool empty() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:195
const char * c_str() const
Definition: tstring.hpp:201
int get_composite_value() const
Definition: abilities.hpp:49
void emplace_back(T &&... args)
Definition: unit.hpp:101
std::pair< int, map_location > highest(const std::string &key, int def=0) const
Definition: unit.hpp:68
bool empty() const
Definition: unit.hpp:90
static void fill_initial_animations(std::vector< unit_animation > &animations, const config &cfg)
Definition: animation.cpp:484
const std::string & id() const
Definition: race.hpp:35
bool uses_global_traits() const
Definition: race.cpp:120
static const unit_race null_race
Dummy race used when a race is not yet known.
Definition: race.hpp:69
const std::string & undead_variation() const
Definition: race.hpp:49
unsigned int num_traits() const
Definition: race.cpp:135
const config::const_child_itors & additional_traits() const
Definition: race.cpp:125
static const std::string s_female
Standard string id (not translatable) for FEMALE.
Definition: race.hpp:29
static const std::string s_male
Standard string id (not translatable) for MALE.
Definition: race.hpp:30
Definition: race.hpp:28
Definition: race.hpp:28
void set_config(const game_config_view &cfg)
Resets all data based on the provided config.
Definition: types.cpp:1103
unit_type::BUILD_STATUS build_status_
Definition: types.hpp:446
const unit_type * find(const std::string &key, unit_type::BUILD_STATUS status=unit_type::FULL) const
Finds a unit_type by its id() and makes sure it is built to the specified level.
Definition: types.cpp:1265
bool hide_help(const std::string &type_id, const std::string &race_id) const
Checks if the [hide_help] tag contains these IDs.
Definition: types.cpp:1352
void clear()
Definition: types.cpp:1295
void remove_scenario_fixes()
Definition: types.cpp:1467
const race_map & races() const
Definition: types.hpp:406
bool hide_help_all_
True if [hide_help] contains a 'all=yes' at its root.
Definition: types.hpp:439
race_map races_
Definition: types.hpp:436
void build_all(unit_type::BUILD_STATUS status)
Makes sure the all unit_types are built to the specified level.
Definition: types.cpp:1307
void apply_base_unit(unit_type &type, std::vector< std::string > &base_tree)
Modifies the provided config by merging all base units into it.
Definition: types.cpp:995
unit_type_map types_
Definition: types.hpp:434
const unit_race * find_race(const std::string &) const
Definition: types.cpp:1369
void check_types(const std::vector< std::string > &types) const
Definition: types.cpp:1286
movement_type_map movement_types_
Definition: types.hpp:435
game_config_view units_cfg_
Definition: types.hpp:445
void build_unit_type(const unit_type &ut, unit_type::BUILD_STATUS status) const
Makes sure the provided unit_type is built to the specified level.
Definition: types.cpp:1257
std::vector< std::set< std::string > > hide_help_type_
Definition: types.hpp:441
const game_config_view & units_cfg() const
Definition: types.hpp:444
const unit_type_map & types() const
Definition: types.hpp:396
void read_hide_help(const config &cfg)
Parses the [hide_help] tag.
Definition: types.cpp:1323
void apply_scenario_fix(const config &cfg)
Definition: types.cpp:1432
std::vector< std::set< std::string > > hide_help_race_
Definition: types.hpp:442
A single unit type that the player may recruit.
Definition: types.hpp:43
std::string default_variation_
Definition: types.hpp:355
t_string description_
Definition: types.hpp:330
std::string image_
Definition: types.hpp:344
std::vector< unit_animation > animations_
Definition: types.hpp:381
const std::vector< std::string > advances_from() const
A vector of unit_type ids that can advance to this unit_type.
Definition: types.cpp:654
unit_alignments::type alignment_
Definition: types.hpp:371
int jamming_
Definition: types.hpp:338
int recall_cost_
Definition: types.hpp:335
const std::string & parent_id() const
The id of the original type from which this (variation) descended.
Definition: types.hpp:145
int cost_
Definition: types.hpp:340
config::const_child_itors advancements_
Definition: types.hpp:367
void fill_variations()
Processes [variation] tags of ut_cfg, handling inheritance and child clearing.
Definition: types.cpp:1051
static std::string alignment_description(unit_alignments::type align, unit_race::GENDER gender=unit_race::MALE)
Implementation detail of unit_type::alignment_description.
Definition: types.cpp:841
std::vector< t_string > special_notes_
Definition: types.hpp:331
const unit_type & get_gender_unit_type(const std::string &gender) const
Returns a gendered variant of this unit_type.
