►Nabout | Display credits about all contributors |
►Ccredits_group | |
Cabout_group | |
►Nactions | |
►Nundo | |
Cdismiss_action | |
Cmove_action | |
Crecall_action | |
Crecruit_action | |
Cauto_shroud_action | |
Cmove_unit_spectator | |
Cshroud_clearing_action | Base class for classes that clear srhoud (move/recruit/recall) |
Cundo_list | Class to store the actions that a player can undo and redo |
►Cundo_action_container | |
Csubaction_factory | |
Cundo_action | Records information to be able to undo an action |
Cundo_event | |
Cclearer_info | Class that stores the part of a unit's data that is needed for fog clearing |
►Cshroud_clearer | Class to encapsulate fog/shroud clearing and the resultant sighted events |
Csight_data | A record of a sighting event |
►Nai | A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First is 'info' - real information Second is 'subjective info' - AIs perception of what's going on So, when we check_before action, we use 'subjective info' and don't touch real 'info' at all |
►Nai_default_rca | |
Caspect_attacks_base | |
Caspect_attacks | |
Cgoto_phase | |
Ccombat_phase | |
Cmove_leader_to_goals_phase | |
Cmove_leader_to_keep_phase | |
Cget_villages_phase | |
Cget_healing_phase | |
Cretreat_phase | |
Cleader_control_phase | |
Cleader_shares_keep_phase | |
Cmove_cost_calculator | |
Cremove_wrong_targets | |
Crated_target | |
Crated_target_comparer | |
Cmove_to_targets_phase | |
Cdesc_sorter_of_candidate_actions | |
Ccandidate_action_evaluation_loop | |
►Ndefault_recruitment | |
Cattack_simulation | For Combat Analysis |
Cdata | |
Ccached_combat_value | |
Crecruit_job | |
Crecruit_limit | |
Crecruitment_aspect | |
►Crecruitment | |
Crecruit_situation_change_observer | |
Nregistry | |
Caction_result | |
Cattack_result | |
Cmove_result | |
Crecall_result | |
Crecruit_result | |
Cstopunit_result | |
Csynced_command_result | |
Cactions | |
Cai_target_defines | |
Cai_composite | |
Caspect | |
Ctypesafe_aspect | |
Cknown_aspect | |
Ccomposite_aspect | |
Ctypesafe_known_aspect | |
Cstandard_aspect | |
Clua_aspect_visitor | |
Clua_aspect | |
Caspect_factory | |
Cregister_aspect_factory | |
Clua_aspect_factory | |
Cregister_lua_aspect_factory | |
Cpath_element | |
Ccomponent | |
Ccomponent_manager | |
Cai_context | |
Crca_context | |
Ccandidate_action_context | |
Cai_context_proxy | |
Crca_context_proxy | |
Cengine | |
Cengine_factory | |
Cregister_engine_factory | |
Cgoal | |
Ctarget_unit_goal | |
Ctarget_location_goal | |
Cprotect_goal | |
Cprotect_location_goal | |
Cprotect_unit_goal | |
Clua_goal | |
Cgoal_factory | |
Cregister_goal_factory | |
Cpath_element_matches | |
Cbase_property_handler | |
Cvector_property_handler | |
Cfacets_property_handler | |
Caspect_property_handler | |
Ccandidate_action | |
Ccandidate_action_factory | |
Cregister_candidate_action_factory | |
Cstage | |
Cidle_stage | |
Cstage_factory | |
Cregister_stage_factory | |
Cconfig_value_translator | |
Cconfig_value_translator< std::string > | |
Cconfig_value_translator< bool > | |
Cleader_aspects_visitor | |
Cconfig_value_translator< utils::variant< bool, std::vector< std::string > > > | |
Cconfig_value_translator< std::vector< std::string > > | |
Cconfig_value_translator< config > | |
Cconfig_value_translator< terrain_filter > | |
Cconfig_value_translator< unit_advancements_aspect > | |
Cvariant_value_translator | |
Cvariant_value_translator< int > | |
Cvariant_value_translator< bool > | |
Cvariant_value_translator< std::string > | |
Cvariant_value_translator< attacks_vector > | |
Cvariant_value_translator< terrain_filter > | |
Cdescription | AI parameters |
Cconfiguration | |
Crecursion_counter | |
Cdefensive_position | |
Ckeeps_cache | |
Cside_context | |
Creadonly_context | |
Creadwrite_context | |
Cside_context_proxy | |
Creadonly_context_proxy | |
Creadwrite_context_proxy | |
Cside_context_impl | |
Creadonly_context_impl | |
Creadwrite_context_impl | |
Caspect_attacks_lua_filter | |
Caspect_attacks_lua | |
Ctarget | |
Cattack_analysis | |
Cdefault_ai_context | |
Cdefault_ai_context_proxy | |
Cdefault_ai_context_impl | |
Cengine_cpp | |
Cformula_ai | |
Cfai_candidate_action_wrapper | |
Cengine_fai | |
Cstage_side_formulas | |
Cstage_unit_formulas | |
Cgame_info | |
Cgamestate_observer | |
Cunit_advancements_aspect | |
Clua_ai_context | Proxy table for the AI context |
Clua_ai_load | |
Clua_ai_action_handler | Proxy class for calling AI action handlers defined in Lua |
Clua_candidate_action_wrapper_base | |
Clua_candidate_action_wrapper | |
Clua_candidate_action_wrapper_external | |
Clua_sticky_candidate_action_wrapper | |
Clua_stage_wrapper | |
Cengine_lua | |
Clua_object_base | |
Clua_object | |
Cholder | Base class that holds the AI and current AI parameters |
Ccommand_history_item | AI Command History Item |
Cmanager | Class that manages AIs for all sides and manages AI redeployment |
Napple_notifications | |
Nbackwards_compatibility | |
Nbase64 | |
►Ncampaignd | |
Nauth | |
Cblacklist | Add-on blacklist table |
Ccontrol_line | Represents a server control line written to a communication socket |
Ccommand_line | |
►Cserver | Legacy add-ons server |
Crequest | Client request information object |
►Nchrono | |
Nformat | Helper types to be used with deconstruct_duration |
Ncompression | |
Ncrypt64 | |
►Ncursor | |
Cmanager | |
Csetter | |
Ndbus | |
►Ndesktop | |
Napple | |
►Nbattery_info | |
Napple | |
Nclipboard | |
Nnotifications | |
Cpath_info | |
Cbookmark_info | |
Ndetail | |
Ndialogs | Various uncategorised dialogs |
Ndisplay_direction | |
►Ndraw | |
Cclip_setter | A class to manage automatic restoration of the clipping region |
Cviewport_setter | A class to manage automatic restoration of the viewport region |
Crender_target_setter | A class to manage automatic restoration of the render target |
Ndraw_manager | A global draw management interface |
►Neditor | Manage the empty-palette in the editor |
Ceditor_action_whole_map | Replace contents of the entire map, Useful as a fallback undo method when something else would be impractical |
Ceditor_action_extendable | Base class for actions that: 1) operate on an area 2) can be used as undo for a click-drag operation 3) can be extended so one undo action undos several actual drag actions |
