The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NaboutDisplay credits about all contributors
 NaiA small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First is 'info' - real information Second is 'subjective info' - AIs perception of what's going on So, when we check_before action, we use 'subjective info' and don't touch real 'info' at all
 NdialogsVarious uncategorised dialogs
 Ndraw_managerA global draw management interface
 NeditorManage the empty-palette in the editor
 NeventsHandling of system events
 NfontGraphical text output
 Ngame_configGame configuration data as global variables
 Ngame_eventsDomain specific events
 NguiGeneral purpose widgets
 Ngui2Generic file dialog
 NhotkeyKeyboard shortcuts for game actions
 NimageFunctions to load and save images from/to disk
 NimplementationContains the implementation details for lexical_cast and shouldn't be used directly
 Nlua_raceThis namespace contains bindings for lua to hold a pointer to a race, and to access and modify it
 Nlua_teamThis namespace contains bindings for lua to hold a pointer to a team, and to access and modify it
 Nlua_unit_typeThis namespace contains bindings for lua to hold a reference to a unit type and access its stats
 NmpMain entry points of multiplayer mode
 NnetworkHigh level network layer for config object transport
 NpreferencesModify, read and display user preferences
 NreportsUnit and team statistics
 NsettingsContains the general settings which have a default
 NsoundAudio output for sound and music
 NstdSTL namespace
 Nunit_displayContains a number of free functions which display units
 Nutf16For Win32 API
 Nutf8Functions for converting Unicode wide-char strings to UTF-8 encoded strings, back and forth