Definition: types.cpp:455
variations_map variations_
Definition: types.hpp:354
void build_full(const movement_type_map &movement_types, const race_map &races, const config_array_view &traits)
Load data into an empty unit_type (build to FULL).
Definition: types.cpp:193
int level_
Definition: types.hpp:334
const std::string & variation_id() const
The id of this variation; empty if it's a gender variation or a base unit.
Definition: types.hpp:147
const unit_race * race_
Never nullptr, but may point to the null race.
Definition: types.hpp:360
std::string parent_id_
The id of the top ancestor of this unit_type.
Definition: types.hpp:326
std::string flag_rgb_
Definition: types.hpp:348
std::string undead_variation_
Definition: types.hpp:342
bool has_random_traits() const
Definition: types.cpp:727
std::string movement_type_id_
Definition: types.hpp:373
std::vector< ability_metadata > abilities_
Definition: types.hpp:362
void fill_variations_and_gender()
Definition: types.cpp:1080
const movetype & movement_type() const
Definition: types.hpp:189
bool show_variations_in_help() const
Whether the unit type has at least one help-visible variation.
Definition: types.cpp:764
int max_attacks_
Definition: types.hpp:339
std::string debug_id_
A suffix for id_, used when logging messages.
Definition: types.hpp:324
std::array< std::unique_ptr< unit_type >, 2 > gender_types_
Definition: types.hpp:352
bool has_ability_by_id(const std::string &ability) const
Definition: types.cpp:593
std::string small_profile_
Definition: types.hpp:346
t_string variation_name_
Definition: types.hpp:357
const unit_type & get_variation(const std::string &id) const
Definition: types.cpp:476
const_attack_itors attacks() const
Definition: types.cpp:545
const std::vector< std::string > & advances_to() const
A vector of unit_type ids that this unit_type can advance to.
Definition: types.hpp:115
void apply_scenario_fix(const config &cfg)
Definition: types.cpp:1375
int vision_
Definition: types.hpp:337
int resistance_against(const std::string &damage_name, bool attacker) const
Gets resistance while considering custom WML abilities.
Definition: types.cpp:775
bool has_variation(const std::string &variation_id) const
Definition: types.cpp:759
bool hide_help_
Definition: types.hpp:364
t_string unit_description() const
Definition: types.cpp:486
static void check_id(std::string &id)
Validate the id argument.
Definition: types.cpp:1474
Records the status of the lazy building of unit types.
Definition: types.hpp:74
Definition: types.hpp:74
Definition: types.hpp:74
Definition: types.hpp:74
Definition: types.hpp:74
Definition: types.hpp:74
std::string id_
Definition: types.hpp:322
std::string usage_
Definition: types.hpp:341
const std::vector< unit_animation > & animations() const
Definition: types.cpp:536
std::vector< std::string > variations() const
Definition: types.cpp:747
bool hide_help() const
Definition: types.cpp:626
const std::string & flag_rgb() const
Definition: types.cpp:722
const config & abilities_cfg() const
Definition: types.hpp:234
std::vector< t_string > special_notes() const
Returns all notes that should be displayed in the help page for this type, including those found in a...
Definition: types.cpp:495
attack_list attacks_cache_
Definition: types.hpp:320
unit_type_error error
Definition: types.hpp:49
double xp_bar_scaling_
Definition: types.hpp:333
std::vector< std::string > advances_to_
Definition: types.hpp:366
const config * cfg_
Definition: types.hpp:316
std::string base_unit_id_
from [base_unit]
Definition: types.hpp:328
double hp_bar_scaling_
Definition: types.hpp:333
config possible_traits_
Definition: types.hpp:376
const std::string log_id() const
A variant on id() that is more descriptive, for use with message logging.
Definition: types.hpp:143
std::vector< unit_race::GENDER > genders_
Definition: types.hpp:378
bool zoc_
Definition: types.hpp:364
int experience_needed(bool with_acceleration=true) const
Definition: types.cpp:579
bool musthave_status(const std::string &status) const
Definition: types.cpp:674
int experience_needed_
Definition: types.hpp:368
movetype movement_type_
Definition: types.hpp:374
std::string icon_
Definition: types.hpp:345
int hitpoints_
Definition: types.hpp:332
bool do_not_list_
Definition: types.hpp:364
void build(BUILD_STATUS status, const movement_type_map &movement_types, const race_map &races, const config_array_view &traits)
Performs a build of this to the indicated stage.
Definition: types.cpp:420
std::vector< std::string > get_ability_list() const
Definition: types.cpp:606
bool resistance_filter_matches(const config &cfg, bool attacker, const std::string &damage_name, int res) const
Identical to unit::resistance_filter_matches.