Ceditor_action_chain | Container action wrapping several actions into one |
Ceditor_action_location | Base class for actions which act on a specified location (and possibly on other locations that can be derived from the staring hex) |
Ceditor_action_location_terrain | Base class for actions which in addition to acting on a hex, act with one terrain type, i.e |
Ceditor_action_area | Base class for area-affecting actions |
Ceditor_action_paste | Paste a map fragment into the map |
Ceditor_action_paint_area | Paint the same terrain on a number of locations on the map |
Ceditor_action_fill | Flood fill |
Ceditor_action_starting_position | Set starting position action, sets location ids (both for starting locations and for non-starting locations) |
Ceditor_action_resize_map | Resize the map |
Ceditor_action_apply_mask | |
Ceditor_action_create_mask | |
Ceditor_action_shuffle_area | Randomize terrain in an area |
Ceditor_action | Base class for all editor actions |
Ceditor_action_exception | |
Ceditor_action_item | Place a new item on the map |
Ceditor_action_item_delete | Remove a item from the map |
Ceditor_action_item_replace | |
Ceditor_action_item_facing | |
Ceditor_action_label | Set label action |
Ceditor_action_label_delete | |
Ceditor_action_select | Select the given locations |
Ceditor_action_deselect | Deselect the given locations |
Ceditor_action_select_all | Select the entire map |
Ceditor_action_select_none | Clear selection |
Ceditor_action_select_inverse | Invert the selection |
Ceditor_action_unit | Place a new unit on the map |
Ceditor_action_unit_delete | Remove a unit from the map |
Ceditor_action_unit_replace | |
Ceditor_action_unit_facing | |
Ceditor_action_village | Sets the ownership of a village to the current side |
Ceditor_action_village_delete | Clears the ownership of a village |
Cmouse_action | A mouse action receives events from the controller, and responds to them by creating an appropriate editor_action object |
Cbrush_drag_mouse_action | A brush-drag mouse action base class which adds brush and drag processing to a basic mouse action |
Cmouse_action_paint | Brush paint mouse action |
Cmouse_action_paste | Paste action |
Cmouse_action_fill | Fill action |
Cmouse_action_starting_position | Set starting position action |
Cmouse_action_item | Item placement action class |
Cmouse_action_map_label | Set map label action |
Cmouse_action_select | Select (and deselect) action, by brush or "magic wand" (via keyboard modifier) |
Cmouse_action_unit | Unit placement action class |
Cmouse_action_village | Editor mouse action class |
Ceditor_controller | Mouse and keyboard event handling routines for the editor |
Ceditor_exception | |
Ceditor_logic_exception | |
Ceditor_display | |
Ccontext_manager | |
Ceditor_map_operation_exception | |
Ceditor_map_integrity_error | |
Ceditor_map_load_exception | |
Ceditor_map_save_exception | |
Ceditor_map | This class adds extra editor-specific functionality to a normal gamemap |
Ceditor_team_info | |
Cmap_context | This class wraps around a map to provide a concise interface for the editor to work with |
Ctile_info | This represents a tile along with information about it, namely the terrain, possibly other information |
Cmap_fragment | A map fragment – a collection of locations and information abut them |
Citem_group | Stores the info about the groups in a nice format |
Ccommon_palette | |
Ctristate_palette | |
Ceditor_palette | |
Cempty_palette | Empty palette |
Citem_palette | Palette where the terrain to be drawn can be selected |
Clocation_palette | List of starting locations and location ids |
Cpalette_manager | Empty palette |
Cterrain_palette | Palette where the terrain to be drawn can be selected |
Cunit_palette | Palette where the terrain to be drawn can be selected |
Cbrush | Single brush – a set of relative locations around a "hotspot", and related info such as the icon image |
Ceditor_toolkit | |
►Nevents | Handling of system events |
Cchat_command_handler | |
Cchat_handler | |
Ccontext | |
Csdl_handler | |
Cevent_context | |
Cpump_monitor | |
Cobserver | |
Cgeneric_event | |
Ccmd_arg_parser | |
►Cmap_command_handler | |
Ccommand | |
Cconsole_handler | |
Csave_id_matches | |
Cmenu_handler | |
Cmouse_handler | |
Ccommand_disabler | |
Cmouse_handler_base | |
►Nfilesystem | |
Csdl_rwops_deleter | |
Cio_exception | An exception object used when an IO error occurs |
Cblacklist_pattern_list | |
Cother_version_dir | |
Cfile_tree_checksum | |
Cbinary_paths_manager | The paths manager is responsible for recording the various paths that binary files may be located at |
Catomic_commit | Wrapper class that guarantees that file commit atomicity |
►Nfont | Graphical text output |
Cfloating_label_context | Structure which will hide all current floating labels, and cause floating labels instantiated after it is created to be displayed |
Cfloating_label | |
Cattribute_list | Helper class to encapsulate the management of a PangoAttrList |
Cerror | |
Cmanager | |
Csubset_descriptor | |
Cp_font | Small helper class to make sure the pango font object is destroyed properly |
Cinverse_table | |
Cpango_text | Text class |
►Ngame | |
Cerror | Base class for all the errors encountered by the engine |
Cmp_server_error | |
Cload_game_failed | Error used when game loading fails |
Csave_game_failed | Error used when game saving fails |
Cgame_error | Error used for any general game error, e.g |
Clua_error | Error used to report an error in a lua script or in the lua interpreter |
►Ngame_config | Game configuration data as global variables |
Ncolors | |
Nimages | |
►Nsounds | |
Nstatus | |
Coptional_feature | |
Cscoped_preproc_define_internal | Used to set and unset scoped defines to preproc_map |
Cconfig_cache | Singleton class to manage game config file caching |
Cconfig_cache_transaction | Used to share macros between cache objects You have to create transaction object to load all macros to memory and share them subsequent cache loads |
Cfake_transaction | Holds a fake cache transaction if no real one is used |
Cserver_info | |
►Ngame_events | Domain specific events |
Nbuiltin_conditions | |
►Ncontext | |
