The Battle for Wesnoth  1.19.9+dev
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 animated.cppTemplate instantiations for wesnoth-game
 animated.hppAnimate units
 arrow.cppMethod bodies for the arrow class
 arrow.hppArrows destined to be drawn on the map
 attack_prediction.cppSimulate combat to calculate attacks
 boilerplate-header.cppTemplate for new cpp-files
 buffered_istream.hppHelper class for buffering a std::istream
 color_range.cppGenerate ranges of colors, and color palettes
 config.cppRoutines related to configuration-files / WML
 config.hppDefinitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML)
 config_attribute_value.cppRoutines related to configuration-files / WML
 config_attribute_value.hppDefinitions for the interface to Wesnoth Markup Language (WML)
 controller_base.hppController_base framework: controller_base is roughly analogous to a "dialog" class in a GUI toolkit which is appropriate for deriving wesnoth game modes, e.g
 cursor.cppSupport for different cursors-shapes
 display.cppRoutines to set up the display, scroll and zoom the map
 display.hppMap_display and display: classes which take care of displaying the map and game-data on the screen
 draw.hppDrawing functions, for drawing things on the screen
 filesystem.hppDeclarations for File-IO
 game_data.cppMaintain game variables + misc
 game_display.cppDuring a game, show map & info-panels at top+right
 game_end_exceptions.hppContains the exception interfaces used to signal completion of a scenario, campaign or turn
 game_version.hppInterfaces for manipulating version numbers of engine, add-ons, etc
 log.cppStandard logging facilities (implementation)
 log.hppStandard logging facilities (interface)
 halo.cppMaintain halo-effects for units and items
 lexical_cast.hppNew lexcical_cast header
 map_settings.cppGeneral settings and defaults for scenarios
 map_settings.hppGeneral settings and defaults for scenarios
 menu_events.cppOperations activated from menus/hotkeys while playing a game
 movetype.cppHandle movement types
 mp_game_settings.cppContainer for multiplayer game-creation parameters
 multiplayer_error_codes.hppDefine the errors the server may send during the login procedure
 pathutils.cppVarious pathfinding functions and utilities
 picture.cppRoutines for images: load, scale, re-color, etc
 play_controller.cppHandle input via mouse & keyboard, events, schedule commands
 playsingle_controller.cppLogic for single-player game
 replay.cppReplay control code
 replay.hppReplay control code
 statistics.cppManage statistics: recruitments, recalls, kills, losses, etc
 statistics_record.cppManage statistics: saving and reading data
 team.cppTeam-management, allies, setup at start of scenario
 theme.hppDefinitions related to theme-support
 tstring.cppRoutines for translatable strings
 variable.cppManage WML-variables
 wml_exception.cppImplementation for wml_exception.hpp
 wml_exception.hppAdd a special kind of assert to validate whether the input from WML doesn't contain any problems that might crash the game