Definition: types.cpp:806
void remove_scenario_fixes()
Definition: types.cpp:1444
std::unique_ptr< unit_type > create_sub_type(const config &var_cfg, bool default_inherit)
Handles inheritance for configs of [male], [female], and [variation].
Definition: types.cpp:1034
void build_help_index(const movement_type_map &movement_types, const race_map &races, const config_array_view &traits)
Partially load data into an empty unit_type (build to HELP_INDEXED).
Definition: types.cpp:236
BUILD_STATUS build_status_
Definition: types.hpp:383
config::const_child_itors possible_traits() const
Definition: types.hpp:231
void build_created()
Load the most needed data into an empty unit_type (build to CREATE).
Definition: types.cpp:377
std::unique_ptr< config > built_cfg_
Definition: types.hpp:318
std::vector< ability_metadata > adv_abilities_
Definition: types.hpp:362
t_string type_name_
Definition: types.hpp:329
Definition: types.cpp:171
const config & get_cfg() const
Definition: types.hpp:281
int movement_
Definition: types.hpp:336
unsigned int num_traits() const
Definition: types.hpp:135
unsigned int num_traits_
Definition: types.hpp:350
std::set< std::string > advancement_tree() const
Get the advancement tree.
Definition: types.cpp:647
std::string profile_
Definition: types.hpp:347
map_formula_callable & add(const std::string &key, const variant &value)
Definition: callable.hpp:253
void set_fallback(const_formula_callable_ptr fallback)
Definition: callable.hpp:265
std::size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1029
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< const config > > config_array_view
static std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:93
std::string id
Text to match against addon_info.tags()
Definition: manager.cpp:199
symbol_table string_table
Definition: language.cpp:64
Standard logging facilities (interface).
double hp_bar_scaling
Definition: game_config.cpp:65
std::string unit_rgb
static void add_color_info(const game_config_view &v, bool build_defaults)
double xp_bar_scaling
Definition: game_config.cpp:66
Default window/dialog return values.
Definition: retval.hpp:30
bool exists(const image::locator &i_locator)
Returns true if the given image actually exists, without loading it.
Definition: picture.cpp:818
logger & info()
Definition: log.cpp:319
bool filter_base_matches(const config &cfg, int def)
Definition: abilities.cpp:2410
void trim(std::string_view &s)
bool contains(const Container &container, const Value &value)
Returns true iff value is found in container.
Definition: general.hpp:86
std::vector< std::string > split(const config_attribute_value &val)
auto * find(Container &container, const Value &value)
Convenience wrapper for using find on a container without needing to comare to end()
Definition: general.hpp:140
std::string::const_iterator iterator
Definition: tokenizer.hpp:25
unit_race::GENDER string_gender(const std::string &str, unit_race::GENDER def)
Definition: race.cpp:147
std::map< std::string, unit_race > race_map
Definition: race.hpp:104
Error used for any general game error, e.g.
Definition: game_errors.hpp:47
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:102
The base template for associating string values with enum values.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:33
static constexpr utils::optional< enum_type > get_enum(const std::string_view value)
Converts a string into its enum equivalent.
Definition: enum_base.hpp:57
utils::string_map::const_iterator end() const
Definition: language.cpp:98
utils::string_map::const_iterator find(const std::string &key) const
Look up the string mappings given in [language] tags.
Definition: language.cpp:93
unit_experience_accelerator(int modifier)
Definition: types.cpp:563
static int get_acceleration()
Definition: types.cpp:574
ability_metadata(const config &cfg)
Definition: types.cpp:175
mock_char c
#define LOG_CONFIG
Definition: types.cpp:43
std::vector< t_string > combine_special_notes(const std::vector< t_string > &direct, const config &abilities, const const_attack_itors &attacks, const movetype &mt)
Common logic for unit_type::special_notes() and unit::special_notes().
Definition: types.cpp:509
static lg::log_domain log_unit("unit")
#define DBG_CF
Definition: types.cpp:44
unit_type_data unit_types
Definition: types.cpp:1504
#define LOG_UT
Definition: types.cpp:48
#define DBG_UT
Definition: types.cpp:47
static void advancement_tree_internal(const std::string &id, std::set< std::string > &tree)
Definition: types.cpp:632
#define ERR_UT
Definition: types.cpp:49
#define ERR_CF
Definition: types.cpp:41
void adjust_profile(std::string &profile)
Definition: types.cpp:1506
static void append_special_note(std::vector< t_string > &notes, const t_string &new_note)
Definition: types.cpp:499
static lg::log_domain log_config("config")
std::map< std::string, movetype > movement_type_map
Definition: types.hpp:33