Cstate | State when processing a particular flight of events or commands |
Cscoped | |
Cwml_action | |
Centity_location | |
Cfilter_condition | |
Cfilter_side | |
Cfilter_unit | |
Cfilter_attack | |
Cfilter_formula | |
Cfilter_dynamic | This is a dynamic wrapper for any filter type, specified via [insert_tag] |
Cevent_filter | Represents a single filter condition on an event |
Cevent_handler | |
Cmanager | The game event manager loads the scenario configuration object, and ensures that events are handled according to the scenario configuration for its lifetime |
Cpending_event_handler | Represents a handler that is about to be added to the events manager but is still waiting for some data |
Cevent_handlers | |
Cwml_menu_item | |
Cpump_impl | |
Cqueued_event | |
Cwml_event_pump | |
Cwmi_manager | |
►Ngui | General purpose widgets |
►Ctristate_button | |
Cerror | |
Cfloating_textbox | |
Cbutton | |
Cscrollarea | |
Cscrollbar | Scrollbar |
Ctextbox | |
Cwidget | |
►Ngui2 | Generic file dialog |
►Ndialogs | |
Ntip | |
Cachievements_dialog | |
Caddon_auth | |
Caddon_server_info | |
Caddon_connect | |
Cinstall_dependencies | |
Caddon_license_prompt | |
►Caddon_manager | |
Caddon_order | |
Caddon_uninstall_list | |
►Cattack_predictions | |
Ccombatant_data | |
Ccampaign_difficulty | |
Ccampaign_selection | |
►Cchat_log | |
Ccontroller | |
Cmodel | |
Cview | |
Ccore_selection | |
►Cdebug_clock | |
Ctime | Helper struct to keep track of the time |
Cdepcheck_confirm_change | |
Cdepcheck_select_new | |
►Cdrop_down_menu | Used by the menu_button widget |
Centry_data | |
Cedit_label | |
Cedit_text | |
Ceditor_choose_addon | |
Ccustom_tod | |
Ceditor_edit_label | |
Ceditor_edit_pbl | |
Ceditor_edit_pbl_translation | |
Ceditor_edit_scenario | |
Ceditor_edit_side | |
Ceditor_edit_unit | Dialog that allows user to create custom unit types |
Ceditor_generate_map | |
Cgenerator_settings | |
Ceditor_new_map | |
Ceditor_resize_map | |
Ctod_new_schedule | Dialog that takes new schedule ID and name from the player |
Cend_credits | |
Cfile_dialog | |
Cfile_progress | |
Cfolder_create | |
Cbookmark_create | |
Cformula_debugger | |
Cgame_cache_options | |
Cgame_delete | |
Cgame_load | |
Cgame_save | |
Cgame_save_message | |
Cgame_save_oos | |
Cgame_stats | |
Cgame_version | |
Cstuff_list_adder | |
Csingle_mode_controller | |
Cvariable_mode_controller | |
Cevent_mode_controller | |
Cunit_mode_controller | |
Cteam_mode_controller | |
►Cgamestate_inspector | |
Ccontroller | |
Cmodel | |
Cview | |
Cgui_test_dialog | A test dialog for testing various gui2 features |
Chelp_browser | Help browser dialog |
Chotkey_bind | |
Clabel_settings | |
Clanguage_selection | |
Cloading_screen | |
Clog_settings | |
►Clua_interpreter | |
Ccontroller | The controller is responsible to hold all the input widgets, and a pointer to the model and view |
Cinput_model | The input_model keeps track of what commands were executed before, and figures out what should be displayed when the user presses up / down arrows in the input |
Clua_model | The lua model is responsible to interact with the lua kernel base and keep track of what should be displayed in the console |
Cview | |
Cmessage_implementation | Helper to implement private functions without modifying the header |
►Cmessage | Main class to show messages to the user |
Cbutton_status | |
Cmigrate_version_selection | This shows the dialog to select a previous version of Wesnoth to migrate preferences from and redownload add-ons |
Cmodal_dialog | Abstract base class for all modal dialogs |
Cmodeless_dialog | The popup class shows windows that are shown non-modal |
Cfaction_select | |
Clobby_delay_gamelist_update_guard | |
Cmp_lobby | |
Cmp_match_history | |
Cmp_alerts_options | |
Cmp_change_control | |
►Cmp_connect | |
Cselection | |
Cmp_create_game | |
Cmp_host_game_prompt | |
Cmp_join_game | |
Cmp_join_game_password_prompt | |
Cmp_login | |
Cmp_method_selection | |
►Cmp_options_helper | |
Coption_source | |
Ctype_node_data | |
Cmp_report | |
Cmp_staging | |
Clobby_player_info | |
Cplugin_executor | |
Csynched_choice_wait | |
►Cnetwork_transmission | Dialog that tracks network transmissions |
Cconnection_data | A wrapper of either a wesnothd_connection or a network_asio::connection |
Cpump_monitor | |
Coutro | Dialog to display 'The End' at the end of a campaign |
Cpreferences_dialog | |
Cprompt | |
Creachmap_options | |
Cscreenshot_notification | |
Cselect_orb_colors | |
Cserver_info | |
Csimple_item_selector | |
Csp_options_configure | |
Chitrate_table_element | |
Cstatistics_dialog | |
Cstory_viewer | Dialog to view the storyscreen |
Csurrender_quit | This shows the dialog to confirm surrender and/or quitting the game |
Cterrain_layers | |
Ctheme_list | |
Ctitle_screen | This class implements the title screen |
Ctooltip | At the moment two kinds of tips are known: |
Ctransient_message | Shows a transient message |
Cunit_advance | |
Cunit_attack | |
Cunits_dialog | |
Cwml_error | |
Cwml_message_option | Helper class for message options |
Cwml_message_base | Base class for the wml generated messages |
Cwml_message_left | Shows a dialog with the portrait on the left side |
Cwml_message_right | Shows a dialog with the portrait on the right side |
Cwml_message_double | Shows a dialog with two portraits, one on each side |
Cwml_message_options | Parameter pack for message list input options |
Cwml_message_input | Parameter pack for message text input options |
Cwml_message_portrait | Parameter pack for message portrait |
►Nevent | |
Nimplementation | |
►Cdispatcher | Base class for event handling |
Csignal_queue | Helper struct to generate the various event queues |
Csignal_type | Helper struct to generate the various signal types |
Cdispatcher_implementation | |
Cresource_locker | Small helper to keep a resource (boolean) locked |
Cmouse_motion | |
Cmouse_button | |
Cdistributor | The event handler class for the widget library |
Csdl_event_handler | This singleton class handles all events |
Cmanager | |
Cmessage | The message callbacks hold a reference to a message |
Cmessage_show_tooltip | The message for MESSAGE_SHOW_TOOLTIP |
Cmessage_show_helptip | The message for MESSAGE_SHOW_HELPTIP |
►Nimplementation | |
Cplacer_horizontal_list | The placement class for a horizontal list |
Cplacer_vertical_list | The placement class for a vertical list |
Cbuilder_instance | |
Cbuilder_addon_list | |
Cbuilder_button | |
Cbuilder_chatbox | |
Cbuilder_combobox | |
Cbuilder_drawing | |
Cbuilder_horizontal_scrollbar | |
Cbuilder_image | |
Cbuilder_label | |
Cbuilder_listbox_base | |
Cbuilder_listbox | |
Cbuilder_horizontal_listbox | |
Cbuilder_grid_listbox | |
Cbuilder_matrix | |
Cbuilder_menu_button | |
Cbuilder_minimap | |
Cbuilder_multi_page | |
Cbuilder_multiline_text | |
Cbuilder_multimenu_button | |
Cbuilder_pane | |
Cbuilder_panel | |
Cbuilder_password_box | |
Cbuilder_progress_bar | |
Cbuilder_repeating_button | |
Cbuilder_rich_label | |
Cbuilder_scroll_label | |
Cbuilder_scroll_text | |
Cbuilder_scrollbar_container | |
Cbuilder_scrollbar_panel | |
Cbuilder_size_lock | |
Cbuilder_slider | |
Cbuilder_spacer | |
Cbuilder_spinner | |
Cbuilder_stacked_widget | |
Cbuilder_styled_widget | |
Cbuilder_tab_container | |
Cbuilder_text_box | |
Cbuilder_toggle_button | |
Cbuilder_toggle_panel | |
Ctree_node | |
Cbuilder_tree_view | |
Cbuilder_unit_preview_pane | |
Cbuilder_vertical_scrollbar | |
Cbuilder_viewport | |
Cbuilder_window | |
►Niteration | |
►Npolicy | |
►Norder | |
Cbottom_up | |
Ctop_down | |
►Nvisit | |
Cskip_level | This policy skips the current level |
Cvisit_level | This policy tries to visit the current level |
Cvisit_level | Helper class to select to visit or skip a level |
Cvisit_level< false, level > | Specialized to select the visit::skip_level policy |
Cvisit_level< true, level > | Specialized to select the visit::visit_level policy |
►Nwalker | |
Cwidget | A walker for a gui2::styled_widget |
Clogic_error | Thrown when deferring an invalid iterator |
Crange_error | Thrown when moving an invalid iterator |
Citerator | The iterator class |
Cwalker_base | The walker abstract base class |
Ccontainer | A walker for a gui2::container_base |
Cgrid | A walker for a gui2::grid |
Cscrollbar_container | A walker for a gui2::container_base |
Ctree_node | A walker for a gui2::tree_view_node |
►Npolicy | Contains the policies for the generator class |
►Nmaximum_selection | Contains the policy for the maximum number of selected items |
Cone_item | May select only one item |
Cmany_items | No maximum amount of items to select |
►Nminimum_selection | Contains the policy for the minimum number of selected items |
Cone_item | Must select at least one item |
Cno_item | No minimum selection |
►Nplacement | Controls how new items are placed |
Chorizontal_list | Places the items in a horizontal row |
Cvertical_list | Places the items in a vertical column |
Ctable | Places the items in a grid |
Cindependent | Places the items independent of each other |
►Nselect_action | Contains the policy for which action to take when an item is selected or deselected |
Cselection | Select the item, this requires the grid to contain a selectable_item |
Cshow | Show the item |
Nsettings | This namespace contains the 'global' settings |
Ntip_of_the_day | |
Cfield | Template class to implement the generic field implementation |
Cfield_base | Abstract base class for the fields |
Cfield_bool | Specialized field class for boolean |
Cfield_text | Specialized field class for text |
Cfield_label | Specialized field class for a styled_widget, used for labels and images |
Cgame_tip | |
Ctyped_formula | Template class can hold a value or a formula to calculate the value |
►Ccanvas | A simple canvas which can be drawn upon |
Cshape | Abstract base class for all other shapes |
Cline_shape | |
Crect_bounded_shape | |
Crectangle_shape | |
Cround_rectangle_shape | |
Ccircle_shape | |
Cimage_shape | |
Ctext_shape | |
Cgui_definition | A GUI theme definition |
Cwindow_builder_invalid_id | Helper struct to signal that get_window_builder failed |
Clayout_exception_width_modified | Exception thrown when the width has been modified during resizing |
Clayout_exception_resize_failed | Basic exception when the layout doesn't fit |
Clayout_exception_width_resize_failed | Exception thrown when the width resizing has failed |
Clayout_exception_height_resize_failed | Exception thrown when the height resizing has failed |
Clinked_group_definition | |
Cnotifier | Helper class to implement callbacks with lifetime management |
Cnotifiee | Helper class to implement callbacks with lifetime management |
Cplacer_base | Base class for the placement helper |
Cregistered_widget_parser | |
Ctimer | |
Cexecutor | Helper to make removing a timer in a callback safe |
Ctop_level_drawable | A top-level drawable item (TLD), such as a window |
Cstate_definition | Contains the state info for a resolution |
Cresolution_definition | |
Cstyled_widget_definition | |
Cbuilder_widget | Contains the info needed to instantiate a widget |
Cbuilder_grid | |
►Cbuilder_window | |
►Cwindow_resolution | |
Ctooltip_info | Helper struct to store information about the tips |
►Clobby_player_list_helper | |
Csub_list | |
Cplayer_list_helper | |
Cgrow_direction_defines | |
Caddon_list | |
►Caddon_list_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cbutton | Simple push button |
►Cbutton_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Clobby_chat_window | |
Cchatbox | |
►Cchatbox_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cclickable_item | Small concept class |
Ccombobox | Class for a combobox |
►Ccombobox_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Ccontainer_base | A generic container base class |
Cdrawing | |
►Cdrawing_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cevent_executor | Event execution calls |
Cgenerator_base | Abstract base class for the generator |
►Cgenerator | Basic template class to generate new items |
Cchild | Definition of an item |
►Cgrid | Base container class |
Cchild | Child item of the grid |
Citerator | Iterator for the child items |
Cgrid_implementation | Helper to implement private functions without modifying the header |
Cgroup | |
Chorizontal_scrollbar | |
►Chorizontal_scrollbar_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cimage | |
►Cimage_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cinteger_selector | Small abstract helper class |
Clabel | |
►Clabel_definition | |
Cresolution | |
►Clistbox | The listbox class |
Csort_helper | |
►Clistbox_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cstate_default | |
Ccontrol_NEW | |
Cmatrix | |
►Cmatrix_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cmenu_button | |
►Cmenu_button_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cminimap | |
►Cminimap_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cmulti_page | |
►Cmulti_page_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cmultiline_text | |
►Cmultiline_text_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cmultimenu_button | |
►Cmultimenu_button_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cpane_implementation | Helper to implement private functions without modifying the header |
►Cpane | A pane is a container where new members can be added and removed during run-time |
Citem | |
Cpanel | |
►Cpanel_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cpassword_box | |
Cprogress_bar | |
►Cprogress_bar_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Crepeating_button | |
►Crepeating_button_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Crich_label | A rich_label takes marked up text and shows it correctly formatted and wrapped but no scrollbars are provided |
►Crich_label_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cscroll_label | |
►Cscroll_label_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cscroll_text | |
►Cscroll_text_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cscrollbar_base | Base class for a scroll bar |
Cscrollbar_container | Base class for creating containers with one or two scrollbar(s) |
Cscrollbar_container_implementation | Helper to implement private functions without modifying the header |
Cscrollbar_panel | |
►Cscrollbar_panel_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cselectable_item | Small abstract helper class |
Csize_lock | |
►Csize_lock_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cslider | |
►Cslider_definition | |
Cresolution | |
►Cslider_base | Base class for a scroll bar |
Cslider_position_t | Helper container for the slider's current position |
Cspacer | |
►Cspacer_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cspinner | |
►Cspinner_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cstacked_widget_implementation | |
Cstacked_widget | |
►Cstacked_widget_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cstyled_widget | |
Ctab_container | A container widget that shows one of its pages of widgets depending on which tab the user clicked |
►Ctab_container_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Ctext_history | Class for text input history |
Ctext_box | A widget that allows the user to input text in single line |
►Ctext_box_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Ctext_box_base | Abstract base class for text items |
Ctoggle_button | |
►Ctoggle_button_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Ctoggle_panel | |
►Ctoggle_panel_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Ctree_view | |
►Ctree_view_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Ctree_view_node_implementation | |
Ctree_view_node | |
Cunit_preview_pane | |
►Cunit_preview_pane_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cvertical_scrollbar | |
►Cvertical_scrollbar_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cviewport_implementation | Helper to implement private functions without modifying the header |
Cviewport | |
Cwidget | Base class for all widgets |
►Cwindow | Base class of top level items, the only item which needs to store the final canvases to draw on |
Cinvalidate_layout_blocker | Helper class to block invalidate_layout |
Clinked_size | Helper struct to force widgets the have the same size |
►Cwindow_definition | |
Cresolution | |
Cwindow_implementation | Helper to implement private functions without modifying the header |
►Nhalo | |
►Chalo_impl | |
Ceffect | |
Cmanager | |
Chalo_record | RAII object which manages a halo |
►Nhelp | |
Chelp_manager | The help implementation caches data parsed from the game_config |
Ctopic_generator | Generate a topic text on the fly |
Ctext_topic_generator | |
Ctopic_text | The text displayed in a topic |
Ctopic | A topic contains a title, an id and some text |
Csection | A section contains topics and sections along with title and ID |
Chas_id | To be used as a function object to locate sections and topics with a specified ID |
Ctitle_less | To be used as a function object when sorting topic lists on the title |
Csection_less | To be used as a function object when sorting section lists on the title |
Cstring_less | |
Cparse_error | Thrown when the help system fails to parse something |
Cterrain_movement_info | |
Cterrain_topic_generator | |
Cunit_topic_generator | |
►Nhotkey | Keyboard shortcuts for game actions |
Cui_command | Used as the main paramneter for can_execute_command/do_execute_command These functions are used to execute hotkeys but also to execute menu items, (Most menu items point to the same action as a hotkey but not all) |
►Ccommand_executor | |
Cqueued_command | |
Ccommand_executor_default | |
Chotkey_command_temp | |
Chotkey_command | Stores all information related to functions that can be bound to hotkeys |
Cscope_changer | |
Cwml_hotkey_record | RAII helper class to control the lifetime of a WML hotkey_command |
Chotkey_base | This is the base class for hotkey event matching |
Chotkey_keyboard | This class is responsible for handling keys, not modifiers |
Chotkey_void | This class is used to return non-valid results in order to save other people from null checks |
Chotkey_mouse | This class is responsible for handling mouse button presses |
Cmanager | This class is initialized once at game start put all initialization and wipe code in the methods here |
►Nimage | Functions to load and save images from/to disk |
Cpixel_callable | |
Cmodification_queue | A modified priority queue used to order image modifications |
►Cmodification | Base abstract class for an image-path modification |
Cimod_exception | Exception thrown by the operator() when an error occurs |
Crc_modification | Recolor (RC/TC/PAL) modification |
Cfl_modification | Mirror (FL) modification |
Crotate_modification | Rotate (ROTATE) modification |
Cgs_modification | Grayscale (GS) modification |
Ccrop_transparency_modification | Crop transparent padding (CROP_TRANSPARENCY) modification |
Cbw_modification | Black and white (BW) modification |
Csepia_modification | Give to the image a sepia tint (SEPIA) |
Cnegative_modification | Make an image negative (NEG) |
Cplot_alpha_modification | Plot Alpha (Alpha) modification |
Cwipe_alpha_modification | Wipe Alpha (Wipe_Alpha) modification |
Cadjust_alpha_modification | Adjust Alpha (ADJUST_ALPHA) modification |
Cadjust_channels_modification | Adjust Channels (CHAN) modification |
Ccrop_modification | Crop (CROP) modification |
Cblit_modification | Scale (BLIT) modification |
Cmask_modification | Mask (MASK) modification |
Clight_modification | LIGHT (L) modification |
Cscale_modification | Scaling (SCALE[_INTO], SCALE[_INTO]_SHARP) modifications |
Cxbrz_modification | XBRZ scale (xBRZ) modification |
Co_modification | Opacity (O) modification |
Ccs_modification | Color-shift (CS, R, G, B) modification |
Cblend_modification | Color blending (BLEND) modification |
Cbl_modification | Gaussian-like blur (BL) modification |
Cbackground_modification | Fill background with a color (BG) |
Cswap_modification | Channel swap (SWAP) |
Ccache_type | |
Clocator | Generic locator abstracting the location of an image |
Cmanager | Image cache manager |
►Nimplementation | Contains the implementation details for lexical_cast and shouldn't be used directly |
Clexical_caster | Base class for the conversion |
Cis_arithmetic_v< From > >> | Specialized conversion class |
Clexical_caster< bool, std::string_view, void, void > | Specialized conversion class |
Clexical_caster< To, std::string_view, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< To > >, void > | Specialized conversion class |
Clexical_caster< To, std::string, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< To > >, void > | Specialized conversion class |
Cis_same_v< From, char * > >> | Specialized conversion class |
►Nlg | |
Credirect_output_setter | Helper class to redirect the output of the logger in a certain scope |
Clog_domain | |
Clog_in_progress | |
Clogger | |
Cscope_logger | |
Nlua_audio | |
►Nlua_check_impl | |
Cis_container | |
Cis_container< T, std::void_t< typename std::decay_t< T >::value_type, typename std::decay_t< T >::iterator, typename std::decay_t< T >::size_type, typename std::decay_t< T >::reference > > | |
Cis_map | |
Cis_map< T, std::void_t< typename std::decay_t< T >::key_type, typename std::decay_t< T >::mapped_type > > | |
Cis_pair | |
Cis_pair< T, std::void_t< typename std::decay_t< T >::first_type, typename std::decay_t< T >::second_type > > | |
Nlua_colors | |
Nlua_common | |
►Nlua_cpp | |
CReg | |
►Nlua_fileops | |
Clua_filestream | |
►Nlua_formula_bridge | |
Cfwrapper | |
Nlua_gui2 | |
Nlua_map_location | |
►Nlua_mapgen | |
Cfilter | |
Nlua_mathx | |
Nlua_preferences | |
Nlua_race | This namespace contains bindings for lua to hold a pointer to a race, and to access and modify it |
Nlua_rng | |
Nlua_stringx | |
Nlua_team | This namespace contains bindings for lua to hold a pointer to a team, and to access and modify it |
Nlua_terrainfilter | |
Nlua_terrainmap | |
Nlua_unit_type | This namespace contains bindings for lua to hold a reference to a unit type and access its stats |
Nlua_units | |
Nlua_widget | |
Nlua_wml | |
►Nmarkup | |
Cparse_error | Thrown when the help system fails to parse something |
►Nmp | Main entry points of multiplayer mode |
Nui_alerts | This namespace provides handlers which play the sounds / notifications for various mp server events, depending on the preference configuration |
Cuser_info | This class represents the information a client has about another player |
►Cgame_info | This class represents the info a client has about a game on the server |
Crequired_addon | |
Clobby_info | This class represents the collective information the client has about the players and games on the server |
Cnetwork_registrar | RAII helper class to register a network handler |
►Nmp_sync | |
Cuser_choice | Interface for querying local choices |
►Nn_ref_counter | |
Cref_counter | Ref_counter is a reference counter |
►Nn_unit | |
Cunit_id | |
Cid_manager | |
Nnetwork | High level network layer for config object transport |
►Nnetwork_asio | |
Cerror | |
Cconnection | A class that represents a TCP/IP connection |
►Nng | |
►Ndepcheck | |
►Cmanager | Note to all triers: It's not guaranteed that the specified component will be selected (if the user denies to perform dependency resolution, all changes will be reverted) |
Celem | Component (era, modification or scenario) |
►Cconnect_engine | |
Cteam_data_pod | |
Cside_engine | |
Clevel | Base class for all level type classes |
Cscenario | |
Cuser_map | |
Crandom_map | |
Ccampaign | |
►Ccreate_engine | |
Cextras_metadata | |
Ctype_list | |
Cflg_manager | FLG stands for faction, leader and gender |
Norb_status_helper | |
►Npathfind | |
Ccost_calculator | |
►Cpaths | Object which contains all the possible locations a unit can move to, with associated best routes to those locations |
Cdest_vect | Ordered vector of possible destinations |
Cstep | |
Cvision_path | A refinement of paths for use when calculating vision |
Cjamming_path | A refinement of paths for use when calculating jamming |
Cplain_route | Structure which holds a single route between one location and another |
►Cmarked_route | Structure which holds a single route and marks for special events |
Cmark | |
Cshortest_path_calculator | |
Cmove_type_path_calculator | |
Cemergency_path_calculator | Function which only uses terrain, ignoring shroud, enemies, etc |
Cdummy_path_calculator | Function which doesn't take anything into account |
Cfull_cost_map | Structure which uses find_routes() to build a cost map This maps each hex to a the movements a unit will need to reach this hex |
Cignore_units_display_context | |
Cignore_units_filter_context | |
Cteleport_group | |
Cteleport_map | |
Cmanager | |
Npref_constants | |
►Npreferences | Modify, read and display user preferences |
Cacquaintance | |
Csecure_buffer | |
Clogin_info | |
Coption | |
►Nrandomness | |
Cmt_rng | |
Crng | This class does not give synced random results derived classes might do |
Crng_deterministic | This rng is used when the normal synced rng is not available this is currently only he case at the very start of the scenario (random generation of starting units traits) |
Crng_proxy | |
Cset_random_determinstic | RAII class to use rng_deterministic in the current scope |
Csynced_rng | |
Nreplace_if_failed_idx | |
Nreports | Unit and team statistics |
Nresources | |
►Nsavegame | |
Csave_info | Filename and modification date for a file list |
Csave_info_less_time | A structure for comparing to save_info objects based on their modified time |
Ccreate_save_info | |
Csave_index_class | |
Cload_game_metadata | |
Cload_game_exception | Exception used to signal that the user has decided to abortt a game, and to load another game instead |
Cloadgame | The class for loading a savefile |
Csavegame | The base class for all savegame stuff |
Cingame_savegame | Class for "normal" midgame saves |
Creplay_savegame | Class for replay saves (either manually or automatically) |
Cautosave_savegame | Class for autosaves |
Coos_savegame | |
Cscenariostart_savegame | Class for start-of-scenario saves |
►Nschema_validation | |
Cwml_key | Wml_key is used to save the information about one key |
►Cwml_tag | Stores information about tag |
Citerator | |
Cwml_condition | Stores information about a conditional portion of a tag |
Cwml_type | Stores information about a schema type |
Cwml_type_simple | Stores information about a schema type |
Cwml_type_alias | Stores information about a schema type |
Cwml_type_composite | Stores information about a schema type |
Cwml_type_union | Stores information about a schema type |
Cwml_type_intersection | Stores information about a schema type |
Cwml_type_list | Stores information about a schema type |
Cwml_type_tstring | |
►Cschema_validator | Realization of serialization/validator.hpp abstract validator |
Ccounter | |
Cmessage_info | Messages are cached |
►Cschema_self_validator | |
Creference | |
►Nsdl | |
Cexception | |
CUserEvent | |
Cwindow | The wrapper class for the SDL_Window class |
Nseed_rng | |
Nsettings | Contains the general settings which have a default |
►Nsimple_wml | |
Cerror | |
Cstring_span | |
►Cnode | |
Cattribute | |
Cnode_pos | |
Cdocument | |
►Nsound | Audio output for sound and music |
Cdriver_status | |
Cmusic_thinker | |
Cmusic_muter | |
Cmusic_track | Internal representation of music tracks |
►Nsoundsource | |
Cpositional_source | |
Cmanager | |
Csourcespec | Sound source info class |
Nsp | |
►Nspirit_po | |
►Ndefault_plural_forms | |
Cfunction_object | |
Ccompiler | |
Cconstant | |
Cn_var | |
Cnot_op | |
Cternary_op | |
Cevaluator | |
Ccatalog | |
►Ccatalog_metadata | |
Ccontent_type_grammar | |
Cnum_plurals_grammar | |
Ccatalog_exception | |
Cpo_grammar | |
Cpo_message | |
►Nstatistics_record | |
►Cstats_t | |
Chitrate_t | |
Cscenario_stats_t | |
Ccampaign_stats_t | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< color_t > | |
Chash< map_location > | |
Chash< image::locator > | |
►Nstoryscreen | |
Ccontroller | |
Cstory_parser | Small helper class to encapsulate the common logic for parsing storyscreen WML |
Cfloating_image | Represents and contains information about image labels used in story screen parts |
Cbackground_layer | |
Cpart | Represents and contains information about a single storyscreen part |
►Nstring_enums | |
Cenum_base | The base template for associating string values with enum values |
►Nt_translation | |
Cterrain_code | A terrain string which is converted to a terrain is a string with 1 or 2 layers the layers are separated by a caret and each group consists of 2 to 4 characters if no second layer is defined it is stored as 0xFFFFFFFF, if the second layer is empty (needed for matching) the layer has the value 0 |
Cter_map | |
Cter_match | This structure can be used for matching terrain strings |
Cerror | |
Ntest_throw | |
►Ntest_utils | |
Cfake_display_manager | |
Cgame_config_manager | |
►Ntooltips | Tooltips |
Cmanager | |
Ntranslation | |
►Nucs4 | |
Citerator_base | |
►Nucs4_convert_impl | |
Cutf8_impl | |
Cutf16_impl | |
Cutf32_impl | |
Cconvert_impl | |
Cconvert_impl< char > | |
Cconvert_impl< char16_t > | |
Cconvert_impl< wchar_t > | |
Cconvert_impl< char32_t > | |
Citeratorwriter | Transforms an output iterator to a writer for ucs4_convert_impl functions |
Cenableif | |
►Nunit_abilities | |
Cindividual_effect | |
Ceffect | |
►Nunit_display | Contains a number of free functions which display units |
Cunit_mover | A class to encapsulate the steps of drawing a unit's move |
►Nunit_filter_impl | |
Cconditional_type_defines | |
Cfilter_error | |
Cunit_filter_args | |
Cunit_filter_base | |
Cunit_filter_compound | |
Nunit_helper | |
Nutf16 | For Win32 API |
►Nutf8 | Functions for converting Unicode wide-char strings to UTF-8 encoded strings, back and forth |
Cinvalid_utf8_exception | Thrown by operations encountering invalid UTF-8 data |
►Nutils | |
Ncharconv | |
Nconfig_filters | Utility functions for implementing [filter], [filter_ability], [filter_weapon], etc |
►Ndetail | |
Cformula_initer | |
Ccontains_impl | A struct that exists to implement a generic wrapper for std::find |
Ccontains_impl< Container, typename Container::key_type > | A struct that exists to implement a generic wrapper for the find() member of associative containers |
Nimplementation | |
Nviews | |
Cstring_map_variable_set | |
Chash_error | |
Chash_base | |
Chash_digest | |
Cmd5 | |
Cbcrypt | |
Cres_compare | |
Cback_edge_detector | A helper for boost::depth_first_search (DFS) usage with the purpose of detecting cycles |
Ccharconv_buffer | |
Cconst_clone | Helper struct to clone the constness of one type to another |
Cguard_value | Data-based RAII scope guard |
Cirdya_date | Calendar for handling and comparing dates using the common epoches of the storyline |
Coptimer | Reports time elapsed at the end of an object scope |
Coptional_reference | A simple wrapper class for optional reference types |
Crate_counter | |
Cscope_exit | |
Cscope_exit_syntax_support | |
Cshared_reference | |
Cwesnoth_epoch_defines | Reference points for the dates that define the storyline's calendar |
►Nvariable_info_implementation | |
Cvi_policy_const | The variable_info policy classes |
Cvi_policy_create | Creates a child table when resolving name if it doesn't exist yet |
Cvi_policy_throw | Will throw an exception when trying to access a nonexistent table |
Cmaybe_const | |
Cmaybe_const< config::child_itors, const vi_policy_const > | |
Cvariable_info_state | |
Cinfo_visitor_base | Visitor base class |
Cget_variable_key_visitor | Adds a ' |
Cget_variable_index_visitor | Appends an [index] to the variable |
Cas_scalar_visitor | Tries to convert it to an (maybe const) attribute value |
Cas_container_visitor | Tries to convert to a [const] config& |
Cas_array_visitor | This currently isn't implemented as a range-based operation because doing it on something like range 2-5 on vi_policy_const if child_ has only 4 elements would be too hard to implement |
Cas_range_visitor_base | |
Cclear_value_visitor | |
Cexists_as_container_visitor | |
Creplace_range_h | Replaces the child in [startindex, endindex) with 'source' 'insert' and 'append' are subcases of this |
Cinsert_range_h | |
Cappend_range_h | |
Cmerge_range_h | |
►Nvideo | |
Cerror | An error specifically indicating video subsystem problems |
Cquit | Type that can be thrown as an exception to quit to desktop |
►Nwb | |
►Caction | Abstract base class for all the whiteboard planned actions |
Cctor_err | |
Cattack | |
►Chighlighter | Class that handles highlighting planned actions as you hover over them and determine the right target for contextual execution |
Chighlight_main_visitor | |
Chighlight_secondary_visitor | |
Cunhighlight_visitor | |
Cmanager | This class is the frontend of the whiteboard framework for the rest of the Wesnoth code |
Cfuture_map | Applies the planned unit map for the duration of the struct's life |
Cfuture_map_if | |
Cfuture_map_if_active | ONLY IF whiteboard is currently active, applies the planned unit map for the duration of the struct's life |
Creal_map | Ensures that the real unit map is active for the duration of the struct's life |
Cmapbuilder | Class that collects and applies unit_map modifications from the actions it visits and reverts all changes on destruction |
Cmove | A planned move, represented on the map by an arrow and a ghosted unit in the destination hex |
Crecall | |
Crecruit | |
►Cside_actions_container | Datastructure holding the actions of a side on multiple turns |
Cby_hex | Tag for action_set's hashed_non_unique index |
Cby_unit | Tag for action_set's hashed_non_unique index |
Cchronological | Tag for action_set's random_access index |
►Cside_actions | This internal whiteboard class holds the planned action queues for a team, and offers many utility methods to create and manipulate them |
Cnumbers_t | |
Csuppose_dead | A planned action that temporarily removes a unit from the map for planning purposes |
Ctemporary_unit_hider | |
Cvariable_finalizer | Finalizer class to help with exception safety sets variable to value on destruction |
Cvisitor | Abstract base class for all the visitors (cf GoF Visitor Design Pattern) the whiteboard uses |
►Nwesnothd | |
Nchat_message | |
Cbanned_compare | We want to move the lowest value to the top |
Cbanned_compare_subnet | |
►Cbanned | |
Cerror | |
Cban_manager | |
Cgame | |
Cplayer | |
Cplayer_record | |
Csocket_t | |
Cname_t | |
Cgame_t | |
►Cserver | |
Cconnection_log | |
Clogin_log | |
►Nwfl | |
Nactions | |
Nbuiltins | |
Ngamestate | |
►Ntokenizer | |
Ctoken | |
Ctoken_error | |
Cunit_formula_compare | |
Cattack_map_callable | |
Cattack_callable | |
Cmove_callable | |
Cmove_partial_callable | |
Crecall_callable | |
Crecruit_callable | |
Cset_unit_var_callable | |
Cfallback_callable | |
Cmove_map_callable | |
►Cposition_callable | |
Cmove_map_backup | |
Coutcome_callable | |
Cbase_candidate_action | |
Ccandidate_action_with_filters | |
Cmove_candidate_action | |
Cattack_candidate_action | |
Cai_function_symbol_table | |
Cformula_callable | |
Caction_callable | |
Cformula_callable_with_backup | |
Cformula_variant_callable_with_backup | |
Cmap_formula_callable | |
Ccallable_die_subscriber | |
Cformula_input | |
Cfai_variant_visitor | |
Cgamestate_callable | An object representing the state of the game, providing access to the map and basic information |
Cevent_callable | An object representing the state of the current event; equivalent to Lua's wesnoth.current.event_context |
Cterrain_callable | |
Cgamemap_callable | |
Clocation_callable | |
Cattack_type_callable | |
Cunit_callable | |
Cunit_type_callable | |
Cconfig_callable | |
Cteam_callable | |
Ccolor_callable | |
Cset_var_callable | |
Csafe_call_callable | |
Csafe_call_result | |
Cend_breakpoint | |
Cstep_in_breakpoint | |
Cstep_out_breakpoint | |
Cnext_breakpoint | |
Cdebug_info | |
Cbase_breakpoint | |
Cformula_debugger | |
Cnull_expression | |
Cfunction_list_expression | Classes that encapsulate and handle the various formula functions |
Clist_expression | |
Cmap_expression | |
Cunary_operator_expression | |
Cstring_callable | |
Clist_callable | |
Cmap_callable | |
Cdot_callable | |
Cdot_expression | |
Csquare_bracket_expression | |
Coperator_expression | |
Cwhere_variables | |
Cwhere_expression | |
Cidentifier_expression | |
Cinteger_expression | |
Cdecimal_expression | |
►Cstring_expression | |
Csubstitution | |
Cformula | |
Cformula_error | |
Cformula_variant_defines | |
Ccall_stack_manager | Provides debugging information for error messages |
Cformula_expression | |
Cfunction_expression | |
Ckey_value_pair | |
Cformula_function_expression | |
Cformula_function | |
Cuser_formula_function | |
Cbuiltin_formula_function | |
Cfunction_symbol_table | |
Caction_function_symbol_table | |
Cwrapper_formula | |
Cgamestate_function_symbol_table | |
Cvariant | |
Cvariant_iterator | Iterator class for the variant |
Ctype_error | |
Cvariant_value_base | Base class for all variant types |
Cvariant_numeric | Base class for numeric variant values |
Cvariant_int | |
Cvariant_decimal | |
Cvariant_callable | |
Cvariant_string | |
Cvariant_container | Generalized implementation handling container variants |
Cvariant_list | |
Cvariant_map | |
►Nxbrz | |
CScalerCfg | |